Huron Signal, 1850-04-25, Page 1',loch wit, be greatly improved by deep, to their more
ebeerinr an p Yours truly. of the court on ea p
rub• -rod plowing. The advantages of this think there, can be no doubt upon this that
!tura aro the more clergy and ,fan enlightened system of education shall ADAM FF.RG'•SON. thin exertions had been made that every gladly found myself, was nano officer
thing should be in readineea soil nettling poet in the garden, whither an officer c• n -
ata sea and we saw
deciaivo, as the manuring,liming, tbe bre
and saes.. fall to the int of the Agricultural dabs, to
n of the laud accompany the bre sk:n; up any part of the world, oo men are either at New Wen both int is learn
I wheat and howl each pelt shoo ded oforebe brought n thereeed g by full
Det° orchestra in readiness — smouldering to colored flames; the ropes of
e e t l w f b d to a rcoiate that Agntro I I and set
neat water within tbooe fent of t is e 1 can avow in tae p
will rise by.capillary attraction to a degree able portion of hesitation on toy part in re- bee and most valuable result would be the path of t err trope as
that warmth and (ability f the commending their adoption in Canada. Of annual collection nf publiention
n of the
wlh andhe flu lighters nbegatrowu a alit twere noblemhost, fhe princesses, nand and follow ell her
pair after him with no respect to rank or etend-
fatnl to h oirainI ee
roll, without which its highest' p1
dla's, it has become known to me that "pin • Agricultural Statistic*
be reached. All andel-dnin+nI too narrow to relearn the distressed fugi-
cao neverg ion, much at varieitce with my two, are chanter and extended form. 1 will only another division of them remained in door", to the pleasures provided for them in the 'log. The three outlets of the hallwere a
should bo tete d.:cies at kart three feet entertained by various individuals, fur *hese add, that if the w¢gestion should be favour- to greet the entering potentates with a full open air.
e roes
•e a But there are millions of acres ofThe first of July was rale-appoinru for the in the beauty of the actor, and the dancing from the women end maidens. ks rote
d -
Ijudgement 1 feel the highest respect, and 1 ably entertained, the less time that is lost fleurieh of trumpets and kettle-drumr. •All crowded thirther to obtain their share tires feet enough. Dreadful eerie
tilled Iasi tile% need n, ert•fcia driinag^, herefore most willingly sacrifice my doubts the better, i remain, dear $ir, celebrstiun of this pearl; ,all the dignitaries was not to commence for roma hours; a I with her brist'n hair and wings cf time,
cr uci sterna.' I d .f were tnvitetd. -lucre- 'dirmion of the musicians, among whoiu i I strode over the now red hot area. The
thin roof, already seized by the flamer, was
tumbling down in 'rotated burning frag-
ments• the flowers and gerands were
IP amvawem.
aT 'rtla CND OP THE taw
scarce be satiated
called out of nothing isy mating whisper coached our seats. ! hat, nn horAblertnn ! e few sparks (ince th .
ebaUow, compact sell. For a similar res- instruction to the most approved system of scarcely be satiated with gazing on this rustling of the state drosses, only t tour.' had nppnrtnnity to remark the lora r nr.
d flown
•on, rnnistnro from below will more tardily huebnary ndry,branches
es o at the came tun the ordi
cher and supply the routs nary ►reaches of eJucaunn serol) be du" r,lrttemagic
g pmtrror.•,f dinette and
re, mew3 trembl ngvsr on tn ourthands, nour
hell dee• • sea ds, arnhts ndder-like alight ng upon- the more lofty
' ^r drape er had Rrrrd• sy ahenrbed the fire -food,
ascend in dry wee e
SUE -SOIL PLOUGHING. oft,newt plants'
fo goththeir lisoil
a een inalimenc.—hes
be laid, to and a hound foinda e. would
arlanJe of om!cnt, half -joyful ex laevo .our cr - r p
dee de not forgot athat a sal rxteen laches be 'meeting if
parties tudied au melinei, for pro- nevergorgeous tapestry and gel g f z.
of dor requires twice a much mold al one lecntinp their login at the overlooked were healthenng uUfully tea nail amoel'thes(estoonn listened larvtloo wlldown alinards es' spot.
