HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-05-16, Page 13• 4, L 0 No Horsing round Here; You Get 'Bari r" CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE 25 words or Iasi 70c More Than 25 Words 20 Piir Word 200 OFF it ad paid •with order or by Saturday following the lint insertion SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 400 More Than 25 Words 110 Par Word Sami.Display Classifieds (Itestricted to one column) 'First Insertion 980 Par Inch Subsequent Insertions 840 Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Weanesday noon, Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon, 16TATONs. vob: 1;111.' Exeter Distriet Co-op, phone 287. Ice Appisr EDGAR 01.1)5101TE Phone 171-R-14 161fn Crediton Dog Owners Please take notice that all clogs in the villar"e shall not run. at large ditrInguthe months of Man June, July and 46.1.1g1W.. Tar, orticomom TRUSTEES DRAIN TILE 16:23e 4111(11 --- - $ B4e11 5 inelt 6 Inch lin per 58 Del'd FOR SALE 7 hien 115 per .51 Dera a ineb 175 'per 51 Dei'd la4EcTme 1..31100vtj.1,' for pigs 'r's.. Y's and Elbou.' lit Stork on Request 4 a Crediton. RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Elginfield Phone 133 Luean lltfn or chleks, 4 Infs. roe bulbs. Plume Pikes tor 10', 12 and 14" L 18 51 B F. 11 M rortIAit Seven 4' X $1e.i" plywood sheets; 13 -step er Lair case, 27" wide, • 12' 6" long; four 2x4, 8 'Tt., new =Aerial. Phone 43 eredtton. , • 8I le CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR, wine, and one green Ithair, In good i014- dLtlOn, Apply J. Veal', 116 Em- press, RCAF Station, Ceotralt It 4• pbone 747-r-12.- • l DUCK EGGS — Richard O'Rourke, A •IARMIw.onri. 16e• DR..17 'HARDWOOD SHAVINGS -- .6 Free for •hauling while they last. 1xter Furn Itur. 16c 4 SlIORTHOnN num,s, 12 to 13 months of age; about. 8 temale, to 2 years old, A.pply Edgait teal), phone 456-r-3 or &II. 3 Itlwet er, 16:23' GENTLEMAN'S SUIT, aavy, size 42, tell, in real good condition. Maybe seen at Brady Cleaners, 16* 1 .44 1 v 1- 4 I HOLSTEIN COWS, milking. Ap- ply Waller McBride, MR. 1 Cen- tralia, phone Kirkton 36-11-15. 16' DINING 110051 SOITE 'used. 'full credenza, good conditfon, walnut winish, buffet andell ill a cabinet cupboard to Attefloor, oblong table; 6 chairs, Including arm ehalr, Hopper-iiockey 1 Se MORRIS 111NOR CACt; also 116 ton.Ford truck, both in good con- dition; abio • 4 h,p. motor with piping. .Apply after 6 p.m. at 170 Victoria, St., W. Abbott. '15" '55 C11-1EV, 4 -door sedan, privately owned, 2 -tone paint, power-pak, turn signals, snivel:3er and white., wall Aires. Cannot be told from new. Will accept trade -In and caa errange terms. Box 214, 3:Jensen., , phone 116-.1 Hensel]. 16;23* CARY SAFE — Apply at Times- Arivhcate, 16* 2 HEREFORD BULLS, registered, aervIceable age; also 2 Registered Hereford hred heifers, due In October. :item. 