HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-04-25, Page 3- -_' . Bard or Asti is say ideals alibis M Ills mast- / er Itp ossa sitw, m italeissesa 8 MMe Mho poi w m he nes d say misimer, esetspisetia, w rsesbor, seesefisq w w wheaem 1.,. es oade - o wee** Is napes ef hie said oleo or Awe". dem er abaN a say messes relate to 00 exist Ihsestebliabmwt or disci plias of ib. Chsr\ .1 1Cegleed, a tie minister sad mweesee there within t e said proeiacn; 00 shall ie any rawer rotate te or offset the Kliga's prerophve wybiag the greeting of waste lauds of the MISS within the mid provisoes: every arch act er esu shall, 7011000 to say declaration or semi - Matpa of the Kist's amen thereto, be laid be - (ore both houses of parliament in Great Bntien; and that 4 shall not be lawful for hie Majesty. bie hairs or rooess001, to signify bis or their 11.101 to any aech act or sou, moil thirty days after the game shall have been IoW before the said horse, 01 to &ascot to asy each act or acs. to use either house of parilamest shell, within the said thirty days, address his MOS ty, his heirs or success, to withhold his or their as- sent from such act or acts; sod that •o such act *hall be ,sill or al&ctuel to any of the said pur- poses, wrth15 either of the said provinces, unless the legislative council and assembly of such ma- nses shall, is the eeasioo to which the was .hall have been passed by them kava pro - seated to Ilse governor, lieutenant governor, or persists adesisisterieg the government of such provides, an address or addresses, specifying that ouch act contains provisions for some of the said purposes hereinbefore specially described, aaJ desiring that, in order to give effect to the game, each set should be transmitted to Eng- lted wittiest delay, for the parents of being laid before parliament, previom to the sig.ificanon of kis Majesty's assent thereto. In these clauses we haee the whole foundation for the claim of domiaaocy set up by the Church of Eagked is Upper Canada. le s Provincial Act. irritating the appoint- ment of Parish and Town Officers, passed 9th July. 1793, we tied the (otlowiug 0101500:- VI1And also to choose sad nominate, is meaner aforesaid, two fit and discreet persons to he office of tows wardens for such pariah, towoehip, reputed towaship, or place; but as soon as there shall be any chinch built for the performance of divine service, according to the use of the Church of England, with a parson or 0.iai.ter d.ly appointed thereto, then the said iohahitaot horseholders shall choose and nomi- nate tow ;terra, nal the said parson or minister shall Dominate one other person, which persons shall jointly serve the office of church wardens, add their seecessan duly sppoiated, shall be as a aorp0ntioa, to represent the whole inhabitants of the t.wa►ip er parish, and 10 such may have a property an goods or ehaitles of er belonging to the.ai4 parish, tad shall and may sue. prosecute or defeat, is 111 presentments, indictments, or acd,s, for, mod on the behalf of 'ie iahabit•ets of the said parish. And i. 1823 the fsilawi.g Imperial Act war passed: - Whereas, ootwithetaedisg his M.O.'', has bees graciously 71.0004 t0 rest•e for tae sop - port et the protestant clergy in til. province, one wreath of •11 hied' gne:.J therein, doubts have bete suggested that the Lythe of the.prodeee of lead might still be legally degraded by the incumbent defy uitieated, or rector, of any perish: which doubt it is important to the well- d.ioe of this enemy to remove: be it eaaeted by the King's moot excellent Maj -sty, by and with the advice and consent of the leghelat.ee council end assembly of the province of Upper Caned*, c.stitated and assembled by 'Mae of and soder !be authority of an act passed in the parliament of Great Britain, entitled "An act to repeal cer- tain parts of as act passed in the fourteenth year of ria Majesty's reign, entitled, ' Ao act for making tore effectual provision for the 'everg- reen' of the perigee n' Quebec, in North Ameri- ea, and to rake farther perinea for the go,ero- inset of the said p10vioee,' ". and by the sathori- ty of the same, That .n tythes shall be claimed, demanded, sr received by ase ecclesiastical per• sae, rector, or ,fear, of 1. Protestant church wit1im rola provi.ee, any taw, e.etem, or usage, te ib. eoslrary .otwitbsandiag. (Th be awtineed ) 4ommanicatisns.0/ COMMON SCHOOL T. His Worship de M end whir ow r, Telma ale Tea Cwaat Masse, OrpTi.asgi,-As the subject of Education will se doubt sees nose ender your cosrden- ties, 1 sae the freedom of offen.g we or awe suggestion*. Being the Corey Town, Gods- rie4 .