HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-05-16, Page 12r"•••••-•.. ,P. 12 ths Timpe•Advocata, May 16, 1037 14.111010444444411MHOMUWA44,141104144014141111SUOILIAAMOURII041tatinulittlunal04101111110111410111111101% SELLING OUT VIEWING BUSINESS $2,720 Worth .of Stock and Equipment Includes motors,drill machines, Portable .drills, portable grinder,. power hack saw, heavy threading machine and tools a all description. Also a good. stock of bar steel. i A. W. Morlock !.- Phone 41.W ,Crediton ' ilintitil,,140tUtlitill10401flt 444 1 ............................................ ......... lnilnitt ..... HAM" Iaive Washcloths • peakers James St'. AOTS Reit S /I • — Plan Project For Hospital Bale A t the meeting of Main Street Mission Rand on Tuesday after- . noondonated as Q s were • for the church. bale to be sent to a mission ,hospital M the fall. Ham barettes Will be donated At. the June meeting. 1 Kathy Mathers read the scrip- ! ture and Sharon Baynham .gave reading. The study story was told by Mrs. Harold Skinner, Mis- sion Band leader. The Band members will en. , tertam their mothers at the June meeting. Message From ,os"4 Greenway COCKSHUTT MOUNTED • CULTIVATORS II PLANTERS • FERTILIZERS Easy -one-man mounting on Cockshutt Tiatteu. eockshuri Mounted Equipment is pre. chion-engineered — has tke extra strength and 'stamina to stand up under today's faster operatial speedr—reven under the toughest conditions. B. wis., Make lure your next mounted equip. ment is Cockslottl-- with new fingertip Hydraulic Control that makes form work easier for yout Call in, next time you're in town! We handle the e,„,044 .Cocksbutt line We Also Have A Good Supply Of Cockshutt Repair Parts On Handl Used Farm • Equipment Buys '52 STANDARD 30 COCKSHUTT TRACTOR Live power take off, creeper gear, belt pulley, '49 ONE ROW CROP 30 COCKSHUTT TRACTOR Belt pulley and. creeper gear. '50 STANDARD MASSEY 44 DIESEL TRACTOR Belt pulley and power take off. /49 STANDARD MINN-MOLINE TRACTOR. With belt pulley and power take off. • 1 EXCELLENT COCKSHUTT MANURE SPREADER On rubber TractorsAre All Reconditioned and Guaranteed! 1. L. Chaffe & Son R.R. 1 CENTRALIA Your Cockshutt Farm Equipment Dealer Phone Exeter 548 ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalop and family of Detroit spent the week- end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred MeLinchey. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray and family of St. Thomas visit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ulens. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Pollock and son of London spent the week- end with Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brophey and family of Hanover spent the weekend with Mr, and. Mrs. Arthur Brophey and Karen. Baptismal service will be held in the United Church on Sunday at 2;45 p.m, Little Miss Marlene Bullock has her leg in a cast, for some time, owing to a hip infection. Mr, Dawson Woodburn of To- ronto spent the weekend at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hartle of London spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle. Miss Audrey Finkbeiner, mis- sionary on furlough from St. Lucia will present pictures ,jn the United Church on Thursday evening. Mrs. Douglas Dixon of Brins- ley visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eagleson and Kathy. Mr, Milton Pollock is on jury duty this week. Master Stuart Brown had his tonsils removed in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last Wednes- day. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Tweddle and family of West Corners and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and family visited ..on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wood- burn, A presentation was held in Corbett School on Friday eve- ning for Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Isaac (nee Jean Laye). .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eagleson of Detroit spent the weekend with relatives. Mr. and Mrs, Elzar Mousseau of Kippen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,- Dean Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and family. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Miss Frances Brophey at- tended services of London Teach- er's College at St. Paul's Cathed- ral on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillies and sons, of Berkley, Mich., spentthe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. News Budget From Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER Mrs, M. Piefer returned home last week after spending the win- ter months in Port Huron and London. Mrs. Sid Baker attended the W.I. secretary's and presidents' conference at Guelph last week: Miss Anne Taylor, of London, spent the week -end with • Mrs, Hobbs Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family spent' Sunday at London with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gam- ble and family. Attend Graduation Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoff- man and family attended gradua- tion exercises at St. Joseph's Canada Needs DIEFENBAKER Let's Stop Selling Out The Farmer Imports of form ptoducts from U.S. in 1956 totalled: Fruit $121,000,000 Vegetables Poultry 50,000,000 „ 5,556,000 $176,556,000 In addition, hundreds of tons of