HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-04-18, Page 3r • If NM In ttsuatts.--1• J we weal title ebbs liWtlM eR tie viiesty pales. sae reptile.. Ad me$8110. SISI ear $*..died Caes•m 4111 somass cess.edbbli.g m+Malliee•eIl.► DMM Me wonky .( their teleele. eleleF>we peetyer eine se em reedew-.ad by ea der., heading of this letter, and more so se en sb•ywrgsass se peso lbs dagre.aeli diq of J..vuur ham beta ado to practice "ampwt- tree" 011 y00. s.}edng their The article markeJ " ('om " in yours of etaIl8TCR8, ice.-STRATiORD. the t let, wee wroteo by Ine, eoJ the .tate - *.tents therein are true, and the inferences Itreerroao, loth April, 1850. j,l.t, I have not made any personal ailu• ma es mem. Or nn Yugo% SIGNAL. stood to any mon, or body of men, to the Ma, -la your Asper el yesterday there appear- above article. I allude to the Oficial char - ed so srt{cle be drd " 81rst1" .gain," which acter solely of the Wesleyan minister herr, .sly he its bd.gim coos/lion with two eticles - Mr. D,gnum, (who I. worthy of what 1 .(awmibrmature fulluwing, quoted wrote,) and statistically referred to the th from e Free Prete, !certainly would pave yew- b rel enerall of religu,us supply here, ed *.worthy*.so of notice. Tne writer " Ali..." *.swing the wartime religious denominations eaeseres„, says, ' 1 hop yet, wilt sew aduut that this place is particularly 'mead •• the and the amount of their congregation, and emsefainh.n." If this uncle is really leered- of the mmisterr I said, " but there are else . d es e .pecirnre.f the author's labors. 1 am other labourers, and faithful minister , of W M. Editor, that yea will mum course as the last, I acid, " and the Rev. MUflh? RY. lee, STRATFURu. ATaaneesr, Sib Aped. 155x. SSS '.J w wiry, mr, to be obliged to refer to artate aaoaytsaoae comment/nations ia year popsy of the Seth March, 1111 to the helots yes make the toped for admie.ton, for of John Durrant, of the Congreerational church, o ail the jumbled, erode sed •ate .sicd produe- who fees a neat, well finished frame church per anoum to accept one re 'even AuBdtot Bruce, Era., fur the ewe of L3,035. There BartleyWin d... that eves.ppeand i. • public j•,uremI fr.,m ,n Stratfor,.', but e• small congregation of and fitly, you will teercfon 'emoting no war amount weldor... Bulger Ju the pee .f a wee person, this, I here no doubt, members, not much over a fest( a do- further temente proof o: my tiscerity on Mr.Benj.t>!eTDbV, of AR1e11aS Bickmeyer Augst e.g. wIt the Adm. But my present object be- zee," l added then a thought, applicable to that subject, lag, with your permission, to eller a few temple Gentlemen : There exists no reason why burgh, unfortunately broke through the lee, Boyd Ju Glen through the medium of your paper, in cm- dqy state el, in any plate, utua•ed no Canada should nut brume a pro.- on the opposite mid. of list', ton Sautaduy Cruap Christ Ilfoties of acme of the designed, I here so dnal,t. doubt as Nr. Defrant les been, and at pre- porous as any other country. iter natural last, and was draw ncd i°be body was found Costner Geo e aid unjust i h I he referred. e me sent is. advanls es are fully equal to those df the the next tourmng. Carey Sas Is hal ober t " A suh ri sabre. I he ,'"1 am jolly much great akogth tit or adjoining Suter ; her reeourcee greater.- THE ARMY. -First Lieutenant Campbell Hugh I .hill lem•e A Aulycriter" to the mere, "f otherwise, at greater length t ao I Cryan Berman the isdfeidwl, whoop private character he has write at present, to roe a full history of They most continue to pay to their Fede Arthur Revere. Yiseount Malden, from the (sus Geo ' asMiled, without father dal or second government as enermewa tax, ltiAe Br, oJc, a t;+:etteJ to the Royal es mean tie Congregational body here, however R y Crawrbay Jae smaawme•i is the Inc.t_ via. ;the full amnupt of Choir Cnatomk ,by purchase. Chunock Jno R,rpectioe the hoe of there articles, viz: the dentl" Playfa r ha, referred to, 1 iib- Duties, for [Nome general services wh'eb 11 11.0 Guards, ate a Cornet ..e 1 by the Editor's friend in stain, 1 holse with a better mourn thio kat. Great Britain performs for ue without jig The grand jurors oldie county Connelly Peter whpao h Allen inch imolioit confidence, 1 am t Yet, add,tiooal expense 10 the Prortnce ; sd of OxforJ have merit riatized the Provincial Chartleck Chas alcaeeJ your said we possess enure t and control Legielatude, praying Mat measures may be Leckie Wm 2 prepared tb pre it a Oct eontradictina in at much when to the winter (March) of 1819, an IM Dunbar Joseph 2 u u iib. Re' o chit the Free CAerch minister of our own affair.. taken to prevent the immtgratton of poor p Iter, the Rey Thee. McPherson located him- invitation was given to Mr. DurrantThese facto show that the means aro to euugrant+stat this Prorates. Roost Fredk self. Ibis p'*:e with • view of euro, in ■a- to come here, there was of t one, perhaps our hands. If you consider any other per- Dart Juo ateeesserily capon the rightful premises of others one, male who nig of the Congregational roe than myself better qualified to kid in HEALTH OF NEW ORLEANS.