HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-04-18, Page 2Preen the Olehe. HISTORY - OP THR CLSkJV RESERVE QllE$-. TION Irf 11TKI CANADA. N. 1. • 71RSn1M.ta.d eeneettp the tawlte of this peetron which hate ermine thirty years aeon too groundwork of unexampled mole sed excitement to Upper Canada, It is necessary buts boob to Mt earliest records of our Go - Iowa) battery. Our riedere me ell aware this the cele Mated Jacques Cartier was the first wh•' esplor.J the shores of ('■n, Ig t.' airy cons.' dontble 'elem. In 1534, thte se, enterer pawed through tee Gulf ut St. Lawrence Ned proo.eded to Gaspe Bar, where he took Qtreseeat'n of the e„uot'y in the Irene .•f Francis 1. of France. Collier returned to Europe the same year, taking two of the aeltvee weh h:m, bot in the following year, ISIS, he ,,btameJ • new ennuualon mud 4atl.1 w three res -els.. Tbie time he a.. cended the river as ter as M'ntreel, but no. Canada were moveable al die wail o4 the penneeent „nttlrotcor sec n.4 Iu have been effected. In el et, another expedition pro- emel yJ from France nml'-r the (-hares of Cartier : in 1513, a fourth commanded by the deur de Ruberval ; soil in 1549, a fifth under the sone cm • ujer which wit to tally lust at .ea. But soli no permanent settlement was fronde) until 1590, when 1706, le 16, wkich ease that asenbee wW the coommot. la 1964. Canada was ,gala eroded b1 the Crown of Francs has atrANaIto* s1 d. getter.rs--b. wee as the eat India Cosi p.m. But esdug tbsmselvee enable to fulfil the Charter, they resigned n as 11116, .,,4 too Colu.V leavened book to the Crowns. l0 1670, the Buhoprick ufQuebec wases- tabluhed. A dispute arose as to whether the Bishop should hold from tbs Ktng of Peewee or from the Pore, bet re was 6a�ty milled in favnr of the latter. The Sero •, notwith.tanduig, matted to France, and the King enJowsJ the Biehnprtck and Chaplet with leo Abbacice in the weber couulr7), in which a third war .fterwardo added. i. 1730, the revenue of these Alibi/ems were +.sawed Werth the ceeeeM of Loafs d•IY.. to the Clergy of France, and the Btahup and Chapter of Quebec received to lieu an menu - eel payment of 11,700 livres, [shout ES6I IUs ster ens,) from a heed in France, known e, the Q ui"reals. The .rel •siesties who /rat settled is Bethop of eileolec, and samelimee of the Superiors of the Qpebec 8eminaey, wbu were thetortelvei named by the Director. of Fureign Mtsdons at Paris. la 1679, how. ever, the Ring of France by am Edict, or• tiered that Ibis Cure. should be feed. That the particles' tithes shovel belong to the Cures. sod chat each perish priest abuuld t ome French fur era Tem Prem Si. %talo es Aare hIe option to lake the tithes in koel, or tabli.hed theat.clt•ca no the shores of the to let thein tgane inhabitant of the pariab; Br. L,wrel:ce. I that abs Lord of the Manor, by giving an In 1601, the first effect:re •'ep toward.' equnv:e.t '.,1 defraytag the building of the founding a settlement In the country, weal Fetish ('qurch, showed have the patronaLe triads, by Seiuuel Chainplai•', • diwtinynuhedl of the 11,1.1, which right should attach in . oral. officer. In IGOP, the f •nnd.11 in of perpetuity 10 the prineital manor -nut to the city of Quebec was laid. In 1609. 'he heir of the founder. The Pereoiagc Champlain penetr.elcd and Passed through the extertetve lake n .w call by ht• 'ranee •nil aloe through Take George. in 161.2. four priests of the order of the Recollects. same into Canada from France, being the first mini.te•e 1)1 religion in the connlry.- In 1611. M ntreal was first fuunde,L In 1615, Champlain made a voyage up the Ottawa* and by carrying the conies over- land, pas.e,l• on to lake Neplssine, the, Georgian Bay, and emerged :atm Lake IIu ron. • in 1625. the Jesuite made their first set- tlement in tee colony; Fathers L':Wemend. Masse ani( IM Brebouf, with two lay broth- er., arrived this year. in 1637, duripg the reign of Cardinal Richelieu, Priem Minitel to Lettia,XIIL,a company was forrned for colnnlaisg the French territories el the New Wold: The title they took wain' The Company of One Hundred Associates." Their Charter made over to them all the territory of New Prance, with power to appoint judges, build fortresses, cast cannon, confer titles, kc. - They had also w cornpleto monopoly of the • Fur 'Trade. Richiliea r d'ur the Crown, supremacy in matters of faith, fealty nod homage as Sovereign of New Fence. The company engaged, first, to supply all those that they fettled, with In !ging, food, clothing and implement!, for three years/ - after which time they world allow them A third tTdtct was issued, prohibiting all sufficient land to support themselves, clear -P S n c a- Mortmain acquisitive* and all changes and alienations. in 170e, the Camila Clergy male an •at tempt to have the tithes restored to one- th rteerth, but abselutety refused. and thirdly, thef enggged to settle three . In 1723, the limits of the eevorsl Parishes priests in each settlement, whom they were were adj•tete.., and formally marked out.