HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-25, Page 16••• • ' •rih 1111* 1110 he Advocate, April 25, 1957 yowl.' SERVE EASTER BREAKFAST—Following their sunrise service at OREDITON EUB Church Sunday, members of Youth Fellowship served a bacon and egg breakfast to the congregation, Ruth Ann Roeszler, left, the group's treasurer, and EllisStewart, secretary, provide Rev, E. Gingerich, left,• of Zurich, and Rev. G. R. Strome, Crediton, with nourishment. Rev. Gingerich of the Mennonite church, was guest speaker at the service. The two youths were in charge of it, —T -A Photb Youth Group At i Credton Serves Easter 'Breakfast' Large congregations were pres- ent at the local churches on Sunday morning, Sunrise serv- ice was held in the Evangelical church, :when Rev. E. Gingerich Was speaker. Special music was Provided including a duet by Mrs, E. Insley and Miss Doris Schwartz. Breakfast was served after the service by members of the Youth Fellowship who span - ;stoked the service. Speaking in the United Church on "Ttiat Magnificent Morning" Rev. .A. Ranson brought an in- spiring Easter message to the large congregation. Special East- DAVAY TAL$ GROW 1316 AND STRONG BY DRINKING FRESH HIOILANDIIILLDAIRY MILK EVERY -DAY. EXETEFL •er muSic was furnished by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. Lorne Preszcator, W.I. ,Elects Officers Mrs. Wilfred Mack was re- elected president of Crediton Women's Institute at the annual meeting • held in the community centre on Wednesday.. Other officers for the 1957-58 season are: vice presidents, Mrs. Ed. Lampert and Mrs. G. Zwicker; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Earl Neil; ass't sec., Mrs. W. Webber; district. director Mrs. E. Lamport; alternate Mrs. L. Lamport; branch direct ors, Mrs, H. Schenk, Mrs. E M. Fahrner and Mrs. G. Zwick er; pianists, Mrs. E. Fahrner Mrs. Irvine 'Finkbeiner; auditors Mrs, F, Moriock, Mrs. I. Fink- beiner. „ 1 Committee -conveners appoint- . ed were; Mrs. Gordon Warlock Mrs. R. Molitor, Mrs. Bober Reid, Mrs. W. Hj aist and Mrs. Wade; Tweedsmuir history, Mrs ' Meek; resolutions, Mrs/ S, Kiiig ?good cheer, Mrs, R. Motz; social Mrs. H. Schenk. Mrs. Matz conducted the elec- tion and Mrs. R. Molitor, the -Installation. Roll call was ans- wered by payment of member- ship dues and naming 'What I weuld like on flat, year's pro- gram." Mr. F. Dobbs, Exeter, was pregent and spoke on the activ- ities of the Cancer Society, Mrs. L. P. Boulianne reviewed the motto, "Smiles are valuable, yet they cost nothing." A dduble duet was sung by Mrs. L. Lam - 'pork Mrs, W. Weber, Mrs. G. Norlock and Mrs. Finkbeiner. Mrs. I,. Lamport read a poem. Meeting decided to make a donation to the hospital auxil- iary. Hostesses wore Mrs. Lamport, Mrs. L. England, Mrs. L, Gamer, Mrs, Bouliannd and Mrs. 3, Mor- rissey. . Personal Items Miss Pearl Gaiser of Toledo, Ohio, is • patient in St, Joseph's 'Hospital, Loiklon, having under- gone surgery, • Mrs. Edward Morlock and Miss Ella visited •last week in Wind- sor with Miss Lulu Morlock who returned with them and will spend. some tirne here, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Mack visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Lary Cann at Al- liston. Mr, and Mrs..Lorne Finkbein. Ber:y.tI and Reginald and Mr. and pre visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. • Lambie at North Mrs. Ross Haugh and family - Mr. William Oestricher spent the weekend with relatives in - Windsor. • , Rev. G, R. Strome and Wm, , Oestricher are attending the an- nual conference sessions at Gold- en Lake, Ontario this week as representatives of the local , Evangelical United Brethren t Church, W.O. 2 John Wade of Mini- , toba spent a few days here with ; Mrs, Wade and family. Holiday visitors in town and community included: • Mr, and Mrs. Albert Ryall, London, with Mr. and. Mrs. IL Swartz, Mr. Harold Amy, Hamilton; with Mr. and. Mrs. R'. Fink- beiner., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodall and family, yVinciaor, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Woodall. