Huron Signal, 1850-04-25, Page 4' o c t C ll, TILE EZILE'% TEJli The ben had to!I'J the modes hoer 11. Lwk'J-k was his lam - Upon the little .mlug cot, That eani.b'd as he pe.s'd ! A cry of fwd mid sonewieg woe Fell Jeep apva Ms eu- 111s aged sat -ober new .-ewld Le Retail a paruog tear 1 Ile knelt bends • lonely pare - No marble glittered there 11. raised on high a pitying leek - He bee.tbed + eldest prayer For all lie loved is luenddup'. hoar, Though cold -to hem more Jnr ' Ise rose -but couL' he 1.•v that .y..t, Nor gals a purring tear They drove him from hes .mihng home - From all be hoed too well - Tu wan4er en a distant clime, Where et 'ry billow'. swell Iteralb to mewl the little stream That r.o so bright and clear R. s,de his rue -h.r happy col .'- 11e thought -and Jngge'd • tear! tht tUorR's Progratnnic. Tho black Emperor of Hayti has granted to his subjects emirs frecdufn of the Pre.. and religious toleration. The following is not so bed: - ,Why ought ibo gridiron to be rxchrd.d from domertic usel Btcause it makesdo• meiotic Jul:d. A wag on hearing that a chilli - may sweep had given up boomers, ex:.rersed hie astonishment, for he thought the bu,i- ncu looted him completely. The taxes on the Lond. Times amount to ratber more than £16,600 a year for the paper, £60,('00 a year for the stamps and £19,000 a year for the adv.tlieetnesl. ; total £95,000 .'year. In a recent expedition to search nut Sir John Fiankitn, they were eighty days without seeing the sun, bad the ther- mometer fifty degrees below zcra. They served out their ration. of fire -proof bran- dy by chopping it up with a ba'chut. Of at chop. course, You must Paythe Piper. -When war was proclaimed, the Prince of Wales drank success to it at Temple Bar ; but Sir Robert Walpole, as he heard a merry peel from the city steeples, muttered, "yon may ring your bells now -but you will ring your heads before long. -Church of En- gland Quarterly Reeiere: Spirit !rant Turnip. --A cor- reapondout informs the Elgin Courant- that he has produced a spirit from turnips, which closely resembles whiskey, but bas the Sa- vour of turnip. 1t 18 very pure, strong, end highly infiam.ble : and if the turnip theor could be removed, might come eate-n- sively into favour. A drunken fellow ran against a post -supposing himself imposed upon, be began beating it with his fists, and upon be- ing informed it was a poet, said, " why did he not blow his horn." A modest Lady. -A would-be modest lady pulled the sleeve of her under garment over her wrist when a physician was about feeling her pulse. The doctor took the corner of his coat and laid it upon his patient's arm, saying, • a linen pulse ehoulil have a woollen physician: I thought the %vise. men came front the east,' said a western man to a Yankee. ' And the further you go west, the more you'll thunk so -I rather guess.' ' It takes me to lick lasses,' as the Yankee schoolmaster said when he whipped the girls. Animals. -Sterne says, that every animal in the crcatlon, as it grows of der, grows graver, except an old woman, and she grows frisky. • Absence of Mind. -An old wo- man who sold ale, being in chnrch,'fell se - limp during divine service, and unluckily let her old fashioned clasped Bible fall, which, 'Laking a great noise, site exclaimed, half awake-' So you jade, there's another jug broken.' Not Bad.yOn the occasion of two opposition boats etartieg from.Pitta burg, ono employed a German Band to at- tract paseeogers. The other being Rheas of the music, and not desiring to be outdone started the stern whistle, which drowned the noise of the Band. The Mayor being called npnn, declined interfering saying that one was"a specimen of German music, "and the other "genuine American" An O,fticard and {'isiblr S, '-n. The Editor of the Medical Times is herd upon the.,ousteehee of the 13tuden's. He assures a eorespnddeet that "moustache* have their uses ; and, amongst the most important, they are conasdered to point out the Idlest, the vainest, and moot ''11 -con ceited, if not, probably, the most dissolute in the close. They are beacons to warn 'others.