-- priests to provide ,with every article neces• Pews and ("hutch treats were alert regulated aary for their personal comfort, as well as the same year. In 1727, M. Mornay was for the expenses of their ministerial labours installed Bieh-,p of Canada, by virtue of the for fifteen years. Alter which cleared lands King's Letters Patent. but never arrived In wero to bo granted by the company to the the country. M. de Ponthrtant,ahowever. clergy, (or maintaining the Roman Catholic' succeeded him. aol died at Montreal, to Church in New Franco. 1760. In 1732, the sem to be paid by nun* In 1628, Chines 1. el Eeglnne sent an on eoleriag the religious communities was expedition *feast Canada, under Sir David reduced by Royal Edict, from hero Thousand Kerkt. a French refugee, and again in 1619, to three thousand here. (1135 sterling.) when Champlain wit forced to surrender in 1741, the King directed that this laws Qtcbec with all Canada to the Crown of of France should not be unre.erredly ex - England. ' The English flag was thus for tended to Canada. But that only each het Bret time reload on the walla of. Quo- Edicts and ord'nancea as should be register- ed in the Supreme Council by bis Majesty's In 1639, 'England reetooMd Canada -to special order ehuulJ be binding. Prtae.. Champlain died in 1635. 0.d it Ib 1751, during the administration of 31 was just about the period of his death time de la Jonquiere, a depute arose between the Goami'aor and ►he C!er a to the II etre and (.'Murch tart were to he ►Hilt al the capocare of the Ler.] of the M trim and the mh.bIta'.1.. 1a I693. the Betio? of Qnchoe was authorised to build ('h rche*'o Parishes sod Fiefs, when the Se'gneuve failed to do so, and to have the patronage of the 11vines in consideration thereof. .►e the 8e'goeure seldom compeod with the Lest', the patronises of a greater part of the Benefices fe11 loco rho hands of the Biebop of Q,'lehee. tare, triage Ming melesaed is say teramee. directlyor ludtruc rhea/meet shall be eblged by tb. (liovanaseget to pay tech privets theliths..sd all tb••t•aee they were used to pay wider the revere - meet of H. Most Chn.Us. Mojeety.- Oreated: as to ihe mercies of their reli- gion, the eblegauon of gaging too tithes will depend on the King's pleasure. '• XX V I I I. Dressinded : - The Chapter, Priests, Curates, seal Missionaries shall eest►aoe with aa entire liberty their rxv- 111.11 sad fmoela... of ewe., re abe pertabe. of the tows, and countries.. G, mated." . "XXIX. The Grated Vicere, Gamed by the Chapter te Manistee to the diocese -dens, the vsear.ey of tee Episcopal see, shall hese liberty to dwell io the towns or revatry poncho', as they shall think proper They shall at all tures be free t+ ,as the different parish*. of ill diocese with the ordinary esteeming'. sad exercise all 'b• {oris.ictws they e.esei.d ender t bo French w.us. They shall eery the maw regime la mise of the death of die future Birhms, of wbich .+cation will he mad° in the following arae!+. • Greeted. except what reswr.ls the fallowing ..'tide.' " "XXX. if be the treaty si peace, Cased, should remora is the power of his Britannic Majesty, Mr ot•uet Chrietise Majesty shall centume to saran the Bishop of the colbay, who ►hall always be el the Bomea com- muaion, and ..'ler w hose authority the peo- ple shall enere're the Raman Reiigi.rs.- ' Rt;hsed: n ' XfXXI. The Bisbee shall, in case of ne1J, esi°bheh new parishes, and provide for the robtelding of hie Cathedral and hie Bpi.copal palace; and, is the mean time, be shell have U. liberty to dwell to the towns e or parishes. as hu *hall judg. proper. lin *ball be at liberty to visit hie (emcees with the ordinary ceremonies, and exercim all the jurtrdiciion, whtcIt his predecessor exer- ci«J ender the French Dominion, save that as oath of fidelity, ora proximo to de auth- idg centrary to his Dritaeeic Majeety'u ser• vice, may he required of Aim. -'This arti- cle is comp, ireJ ander Ike foregoing.' " "XXXII. The communhtie* of nuns shall he preserved in their constitutions and pri- • they.hall eoatiaue tonbssrve the! [HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY. APRIL 18. 