*wild be distinguished by a 6ntoste Eng- lish School, which weed attract aebokn eve* beyond its limits, sad when the explanatory system could be followed out to its fell extent. it is net for the benefit of the town that the school be spoken of is other terms than those of approb*u.o, and it would teal materially to its psoeperity, that the school should eojoy tie en- tire 10054050/ a( the iababituta With all deference, thee. you who are alive to the wel- fare of the Town, phoald earefslly cn.sider 111:■ matter, tied devise some meauro by which a good substantial English edueatioe may be ob- tained is Goderich, even by the poorest bey witb• is its beside. Is tasking abs school opes sed frte to a9, aha i.bo►ite.Ia have acted most wisely. ieumeeh as a free school elevate. the position of the mann- checks' wbim and eeprice-.tad mono... all pre- text for keeping cbildno idle at home. it is to be hoped, thea, that the Goderich school will continue r at prevent to place ',Inc -micro with.. the power of every on.. Untie such a *mein, however, and eonsideri.g the population of the Tows, • much larger atteodesee may be expect- ed thee what the roll at preeret &hews. A•1 the heperaat eoswdennoa now i., can or Teenier properly sad efficiently discharge tie dative of seep a .cheol,-ere he be.tow epos the alphabet sad junior climes-oemberieg 50 or 60 children -that 0010 and pa tie -taking which they require, sod at the same time be able to giro to tie adneeed cl.sae.-_ossodausg to a like somber -complete sad Improving lesson., es►raeiog the measuring of the s,bjeet red. and the terms red, Grammatical excreises, His- tory, Geography, mid Weisieg to Diction of what k required in the Indere of life? Coe the Timber satisfactorily accomplish all this is the depattmut that applies to dot English, rid have the reqni.ite time a1 his command for im- parting a knowledge of Arithmetic and 80.11 kepisg wader the 0yetem of tinea, which Je• mends his exclusive attention to +0000e niece's? No or, sequainted wish teaching will maistofs that all this ea* b• effected by one men, how- ever, 101100s soil persevering he may he. A school of between one mad two hundred chtldree seder thy uansgemeol of a stogie T,aeher, will pswdee. a very small member of od English Delusion', with *hal Hiet,n,eu1 wd eegraphieal hese ledge which is expected Ina . Improved 0711000 .f edw 5ti... The mschi- ry of tho eebeol say go es Gar n mister sorter, sacrificing a rant Lather of children to thoughtless enation, sad impartIug to the ethers a very nperfleial ad .essyaey d.gn..f learns', bet it .ever eon redoes whet IM tree qr.. .4 ed.....s expos. It ray satisfy tie molder by the appe.msee of edea rime bet awe expslatiea beyond that i. -sad melt the Tusher will bim..lf lawmen, the. 11. sent give the time sod sorties roman" seed - fel for expaadieg *sad .xexuieg the yoalhfel spied. Now, to o,eveeroe t►s diWIe.lty, it seems in- dipessahle that tits sewer .aboo' of Goderich .heal be pissed sedge the masag,spent of two esal.0 and .etiv. Ta**beas• Tbat the head me- w should have the *harg. of all who .re ready for the Feetlh sad 11th Books of the Nati.sei Sorra. .sad Orr the Oraws, Hi.r.vy mad (lee. graph, lessees : sod that bo .bootd bewt15.ised te oxen{.. s 151.0.1 esp..ltteedemn .( the wheel : that the speed Temkin amid Dave thew .div his ewe else we Isersieg • tb. Ikea, 500.04 ed teed b.da, eel *PPM assist the w seem is dm arUbNle Mom wires re- pirsl And leftism that the he.dmesase Posh' peer at all times. On the other hard lo elemtaI the mai.' abuses twice weer week, is cross at the reuspeooton Bridge would incur 014.1110111. asst ••,,..„•"1""1"..,,,,d Ihat • 0010001 pro- a vast outlay of mussy to crowing ON Pe1- e.ackliw 1s 0015111, a 7"9"....t..• of ham Heights mad deep ramose of the (aeareeuen allowed set. Queenaton ridge, and twist., wo should ger s ssbNf proiy eead.eted, woad tateo the.1easewrpsrof Goderich as • reeideacs for 1111011, 100410 a 10agsr has of 0ued oscsass- (aarlies, sad would proclaim, abet you ae repro- ry But mush se we believe in the wisdom manias the i.babis.ts, were determi0.4 to drew of first euuatiog the owt, we aonesr00 that that ..r Comity Town was wt i.diB.root to there Is a higher cuosidsration to be weigh the noble example eat by ear aeigbo.rs et Loo- d, -t , great object of ales work. 10 rail - deo os the entre' of education. The «pease ways ae in all things else, the true policy to 4"..".41 this •`•"1 wood not be eery grill, that which secure. " the greatest possible An additional room would be required at oats gaud to the greatest possible 015101101."- side of the present School 11oar. and respects- Fur this mimeo, we give a decided prefer - Batrotaries should los alive to rhe Teachers.- Bat the iahebiaots would consider nom" rice, to the Great Wolters hoe, for the misapplied by which es nisch good would resell following reasoon : The Great Western to the roam of Gederieb. will not merely afford our American neigh - 1 remain, Geellea., bon an opportunity of c000eehng, by rail - Yew, etc. road and communication, the cities of New A FRIEND ro Eaucan a• York, Boston, Albany, Boffialo, kc., with the Western and Iota horn State.