Huron Signal, 1850-05-02, Page 3that shev Mvbg at ion a sI aid' ale meed to erectly ►ftp --the hounds and
of is Wetba, 1 w Btl`•Mittlw of power. took the word, sad
?Pest Messer Genese sblp win the mss was srac(led aceordiegly. But
y seek member, abet is tN people of this age seldom beim, those
Mt woe dteenseed, and e:f effresd who are f MOM to their letereete-tbey
casuist be led away by tries. ase blinded by
this leaders orator party ; they watch tou
closely the enrol aprIngs of action, and
they areBlow to belleve that these thugs
may maks moo cling to power and mure-
prsu.a( and persecute those wbo thwart
their policy.
In conclusion, 1 will remind my friends
(if any be left) that if 1 have no written
AO tees lbs senor.* e./ ..ple.t lues
is de ee.ntr, r Joe lits 4Ias ; bot I dissented
respectfully frees thee opip.Msoddeslised
to swept the oleo. New w it see singe.
ler tkst withio s few sowstho esp *Willett
should se meagrely hese felled, sad my
leteenty haw perished to suck a Agree
that a alNmbw of the auerneseut "Mould
bnrriblo to conceive of m bels
think it 1 g
Sock amu as Malcolm Cameron to be
at the Beed of a department ::''-Ushappr
man ! Hew etrasgely have 1 filles '. too
estimslloo 01 Sk .d ton andel miai.ter. of
But I fear not these frowns and calum-
nies, those who know the extent of my
business, mymills, my stores, Is, kc.,
ko., know ow much my attachment to
party hasn't me, and I my roslask bitter
enemy to point out when se!6sbnesis or
ambitwo over led me to bend to power or
tyranny for a moment. 1 mother erneched
to Lord Sydenham whon my principles
were interfered with, our fawned on Lord
Metcalfe when bo was supreme ; for the
truth of which I can fearlessly refer to the
Hoo. 8. B. Harrison. Upon another 000.-
elois I quailed not before the Merchant. of
Quebec (whom 1 am supposed to fear or
favor) in • matter that seriously ■Qected
their interests, as the lumber 811 will show.
When friends and patrons pressed me with
bitter persecution, and favor and Intermit ',hake confidence in my ylmple word in at
were replaced by personal hostility, yet I !east two counties in Canada, and 1 submit
did not retreat from my position ae a mom- this statement for the consideration of Mr.
bar of the Proviocial Parliament, who ,Baldwin and the Public.
should now aot the particular interests of !rennin, ice.
a locality, when it hterleres with tbo rights MALCOLM CAMERON.
of the great body of the people ; nor will Toronto, 98th March, 1850.
I in the present can be bullied or badgered
nee inch from my ditty to my country, by
the powerful Ministry, who will, it is sand,
surely rale me, for they are 9 to 1 ; will the
desertion of timid or time -serving friends,
nor the ezhibitios of personal and vindictive
fsehog, cause mo to hesitate a moment to
.bat 1 believe to be the path of duty.
The last Examiner lays down the plat-
form .( reform that Canada requires -for
this nt contend, and for this I'll insist and
let Me '• dearril" papers that have back-
ed out, stew what great reform they sought
that the Ereminer hes deserted. For my
own put i have no fear of being deserted
by the people -they are seldom .misled by .the entire production. Secuod considers.
Plati.HIllY, 1/1l
sustained by the poblic in deist se. H
cos a mu who has held • high poloist,eta
tten le met, wm k., hews( fallen frohe
position, throsg his ewe vanity and pot-
teries, turns -os these who were his see -
Adieus' areectatee, .ad feels himself el
liberty to rake together end publish to the
world every trivial remark which, in the
eoc6desce of political fraternity, is the
privacy of social fr endnhi or In that inter-
-course of the Connell Climber which he
was sworn to bold sacred, may in month.