-- Draper Thos spsaidly *Wm of the Cnnteregeiiouali,,I This body hers signed u. u set the first time that insinuations ed each • ( now positively assert, and am ready promoting the prosperity of one common Sporadic cases of Cholera had slightly in- Daly Hugh eaten hare been heId fon'' to 'he pahllc b, the with the proof, that the inferences wished country 'elect hire as your representative, creased in New Orleans on the 22od Much, Everitt Geo Gams party, but they ate not lea grnundiesem to be mode appear, by your friend, end your a not you will lay me under an additional bet they were attributed to the atmospheric Fitzgibbon Jae teat account The Frew c bl t to devote my beet energies t changes. The verso( General haysag berm pleased le offer GENERAL NEWS. DAVID H. WEARS, AUCTIONEER of FeNw Works, 1 M,s Mit k my duly to1 At the 35th Lout of I8 prepared to attired Sales to any pert d wbsei modem soe.e.a►y • *mood : ' R. ata the appototmtat of Chid Cemaausioaer accept say the Ytststew -mkt twig Soong, IM ef Apnl, lig Uottd Comtism on the swat remoter appeal to me fee yew approval. As the deuced tat d.puiwicat will um abates [gem)) wen lewd, et es avec- able terms. Apply at the Revery Office, THAT Hae4tleme ..d COMMODIOUS L hthouae street. 1 RtIC COTTAQK oleate on 11.e udeneb, AprtJ S1, Ie80. 42_010 tm of the Tows of GoGeuc►, Excellent Property FOR CAUL regetre smm.dmte amid alstoet temesset age bookie of 501 per caws• Northernl. t► attesuus, 1 shall a ..able 1. mast 11:7 - We perceive by the Salem Re- frteade before the day kir Faeeuw, 'halt my trust, that. loge C•wadi.e Oa, weigMeg r 1 lately occupied by ]tab■ Riaeh, and betuog- NOTICK ,ng to Hairy robins stain views on the present state of e u ,500 • M saw Law tabibrled 1. 'that r llonta. will ter fully explused. c g ALL Fereone Indebted to the Subscriber, This Cottage stands la n beautiful arw4 The mews I aourterlied in 184. on the 4 . ■n hereby needed that Mr. O. ter aid retired sItuattos, and is well Adapted fur a Pulley of Canada, have undergoes Bochum,* At the third monthly muting Yr. J. Ratteebary are authorised to reeves) genteel family. It rill be cold o• mndent. niece 1 became a ioemer of to Germs- of the Quebec Bullshit( Society, 115 'hates all Aceuets due to burs, and unless paid 1,0- Terme : w others i,n LET cur a'f1 ktM of ■rsaat ; un the cuouuy, e'en succeeding were old buses of 40 pr, et. seeduat.ly, the above parties are toet,uct 'J years et a reasonable Ratite The eubscru- to nue for them to bis nose. wit biro seethes to dispose of a Span of good public event has ttaded ills mon etrougly , r Working Il0k$I:ti, ore three aid the oth- 1 he teteo a of Jolla i>legnan in 'rlluatns n.lRK. to confirm them. North E»tLoym, between Stratford sol Goderich, April 10. 3v -o l0 et fuer )Care til f, and well brake, both to A. opinion appears to prevail iI stamen Bella nurser., free buret to ground on 4dm skatratioa harness and waJJ!e. Also one Pair nearly quarter that the pnseat 1 u that the night o:' the het alt. A the contents lel.-'l' OF LETTERS ate opposed to " new Double Hareem and a oma Wa;;ou and were the case 1 would nut venture to appeal destroyed, and no insurance. 