111tIIlYtP f^rlh,moment
flar ng nn high, and pinning rl kik r R
Muchi has been acid in favor. a only q
i. ITr+l stir -beget' the earth, the only eight inches is depth. Now, the University. in • It I not ' be
D1Ougb Rthat et mold is that formed from the earraaa ether, in hush an Inruu,rinn, that the per- of ten drapery per dant slur' tae cornier Ilark :the word of command :Thr clink tent• alone, the rprnirrl. 'Cerrr+r, like an
era hu hardly beget' m rwexcite of
orae or sheep: hot as ruch or- •opal ia►.Htr of the pupils would very ma- - beneath the cr;liog. All termed light, ' of arms! frutns, trumpets, the full Turk- iron hand, chained onr tnn+lrhs; one ins'ru-
le in
attention among farmers which It tet a dead h P
ret ono matter is attainable only in humaw• tonally dtmtrlrh the expense of board sod ethereal, fairy-like. The "mores appeared w ay. on delicate flowery halPh bar oro madcin the ap the cat rustall the the
diseoraftr the ro kion( eche dannrrs hebMvs
acre i to command. Tbich in este c y panicskill
uaand on n eh a deep, mellow, iatric gong the farmeren cishnuld
.er teat his ore. wouldeducation. A ready market uorpP yR produce
acre it a the ., mold from e! vver, less, core, world be strays found in supplying it the chains. No where could len eye discern glee teat; a dread psora ! Now it seen at were :greedy sh+kr^, inextricable c• n u=n n
and l reties boor comp found, waho t in producing or deficient all was exquisitely :the entrance of the gallery-, an officer) ihrcatrret 1^ a+sn'I them -net threatened
1pase the tet, fa compact the mass that Bet his e, and . Be vegetables, of t ee, it mix with ofPva u bary, whence would
be re iouy spill. any gap y+ handkerchief; onr ):rectae looks e the right rdeed+trebly, A ehnwke rf spark. r II
breafd g ! his r,ttr-„° 1. Beware the folly of spread- of valuabb manure would readily obtatt• arranged, and combine) into a perfect ear- bedize•ted with gt ld; he waver his wht'r icdrrlt, it La•1 actually taken piece, in rt+
fart below the surface of the ground. Rumon, of fantastic beauty.
as the warm oxygen,
car can freely pens. tog ferns labor over too large an area for oil.
i amt who !,t .acct permanent al fit. Fifty Oates Something, however, enema aril- required hair° lona' abrrdi oad cinto the ed garden a hi stortal of the ick;t. drumsnods
roll ie dike distaead and nt pthnndeee'd— followed into
*Trek.. nil Ale !dazing
romparnnnr• in-
with its Tapers,
chs, urrooac met. L D v motion 1 would e p DeNapoleon J Maria Lou as enter the hall, tent nn a rapid. A'Chl. Oj n l the dem'
no, and voo rs, chemical actino will ba of gond Ian) are more valuable than 00 of art that a Board of a few practical mon,
and rot, and a aur land•—Os+rtes i'areter• g ', runt of designed to flaecr the 'twist pair who and wo welcome the au nrt parr t C
n• iv and h` her it nlrea•!,' tttr hnrnin P ever ue wero in afertile
;n put machinery In
Oiled in toneparEOcy a German inscription, apo eon w t.. a lea fan .inion the .tali case n.tu ilia enact:
booefi so, roots t will
grow a 1 P cooled beestablishedahoused in 7, 0. actingleg
epi wit be gradually in notpe.. fM --- courre gratuitously. To this Beard I were to make carer entrance 'brought it: flourish, rising higher the flemrr had e, s•1 ehem elven
boaefiu of deep tillage de not all sector AGRICT1.TURAi. EDUCATION. wood give sufficient powers to organize and at the same elevation in the farther melts into a glorious paean of victory. A Mo 1 e
diately after the orertnd is executed. _ and arrange all needful measures, connected end, appeared a rostrum covered with a train of gentlemen end ladies of high rank. over the rrmhu•nhee maieriem tel ice rover -
which stood a throne at the head of which are the Prince end eel ver stage. A nese er err-ce!d air nl. t
Tho formation of a deep mellow, ant ria •?.a the Editor of eke Cea..9gricrlthrut' with Agricultural improvement and u1_ ms'mhcent carpe , on
nberg and
sutl, a the meet . ore of natural els for a
it the work of maty 1 Demi Sra,—i make no apology for solici- vaneemeof. It iiima n coracle nand patron- was for siva oneial side tefpthe hall,a orchabetteStra Princess von half Metternich, fcl£l+uw1KtecezCin per;al patr,rnwP
meats and specie'',
your. T° attain thea result, one needs not ting c coroer a your journalmfur this barot a andasthat of the noble K rw °TeTember the weymonnWedntoh Itfloor
ant a r-carthe ceiling,
an the ge ea t•, who have been Icngering in the anti
ds of the invited
poly mineral q
portions iit the 1 mol of tbepar earth, but ehas long engaged your pand how- Gracious Queen, w
minerals and mold of partiru!.ar kind, ever inadequate my attempt may be whet rte+dy friendship efarmer'r that individual
was outside;
anotherposite to the pass plumage from the halltorchestra, there
ra vel f the emambers or cr. gallery, watching for the un-
anth me
and in a particular condition of tulle ctrl)' compared with sere importance t of the sub- shown for
n combination. fact, it molt serve perhaps to attract the es•nmed the Government of Canada. Lord gallery similarly decocted, watch led to Thueualertlfl alttuderr vhie eaglpd oryrllin hie
and p ttention of your readers. Elgine knows the farmers' value, and he the showrooms of the hotels.