1850. THE SPECTATOR ON THE RESERVES AND RECTORIES! Ova veritable friend of the Spoliate seems dwpooed tome. es email lot fir mon than we are actually emitted to In the Sigrid of the 4th lmu.t. w° wrote • ebert article am " The Coming Session," rhe true iateot and teeming of which wit, is the first place, to moist, to the emote of our homed tofirte.c., is remo•ing rhe team wbich may leave been iodated is rhe poblic mind by the moveless, selfish clamours of the Tory Preto about the tottering condition el the Adlw outrstien, and the almost immediate disso- lution of the prows' Parliament , and, !o the second place.to phew our willlugnesa to cool dews that unreasonable Impetaority with which the a GreatCuwswnliw" party, for the most orifisA p.nproles, are endeavoring w impel legs, - lotion 1 Hope is a powerful sentiment is almost all men, and *bitterer we Jeoire we naturally hope for. There is in every commani,y a nom• ber of individuals who, in . of an ex- tra share of bops, are prone to indulge some rx- rrangeot expeetatioaa, and are dupoaed to vete their views sod claims with as •*i aid an imps- tie.ee the, neither conduct% to their own happiness soy just to those whom they impor• tone. Thi Sprague and his Friends have taken advantage of the sooguine expectation of a por- tion of the Return party, and are driving them ou to demand everything practicable and im- praetic.ble, mot front a desire that these changes should be effected (for of this they are m perpetu- al dread,) but from • desire to embarrass end, if pos. ible, destroy • Reform Ministry. influenced by Ibis riew of matters, we were induced to offer In 1673, a settlement was 6r.t effected rule+, they snail be exempted from lodging oar frail but ftieodly advice to our Reform at Kingston, by Louts, Count de Froatenae, any military; and it shall be forbid to molest friend+ to be moderate and reasooable io their and during h!a administration the greater them in their religions eller lee., or to en- expectations and demand., and as deoppoiot- part of Ceoada was explored, A ecltgions ter their munh.tene.; «fegdtrda shall even imam, like offence.. " will come," we ventured settlement was also merle at Michikrsack'. be given them, if they desire them.- to suggest the eropriety of meeting disappoint - mac in 1673, under Father Margnette. In Created." • menu with calm and rational fortitude instead d 168.5, a fort was erected at Niagara. In "XXXIIi. The preceding article shall 1690, the British trader Sir \Vm. Plow. likewise he executed, with regard to the exhibiting • fiery, miotic and names tttorti6ea- attempted to take Quebec by sea, bat with- commnnitlee of Jesuits and Recollect* and lino. Our words were these, out tweeter. le 1701, a French fort was of the house of the prie.tn of Sr. Suipice at " in the meantime we hope the friends of first erected at Detroit. In 1711-. another Montreal; these last, and the Jesuits, shall Reform will be honorable, sagacious and attempt by sea and land was made by the preserve their right to nominate to cettaln patient. The Meestry will aseuret'ty bring British to Rain Crowds, but with still less curarle, and freestone, as heretofore. -Re- forward and carry entree useful and liberal succeea. In 1713, Nova Scotia, New seed tiff tee Ring's pleaesre 1. known." :matures. They will not plea« everybody, Brunswick, and New Fo.ndlaed wereoedad "XXXIV. Alt the cemmunitiee, and all bnt they are at least entitled to fair play eo Great Britain by Prance. the priest*, sieell preserve their moveables. and full credit Inc the good they do. And In 1703, a Royal Edict was issued by the the property and revenues of the Seignonee we trust that none of os will be so foolish King of France, r.etralging the religious an.l other s -__late° which they poesese In the and unreasonable as to feel disappointed commonities from acquiring properly be- colon)•, of what nature smear they be: and , and get into a rage, and tree bitter and un - vend a' fixed extent; and by a eubsequent the came