3m EMAINING in the Poet Whet a stn ford Double Sleigh. Drheaturcs sill be tbkr;a r t d sold REMAINING to April i , 1 he Kingston Foundry Nati.5 1850. in payment for the itorre.. %Vague 141, ugh to you fora content-lace.0lmof that ceefidenceAukeo Saml Mirka Thos wbtcb 1 hare so lung enjyed- Having by order of the Coen of Chancery, ou Sat 7 and Hareem. Fur Parucuiare apply to the resigned an office of oro thoopa1J founds urday last, by auetiva, tad ealj•ulged to Jw. Arroll Thee a M.dsvoo Jae Stunner Jacob Molloy Jno Jr Maebnurer Coe McCauley Jea McCutcbeou RAI McM !leu EJ M c 1JeTto"I Mr McIntosh Rev Mclotyre heel Weenie .Vie blcAseor Jas elcClatchy l3a.w1 McCarrlck Ju" lcPaddeu %Yni 2 YcPariaec Jae McD.rtoot Trance McDowall Rubl i t lwod Saody O'Du. ell Suuou • O'Dea Miele Patterson Jae Pbelaa Jae Phelan Mr Paden Mr Patterson Rubt Thele. Peter Patrick James Parker Jno l'urdy Geo Quirk Timothy tion for the Church o never- Hay Andrew Quinlevi° leo pity amount to upwards of £18,000, in mo- Htar Robt t Ri te Talk oer, land and Budding Society Stock, be- Ilamtltoa Hugh Roaebrgb Wm since .6:0 acres of land, sot yet valued. Higende Peter Robirtsoe Jas A young m.tn named Green, on Horgan John (kRobr1.on 170°1 his way from the United States tc California, linin Adam Robert/leo Juo killed a squaw. The tribe to which she be- HumMntoee Mn Reel Jno 2 longed followed him, and when they got him Heal Wm Gay Rutledge P.At into their possession, they skinned him alive llal7ir Martin Rowan Ww in the presence of his father and others who Hell Ed Scott Jao owing to the superior force of the Indians Hislop Mrs A. Sutherland Angus were unable to prevent It. The unfortunate Houghton Joseph Strathdee Joo man utrvived four hours after the borible ac t. Henry Samuel Seetgoullte Adam Jaffray Will Stmpeon Jos Jacob Jacob Studoy Henry Jacob Michl - Stewart Peter King Messrs II k deluder Peter Killian James Niropeon Wm Kleeman Gottlieb . Thom Chas Kury Valentine Vorm Augst Letghwan Christ a Wright j%I.xr Lupton Tho,' White Geo leverage -Geo William. The Malloy Joe Son Willson Joh M ddeferd Jas Whelan Piston Church minister never torte free lent ' Pbyfair," a. regards the ° iga ioq u Board of Health had eneoun- Frimmer Val loe•tad himself here with ■ •iew of edging i■ Rev. John Durrant, and es Congregational Sha attainment of that noon any c''.er coagngatien, nor of tpin else Your friend and Servant , t object. ced that they were tnvestagattng the extent Frazer jar of the disease. GAwot m with • el/rat/of being supeortel by the e•Iheren:e body or chereh here, are o h g. Woe HaetLTo !demure: rl-ehC Bishopof Toronto is to Gardiner Fredk of soy orbs eeeereptloo than those of hie own. than impositions," and to wells toil Jly' Aril 10th, 1850. Gocther Amity nests rwwrs perhaps than the eonfiden'i■I friend are untrue. However much it may be P e leave for England no 10th. The emhscrip Grieve Robt of the Editor of the ries Prue Can e.n.eien• ¢nevous to write so 1 atu now compelled, f England U t ling the mouses wh;ch tn• for the sake of truth, Bot to "hide the truth,' APPOINTMENT OF THEPRESiDENT 7 da.sd C.a .g■tiwal $t AANter to loeae. ceJ and more 1 an ready to substantiate what ! OF THF: COUNCIL AND ASSIy- to eadea.oer to establish them•el•ea in the now write. TMNTCOMMISSIONER. asides.( ta. Free Church coogregatleo here, and in conclusion allow me to wiy, that 1 was We learn that tbe lion. Joseph Bourret Pre - that at periods whirs that grmerous body war prepared to enter more part.cululy into the of Montreal, hos accepted the office of Pre- w a s ewe milieu -re. and when the ordinance• rub t : a deference, perhaps a charitable sident of the Executive Council. and Asstt- ey its ewe .dawn" rhea there were enc I'm Asset - eye. •' half dozen" Cnsp•zuioeslute is the one -to the Congregational body generally, tint Commissioner of Public Works. This plana The ewe Church minister isa Mission- hiedeeed me; Any credit for keeping the is an excellent appointment. Mr, Bourret . ry free. the Home Mission 01 the Presbyterian e half a dozen members' or adliercote here has filled the office of Mayor of Montreal C5.,ch, mid saga hent hen by the Presbyter; of together, ie duo (among other things), to on several occasions, and has beeo for many Coolies, al the special regsen of the Presbyte- Mrs. J. C. W. Daly, whose firmness, modes- years an Alderman of that city. -[Globe. vim eengregatiea to supply its adherents with tit, end perseverance, In alt that Ip good, gnopel erdi..sees according to their ewscien- - CLzaor Rasaavts.-A few days ago we re- ., her M the respect of those of ceived a printed notice through the Post Office, tion views. And i may .farther ,,sem stere, however, eery denomiustion, and '.s to "pecuniary" just twenty minutes before the hour appointed, CALIFORNIA --A letter from that a ropier call front the members •f the con - matters, in the G,ne i.