After a vela has dzllberetely made u hi= An
t a better re awn and t here The eaSc ohs has
of revailedo r Celle- will never ovatoenterupon the va i- prepared fie theemper ad l pair, more partire was eu- rengementrtand tthe assembly,ng the whileform
mind that i t
good land inan poor lrovl and clear enteral
f r. yen sail nrpa nrevin t for nit d et dbe premature • P
as improving the net ural pets years both in Europe and in the United et duties of suds
long rs otter enteltarnnPiantswasdlosthe firstcomm ace srt in ho Aief m rcche llavingvlearocd with
such a thing P
telly of the earth, phi t. tether a eh i field,
me•asur asyouare ss.l aware, with i varied s than time for aThere 'melee
to the petty dr ini any fieg- measure success. often Goch institutions
sst that
hat the Board. if ea C doubt the
1S were therefore vmdo d tothe
t keeieel choirs their places he very eon again offered hisent was to commence in the
arm to the
be directed P g hnwerer, have w often proved failures, that last the d properly
or part al a Red, mottle draining. Sha
! urface • t' i s ata consider- calculated to do great good. One palls • in we neighborhood, oceed thither; she in the
rial highncesce thorder that rough methe anwhile bad rete. to rbeen courteously alJrestiinp
us en our retreat. fora cern tad been
g.theriiTe, and now Wart; ee night Lurg
over Pane. The blast of a ind flew the
strifling mi+chief 6sway from curneere•, hut
it pressed in upon the rnaeirg rnuflagration
and fanned the flames to aloud glow of ever
ineresriing ftereenes+. i etro••e as long as
possihle to maintain my stand on the stage,
m order to w•a'rh the cheering aspects of
the overwhelming eatartrnphe. The em-
peror gravely atond in the hall, supported
by hie faiihfnt retard. whelp drawn swords
flashed in the flame -light. PrinreSchw•art-
z'nberg was speaking with him; now ho
gave the empress his arm and feline ed the
prince towards the garden door, while
troors f the glittering ersemhle nrhed
ado of ew
of the Merl mars of clay or -gravel ,e more likely to pro .t y an , pp 7 P',
the @reface, soil. It is not pretended that the blessing than. Canadian Yeomen, or aro practice, will form a prominent feature of forward, was ma •t
1 earth will instantly be ow:lel' better entitled • to enjoy' every possible these institutions. It ilehhe wedlthat hat I rated.
a ani' Bountifnderully
hyir urntahed cup-boards.
