HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-05-16, Page 61
coo i Th, "Innss-Adhyoewite, I'My 16, 1957
And District News.
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone 682..r-31
Board; Banquets
Area Wits
Choir Of Church.Family Services
AIenbers of the choir and Sun- Mee Here.,_ Christian Famil•y Day was .ob•-
Churches Hold
day school teachers and off)"
vers of the *United Church were
toturkey - ban uet
entertained Uhs i n g gift oftheon Thursday evening, �
official board of the church and
served by the Evening Auxiliary.
Nelson McClinchey who won
two firsts, one second, and. a
'$25.00 scholarship at ° Goderieln
tIusic Festival in the piano class,
entertained with some of his
selections that won bim top ho-
nors at the Festival.
1 Miss Alice Kyle
Last Of Family
Miss Alice Ellen Kyle. 88,
passed away in South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter, Tuesday, May 14,
where she had been a patient for
the past two weeks. Previous to
that time she was a patient at
the Heywood nursing home, 1 -sis-
Daughter of the late William
Thorax Kyle and Agnes •Coch-
rane, she was born on the town
line west of Kippen where she
lived until taking up residence in
Hensall some thirty-five years
ago. She was the last of a family
of thirteen. She was a member
of Hensall United Church,
Surviving are two nephews.
William and Emmerson Kyle, of
Kippen, and a niece, Mrs. Agnes
Hila, Seaforth, and a number of
nieces and nephews in the west.
Resting at the Bonthron Fu -
day Eli re with ea `load a5eli- neral Chapel 4.Hensall,• where pub-
dancmorningRev. C. D. Daniel occu- line services will be Held 7'huisdaY
pied his own pulpit and for his at 2 p.m., Rev. C. D. Daniel 01 -
theme spoke on "Mother's Day ficiating. Burial will be in Baird's
Sara Ronnie, choir director,
�' expressed thanks •on behalf of
the chair, Rev. C. D. Daniel for
.}: the Sunday School, Walter Spen-
cer, chairman of the Board of
Stewards spoke, and Dave Kyle
spoke for the Session.
Group Study Indonesia
The Evening Auxiliary of the
United Church met for their May
meeting on Monday evening with
the chair taken by the president,
Mrs. Jack Drysdale. Miss M. El-
lis read an article entitled "Re-
ligion and Life," written by
Padre W. A. Young, of the On-
tario Agricultural College. The
resident gave a report on high-
Inghtheld in of the Clint
on recently meet-
study book, chapter deal-
ing with Indonesia, The Young
Republic, was ably presented by
Mrs, E. Chipcliase. Vocal duets
were sang by Mrs. Milton Lav-
ery and Mrs. Carl Passmore; Su-
zanne Kyle and Joyce Flynn;
Nancy and Suzanne Ronnie. Host-
esses were Mrs, B. Horton and
Mrs. P. McNaughton and their
Injured in Fall
Mrs. Ralph McArthur, the for- The new president Mrs, Carl
mer Elaine Beer, of Hensall, suf-Payne presided for the opening
fered severe back injuries when. and business session. In a dis-
she had the misfortune to slip cussion on extension services it
and fall down a flight of stairs at was decided to have the course
her home Sunday evening. X-rays salads which takes one after -
have been taken to determine the noon and a minimum attendance
full extent of her injuries. She is of 18. $25 was donated towards
a patient at South Huron Hospital, use of the Legion Hall. The
Exeter. branch asked for two district
She is the wife of F/0 Ralph conveners from this institute,
McArthur, stationed at ILCAP and two members were appoint -
Station at Centralia. ed as district conveners:. Mrs.
Personals A. R. Orr for community acti-
The Legion Hall lovely with
s' chrysanthemums and.
rofu.i n c
spring flowers was the setting
for the May meeting of the Hen -
salt Women's Institute on Wed-
nesday with Grand Bend and
Staffa Institutes as special
guests .Guest speaker, Mrs. I=,nne-
ry Desjardine, president of South
.Iiuorn District spoke on Early
Canadian Literature and au-
uthor s.'11f e r informative ad-
dress was interspersed, with read-
ings giving word pictures by
Mrs. Willis Gill, Mrs. W. Des-
jardine, Mrs. A. Hamilton.
The motto—."Ye have read,
ye have heard, ye have thought,
but what have you done?" was
commented on by Mrs. Worden
of Staffa. "Do we live or merely
exist? We should take advan-
tage of the worth while reading
matter which can be rooted out
from the trash. If we hesitate to
do our own thinking so will our
children," Mrs. Worden stated.
