Huron Signal, 1850-04-18, Page 441' T' 1' ,Beta alta reale of SAtnwa t111.salw. Taft WEE IItRD `L'A tPD1R Whew 1 weeps sus laddie br.J+r' aka kye, My duddiea s' lora, my poecbesa' dry. RI' heftily a ehrltrr, warm someld dyke. Lo' scarce a compaoioo, salmis le'Meg my tyke. Aa' my mi thee, pule body !eke liket her Zoon , La' dely, se B ardsy .vesiog sex• WW1', WI' her abe•ra n' her needle y e'd we her at walk. Litter derma' my atusktuy, or welkin' my sari Vor many lasg ..saoes 1 toiId an' 1 fought, • Preferment, preferment, was aye what 1 tooth'; Bot tie Ing as my daddies war ragged an' torn. 1 only beetle' main ase nhlret e' sewn. I tried ilk, plan that I thought wad Fleeced. I Bard to the 'chide. and 1 Ieuued 1.1 read: Bet we lent as o' cash 1 was ne'impil au' bare, 1 Dever got ony reseed' for my lent. Set my gold musty dee J -s bit peek had she, An ib. e•ti'r^tit aul 1 body, ph. left it to me a Now I dress likea gess-I'n' reepeckit, ye'II nese Is the reverence paid to the Ii1Aw, or the COAT 1 posed ti, er'the vrko ti ip the ch, ret ter v,ce, V' Yawasel, eiMrtak/lbf his con- grsgalien,rho deteruneed tiptop ons also following Si,, lay. the passion tomtit cud tate service by exclaiming In low -dome arcuate, Yon may G -J -d -:-e aril s-l-o-ig the 40th P.allll. Stolle of the eastern papers tell the (.1;0%111 stare ugh green hghehoure keeper. Immediately after bei lista pts gessoes, complaints were took%bat flee lights went out by twelve e'eloob- The proper ..(freer rail at once rent to look Into the matter. &vibe wad told Ihtocorselets(' w err node ar•a'n.( him. " For what! wail • ,e fngvtrf• " 1Vht•;' rep11r41 the officer, • th, v pay tune !igloo do not burn atter teethe n'rl• rk at night." " Well," was hi, rep r, o1 knots they don't, ler 1 put 'em oat my self then : fur 1 thoeght all the ves- sels er.els It get in by that aunt, and I wanted to ear, the 11e." 11'e fixed -that chap. --A few The World's &'rogramme. Original of the 14wase 1' Bre► that Jonathan." -(moral' \1raeMngemi placed great eunIdeeee in the good renes sad patriutiain of Jonathan Trumbull, who, at an early period of the Ariteriesn revels - lino. wale 'oversee of the stale nf Conroe,. cut. Ile a esrtaie emergency, when a mea- sure of great importance wag ander discos. Bion, Wuhingtia remarked. "We meet consult bother Josalttan ow the subject." The result of that consultation wase favor- able t sad the w(wda of the enmmandevehe- chiefpissed tato a common puttee, sept Ohl indiscriminately 6y officers 'god teen in all cases of difficulty which siterwarde occur - teed during the war. Thr., from the con• 'tent use of the expreaeinn " We mnetSon- suit brother Jonathan,' which soon passed from the army to the peopk at Inrge, the A/Wisagr reeeived 1,001 the Englinh that appellation web hag stuck as closely as their'' John Bull" to the A. Plo147hing by Steam. -The Bagj%rhirr Journal states that a eaten, for a steam plough has been taken out by the igeent°r, Mr. Jane's Caller, of lie first of Usher, and Co.. of Edinburgh, and the - machine will shortly be hope tho publtc.-. The machine is const,ppgid to pt ugh six furrows at once, thus doing 'be work and sawing the expense of six double horse '-,- .A ploughs. The great weight of the mach.r,e which is estimated at three tons, may be (bought an objection ; but this is 10.1 great degl:ee obviated by the use of a large roller which is po placed in the centre ed 1 ) bal • ante the mechine, and prevent the wheels from sicking. The cost attic entireappara- toe 1s estimated at £310 The 1RlefulaesS of a man is not to be estimated by the lengthim . ing which hole employed, by t r of the resources, powere, and qualifi- cations which he combines, and puts •ige- toualy in operation. while ha is engaged in any undertaking. Some men wilt be more useful in an Rear. than °thele will be in a year. • - Marriage. -Is not marriagt an open question, when it is alleged, (rain the beginning of the world, that such is Mein the institution wish to get out, and such as are out wish to get in ?, And the reply of Socrates to him who asked whether he should choose a wife,etill remains reasona- ble, that whether he should choose ono or not, he would/spent it.."