bd girds a. well as
the colter fMhe cone of floconcord nfwer'',
tilts Ifs
res.coUtainis that the comminuted clayoda, mean., ofgnaon wh them torespecta- religions dit otp and political
real) wotaios alta of ii^1ei F"ueh, sola' bly, the position which, they are he allowed in interfere with the working of bated in the places moat convenient, for the was wetted on the mid breezes of a July
yoccupy in his land. It may perhaps be - so -wias and beneficial • measure. The guests, for the assistants summed fromt Had night. a prophet now coma forward, and
top spare and eolutili acorn it blues Gene
to prepare these fertilizers [urate aatritiw as -'d that it comes to late for the present Lord Lieutenant Ms si¢nified that £1100 the ballet corps of the grand opera, - publicly ane anted what was to bb the
of cereal pleats. Salta of iron amd alumina, generation ; be it •so, but aura 1 am. that are to be expended in the erection of farm musir.aoe, for the guard on duty; and ever
a+ copperas and alum. are slit to exist the.preecst generation, will for that very buildings annexed
e P Her Majesty tership of is wfor
e $e nrumerous
to oe p.iny of a tem ti. h poliitical sitiu cis ten yraFrance
Eh tp ten
• each . De
to excess, and req^cin a orm caustic ..O f reason, reran. mote highly the boon for the College ester y dente. The liveried servants were hurry-, how mooed he have been derided ! Fort e
to deeompoae team awl form gypsums `or pine s of rural
The is t nideoce and asp the Golle¢e at Coe k. Ing hither and thither by hundreds; the glory of the imperial throne seemed to
cabala of hue.. Planta that curtain eon- pears of rural Lfe. (as tt may readily he major gonia and marshals of the feast who rest on granite pillars: napoleon's proud
e,deoble nitrogen, such a@ peas and Otani:, found, r(1 ilo.fy boeght• for) by all who bad the gen. dal oversight, tatisfid them- hope stayed itself upon a diamond anchc'r—
and of eunrse yield aIthaca- per hey dee of adopt it this noble Proveer has been an CATK+ SR`HWAItT'LE E OF IBt:RG i`CE88 selves that all was high[—nothing had roan s:+•led and determined in the book of Fate
rhe alkali called arntaonia, whet they decay, aeieruaa r.(ten em ugh raeerd at, nr Jem- — omitted, nothing forgotten, and breathing •-erred the certainty, that the sun of a long
aro a thin
coltueb{o to the deepening •ed r Out etamxperience
fere n declare that after now at ease, they hailed the hour when the was to shine unclouded over that
fplow. prosperity
t a thin ery r mer 0Cltuw w tyens of a ails un and entaol t my coo- Ta sstartto H•Ta1'f ora~,* or entertainment, like a magnificent biers, throne, and never to be eclipsed.
eta, Every farmer ehoo{d understandofto the e' fiat romans portion
of and world
i wee t,•radualty to develops its scenes accord- Along the alleys illuminated with yario-
tablenal is the ll,"" "tC.l vale*'1) tots- hi that set en pnffl r lmoreea world has • p gated lights, emblems, devices and all sorts
table mull. Srpposo one Lan 109 lbl. of kind Pn.vidrnce otFrrcJ roast+alis- The following thrilling description of this tog to rho order which had been prescnbeJ• f, allegorical decorations, had been arrang-
in e) attract the eye and cartes the cabbage, r:clusno of water, in one, heap. • materia{a of'rational erjo let°forest than
tamest from acing putrmuch ioto the mouth olttar -fan propous, b t Cod d s oust u
and a like weight of pine sew -dust m celtiirating .nd aro; rovt0g t
another. Whieh will form S0 lbs. of the claimed field. of Canada. That nerubers eye -witness. It will probably be new to
better mad 1 The meta . erger eyed matter ',todtwbtedly have failed to realise such most of our readers, thoneh it excited uci-
is alike in rare ,ase; nJ why ehoatd.tbt;r ?laws , detracts Dole from their wundreea I sympathy at the time of its occur'• As I approached the ental m company w
be any„Jdforence 10 the economical cal,ic of and truth ; for who that has given but a reties.
10o lbs . ot,cebbage ur 100 lua. of saw -duce, slight portion of attention to human nature ” So brilliant a •rioter as that of 1809-10, I
some o° me fellow performers, it was with empresr had taken her place, elm looked up.
Mtber t, r ire.LaR difficulty even then, that we could work our and her wondering eye was riveted by see-
Cows and children, or can remain blied to th,• wanton abuse of Paris bad never witnessed. While the 1
way through too maseee of rho populace,
ins, t a little.dttance, the Castle of Laz-
) Hi thankless crew -day-•rcpt of the declining year wu hasten -
which in dense throngs surrounded tbo robot', her own Lorliettohomee,borne
again a u arc
delibe- An ocean of light streamed over the garden, the .handeliere, before gracefully conceal -
ed, were beginning to burn. and the weight.
of the heavy lustres with their melting can-
dles and solid metal frames, rattling and .
jarring. fell with a crash intethe hall, which
wan not yet evacuated, the thronging thou-
sands who were endeavoring to fly, being
pressed back by the throng cf those from
abroad who were endeavoring to save them.
On rushed the engines, streams of water
were poured hissing upon the conflagration.
Jen the unchained element of fire mocked
t ite•weaker foe. The beanie end rafters
were burning, the oil cloth of ceiling and
walls of the hall which the heat of a warm
day lied dried, took fire in an instant, and
illuminated affrighted Paris.