Mrs. E. Gill of Grand Bend
demonstrated how to snake apple
blossoms for place cards and
other decorative ,purposes. Roll
call was answered with ""Little
things that make life beautiful."
Contributing to the program
were Mrs. R. Saddler, and Mrs.
Smale of Staffa, with a vocal
duet with accompanist, Mrs. H.
Harburn; and a violin solo by
Miss Greta Laramie, Mrs. A.
Shirray accompanying at the
piano, Mrs. R. Elgie presided
for the program and also extend-
ed the welcome to the members
and guests.
Hensall WI
Air. and lilts. Don Rigby and vities and public relations; Mrs.
Donna,. and Mrs. John Rigby, of R. Horton for agriculture
Blenheim, visited over the week- IA.
and Canadian . industries. The -
end With Mr. and Mrs. Harry of
a picnic at. the[ ]ome en of e othe
Snell. president, Mrs. Payne, on Mon-
ofDr. Lio Lions Head �Ivisited Hopkinson, uanew June
Hen all PublictliSchool the
with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Gook. scheduled for that evening prior
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bonthron of the picnic. Curtesy remarks
and Ialr and Mrs Don Joynt and were given by Mrs. Desjardine
John spent Monday at Niagara on behalf of Grand Bend WI and
Falls Mrs. J. Agur, president of Staf-
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, fa branch.
Jerry and Allan, spent Sunday Program conveners were Mrs.
With relatives in Teeswater. R. Elgie and Mrs. R. Cameron;
Ii•Tr. Wayne Smith left Sunday Hostesses were Mrs. George
for Blind River where he has ae- Armstrong and Mrs, E. Sproat.
cepted a position. Ladies' Aid Plan fon Booth
Mr. R. Y. McLaren is visiting The Ladies' Aid of Carmel
with his daughter, Mrs. Dorland i Church, „held their regular meet -
Evans, at Kitchener. - ing Monday evening in the church
Mrs. Wayne Smith and Debbie schoolrooms. Mrs: P. Campbell
returned home from St. Joseph's presided, .Mrs. J. Soldan's grow
Hospital, London, Wednesday of were in charge of the meeting
this Week. Mrs. John Love gave the devo-
Mr. and Mrs. John Soldan, Pat- tional topic, assisted by Mrs.
rick and.Michael, attended the Harold Bell and Mrs. Lloyd Mous-
graduation services of the 1957 seau.
class of nurses of St, Joseph's Mrs. Edgar Munn contributed
Hospital, London held in Thomas• a piano solo, and Mrs. Robert
Wall on Wednesday evening last, Madge gave a reading. 1
Miss Helen Spellman, daughter Plans were made for a booth
of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Spellman, at the spring fair to be con -
of Kitchener, was a graduate. vened by Mrs. Alex McGregor.
Mrs. Gordon Clemas, aunt of Miss Bibles for regular Sunday School
Spellman, held a reception at her attendance were to be purchased
home, 429 Baker street, London, by Mrs. Clarence Voliand.
immediately after the exercises Mrs. Chester Lee, of Parkhill,
for friends and relatives. is spending a week with' her
Mrs. Bert Horton, Jane and slaughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Bruce and Mrs. Peter McNaugh- Mrs, George Beer and Linda Lee,
ton and Robert spent the week- Personal Items
ericl with relatives at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Allen Townsend
Miss Olive Walker, R,N1, of St, and family, Mitchell, visited on
Petersburg, Florida, is visiting
with her parents, Mr- and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stew -
George Walker, art Bell and family. Mrs. Bell
Mrs. Amelia Schroeder re- is on the sick list.
turned home after spending the Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stephen- ,
past number of weeks with rola- son motored to St. Catharines and :
Lives at St. Clair Shores, Mich. spent the weekend with their
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, son and daughtr-in-law, Mr. and
formerly of Toronto, who have Mrs. J. W. Stephenson and fam-'
spent the past two weeks with the ily.
fornner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Betty AToir of London
George Walker, left this week to visited recently with her aunt,
take up residence'in Florida. Mrs. Elsie Case and sister Miss
Mr. and Mrs, Talbot and son, Wendy Moir.,
of. Bayfield, were recent visitors Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Keyes
With Mrs. Talbot's parents, Mr. were in Toronto last week at -
and Mrs, Norval Reid, tending the wedding of the for -
Miss Mafia Roobal, nurse -in- mcr's brother, Mr. Allan Keyes
training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- of Ottawa.