'Prince 'D omino breeding, priced reasonable. Apply Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig, at Brine - ley. 16' • BOLL CABINET, mechanic's, and Snap-On tool box; 3 -piece bed chesterfield suite, wine and green: spring-fIllea mat tress; set of springs. Apply 89 john St., Exeter, or phone 1181-W after 6 p.m. 16* GENTLEMAN'S% SUIT, grey, 3- an'd a "gentleman's light few), .overcoat, size 42, in excell- ent croulition, 'Pitons 393-,1, 16c CREAM SEPA.RATOR — only 1 year old. Phone 103-r-2 Kiricton. rbc IP31. PONTIAC. elven, ekeellent condition, cheap; posted ,overseas. Apply 282 Algonquin; neva,* Centralia. • 16c Two fellows, 'fishing on a Sun- day Morning, were feeling pret- ty guilty. One. said to the other: "I suppose we should've stayed home and gone to church." To which the Second angler replied lazily', "Heck, I couldn't have gone to church anyway, My wife,'s sick in bed." * Father (facetiously): "Don't 'obi think .our son gets his intel- ligence from me." Mother (likewise): "He must. I've still got mine!" NOT. FOR YOUR ALBUM +km- did, we 41,00 4112,41,1"a). .New angle!..—boy bites' dog. t ut don't feel too sorry' for the dog, His owners sued • the boy's parents and netted quite a tidy Stith in damages. Whielijiist gods to show how city it is to pay out for some- thing (hat's not your fault. Of course a GeneralAccident Personal and Residence Liability Policy takes care of this sort Of thing very neatly. See tis Mil for completd details. W. H ..Hodgson "The Insueamee Mimi/ - PHONE 24 EXETER CLEARANCE Of 1957 Refrigerators 12.5 CF CROSLEY Sitelvadore Combination 'Refrigerator -Freezer Regular 6,669,00 Sale $449.00 10.5 RCA STRATOF ROST Refrigerator-Ereezer Regular $499.00 Sale $349.00 12.5 FRIGIDAIRE'. Comblna.tion Ttefrigerator-Freezer Regular 5529.95 Sale $399.95 9.5 RCA STRATOF, ROST Push -Button Defrost • Regular 5390.95 Sale $299.95 6 FRIGIDAIRE Regular $219.05 Sale $179.95 Snelgrove's_ PIIONE 18 .E.sliTtpn FOR RENT TRAQUATIt APARTMENTS — Up- per apartinett. heated, furnished, hot water, 3 -piece bath; Available now. Apply 69 John Street'East. • 16c LOWER APARTMENT, DirnIshedi Pr 1 v a t e bathroom, healed, hot Water, suitable. for :one or two people. Apply Penhdle ApIs., 75 John St, East. lStfc A PA'ItTISI ENT, 2- bedroom, hard woed flOore. tinturoishrel. Store, 17' Sr 40', • beefed, It vai fable now, APPIY John Ward, phone 346 Ex- . „ 13* 5-R0051 :k PA 'FITMENT, Con t eat it village, Apply next 10 Station Central nt , , 1(1816 PASTIME FARM, 100 acres. Write Box "0", Times -Advocate. 2:11* TURNIP SEEDER, Precision, Ae- ply liarold Dignatt, 3 miles tvest of Hensel', Phone 91-r-18 Zurich, 2:9:1613:30.5* • . 3-110051 APARTAIENT, ebeifort- eble, lower, with bath, private entrance. Extra roots if desired. Reasonable. 90 Victoria St. 211c 2 APARTMENTS, unfurplabod. nosh are heeled, hot and eel(' water, etIpboara, use of laundry for wilehing. Private entrateie. Dlateliford Ante, 18" A PA In' r T.:NT, in Sillpita, 2.bed" 1'0010, living room, kitchen, full basement, 1161 and eitla Water, hvdro, Indoor toilets, Intone 6-1 Creditoth „ 'lite A T' A IITM ' — A %utile 106 new, Gedbelt APte,, 16 John St., phoria IATTITTIC 21181C1< ITOTT88, 1 1! innes' :south of Witiclielsea, tortifortable. With 6 'oorns and bath, tartlet°, Mated end Wafer, p686e881011 1111' MediatelY. A. il 0.1 y Ward Porn. 1212ptie% 1 i!,7< _3'C0161.011. - A P.A urn !Shed, nen veva klartiware, Bleter. 0:16t3 • FOR RENT • A14A11T1111,6NT, Mean. at - treater. furnished:" suitable for 3 people, kitcheuette, living room, lira and bath; 430.00 Per month. 1111401 Apartments, phoue 470. at te 3.110051 APARTMENT. furnisneti. Iteated IC aesireil, 1101 411111 cold water on tap. private bath, sepe- rale entrance. no pets. available. fluty. Phone 4 00-W or apply 169 Wi11 lain St., Exeter tevenIngsl, Otte 45 "WILE 3•11111! 