-Enterson. The Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick bare relined the ea hey of ' Poet Muter General from £800 per aoaum to £400: uneiimouely abolished the office of Post Mutat BJrveyoe : arid, eller much argument and many divieons, settled the salaries in the Post Office Department as follows :-First clerk at St. John, £120 per annum land cI,rk.L110 ; 3rd clorlt.Cl10. The Ida postage on newspapers was coati seed by a majority of one. From our window, we can gee symptoms of a commenced traffic on our canals. Arai now • three Toaster has pro- ceeded on her way to Lake Erie. Oe Mora - day last, we noticed several reseels in oar harbor -their flags floating in the breeze, in honor of the launch from Shickeluni a - stocks. Our canal is m excellent condition this rear, and very seen. under the active. •n11 efficient serrices of the Ilon'ble. 11. H. [Ciliate. we hope to see the entrseee by Port Colborne completed. -St. Catherfwa Journal. Nero Yrrrk Jurenide Asylum, - The exposition recently made by the Cbiel of the Police of Nee York, of the large numb r of vagrant children who are grow- ing up in crime le abet city, has led to an application to the I� utatere, by • number of benevolent gentleltten, for alio p•r;age of a bill to incorporate alt association under the title of the " New York Juvenile Asy- lum," whose oloyect shell be to refoun ea - groat children, by taking them front their parents, and tra*atpg them to industry dud morality. data ago n revelemen 11) came Into sue Pencil/an, took of hie bat picked up a bit of manueentt and enwt.nenced reading very +•lowly. We reached over and Intik a let- ter nut of her hal. rrwiolded, and commenced tried Lambs Wool Drawers and Shiro ad ng it. Ile was wbuy that be did not MOLESKINS SATINerrs it TWEEDS, re di -cuter how we were paving him is his AIAI)li I P t ATB, BEATIS AND ton roln,,n,•i1 w0.ektd him why it was THIIYV' MIS. STOCKS, SCARFS, hie torr(►p"0drnt Ilkt•oe weithng to Idea aid Mk" Imu4 Laren, Docks" tits. ,,t,.,, t it ,,,,,mar, m 1 -w-" Why look hero, Gloves. Ergllrh, Fteerh sod American Cape. Squire, "• says lot;..Tau surely are riot CARPETiNG, r; a iI' y Ty pnva'e Ie1terr 7 " Certainty, art," pat,' •.re. " sou iM reading our phvate Table'l.luelie, Towellings, Linen nm...4' pt." IM vas plsgned, begged tie and, Cotton Sheeting, Counter- in.' ounter- 111 1 ;i. 1 1 1 •FtR 1849. JAMES PORTER de c.. outman saUARE, OODERICH, HAYS Toot ►.Mired from the EUROPEAN and MF.RI FA� 4.RT.11Pl.E DRPOQOdR. • OR COTTON NIRTfNGB; Pasted Calicoes, Printed Minibus. Saxony and Orldis Cloths. Silt tiaune, and Selle Tmkm, Loire Lawes end Ilsndker,I iefe, Listen Cwrbrice sed 1lsndterehiele, Swiss, Book. sod Jaeoeel Mes- heseTEAM LOOMS lael chis and Cash CAN MASKET8, ole of Are Chat peµr,'}OKr SPLLNUW 41SB[JRT- MET of BK1.ONGING to the aubesriber, between hos Store and the Division Cowl Oft Tice, on FII,lay Iasi, lath Instant, Two PRO:111S`jORY NO'PI':S, Viz • One JOINT NOPE against Jonv EDeA. sed CHARLRe Iib , for £3 18e '8d., drawo payable to James Phelan or bearer, and endorsed by Jame. Phelan, part dee,-Alec; ono against Mie, m. Sioscurr Bioek Smith, for £3 Ifs 8d., -drawn pat •• Me to Christie') Sauget, or bearer, written in German, also pant due. This to to cau- , mores, L call ot�ll colors, ltisrftadCeps. Col- - o no any person tram poring the the same, 1 car the above puttee paying the Notre to Inn apd tiff., Ladies toots auJ Slime, Dream 11411. and Scads, CUTTON SHIRTINCS. llatzoreens, �retee and Cermet of beeutifel styles. Seem s -Linen [Act* and Lace Gonda in variety, Gluten elk Hosiery, Artificial new - eta, itibbuas. A Serrutn•AA8SOItTy1I:NT OF SHAWI.0 BROAD CLOTHS & KI'.RSF.Y%1ER S. OF PINE, PIRM, ANI) DURABLE PANRICK8, OF FAti1IIONA1,E STYLES. Beautttul acd Fut Colours, sad at mime thief will aarprlatsill purchasers for Cheapness. ivth- tooahle Troeoernge, Do. Petting. Cotton a .o strainlun his name, promised net to panCs, Marsaillfes Quilts, I)am- "fife Skriches.