• alien•% buds here, gwg.tie• threogk the Presbytery, to becomeg regoesuog us to •arced • prelimary meeting to young Mr. Beaudry addressed to hie brother Noir Pee, will speedy be preoeued en Mm - praise d. due (though a selfish spirit has • take into consideration the subject .f the Clergy i■ this city intreats him in the most pressing Se meek fee kin edging is meeceawtily. withheld it) to Mr. A. F. Mickle., P. M., Reserves , it was dated let April, being. if we terms not to start for Cdi(nroi• as had been N.w, es to the seeo.d article that signed melee.. ',fickle, Esq., of Guelph, of whom rememb& rightly, seven days prior to the meet- fete intentini, " for, he writes, If some have '' Mayfair," I ,hall only refer to one or ie. ',oer rorr..prm-ient " Plevfair," would not ing, and came to u■ without any signature, tho' fortune, the other and the greater number sweetest& is order t• ezpn.e'the impnun1' I thin::, Fav anything, uncharitable or un- apparently intended to be •igged by •ome person, therein enotalted, "Pia fele" referring to what k, 4, having the fifth commandment in as the printer had clo.ec it with the words "Sec- aro ruined or their hellth destroyed! others b. term. •' deeds' eye. This 'ole wee or- remembrance. 'rhe number who attend, rotary pro tem." Who tbi. Mr. Secretary pro have Ci ed.of fatigue and misery.,-Tran•la- e..iaed les them ire years since• its adherenu eaerall on the Rev. Mr. Durrant, Is tern un. be, we, of coarse, cannot pretend to ted from Montreal Meltl!ngere. bars tweeted a very neat Chapel,'•• dace It is g y' say ; but we think if he bad any desire that the Capital Pllrtisltnu7lt.-rl he})1)l allowed that some ce the adherents to the: boc'y, between 30 and 40 1'eaterday there meeting should M ■o epee affair, he might have "re 31 wet only is Stratford but elm in Guelph, b+ce the half of which were younE . forwarded our notice a lime earlier. We have for the abolition of Capital Punishment joatly merited peat praise f •r the ef,rt. whieh peop'e and children, (morning service) 6 or learned that ours was ont the only ease of late no passed the Senate of Ohio by a veru decided they made, sod the difficulties which by patient 7 uterebera and adheveote, (rouog and oil)„ uficatioo; we are therefore surprised that so 'm• majority. It was defeated in the House.- persvera.ee they •rrmornted i• .ceomplishung and the balance made up of those, besides portant a subject .hould'be dealt with in this He Majesty Queen Victoria .h's etyeet. I refer particularly to A. F. Miekle, above hall of otber religious bodies, to strange maooer. %Ve have no objections to heat f Eat.. mealy thre•gh Imes. esertiens the build- tbe evening there were 27. of which num- deliberation Clergy Resenet question discussed, with has presented the PIM of twenty -fire ills has been plainly bet ce,nfurtably enmplefled. bar tette were three adherents, and the dehbention and prurience, before the measure i• pounds sterling, toward. the enlargement New, "Mayfair" mister h.•e been gene'''. J,f'•rence as above. 1 may ea that there forced en the rtisetion of the Legidaure. We of et, Peter',. Church, Brockville. Miss 7•have already admonished the overheated •deo- Burdett Coutts has also sent fifty pounds , t t eco ceps' towards the same object. _• •eseelets give the tribute dee to the members were enterda Are minisler..olAnatin in y y, l eaten of abolition that h entry a cot and .dhercat. d cher Seymieatioas out wly Stratford, besides Mr. Durrant, the amount red for the .culla, of the Reserves. We got r t for 'heir eootri►rtinme towede the erection •• of the attendances on each, i hare a pretty- ecend'y abased for our pains. We shall soon see dWtyl hi-7(UL- The petition the ' Neat Chapel." bat ale for their aid to - whether we wen correct is our redletiee• It wards tee support a( the Skeeter, and not to good guess of.p paying for the commutation of the men - i am, Sir, will not be oar fault if the attempt meal's to die- tepee of John Ingram, bas, received upwards Your opt. seryl, eomfitere ; owl We can, even now, are some is i- of 3.000 ringworm. Mr. Bristow, we eatioes of the white feather, in the caps of a few lotto J. E. I,1\TOf- who were very noisy out long viper. They be• . understand, with the petition in charge, left Montreal for Talent°, on Friday morning Pre a neenee gi• to fisd that 'there are other evils not lee last .-Montreal Casette. lye, by a pious and .1.eh eeteeined lady ( Mrs. Tomato, 2nd April. 