-" a ANOTHER CALIFORNIA LETTER. consummation devoutly to be wished," and one in which Canadians are deeply inheres - _ W Cauag, Cauruapu, f tad -but it would co..wect the wafers of Erie December tad, 1849. i Ontario and Har on ; it would novenae by Dear Mr. Watkins, -We are now something far the most fertile 0111 Important 'mama 0001 a mooch here, but could not Rad it coed of the peninsula : it would link together ..stent a writ. 000511, u we hays bee, wound g • good d.al since we arrived. In the Valley we the cities of Baffalo and Hamilton, and aloe met with rather an aofone,ste occurrence, on towns of St. Catharines, Dundee, Pane, our journey Ly coming what was represented to Woodstock, London, disc. ; 11 would enjoy es a cut oft, tad a emelt better rood than the old all the advantago. of terminating at great one -we lewd mom sad misfortune to be a lone commercial depot., and comtuanding the cut, ss it is 400 mites longer than the old road. greatest amount of way travel which any and it is one of the most awful roads that was ev- line could secure ; it would be esseotially er invented, -the h0ventor's name 1. L•wson- Canadian, and protiotsCanadian Interests, he made the road, not for humanity's sake, !Mt la the Niagara and Detroit Riven line serve and enrich himself out of poor and worn w'bilo unt emigrates, who had to -buy from him, as his would be decidedly, if not essentially, win the firm hoer they met whet they struck American, without conferring any important the Valley. Lawson has bean the meso" of pot- benefits on Canada. ting one thousand dollars out non pocket, but It must not be forgotten that the Sl. the wretch has since paid the perky obis ..I- Lawrence is yet destined to become the fish and base designs. He hu been shot dead by moat economical and expeditious route for ass o(the emhgrante. 1f 007 perm' who 100 the commerce of the Western States, un - are acquainted with 'bonld be for coming to this leas, indeed, the extreme apathy. of the eontory by the overload route, they will come by (•onsdiaa people should suffer the Ameri- what is called Sublett•s Cut Oft. or Greenwood'', cane to filch the boon out of our handl and which is ver? good. The *ext is called the Mountaineers, which Is very good, and there ie divert, by a combination of nil tense!, that plenty of groes and water alt the way, it brings traria Into their own waters which nature you out to Ilambolt or 8t. Mary's River, which, has dictated should bo our. ; and thio is a the emiennte follow op fpr about 300 miles, and great reason why we should arouse our - then the river disappears in what ie called theaclvce to the completion of this great work, Bink. After ben tht Migrantshave ■ choice of or at least to make a commencement. The two some", the nee is the Old Route and the amount of bunineas which this line of nil - other a called Correa. fly the information way would necenarily induce to the head that 1 could collect, 1 prefer Canon's Route, as it is the shorten and best road, and brings the of the lake navigation, it u impossible to emigroot right into some of the beet dixai■gs, estimate, and instead of, as at present, there which ie the American River North, or Middle being a partial ceasation from the more Im- Foek. Above all things let emigrants bewa'e .f portant business transactions during the coming Lawson's cut off, or as it is now calied. winter months, we should witness a degree the Green Horn's cot off. We are sow experien- of bustle and energy, most refreshing to cud io the kind of animals which is the ben fit- merchant., storekeepers, mechanics, labour - ted for the long road, and from our soited judg- kc. menta, we would prefer good Canadian ponies, 'I'be peculiar situation and circumstances that is such as you can buy for about 40 dollar. of Dundas has a render this work of less There is wanting three or (oar spas with a ase P horse waggon, with • toogoe fixed in it m a. to .importance to its inhabitants than any other aa.wer for the ponies. There is no bad road ah- town or village on the Zine. It is not our til you coma to the Sierra Need& and California object to discuss thew here, but we mestioo Moasraies and let nothing deter furors emigrants them to account for the apparent isd;ff_ren- from bringing'beir waggons through, as it is ee- cos of our people ID reference to it. We rJ easy dose, and they will fetch a good price. du sincerely hope, however, that our towns Ogen !las fairly beaten the mule teams.frotn the people will be up and doing. We like the starting point to Sacramento City. Yea may movement made by our Hamilton neighbors think that it N net possible, but they have ecru- if people would lace more 1.1000. on ally en done, and made the trip in 93 days.