Huron Signal, 1850-05-02, Page 2:ams 11 • '--.r. ... . .
Is-Chief limns it w he ob.fou Mist, he .M sot emilaiee •f t, earl obi. t 1 . end wer► Io. red rhe as
of sert /Me lbs the M.{i•wsial ' heli Or. i-Nwly - Mr, his nspelsd. psheely •s tidy eimi, les gperaeggi 110eg leggene d IM OsM.•t
per ewer mitosis' asttsadver.i•s butte ly compares himself with the Ilieissv of Ilse Mynas sed Timeline to be )...seed is the hie. .. be ee e. lee oteld wr► ham, Mel sed wast le the ISAtamw a seal reel s�Ike t.11•
e. r rem".
wh, •f lolent•d, imam the „est et re
meld i Sec" a s IN ►w s u 1411see I-gtaled.. N
d N. •...tee.ah •Ussery. Thr wl ■ 4.•s bo 4,44,4.4,44 Mem* ss die mail of Tbsl *WN 1 Ms/es WOO OW i Tai watt with • Ill • yN Maid mem year
curt.. at ib. hoods of ally .wow bore bw• emend s.4 bled Nie L. wen 1 Mt, the Gfe0S Mye Ie hese. wase he sesWla Iles Mel teeters d sweet, 1110 tet •e
war prudent. *Maio defeat to this arm.- y people ~GO w �e h• eye - 1 reneged betrw Pops WNW NI its .anther yet�M d assiv 11{j/ l•
nes reviews r tech tbe Cortsesdrr•le- W M mos ls•eBsec /ogee rettrg s gMtw •d •'� ale oimise e•ei Tb.7 ham poli U. Ui. Jean Wim tweet, he will bat, y «» tiro i" area eo.cI.aWns an.y M ie r• . tbir / .he M '�lr i bed
Chief makes of Um troop. aro mot to be emoast of the ►wtlems, •l'elneeme Iy fur thew ..the d ..Secy —NI Roars, end ell's"' mite tel'hi ..esmsaht•d "mineuy dail cordaaee with tae Ieglo o< dm dial., bat het/, mil yew Immo le order « year ef-
7 ' M pe edge,' ere let d •".arta• tw,ipiey, Nee u emewlied i■ .\re eft• =id;tt •ed eeire r{ewlw sii 11•► ha1e, etpw lies Per lemerat 4.rW4.. d Twos" c.rtaisly etre sot sub as the serreo ems {e• will be seellei* sed mo a e-
takN •• .o men chi in r'd s.. •n bteltrd w1, t►. better wtil
to command battefioe•, sed there no kw 1.... 1. le why et 'h. •datoe.ib ...I. " M lar the proper •1 •ed wit aid ie N..irsel T It r peaalMts that Yr. of ib. people will dna from the p/emtsw. byroad ISN 1\M ssdeetlw.' Brl iA Wow
want of oath to the InJsn army, b• w tU '1' sed wholly ■aweetby of rhe GMM. Amid be....ty. Amid, to the third place the Woks is Draw res e..tewpfate se* a ..twwq, bat While ora tbie subject I may a. well repeat antro whet would have bees the til of
were we dt.poeed w rc..{siw the sethonty or saw. that o.h.dy Named w impeached Y..i.- w. throb the , w ag,/w hon.- • qu..11os put to Mr. Price le my scab en I. empty tall, the
feel it to be his bounden duty to remove ental.. of the Adm,numt,.. is ,hie pan{ooh. ten fa betraying Cabinet wears at the Pr... 11, wsarpowsr—►0 w w our from the plow d leiter, Daswly, did he not say more thee ..entry w.,Id leve ams Nod t�
Ihaeev ,e Toeo■to, whe• the e•ed.. t e.d too• ....- . geoid sot eellem s •eieiaJ fou- rises to ane, amid eve. within a few day• of the Ciehte•i Memel el term Mid thou Pee
these who are Rot ;anJ whenever he 6� J. ...mould a ..e. ley diet the sooner the. Ad n.e..f Maic•Im Gwsteo w.n wb6 ra y my matinees, that he Might as well leave mon mrieied wllb the met whom they M4
• regiment 'fire,' 'shout or ' charge,' w th,.. penaMd rhe b•tnr .,„nod 11 he fou criticism Mimes PSS 1 h. »fou• mews leis u W s4ss•MlM ted, allgttbrr
out order• from its commander, be led!. ,he progree e( fieedow sod intelligence. Bet tker ■ware,,bat dmtag 16111°4i" me"' then we be it W w ones, at ogee, as he world �u L awn
M 1.- t leveled to it pna, fee -e pRpegwhisk ef wee
hew • lea Cabinet e.erets speared is his owe Swim on dew of am Glargy R*• ug out their prierlplr-es• of b. doh sow
after this warning, remove the latter from we ;snot suppose 'bat the Mtw.'ry either sr• role.". ie tekr.... t. this is welter, aad Is short, we den ry tbot mare rhe bird mr.e. ? And did 1 not urge him to remain
RanmicLme■!. Wt this r t4M,``hl stile
his commend. •honseJ or will sppn.• of these teq.iutortal is- yet soM,dy .heddets at the betrayal of trout, she I••gest deed. la tbo taws d*U