-H'rrkly Netts. PRINCELY GIFT 1'O A PRINCE- Twc ladies in St. Louis, • Mrs. !licks, formerly of Connecticut, and s Mese Ilan kens, from Turontn, have made shirts Ger Prince Albert and hie nun, of the finest linen that could ho proenred, and the fir.' of which contained 151,117 site '', and the second 95,1.54 whteb ther have sent a. w present, through thn Ilrin.11 Mi iota at YVu.hington. Tiede shire ere paid to be very fine specimen' of needle -work. -(Bos- ton piper. Pllirt.e up the Atony. -t' Well Anne have yon consented yet to be the wife of Mr. Whiter " No Sally, 1 did'st quite consent " " Why sot, i thak his loves yon, Ye., hot he didn't pale the agony high en•iuth. when 1 givo niy hand to a wooer, 1 want hint to call noon the vile to values his dreg dev,I,• n to nn. i want him to keel et my feet, sikw ono of my hand* between both of hi., and with A look that would melt an sdementin, rock to b• -g me to take cernnasstnn on too horrid ..fiMringe ; amt then I wast tom to . end by .wsnnng to blew hit brain. not on the epee if !do not give him my hand." At the Limerick assizes, on Ratnrday, Matthew Garan and William Ga- vin, two brothers, both under twenty yeas efage were convicted of having murdered John Ryon, at Cappatnore, nn the 7th Sep- tember last. l'he chief witness was a ser- vant of the deceased, wbo was himself accu- sed of the murder. .1 Pair Quett:on.-.k Scotch girl impaired of a gentleman, In brood Scotch ilea toad to Treanor"' House. He desired bet to follow him, and asked her how lung was it .race she arrived frees Seethed. " Sex week', your hosier."- ( le their arrival' •t their destination, sbe very cooly inyvued•-'• Noo, Sir, well ye jest thell ms kuo ye keonud 1 was tree Neottani !„ 'I'ht' i'resident of the CIlitt'd States has 'soiled an order to the Secretary of War. directing that the fell uniform now worn in the Army, a blue dress -coat, with elate bulfi ning., bend boa bat, kc., shall be thrown aside, anti the undress frock now worn .hall be the full uniform, with addition ,.1(1,6u:elle.. sash, kc., kc., the removal of *hitt) maker an undrei. unifurm. The The deers cwt worn by the rotator, is sob. emoted by a sack. lite Stutterer. -During the Re- volutionary Bate, when drafts were made fru the nuhteato u m recruit thenoun 1 C ante army. a certain captain gave liberty to the men who *ere drafted from i'ii company to cask. their objections, if they had any, •aya.n.t going into tho service; aecordingle • ,tne of Iloem, who bad sn itopedimont in h.e .perch, carne forward and mere bis bow. • 1Vl,at is your ohjei/tioDt' said the capt- ain. •I c•. -ca -can't go,' answers the man, 'be- cause 1 si-s'-stu'trr.' • Stoner .° .a) 0 the c• plain, 'you don't go there to talk, but to fight.' 'Ave, but. they'll p p -pot me Ion g -g -g - guard, and a man.may go ha -ha -half a mile before 1 can say wh-wt:-who goes there?' ' 0h. that ie no objection, for they will place ton e sentry with you ; ha can chal- lenge and yo l can fire: • Well, b -b -but f meyebo taken- and run through the g -e -gnu, before 1 can cry r1u- qe-qii-goarter'' This last plea prevailed, and the eaptain, lauglerg heartily, diimis.ed him. The Duke and the usai e. - The late Duke of Brunswick used to relate the fel:i,w►ing anecdote with great glee :- On ft -certain occasion, one of the haricot of German soldiers bad the duty of monnt- ing guard at one of the Ducal bunting seats, and not to perplex the poor fellow with more ideas than he could conveniently car- ry, one single 'notion' wee, with some dif- 6culty, rammed• into .hie noddle, viz.: that he must presto? orals to the"Duke, should bas Highness pus that 'way. He was left to his cogitations, which, we need hardly say, were of that class described by the re- nowned author of Knickerbocker's History of N• York, as appertaining to the Pilot of . the Good 1'rote, who, we ars inf.