post have escaped from any of hullea
How can a mac be treated, who not °sly
trusted nth the nyingest of eviction sad
eostrong pointe a.alest the overleaps such barriers u then, but pith -
Ministry, or written proof to suetain each o.►os se actual coorsrsetioso, held me -
i ler such confidential relation, .o.seamee
words used in discussions totally different
'rem those to which they are applied an
snore oftu words deliberately fabricated,
without a word of truth to sunsuit them
How .hall • man be regarded who violates
the warmest confidence which nes reponse
is man, and bolls op to the laugh of
the world those " moral principle. and
Christian feeling'," which he prof to
have had confided in him in the warmth of
Christian friendship t Her can a men be
dealt with. who illustrates the evil his own
folly has brought on him, by the crucifix-
ion of Christ. and who blasphemously com-
pares himself with the Saviour of 15.
world 1 Such a man can have 0o claim to
courtesy at the bands of any ow ; with 0e
thinking pesos will his sweetest need
cootradic/ton-for one capable of violating
the confidences which he professes in this
letter were entrusted to him, will bo held
as not worthy of credit.-Clsie.
of Inv positions, it shows this fact at but,
that 1 dealt is pinion eoofdeoco--tbat 1
left in the way most agreeable to them -
with no emotion to eine, with no desire
to embarrass them. 1 have bees forced
into my hostile pimentos by Mee.,.. Hoick.
and Price, who appear to have formed a
deter pupation to destroy me. i stand
--owever upon the character that twenty-
two years is helpings and fourteen years In
public life have given me. i sail for • fair
investigation of any conduct -for • scrutiny
f every vote i have gives since 1 entered
Parliament, and "I put myself upon my
rnuetry" for defence. Though friends
hulking in good offices, sod looking for
better, may is mune ia*teo0es have forsaken
me, yet do I feel confidant of a verdict in
my favour. 1 feel that not the oath of one
of the honorable* (the only one who can
have autbnneed the Globe's contradictions)
added to that of George Brown, would
lo another column will be found, the
promised letter of Mr. Malcolm Cameron,
and we predict that with all thinking men,
it will destroy any little respect yet left to
the author se • public character. it is
exceedingly d,(fficult to tell how to treat
such a document correctly. 0 it first in-
tention was to eater into a critical exami-
nation of every statement it eontaiOs and
show the gross pe ions of fact, the
wilful anis-statements and the unprincipled
conduct of its writer exhibited throughout
the most subtle canning, and in their judg-
ments, never mistaken. Rein me ' that,
neither they nor the Goverameet can do. -
There was a time perhaps in the world's
history, when the man who dared to
resist power -who left office (or principle,
however jest bis cense or magnanimous bis
conduct, was nevertheteas sacrifi -ed upon
the shrine of his consistency and moral
courage -booted by a mo. -despised by
his former allied and sometimee murdered
thrnogi the bass intrigue of those whom
his friendship and .elf.desying conduct had
nurtured into favour with the people, and
promoted to offices •of emolument in the
state. But, thank God, that time has pass-
ed away, for by the moral force of a liberal
press -the general diffusion of knowledge,
and the gradual elevation of the whole
body of the people, men have learned their
real power and privileged and are enabled
to act with iedependenee. In former days
darkness was the bulwark of power -all
information was 1. the hands of the office
holder. -the man who dimwitted was hunt-
ed by calumny -the " Cfebe" of the Jay said
he was " a liar' let no man believe him -
•be bad mi.repreeented the rube; powe r. -
he had ha d the " audacity." the esufares-
wsaaike^ and " es/i,Ssifed" fully to dissent
from the policy of the Government -the cry
tion has, however. shown us the impossi-
bility of meeting Mr. Cameron o0 his own
ground. without using the weapons be has
selected ; and we cannot think that be-
cause Mr. Cameron has set at defiance the
most sacred obligations which bind enmity
together, k made matter of public discussion,
conversations alleged to have boon held
with him in the most confidential relations,
-violating his faith as a gentleman„ •
friend, and a statesman, -we say, we can-
not Mask that because Mr. Cameron has
done this, we would be justified in following
bim in each a course. Better a thousand-
fold submit to all (b• injury which untruth,
so told, can inflict, than aid (however good
the apology for it may appear) in breaking
down barriers which give comfort to the
social intercourse of lire. We shall not
have oor columns made the platform for
Jiscuesing the pros and coos of private con -
tions ; we have published Mr. Caa.r-
orn's letter because we hate eves the ap- The OJ&CeOrPhlp of Montreal.
penance of injustice, and the gentleman -We understand that Towered Bo.tillier,
evidently fancies at a defence ; but we .►ai1 E.9 , who has hitherto occupied the situ -
let it go to the public on its own merits.- (too of Assistant Commissioner of Crown
Mr. Cameron has appealed directly to Mr. Lauda, bas been appointed to ibe Collector.