Lesd•e 1 sell tat arae ew, awuring aim that 1 of weh a policy ; le! w sow Io.k l
"The Sepny is hath • breve and an obs o nest on• apmast Mr. Catemos We think eeitMc de we wish tit isomer shat each tater rheerblly admit, from monies.. east Mr. would eland by bus end resig• alae i Tb• dark ed.. / Yr. P►Iau bmrl N/ shsaatredbs
the are merely the ncllese eDailuion• of • ams• commit. Sot we do with ,o i.• tit ttto.e is • eery ■.de was, w lie 1•ay 4 .Ig, (wbhe will soh, not
only did n* gay 00, but red. emulation to resign, the e000lry woe10
theca .olAiet, and whenever he behoves III. y 1 a oa• Cabinet M .ister cam communicate w- tf ern did M sa so 1 Whot nano
momentary ill-humor ort the rt of the Editor d beeiesee sed w• thick tn.. Editen •» NI bio w' 1 y nave /offered /he awful calamity el talo
it is in a great mn•sur• the leek of hos 1 W gnu to the Glade with imemity, we e" a• ma- had be to doubt hie colleagues, and if he gentleman's r«IgnsUos. tot by say
the Glued, sad we are sorry that they have hoes son •by mother should be expelled b. yeod the reel friew•, whe all" him t. Ngl.ct the ►mi- knew their mews to be clearly opposed to
enmmvneinr, officer. _ r pP. ct»rcln ragmen u■ tbe part Of abs gw•rrt-
" Tao trill end dtociphne of nil ennius given to the public. W. think tints Mr. Came- «m!lar.rc.t to tbeemw s�mg itt ham the tree by commie • rdic.I..s figure I■ the aremi. the puplte interest, 1 s I their pro(«sums at moot les n remembered, lar they, wbosw
ran sou rfeeny jesufied in publishing u op. (Pori\ MI'"•• the hwuege -any dad be "main aad con-
were proposed to be abolished, NI
rest mainly with the commander,. of recto W D g 1 Glob. will ■ole b. o&s,ded wltb oar "mirk. kilo: = P P" t•d. ]
veal them 1 I itbsr let blur deny the truth re cured to leave, anJ *o far u 1 was ws-
menls rand of companies. They are In 'Oral or e•erytbag which be considered nlru• ties *abject. Ilad be eniacosfuted, or misted or q
listed to rapport his character agent this name- matrad,eted the statetneste contained in Mr. Ws are requested w remind the Sbarehel• of my •eeerUooe, say D• does not rt,sollett terned. it
sus• wtlhog and wrioe0 la b so,
Immediate ena*arl with the ufficero, non Caweroa'a Lauer by try (+n or hoeonbb arm- den of the Huron District Botld.g Society, Mviog made tnaue rem•rke, that oo each and as ibe office genic" Mr. Prow bele wee
aero •uacke, both open and iosrd acme, that have
eomrnusloneJ officer. and private soldiers ; recently been made upon It, that a proridtog he I meats or facts, from whatever source he might that the Asaai M•Hiog takes place on Monday eoawrasnoo ever took place between ate. not in that catalogue, he could still bore
e nd to them general ufficere most look for IT
obtained lien, we world cot haw written fiat. The attendance of all shareholders a par- or let hien bear the imputation of suspecting remained, and been to no way affected by
gpublished troth. Aod insofar a the dekoee of I nor wort on the 'object Dat the attempt to hls friends, or coaeeelio his knowledge of
that elect oLeAience without which as .icdmiu Mr. Cameros byeach barbarous led *Moistly requested. Meeting to commence an ¢ 8 these ale. rehmentir But he upreped •
pe y hie own character a cemented. the Letter be- their opposition to the will of the people. atropg dates to retire from puDhc Ids tattoo
y JisheoonbM mew is somber erediiaW" to klm- ..e o'clock, P. lel. gethrr, a his social Comfort, ,nen' prloei.
• rmy is an armed nub, dangerous to Its fore as is certain) nota fallen. Bet, u a Second. " Was ever one word breathed
"afoot to the came of Reform. of retrenchment all titer the reel n•Uas."
friend., end o ntetnptible to its rine rams., good and a• important resaiatioa of C•biast K plea and religious feelings ■II l
Tho ('ommwnder-in-Chir( does o t seems tending to expose the o••iee.riq sod IITWa direct the at.- 0
•oa of our lively and As the word "ever" tura far back, 1 against his remaining,and consequentlyueattys.