How i penetrated through the human
mastics without being crushed or trampled
under foot amid the horror-etr!cken, de -
troth was to be revealed in ecorc i g oil, so as to a y `opeiring. heaven -deafening panic -fury of
brightness—to bo made manifest in agony wandering crowde to linger here and those, the multitude, I know not to ties day. Alt.
and horror. until their imp; rial highnesses eheuld reach we're vociferating for rescue, help; thou -
The music was punctually in its place.— a smooth shaven turf,- wherenr nurnbe1th f once, though namesalof loved as welcome were
Oh state chairs stood in read ne After
returned to but few of these calls. Wives.
mothers sank down in swoons, or fell into
convulsive spasms—maimed princes and
princesses were snatched with difficulty
from the flames, the stairs leading to the
teatime este+t and cern plants r l,od s conic est stee-
l) a to a dad- n to its winter solstice, the sen of Napo
In Tommie, urate is nn I , r u +indulge's fortune • sear culminating atits -
n,a1P, from man down to a cora u bion enroniums opo
• e ae wide, and secmine to
! ff ranee to fed- tures.
1 shall not however, la t a- i g 't Ze d the show.pert - a still,
l r n the lot of Caoaetcan peon P portal were crushed into a heap. The bell
ing an farmers, lot t baffler to press upon them nit b, ahcacag f t d h b the had scarcely rook bo arbors were ,
e nr, ■^'1 fedfa Plante' All Itvtnn be the e e. of the potentates and pfnple dresses were in Games, and theawfitl roali-
p° q the remembrance, that whether the mayb ind p Heath the bneom of aro d rant honson throng.rg
togs n e 1 f nJ adapted to their ddcu'ar p
went•, Hence, place a baby oyster use or abuse it, a most abundant portion of of the rest of Europe with its eeoreheng I hundreds nt workmen were already lighting in the laced dress of the Tyrolean and Ay presented such an image of hell, as tbo
natural qt 1 the colored lamps which were to illuminate Styrian!, and were taking their elaree for I liveliest imagination of the meet fanatical
in saline water that contatoe net a part CIO human happtrees has been placed within brightceee. As the Insolent con retort of
lime,and Its atony covering moat eeero choir reach. Let Gi,ya be sober, indratrivtls the-annent world hesitated not to parade I the two hotels; the divisions of the imperial _ the joyous dances of theirconntry. These I orthodoxy of the olden time would hardly
of g I guard of honor ordered to be on duty, were were the dancers of the grated opera, who' have dared to inhibit. The loveliness
to grow. Nature is incapable of creating •ad otiose all r lig;uvs,
and they may rest captured ki■ s before their triumphal cars,
II fine scorn of lime, or of any other ale- •-eared , all r caro• of life will Ice cam- so the new victor eollee their
around hurt air I ,twin + with measured step, and dividing here carne forward in the Austrian national which n moment ago had scarcely attained
the paratifely libel upon -hair comes. vanquished kings and those whom he had themselves into numerous watchposts, at . costume, and by their graceful movements i to life's freshest blossom, was now turned
mint eoneemed to form any plant •'r animal.
A deer, (enter roll, ee one that abounds in But now ; alas, comes a doleful whine.— created, in order to enhance the brilliancy
the entrance of all the avenues, portals, ao- and li.'e-like pantomime refreshed ell re- into death's pale tint. Imploring arms,
p Caradi•n farmers aro ruined and angora.— of his throne. Five kings with numerous tichambers and hall!, as well as in the gar- coltectione, and allegorically rendered I yet inacceseiblo and surrounded with
the raw material for reeking breed, milk,flames, were seen elretcbed out 'for sue -
ofmeat, in en avail stile form, to the depth Protection ie at an end. This is neither emcee of inferior rank, illustrated by their den on every aide, so as to prevent aices- homage.