den, spent the week -end with her Miss Ann Linstra of Exeter
parents. M. and Mrs. S. Roobal. visited last week. with her pa -
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Flear and rents, Mr. and Mrs. Linstra,
Mts. Clark Kennedy of Grand Air, W. R. Dougall, was ace
Bend called on friends here shitted to Victoria Hospital Lon -
last week, . don, where he is receiving treat -
Amber Rebekah Lodge held a inent in the interest of his health.
stieeessful hake sale lir the lodge Mr. and Mrs. G. Corlett and
hall on Saturday last and realized babe of Toronto were weekend
$46,O0 with donations still to come visitors with Mrs. Corlett's pa-
in, rents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook,
Keith Anderson. was awarded Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lee mo-
Seconct prize in the violin 'CI ass tered to Detroit, where they
for • his selection, "Traumerie" spent the weekend.
(Schumann) at Huron County Mr, Frank Beans, who was
Wife Festival at Ciorlerieh An taken to Seaforth Hospital for
QV'ednesdav lest. Keith fs a pupil treatment, is somewhat unproved.
of Miss Greta Lanmiie.
Pr. and ritrs. A. Tt. Campbell -
bf Guel»li. visited ever the week- Ki p en. Personals
end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mc -
Le ren. Mr. Emmerson Kyle attended
'Ten inreirbers of the T-Tensell . the Grand Chapter of the Ma -
1 inettes attended an interclub sonic Order in Listowel on Fri-
dinnei' at Vieterian Inn, Strat- day evening of last week.
Forel, on Tuesday evening. Miss .Hazel Slavin. of London,
Recent visitors with i1Trs, Alice daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tour
"dlyixt tl+er`d Mr, and Mrs.TTarry Slavin, visited her parents a
,:+t and daughter. Andy, who few days last week.
e leaving for T rnglhncl and the Mrs, David Kilpatrick of Lon -
Mined the end of 1.ihy, 1)r. dor w a visitor of Mr. and
.loynt will be attending A meet- Mrs. E. 1)oersan. acrd Mrs. Win•
ng at tiro Royal Co11e''e of Sur- I der 'oft Wednesday. On Mother's
eons in tondnn. i;tisdetld, and 1 Day Mr. and Mrs. Eldin. Kers.
Gysii Colfe,gtx� of Surgeons i din• of 'Winthrop visited at their,
i noire. 1
Meditation.' The choir, for them Cemetery,
contribution sang, "I Looked for
Jesus," with soloist, Nelson Me-
Babies received the rites of ,
baptism in a baptismal ceremony
conducted by tine minister': Joan
Christie, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
J. C. Goddard; Jane Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Heal; Richard John and Alexan-
der Ennis, sons of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Ingram: Ralph Duncan, son
of F/0 Ralph and Mrs. Mc-
Arthur; Paul Douglas, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Reaburn; Kevin
Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Buchanan; William Craig, son of
Mr, and Mrs. William Clement.
The W.M.S. bale for overseas
relief will be packed. this Thurs-
Rev. A. E. A. Menzies, of Ailsa
Craig, will be guest minister next
Sunday. Rev. Daniel will take his
services at Ailsa Craig.
Anniversary services will be
held Sunday, June 2, guest minis-
ter will be Rev. Andrew Boa, of
Empress Avenue United Church,
Christian Family Day
Chiselhurst United Church ob-
served Christian Family Day,
Sunday morning. Rev. C. D.
Daniel, minister, was in the pul-
pit delivering an inspiring mes- j
sage in keeping with the day.
Miss Dorothy Parker sang a solo,'
and the junior choir sang. Miss 1
Faye Ross was at the piano.!
Babies received the riles of ban -1
tism: Cindy Ann, daughter of Mr. I
and Mrs. George Parker; John
Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Kinsman: James Earl. ,son of
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ferguson.
Mother's Day Services
Mother's Day services were
held in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday morning. Rev.
Donald MacDonald for his ser-'
mon topic spoke on "Our Hope
In God." The choir rendered a ,
special Mother's Day anthers I
with soloists, Mrs. Wm. Brown
and Airs. M. Dougall.
In a baptismal ceremony eon -
'ducted by the minister, Beatrice,
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Thomson and Frederick
Neil, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Campbell received the
rites of baptism.
Anniversary services will be
held Sunday May 19 at 11 a.m.,1
and 7:30 p.nr. Guests speaker
for the day will be Rev. Glenn
Campbell, minister of First I
Presbyterian church,. Seaforth:
Comments About
Ladies' Aid Wilt Hold Supper
Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl was host-
ess for the -Ladies Aid meeting on
Tuesday evening. The president,
Mrs. W. Harper, presided and
Mrs. E. Moore conducted devo-
tions. She read a story of "An
Answer to a Mother's Prayer."