1850. gnevious than the R lo be looked tn. it %Ilir't y al Ga 8 Gazette. one Governor. . .)pal•), kid was during •period, until wi,hio • Sir,-io reply to the Memo-, i Ir■nsmirted is tier opioioe that they would do well to eee to Awn time ago, (when rha restsned her impor- with your I.euer, ., tint .huge to the min tner'o care,) conducted honor is auto that then doe. are appear to be meets their batteries. It will be children's pl.! Legislature, Governor Qniltman vetoed sail•r her PPP personal sap•rieuendener, in w anything to prevent the parties pelinonia[ from to o er bade before strengthening their own sero Urn thirty bill.. Sixteen vetoes manner. reflecting much credit upon herself- giving the mine ofCampbelltow• to the Village ranks. -Mirror. wen Areal in one day, and three or fear of •' Mayfair" might have elm stated• when, he therein mentioned. lbs bills were passed by the . . . ,I e Ud'• it wa. the only thing .u( the k,nJ in dee - . i may observe that there isa vill■gr of'•C•mp- Tug Loxarw Taaoa.-it appears Men •-• pls :e," dial the Rev Mr. Ilebkie. the F:pisco• bellt twn" m the late Colborne District the best information that can fen had on (1' mai-trey. plait; aaiahaer, had in eesnexion with his con- I bare the honor to Air, 8a, subject that the quantity of Treiber esonte Cali/I)r)1Ur. -A person namf u* . s. • °a a vary the, at Sabbath School during Your moat °let. wnanr' (soured thio yearn - Limbering Boll, formerly of Simeon, has jegp returned tS• asriiler ....g. and that the Rey. 1(11. „ J. LESIbe*I:o IF, See'y. establishments on the Ottawa ani Jt. frond California. Ilia wife aalr mpanied Mclese eee has ergenized 0 eery efficient Bible Jae. CAeract.L, Esq., Campbeleowo. Lawrence rivers will amount to something him there mod back. It is the intention take the whole eredit to the Congregatio•alicte. Playfair" firtbet states that the Congrega- tionalist miuiater •' he. organized a very '(5" etest,Nabbeth School." This Sabbath School was, 1 am informed, organized 13 or 16 years f the teed ultimo, 1 have the artillery. ■od to recognoitre carefully. before o• During the recent session of the Mississippi I riner then lbs Cwrtreg oelf. std !shb•Ph oTz - %'e mart confess that it was mecum- eke twenty-three millions of fret. It is of the enterprising couple to return in e School kid the ministers •ndience, daring his monly condescending is the H000rsb!e the Pro- estimated that there are eighteen mileon. short iia» to the Ind of' gold. They have pelpit Bemires truth est together. rifle's! Secreta•y, to acknowledge the receipt of of White Pine, three millions q( Red Pin., re Sued a pretty round sum, and have " Playfair" pays again that the Cougregseinn- Mr. Jamas Campbell's Memorial on each a sob- and about one and • half mullion. of Elm brought several ipeeimeas of the article slim minister " inek the initieti•e ewes for theand otber kinds together. But being aware to its native state --some pieces imbeded in norganiatllM of the Stratton) Breach Bible 1'et of personal 'tinily. Ww .re, however, per- fectl courioced thin if the iobalptanu of the I. that this estimate hos been arrived at by the stone. Society," with his dente. Dr. Hyde at •' its y taking the gnantity cm the ice,ind that it _ __ Propnetur. HENRY 7IORTON. Guderich, 2.ad Jan. 1850. Ss -0311 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 'I'O take .barge de a SMALL FARM in Aeliheld, A veto *tie has a wife sad Windy 11e mu+t be cxperieoccd to chop- ping, and the clearng of Isod, as he 14111 be required to add 1” who present improyee meets. .4 Sco'chman or Engluhinan well ire preferred. For particular. ap)Jy to JOHN CLARK, Crown Lead Agent. April 10, I840. 3•-a)Ot, NOTICE. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore suet. tag between JOHN ti1'RACIIAN of Goderiche ?aquae •n4 DANIEL HOME LIZ.ARS, of Stratford, I agetre, as Bantu tor a.d Attorniee at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Notary Public mod Caroveyae- eers, a Shu day deteolved by Mutual cut. - JOHN S 1 RACJIAN, DANIEL HOME jeIZARS. Witness -A. %V . STaaatan. Goderich, 2nd leeway, 1840. Sv-a4e NOTICE. THE Debts due be the late Arm of STR.ICHAN k I JZAft$, es Barris- ter and A -normals as al Law, will be paid by John Strachan at panie1 Home Luzern, at their respective es io Goderich and Stratford : And the debts due to them Ir. requested to be forthwith paid. Those due the office at Goderich, to the said John Striates, at Godencb, aforesaid, and those due the office at Stratford, to the said Dan- iel Uome ',mire, at Stratford, aforsesid. JOHN STRACIIAN, DANIEL HOME L1ZAR8. G.derich, Ind January, 1855. Iv -0411 A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ! THE subscriber often for SALE hie GRiST and SAW MiLL, situated to a the Township of McGillivray, na the Big -Mlloe Robt Z;mmumeo Christian Sable, withte three mile of Flanagan'. Moore %%'m Corner. The Mille are now i. operatioD,aad A. F. MICKLE, P. M. newly built. TVs Privilege ,s the best on the Rivet, and situated in the beat Towo- LIST OF LETTERS, ship is the County of Heron -well settled, and Roads opened io all directions to favour REMAINING in the GODERICII POST it. The Machinery sad materials are of OFFICE.