horror cell on commanding officer' to tor- polii:e•I dishonesty of the Ministry-as as es- THE VERY LAST Or THE REMARKA- (ssbtuasblr yon•{ Ladies and Csaodemen to the may aegis by sating that twenty yes" the office wretch 1 bold was to be abolished,
Peso of underhand o lin sod .ham•work cal- BLEB esoouoceme.t of the Meer. Robertson, which ago 1 breathed Retrenchment, and 1 appeal I was prnpoaed as his succe..or, aod urged
mens throw 'tract their once, by locg and P lg g will be M..d in our sswnisi■g coleuses to-day. to the Jimmie of the Parliament of Upper by nimeelf 10 tlx the Un . of my *IeeUo■ to
horra.ain drilling. But ho duce call aero" eulatrd to destroy or shake pubhe confidence is APPEARS i• the Hanoi/tow Spectator of the 94th Canada m • convincingroof of rams faithful
g g• the Government, we regard the document as he- loaf., soder the aiarm'eg title " Third Letter We casein pretend w ■sy kaowledge to the Mt Canad c of that ranle. Ira INy6 1 voted suit his arrangements ; Mr. Merrill would
them 1, instruct th, tr nfficeri+, end to in- d Desctng, hut we know tit u a long ume axe r D P have been removed to the PubGa Works
log utterly valueless. The Tory Prose i. Iq d from Mr. Dixon"( Amoral/ the "destsand it was fiat Druveed-then it ha• undergone an
•leasee paying the Attorney General over Deparlmeoi es sole Commissioner. aad the
street themselves and also their super- to heili• it u ■ torics• Je•ai enema of ndi- mad .our" o•pmniousble ort" e. which fl o Es- 1780, a sem 6x•0 by the Reformers when
n tmerery rank., that they an to seise any g t { g iwat.wsrnW number of impro.ameauuoce thattsrrices of Mr. Chabot (by whose Weeder-
compile,* asd silliasy, asd the Globs, by eelleney the Gooersur General has perpetrated time, and 11.1 it n bec.miog every day mor, Perry ad Bidwell wen in Parliament, bet time into Me Gurerameet 1 eras forced So
seen in their front, who dares to shunt, ore■•e!opiag Mr. Cameron's endue' is each ■ against Toryism, and the " propriey.nisti•{ i. fashionable. And for the satisfaction of our ouroppr..luw was overpowered, and i1,t00 resign) could have been entirely dispensed
talk, or bre, or run without orders. General arse of mystified memory about broken, solemn the satire of things," the dimities' d Thomas voting Ludy-friends, we con soy that the Messrs
era vo1.d io 1838 1 voted to prevent Rs- with. Now i appeal to tnepnblle agate to
officers cue. or run divisions and bei wiles RoMnso■ come highly 1 by Geode• gut from bolding mora than nee office say whether or not such an •rrsMyon«t a.
R C oaths. and breach'. of faith sad chrisdas eoa6- C. Dime from the Commtuio• of the Peer, ,bi,.o who Lave segaired mach celebrity t0 the (page 188), against paying members' wages this would have been injuries. to their in-
fo this army are celled upon to sea that d.ece, and crucifixion, and bla.phemy, is •ddiug for the Croat) of Middlesex, .ands forth in bold Art. Irbil. mistreat, (page 100). 1 seconded Mr. tercets-or whether it would fear• been a
commanders of regiments do their duty on en undue impottamee to Mr. Cameros'• Lotter. relief. It tower. proudly as the Colones ofMoroi m"tion to reduce the clary of the stroke u( unwise policy and, unpopular to
those pointe, and virtually endorsing the •iew•d the tori.. is Hi. Excellency's atrocities-a wen,of gp■ate a7 (HIGHLY IMPORTANT 11 Comutiosiooer of Crown Lands, and also ilio country 1 And I would ask the Glob*
reference to in. W., however, claim the liberty "mid io the yet field of practical political that of Surveyor General to 1750 each
"The Commander-in-Chief does not nip y D7 P N Mr. T. P. Dammam, from this office, will r w say whether be would bare had any dlffi-
ply this order to all commanders-h• well of laking •• different view of the mauer, sad again wiekedaer ! Do, think seriously, reader, es call o0 007 Subscribers is Stretford sed 8t. Ne- (pegs 9J1 J; in 1841 I voted to reduce the catty in defending it, and showing whet
ry's during the esssia$ week. when we earliest- Speaker's salary, mod to no case did I ever marvellously proper men Mew". Merritt
declare, that in so fir a the Ministry an cue- the e•ormuy d the in.goiip of di•riwd■g •
knows that there are abnndanl flret_nte terned the dxmme.t is perfectly harmless mss-a {eatlema0-a British hum .object of oireiu .� that
ilio nEhdsitsooi�lhe wi ab i ; ie wivli vote for more than ten shlll;nga per ds] for and Gmeron were for their re•pKtire of-
.oldien and first me regiments, ip aha y g re•Wc y, members' wages till 1 became a member of ficee. Our coorer.e:ion together on this
.oldie mem but ho w lies it to inose The Dvnheo of Mr. CePrroe s unrtiee• ear Most Gracioas Loyalist from cad to ..tale theft •ceoent.. If agr•eeable the present government. le fact on all subject you may deny-your profeseions
y PP the Commivsiee of the Peace ! Tell it not is to the wishes of the Stratford Tom' occasions, I voted for reducing the salary and all other collateral matters may be now
whose regiments are in bad order. spinet the Ministry, is w lay at keit as the Gath, that Thomas C. Dines, E Es-Mayor 's'y' Nr. Diekti•eo will how "hem with • of ever office to the lowest sum proposed, ,.