( tined, sat et the helm, thinking of nothing, either past, presest, or to come. Tired, at last, of this transcendental monotony, our eentinal had recourse to the unitereal German solace - his sausage end echnappe. VPhttet thaw agreeably employed, he raw an uneretend- ing looking person approach the place where he was seated, dressed In the cornmeal Ger- man hunting dress, a sort of common smock frock, leather breeches, and continuations. 'Good appetite to you,' said the new co• mer; ' w hat Is that you're eating ?' Guess,' gruffly answered the peasant soldier. 'Oh, perhaps rotheourat,' said the Duke - for it was no less a personage. - 'No, something better than that.' ' Then 1 suppose it's lebberseurst.' - • ' No, something better than that.' ' Probably, thee, it is nicllcr•teurs11' ' Yeae (The three terms, Rothwurst, Leliber- woret, and Matter l, oraare the positive, comparative, and Rnrerlatire degrees of the German sausage. J • And now that you know all about my sausage, pray who aro you 1' 'Guess,' ani.] the Duke. 'Oh, perhaps you're one of the Duke's pages 1' NA, something better than that.' ' Then probably yoi.'rc one of the Duke's aid -de -camps " ' No, sotnothi"g better than that.' ' Perhaps you're the Duke himself?' Yee.' 'Ter tease(! ! hold that rausago-tor mq orders are to present arms to you. Recent news from C:unpcachy announce that a great conflagration hs6•oc- carted at the city of Laguayra, Venezuela, which broke out on the 18th of March, and consumed almost the entire city, but two buildings being left standing. The greatest diatress prevailed among tho inhabitants, who were not only housetess, but in danger of starvation. The lose by this conflagration is not for short of two millions of dollars. TO BE SOLD, N excellent Perm, being Lot No. 12. ° Masala i Concession, Township . of Goderich, containing 100 acres -30 oT which is cleared. The land is of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. it is elttrated exact- ly nino miler from the town of Goderich on the !futon Road, and at the junction of six different roads: and as it it in the center.of a populous and prosperous locality, it is ex- cellently adapted for a Tavern eland or a Store. This farm is well entitled to the art( titles of person, desirous of an eligible 'situ:itt,'o fur business, and will be sold on very reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper, Goderich, or to the proprietor JONAS COPP, Vi!lago of Harpurhey. Jane 15. 1849. v2n19tf Blink Deeds and Memorials, AND all kisd. of DIVISION COURT . BLANKS, and BLANK I'ROMIS- SOItY NOTES, fur gale at the Signal 0ttide. Eves/ ducnpuon of GOOK and JOB Phalli,executed with oe tin... and dist.ateh, 0T QUMMO?1SL8 required be the New Dr - 31. 1.7 trial Coati Act, and e11. other BLANK MUMS used in the District sod Division Cow as, on 5.le at the Signe/ Office Alan, all kinds of Pill PRINTING executed on the •hoe err notice, and on madonna tai... Gwl.neh, July 19, 1849. Eienal Odle., Goderich, lith September 1449. MILITIA MEDAL& tlCH of the Militia of this Prerlsee as S " are •.titled to a Medal for the fcllnw- tsg actions, vis :-Detroit, Cbrysler's Farm asd Cbes.euigosy, are meowed to ..ed to the Adjutant General of Militia, et Toronto without delay, s treat of they claeme, is order that they may be received to En- gland by the 1st of May met. Papers in this Provence, will please eopy the above Rotas. v3 -u7 Fa 11 Importations ,FOR 184t). JAMBS PORTER & Co. MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH, ( ]AVE joss received from the F:UROPCAN 1 1 ad AMERICAN MARKET, ere of the tline poet and MOST SPLENDID ASSORT- MENT w( F.1.YCY •d• STAPLE DRY GOODS. GRFJ COTTON SHIRTINGB, Printed Calicoes, Printed Msaleas, Sege., sad (Meese Cloths, Silk., Sauna, rad Saes Turks, Lteee Lawns and Handkerchiefs, Liam Caaibeiea and Handkerchiefs. Swiss, Book, aid J•couet Mrs - b.., STEAM LOOMS, DeLaina •oJ Cash- meres, Alpacas of all colon, Waited Cap., Col- lar. red Cuffs, Ladies Boon and Shoes, Drew HJhla and Breast', COTTON SHIRTINGB, Relsoreens. Bargee sad Crapes of beautiful styles, Brssnfsl Limns Lace. and Lace Goode is variety, Gloves sad Hosiery, Artificial Flow- ers, Kibbe*. A Seamen ASSSORTMF:NT OF SII AWL8. BROAD CLOTHS & KERNEYhiERF:S, OF FIN FIRM.AN LE FA BRICKS, ' E. 1 ICCS OF FASHIONARE STYLES, Beautiful and Fast Colours, and at prices that will serpri.eall purchaser* for Cheapness. Fah - losable Trowsenegs. 1)o. Vesting. Cocoa ■sad Lambe Wool Drawers sod Shiro. MOI.FNCINS. SATINETTS & TWEEDS, NI A dill 1' P (OA'rs, V EplTM AND THOWsER8. STOCKS, VCARF3, sed Hdkfs. Irish Listen. -Bsckskia Mits. Gloves. Eligible, Preach and American Caps, CARPETING Table Linens, Towellings, Linen and Cotton Sheeting, Vouuter- panes, ;1larsailles Quilts, Dam- ask Flannels and Blankets. FIFTY SPLENDID BUPFALO ROBES ! sedate BAGS Beperier Liverpool SALT. all of which i•:ill be wild at very reduced Vrices for CASH or hlarkcuble Farm Produce. Goderich,213th November, 1849. 2v -o4311 .1v?? • .13 - alb ear3.2r �. ate cat (1 • le• NOTICE. HURON HOTEL, THE Subarriber Using been appo!oteJ:lgent LOST!! BBLONGING to the .ubeenber, Uterus hie Store and the Masten Cart Of- fice, on Friday last, 13th Latest, Two PROMISSORY NOTES, Viz.: One JOiNT NOTE against Josh EDGAR anit CH HILL Du , for L-3 18s 9J., drawn payable to Jame' Phelan or bearer, and endorsed by James Phelan, put due, -Also, one against.MicraaL STo.co.r Bleck Smith, for £3 13s 6d., --drawn page• ble to Christie') Sauger, or bearer, written in German, also past due. This is to eau• ttoo any person (rum purchasing the same, or the above partied paying the Notes to any person but the subscriber, -and any person Ending the above Notes will much oblige the subscriber by returning them to him. THOS. M. DAL1'. Strati -cod, July 16th, 1819. 2v-n3Otf 1'I'UIES. THE Subscriber bees to inform the inhabiuiu sf Oederich and its vicinity, that be has re- ceived a Larne Supply of the LATEST 1M - PROVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B 0 X AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he offers for SALE et very REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Subscriber don keeps on hand, ss usual. at his OLD STAND, a LARGE and very Ss - eerier a501*imeet a( ' TINIVARE of every description. The aahrertbnr takes this opportunity of retor- ninghis sincere thanks to the Public for the very lined patronage be has received ghee he has beeo in business i• Coda -jell, and hopes by strict "ocean to busieees, and moderate prices, tri continue to receive a share of the public patronage N. B. -(:RAINING, PAINTING. GLA- ZING, PAI'ER and BELL HANGING e.nied on es heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. • Goderieh, fah Sept. 1849.. $r-03111 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH • IN returnioo thanks to his friends and nu- ineroue Customers for the Liberal Pat ronage which he bas received during tht past year, begs to intimate that he has jaeI received an extensive Assortment Z7� U :3•1102'S.i©A3 voinazaa, and is ready to Execute .11 Orders given to him with care and punctuality as formerly Godertch. April, 12th, 1849. 