•lst April, 1850. the very best quality, and put up by the ve- uucu an i Ara Alex. Askn Dr. Alexander Welham Motel Alex Allen John Barnes 'El ha Crabb Mr 'Cooper Thomas Cameron Donald 4 Cannel John Caldwell Joh. Curry Patrick Cook Robert Cook William Churchill Arthur. Colwell John Colwell -Samuel Carey Sarah Cameron Alex Collings Capt W F D.+rain William Dowel J Davey Jane A Nen John Donohoe Michael Drury Mrs Awe Duncan Andrew Donohoe John head a President." 1 am utterly at a toss to e.liq• of Bracefield are pleaee.l to destitute their doss not toctuIe ...no that Farmers IT, eoseprsbead this folly, therefore, 1 *11 not enter infest Village by the awkward cognomen of tattier out, end which even yet a not on nueetely into the subject a pretest. Suffee 't „ - rg •' C 6Lo' pall •• her N A 1 th ak thetete] t y b m Gay, iso men lea t e enc 't Euellenry nor the Honorable ]emirs Lemke will put at tweet y-lbres mill'pna at least. A misname, refuel of the "neat Chspel•' to hold to meeting for the reorgawiaednn of the Serie• prevent them from doing so. And if eiaereeths great proportion of the 1V bite Pete stile Ft•ar per hereat (isa bbl) 0 IT 6 a 0 18 9 Fleming Palk Wilk Me of Red •d that lite the iesetutim *IS reoresn•e-d s the Governor Gsotenl possesses caber the right generallyofgood quality, the same may be SprigWheat perbush.0 2 6 a 0 4 9 Gourley William nue, the sweeting, wither did soy repreeente. Or the power to change this determination. The water is Tow in the Rivera, aid the snow P•,w. per bushel, Markets. Dennis henry Donley Matthew wo e,ew or ,r 1 nett h the Ce, w. l am ,0n wa e ta t t t h C reget mile •(iuuxwrte, April 17, 1850. Eby Samuel £ •- d £ a. d. Fry Edward ty), that be n enc wow and never has been a of thew inhabitants have determined to cat it (hie year is of a eery inferior ged,ty. nil, Floor per 100 Ib. (foresee) 8 9 a 0 0 0 Ford Jobn member of the Stretford Branch Bible Society. frucifseld, then o ither Mr. Jame Campbell nor *leer'''.Pis.• whteh le Fall Wheat per bushel, 0 3 0 • 0 3 4 Gavin Charles short •rate.,. b. did not m mesh a ennnte• gold oft .other lungs. Al present the O ra per Mabel• 0 1 0 a 0 1 3 G,uMn'loeeph 0 1 9. 0 1 I01 Grant Jame. tin "of that .call bat reapees■hl. religion• Hnnnnble Secretary, however, cannily i°fortns to wasting fro gradually by ,ene!tene, Chet ;1 iuenst." Ia J " Plavf•ir" redly wrote• •n• Mr. Camphrlt, Slut there is already, to the Col- we do not have heavy raise theauthwaver will to my 5.t a copy se this eekreer, i am Asper borne District, a Village n■med Campbelltown, not be high °sough in the small etreame to to say dot a espy of the raprsn tw the upper Cassie S*Ato mere',, a agree( upon by the wh eh 1s jee e civil wee of hinting tba eee beteg the Timber wt. Should this be the committee ie yet ie my pwae.a en, an 'strict Campbellruton u enough f cafe, it is impossible to say how much 11 .7 which in tim oelwwt of ■ p•Mie j 1 - wouli lessen the market supply, but it w.eld perhaps he of eeme hob a.rviey te d.c,l. To Tor NH \IITASTO kir STANLEY a.ntUcg. would to moat case. keep • good article ore Ile this guilt "w Sys prlcipk" nbs1 "faeu .erre.-We are requested to Intimate that at a of the market, -Pocket. my atsblren cheep," w is ether weed. " facts are diel -e diet wises di.g." Speed or Adjourned Meeting of Quarter See - Dr. Ryde i. Pretense of the Sneiety, bat ear- eines, held ie the office.( the Clerk of the Peace, Taa C01AA ExranuTtott.-Although we tarely se Mead o Ill Ces.repliosnlis minis- Goderich. on Saturday lam the 1315 inma.l, it have detest pestitv0 information bit no ow For 1l, Is si emelt as M had nothing .1 .11 to wee ordered that the 8iuioge of the NIA Divi- matte ant moveme• nt in reta'inn to chi. ha witA M. De. evil. Acis[ an •e,iea Awsi.ew .isa Calle" •Isall, ie Nil', bs Held is th Na• matter is be sostemptation al present, yet ease. aid see obs, 1 Sae a. dnaM, will take we notice: one or two circumstance. whieh • wry lively I.terem le the affair of the twists- leooel Hetet et Baocereato, instead .7 at Cli.