-The follow- ask Flannels and Blankets. inn s4de6 delineates a haraeter that is- FIFTY SPLENDID IIUPF-V.O ROBES teras the flocks of (iew''etk, and altogeth- and 500 BAGS Seperior l.iverpoet SALT. all er enrfinbd ter-tdoAe; here of life. The of which wall lot old at very reduced Prices proem r in Dile tare wan named ]Mickey for CAu11 or Marketable Farm Produce. Kwtttl aiiav'8/orrpip, Petr, wee placed Godertch,2yd,N.,eember, 1649. 9.-043tf m.se3it' �y. T T � w at the bar and gn.'.ttionet1 by the Judge. to . the foltowIt a ftll_et. 0 JCDUN-' mR the prisoner intPcourt; n. e re x x S o ' I• P. tie I'P.TIi-' I ler. 1 ie pound to blase, as 'the 2 tr.. T li' e a spirits of turpeLtlee said when it was all a- i;' 1 8 - a re.' t7 i=• p °oma a a S' - e. .1.-' �"e will take • little of tlte_fire out M e ' '4 : -I Sc i of eon. • How du yon live r 1 ain't particular- ae the oyster .aid when they'ated hfm if he'd befrietIor toas- ted •' - ey J. 1We dou't wall to hear whht- SIP, oyster said n►. the r1Irits of turp..tipeeith- er. •What do ybu fellow?' p.-) ny %Sing -that comes toy way, as aloe luco t,otiye • said, wbeh be tun over the little nigger.' den't care anything abotit the locomotive. What's your business ?a P. --`that's various, as the eat said when she stale the chfken btT the table.' J. That comes pear the line, I suppose.' ' P.-' Altogethbr in my line, a the rope .+aid, wbeh it was choking the pirate.' • • J.-�' Ni hear any more absurd compart- sens,,1 will give yon twelve months.' 1'.-' I'Ip done aa the beefsteak said to tL. c,iok! • J.-' Now, sir, your puniahanent shaft depend upon the ahoftnesi and eorrectnesa 3 5 e �: > F. i s 's t•� L TITi o p. to 0 t A Dra- • eg e s .D C S S y O r C Z v n e '4 ee ')(your anarter(. I suppose you taro by e r P.-' No,. lift ; I ean't go routed the docks Y S f 4 LI: ! without a boat, mid.' ban'+ got none.'. '`7 n n carie n n c 0 J.-' Answer me ; hhw do you get your t, p : r; :r 4 P ,read P.-' nomcti.nes al the Sault end some- ' a times f eat tutors. x J.-' Nu more of your stupid insolent*, - NOTICE. Hew du yeti support yourself 1' P.-' Suutetimes on my lege, and some- - THE Subs PBOVINCIAee appointed ppoatMUTUAL AND ent times nn a cheer.' (chair.) 1 CIEN I:RAL INSURANCE COMPANY. here- by intimates, that he n prepared 10 receive Sub- scriptions for Stock in the Proprietary Branch, sad e;iplicetioos for Insurances in the Mutual Branch, gni to give such information oo the abject it •uav be required. JOHN CLARK. Gr.drrirll, 2Gth Sept. 1x349. 2.-n3•tt f going router. the docks r .. w-8- w o a any person but the subscriber, -and any person finding the above Notes will much oblige the sabecriber by returning them to him. THOS. M. DALY. Ntrtltford, July Mb, 1849. , 9v-n3Otf H111B. verntter, per Rebe.sBr Let e( IRON,...•lau•d1e V. C., Goderich, If the awe a not takes away forthwith, 0 will 11e sold to pay emote. CHRISTOPHER CRAMS. Goderich, Jae. 23, 1880. 11.441 It MilSubscriber begs to inform thio iubsbitsts u( Goderich sed its tictoity. ilial he km re- ceived a Lues 1 el the LATEST 111 - CANADA Live ASSURANCE COMPANY. THE Subariber laving been appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals for Assu- rance, and will be happy to afford to any person rho necessary information, a to the principles of the Institution. JAMES WATSON• , y Goderich, 1301 June, 1849. v]n19tf JOHN S'I'RA(� HAi'ir BARRISTER AND ATTOSIAit'k AT 1QTRATED from the subscriber oe or LAW. about the 1et of November last, One Solicitor in Chancery. Coweeemsce' Yoke of Black OXEN, brown streak on the NOTARY PUBLIC, • Street, �oderieb . - i n In Wast 4 u his c( COWS, 11 office •air Also three back, six years old. A n one black, spangled with white spots. One Goderich, 9rd January, 1880. 