9v-u10tt TWO GOOD FARMS FOR BALE. 0 NE withio 4 miles, and the other with - in about: 8Tracie. -i4 Gude-rich Tact Plot. The finals 1.' .T 10 in let Conant - .ion, Toweshi pof Goderieh, CONTAINING 16-1 .ACRES, L. bounced at the one trod byLake Huron, and at tete other b a -Pubc Road, -rod the second i. LOT 8 le 8th Concession, Colborne, W.Div3.ion, ' CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pnb- tic Road.. , Pot Paricolare apply to MO. McDO.iALD, Qodetteb, nth hue, 1649. n19-tf for the PROVINCIAL MUTT' 1f. AND G.5D•ERICH. ' T 1blF.S GENTLES. .weuldlvsspestfully is- , .) fern the.oh.bita'its of Gakdek, sed itsri- cini:y. that he well constantly Keep Horses and Carriages FOR HIRE, for whieh to respectfully solicits the palresage of the public. JAMES GENTLES. • '38.b Sept. 1849. v2n33-if • tiIIPT !BB BLSI). MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHONIX BITTERS GEN1-:11.11, INSURANCE ('OMPA NY, !•ere - by mtim•trs, that he is prepared to receive Sub- scriptions for Stock in the Proprietary Br-nch, and app!!catiooe for Iosurencee in the :.fatal Branch, and to give sneh information on the subject as may be required. JOHN CLARK. Goderich. 26th Sept. 1819. 2t-a34t e FARMER'S INN STRATFORD. %IRh'. DOROTHY DOUGLAS, widow of the late Thomas Douglas, of the Farmer's Inn, Stratford, Lege to return her thanks to the inhabitants of Stratford, and the public generally, for the very liberal support which they received (neing the short time they have been in Stratford. Mrs. Douglas begs to intimate that she intends carrying on rho business as hereto- fore at the Old Stand, in her•own name,'and hopes by strict attention to the comfort of her gueste, and moderate charges, to inertia share of the public patronage. Stratford, 21st Augest, 1849. 2v-n29tf New Tailoring Establishment IN GODERICH, TE Suhscnber to announce to the in- habiunts of G.xler.ch, sod its sec,otty, that he hu commenced business in the above liar: in the Room adjalniolc 11. MORTON'S Sgt• die Shop, Market Square, where be will be pre- pared to execute all orders in his lire on the shortest notice. and at moderate charges. N. B. -Cutting done 00 the shortest notice JOHN ADAMS. Goderieb, Oet. 17, 1849. 12837 HTRATFORD BREWERY. THF: Suh.eribrr in retaining big sincee arhnowledgenteets se the ishabitawt.• o SiratforJ, and to les ea.tomer, generally. for the liberal patronage whieh he has received dor- mg the time he has bees in tomato, wishes to intimate that the improved arrangements whieh have recently been made in his establishment, will enable hem to make ■ superior quality ni BEER, sod to furnish it on inch terms as entitle. him to • continuation of the business which he has hitherto enjoyed. J. P. VIViAN. Stratford, Noy. 28, 1849. v2-143 astreyH ?AID Ole i)ELIVERY, FOR GOOD CLEAN BARLEY, at the MAITLAND BREWERY, bey the Sub. scriber. J. F. ItRITTAIN. Gederi. , OK It 1849. 2r -n3611 TRAVELLER'S HOME. MTRASBURG, Vi *TRRLnn, 280 Febrner', 11349. 011111F.Subseribet hereby intimates to hie friends and the Travelling Pabli' gene- rally, that ho has removed from New Aber- deen to the Vtlhgb of Straeburgh, and will now be found in that 4.11 -known hoose for- merly oteepted t'y Mr. Jones, -where he will be ready and able to cnndncr to the comfort of throes who may horns him with their patronage. Aod while he return* thanks for past levers, he hopes, by street atomism to the wast, and wishes of 1b coetotwere, still to merit a continuance of their patronage. JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive Grooms. v2-04tf The high tad mit led celebrity whieh Wer pre -animas) altaliaise• kith ac,onod for they ia.trithie eoeuy i. all the Abeam. whieh they profess to caro, hu rendered the .reel prunee of poling ret o.ly .aaeees eey, bat viwor- thy of them. They .re known by Weir fruits ; their good work. testify fir Them, and they thrive Not by the faith d the credulo.s. Z LMRF if LL CLAM_ .Z 1®= (Al ASTHMA. ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUYATISX. AFFECTIONS of tea BLADDER And KIDNEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER OOMPLLZJ11's.