- andP 1P There here -bees some Canadian ...in 0. tbr-etheir own exertions and resources for the road, and they have stood the beet of any an ' i- accomplishment of desirable obj••cis, we male. All persons should come Tight loaded with should see our country making greater but two peronista each waggoa, they can bring strides in the march of improvement, and provisionafor six months. Let them beware of hear far leu grumbling about "hard limes," bringing too "Fisch powderaod lead, asoae pound "ruin and decay," ke. We say that we of powder sod four pounds of lead will be anti- like the Hamilton pian. We do so because cent. Let no man bring fine clothes to this it uina ail Ike uccom lukmsnl of „making.country, the only 000010 wanticg Huorl and hick- Let us make a beginning. sod we bdeltat, cry shirts, end geed strong pantaloosa,-be must not to say, that the pickaxe and shovel shall recollect that he is to be his own washerwoman. not be thrown aside tis the waters of Hu- Fnr mea contra( with fimilies, ox teams ere aloe beet. All persons should have the waggons well ro0 and Eris are connected by an woo rail. covered m 55 to keep oat the rain, winch falls %% o have talked so much about Oita project. bw•ity all along the Platte river. The r•io does that people are tired of the theme, bet we not bat over 10 or 15 minutes after leaving heartily twist that Dundee will ■ot DOW be Platte. There is ,o more rain during the re- behind in seconding the efforts o(Ihoee who taaioieg part of the jo0roey. Two peters a0 wish to make a begionl'ng.-Dwad.s War - base their wagso.s fixed so as to seep comfort- der ably h it. The Iodises have to be closely . watched as woo as the Humbolt river is reached, _ and their cattle and animals have to be closely rt There exists no reason why Canada guarded or they will be 'toles be the diggers, aboold not become as prosperous as any which to the name of Iudiau rhatiababnt, that other country.Her natural advantages are regio,. They should sot be allowed to come is - hilly equal tthose of the adjoining States to camp on toy condition, -Sot when the ami- 1 9 J g gnat comes within shooting distance, he ought -her resources greeter." to shoot them, by .o doing they will get rid of This should be the text of all our public Iudiau. Beware of being friendly with them, men, sad all their acts shenld be a practical elucidation of the text. The craven, puel- lanamotie, desponding traitorous spirit of the Annexationist would then be to barter away this country, would be directed to the de - "elepement of its reswircee. There is some thing refreshing to the mind is this manly i reference to the advantages possessed by Canada, and coming as it doe., from a man able said willing to demonstrate, by his poli ey, the truth of the assertion. in the.,geo- graphical and relative position. of Cao ida. al well aa in her internal resources, Mr. Merritt sees, and hon long seen, the future (realness of hie country. Those dean tares be would devotop,00t by protectioo to mon- opolies, but by trade as free as the air we breathe, and by a policy retnoving restnc. tions against tae in a a foreign market. To Mr. Merritt we are mainly indebted far the decided feeling now actuating the British Goverameot in its oogociatione at Washing- ton for the free ingress of our agricultural productions to the American market. With a fearlessness that some would have pro- nounced temerity did he inform the leading men in England what the result would be if our (arming population wen left to labor under the disabvantagee which they have endured now for [Ares successive tenons. Ifo saw, very clearly, the source of thew diaadyaotages, end labored asaidootasly for their removal. While many, not knowing the man, pronounced ham favorable to An- nexation, he was pursuing the- only means calculated to prevent such an event. 'for public moo in Cased& pay dearly SHALL WE HAVE A RAILWAY r for their popularity. Newer was £1000 per annum more honestly earned than by the late There seems to bet more firmness in the President of the Council, and should Mr. 'reply now given to this 010.11on, than for- Merritt be now sleeted by the mon of Lin merle. The city of Hamilton Jess been coln, sever woo £750 salary better laid not. fairly aroused on behalf of the Great Wes- Little do they know of the man who can aup- as they will then surely steel your cattle i will gin you an outline of basins and things in geaerel, as far as my poor intellect will adait.