49 large Red Cow with • white F,ce. One DANIEL ^ l l' I. HOM N I �liARl't lined back brindle Cow, and tam w.. , yeah old Red Heifer. Any ycrson leavirg A'1"I'ORNEY tial' LA'W' information of the above•catre at the Si: . and C �ultritor is (ellgafy, nal Office or with Mr. John Allan, Tarcrn 41'c., ���o�gp1I Keeper, Guderiet, will bo ratieflpd for their Has his office ms lorrnerly, is Stntdetd. IM- PROVED •v•,. sesta •_ _:omme„� �11l. P. -A. WNW CAN bo ee.A11N d11�" at Aro. Was, P. Cot •' Goderwb, Sopa. lathy )$ $. a' .. the - I. LEWIS g.e.i.t INAHMA(THM, SOLI &iLNP,ItAC4 Jane, 1848. GODERICII. ALFRED W. b'1"l'F:B1 • . General Agent & (,:ons-eyatiogr, COLLECTOR UP ACCOUNTS,;e..•4v GODEtICH. Oct. 1, 18'89. S a, PATTERNS of mottle, SAMUEL McCOSKIER\'. ?Stratford, 9nd January, 1860. Se.►S49 COOKING,. 13 O X 7 Xincald,n", 24th Dec. 1849. 9%-47 N. B. -Mr. Sitrachen, of the hMe'Altlaof Strachan fa. Lizars, conttaUee te• seem AND PARLOUR R STOVES, Agent and Counsel for Mr. Littt1te 111 ire N O T I C E matters referred to him from atratfsN To the Clerks and Bailiff's of • the Division Courts. Ton increased demand for Streroraas and other BLANK WRITS, in con- ncclion with the business of the several Di- eiei,n C ,carts in the District, hu warrastrd pan in printing them in muco i Barrtiten Sc.Torosto. 4aisg this de tai ties than heretofore, and IN eta- • iota erepertoenl P. is the Practice. sod as, ble. us to sell them much cheaper -there- s'on .1 Law, Ca.acaar ted Cosveroacuin. V/111 a fatare keep their (feu a Godsnctt sed fore we intimate to the several Officers re- Stratford nspreuvely, candor aloe name. +yl. quiring these Birk Forms, that from this and firm of WATSON and 11'fLLfasr dale, Summoneea and all other Writs be• GUILT(' Watson, 0etkrieb, longing to the Division Court, will he Sold Groace Witt., as, Rtratford, at the Signal Office at the reduced price of 24th December. 1849. 2v•s42d • TWO SHILLINGS AMD SlxreSCR rets HciMED..� wh,eh he afore (sr SALE at very REDUCED PRICES FOR GASH. *he Subscriber oleo keeps ea hand, pp Neal. at lou 01.1) STAND, a LARGE ted tfery Su- perior en>,.r,trenlof 'I'1 N 11•.\ It E of cv-cry description. The sul..-crib'! takes this opportunity et retur- ning his sincere thanks to tbe't ubtic for the very Lural patrosiae he has received Mace he has been in business it) Goderich, and hopes by strict utention w busies., and moderate prices. to continue to receive a thereof the public patronage N. R. -GRAINING. PAINTI4SG, GLA- ZING. PAPER aid BELL HANGING carried on a. heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. •Goderieb, 6th Sept. 1849. 2v -o3111 I orocr you now to answer l�ia question correctly. flow do you do.? 1'.-' Pretty w-ell.I thank you Judge. - How do yuo do'!' J.-' Leta!! lfavet. commit jou: I'.-' oil, you've committed yourself, fust, that's so trio consolation.' A vast quantity of maple stlgir has been made in this ne ghboibood during 1'u, pant fortntltbt. The sap ran freely fir FARMER'S INN STRATFORD. MRS. DOROTHY DOUGLAS, widow of the late Thomas Douglas, of the several bye, but aloe damp and Aplying the Rcnlctly.-'What elan a man dn,' abed a green 'un yesterday, when the sheriff was seen ')online up le him with a writ in his heed I ' Apply toe remedy; said another one, gruffly. 'Rem- edy ! what hied of a remedy 1' ' Heel mg r.mcJv, you gouse-run like a quarter - hors." ' What news to -day''' --said a merchant to hie friend, lately, "What news !' responded the other t ' nmhing Molt time, are growing better ; people are get - ling on their lege *ram ' On t1.1r le;d said the first. '1 ih,n't ore how You ran make that out.' ' Why. yes,' r•nllr,l the ether : ' folk* that need to rile ern obhgod to walk now -is sot that getting do their legs again* dplloere of Farmer'. Inn, Stratford, begs to re or ter VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS the last day or two, had materially interfer- thanks to the Inhabitants of Stratford, sou ed wait the trek. The produce this year the public generally, for the veru liberal a N D The lyes ad .