5'A.11111, l'aborne Township. Apply to Canadian eon- ners Ltd.. Hamilton, Ontario.- 9:3c • • • 11A011161.01PS APARTMENT, fur- eished. Apply Reg Armstrong or pbone 216. • 16' WANTED ARAIMIZNT .SIZH. NANO Height 41" APPLY t3OX "D.S." 1.111VI10S.ADy0CATg. Mitt 'ATT1,16 TO PASTURE, 39 head. 1,018 of shade tutu rutialeg eater. 0.0A1 IYIlliatit Oestricher, Creuz ton, phone I. -J. 23110 WOOL -1 am aatit for (1. WM' taker & Co. Ltd.. Peterhormigt. and Wool lirowers Co-op, Russell Alanson, Zerien, Ontario. 16;23* GARDEN PLOT, 23' x nortli end of Exeter preferred, Phone 47 L'xeter.. 100 UNFURNISHED HOUSE — Seven rooms. in ,Centralla. bathroom, MORTGAGE ,on ranch style hottee, furnace, eleetrieltY; also a number located Itt new subdivision iti of one and two -room apartments Phone 133-11. Lucan, In the evenings. n Exeter and area. 1V. C. Pearce. IILIC Peallor, 85 Anne St. titin EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES '— Electrie Portables, by the week. Hopper - Hockey Furniture, phone 90, Ex- eter . Etre Floor Sanders Floor ,Ecigers, Floor Polishers . Vacuum Cleaners, TOOK Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, Ek6Tapi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ort mon—House, 6 - room, in Kirkton. hydro told good water. Apply Airs. Pearl Stebbins, 11.11. 1 .Dashwood, phone 52-r-14, Grand Dena, 90.6• BRICK HOUSE, 1-stdrey, 3 -bed- room, 3-plece bath. kiteben sink and cupboards, double garage. 2 STOREY BRICK., oil furnace, forced air; 4 rooms, SUI1I'Ol'('ll, main floor; 3 beefs and 145111, upstaArs; garage; location good. BRICK' ROUSE, well situated to school, suitable for large fanittv 01' duplex, 3-plece bath and 2-Olece bath, oll burning furnace. 1 FLOOR, instil brie, living room fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full Willi, nice kitchen, full cellar, furnave, hot water tank, central Meation. roftAlsiD HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, hydro, bath, oil heat. 1 -STOREY HOUSE, new furnace, 3- piere bath,. flaw 1.001., garage. HIGHWAY 100 A.C11,16./, bank barn, silo, brick house, $15,000. HIBBERT 100 ACRES, bank barn, insul - brick house, hydro, good water, $7,500. HIGHWAY 200 ACRES, bank barns, silo, driveshed, garage, good brick house, good school privileges. 50 ACRES PASTURE, abundant water, 21,6 miles south of Dash- wood. RUG 'BRICK HOUSE. 6 -room, in very e0tIvenitrit shopping centre, bath, hot and cold waLer, cast( deal, quick possession. 18tfe APARTMENT' :FIDUSE, oil furnace heat, separate entrances and bath- rooms. Good investmen 1. Good dwelling; 13 bedrooms, bathroom up- stairs; living room, dining room, den, kitchen, main floor; furnace. 25tfc FOUR -110051 COTTAGE—Frame. asphalt roof, electrlclty, smail bairn. 3 acres, $1,200. 91.1n Sure we have other properties to sell, Write, phone or come. 'W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, phone 435; Earl ParS011S, phone 507, Fred Cole, phone 536-W, Salesmen. lltfc 9-18E1)rt05r HOME, nearly new, full ()emu basement, oil furnace, hardwood floors; east side of Ex- eter; close to schools. R. E. Balk - will, 47 John St. East, Exeter, phone lltfc 'BRICK HOUSE, 2 -storey, garage, immediate peseession. Apply Edgar eanteriek, 31 Sluices St., Exeter. 