uDhe are eooernrd, is that they have tot Esq., Lecture ori that sobers" oe Mmdmy Emoting,
] P Pa unintentionally"paragraph
forgotten, but that ui-
" C. 1. NAPIER, Gen. Com.-in Cl inf." Dof the Town of London was bereaved d Lis she 6th lastest
and 1 •wart that while in the Admtniotra- fortunate ora res a our • r whit\
_. adopted or carried amt certain Irxaiar.. d n- judicial authority-was actually forbidd.■ to act tion 1 repeatedly etaed that 1 never had speaks of reducing the E.i eculin and saving
treocbment. Bot this is so rwd•tisa-the pee- a nae of Her Majesty's N utnta i0 sod for wted for more thso ten shillings to mew- the revenue, well bait a wonderful tsoden•
pie were fully aware of this 'fact i■deprmdestly M W. "{ret to kora that T. M. Daly, Ere. hers, end was 15.. unwilling to do it, sod a to make the public believe that urn. r
of Mr. Gltteroc'.•Letter. That tate retrench-
said Town d Loudon 1 And, for what 1 dBtntMtd, few lett h» sew Ost Yih by Err. 7 P Pe
that the salami.* ought and must be reduced. too must have proposed a ehsego led redue-
Now, reader wo are i■ downright comet, sod ---- - - - - - _ ._. _.__.. - -_ _ The propositions were laughed at, and some tion of some kind long before "tee Resigns-
mots will lot be carried by the Mimicry, is el-
tion." dna the you will, for the eke of,•ommsoo MR. CAMERON'S LETTER. members .aid they .would rather resign.- lion."
together a different questio•-it is a mere a• decorum, forbear to laugh, wail meal - They may Aare changed their o iotoms- ..
gumption which the Ministry themselves have mow*, 1 r rP Fourth-" Wu it Col. Taisho or Mr.
111111.0N S 1 G N A L . yon • few "iota of the paltry offaV.. 70 705 ROITOR or Tee eLOai: they hive got new light, but, they Cameron who effected the Retr•eehmeet
the power of eomtndieting. le tut, we deny give which Mr. Dison has been thus subjected do the fin,-I was unwilling until the meeting should neither deny the truth, nor seek to in the Public Work. D•partmeet 7' Upon
that the Ministry can be benefitted by any de- ms
indig.ity of Royalty, and exposed to the aeon r f Parliament to lay before tho public the injure my character by concealing it.. But I this subject I again refer you to the Krer-
fence or apology either from the Globs or from reasons for my resignation, and the circum-will not leave my policy to be i.ferred ser of the end Jan. which says, " Col.
THURSDAY. MAT 9. 11360, and merriment of the thioki„g portion of hie' state.. too■eei.d therewith, as It a gene merelyfrom the fact that i nava always Tache was entitled to leu *hare of the
my other source-their popularity most depend fellow-euljeets. Then, toe it known to •11 men, rally considered that (5. fluor u( the Home contended for Retrenchment. While to the reduction," sed 10 this 1•(are col] to adJ.
on their vsefulona other than oa extraneous de- that Thomas C. Diem, Esq., did. in his official
fences and apologies-during the put part of ie the proper plea for the explanation of an Government, I desired and proposed re• Mr. Kdlaly mould have
bees acknowledged
HENT OF THE U. FORD- capacity of Mayor of the Town of Ipp4os, some- Es-Minister, but I was driven from my de- peatedly to abolish the office of Chief Sib-as entitled to a full share, both for pen�c
RAIG, TAX-PAYING PEOPLE. their Administration they idle eeruiely dome time tae in shit autumn of 1849, in•ife itis Es- termination, first, by the conduct of Messrs. perimtendent of Education, and make the ting and Carrying it ioto.Aest ; amid if Col
as ranch as any nes..maDle man could have ex-
eelleney, the Earl of Elgin, he., to •i•it the Mocks and Pries, and now, a second time Provincial Secretary do the duty, and, as Tache's friends in the mioistry'ever say or
A LAMAS pati« of to-day's Signal is meat peeled under the eiremmstsaee., and we object I am compelled to defend myeelf agaio.t a Dr. Ryerson haw stated, prepared the do more to detract from his just and great
led byaler aid lie essised Letter Town of hisLoinvidon.tation,
His Excellency graciously
pvery g g-tw entirely to apologies for offences which have yet wren of attuks upon my character and School Bdl with thi. view: i made •formal morias than hie frond who left, nes will
from the Hoo. Malcolm Cameron to the Editor to be committed. Mr. Cameron deelasn that
accepted this he saidon, and the good loyal veracity by you as the official organ of the proposal to abolish Mr. Dunecombe's De- never suffer is public estirnageoe.