- Jost imagine to yourself a city spriogiog op in the short space ofa few monitor, now containing six tho5saod soots. That city ie called Sacn- m.0to. It is built coeveoieat to Sulter'a Fort enSacramento River. Steamboats and ships of heavy tonnage are every day coming op here from all parts of the wield. The wages of car- pe.ten is Big por day ; brick layers the same ; day laborers is $10, but no roan will work for that Daly is the wet De..00, as they prefer min- is( The sews*. which you have seen in the reverent .re perfectly true *bat the gold in this co00try. There is so e000try in the world that furtas.s are made m quick as they can be is this. William and I can now make our ounce of gold every day -any man that works can do m. Working men have made during the last six months from two thousand to ten thousand Jolters Then is an place here that we try but there is geld, bat men generally consider it does .se pay if they moot make as Bunce a tear.- Flier is now selling •t $200 per barrel, pork 100 dollars per 100 weight. Our prosiness aro in the eiy and have plenty fur six months. We paid $28 a barrel for flour and fetched them with our owe team. The reason why provisions are so high, the rats has ret i5, and the roads are impasmok to any part of the mimes, and teaming i. very high,Teamster* can make $100) a month . by having good tams -they cow get thirty tad forty dollar I hosdred for hauling the distant" el 45 miles. That is the reasee why pro.isioss aro so 'rely high. I have the honor to be year reeere friend, JOHN NEILON. by those wbe are resit, lgser$at of t►" motives 1114uesese!g the Mo. "oedema* Such of has (needs as Mee ked th. Isaias of koowteg las eeetlme.1s for odea* cuspid 'sable tame, h the *abject of eke Preemie* - cy, know the Insmwtioe to be baseline tad false- !wag before there wee the least pswpeet of Mr. M. ever Allaag ths.olbw of Cummlwtoaer, be had expreu.d hie views oe the office of Prnetdeat of the Coulee'', aid these views were decidedly to farm of retrenchment. If Mr. Meati) bee abandoned bin re- rencbment principles, and returned, like a sow that was washed, to beer wallowleg in the mire of corruptloo and eatravegesee; if he has set at naught the welfare of his country, sad come/Jena her pre.p.rtty at, a thing to be lightly esteemed; if, for the purpose of supporting a party, and pet -eery nig the Ministry from political ruin sod de- gradation. he hu consented to the retention of the offices already mentioned, sod tacitly agrees to permanently saddle the province with a large unoecessary expense: he ought to be se uled by every boort politician, and despised by every mon who can boast of a single grain of patriotism in is tem - position." Wo take the above from the British Anglican, and although written in the sub- junctive mood, it contains ineteuations or a grave character against Mr. M. Wecall as- sure oar cotempurary, that Mr. Merritt has nor abandoned his scheme of retrenchment, and that hie acceptance of the Commission- ersh p is a carrying out of that part of his policy -not ID the paltry sum of the differ - 01301 mooting between £1000 and .C750, but as a preparatory measure. Mr. Merritt's policy, as it becomes devel- opod, will be perfectly satiefactary to the country; and as to his constituency, they fortunately repose an unshaken confidence both fn his integrity and ability. The views and prospective measures of the h,mn gentleman and the Government, will be very fully explained on the hustings, and we propose giving our cotemporariee n NM and early statement of Mr. Merritt's speech on the occasion. Until then, all speculation on the policy of the Government, and the motives influencing Mr. Merritt, will be mere guess -work. In the mean time, we have the consolation of knowing that the Government could not have made an appointment to the Commissionership which would have given so touch satisfaction or have been so productive of good to the country. Our public works are fast coming to a close, and we should not be at ■11 sur• prised to see ■ great change effected, very soon. in this department of Government officials. Of this we are'. quite satisfied, that whatever changes can be eflbcted ■o as to preserve efftct.ncy, and accomplish rea- sonable retrenchment, will be well support- ed by the lion. Mr. Merritt. it is really amu.ingQ to see how much afraid the Tories are, leael retrenchment should be abandon- ed; and we should not wonder, if it be ac- complished, to hear them say, as the bel- lows -blower d.d to the organist. " Did not we play it welll"-St, Calk. Jowl -nal. QT W1 are requested to remind the Sharehol- ders of the flu:on District Building Society, that the Animal. Mortisg takes place on Monday the sixth of May. The attendance of all 'hare - bolder, is portieakrly reinstated. GENERAL NEWS. Fourteen persons are now un- der confinement al St. Louis, charged with murder. Buffalo, New York, has just suffered by • fire, to the amount of three hundred thousand dollars. Ripe strawberries