Price and other members of Government, stip of Montreal. From what we he have
Ingram, who was recently found guilty
of murder in Canada East, has had hie see
twee commuted two years' imprisonment.
The murder was committed under circum•
'lances which render the act of mercy well
. med.
In many parts of Mexico, the
!:boon is, at prineot, raging frightfully.
At a public meeting which was
lately held in H town, it wee resolved that
ensnares should be taken to have tbat town
lighted with gags.
The NYicnragua Treaty. -By
telegrapb from Wasbiogtos last 'sight, we
are informed that the runner that a treaty
was concluded epos by the Briti.b Minister
and Mr. Clayton. to credited, but it has not
bees communicated .to the Swale. The
treaty, if made, exclude" British juri.dieuos
from Central America.-Glei..
Our fellow-townsman,the Ret-.
H. D. Sewell, M.A., has lately been pre-
sented, by,His Grace the Archbishop of Can-
terbury. to the Vicarage of Headcorn, in
-tent, England, under circumstances most
•flattering to himself and frieede.-Quebec
A very important public meet-
ing, for the furtherance of the Great Wes-
tern, wits held in Hamilton let week. The
president, Mr. Karel. bid • very interesting
report albs affairs of the Company before
the meeting, which we 'stood to publish
next week for the benefit, of net of our
readers as take an intermit in this import -
est undertaking. -Br. American.
on various points of beeper, but they n-
ein •nterug into any controversy with
him whatever, and we are sure they will be
A French Canadian, whose
time we haat sol lensed, niters/id last
week to the s.i hboerb.od of Laprearbe,
which be len for t►a Wiwi shout fewness
years ego. Alter N./ .dvoaluree, he set.
Hod is Califonla, and 5.. eras home with
300,000 dollars. He h.. 1s his poeeoeeles
a lump of gold, weighug 14 lbs• Conon
►.,Wing Iota which owned in the City
of 8acrsm.ete beteg lied on as (befits for
Geversment Buildiege, he bee let the
ground os lease for a tern of yeah, 1.r 15.t
p.rpoeo, at a root of Sto,00e per annum. -
Production of Gold and Silver
in 1849. -Ws heft it frees the beat setho-
rity that the manse of Mexico produced 40,
000,000 i. gold ad silver dunng last year,
and mitre. of S. America twenty millions,
those of California about thirty, and Ibis
mines of Europe shout fifty -making alto-
gether on h..dredaasd forty millions of
gold end sillier added to in specie currency
of the world in one year, and probably neat
year the addition will be two hundred mill-
ions. We are within • short time of s com-
plete revolution and revulsion in the enr-
reoey of the whole world. -.V. 1". Herald.
The proposed submarine tel-
egraph between Dover ant Calais., cen.-eJed
to M . Brett and Co• by the French
Government, ea approachiaz completion.
Tbe tower for the battery, offices, and gen-
eral works at DOrer are nearly erecta I. and
the insulated wires are in a forward elite of -
progrse.,snd are expected lobe sunk acro.,
the Channel in the course of next month. -
.Morning C4• oairlc.
We learn that a most heart rqqrding se-'
eident occurred in the Cotten Mills at Mor-
avia, on Wednesday ha.-lt reams that
a Mr. Gad N. Chapin was employed in the
Mill to attend to the machieery. and wh le
he was endeavouring to arrange the gearing
that tuned a horizontal shaft, he est by
some means caught and drawn into the
machinery, literally crushing bone in
his body. predestine, of course instep,
des Daily Ade.
- - arkcto.
Fuflklo, April22.
The market was very quieten Saturday.
There were sales 600 bbl.. of Michigan
flour at $4,75e, and 100 bbla do. at $4,81e.
In wheat we did not learn of any transac -
(ions. The lastquotatios. were for Ohio,
$1 ; Illinois spring 83e. There is a
hear inquiry for corn, but there i. 0000 00
Ike market. it is offered at 45c to arrive.