i.hebiumu of the said Towo, not from • feeling Government, and whicb moreover you have p•rtm1nt, which Is in connection with the 1 will now allude to that great question
of the Gfobe,r. whish the Globs dtho 95th inst., he has been shamefully and unjustly treated by of thoughtless eathu.isem, but from a sense of bold) challes •d me to meet. Now,it Inspector General's, as useless and coo- out byourself and others, camel R'A
contains a criticism jos about n long • the his colleagues in the Ministry, and a very ldrge t ] g
letter itxlf. The two together, tit ie the of the public hold the oame opinion. propriety soda feeling of respect for the chane- was by oc m«ns my desire to adopt the teary to law-the Commissioner of Cu.- did !tend resign sooner ?" i have hardly
proportion D D ter of their tote, resolved to give their sore- courts I have pursued and discuss publicly toms; as the debates in Parliament will patience to answer this question when e.k-
1 It.-
Later and the Criticism contain • very tarp gat, we mere,. expect to God perfwt harmony d■ the rats at alas between the Government snow, having been mteed.d tot an out door •d by dhow who pay you to publish 11.-
emoo0t of desultory matter which may possibly • cabinet on everysea et, •mid this is chiefly • retgo'••Rr,,rew0uu•e a rceis m ordsm. becoming the and self; yeti could not believe that it travelling Inspector, one of whose duties !r y di{■iq d his station, sod is aseorda■ee with y y 4 g P•t Do they mol f«I to what they expose teem_
be very interesting to the re.peeti•e authors, bot personal affair in which the public interest. are was my place to remain 'Out while my would have been to prevent .nth losses as Wye. and the rest of tbeir colleagues ?-
which will .canal a els Canadian rabic fur P ythe auig..tu d the times. And with this view character was mallow' by two of the mem- occurred at this port. to Ibis I was support- Why did 1 remain eo long ie the Govern-
pay P bot enm atatirel little ia•ohod, and had aha they reared triumphal arch.. aed other tashiooa- Don of the o•bin.i and cantleyour r td byMr. M.rntt on which occasion Mr.
the trouble of reeding it. We hem publi.hed parties been •'lowed to settle their own affairs, • W W + ment! Wereit not .o palpable, I could not
Mr. (amerou'. lever for two reasons-first, M-ale deconsumo tioas on the sal of the rs•metre Town teemed weekly with charges and aer- Htoeks said angrily, " If you think the bust- believe that human ttre was euseeptlNe
we thick they would have been mutual plot",of Leedoo. Aad, be it farther known to all men tion., which, according to your own admit,- nese can be carried on without Mr. Dune of adegrts of impuJNcs so daring as 10 put
tease we cone,der that the "antro" impute- and the public would ha,. suffered ■o to... Or, and children, that just at the instant when His Mons, are endorsed by the Administration. oombe, I wish some of you would take my such s question. Whet child-like inooceoce
*ions and ipsinnetioos that have recently been hod the Globs met Mr. Gmeron's statements by I will descend however to an altercation office;" I relied, "I am read to do No."- !
brought against his political l ehatecentitle
Excellency, the Represeouto•e of oar Most P r and simplicity you display on this pulpa.
g p the counter statements of 5,. late colleagues, we with you u to thou oprincipled mode wee h Will Mr. Mocks deny this 1 As I stated One would infer that you were • nonentity
TGown, • aidqueof sub •boa o vi is, the add y P ] , proposed or . perfect ignoramus in the affairs of the
him to be hard ie his own defence from the should hero displayed no inclination to loterfere oat have adopted in order to .tutu0 the in m former letter, I ro d to Mr.
one end of Canada to the other-and, second, in the matter. But we hope we sever Mall be Town, •baud of lawlaesand uncivilised ruffians, policy of the Government to opposition to Pries that hh should reduce his department, State during the last twelve mouths. But
we publish it to spew, that the mighty reveals- able to look silently on, to see e.en'ovr wont " not baying the fear of God before their eyes" mine, for the public eo•ralty (but especial. and said be could dispense with the services let us assume that you are boniest and seri-
rushed forth from their dens of depravity with ly at Kingston and Toronto where you are of at least ten Or twelve clerks. Hie ous io asking for information upon this sub-
tion of Cabinet seereu which Mr. Cameron was
enemy smiled with the weapon which the the fury of demon', and did tut, smash, hew, koowo best) will, I doubt not, b. disposed answer was " be would leave that to his ject, and allow Inc first to refer you to what
npeeted to make, amounts to nothing, sod is Globs has in this Matinee, thought proper to to think, that in thio caw, withyour Ovral successor." I am sate that Mr. Mertilt can our friend Mr. Hincks says. is his 'Mice
mar, deface end wickedly destroy tba rid 1
certain!), not calculated to de.iroy 001 even i■- employ-that ieeorwd wapom of valga ra-patriotism, you pre/erred your interest to also trate that I have, ever duce 1835, sus-
the Globe of my resignation be remarks,
jun public confidence in ahs Members of the
triumphal ashes end decorations, "with intent
(maws prrjrtdiu, wraith has wroa{ht the rein of your consistency, end the favors of the rained his views and reforms, that my name r' Yr. Cameron, it ha been understood, has
Administration. We publish' a union of the end malice •forenhoogh,." And be it also for. Cabinet to a manlyadherence to !ruin and 0 coupled with his in all hu trade Reforms, for some time art berw mal anriow to r*-
PP one hell the enigma end intelligence ',flamer ogre. thee known to ell men, childres sod mothers"
G(obe's criticism, lot bemuse it has any lepu' Bat Mr. Gmeron'. political reputation does not February you your pap., of lie• 23rd and if fie is the man of the people," and i fire from the Depatlment of Public Works,
mate relation to the contents of Mr. Cameron's
depend moo the gad-will or ill-will of the Edi- that Thomas C. Dixon, En, the then Mayor of February alk with a significant air, think he is, I humbly hope to share his and would have nrried hie w»nes oto •f-
Letter, bot algae it displays • desire td dr- the Town of London, was at the time strongly " Who told the truth about the resignation glory. feet some months ago in for tAc violets"
p toms of the Globs. Nor doe. public opi.ius, de aspected aid even p.blic'y eharged as the latent sad that Crow■ Lands Commieeionerahipl" The Globe hu smarted likewise that i Proceedings of the opposition." Y.., Mr.