have been selling io New Yoe for two dollats per dozen. Cheap. Mazzinni has been expelled from Switzerland and is now is England. The Austrian fleet by last ac- counts wax preparing to set sail for Greece, to woe, Sir William Parker. The Prussian constitution has been accepted, sworn to by the king, and ratified amidst great rejoicing. of the peo- ple. On the 8th instant, a fire brake oat in one of a range of houses situate o0 the north side of king Street Hamilton. Ref -re the fire could be extinguished, throe of the houses were destroyed. the cause of the fire ie not knows. They belonged to the H's. 8. Mills. The N. York Herald says that a man named Perkin., in New. York, has in hie poser -wino the largest lump of gold ever found in California. it is said to weigh 14 pound. 7 ounces, and to contain 13 pounds of golf, and is valued at $3,400. Dreadful Accident. -Some por- tion of the Rochester Hotel, which was bal- ing pulled down, gave way yeeterdey and buried beneath the ruins several men, two of whom, when taken ant, were dead, and a third had both legs, thighs and lower jaw broken, and wag not expected to recover. Carelrsenese was the cense of the fatal ac- cident. -[Rochester Democrat. Death. of Brand. -The principal Chief of the Mohawk tribe of indians Peter Brant, Jr., died at Brantford, C. W., on tho 3d noel. aired 24 years and ten months. The deceased was a young man who, bite his father poe.es.ed more than ordinary talent. lie 000, one of the peincipal chiefs of the lata Line, apd some of the western towns pose for a moment that the salary has any • Six .Nations of Indians, ad grand son of the aro equally warm in their advocacy of the inducements (orbinr Hem willing to serve late Captain Joseph Brant. Niagara and Detroit Rivers Los. it is not the :country. He has a large .take in its On the 7th inst. as the N. York retedd, bowevar, that P , the construction prosperity; k to addition to all this, be has train from Boston, on the Norwich and of both lines would be either advisable or formed hopes and matte calculations of the Worcester railroad was a ro profitable ; therefore, it N bsped that the country,. prosperity that he would fain see PD aching Fish root. which will beet verve the interest .f realised. erville, a over which it wee passing the country will be decided on and all Tb. egeiesltonl fntereats of the eonntr gave way. a the cars fell into the river opposition sad jealousy eeeee, Me. M• Nta s 7 which was there ten feet deep. Many of the That the Niaga a sad Doggett if (,siva T►**e b woeld PUN boots 00(.11 others. pusengen e e inptrod, •n one nee mw 00110 premt'w nal b r , y nppn,ingwoe r Lino enjoys advastagea, we are sot proper- the policy of Ermined, which he believes oyed on the care was """ d to de.y • As yet, however, 0141ieferma. will sot retrograde-, bat by carrying out that We observe that a paragraph tton before the pnbllo Is Dot_wcb as *PM- policy, where Its moa -d assist 1►sm is arnvls ■e s safe eoaelsefos es. Th. nossefaeteriw g now injures t. going the round of a of the Western with referent's to it, It Is .fated that that interests of Cesa4a would e v Uy advisee- moved, stating that the Pam a be be n- ist' coold be orad. fes ab*.t$1,000,000less eel by Mr. Merrft'. trolley, vastly adnKt 'mon, to Toronto at the re ripping ,.. UM - Ie tba■ the Meat Waiters : but before this *armed wed, is, that he may he oar most kion, and prtolinve there in a tors. We can be shown with an dggree of certaintyto Kemal ie y lee stag spared know not who invested me i t.. truth) sit b. A gtlddiag tiaaooseilsNaoee*try only to key that there f• N troth is it. A it mu.t be known at what pint it is ierend- regnIring men at the holm pasesoad of a porting of this esIsbl'.basset will be removed ed to erne. the Mapes River. If Meek Mise hoed sal Is hosed Reek 4onld be cheep sa the eros.tag enema iaain0etfes of.oaswbo p Iib, to table r. Campbell pelto 0!71 his scoeUioe plate, we haw O. dnabt the Ifse ean be that Mr. Mernt, by eceeptieg tt Com paper, (seto es ant Mr'g tJour I. mid Apcoetrra.1 befit poetess ebHper; but it will be eomparettesty eitmerihip, severe@ •w elan for himself, the isjative Assembly;•dbut\ o AIN that epees of abs year whew ksewing that abs Promise0, of the Council I tteee to 11. published at Mont I meet recentred, and •ttes4e4 with tweets A powder magazine in Sussex Gentry, U. tl, which contained shout 110 kegs sl powder, lately exploded and killed two boys wiee,were neer 11. 7'hecooceestos was felt at a distance of *wet,'" miles, and in • Tillage fee miles from the scene of the ac eldest every house was shekel,. FRUIT TRIi:I:S ! t MR. PECK begs to inform the inhabi- tante of Godericb and mrrouncing country, that he will have a large quantity of all kinds of Fruit Troy in Godrrch o0 Saturday next per the Steamer Franklin Moore, which may be bad of him oat usual terms. Goderich, April 24. 