>,itd eet•brity which mem ere-eleia.M Mealtimes have acquired for'hers Ntuiablt efficacy ia all this diem. whet. they profit. , . cure. M, rendered M• TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH N returning thanks to his friends and nu- *meroue Customers for the Liberal Pat ronaue which he hes received during the past year, begs to intimate that he has jest received an extensive Assortment 2? MEM 'J•/t31MEO Qa 'v'LLfl 0-, and is•ready to Execute all Orders given to lien with care and punctuality a formerly Goderich. April, 12th, 1849, 9v-n10tt TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. CNE within-2'eailee, an 1 the other with- in about 3 milee 'd Gudeyycb Tows Plot. The first is l.' T 10 in nit Conca- elon, Township of Godertch, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, 1a boun_ed.at the one end by Lake Huron, and at the uther by- a Public Read, -sod the.aecond .is LOT 8 in 8th Concession, Colborne, W.Division, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub - iii Roads. • , Fur Particulars apply to JNO. McDONALD; Esq Goderieb, 19th June, 1849. n19-tf HURON HOTEL; GODERiCH. TAMES GENTLES, would respectfully k- J form the inhabitants of Goderich, and its vi- eiaity. that he will constantly Keep Horses and 'Carriages FOR HIRE, ter which he respectfully eofieits the patronage oi the public. JAMES GENTLES. 18th Sept. 1049. v2o33-tf WATSON & WII4IAMS; DIXIE 1r.9TSOY of Dederick, BARRISTER AT LAW, die. ate. and GEORGE WILLIAMS, of ere, Ole of the firm of Elector, Weller bad Wakes, CASH for WHEAT . A..NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR: N3 ^7't 71:7,334. Gt►JDEjiit�B. AT the Goderieh !N,II.-and Caih for Cherry Geelerich, Apr'I 12, f849. 9HiOU Saw Lop at Goderfeh.n.4 Raytrle Mills. byWILLIAM PIPES. .I. K. G 0 0 D I N (. , Goderick Mitis, .iib December, 1849. 46 -if Ai•CTiONEER, W'LL atto.,d S.ALrS in any pert of the County un reasonable Terms. Ap- ply cat hes Reeilente, light -House Retia. Goderich, April 4th 1849. 3i -9n 'DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER:: ?VILIFY THE BL•S11. MOFFAT'S will nevertheless . be eery considerable.- rapport whilh they received during file PHONIX BIA 1 tL' RS Galt Reporter. short aitn�c y have been 1n Stratford'. Win. E. Fellows. of Oswego, a Mr.. r.►rmglaa begs t., intimate that the 70001 1in aged about 25 years, who wad intends carrying on the business as hereto- m..t pauiu er,sena •a o.y wr«er.ry ►a ovror- engeaged at the bloody fight at W,udtalll fore at the Old Stand, in her own name,'end l my of .r.... Th -y rite taova y melt rnaw; two Good Point during the Canadian Rebellion, and hopes by strict attention to the comfort of .rats testify for mem, see they thrive sot' y tae fell et was there captured by the Ilnttsh and sent to Van Dimon', Land, Ins just returned to Owego, with-1p1J,000 in eoldelnet. After beteg {slanted from Van Diemen's Land, he went to Or( goo mod. from thence to the mines. ,1n attorney presenting. a copy or • writ to an anclioneer, a: ol,.gised fur 29th February, 1949, t his unfriendly visit that hi wee merely per- there.* nutter, and on m..J.rate terms. r a tt�1. triol MII p1.e• t1. LIFE P111 S sad I�IIE 8ubacriber hereby intimates to his pN I li i R 81 T T E R E►eyeed fie erten a ..r. - farming M u to .' melte.' (let t of his protea G deneh, July 19, Iri49. A friends and the TravellingPobli� ene- Mee t• ti. "ue•.li. •t'esey whim. 'don, 'Certainly,' r tel e.' the auctioneer, Signal II icg, er 31teh, g tae lsyr n, i.VeaMwput PIs. 8e roti mutt altPnd In IM duties of tone pro - dime September 1849. ratty, that he has removed from New Atm- '1 a ter ...