1 troy not only the political, but even the social, reference to his share of this mi.anderst■ndiag in " Was ever one word breathed about re- admitted the Ministry had a scheme of Re- Cameron would bore left in April 1849 but
moral and religious character of Mr. Cameron, the Ghinst, depend ou what the Glob* w leader, the employer, the patron of this band of trechment until after the net oatiort T'- tr•chment. I never did; but I have stated P 1849,
l py g for the burning of the Parliament Hoose,
.ed because it embodies • principle or doctrine cow write, but upon certain facts.
demonise raffles, ! And that the peaceable „ Wes there aver •• proposal to abolish the map] times Bunce my r«ign•tioi gnat Mr. and the consequent state to which the Fa.-
which we think "head not be promulgated in and weledispoeed inhabitants d the Town did Automat Commleionenhip„until the re- Morrill was preparing such a scheme, and cativo was reduced. Long provocation
the present age. We may jest remark, that the The facts before the public, ems at least, th.
thereupon Petition His Excellency, that the rid eigoation sues accepted ?" " Wu it Col. would comp• it■ adoption, cr follow m] and the ungenerous attacks that have been
remainder of the Globe's criticism i. chiefly • pointe which the psblie have seemed miscue is
Thomas C. Dixon as • disturber of thi 1'...e 'each* or Mr. Cameron win effected the •sample. Waith of theta the Adminietri- made upon me, would amply justify a vivid
reference to this matter, aro simply these-Mr. should be dismissed from the Commiwion of the Retrenchment in the Public Works Depart. tion will submit lo, is now the question; if de.cription of stems. which ought to be
nji.ntio• of ■eertind• which have alret,dy Men Peace, and Ari roes dismissed " attordin ! . "- inept 1" they support Mr. Merritt's scheme, I will (01(01(00 ;but oat of respect and considers-
Cut the public, end which, bks many of the Cea.eron, for some rnsoe or ether, wudi.rtir g y To each of these aeries i will in s mss- sustain them in it. All I ask ie-that the
bed with hissito.iion a. A,a.iast Commi..w■. Mo. Dixon i■ not wrotby with His Euelleaey 9 g7 Uon for some of my late colleagues.- 1
sometime eons...d in Mr. Cameron's Letter, ply' it their turn, and must necessarily re- remain true to the principles by which they shall preserve silence, and i can afford to
may or may not be true, for aoythiag that the er, sad signified his intestina d re.i{ei■{, afar because he dt.miwed him, but becane ho did not peat statements that 1 have already pub- obtained power, end thaw a willingness to pity thou who seek to fasten ulfaboese
Canadian pobl,e either know or care on the back a April 1849. 2o4 Mr. Pnee did wader eo•deeeeod to glee the names of his acroeere 1 Imbed, together with other fact. that will carry out the meat which they have aver oo my morins and inconsistency of m]
."tette. Ws feel carry i• heir.{ eempelled coo-
his resigm■tio■ se Cemmtenoner of Crow. Now. does Mr. Dien not remember a public. put the case in a clearer light before the Prof.esed• character. I cannot forget, however, the
seieeueasly to find fault with the Globs, bot we Loads. 3rd. Mr. Cameron was promised, •ad printed correspo•deses between himelfsod John public; and I would here •remark, u my Third. " Was ever there a proposal to high valve ones put on the noble esnieau
believe he does rat expert anything from es bot was willing to accept the oMfice which Mr. Prier Wilms. Esq , M. P. P., i■ which the public motives have been suspected. and my con abolish the Assistant Comminionenhip of of onewho a now so ungratefully traduced,
rrrig0ed. 4,h. Mr. Pried witbdrew hi• ren{sa-
decided that h. (Mr. Dim) tame off second duct misconstrued by the Clobe, that, with. public works until after the resignation T' and the .miles and thanks that toll maid m]
the frock• friendly and readers esprerlon of our Mu r It he will out boutiog of my own iategnty,l .hall en In the Examiner of the end January tut, declaration that " i never left my friends
own opinion*: and our biretta epiulon in this tion. 515. Mr, Cameron was offered mad refill,- jest look beck to this tureen- d.avor 10 .bow that the policy 1 adrteeated you will find these word.:-" The Globe when in trouble"-but to these topics I
matter 5., aha he wood her. Meier enneuhed eel the Chief Cemmisitionemhip of Public Wachs modem*, we ibi■k he will be ■I mo lose to die- was plainly the interest of my country, sad demos that Mr. Cameron last spring (be- shall not make further reference, nor to the