Household hints were given by
Mrs. J. H. Scott and Mrs. T. L.
Scott sang a solo, "My Mother's
After a • lengthy discussion re-
garding a strawberry supper it
was decided to hold one in June.
Airs. T. Laing and Mrs. W. Mil-
ler. were appointed as a flower
committee for May, and Mrs.' R,
Laing and Mrs. E. Allen for June.
The program committee for next
meeting are Mrs. Houghton and
Mrs. Sarah Scott.
It was decided to change the
date of the annual 'bazaar from
December to October. The
Mother's Day service was well
attended and the printed program
was followed, with the minister,
Rev, S. Kerr, in charge of the
The singing was led by the
junior choir, who also provided a
special number. The Sunday
School classes, with their teach-
ers, occupied the centre pews.
Several of the children were pre-
sented with dinlomas by the su-
perintendent, Mrs. T. L. Scott, for
memorizing scripture and for
regular attendance.
The members of 'the Y.P.S. en-
joyed a wiener roast at the home
of Alen and Carl Meikle, on Sat-
urday night.
Kippen comments
Mrs. Rickert of Earr'iston re-
turned to her !home on Sunday
after visiting for two weeks
with her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs, Norman. L1lck-
ert and Merle.
Rev. G. G. Burton of London
was the guest speaker at the
nioruing service on Mother's
Day in St Andrew's United
Chur'eh, and in the evening Rev.
Dr. Semple of Egrnondville
United Church conducted the
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones
and family visited on Mother's
Day at the borne of Mrs. Jones'
parents, A7;r. and Mrs. I. Gibson
of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood
and Joyce visited Saturday eve
Bing with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mer-
ton of near Seaforth. •
Mrs. Norman Bradley and
dnester, Carol ofThetford
Mi , Quebec spent Wednesday
afternoon yith Mrs. N. McLeod
at the manse.•
Messrs. Frank Wri"ht and.
Emmerson Kyle were 'honorary
guests at a dinner and reception
held in Ontario Street Church.
Hall, :Clinton on 'Wednesday eve-
ning when South Iluron Masonic
District was honored with a visit
from the Grand. Master,. Most
Worshipful W. L. Wright, D.D,-
D.C.L. of Satilt Ste Marie ..on
the occasion of the centennial
anniversary pf the Clinton Lodge,
Mr. John Doig and his sister,
Janet, of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
called Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. N. Lpng.
Mother's Day ;guests of Mrs.
James McClyniont were: her
spitand daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs, Orval McOlinchoy of
Varna, her daughter, Mrs. Alice
Cook aiid friend of London, also
her daughters, Mrs. Jennie Sehil-
be, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs.
• and Mrs.. Jae Ducharnne of Dash-
Hear Elston. Cardiff
Progressive Conservative
Radio and TV Broadcasts
Tuesday, May 20 r-- 6,25 to 6,30 p,m.
Tuesday, June 4 — 6,20 to. 6.30 p,m,
Monday, May 2Q-- 1,20 to 1.30 p,m.
Tuesday, May 28 — 1.20,to 1.30 p.m.
Tuesday, June 4 — 12.15 to 12.20 p.m.
Frida , June 7 — 9,50 to 10.00 p.m.
Published By Authority Of Progressive Conservative
Association, Federal Constituency Of Huron
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Personal Items
Mr, and Mrs. R. Laing and
Marilyn, and Mr. and Mrs. G.
Laing and Lorrainne, visited on.
Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Chessell, Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeWallace
visited on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Jeffery Ballantyne, Avon'ten.
Little Nancy Allen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon •Allen, who
was a patient in Stratford Hos-
pital,has sufficiently recovered
to be brought home en Monday.
Mouser's Day visitors with Mrs,
Sarah Scott were Airs. BIM Co1•
qulnount and daughter, Jean, Mr. •
and Mrs, J. M. Scott and fancily
and Mr. acrd Mrs, Gordon Scott
mid family.
Mr, and Mtg. Robert Laing and
Marilyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Cor -
dors Laing and Lorrainne, visited
on Sunday with Mr,. and Mrs. T.
Laing, who also r'eeeiv'ed a
M'ather's Day inessage by tele -
»bone,. frntri their daughter, Mrs.
lj'mvard Even of Meosejaw. Sask.
Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Binning,
fliellacd and T>obort. Mitchell,
visited_ on Suitday with her i ar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs,. K. Meltellar.,
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