4tfc Brick House, all modern con- veniendes. Apply to H. Bierling, Exeter, 16:23c FOR SALE OR REN'r—Reslaurant, fully equipped. 6 miles south or. Grand Bend. Phone 50-r-12 'Grand Bend. 16' Bracts: HOUSE. 1% storey, kit - (them dining room, living room and sun porch, 3 bedrooms and bath, 'furnace, full baseineet. good size lot -and garage., very central. Apply evenings to Howard Inee. 22 Gidley St. West, 16. 11-1800.111" 'HOUSE, in Cirediton. 2 years old, part basemeet, insulat- ed. priced reasonable to close out estate. Contact A. J. Sweitzer. Exeter, phone 91, ltitfe HOMES FARMS c. V. Pickard Exeter 52.060,00 CASI-I with monthly Pay- ments. good .brick home, in choice location; niee lot with garage. rtrtAXD NEW---41-bedroom, 1 -floor home with garage; up-to-date kitchen: beautifully tiled bath- room; large liviog-dining room; tine basement with oil heating, 'rills is the type of home you would build for yourself. ' APARTMENT HOUSE, centrally located, 4 completely self -contain. ed furnished' apertmente. This is ft brick building with everything in the beet of repair throughOut. W111 provide purchaser with good income. ROOMY FRAME HOUSE, modern kitchen, 2-plece bath down 3 -Piece up; new oil burning furnace, central location, nice lot, EXETER NO FITH—Com fortabl e - bedrooth cottage .wlth three extra lots and very good barn. Well wired. Good basement. To buy or sell sce•e. V. Pieltara, 'Realtor and General 7nsurence. and 521, 394 Melo St., Exeter, pbonest41403 Real Estate Choice 100 mere farm, Lot N. Con, 2, Stephen 'rownahip, lft 111110 north of Cen t rat la A irport, 4 11111e8 from Exeter, offered for itntnodIttte Oit Which is allmated A. well. built 2 -storey White Meek Ing with new' adjohtleg garttge, Modern kitchen. And ntliity room with 1111 convenienere. Large 11V- ing and dheing roOrm, 4 bedrooms, 3-plece bath, nettr fuenece end pecsetire system. Welt eonstrtieted L -shape hare. 36,;(30, With tiajoinIng ((trim shed, 5000, tivItli 116W stebling" throngh. 61111 Also hen honse, hog' pens 6)141 impltnierit Sited. This' farm 10 hi Mgt( elate of ettltitittlon rola in gond stale of repair. Convince yourself by in. 8p410tlt8 lIiis ram and tt real opportunity. Iteasonably priced. Terms rah ho arrenged. REG. 13, HODGSON, Prop, - 18:216 11e, STOREY 170CSE, 3.beato0111. frathe With 00beste14 siding, .all roOderti .tottvoillmvcrt, A ppi y 127 A.IMI 'St g--ohone 093 'Utter. ' f p 1116' t HOUSE IN EXETER—Prefer loca- tion near sehools; lower price range. :Apply Dox 113. Exeter Times -Advocate. 1.6* Ull(INNT---J t You have 10 to 100 acres. good soil, with barn to accommodate 104) pigs, and a rosy 3 -bedroom home- I have a cash buyer. Phone now. Ruth Acheson, Lateen. plume 144. Al Sinnott, Lon- don. Itealtor. 148. MISCELLANEOUS WHY DO YOU BUY fertilizer? To grow more grain of course. Also more weeds unless you spray. Be sure to contact L. V, Hogarth for spray material or to spray at once. P110710 266 Exeter, 16:23c ARE YOU ANNOYED by dande- lions? Get your neighbor to spray his lot as well as your own and be free of this nuisance. Do it now before it goes„to, seed, L. V. Hogarth, phone 2661Exeter. 16:23c WE ALL hate to pay taxes (10118). 