hu own teed" and the intere.0 of the mdmioi.•6th. air. Cameron offered 10 perform the dein rover his accusers, otherwise he must ba.. • leave it to the public to determine whether fore the burning of the Parliament House) course pursued towards me at this time ;
tn*ioe. h pODli•hm Mr Cameron's Letter
o(both Chief mod A..'.tant C . i for very cunoeady•.Mped bet-block for biome) hat. or not i was moved by "salfiebne.." to- suggested the abolition of Ib. Assistant nor to the tr«Imeet i received upon the
y g hi• original ..lary of 630 pomade. T►. Mr. We ere so: ■t all erprised "bat Mr. Dime ward• the Admimetntion, and ddrppoin4 Comminionenhip of public works. If Mr. question of the Beat of Government at Ring-
one reed eee woteary. The Globe mut because i was not made Commissioner Baldwin will endorse this don,.Is If he will .ion in 1843, when i was compelled to n•
most not wpm. that we write thug from a fee'- Chabot was appointed, or to be eppoiated, Chief should write Letter" after Lever of mere" ■..- W
D of Crown Land.. state that he did not meet this suggestion sign my office or you wawa what i
Commi..inaer, asd Mr. timer.. ,e.iped. Bak. mew, and abase .(the Gonna G...• ,
i.g of personal respect for Mr. Cameron-era taint. "Who told the train about.the by the oleate- If you are leaving foe believed to be the interest of Canada • bet
hen •e equally neon{ feeling of personal rc- Mr. Gmeron seya he resigned ltenm.. the glee. rel. Perhaps the most weenie melody to resignation and that Crown Land. Com- .Administration Slag is none e/ your bud- f would Joel ask «eh member of the Gubi-
opeei for the Editor of the, and, therefore, which he held was • awes debt public mtsey, which certain ferm.ef brain res liable, is a itch mieeioeenbip 1" to my previous explicit- tress.' then Mr. Cameron's assertion will net to think over both cases, and see wb.(h-
we perform the reluctant duty of saying that, isoand become he had Men .h• tr..ted by for •enabling themsel•e. into notoriety, sed.. lion, i amid that i resigned beeaueo my lata be shaken- Did Mr. Baldwin endorse this er my coodnet (after ungenerous Meat-
•e, *Mon,. plumage which we are remark- some of his College" in the Ministry. 9th. the old Glasgow Ballad-.i•{rr said, whet aha eollesguo. mode a vacancy io the Beard of denial 1 Has he ever contradicted the fact, mint) in sustaining them against Lord
Mr. Hdeeho mid, or inswusted at the Dieesr Mooed the Provost, ••'. ws.dii. lumens iso Works by tran.ferring Col. Tache to the or intimated its untruth in any way ? No; Metcalfe for four years, and at Montreal
Ing on a' p.Iinge, dirplays • lied tate, • bad Receiver General's office• and offering to and be cannot, for 1 believe bum to be a map against the rioters, when the reputation
feelin{-is altogether unworthy of the Gluie - girlie to Mr. Prier. that Mr. Camera" rcdg■ed wtscs'im' • big man (" Hat we tensility •n
i0 • ', bemuse he did lot .t the Commiri«•
surprised that a ne take Mr. Chabot into the Government with- of truth. Mr. Baldwin earmot hese forgot- and hopes of my late collimates were low-
Incompatible with. ihr .p vii of the rage-led W g M pee u b journal like the out my knowledge or eoasent-1 stated ton, that when 1 had resolved to retire from est, glees any y r• of that s teem low'
eminently eaiculsted to lnjnr. the r+n.e whish erei,ip e( Crewe Issds. 10th. Mr. Gmereo He tastt.w, .hoeld be allewee u ;nes that Mr. Lafontaine offered m• lila Chief the Government in Aped 1849, i urged him and 1 pettishness' of which i sew stand
we believe it is Int.odeA on benefit The Cllr, persists i. his statement that h• left the• medium of such b•'derd•sb effusions of pintas' Commusionenbip. whish i refuted to 0t. to abolish the office sod mak. a saving. and legated before the psblie.
however dunks otherwise and .has published "y on •he question of Retnoehr■ne. 11th. rosily. W. lately.beerved, is s local martial, cept, bet inured him i was willing tore- his answer wu u above. i mentioned to And now i ask yo., as a public Jourosl-
t e ■rheic in emotion.Th. Glib. dnprud the troth of this estemast, about two columns of tient", from .aria• map as Assist*o(C. till Parris. Mr. Price the answer i had received at the let, to lay aside year Interest, and for a ma
Tit time hes fortunately nn es� wage .