• appear euepieioue. One of them is the ties, area se nwliee wfthe Rev. Mr. Merl, -rein tee, a formerly. Take Heed ! large Dumber of men from New Orleans •I.ndtesd/.nt sf Me isn,tetion. at the meet- cosceotrating at Chagre., all of whom may tag taeiM bold for mss of the COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC not be i0te0ded for California, nJ the fact Reseutsed tb.betlee n(offier Morro New, WORKS. that souse six or eight small vessel. are 1 wee •- Pl.vt.ir" series.ly what has the CesgwpdMsali.t .iaistor u. d. with It. The Hoe. William 11. Merit bat steep- about to leave this poet fee Chegres without es PL t.1 the Chief Commissionership of Public freight, is another unusual rvcnmstance.- yfidr" says t. see sweeLn pangnph, " It WorksLLand will immediate) resent him- The authorities hen have nee on a yes lase very 0177 ts/s. tidop•n.e awteg Yee Fres self.to fee electors of Lincoln for re-elec- eel Iylsg op town, the movements in rola heir, ter ." Whsteeer soap loss. tlss. ,he man's Address for publication in our next. he. yet bees discovered making her liable (:h.e15 ri.ei, that eyrie/ Ate wast .f olio- tion. We hops to have the Hoo. gentle- , tion 10 which are maspictons, but nothing whom in this statsee, the melee Mr, Merritt's aeeeptasce d this once eeisore. Adele is that rhe enalfe►d "taftema.t" Md fureleber eo°elutive proof that there is so Ws stabd mors Ulan a month iga that boss is rte habit ddmiein.riag w the mieiseal truth in the statements w have bees the Speifi Miei.tar bad notified the See - t erne .f the Illy. Cbareb Coner.pdea, teen : eureenely circulated, that Meed hie eel- rotary d State** aat.w Cabs. Expedition that bear Isar as rwgIlsr s.retem ~meet 1L -'Imps* ore at /gem on retelRehesont ore wag on ie.t, arse Imbed the interposition of ••Plmfair•• wgkt o bevy said that the Cooter,-' mm petal y AO Ameriwa authorities to arrest it. DI- u.gyabige•t.. 5* sitpdr4•t 4, tire.• hat shell We Weave the Aesietant Commissioner-4 Presidency ignerep !•oak*afar seise, Ms. Rrsmr, 1 mese wb , i the Coattail will M filled up,Ivitbo.t lose w sima. dsMa awyes bet let.d. TDm Cabt°at will choir eel 1•.. PIgwF a et Ibis Siem, with lila ' eof time, b) • gentlernee from Lower Casa- wrs(es. Ilam efts ha tee,. gp.I5 le'pe. 1 1111 lc7 a saving to t5. teres.• .Al maw a ffmatier M eCale set Nut doomed damd., se alsp $1t AM el four Upper cumin.. aid fear Low. wASs4taa m..Ven._OJei.. MR. M IRRiTTB ADDREIIS 71, Yee M Il rat sl M Comfy of Ldeeehs. Sowima..ai-*le Si.emea.y the Bo- belawlee as mesh mass. salad se Me BbetmJMps elms meow malisioes yoseamea , Veer magi swiss wow, 11.11 1111•151111150111, , ..... r rwNiore war. !vee lb iJwtted Stales 004 0511 to chit e t bat the operations or lbs m5mbsra of tie supdtli.a ham Mew ens steered with se tternh east*, tbat nothing tangible hes been dimenyored. Ws las.. •s doebt nkat a mooted move Net is pr.J.e{ed, aid loot a Targe amr„tot of fonds hays bees provided, bet Nle mit in ..Lyne 4al.yed by the want of a leader umber whom memos may be rendered as nearly .erhiw as •7t51efble.--.Arb r York • • Illy, per ten, 1 10 0 ltaaer (fresh) per Ib. 0 0 6 Boffal FLOUR -For this article there h ingr'ry to fill Easters orders, and g ale yesterday of 581 barrels mixed a 1 IS 0 GrayJuho • 0 0 7 ( lmour'Thomas 0, April 12- Hueter W Jeer as been wino Ilaree Samuel P we learn of Memo!, cad Hunt, r %VilUam 438 barrels airtight Mieb,pe at $4 50, aloe pal.. this morning of Wieconeie at 4.38, We o wits . tele of 3,000 hushela Ohio heat to be delivered let May at 95 emits. Toronto, April 14, 1850. FL''ua-Market Mirk during the wetk- I8 s 91 a 19s. hes been freely paid for euper- fine In stere, and transactions have taken place to • considerable extent. Millen superfine so bas, 19e a 21s 3,1, farmers in bags and barrels 18. a lbs 6d. Wnaar-Recelpte light, as is usual at this .mann ; prime wimples commend 4s 4d a 4s 54 °a the market. Faasesrs-Are offend to Kingston or Ogr in, per schooner, at 113 per bushel for wheat, and 3 1 a 4d per bbl for dour. Butfale Market, April 12. We bear of sales .f small lots of Ohio /nor al $1,50 ; Wisconsin, $1,37 a st,30 for somiReir to favorite ; 5,000 bushels Milan Cern to arrive et 40e ; Clover Seed at $3,57. No sake Timothy. Wheat and Oats quiet. Hirth, In thea Towfw, ea the Irth iseteet, lbs lady of Jame W uo., Esq of . Bos. fliarrita, la this Ti... ea the ilrh teem. by the !Lev. i . L. thread. Mr. Ja.as reamer to Mie Maar Gest, Asti of ate Tewtw►y of Qetlsridb. 