18 you grow weeds you pay tolls. Why grow weeds in Your grain, eorn, • white beans, soya beans, sugar beets, potatoes or strawberries when you can have them sprayed to control the weeds? If you grow soya beans or white beans, sugar beets or pota- potatoes, -call and CUSSUSS this problem before yeti plant these crops. I have ample supplies of nearly every need for all your spraying problems, inciudin. orehard sPra?1) Ys. -4-Weed kill, 2-4-D + 2-4-T- :Brush Kill, Premerge and Randox, Sodium Chlorate. 2 Poly Chlorate. Crag No, 1, Lerbi- vide, Amino Triazole; also Liquid Cynamid anti LIcella Fertilizer. 11 twitch grass is ,your prob.. lem, I can spray it and 10 days later you can plant your crop. Please contact me soon as the rush will be on very soon. L. V. 4Flogartb. phone 266. 9:166 HELP WANTED YOUNG WOMAN, intelligent, 21 to 35, for employment from .June 15 to September 3 in smart. attractive camera shop located at Grand Bend. Pleasant, Interesting work, good. salary.. Write, enclosing snapshot, to Box GE, Exeter Times -Advocate. 25:2:9:16e MAN to do body and cleanup work on used ears and trucks. Experience preferred. Apply 'Larry Snider Motors„ Exeter, plume 624. • • 1 6c • rano to help With housework and Beauty Shop, with the opportunity of learning hairdressing. Good salary for the right person. Live In or out. Phone 68, Crediton, PLAYGROUN 0 S LIPEP.VISOR APPlIca.tIons for the position of supervisor for Exeter :Kinsmen Playground will be recleved"up to Playground will he received:we to The supervisors chosen 10'311 take a 64day training course at Camp June 21 -25, at no cost to themselves. Working hours are 8:30 to 5;30. Monday. to :Friday. Tor approximately a seven -week programme, State experience you have hart working with chtidren. State qualifications In arts and crafts. 11111141C, singing, dancing, sports, track And field. ball handling. gatnes, speeialties, s w imm in .6^, gymnasties. musical instrumente. nature study, hiking, handicrafts. story telling and dramatics. Sena all anrelleations lo Larry Heide- man Recreation Director, Box 282. 16c TENDERS WANTED CONCESSION PRIVILEGES Tenders for concession privi- leges at Exeter Horse Races on Wedisesday, ;rune 5. 1837, starting et 5,,,0 pan. will be aeaetped by the undersigned en to Atm 21. W. C. ALLISON, Secretary lse TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE FP:mar:At 'BUILDINGS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SEALED TE,NDTartS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed SS above, will he • recelvell 3,00 II•m• (E.D.S.T.), TUESDAY. ,TtINE 11, 1937, for the supply of coal El,nd: coke for the Federal Buildings throughout the 'Pro - Vince of Ontario. Forms of tender with tmerafica- lions a•nd 001)4! t10118 attaebed tan be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Depart- ment of Public' Works, Garland Bending. Ottawa. and the Dist- rict Arehltect, 386 Yonge St., 'To- ronto, Ontario. 'renders will not be considered neless made on the printed forms supplied by the Department end In accordance with conditions set forth therein. The Department reserves the right to demand front any SIM^ cessful tenderer, before Awarding the order. a eeeurity depoeit in the form of a CERTIFIED eliceue drawn on a bank limorporaled imam. ihe Bank. Act or the 0/L1eber. Benk Act pa5rable to the order of of the ittcrilvVrt GENERAL OF CIA'N'ADa. (Squill to tan per ('en) of the Athol:it Of tender, in force, or Bearer Bonus, with iihmatnred coupons attached, of the Cevern- meta ot 'Moeda -or 01 the. Caliad- tat National Railway Company and Be donetitttent cempenles, 1111. cenclitionelly guaratiteed AS to nil/Mina( and Interest by the GoVerement of ettnadit. The lowest or any tender not heceseartly accepted. at013EnT PorertP.M. Chief or Aamielstretive Services 11.1141 Secretary. Thspartmout of Public Works, Ottavre, May Itit, 11(38. 