Oats areal good demand and would bring
34e. Whiskey sells readily at 90c. Mesa
pork talo ; prime $7 a 7,115. Then was a
.ale of 150 bbls prime lard at 6c. Pickled
hame sell at 6e., do. "boulders 3I Geeta.
At Stratford on Tuesday the 9th April, the
wik of the Rev. William Dipem, W. M. of •
At Stratford on the 30th April, the wife of
Mr. Wm. Fraser, Bearer Meadow, of • dank -
At Stratford (Huron) ea Monday owning the
29th April, Haaairr, wife of J. G. Kirk. Pro-
vincial Surveyor, and Surveyor for tea United
Counties, aged 36, mach sod yaatly regretted.
Naw MODE ovTaavgLt,!o.-A farmer of
the old school, residing in the neighbourhood
of Wallingford, having had occasion to
visit the metropolis, on hie return waw asked
by some of his friesde in the market room
if be had not ezperieseed moth..ifficulty in
been able to learn, we are led to believe noaungg his way •boat Lonaoo, is reply
that the Assistant will was
'Na*, d' e,zee ! I did hes two 'airmen -
not be 511.4 op. -Globe. P ny rides in ablunderbuu "-Readiwa Mer -
111111E1/131B. ROBERT and THOMAS
spet ,fully to :urinate to 1M readies sad
(lestlemw of Oudortcb, that they have
opened Chow ler Isetruettw is Mr. Gen-
tles' Hell, Huron Hotel, *5.,., by a •inti
attestant to the pupils Iatrestsd to their
caro, they hope to afford the pitmen such
sauafaeuen se will ermine their ralronage
Hours of allendaeco from 11 A. M. to
6 P. Y. G.etleaneu'e Class in the eve -
sing from 7l to 111 o'clock.
Gederich, 96th April 1600.
ALI. persons isdtbte
d to abs Subscriber
either by Note nr Book account, are
requested to call and pay immediately lo
save test".
Stratford, April 29, 1850. v3o18
te,xyr and HIIOE Maker, owe door West ,
of Mr. George VMdearis, B:ackeraitb,
Front eireet (i .dermcb.
Apra: 9615, 18:0. v3.13
A c' C Tf O .VES; I?.
IS pre-a•ed to attend Hales any part of
the United Couutoe" on the moat reason• 1
able to nu. Apply at the Registry Office,
Lighthouse street.
Goderich, April 11, 1850. v3-110
1.i4 Forgone Indebted to the Suheeriber,
t are hereby aotifie I that Mr. l) ter and
Mr 1. Ratteehury are authorized to receive
all Aeounta due to hi -n, and unless paid im-
rn.•dietely, the above parties are toeuucted
to sue fur them in his nine.
Godericb, April 10. 3c -o10
'FlIE subscriber offers for SALE hie
1 GRIST and SAW MILL, situated Mn
tho Township of McGillivray, on the Big
Sable, within three miles of Flanagan'.
Corner. The Mills ace now i0 operation,and
newly built. The Privilege is the best on
the River, and situated in the best Town-
ship to the County of Huron -well settled,
and Roads opened to all directions to favour
it. '1'5e Machinery and materials are of
the very best quality, end put up by the ve-
ry bast Machinists. For Particular. in-
quire ofJame. Crumble, Esq., Galt, or ap-
ply to the subscriber.
McGillivray, 15th January, 1850. 9,500
JThe Galt Reporter will insert the
above until forbid.
PERSONS desirous of settling on the
Durham Road in tho Towosbips of
Glenelg, Bentinck, Brant, Greenock, Kin-
loss and Kincardine, must apply personally
at the Office of the undersigned, and no lo-
cations will be confirmed except such as are
made in accordance with this requirement.
All assignments of interest in locations
without the knowledge and approval of the
Agent, will be considered as a forfeiture of
all right in the locates or assignee.
CRowii LARD O►rc,,
Bootjack, County of Waterloo. S
March 140, 1860. wSo7
By Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce,
April Sessions, 1850.
Nees of 4. Prue:awe. .