�hp dein to the Village of Strag burgh, 404 will ri=te ^ 'd Isn't'' las, .o esh . k„ i L ..Had (region, and se must i to mine; ani inward. • MILITIA at�it.. need r.••1r. i.i.lq wan r.etl.m •e, hIY('ARDINI' ARMS f d J ora» M bYh r..gen .leMlea w .try , W es 1'►e M `, (Near (ie 1PAsrf Gatwick) BY H. MARLTON. w►wpeatM..etis........,. .wtL Tee li.a.ed utast, itlrst ka,,..elr,.... • f • rItHF, abe►e Hotel has good aeeeood.Nos IPaasb wh(s>♦asat iiMlais..ea.... • • N l (e. rave ere, Pta411ttg, 1te., kn. Over tea lima, kilt ieese* en psf Y.., a 0 4 The Packet Mary ABs will INva (cede tp.1►- brie ,i t I..weieet • 1 cash (wind k weather ptrmlttie ,) r• ETA Fj► l disa.•at • 4s.s JA+ w� I twice •week th 1Cincar�te Rottii- ��ttM1f LM STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HOMI% MANUFACTURE. • THE Sublet -theta in retur.ug thanks to their Customers fur the liberal stip port they have received -aince commencing business, beg to intimate, that they have, for sale at low rates, Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves. afro Ploughs of eight descriptions, and enn- misting of the meet improved Moulds. Self- •cNng Mill Dogs, and venom. other eae- tinge. Having engaged ao experienced Machinist, the subscribers can confidently recommend their THRASHING MA. CHINES of the newest design, Both eta- tionery and moveable, and would solicit a call from intending Purchasers before buy- ing elsewhere. All orders puoaal!J at- tended to and executed with neatneA tad despatch. TO BE SOLI), N exr.Ilrot Farm, being Lot No. 12. Maitland t'unce -i-e, Tow•►hip Mf Goderreh, cnntarntng too acres -30 of wloch u cleated. The hind 15 of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. It a "floated exact- ly nine anile, from the town ofGoderich- on the Huron RoaJ, and at the junction of six dtlRreet roadie aid a it a in the center of a populous end prosperous InIatity, It is e1 her guests, and moderate charges, to merit a ti" "^'''I'r' where of the publie patronage. Stratford, 81.1 Aerie, 1849. 2v-nt9tf New '1'ailoritlg Establishment IN CLODERICH, H}: Subscriber brim to anbounce to the in - 1 habitats of Gnderich, and vicinity, that he has commenced b.:•iness in the above line. in the Room arlioinug II. HORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Merket Sgnate, where he will be pre - pard to execu;s all orders in his line tea the shortest motive. and a1 moderate charges. \. n. -Cutting dons on the shortest notice JO11N ADAMS. ZLwar �. -- exams • Of ASTMMA, ACUTE end CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. AFFECTIONS ,f Ow BLADDER Awl KIDNEY& BILIOUS F VEIiS a LIVER COMPI.AI>tTL- In rhe smith • amt. Mate the.. d,n .es penal, they will M found tanewba. Planters. Airmen...d others. who taws 015(8.t Median... w dl never aflame''/. b. without la.. BILIOUS CHOLI''. and SEAM'S Ioannina,. BILES. , COLDS & 1COPOwsv CNOL'c, CON.UMPTION. Used with p.at swear i1 tar ,aseaw CORRUPT HUMORS. DROPSIES. D:SPDPSIA. No MOTOR ...did.. A.lmaims m ease, .tall delay ..est these .alines. _reiMelr. =OPTIONS e w rain, ERYSIPELAS. PLATO EINC Y. !SWIM and AGUE. For ttia amara tithe wee ten main, tae.. mMrrnr. will W toed a ads, nerdy. W ewtein moody other redielara lease ,M .yet..ows. a Goderieh, Oct 17, 1849. tt2n37 asthma this amorre-• ewe ►r them .smites r permanent. - TRY _ --- ST TRY THEM, t♦E RATIsn6D, AND aR CURED. s /n ULN•R0 .t4 COMPLRIION, STRA'1'hORi) BREWERY. 0)!8!>oRAL DaaXL2' T R. WILLIAMS k CO., *11E Subecnber 10 returning les tinter 0001'. 01DDINSaa, GRAVEL. HEADACHES, .II Wart C H F. MIS T S AND D R U O O 1 R T R. HM, INWARD rE►RR. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA - TtBM, IMPOSE BLOOD. JAUNDICE. LOSS d APPB rLiP>oR COMPLAINTS, Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- LBPRO9Y. LOaet'Esa, _ eines, Perfumery, Brushes, •KIOCURIAL DIOLASRs.