1850. •1n12 HAYFIELD TANNERY, vE mile North of Bayfield nn the Lake • shore. The subscriber, wif pay cash or leather for tide., and will tann on shares all hides so entrusted to them. And from having a thorough knowledge of the busi- ness, they can colfidebt)y promise the pub- lic a good article. WILLIAM HALL. BENJAMIN Rb8ZEL. Goderich, April 19, 1850. tin12 CAUTION. AL • public are hereby cautioned from taking or accepting two promie-ory Note.' made by the undersingned in favor of James McGnrmon or bearer, for the sum of twenty five dollars each, bearing date the 11th day of March, 1850, one whereof is made payable on the first day of January, 1851, and the other on the first day Of Au- gust, 1851; a the undersigned has re- ceived no value for the same. JOHN GLIDDDN. Stratford, 14th March, 1150. v3n7 NOTES LOST, BELONGING to the subscriber - andall parties are hereby cautioned against buying the undermentioned Notes, and the parties are hereby cautioned agaiost paying the raid Notes to soy but the subscriber, and any person finding the and Notes will be liberally rewarded by returning them to the subscriber. A Note in favor of Edwin Dent or bearer, for £5 5. currency, due 1st April, 1850, payable in Lumber, signed by P. A. Sobriog.-A Note in favor of Edwin Dent or bearer, for £2 10e, payable in lum- ber, due let April, 1850, signed by John McNay. -A Note in favor of Edwin Dent or bearer, payable in shingles, due 1st May, 1850, for £3 some shillings, currency, sign- ed by Stinson ✓` Murray. EDWIN DENT, Fanning Mill maker, Mitchell. 9th March, 1850. iv -00615 • DAVID H. LIZARS, AUCTIONEER. IS prepared to attend Salsa in any part of the United Counties on the moot reason- able terms. Apply at the Registry Office, Lighthouse street. Goderich, April 11, 1850. vii -010 , NOTICE. ALL Persons Indebted to the Subscriber, are hereby notified that Mr. Otter and Mr. J. Rattesbury are authorized to receive all Accounts due to bim, and unless peed im- mediately, the above parties are instructed to see for them in his Dame. THOMAS DARK. Goderich, April 10. 3v -o iP et- wield be a►olie will nes be4h Will »y be believed ' _pilot. re@. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING is the Pe. Ofce at Stratford rep to April 6th, 1850. Aitken Sarni Markey Thee Arroll Time t Madason Jas Brunner Jacob Malloy Jno Jr Bartley Wm M■ckmarer Con Bolger Jas McCauley Jae Bickmeyor Aug.( McCutcbeon Robt Boyd Jae McMillen Ed Crisp Cbriet McDermid Mr Coatoer Geo McIntosh Rev Carey Jas McIntyre Donl Campbell Hugh McVitue Wm Cryan Berman McAleer Jas Crimp Geo McClatchy Semi Crawebay Jas McCarrick Jno Charnock Jno McFadden Wm 2 Connelly Peter McFarlane Jas McD.rmot Terence McDowell Robt Mcieod Sandy O'Donnell Simon O'Dea Michl Patterson Jam Phelan Jas Phelan Mr Paden Mr Patterson Robt Phelan Peter Patrick Jame. Parker Jno Purdy Geo Quirk Timothy Quinlsvtn Jno Rett Palk Roseburgh Wm Robertson Jas Robertson Donl Robertson Jno Reel loo 2 Rutledge Peter Rowan Wm Scott Jno Sutherland Augur Strathilee Jno 3eegmiller Adam Simpson Jos Studoy Henry Stewart Peter iStudor Peter Simpeon \Vm Thom Chas Vorm Auget Wright Alezr Whtte Geo Williams Thee W illenn John Whelan Pinion Zimmerman Christian Charnock Chas Dickie Wm 2 Dunbar Joseph 2 Denst Fredk Dart Jen Draper Thoa Daly Ilugh Everitt Geo Fitzgibbon Jae' Frimmer Val Frazer Jan Ghauot Wm Gardiner Fredk Goetber Anthy Grieve Robt Hay Andrew Henry Robt 1 Hamilton Hugh Higeode Peter Horgan Jolie Ilein Adam tlumberetone Mrs Henly Wm Gay Halpir Martin Healy Ed Hialop Mrs A Houghton Joseph Henry Samuel Jaffray Wm Jacob Jacob Jacob Michl Keg Messrs If de Kippan James Kleemen Gottlieb Kury Valentine Lehghmen Christ 2 Lupton Thos I.i ge Gen Malloy Joe Sen Maddeford Jae Milne Robt Moore Wm A. F. MiCKLE, P. M. NOTICE. Excellent Property FOR S.LII3e rl'H.1T Handsome sad COM11ODIOUtl BRICK COTTAGE situate ea the Northern bents of the Tows of Go4elich, lately occupied by John Rush, and beloog- log to Henry Horton. This Cottage stand. in a beautiful and retired initiation, and ie well adapted for a genteel family. It will he wad on moderate Terms : or otherwise LET for a TERM of years at a rcasosable lieut. The subscri- ber also wobes to dtepnse of • Span of good Working HORSES, one three and the oth- er four years old, and well broke, both to harness and saddle. Also one Pair ,ea•I, new Double Harney. and a new W.gon and Double elletgh. Debentures will be taken in payptent for the Heroes, Wagon. Sleigh and harness. For Particulars apply to the Proprictur. HENRY f1ORTON. Gnjorich, 9204 Jas. 1880. 