- la the mouth and wont. where thMe .Iuea.es nee.ul, they will M rimed Insatiable. Planter. lecher, and others, who am. re these Med,aos. coil never .Rer.a,da be without them BILIOUS CHOLIC, .nd SEROUS Les.eaw, MILK COSTIVENESS. COLDS & COUGHS. CHUL'C. CONSUMPTION. Used with meat wets in this dims. CORRUPT HUMORS. DROPSIES. DTSPEPBIA. tee puree wa* title disowning da ewe, .bo.tl &ler mins then..risme. ■emedietelr. ERUPTIONS aJ tea Sae's. ERYSIPELAS, PLATY LL 8C P, FIVER amid AOUR. For this sam reifthewes Ion e000ur Wese medicine. will b. Geed • We. speedy, and aurum rowed,. Other madam. Wee the Ireton entrees to s mews ef the drw.w-a sew kr & me 10.is i pernamNNL- TRY mem. BC SATISFIED. AND .E CURED. FOULNESS of COMPLEXION, O>13gfRAL D33sILITTI1 (NIUT, GIDDINESS, ORA/EL. MCADACM'S. ¥.eine, !NW, INWARD FEVER. INFLAMMATORY RHEUXA. TIISM, IMPURE MOOD, JAUNDICE. LOSS d 4PPE LITS= Ob1>trLAINTs. LEPROSY. LOOetNae*, 1tiHC URIA L DISEASES.-- Never iSEASES.-Nees lilte to emanate entree/ all the .Rets ./ Mangey iia- eates swot th.a rhe mei seawall p.•r esth. 4 flenspetrfa. NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. NERrOU* COMPLAINTS af .S etwds, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION et tar HEART. PA/NTER•8 CHOLIC. PILAU. 'r1e auswai evnwlsrs.f ta.,e med.etws was mend 1 raw .f s 10,q 1• the ms 1 thew IAds Medius aims. PUNS 5.t*. h..., .M., bask adw, j.5... and ,,sews lFM Is VII A?IsI.. Thor Ahmed with tbb dimwit .i be ..w d rad 10 f . tY Mel..... RUSH .v BLOOD t. the 11111AD, savant. BALTRNt UM. SW1LLtNGGRir,, acaorut.A, w zzw 'S >1VIL, woo wore ar.., U L C a a s, d weep Aee.wriw W O It lit B, den kid, s.w....rp..1111121 L, thew Me4Ne,s.. hemi .dl A• wNl m. tdw.mr.w than w..e le.. their ownetwra i esemad. Relief will be amen& NB LIP6 PiLLS £fl 11IE!t11 111f113 PURIFY -111f 81000, Aad thug remove all 4*,... from the sysutt . A single hist will Owe the LIFE P1 l l 1 eel P M R It I X BITTERS b.ywd tee emu Osiers - oho la U. .esieslW 1 .eery pelM5. ga.te. el 1.6014.wirer.. en poi ti k. wb.Se n ..4 5.105., wprMs .k► i foo 1.1W Geed 05�5" a isaleg be, es .h5.► le • arstsiss 1 lees..., .h. N31 root 5. iron 00.., by .15.► remeye ..t.esi s the airy ea eery eon e e ea. tie we...pr nod tt sserneo, re tb.eeawe these she pewees dew will .111... smm Im rend teat alit Dow IOW. e,.r. poria. Se nnrl, ad de Net Am Sew cane 10*.. n dgr pew V� Se ��d l7 P•0pwel W sag by Di. WILLIAM E. =•FIEAi. ser 8wedog..w..' 1 Aea its, etv01i. now Seek Te da5. to, BENI. PALON$, Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. eats IIF N .....atmetved in Store last is- per s Schooner ono C., z. o , -.11.11J efIRO unto some is sot taken away forthwith, it w N sold to par costs. CHRI1dTOPHER CR ABB. Ooderisb, Jas. sat, (100. 4e-ab11t CANADA Lib's ASSURANCE COMPANY. THE Subsriber baying been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE ('O.," se prepared to receive proposals for Assu- rance, and will be happy to aC,cd to any person the necessary taformauun, as to the principles of the loatitolso12. JAMES WATSON• Gdsrkh, l$IhJae% 1649. v2n190 QTRAYED Rete the subscriber on or about the 1st of November last, One Yoko of Black OXEN, brown k on the back, six years old. Also three COWS, one black, spangled with whiteapots. One large Red Cow wth a white Face. One lined back brindle Cow, and one Tw.- years old Red Helfer. Any person leaving information of the above cattle at the Sig nal 06es or with Mr. Juba Allan, Teems Keeper, Goderich, will be satisfied f..r their trouble. MAMUEL bleCOSKIERY. Kincardine, 24th Dec. 1819. 2v-47 It 'NOTICE471 To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. T1iE Increased demand for Surroasas and other BLANK WRITS, is co*. pectus with the business of the several Di• vision Courts in the District, has warranted ms in printing them in much larger gnenti- ttes than heretofore, and consequently ens - Wes us to sell them much cheaper -there- fore we intimate to the several Officers re - taring these Blank Forms, that from this tenmmon.es and all other Writs bc• lonying o the Division Court, will be Sold at the Signal 011fcs at the reduced price of teal -Two SHILL1Nee AND S,.PgNCa Paa Hu mum. {� CASH for WHEAT AT the Goderich Saw Loge et by Goderich Mille, Mills -and C eh for Cherry Goderieh and Bayfield Mills, WILLIAM PIPER. 