- Nesw titian. eraAry wady *Otte Ahem at ttwamrf.8 Paints, Oils, Varnishes, algal. .sone, than the moot powerful ,stento Of thrwtm s. MIONT SWEATS. NER rocs DEM.' ITB, N$troes Dye Stuffs, &c. &c. coreLAlNr's of ell Hods, OROANI API ttOr'►1, THE subscribing bee to inform the inhab- itants of BTRATFORI) and the 'aur - .P I L 11 S . Th. astral ammat,a of ,tram mdiiiam Wan wmdef Pam own,. wadig he thaw of theta Lffla roundlet Townshtpe, se well as the public tereeaar st4ee. in general, that they have opened the above 74155 in IM Wel. rate. bast Inaba. mow ase „tees. I< M Z U ■ A T 1 • IR. Tats. saril,t wet the e.lahlishment In 1b1. Town, w►er. the, memo masa.. webswear nee lir the Lae Wed eft. will elan keep cosatutly o. heed • choice aus.a et BLOOD to Ma (HEAD, UGC•PY• refection of $ALTANSON. Steil, krill; CROCF.R/F.S 1I/NE4, y.1Q174Rs, •CRO►ULA... =I1f0 / DVIL, in + ewes .ser OLcRRR.y.wevd..crtrrtw HARDWARE, We -kc. w O==S..ran kind. . .y Ammeter tapered M Whwe they hope by keepi.g a good stdek at low prices to receive a share of public patronage. ea Ilhy'sic:an** prescriptions and family re- c:pts dispensed with the greatest accuracy and promptitude. N. B, -Crawford k Imlach', Mustard (1414 i1: WILSON. Stratford, 11th Aug. 1849. v9•-nMBtf. PLANS Turn door: Fast earl Commis Ce's. tepee, WEST -tor Fan%' GODERICH. Aueusl tt;th, 184o. 9v-ni0 atoktG, CIIE:i1ISt and DRUGGIST, \V F.E�T•8'1'ItEET. GODERICH. Mare!' 8, 1849. 9r -int JOHN J. R. LINTON, /UnLIC, Corlimissianer Queen's Bench, AND CO��iiVETANCER, STRATPORD. AND` SPSCiFiCATiONS DAVID IL LIZAR8, WISHES to intimate to the ishabitaots of TILE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Unclench and eke srepgan sg canauy, h that helm commented buricers as Ceti oryancer, Inhabitants of the District of Ituron, i Genera Agent sod t :comities t, and by maids - and the neighboring District., that he ha! ; cane apeman, accurst', god moderate charger, Established himself in Stratford.' h..p.. id be "tofu' to such u ma/ regeira big and is prepard to gave Plans and Specifics sr"'ere. Those wishing *o employ bio in slit' tions of Public or Private Buildings, Rrtdg- of the aM.e branches will please till a the Registry Office, Lighthouse street, es, hill' Deena, lam. lee. kr.. pia will take Coder ch, 13th Much, 1850. v3 -o6 the superintendence of such Erections, on the most reasonable terms. Ili. thoronrh knowledge of his profession DR. JOHN HYDE, 1LAT0 10U1d , aa7a,j and bis practice e1 Budden gushier s. ofor LE I ID yy ( 1 � ,s I any uodertakine in the lion. Addrosa pat ll II 1\''!'1".'1`1".'9_ paid, PETER FERGUSON,, STRATFORD. Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. Ju.'y 31, 1849. !v -e26 Stratford, March 16th, 1849. 9v-a7tf `1 M. REED, STRATFORD IIOTEL. nous (LAT/ simile.) LIGHT-HOl'9E 81'.00DERICH. THE Subscriber informs his friends and (kt. 25, 1949. 9.146 the Travelling Public• that he has leased - the tarter BRICK TAVERN, at the East ALC`i:1vDER WILKINSON, end of Stratford, (now the county town o' PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. jse.•; May, t -where he will be ready at all t rats to And l rel F , rtneer. afford the usual comfort and se pare■ and Office at Mr- Rosser ELLti promote the personal convenience of hr GODERICH. guests. January 19, 1450. t♦ -4159 \VINE.$ and LIQUORS of the best de- scription. A steady Hagler always to N OTIC E. attendance. ALBERT G. HATCH. Stratford, lath July, 1849. 9t-o45'fr1T11E Subeer,Wr having RENTED the 1 WAREHOUSE and WHARF' belong- ing to the Messrs. Domepe►t, of ibis plate hes established htmeeif a a roawAanea Arm cOratramoO at, aQAMT. orders er foam the Mee- Anyehante of O.derieh, will resere pprroempt attention. JOHN McEWAN• Windsor, March, 1849. 