and challenged Mr. Cameros to the prod . and pap.", heeded " Oyiwi.wi 1j the Pew en W meat mot; which he refoeed, led iensted time, sod 1 challenge either of them to deny mat to let wlih s noble •mid
y t D shat Mn. Chabr t •Aoold be brought in u /M fact. - 1 would refer you especially, having consulted your aedrnlaedug, amt
14th-Mr. Cameron wrote, end thea ..d the Dis.wi.sal .j Yr. Arm I ' end our oro mot ;sahib man's character °nob! be lap, . or hie my sueeRwor. To thio gement 1 ole- bewent, to the following paragraph pub- *etc ma; of my pest eoedact tO say wbetJt-
esefu ere destroyed w leu pmepects ruined by
publication of the better now i■ gaatieo. Now,
aware that ouch eremite ow .rah •• subject can jetted upon grounds which 1 nod not now fisted in your own paper of the 30th Oeto• ems ay charaeur led motives dewrn te ►e
rhe ban in.innnrnne n(• pelirirol epponraf.- we could hardly suppose that there a uy,hI.g he produtive d say other effete, than dist on einem, u 1 am confident time will reveal
her, to sbow that a reduetlom of nomu hied impeached led distorted is the mum yes
g 1 D /• fess fest its •O aumcioe. concealed in these twelve temple. Iswerisg the ebanerer of the Pere in the nem- the camel eft and justify myoppositely to was eoitemplitid1 have dos. since m regi million. i remsii-
The mad-d., ems of " alai t.em1 pP°• 7
is8eeeee is gleet m.11,2. t I-se. In the pre-
feta, that .oe1d .aerate aha ties dill ieiel!,pat ewe A i. •mater of him, and i amity told Mr lwfootaise tbat "It i* rumored that arrangements are ed a the Adminietntioe for the heed& of
.emit day we certainly aid ■e, exp"1 re find any in interimg meth • mystification d ewe- atter o.d.ffeorsee In the Comedian medic whether its policy would not he sustained. 1 do us- of foot which will .sable the Gorerement the party at the srgeet nolickatiee ef the
Mee as newspaper, asd fir ler the Editor
mumu and sxremmumtrat..e ammo Mr. Come- Mr. Dime ism is em ■ M•gistnw fou the egotvnestly state, as i hen alr«dy stated, to redoes the somber sf Executive Courted- member of the f , sed w0
d rho making •nth frothy, ehp-fop nip. roe. We at ..e. ma .owIedg. that we have .. Taws of Lo.doa, sod the •nrmspt w injen the that Otis tee. the immediate question of issue ton, end produce a saving of Remote" ace is better aegesist•d with the feet thee
rympeiby, with that deep horror which the pevenw Oarral nr iia Mi■i.try, by tromps- between She and soy erf_Uaat A. i Igor the effect last it hu on your ycarat(,-and ].t, the 01.6. eouvleOld
peak; to the prrjediees of the wlxnthi.u..d upon dei. I resigned, abet i caused no dif- serve. i will not attempt to describe a eon- of this, tau•1isJ`flIy� �pats the gosstis.-
the istd.nat testier, as is contend is the fel. GIeM fab •t 1M d.. e( •teletisg a"WRIER iy weh paltry ..lyeru tree •otic. is een.ialy gully, norr-did 1 xtk any change on my verealiee with you on that wbjeet, ear to " Why did Yr. Gamma r.msio M IMg
..tb" is b.rtnyng the C•bi..t Nereus to the ray ally-i. fieri, .rob • esbj"t, i• Hriuia even •,0001st. Will Mr. 1afostatna my, peal y«r opisiens and motives in relation in Govetn.NI v'
\owls{ •iLr- first place we held that w oath Is leered wb.. w«Id ee resly be deemed wroth
v of s Daring that in tow statements leen it a word ori- theraq as expressed to me on that ogee- Not eoittlt however, wrath slssisfiee
" ifaw *ball a man be regarded who •io- more evil writ ,"air from the of it eerim for the Selfish Prem. W. do not feel true 1 Mon, bat just ask you now to tell the cove- my morel ebanet r, aid tarring ay emit,
Isles the warmest -confidence which man thee w.'.ld be prod.ecd by •uelatag it. mad k' lsslie.d as evert :bot Mr Diam was guilty of As in "tMt Commissions-I-04 of Crews try c•edldly what it neons;-to what n59 they (that is some of the members Odle
Memo' in man, and holes tip to the laugh of the ..ih d a Csbt..t Miai.i enemas hems from aha very aohome.i■g roadie* with whieb helms Lands'' 5 bev. 044,1, •Oil repeat it agna, me del the Glebe allude / Mad lbw idea Ministry) meat try to d»pang• r old liee
the world thaw " moral principled ani' oledie.ti■g either Maur. eb•rct.ror the atom- hem peblie'y .h.rg.d, is reform* ts the mems- oat when Mr. Prime eigeu8d his fetwttes e.vsr 'truck you et that time, that the sled dueler* me Ndt te be a Yisbs. .1
Christian tieing.," wbieh he professes to to resits, 5 erred him is every way peen Prende.t of the Council and the Assistant Stale. At beet, this is very ggss11, sod
ban bed emelt led to him in the warmth ter •(hie bleed wh.0 .ejrutay a•t•iled, thee the pbot are► blaekgwedtsm : s/ this 1d. Wileee, Me, est that sincerely, to remote i■ the C e< Poblie Work. right be merely asb.eom(mi tied y, of wbha
•f monofriendship 1 ilea ten 4 man a•th.f a GNart Miaow r • eery i■a e.r.1 EM, u •math better lodge thea w•, het if he Ge
r.roroel; amid through aha F.raxsiww 1 diepeee.,d with 1 Or if taw an mice the they pnh eo red` 1 "IIi MB anew
M Melt with, whorlluntntss the evil \» diet le the errand Owe, we pease maim* ass {•flay, thea surely the plain, w..4 bow milled epos Mr. Prise ss as home, man toglee.• will you Idevr the public whet mors di god dil'u n lige
ewe W ly ler broogbt on km, fry the all wee "aelam. nesse peomise I Mahe• beau a mous Weiss eleven", 1., .est • nae soy, whet**, ori sat 1 W .1eee so. Hes mere the eaters le wbieh yen had refemem 1 usually get credit thee, whom 1 swum Tom