2v-051 t WANTED IMMEDIATELY, r2ro take charge of a SMALL. FARM in Ashfield, A man al'o has a 'Atte and family. Ile must be experienced in chop - plug, and tiro clearr.o of land, as he w•dl bo required to add to the pre -omit hu prove• mettle. A 1co'chman or Englishmen will be proferred. Per parte (dors apply to JOHN CLAI,K, Crown Land -Agent. .April 10, 1850. 3v -n101: NOTICE: erHE PARTNERSHIP heretoforetele. betweep JOHN STRACIIAN *f Goderteh, Esquire. 'pd DANIEL HOM LIZARS, of Stratford, Esquire, as Berrie - ter and Attorniee at law, Solicitors lin Chancery, Notary Public and Coo - cern, is this day dissolved by Mutual con - JOHN STRACHAN, DANIEL HOME LIZARIL Witn.se-A. %V. STRACHAN. Goderich, 2nd January, 1840. 2v -n49 NOTICE. erHE Debts due by the late firm of 1 STRACHAN 8c 1,IZARS, as Barrie - ter and Attorniee at Law, will be paid by John Strachan and Daniel LIome bears, alt. their respective offices in Goderich end Stratford : And the debt. due to them are requested to be forthwith paid. Those due the office et Goderich, to the said John Strachan, at Goderich, aforesaid, and those due the office at Stratford, to the said Dan- iel Home Lizars, at Stratford, aforesaid. JOHN STRACHAN, DANIEL (HOME LiZAR8. Goderich, tad January. 1850. ti -nor A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAID ! ! THE subscriber offer. fur SALE his GRIST and SAW MILL, situated in the Township of McGillivray, on the Big Sable, within three miles of Flanagan'. Corner. The Mille are now is operation,aol newly built. The Privilege te the beet o0 the River, and situated in the best Tows - ship in the County of Hnron-well settled, and Roads opened in all directions to favour it. The Machinery and materials me of the very best quality, and put up by the ve- ry best Maehihists, For Particulars in- quire of James Crumble, Esq., Galt, or ap- ply to the subscriber. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. MoGillivray, 15th January, 1850. 2v50tf 07'The Galt Reporter will insert the above until forbid. - ATTACHMENT. iN THE QUEEN'S BENCH. UNl7'ED COL''\ 77ES OF By wit - Theron, Ferth and Bruce. S tun of a \Vrit of Attachment issued out of Iler Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench at To. ronto, on the TWENTY-EiGHTH DAY - of MARCH, In the -year of out lend One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty, and te me directed, ngainet the ESTATE, REAL. as well as I'EREONAL; of ROBERT Cnow, as absconding or concealed. Debtor, at the Suit of HEART DOTY and Tnorai F. AsaoT1 for the sum of Eighty -Three Pound., Ono Shilling and Four Pence, I have veiled all the Estate, Real and Personal of the said Robert Cook, and unless the said Robert Cook return within theju- risdict!on of the said Court and put in hail to the Action, or cause the claim of the said Henry Doty and Thorne' F. ,Abbot to be discharged within Three Calendar Mon -hs from the first day of the pnhlicatton of this Notice io the Canada Gazette, all the Es- tate, Real or Personal, of the said Robert Cook, or so match thereof as may be neces- sary, will be held Itahle for the Payment, Benefit and Satisfaction of the claim, JOHN McDONALI), Sheri. Sewvi a Orrick, Goderich, 6th April, 1850. 7 3v -o10 NOTICE. ►rf1r, Copartnership heretofore carried on in the town of Stratforehy R. Boyce end J. Wi1.on, Cabinet and Chair makers, was dissolved by mutual (00.0,1 on the 16th day Marsh, and will hereafter be car- ried nn by R. B tycc and J. Merchant. All dello. doe to the firm to he pail to Boyce and Merchant, and all debts ef the firm lit be paid by the same, ay witne•ri ret r handle. JOHN WI ',SON. 1(ORE:RT BOYCE. Stratford, March 18, 1650. 1308 FOR SA LE THREE 11 )' MILL PRIVILEGES, slope to IL the Lake Shore, Ind mt t6, 8 and 1A miles from Goilerieh, with erns!' Farms at wheel. Alio---ONEHUNDRED Building 1,1)'PH in this new lied too 'fawn Plot of Wicklow, on the 18 male River, and on tee 'Hain road from Goderich to the Aoer,.hing settlement, to the new renal of Renee. Terme-One fonrnh of th• purchase man. e7 down, the remainder In Four tnetalments with interest. Apply Of by letter poet - Pei) to the proprietor, JOHN HAWKINS. Goderich, Ma•ch 18, 1850. Huron i)istrict i;uil(tjltg Society. TRE TWENTY-FIRST LOAN MEETING OF the Societywill take place the ilritteh Hotea or. Saturday the 2tth April, at 7 o'clock, P, M. ByOrder. HOMMAS /1 I'M, ROC?. (lwdenr b. April 18, 1890 1, -ill PERSONS desirous of settling nn the Durham Road fn the Townships of Glemelg, %vulvek, Brant, Greenock, Kin - lose and Kincardine. meet apply per.onally e l lb* Oise of the endereigned, and no In. (fattens will be confirmed sxe.pt Toch a aro made is aecnyds,ce with thin req.*rensent. All aengemoat. of 'arrest in locations without the keewkedge .ed approval of the Agest, will he eenetdered se • forfeiture of all right is the locates or asci see. GEORGE JACKBON, Avast. Caeca. Lairs Orme, Onetime*, Coast, Coasty of Waterloo. March 14th, 1880. M,7