1v-efotJ• ce!lently adapted fur a Tavern stand ora 1 ackaowled ra.est. to the inhabitants o Stu•e- This farm a well entitled to the $tnlf"r'J, seri to Loa cu►tomere generally. for attention of per,•:'nt deputies of an ehgiblute . l,b.ral pauurtsge wt ieh he has received dor- situation for !matinees, and will 'be sold on inn the time he bee been in limitless; wishes to eery rrasanable terms, For particulars intimce that the improved arrangement. which Apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper, hive recently been made in his esubl .hmeet, Goderich, or to the proprietor - will .able Mm to make a superior quality of JONAS COPP, BEER, and to fteeish it on such terms a+ entitle Vdleger of Harjlurhey. him to a continuation of the business which June 15. 1849_ vent9tf he ha hitherto eajoy'J. !flank Deeds and Memorials, �, ND all kin,te of DIVISION caul' r10 A N� Flan �rT ' BLANKS, and 111.AYK ,PROMj8. suit '+ NtYI'l:'!, for sale at the }attest Stratford, Nos. 9d. 1849. J. P. 1'IVI.1N. t2 -n43 • DELIVERY, 1).11c.,. Every Jucriplion of lIUO sad oR (;OO:) CLEAN HARRLEY, at the 9(111 Prot t,nT executed with se anew, sad r A(A1TLA,VD as/SW/:s Y. br the Sub- di•t.alch, saber. J. F. BRITTAIN. WNW Illiealren rw•W wN da wai w. f1T S113i11OYTES rev t 'I Y the lir Dia Ge,t•rieh Ost 10 1849 ev n3eiI ,,.r, ,e.y emblem leae►tnered Relief winks nrrsN. ¢ .' ► wet Court Ao•i. and ell other .4NK Tu LIPS PILLS IBD PNSNII BITTEYA y111:,HV nand to ala Di*ir;et aid Dwtslon TRAVELLER'S HOME, PURIFY THE B1009, Cont•, no 4.l. a, ,hr ST/ O;Rr. •A1.o, ail kiwi. d JI)tt PItlS'flNO .'stented oo rho STR SBURG, 1VATR•L011, t Asa thus removes!) disease from the syrte rr. (ZIle !t}uron Signal, N ►tarts .*V T 'w HY THOMAS RIACQVE O anima too Pwer0zB+sa- OiiCa 0MIS.Wr eg0A Lag alae••Mak •• nesk .s.d Jas► Pl.ewg, messed with tee.... and dippstah. �s1�S ea AAMMHooey Swat.-T1Clt MilL- LTIfGB per serum .f plied etrieaty i ietaeee, er Tw.Lys ASD 811 PIACI with Sea ezpesaues oldie year. • No paper discontinued esti' *mem airs paid op. tae's the publisher tkisks it Weaves age to do so. Any isditidoal in the memory b•ee8aisgIa- 'pourable for ds sabeerlbera, shell recaps • th copy gratis. wholesale and fait. tfT All lett.re.ddn..ed to tbo Etfttev e R. WiLIJAMS le Ce, pat paid, e►tb.7 will set bet +aka ill" ke Stratford, 1 Jenoary 1850. tvnti0 pea ')Mei AlF:t).1L5. sow be found in that fell-atNwn hnoan for- .. drake. ..wwnel 12;',...d..., rem .rrwt..t Q t . ,ngr,gs es A.trtt�raYa cane I01 ow"• marl necn ed byMr. ones where M e Somer.-Our American rlen old - 1 pirypa ad •ar.nnr ant yr r ai :head wader, int l.wrtieete..•.,a f S �+ I1CFr Frei the Militia of this Prayer. as will be ready aid able to eosdnen to the ttwesw. tt.,.seeai ynr..a .µ. yno .1 u. w., ter Lacy • 0 e{ ore (Soaring the country of atocb. 1500 S are entitled to a Medal for the follow- eomfort of those *be may honor him with he otsrd4M. tttts.�J• �se. g. ni a ft. --h.. v Amp have Inst passed our wen int setons, vas :-Detroit, Chrysler'') Farm _ tylia patronage. And whale he reform la8al eekdaeel a e., .r sow tori.► tt... Iy knocked h' ' dnw esthete re, bar If ye. ee, M way to the pia' od.. I"P(rn ingmry we and Chateaugtay. are required to .end to kis for t favors, he hopes, by strict tr�TT *opted sad sold f,es.t that ala ,rhes noon"' lento 7s 6d, I. iheAdjetant Geaetal of Militia, 01 Toronto 'termitic -to to to wants and wiehea of Me >•_, t1►lLi.IA7M �. lM0!!A!, Ile tt' •tea'.-Kiaara/w Herald. a itho,il deity, a statement of their clams, tusterwevR sial to omit a eeitiamaee et' air gom.dwM....rite 0145.1.57 tataas, Nee t►.A - Patience is very good. Hilt per- i. order that thfy may bo received in En- their patronage. Van Salo M 1 for • sb•ey.eee a meet boater: while the former gland by the let to Msy mit. -JOHN ARF.L BEN'. PARatOFeS, meat. Por tseilet M pommy apply to stands IN a ttnie nodee difficulty/a, the latter Papers in ate Proviitee, will plea.e copy N. B. -Good STABLES ted atleotitre A.h Age0t. Capt. Rowse at be Pjleaerbae Anew wh'pa thyaa out of also neg. the above notice. ,3 07 Groom., v9 -n411 (iodine/I, Jae. 28, 184P. 1 Goderich, March MIN i860. n•-vt JOB PRINTING d ovary=•l•e•`tir owed Dtl•sIeB/,tempt ! • a