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Dill, La Fayette, Ind., with Rev. and Mrs. Strome. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Feist and boys, St. Thomas, with Mrs, M. Feist. Mr. and Mrs. J. McKay and family of Sarnia with. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Grace of Dearborn, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist: Mr. Art Bailey, St..Catharities, with .Mr. and Mrs. C. Radford.. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beaver and sons, Exeter, with Mr. •and Mrs. H. Beaver. • Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Robert- on and Amie, London, With Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver. Mr. ancl'Mrsi. Roy Wolfe, De-' roit, -With Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd eiser. . • ; R: Wolfe, Detroit, with Mr. nd Mrs. `' A. Wolfe. ' 'qrs. 0. Pearson, Mr. Alvin earson and Mr Harold Glan- ille of Manitoulin, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fink- einer and family, Barrie,. Mr. nd Mrs. Frenth and Mrs. Beat-, lee Tate, Waterdown, Miss Mal - eta Schenk, London and M-..nd Mrs, J: Fuller and Latina f Exeter, with Mr, and Mrs. oseph Einkbeiner. Rev. and Mrs,: F. Feist and amily of Kitchener' with Mrs. Faist. Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent nd Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leary, etroit, with Mrs. S. Lamport. Mr, and Mrs, William Berry nd Mr, and Mrs. G. McAlpine London with Mrs. A. M. erry,. Mr. and Mrs. McKee d son, Bradley, of Landon, mit Easter with her parents, r. and IVIrs. Aaron Wein. Mrs. McKee and sort remained for a sit. Mr, and Mrs. •john Nedza eitt the weekend in North Bay th Sgt, and Mrs. William mith and .Alan: Mr, and Mrs. Edwards d Diane •of Walkerton vialterl th Mr: 'and Mrs, Sant Sims d ()theft relatives over •Easter lidays, • Mrs, Sam 13 a yitham spent * w days with Mr. and rd retain in Shipka lag Week. Vfr l't. Salt Baynhani and sort ssell Spent God Friday in Mr. and 1VIrs, trod Darling d boys and Pits, M. OM o eter spent taster Sunda' with rs, Mots and itetald, "IFZEIST` STREET" ,Clothes w - • orld's fittest fabrics 'Superbly', tailored throughout! 'nett Strest:f Clothes by,.Tip Top Tailors giv'es you the perfect eroMblitatiolt of Able tailoring, distinguished styling, together with your Choke of some ot.the werld't finest fabrics, Here is a truly superb clothing value which; were proud to offer. We know you just can't !flake a better. Clothing invesinient than "Het Street" ,clothei, Come irt and be measured' 'for year "Picot Street' sttit Way! YAiLoPtE0-1r0."YoURNmEASUOlke Pleet,lovet Mikes $1430 p. EidlittiPe with • Wolpeet Mens Wear re Pite• . —Exafat' Tb -4° TOP TAILORS $ G a P If vb a e a 0 J E a a of an sp vi sj wi an wi an ho te. Ba Ru an gX IV! • Buy Easter Seals 4444$4"Wil4P;Sen7 $5/000 ESSWContest °v." MRS. r* QUIR4 For Btidding Editors • • Roster Visitor* Mr. and Mrs, Andy Dug* Loudon, with Mr.