1 15 I. lbw Teweshlp (Lake Oben) ire Seeder 5,rsieg lest, the 14th fueaet, Mrs. 6aam.La , Banwp, wile of Omega 'Pew., e..4.,, Ego .pd 51 years. _.. -eft e . • McGregor A M Maguire Michael McKinnon D McKersie John McNee Duncan McGrath Alice 2 McGlead Micbasl2 McKay Arcleald McGibbon James McLean John McCla.e Edward McElhlly Anny McKinley Robert MCKimlin Thome. McCaul Jobe McKenate Jane 5 Moffat Jaotes McClelleo Samuel Nicolwn Mr Nicolaoe Angg pps Nicolson Ked/eth Noone John Orr James Peek i.eooard•3 Qoegly Patrick Ruuel William 3 Rattenbury Isaac Rose Hugh Ryan John Robertson William ,Read William Reed Mr $seltzer Joseph 2 Sampey Thomas Sha000n Wileam Sampson George Schneider Ray P Smylie James Saunderson Robt 2 Stodard William Steveosoo Robert Scott Wiieru Sezmith Matthew Ilegse Pat k 4 Swanao George Hay James !Mothers William Johnston Ilugh The Head of tho Mu- Ke.hegoobenau John Weenie... Goduech Kends'''. Moo GeergesThe Mayor, Goderich. leaky emboli Thosnan Marro Liddel Robert Taylor John Levin Dominick Themes Widow Miller George Townley James Miller Daniel G Wilkiesoa Daniel Maxwell James Wilk:noes A Slathers John Watkins Thomas Morris Giles Weler, Sarah Murray Peter See Wilgus Abraham Motley Catharine Wtlenn Charles Naylor Thomas Willem* Pttyysanci• Mitch oho Whitely Nc41. Muldoo John Young Elise McCoy Robert THOMAS KYDD, Post Master. NOTIOE. ry best Machinists. For P t n - quire oflames Crumble, E.q., Galt, or ap- ply to the subscriber. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGillivray, 10th January, 1550. 9,5011 'The Galt Reporter wilt insert the above until forbid. ' ATTACHMENT. IN THE QUEEN'S BENCH. UNITED COW% TIE- S OF? By ar- Heron, Perth and Bruce. 5 tuts of a Writ of Attachment issued out of Her Majesty's Court of Queeri a Bench at To- ronto, o0 the TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY of MARCH, to the year of our Lord One Tbousaod Eight Modred and Fifty, and to me directed, spinet the ESTATE. REAL as well as PEREONAL, of Roaster Cooe, an abecondtog or eoncoale•I Debtor, at the Suit of Hume Direr and Turmas F. Assort for the sum of Eig'.ty=Throe Pounds, Oo. Shilling and Four Pence, I taro seised all the Estate, Real and Pereo°al oftltermaei Robert Cook, and enl..a the said Robert Cook return within the)e. risdicuon of the said Court sod put ire ail to the Action, or cause the clam of the said Hoary Duly and Tbomaa F. Abbot to be discharged within Three Calendar Moo'he from the first day of the publication of this Notice in the cancan GrneUe, all the Ef- fete, Real or Persona', of the aid Rohert Cook, or so much thereof as may be °tees- eery, will be held liable for the Payment. Bimetal sad Satisfaction of the claim. JOAN Mc DONALD. BAsrR/, I)ERSONS desirous of venlig on pee Durham Road in the Township.• Gleoely. Beseech, Brant, Greenock, K• - lou ail Kincardine, most apply personal y at the face of the , and nn ',s- caliness will be oonirmed except ruck so see made in accordance with this All usIgnmenu of interest in Iee•uon' without tbe kiowledgs and approval of the Agit, will bs cone:dererl as . forfeiture.( all right in the locates or manes. GEORGE JACKSON, Agent- C.ow*e LARD O,rcw, ) .nlineb, Comity of Waterloo. % Mereh 14th, 1850. .5•T Seratrf a Orrice. Goderich, 6th April, 1150. 3,-n10 NOTICE. THE Coparteerrhtp &retnfers* serried ire to the town of Stratford by R. Boyce and J. Wildon, Cabinet and Chair maker., woo dissolved by mutual consent on tee 16th day March, and will hereafter b eer• rued o. by R. B,yee and J. Merchant. All d.bte dee so the firm to b paid to Boyce sod Merchant, and all debts of the firm to be paid by the same, as arteries our Asada. JOHN WILlsON, ROBERT BOl'CE. Stratford, March 18, iPLo. ,3.5 %miter. Nll.l. 'RIVII.EGES, clam to the I.eke Shbre, elleat ft, e.ad le miles from Gndsrich, with •re.:I Fan.. al lathed. Aho -ONE HUNDRED Bolding LOTY ,n the mew lad nut Tura Plot of Wicklow, on the 15 ,Mile Wier, and on tee ruin road from Get/leech to the f•,un►hiwg .ettleu,.nu to 'h• new Pr nnty o1 Ilruce. Terme--Otiset fourth of the percharr mon ey down, the remainder in Four instalments with Intermit. Apply (if by tetter pet• pod) 'o the proprietor, )OI(;tr 11)CK1i iti. G+rler,ch, March 18, 1834'. $-.5e4 Humin Diotrict Budding society. rHF. r1rENrr•nasr LOAN MEETS:►o OF the Secrety well take place et the 18tjtbh Nntel, obs 8aterJay 15e 1155 April, at 7 dc'ork, P. N. B OrmMrder.A -rY RYnn, Rre'r. Gnder,eh, April le, I50ti, tr- 11 1