5th December, 1849 46.51 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HOME MANUFACTURE. THE Subscribers in returning thanks to their Customers for the liberal cop - burt they hare received since commencing siness, beg to intimate, that they have for sale at low rates. - Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves, also Ploogbs of eight deseriptioss, and con - 'rioting of the most improved Moulds. Self- aelieg Mill Dogs, and various other cas- tings. Having engaged an caperienced Machinist, the subscribers can roniiiJenlly recommend their Ti!RASIIING MA- CHINES of :bo newe,*t design, both sta- tionary and moveable, and would solicit a• call from intending Niels before buy- ing elsewhere. All orders punoually at- tended to and executed with neatness and despatch. ORR k WILSON. Stratford, 13th Aug. 13:9. v2-ett8tf. PLANS AND SPECIFiCATiONS. TIIIr Subscriber begs leave to inform the Iahabttents of the Ihstriet of lluron, and the neighboring District., that be has Established himself' in Stratford. and is prepard to give Plans and Specifica- tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- es, !dill Dams, Ice. bac. kc., and will take the suparinten:lence of ouch Erections, on the moat reasonable tel ms. ILs thoreuth knowledge of his prolamine and his practice as Builder, qualifies him for any undertaking in the nee. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, Le. kc. Stratford, C. 15". Stratford, March 16th, 1849. 2v-n7tf STRATFORD HOTEL. (urs mar'..) : rr1IE Subscriber informs his friends and the Travelling POblin that be ha leased the large BRICK TAVERN, at the East end of Stratford, (now the county tpwo of Perth,) lately occupied by Mr. isau May, -where he will be ready at all times to afird the usual comfort and euppl,cs and promote the personal convenience of les gamete. WINES and LiQUORS of the best de- scription. A steady Hostler always to attendance. ALBERT G. HATCH. Stratford, 18th July, 1849. 2v-otbtf R. WILLIAMS k CO., CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines, Perfumery, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuff's. &c. &c. '1'IIEstibscribers beg to inform the inhab- i itente of STRATFORD and the sur- rounding Townships, as well as the pub! r is general, that they bay, opened the above establishment in this Tows, where they will also keep cosstaolly on band a choice selection of GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, IIARONVARE, kc. kc. When they hope by keeping .a good stock at low price' to receive a share of peptic patronage. Physietan's prescriptions and family re. c:peadispensed with the greatest accuracy and promptitude. N. B. -Crawford k Imlach'' Mustard wholesale sed retail. R. WILLIAMS k Co. Stratford, 144h Jaaeary 1830. head° KINCARDiNI ARMS. (JY.wr the Wberf Gederick,) BY H. MARLTON. THE above Hotel has good sw..odatioe for traveller', Stabling, Inc., ke. The Packet Mary Ain will leave Clod. nett (wind le weather permitting,) regular- ly twice a week for the Kteeardise SetCs- moot. For freight or passage apply to Capt Rowan at the Kincardine Arts. God.ncb, March 85th, 1850. oe-vi i1 ate•. p.:. wi 1)111. P. A. McDICRIGAIX.,, l'a C loam N be coaselled al etil Afro. War 1►dingJi, t11h.e1.dle. F• Oo M • Godench, Sept. 18th, 1848. 33- I. LEWIS, HARRiSTEH, $OLICITOH, A.C., how, (844. GODERICH. ALFRED W, OTTER, General Agent & Conveyancer, COLLECTOR OF ACCOUNTS, Our• 4... GODERICH. • Ort. 1, 1849. 