of twelve or twenty f••et- inches, AS th•re:tse. time nor place for discussing the menet presence the 61th anni y of the Inlpe- sure and to aid in maintaining order, while Soon a peacock tail rose high towards ; cour, and then suddenly sinking down, se
roily Le. Is there soy thing unrcaeonabte or demerits of Free Trade or of Free Nevi- ria! coronation. A noble female heart was
they rendered military rotors to the ex the night sky which was now beginning to if swallowed up in an infernal abyat: for
in saying that such a serf pwaesees • verretail Jigeitibe. be overclouded; soaring rockets announced ! the floor of the largo hall stood over a
y • 'atfsn. For would much be gaited bye elm. tt broken, and compelled to under_.r p the commencement of most magnificent I basin In the garden, situated in • hollow,
great intrinsic valeta! A cubic fent of such cure d19wo 1.1 n. Whether palpable or the the monarch CT tion cf to rejection, brcanee the t )n rolled coach after coach ; for who
land in the valley of ileo Genese. cant ale., reverse we may teff tolerably emitted, that craved a male heir. would linger, who would be last, on such an and expensive fireworks, pirpaesmg in Down it fell_with a crash, the !parks flew
on a average, over a patine of common these have becomeftr•d points, and there is i curetted a salary in the archaeus as the would,
li ? .We horrid to take poaseeeion splendor any which i had ever seen, and , optrardr, the water hirre.!, a thick vapour
taeexceeding my ability to describe; as none ascend^d and the groans died away. A
the Tfii+ Orel re. thini'i p°""J" °t 1ttt e doubt that each revolving year will. first player on the elsnunet; civ l mule- of lar leer!, at whichrsch ono fnuod his of the fine arta obtain so brief an endurance lady, one cf the last who was hurryingfrem
limthis mineral to an aero rehin t The 'eche*. „tore at.J more decelop0 their wisdom and clans were at this time an art cls in high n+me and his instrument, in order here also in the memory, as thetof the pyrotechnist. I the hall, her dress already in flames, fell
of the enrfare of the grouted• The wntrr advantage. demand for the (arrivals. 1 played at many to prevent ase crowding, of confession, or
credibl informed by one of the beet far- A+ regards the farmer, there can be no a brilliant court ball; at the mei:ma distance!"
of the masieiane, ae of'on happens But it seta not in my power to witness the senselesv rote my arms; walla ti ally daep-
isI conclusion of this brilliant show, it beingin 1 put ant the fire,and carried her to an
reasonable cause of elean, Beside many of my orchestra, 1 new displayed the utmost in German orchestras after, the audience ha• , i gP
mere in the State of D^ -aware. that a ml tints tor me to resume my place in the or- , arbour in order to rrstene her, thinking
!loo bue!acle of burnt limo ire now annually indirect t advantages, he will PPosiudcly bo 'magnificence. and i beheld •ton train of ae,embld. Not the rustling of a leaf inCad that 1 e had been so gracious is to en-
ticed for improving the soil in that small come a richer and more nelheendcnt man persi.nagee, dieunguished in the history et I onr musto books was to b
,. State, One farmer pay a SI000 a Year forworld g f e, through Ramp. for
palace in order to see
Although sun s all alive trots of people were
s rend in foreign costeme, ah!
e ,heard ; it will charts of the bill room, whither the whine , t a t
hat ihero was nn company was about to return. Those of able me here to be of nee.
trying of ' •, mine, the gallerystill b!e ire, nt the pale-
• tuning shortly Pcatrd again at our post. n
end of cnorviolins,
i us therefore who had been in the garden, , While tho ball was now lying in horning
rehminary toning ofvia ,
in the receipt of ono halt, or aeon uirdc cf ;leo lee ao amt be nneeret
the prem, which he ❑aril to rc_lton anon re- tee htonest political or scientific rpnta' I erne no try
sable for one P
In the last number of the work ng farmer crivtor for his wheat, /weeded wo can put non, thnngh a as . it w as imps I fl,ere ob.e►, bassoons, horns or clarinnrtn,
p eels -seeker, hen in the way of doubling his produce per in my situation, or with my deerce of eel + often ee ,abs ens, home
by mnea rens to waiting fors relent when the ern; ^rot
we find etatemente in regard to sea -•ole ! should enter ren hen, that he e i 'ror
tom which we extract the follywing.— were wuhont any hazarJoue outlay, or ex- tura, to Arrive any mental benefitnco seqfrothis the annoyance yof the hearers Prevents to
Carnaham, President of the Prince- travagant expenditure. outward show. it was of no Boase Genco orris and eooeerll, and endlessly prolong- him with a new flnnri.h n( tromps}!, which
town College, states the results of an "un- •A well regulated intellectual Agricultu- to those majestic world moving men, or e 1 h11im wtiith changed into lively ball e,mwhich
intentional experiment ho made in 1818, in ral Education will go far in effrctit:g this, those lovely ladies sparkling with (beamed', won as ten emperor and empress reclined
sub -soiling• and the preeont product of cheat in Cana- whether a musician in the orchestra con- Nothing could be more interesting than on their throne.