16:25r. l'END:9:11.8 FOR CO.AII $360811 Hoven Diat 61 t High Sehool Beard iliviteit tenders tor ("oal ler the 8e11001 building On Gidley, Street, Exeter, The ttvo Livingston 810he05 require thee Or I% 9 treated stoker coal. 'Voielorg 8116111(1 outd6. pricis pot. toil. (16110060a et the telteril al re - relived. and 811 001(8 iticlude kealyele, 6claret/II tehtlere 148 the Seeratitty nI tbit Trowey. kbtoter. Ontario, by MaY • • 9 iA61;'#414.1', XV telider net titteee. garilY Itedepied, 16:236 BABY 4HICKS. FOR SAI„E , SER.VicES 1111.43' into A to ea In-( 'rose (more COIIN PLANTINti--Anyone want - cage leas overlitad and feed cost) ITIX corn planted. chit Dough', and other breeds end crosses. clerk, phone 80-r-3 Imeen. :tuned for good marliele. Started pII llets. eue4crels, nu -Dollars from Erie eareeadileit, Exeter. phone 346-88'; Dray ilateh. crY, 120 Johe N., Hamilton. 160 16:23e 1VILITEW.88J1IN4i & CLEANING— A rraii g ('0 48 be (mule. till! 18ats0e, Oashnood, phone 19. STRAYED eus•rmsi .CAPONI ZING and .started 21ftt:111,.,ot431)el3so1order. ir' e 57 -r-23 '4,11 86. 018 0liut CarI nelfere. Phope 2:21-6:6* tort. Zurieh 90-11-4. hianey Rainer. MIL 3 Zurich. le* MOBILE DISPOSAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AVTO 1V:ilEcKiNo and scrap iron bust/fess, good turuover prleed reasonable. Owner moving eaet, Apply Glenn's Auto Wreckers, phone. 693-88', Exeter, Ont. 160 WANTED: A. good reilable man to supply customers with Rawleigh Prod u e t s. W rite fla w le ig les, Dept. 68-202-137. Montreal, Que. 10c NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Edward Sweitzer, deceased. . Ali ,persons having claims against. the estate of Edward Sweltzer, late of the Village of Credilon, in the County of Huron, Gentlernae, deceased, who died on or about the 4111 day or Slay, 1957, are required to file particu- lars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter. Ontario, by the 2381) day of 5lay 11 b 1v9,517, aeltust eirtrtivabvi lctlet dataetnIgregard only to those claims of whicll notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Selleitors for the Executor, EXETER -- Ontarlo..16.ole In the Estate of Robert M. Miller Al) persons havIn g' claims against the Estate of Robert AL Miller, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceased, who died on the 13111 day of April, 1957, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of II Se, 1957. after w1114'11 date the assets will be distribut- ed, having regard only to 41011115then received. DATtn at Seaforth, this 101.11 day of May, 1957. McConnell & Hays seararth, On tart°, Solicitors for the Exemilrlx. 46:23 ;Vic In the Estate of William Clarkson, deceased. All persons 31 ;tying claims against the. estate of WIlltam Clarkson, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton. Gentleman, who died on the 1st day of May 1637, are re- quired to file particulars of same, with P011 & Latighton, ho'lcitors of Exeter, Ontario. by the 1 et day of June next, after whish date the estate 10111 be. distributed having regard only to those claims of -which notice has been received. eel! & Laughton Solicitors for Die. Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 16:23;30c Septic* (71e8)11ing Itcpaire on 13rains 1Vat eemains Etc. Now installations pnorsit: 305 (144 t\I) XS WV° 16:e3:30:6:13:20" FOUND „. . EXTENSION LADDER •Owner may obtain same by paying for ell and proving* property. Phone ;$ 47-W-4 Exeter. 16c !picture ote16: 1164009181 lamps; round. 6stupl; franked picturtti; parlor rug'. 11%613" boblicese; halt rack: betiding: pillona: hull reels Ana mirror: beds; dressers and vontorodes: toilet set; small rug. 11.6.6'; 80111114.;carpepter toole: gar - (len. tools: littehen mipbeard 8)3441 many other articles too numerotto to molt ion. „ jel,ETCUE111. Proprietor i ARNOLD. 1\1816:SIAN. Clete(FRANFRANK. FRANK. TAYLOR.. Altetionelic,line Stock ,Disposal BY .AU.CTION Also Consigned Articles • 1111111 10 Miles North of London en No, 4 Illgitway 1644,11111.041', MAX IS, 1 p,M,(11141, 'AWL 111464.6),751.43: go. 7 P.M. ,Case $ tract or: Allis Cimino:16 t with -scarier: coelisbutt 4 -row beet ecuffier; electric stelder for tractor; many other artieles. liet in London Free PresS, Mae 1T, Consigned arileles still accept- ed. "Your Au-MI(1)1+,0ra" HUGH FILSON & '11151 ROBSON Phone :liaerton Collect 16e. AUCTION SALES Clearing Twilite AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects. Estate of the Late :101101(1 :Rock LOT 6. CONCESSION N. 111e011.LIVRAY TOWNSHIP( - 3 Mlles \Vest of Moray wicioxpIstoAN, MAY 22 at p.m. Norge refrigerator, medium size, only used 2 months. with etempany warranty; Dominion 4. -plate elee- trio stove, less than 1 year .01411 3-plece chesterfield suite, good eondition: antique centre table; trictrola and records; rug. .9x1 rug tixa.; 2 leather rockers: S kitelteh chairs; bed, mattress and springs:. dresser; vontrtiode; toilet Set: desk; rocIter; extension table, real good; ecnien: sideboard; Prin- (We Pat enok stove and pipes; mirror: kitchen utenslle; truantity of dishes: coat oil stove; tub; holler; rakes; shovels; ' hoes; 2 scythes; wedges; sink: cistern pump; Ito wallan guitar; coal stove, and other articles too numermis to mention. TERMS: ("ash. T. R., itleLEAN. THOMAS W. DIXON Auctioneers -- Phone "92-11' NELSON ROCK. JOHN ROCK. Executors • I 6c, AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture VILLAGE OF KIIIKTON First House South of Post Office SA'I't RDA)', MAY IS 1:30 General 'electric frig.; table and ("hairs; 1 reeking* chalre: side- board; kitchen stove, coal or 'wood; kitchen table and 6 (theirs; small step ladder; small electric stove; coal pail; small stand; bookcase; day -bed; sewing ma- chine; armchair; linoleum rug, 12'x9'; linoleum rug, fl'x9'; elec- tri0 washing machine: 2 -plate burner; stand for 100881 tubs; bag of fertilizer; wash tub; lawn mower; mast pan; wash dish; 2 mirrors; dishes •of all kinds (pots. pans, palls, disbes. hos:eon radio; large mirror; large tray; window curtains; quantity of antiques; knives and forks; quantity or Pie - tures; writing desk; settee; 4 parlor civairse, (11011g room Chairs: clock; 2 lamps; electric pal; small stand; coal heal•er; bureau; pier- trio heater; parlor table; corner • Community AUCTION