Roderick McLeod
Alexander Mitchell
'Michael O'Reilley
John Merryfield
Lawrssee Spitaie
atom of the
Jobs McDonald
Catherine Thomsao,
Tho*. W. Robinson
Peter R. iarvis
Stibnite(' Wises
Lawrence Spitzie Joseph Wise
George Scott, on the par iiohn Fraser
of Elizabeth Anderson
Ditto Thomas Anderson
Donald Stewart Hugh 8eills
George C. Fobt Frederick flasher
John Parker and Patric ticbard.on Mulholland
James McDonald
William ritzhenry
John A. McCarthy
Denean McNanghto.
Joseph Eckernille
Augustus B-ehmayer
Henry Wigrebe
t,otleif Hese
William F. McCulloch Peter R. Jarvis
John Phillip
Lawrence Egu
Christopher Switzer
William Friend, in beha(
of hie two sone Joh.
and Wilburn Friend
Jobs Jose., Bern.
Mrs. M. !biretta
Thomas Naugle
John Harvey Rnttley
Antbony Copp }j
Robert Ellis
William H. Haw
Aquilla Bonnett
Bossed Zai■
Pato. Weeds
George Richardson
John Nelson
Alexander Sellers
Robert Lennon
Damn Balkwill, Jr.
Arthur Evans
Debate Crow
Donate Crow
Edward Green.idee,
William Smith,
John Levy,
Allan Cameron,
John Robinson
Catharine Monighan
Peter Keiser
William Jones.
Phoebe Lattimore
Nature of the Charge. Dab ./ Conactess, Nates of Cottascawg Jsrtfcu.
Assault and Battery
Assault end Battery
Assault and Battery
Assault and Battery
Assault and Battery
Assault and Battery
Assault and Battery
Refusing to take office as Seboo.
Trustee after being duly electric
Assault sod Battery
Assault and Battery
Reecuing 8 head of cattle from
Bailiff of 3rd Division Court
November "6
January el, 1850
March 11
Nov. 5, 1849
December 11.
December 12
December 19
December 19
January 6, 1850
January 7
January 26.
Marsh 6
March 8
March 9
Taking Smut 'Machias and Flout March 12 to Mar. 9
Bio from Grist:Mill
Nos -Pa moot of wages
Assault and Battery
4sseult and Battery
Annuls and Battery
Assault and Battery
raking geode felosiewly
9e11ug whiskey without hawse
Coulee Tress
tweets/ servitor,
Dec. 21, 1849
December 11.
Jan. 10, 1850
January 98.
January 118
February 7
March 19
March 12
February I1
Marsh 13
January 11
February >7
February 91
James Gordon, Egg
Thos. M. Daly, Esq.
Ale:ander Hamilton, E.q.
Alex. Hamilton, Fwq.
John C. W. Daly, Esq.
Jobs C. W. Daly, Esq.
John C. W. Daly, E.q.
John C. W. Daly, Esq.
John C. W. Daly, E.q.
John C. W. Daly, Esq.
John C. W. Daly, Esq.
Adam See``miller, Esq.
John C. W. Daly, Esq.
John C. W. Daly Esq.
John C. W. Daly,- Esq.
0 S John C. W. Daly, Egg.
7 omas Christie, E.q.
Thomas Christie, E.q.
Thome Christie, Esq. t
Daniel Shoff, Esq.
James Barber, Esq. j)
Daniel Shoff, Eoq. t
James Barber, Esq.
Daniel Sboffi Fwq. j
James Barber, F.eq.
Jame Hoagies, Esq.
William Chalk, Esq.
lobs Hicks, Esq. j)
Robert Gibbons, Esq.
Rai. Moderwell, E.q.
John Longworth, Esq•
J. K. Clendennin, Esq.
Theodore Reid, Esq.
Janos Watson, Esq.
Jobs Longworth, Esq.
Robert Gibbose, Esq.
William Piper,
Thomas M. Daly, Esq. t
Them 8ss Daly, En.
Themes 1i Daly. t
Adam Rssgmiller, Egg.
Thews" M. Daly, Esq.
Mara M. Daly, Esq.
Horse, Perlis sae Brum ton of
• Writ d Atlaebmest tweed .et of Her
Majesty's Coors of Queen's Beech et To-
ronto, ea the TIVENTY-EIGHTH DAY
of MARCH, in the year o1 our Lord On.
Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty, and 10
me duetted, "gair'.t the ESTATE, REAL
as well as PERSONAL of ItosaaT Coos,
as absconding or soscealeeI Debtor, at the
Boit of Hatnn! 00T If And'rsowaa F. Avsoel
fur the sum of Haghtr-Three found., On
Flhilliog and Fon, Pence,
1 lave reined all the Estate, Real sad
Personal of the "aid Robert Cook, and unless
the said Robert Cook return nnhm Ilio u
risd,etion of the raid Court end put in fail
to the Action, or cause the claim of the ears!
Ilenry Doty and Thomas F. Abbot to be
discharged %lamp Three Alonthe
fr•m the first day of the punlicaliva of this
Notice to the Grnadu Gazelle, all the En.
late, Real or Perrone!, of the raid Robert
Cook, nr so much thereof as may bo neces-
sary, will be held liable for !ha Payton!,
Benefit and Na'isfarnon of the claim,
Slier yr.
linemen's Orrice.
G-.,leneb, nth April, 1350. ( 3c -n10
THE PARTNERSIIIP heretofore exit-
ing between JOHN STRACHAN of
(.o.Ierich, Esquire. end DANIEL HOME
LIZARS, of Stratford, Esquire, as Barris-
ter abd Attorniee at Law, Solicitors in
Chancery, Notary Public and Conveyan-
cers, is this day devolved by Mutual 005-
eent. JOHN Nub
Witness -A. W. STaacaatr.
thiamich,9nd January, 1840. 2v -n49
-- NO'T'ICE.
THE Debts due by the late Arm of
STRACHAN to LIZARS. as Barris-
ter and Mtormee at Law, will be raid by
John Streeter' and Daniel Home Lazar., at
their respective offices in Goderiet, and
Stratford : And the debts die to them .re
requested to be forthwith paid. Those dna
the office at Goderich, to the said Jobs
Strachan, at Goderich, aforesaid, and than
due the office at Stratford, to the said Dan-
iel Home Lizars, at Stratford, aforesaid.
Goderich, end January, 1850. ttv-040
ONE mile North of Hayfield! on tbeJelto
shore. The wbacriberg will pay cash
or leather for hide., and will tans oe shares
all hides so entrusted to them. And from
having a thorough knowledge of (be bust -
nese, they can confidently promise the pub-
lic a good article.
Goderich, 4pril 19, 1850. ,3n12
TILE public are hereby captioned from
taking or accepting two promissory
Notes made by the undersingned in favor
of James McGormon or bearer, for the sum
of twenty five dollars each, bearing date the
11th day of March, 1850, one whereof is
made payable on the first day of January,
1851, and the other on the first day of Au-
gust, 1851; as the undersigned hu re-
ceived no value for the same.
Stratford, 14th March, 1850. v3n7
from tie January to the
mount of Fatally, fiat, Time Inn ped or re ie To whom paid erne
sr Dasuga paid to Justices.
les and costs
Costs 8s 9d
Fico 6e. and costs
Fino Ss. and costs
Fine Le and costs
Fine is. and costs
Fine 68. and costs
Ffw 5s. and costs, an.;
give Recognizance =
Forthwith -Paid
To pay coots
To pay coots
Fine 5s. and coots Forthwith
Defesdaots to pay cost: 3
Fine Is.
£l Ile 1#d.
5e, emits
in It days
5t. rise. L 2 Is. costs. 12 days
Fine 108.
Pias 10..
Pip. 1s. 6d.
Pias l..
Pie. be
Pros LI 5.. and £9 mi
artieleo restored keo.t.l
Penalty L5, and emit*
drib March
Fists 1.. and emits Forthwith
Fine 16e. and .sets.
CLERK OF THE PEACE, United Counties of Humn, Perth and Bruce.
Goosntcll, 20th April, 1840.
Net paid
Dismissed with consent of Prosecutor.
Fine paid. O
Fine remitted.
Defendant also to pay Doctor'. bill and to-
ter into Recogn-senee.
Fine and Recognizance remitted.
Defeodart to pay costs, having setiefied
Ditto ditto
Not find, in sonsideratioo of a plea of ig-
Under Recogmasoet to appear at Assizes.
Fine remitted.
Fine remitted.
Committed for one month.
Bound to keep the Puce forest year.
Articles taken back -yard
Half of P.oalty to county, half of olio. to iM
'Not ped -committed for 14 days.