" I wished," said he," to sub -soil a lot in da considerable as is, will prove a more tri- template,' them with interest or otherwise. •io leek down from up
our quiet seat in the lofty The festive was commence.) by 'the
sell with a bard pan, and as 1 hot only one fie, compered with the capabilities of her 1 was one of the player■ at the- we; nrcreetrs, p•ctureagttely decorated with Qnoen o[ vedance o cam en ce.) b '.—
team, 1 hired another to turn over the climate and soil. festival of Maria Louisa, when five queens pillar, draped in muslin and twined wit!i Other noble Naples coli Ice dollr ince; refreshments
sod receding the etch -snit plow. Ile came' Next comes the grave question, how are held up her train, while Cardinal Fisch ex- wreathe of flowers, snrrounded with an Other
relented- n heel; on r pap
end worked one day, hnt did not return the such advantages to be secured, granting changed the rings and gave the blessing. ocean of lieht.and forming itself a• it were, wreaths, sen pleasure.' lightning flarssy
t. As the time for planting was ap- their acquisition to bo desirable 1 Forte- A report arose it Paris, chetah lacIBMs
tam PS hovan rrn collected in then halls beneath and sparkled in million+ u diamgnd rays. Who
h hidden sin ale° twinged
proachingt I directed my farmer to go o• netely Canada enjoys peculiar facilities for ambassador was about to Rive r knows ow mac
and plow it the common way as t%rp as ho their a.temewnt, In the great Provincial aunt to the emperor end empress, which ccremnioesly saluted one another. Aire - and nawnd, and was concealed in many w I Winner.' *beet, tory inqired, tkej ezpler•
towed• Hs didI dayh Ch f A would soepau in brilliancy end rptendor rev all hnJ been respectfully welcomed ► street t—staph i wet believe to have been I ed, but all a vain
°t before it, and for which the bfact. There too clanked the g c P , but tall , P
i had gradually sourly
from the chants f horrors. The lady in
niy army revived, and et-eted when she saw
cel threatened, the imperial guard, with en
authority that ens irrcae.tialr, cleared the
garden and the conrts of all idle repetetant; ,
and the enrperer Lacing unexpectedly rte
turned, was again teen, encrgetirally espet.'
ntendieg with hie cnmmem'.ing eye. the'.
meaeuree taken for the extemttnn of II
conflagration. Welling retiree' filled the'
air and the w!•nlc garden; the wife or'
Prince Schwerrzenherg, hroteer-in law to
the heel, wee rnemier, the ntlfnrtnnere
cnnsolete hu+han,l was sestehtrg the melee
in all dirertiime, nnmer,nrs eervnts were
w, The following the University about to open, a air u get- nlliant suite of the Anstia■ embassy, het plsteeawn »turas{, workwl allay (sub- culture seal assuredly forme part, and will all which bad gone a oro •,I i -ti - rl a enaehes had ills peered
ilttin sad thea wan ehwnt. probably b• mor. or Ic•s blended with the the most amazing preparation', were already ao l bowler,
. lady presented with a fragrant the
end of that iron chain which shamefully from rho front d he e„,,,,,, lIeee„ w iib t
" melt wee, the lot was plowed knJred studies of Botany, Agricultural in 1 • For •° magnificent a bell, buugnot, Ooe beauty aurpused awother ; Pon m German father lend. re tit th as they
rnately with the eommor plow and the Chemiatry, Natural history, Mathematics, more than one musical choir was. to the one dress eutshorr uoI her. Very soon, circle of most eh• girdled Quadrilles were agreeably varied with
sub -soil. The wh to lot manured and ice. 1t is believed that a convenient ares first place, needful; the orchestras of save- wondrous was moven round different contra dances, while the rmPernr
worked in the sense t*ay, except the sub- of ground may be easily attached for illus- ral of the opera -houses were pit n requro.- g°isite lovely blossoms, R
setting of some paha had some sot. The ' trauve and 1 purposes and tion, and these were s ea I by adds- the walls of the ball ; it gradually thickooed and empties again (petted their sets, and a tote' etranger nexice..y belied ao t err
mouth of Austen was dry; the corn in the would prove a valuable accessory in educe.tinnal pevf•,rmers. in el whieh natal every mat was oecnpied, while the after looking for a while at the deeming, 1+.. I She grit•eelle nr; rata,. ,t r al to
sub -soiled wfrered very little; and that Ma than. A library and museum dsvpted to I joined myself to the orchestra of the ball- gentlemen drew together in the centre, and pan to converse in an obliging mshe anner with conduct her r.rn•++ rho garden, to set en.