beef, lamb and mutton, and extensive quantities • of cheese and butter were imported from Australia and New Zealand. Diefenbaker And Cardiff Are Pledged To Provide FULL PROTECTION For The Canadian Farmer Against These Competitive imports. VOTE CAR Toublishoti by the Progressive Cooservativi Ass'n, Huron Riding At Crediton Co-ntest ;topic ef discussion .at the, Mon, :Summer sehoel WAS the chief day night dinner meeting of James St. OA:T.S. Carfrey Cann, in presenting the committee's report, annou.nc- ecl the churches of South Huron we joining together to .pro- vide funds for the .Goderich Summer School. On June 2 a special, service will be held for the .school in James St. United church. On June 9 all South Huron churches will attend a vesper service at. the summer school when an .all- male massed choir will sing, • Program convener Tom Mac- Millan .divided the members into groups for discussion,. President Mervyn Cudmore conducted the meeting. A public speaking and spelling! contest sponsored by Crediton' Women's Institute was held in! the Crediton Community Hall Monday evening, Schools participating w er el Crediton, Sharon, Mt. Carmel and Xhiva. ln public speaking in grades 7 and 8 the winners were. Larry Carey, Mt. Carmel, first prize; Doreen Kenney, Crediten, sec- ond prize. Others who participat- ed were Nora Hall, Mt. Carmel, John Wade, Crediton and Jerry Peterson, Mdse. In a spelling bee in Grade 5 John Conlin, Mt, Carmel was the winner and in Grade 6, Joan Smith, Crediton, was winner. Judges were J. G. Goman, Exeter public school inspector, ancl A. B. Idle, principal of Exe- tel. Public School. In presenting the judges' de- cision Mr. Goma n complimented those taking part. Father J. E, Kelly, Mt. Carmel, also spoke briefly., R. Motz presided and Mrs. Wilfred Mack, president of the W.I. extended a welcome, Musical numbers included a ehorus and double trio by Cred- iton school and piano solos by Larry and Glen Ratz, Khiva, Mrs. F, W. Morlock was accom- panist, Mother's Day Services In United Church Special Mether's Day service was held in the United Church on Sunday morning when mem- bers of the congregation and Church School joined for a union service, . Choosing as his subject "Christ the Hope of our Homes" Rev. Rapson gave a practical talk, stressing that revival in Chris- tian homes was the greatest re- vival necessary and would lead to church revival. Representing the Church School Mrs. E. Lamport and Mrs. Earl Neil assisted in the service. Many beautiful baskets of flow- ers decorated the chancel. Those receiving the rite of baptism .were; Glenda Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Flair; Verginia Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Milton; William Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Kestle; Terry Ed- win, son of Mr. and Mrs, Clif- ford Grasdahl. Certificate § were presented by Mrs. Russell Fink- beiner, nursery convener. In Evangelical Church Rev. Strome was the speaker at both morning and evening services in the Evangelical Church for Mother's Day serv- ices. A ladies' choir led the singing in the morning and a men's choir in the evening. Bradley William. McKee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKee and Barbara Helen Ratz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Ratz, received baptism at the morning service. Several biSkets of flowers adorned the rostrom, one in memory of Mrs. Annie Haist and another in memory of Mr. Edward Sweit- zer. Dorcas Band Class was in charge of the program for the church school with Miss Ella Morlock as chairlady. Mrs. Nel- son Schenk read the scripture and musical numbers were giv- en: double duet by Mrs. G. Mor - lock, Mrs. L. Lamport, Mrs. I. Finkbeiner and Mrs W. Weber, trio by Barbara Dundas, Shirley Gaiser and Nancy Fahrner, solo by Gwendolyn Finkbeiner and a reading by Ronnie Weber. Prizes were given to the young- est baby present, Timothy, Strome, gift of a Bible; youngest mother, Mrs. Strome; oldest mother, Mrs. S. Lamport; larg est family, Mr and Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner; grandmother with most grandchildren ' present, Mrs. J. Ratz. Shut-ins and other members were also remember- ed with gifts, United Church W.A. And W.M.S. Devotional period was ]ed by Hospital last Wednesday evening when the latter's niece, Miss Helen Spellman, graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Messner, Mrs. Herb Wein, Raymond and Robert and Miss Erma Wein, Mr. and Mrs, Louis Rader, Mr, and 11Irs. Edgar Restemayer, Mrs. Alma Hoperoft, Mrs, Oluf Peder - ion, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nielson, Miss Helen Nadiger, Miss Derma Weber and Leland Restenriayer and Miss Kathleen Maier attend- ed graduation exercises at St. Josep,h's Hospital when Miss Anna Messner' graduated. Plan Strawberry Social The iegular meeting of the Ladies'. Aid of Zion Lutheran Church was held Wednesday eve- ning last, With 31 members pres- ent. A film dealing with propor- tionate giving was shown by Rev. Zorn.followed by discussion. It was decided to have a straw- berry supper in June, Plans were made for feeding those who at- tend conference here in June, A rummage sale will be held in July. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Ross Guenther, Joan and Eugene and Mr. C. Mac - Quillen spent Sunday at Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eagleson. Mr, and Mrs, Glen Guenther and family, of Gary, Indiana, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Baker. . Mr. Robert Wein returned to Sudbury afterv,acationing with his mother, Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Kraft and family were Sunday' visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Louis Itestemayer and other relatives, Mrs. Nelda Iteutledge, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with Mr. And Mrs, Philip FasSOld. Pre-school children in and around Dashwood received their ant -polio shot last Wednesday. The second clinie wilt be held June It Miss torothr Maier, 'who haa had blood polsOning has returned I15 Mehl anti' sending The past week with her patent, Mr. and Mr. Carl Maier, Many froth this village enjoyed Country Ileedbwri in Exetht oii Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. Galloway and scripture read by Mrs. H. Lightfoot when. the Woman's Association and. W.M.S. nt the •United .Church uet On Wednesday. Mrs. Earl Neil presided for W.A. business when plans were made for entertaining members. of Baby Band and' mothers. at the June meeting. Mrs. G. Hill led a business meeting for the W.M.S. A. do- nation was voted to the building fund for the United Church rest.' dence at the University of West- ern 0.ntario, Mrs. Eimer Lawson gave an interesting talk on her recent trip to Texas and Florida, stressing in her remarks the cordial welcome received, and how much hospitality added to. the trip. Hostesses. were Miss M, Chambers, Mrs. Mack and Mrs. R. Hill. Personal Item* Mrs, Lloyd Gaiser returned from London Hospital on Sun- day. Mrs. Lloyd Hey is confined to St. Joseph's Hospital having Un- dergone surgery on Saturday, Dr, and Mrs. Frederick. Mor - lick and SOIL of Waterloo visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock, Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Woodall of Royal Oak visited on Monday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Woodall. Mr, and Mrs,'Russell Clark of Detroit visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, P. W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dale and sons Donald and Ted, Brampton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. H. .Quehl, Kit- chener, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Young, Mr. William Oestricher spent the weekend, in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Martin Morlock of Guelph visited with Mrs. A. Morlock and Mr. and. Mrs. H. Young over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wade and Terry Wade of London spent the 'weekend with Mrs Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney and son, Morris, of Detroit spent the weekend with Mrs. 3. Hirt- zel and sons. Miss Gertrude Beaver and friend of Detroit, Mr, Howard Beaver of Hamiltoh and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beaver and family of Exeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver 'during the weekend. Mrs. Benninger and Miss Ag. nes Lamport and friend of De- troit were weekend visitors with Mrs. ,S. Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wuerth left on Wednesday to spend the summer with their dalighter., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baxter, Le- froy. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schenk and daughters of Ancaster spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, H. Schenk, " Weekend visitors With Mr. and Mrs, S. S. Wuerth were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Blackwell and family of Monkton, Mr and Mrs. Glen Wuerth and family of 'St. Thom- as, Miss Helen Turnbull and Frederick Wuerth of • Guelph. We Cannot Guarantee * We can't guarantee publication .of any advatising after our deadlines. Please. remember display ads must be submitted before Tuesday noon; classifieds will be accepted up to Wednesday,. Your co-operation will be. aPPreciated, exeferZimes-Ativocafe SAVEAvzsifiRE thilitnerrs 10 Oe, Jar Peanut Butter Si. won.... 24 Or. .11str Strawberry Jam 53c Jrerdord, 12 Om. Corned Beef 37C Itolisht Hood FRinily Size Chocolate Cake Mix 35c -Cheers Morns 250 Oft Large 6 Or, Instant Coffee $1.09 ecu. Bag Primo Macaroni 2 LBS, 29c 33c Primo Spaghetti 2 LBS. 29c Certified ,Seed Potatoes. Now In Stock Irish Cobbler, Katandin, Sebago Serving You Better Del Monte Values Fruit Cocktail A&H Pnner 20 Oz, Tin 2 port 59c Fancy Peaches lialeea or Sneed, 16 Ois. Tine • 2 roil 490 Fruit Juices Pineapple and Grapefruit 48 OZ. TINS 33c Free Delivery *FOOD MARKET* CUSTOMER PARKING AT THE REAR OF STORE Saving You More •sr4tilt'•:•:• A:i2U:•••...>“ ,• • >A4 Commander 4 -door sedan—one of 18 new Studebaker models What's different about the Studebaker Commander? Simply this: massive • and powerful looking far beyond its prite, exceptional performance from a V-8 that sips gas like a "6"; Twin Traction is available to put driving power in both rear wheels; Luxury Level Ride that combines benefits of both torsion control and coil springs. But the biggest difference is craftsmanship that builds quality into every car. Graham Arthur Aftiftws elMalftell•POINII.NOMMINIOannelMOMOMIIMUION1.10111 18 A Ar 4 I .1` 4 1 4 44 ik 4 • 414 111 A A s a Ot 1 1 1. • 4 .4 ,4 4 A 1 ' • 4