9'-e25 JOHN S'I'RACHAN, BARRISTER ANI) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor in ChnancKy, Conveyancer, NOTARY PUBLIC, Ilas his cbce in West blrr et , Goderich. Goderich, Ind January, 1850. 8i -n49 DANIEL HOME LLZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Conveyancer, .'oliciter in Chancery, 4e•, Ilas Isis office as formerly, in Stratford. Stratford, 9nd January, 1550. 2v--na9 N. B. -Mr. Slrathan, of the late firm Si Strachan k Lizars, coatta.ee to act es Agent and t'onn.el for Mr. Lion in all met:ere referred to him froni Stratford. WA'I'SON & WILLIAMS) DIXIE WATSON of Oode ick, DARRiSTER AT LAW. Ste. &ea rad I) GEORGE WILLIAMS, of Stretford, late of the 61m of Hector. Weller and W.Ilums. Barristers, he.Toronte, having this day entered iatoco-p•naerebie. in the Practice. and Proles - nos .1 Liw, CRAscaat sod Coavarg•ciao, will in future keep their Offices at Goderich and Stratford, respectively, tinder the name, style end firm of WATSON ad tfturaNs. Dixie WAraus, Got'erleh, Graham11'H.LIAus, Stretford, 24th December, 11449. 2v -e474 A. NAS!1'IYT, FASHIONABLE TIIAILOR: T731.7!-62122ET'•1, GODERICH. G.wlerich, April 12, 1849. $v -s1101111 .I. K. GO ()DING, AUCTIONEER, W 'LL attend SALES is easy pert -of the Comity on reuoaable- Terme. Ap- ply at hie Residence, Light -House Street. Goderich, April 418 1849. • 3v-90 I)ANIEL GORDON, • CABINET MAKER: Tires doors East et (4s Ces afa'GL'e. thea, WEST -STREET, A.Sset 1718, 1141, 4 • ODiRJCfie-o8011. ' -Ei t o k co, ClIE NIST and DRt!6 OJiST, W ES T•8 TREIE:1,•" 1DODERICH. Marehb, 1114t 2v -8n JOHN J. E.:LINTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Queen's Bends, • AND CONVEYANCER. STRATFORD. • DAVID i). LTZARS, wISIIFS to intimate to the inhabitants e1 (iedeneh ,ed the sorroonding cottony, that he has commented bo,ineee as Conveyancer, General Agent and Aeeoentant, and by assidu- ous ette.tem, accuracy, and aaedertte charges, hopes to be useful to such es may require his renters. Thorn wishing to employ him In any of the atove breeches will please call st the Registry Office, Lighthouse "trees, .Goderich. 13th March, 1840. v3 -e6 DR. JOHN HYDE, Ram deo. assoo,/ MEDICAL IEAI lin STRATFORD. July 31, 1849. 2v-n2G WM. REED, HOOSE AND SIGs' PAINTER. ft., LiGHT-HOUSE ST. GODERiCH. OCL 95, 1849. 9vs3y 'ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, And :. Ci rd Et ineer•. Office at Mr• ROBERT ELLte' GODERICII. January 19, 1e50. 2v-nbt NOTICE. THE Subscriber having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- ing to the Mesas. Davenport, of Chir place has established himself as a FORWARDER AND coMMn.ION MARCHANT. Any orders or eommugon from the Milo chantsof Goderich, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Wieod.or, March, 1649. Rv-Totf. •ht Duron Signal, is ►aursn ART PViLigltn arse? illi m!♦AY HY THOMAS MACQUTP.N, aD1TO5 ARD ►*Aire/RTO.. Orrice M AalRT ANWAR&, 0ODIRICH. •e• Rook god Jeb Pnatt.g, executed with ...teees arid d,,pstch. Tams or TDI, Hcaow 8ssAL.-»TEN 511i1. - LINOS per annum if paid strictly in advance. or TWILet A.o Six Pewee wick the expiration of the year. No paper disen.tinned nail aur are paid op, velem the publisher thinks it bis'drea- mge to do so. Any individual in the eos.try becoming re- seabeds/is for rix sebeeriben, 01.11 receive s seventh copy gratis. gT All leasers sdd,eseed t. Ilse Latter moot be float NH. tar hey will est 1e takes est of the I. pont eeiee • es 12p ,• Six Imes and soder, bet lee N tel. • • .. le0 2'6 Each sshsegscn insertlse 0 • ITi Tee tips* sad ender, 9111 1.w•rtie. • Each s.Mepeet is,ettiee • • 1e Over tee liars, Met iisertind, per lis* G 0 0 r Loeb s.baeeeeetiesertima, « Maw1 LTA Memel disee,,t week dyerttN M the year. JOS ERUCTING .f suer, desseptiee..ateeue and ginsptlf awesome ss toe.Airor Dmowthe 20.1949. 1 •T f PI VC MIME (N Fr, TI 01 'T anew beet taws cent Tba mea croi els nun Pri4 tak, the K74 in l be eel eel 1n pia PH ap ere MI qc ate tb III el it