SALE at. Frank Taylor's Beside/gee 287 MAIN ST., EXETER 11-1161):NESIAt6A. MAY 2.41. ,iik; 404 V0tegei16 1952 ('hey ;Deluxe 1.30441n, *81144 With :heater. SIM 111400, 8048161,6 'WaSiter, radun Signal JiglatIk bark -up light 181)41 new 1)08*, 4.1,1100 admit mike: Saidor Itortof able tiobinetion rati 10 *till 110060. (weed (word It4leb•ce Ueat-'" 011. rooli: stove/. deetrie lfrburdet plate; .elri•tric refrig,eraior, 1)111 now: Litchi -1; clocii.; couch: 88.08' - ago ;lust: 1i11t4l,18 3 tables; wash, ing machine: tub: (thatre; 3 beds:. 3 dresseret, 'wheelbarrow: la.wu mower; eyrie. in good shape; cedar thestl. 3 kitchen •tables; 2 small. tableS; buffalo robe; 2 large boxes; trunk; wash etand. 111(e new; '2 eleetrut 4 -burner stevekt: room ;aide. .g-00(1 438. 110.s71: single 110(1: 2 etorm .doors: :bath 1)(1); eight 10-14. WOMIpti poultry feed. ors: kerosene ell brooder and 011 storage tank. This lei a. Votinnunity Sale. 610 if you have anything, bring it in, prtAxic ,Auctioneer CLARE. FISHER, Clecis. 169 tot - --- to -- ono ------- --- o o oo g 000 000 0000 oo io o misogosiogioomiogilogi 000000 gotolloOSIOSISIO111111111111.0111/1 0000 It111,11311tti 14 It's DOBBS For DODGE Dodge Sales Do It! We are very happy to have a small part in making many mothers very happy. Last week our sales were the highest of any week in 1957, Therefore many happy mothers will continue to be happy throughout the year. Congratulations Mothers On Your New Dodge! If you plan. to use your present car, have A checked and made ready for DEPENDABLE SERVICE by our mechanics and modern equipment. Exeter Motor Sales Fred Dobbs, Prop. PHONE 200 NIGHTS 762-W or 769-M 0000000000000000000 ;Him 0000 ; oo wilim;;;;;;;;Iiimmmii;lit oo g oo 000000 ; lllllllll lllllll IMI lllll 11111110111111t lllll .� .~_ Take the wheel of a big beautiful Dodge ! Discover the PEPPIEST PERFORMER that ever paced the low -price field ! , •144 • 4%, • • • 77, Dodge puts a new kind of ZING at your toe . . . with the most powerful (215 h.p.l) standard V-8 in the low -price field, "GO -test" Dodge, and see why this beauty never needs to take a back seat to anything wheelS1 The keys are ready! Now—prove to yourself that Dodge is tthe friskiest performer in its field toda.yl Before you're hardly settled in the driver's seat, you'll know that Dodge has a brand of ZOO114 all its own. Just touch the "Drive1). button and ease that accderator down. Feel how 'swiftly push- button Torque-Flite drive pours power to the rear wheels. How Dodge Total -Contact brakes bring you to a smooth, safe atop at that first traffic light. Then head for the wide, open spaces—and watch how Dodge Torsion -Aire Bide treats even rough- est roads. It swallows bumps ... levels out lean on corners and curves ... makes brake -dive disappear. So why wait'? At your convenience we'll wheel a Dodge right up to your doorstep. We're eager to introduce you to the BIG BUY of the year! You're always a step ahead In cars of The Dodge Mists this pace—With trlight4twiler• 57 litylling • • a Toni wit4rittit drkve With mocihittiipai push.buttors icortiroliii ,onutilCkter• StOprilnsi Tottal-CohlaCt Williams • quail* onithitterina treim Onto to Wiwi YOU GIT MORE /N A thilTsLaR CORPORATION 01 CANADA, 'Alta Forward Look tHE G1' 1011TIPUL ROY IN THE 1.0*PRICE FtELDI EXETER .MOTOR SALES Exeter