%rel h ,td Id attracted » by a desire to see the formed a nvcleua which glistened with lbw i indtvids s; he onthe a tido and
elope-standing nr tl.e
a tranee tree
Pei le !Wert:
the universes!
rnv her-
Whim the corn wase wo eat their • and• eterrnery , • ow.
in the of all hunts of uniforms sail cesrt tearer. ', o t ease „soma cf t`r'ite stn n!e ( {rotor.- that r » a
t!» part tot sub -see su eery .we . Agieultural and ki red abide woo coon mesio, a rat mo -
•' W h IMred Id lend M id V SiO o1 h than by the emolument. stats of neemerable orders end the Ratter 1 other, threading
framed upon the admirable oedei o eery ( 1 whowere not daoeinq and cn•..t carried her In civ rr::e eithoot I :tattu$, , tLe vary »s *lie" the w►-. po tat The loot- la the oil, toed
Ilan sear eotEttaereed•ndeaded-ah. acral ow y l • tR ! I Rete Y 11 hoeeawe, sed, been
hi with an Many Brea a me another and Wile th es I theeouslystranger
acrer ingprinces
introductions sOftheir
erce t t
g adyalawe brNel search had bsetn hired for tiro together is w friendly way, *Wile ether the ltnngrr annnes.rPeotch^hni•e,ow!ern r. r nJthn name,
re*rse•mnrgi lhosered wLitCA wcrc
eee•eiee, was transformed mite • geptrne *toted starched and reserved, i• awe of the We were ply g that II ai
in either
he pilau. There Images,
m no
preecbed thes and laadies end nion* to entered In ome apt agree lashed throughkthetwelf
brills ntly nt!uml illuminated intltho mrdety of Inch g kindred, RedS*.i3 limed a1 wee
Mt to their gtwo
etesdlee their great .ihe, nlflFiently spa- ark ooetsrstiN with theta, wbls other* hall sad fpamPhtti as quick. As nor eye! overwhelmed with ardent 'haulm to
rhe ter we itttnge.a getter roee halloo the i in 1 ration WIMP
e rause
leodnr th ages t sad adieu- se
e bad to notes,
ercofy any of ganef., all
v4nlent Pro
ncs snAlenlyrpoa ed down,yielded. alai
bladed iL.Netdyegtt ssa two e wi erected Po P Pk g }VolOP red low of the Phil 1eweh01 flames
and decorations. TLe ► t 611edEp loosened praDabiy from its fasteeia s, R
Om Rause t aid ro ese.tseW wit► the two moestry t► caught fire from one of the candles, and in- grower pale b. foie the dashing height's,'
greeds a• to claws to bps With trim • more and ewer tr.Uihere g o mo eoisanties R apparently boon of the
e0.111 sold neon t outsi with.aUwas ia sta.l, eluant rand p of the eirmene a.d tieg Ntied selsxoon as td as ktnled•--at steely wbihred by the nstreaminge sheet* finally 11,11.•
visited h neve the outside with oel0 roe-
liege*. Prisms and tame'. res kirmge p was • dames, thrown', rain.
tirhsah Nee termed the., e0 as to roe- gooses eee.taseod telerisar es4 all as yet that I neared.rations*,
get it lm4afvleea is swg lNjMem•y of also was eeolMts rtillmees : not a sew Wed •'Rated (ragmen of the tissue upon the tht the day blfowing the eerGgrwtiege-
moat •pleaded resumer. The eye could of musto was hoard in the ball—only the floor, and @tamping on 11. The generality the revelation eta all sides of the w•oe ne-
f edsd b h Highland Social of Sot*,
land, some of whose Lteentiates ars areal
amongst us, would use. ddlIssa
intentpeewost and edeosted mese( theta profess
mos throegbast ver lead. ,
Mettler is W all. Goversi+est pessimi-
ees porticos of Ezeelleet lad. almost with-
in the city of kieg.Is.. for.wg port of that
lot. epos wheels Mamie the PrornseilA
Pesttestisry. This lead, with • epleedsd
perimial sprue, k at present 'peg e: testy
m•gleeted mad seprndmeetve. t would sot
be dilloolt to asgreft epos lbw, ass of thei0
AgItelisrld 8eheale, when the rose el
Meson ar other., -night acquire practical
%co a sworecho'r'us and of a forger site.
i did net temente the corn nor the ground,
list AStlilRroaes was so obvious to the
e ight, that 80 000 cosid doubt the superi-
ority el die ears ea the /sowed ersb.-eoiled.1
This year taw whole of .y este ironed
theme esibrissiorled. and tire yield wee very
sattsfool ty. Tbw mean of lay wee dry
std het, std Or hover Of Off Nis died mos
& Wool, obi* tbeu lo lire lajseds* 1100e
ratted np n
gem (atmos keens that a deep, friable
tei►g/1 Mho ep mots ream water **beet
aillImet to dot groyne( crop, thus will a