- and- Mrs. ner Duffield. Mr. and Ma. Clark Switzer Mitchell, and Mrs. SVilliani Rid deli and Vex, *lbeut4r, with Mr, and Mr. Ales 13aillie. liuSaell Sherlock, London, a the home of Mr. and Mrs. iinbn whelihan. Mr. George Squire is spend, ing a few weeks with Pirs. Chat, craft, London. Cara Langford, of St, Marys, with Sue Ann Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Bristol Holden, St, Marys, Mrs. Jarnes.Kinicade, Audrey and Susan, Stratford,' with Ur. and Mrs, Cecil Squire. Mr. and Mrs. IloWard Morley and girls with Mr, and /Mrs. William Morley, Sr,, and Elva, Russell Parkinson, Stratford, with Mr. and. Mrs, Prank Park- insen. Barrie Baillie, Toronto, with Timmy Simpson, bir, and Mrs. Lloyd Flannigan 411d fatatir, London, With Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hodgins, Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Hodgins and families, Denfield, Mr, and Mrs, Lyle VVorsall, Mrs. Oscar Hodgins, Strathroy, and. Mrs, Charles Grose and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence liesigins, Lucan, with Mr: .and Mrs,, Ham ilton Hodgins.; Jackie and Joanne Finkbeirier with their • grandlnether,, Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil :Squire and e a s e each have been. offered bright young high school graduates to •pre- pare them as future publishers ot Canaa's weekly newspaper,, • The Ryerson lostittite of 3'ech- nctonilorw,e'reolevinnte04,tshas airetelireteo. ts year diploma ceurse in Print. ing ,Planagement and in journal Ism in, a special. contribution to the weekly press, All Canada tionsuic;anntcriebrteedealtinannit ,paj ogr,e0V1 fund to attract ,young people into weekly newspaper editing, Candidates will Write a 1,50o. word essay on The Weekly News. Paper, Students may interview editors and source material will be provided by Ryerson. The Pripting Management course not only ofers skills in set- ting type and running presses, but teaches busiaess principles, esti- mating, accounting, cost account. ing, lab*. relations and selling, With it will go such Journalism subjects as reporting and feature writing, editorial page work, ed- iting, advertising and press phot family with Mr, and Mrs. Squire. Mm. and Mrs, William Fischer and Jan*, St, Marys, with Mr, and Mrs. Harry .Klahre. Mrs. Bert Duffield, Betty *nd Gayle in London Monday with Mrs, Wynne, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson and boys, London, wth Mr, pnd Mrs, Thompson, Larry Says .... • "THE BANK' IS HOLLERING!" Sam Says- . • "THEY GOTTA GO!• ': RegSays. "THEY'RE READY TO ROLL!" • • •0 Herm Says. "TAKE 'Em AWAY?' • tegraph. •Stiell background- -sub- jects as. English,. 0.0001111.0and history w171) 'be taught at college level, Information Itas, been supplied: hili school princpas. gstra sp- Plicaton forms may be obtained by applying at The Tiies-Advo.' cate GI riGERICH'S HEATING' ENGINEER 'W.KNOW ougTRApg,' HAVE .NO FEA% WE'VE wORKtp AT PLUMBING MANY YEARS Iggr ••••=n0•1 -47 4010 . I • 1.0,—•• ••••••• •• 0---eActece GINGE,RICITS HEATING -LIGHTING -PLUMBING Oil BURNING -AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT,, SUPPLIES GG ELECTRICAL REPAIRING •D'-* MOTOR REWINDING ?URIC • EVERY STYLE YOU WANT IN BEDROOMS 0'4 .„4/ drkr1,V,,t Contemporary Colnial, Victorian, Traditional . . VVhat• ever the syle you want in bedroom, suites, yot'll be able to get it at Hopper-Hokey's. We invite you to look. Over our selection, see the modern finishes. • 'Hopper-Hocky FURNITURE • ; , Phone 99 U DATION • • $6L000 Worth 0! tars, Trucks, Tractors And Implements To Be S. • • .• RIFICED! cp,rtoit* sovIPPti) 1 P511 ittput• • , • , Recil-diveawak:'Specialst' 7 A • .. Is1 . : ' Ihtles, PHce ••i• Thull, 04414. ' FORD SEDAN ,;:„.... . :+...—....,....,.... $1,500 la D?DOESgt>AN .........•,...“ ........ ...„:...... ys 000 'S FORD COACH, ihoito. of two • •$1500 32 STUDEBAICER HARDTOP, oirordriva $ 655 :53 MONARCH: SEDAN, automatic .,:'4 $1345 '52 PLYMOUTH 'COACH ,....4.......,,,,......:,.4. 618. '54 FORD COACH, a hoout „,;.,„,...,.. ... „0,045 'SS PON"relAC SEDAN . ..... ...,..„,.....„„• $t,04s . 11 FORD SEDAN . —,..;-...-...,.........—..!,:5 SOO • '33 METEOR COACH „...1, ,„.„........„: $ SOO '154 FORD 1 TON DUMP ,..„„„,....,;,:;• $1,1185' r , • Exofor • Phonel24 FrdMonarch Dealetr • Exeter