estates @hall be preserved in their' charitable langwge, slroui,l we happen to Edict, no purchases ill Mortmain were to privilege•, rights, twoour., and exempbtoes. discover that Retrenchment -Law Reform be made by them without leave in .writing. Granted." and i he fifty seven Rectone• .rill constitute "XXXV. if the Capone, Frieste, Muton the platform ofnextgene: ul Election." aries, the Ferrite of the Seminary of the Fora ' 3liseivas, and of St. Sulpiee, as These, ten think, are plain• simple, whole• •close. Tba people see awekrotog to a knew- Iowa to areertau the true THOS1A9ter of hia McQU1: igb • well as the Jesuits, and the Recollects, some admonitions, but our go -a -bead cotempo- 1 Iedme of the fact that all this trashaboutdomi- QYasfjsell, 17th April. chore to go to Franc., m passage shall. be teary of the Spectator refuses to take them at ! nant weta, and parties, sed factions. and names granted thein to his Brttangle Majesty's their real value. He refuses to repuiljhem sa l ie nothing more then political garabaiag, preeus- chip', and they rt hue leav J to velli, to i the hatable advice* of a humble individual—in-led at the expeer of too people, who in reali,y Mite a certain exten`with the gram' e e airy for sowing it ; eecondly, that the moo emote should be Dative Frenchmen and Ro man Catholic., and that no stranger or her- etic eboulJ be introduced into the country ; geibp of sydart M mita sad meow N lee Ili. •at a I�.nen. Aro "T.ao( Hen ibwetsr ea to l.bt ea iadelable ellen ea enol baptism at Li to *Mao, This cidliaileo. Ad ewe dwwespU NS " TON lei MO Rent of i the f abash th ry oeerag is filters w o • wick« c rwoo(aim ens as, w* are ser /T'TM WC•e• mel j 'lee ijat; Mat Tssyism will 11414 eenptts Mt wise chs Ilam fieasl Ise T�Mis� w 19.4 lata-, tynreamee d a Beeetal 1 from the Wind,. Then was a goodly ttt..e.r .f Tows Iles e.sasder..g the boy mosea .f the year rod iJalveesity Dill. The teeth is, we have no faith state 'lithe made. The memoriam were traatk i. Toryism exeepl i. its imr°table w6.►.es. .d by .sale very .str°vagut •senses is w`, ease to the legality er 1l$gality of the T THE BOARD OF WORKS. Crowed of Gude, hal which a mercy u, Acton w. shall .ser , the permit. Tea H..onbl. William Hamtltoa Merril has W. Omer, Eeq.,Kka. chews C•roty Clerk • hoes placed at the head al the Mord 1 Wehs too wry r.dooed salary .f Illy ponds pe, to i° room of Mr. Chabot, resigned. Certainly the emm I We •1weys shoes. e«awny and e Tories will admit that Hie Excel1rey hu made trssobrrwa,, bet ors object dreid.dly to soy men ewe goel.rp.ittwgri, for we teelly believe then serving the p.bler ter wtehleg. Aad •hheop is but nae opiates is Canada is reference to Mr. too Councillor, have ae'sally se right to 4n Meek'. fitness for this office He is the mm, ower eaves -keg penal. of the pe.pk's reads fro of all others who should have charge of hit. an office, which they eau get equally well Uepartmeat, and it ia to be regretted that too managed for fifty. yet we uaadiJiy declare oar Admi°istrstino had not been !onuua to esough to opinion that the votary of 51r. Oitea 1* sot reps have placed him then re the commencement thea half value for the service@ which he will a of their Government. We twee neither cause required to petioles. The principal puree". 4, nor desire to throw out a single uaeharitable is- which this special mettles wee called elate. *intuition sesame any of Mr. Merrit's prede. vim Mors owd wseas for the hgeidauoo 01 the sewers is Orem but we belie•+ then are certain District debt. The Coe/wilier. we believe are neo peculiarly qualified, by oaten, to fill err- pretty uaaoimoualy •tfeid oa the arsstoiq s( tele office., sad we think ROWS intended Mr, doiag eoniethiog on this difficult *object, and ea hlerrit to fill i.me more useful or .t lest more expect that their deliberation will result !a i active situation than that of President of the By•Law to levy an addition tax. Council. It is quite possible for a very doll or Siam. wilting dm abut• we are proud to leve eves a stupid ueele a inJieidual to encumber . that the Couuah ►a. agreed to levy an .dduwal very important office without doing much pori- lox •f one /cosy-balf•peeey per pound oat sl !ve harm, bat it is .eareely possible for •a ac- rateable property, which with the one half-peoq d f I d II elbeekdoe t'esleia mase is Te,«'o ie +Nord or prevent the rook - n ow of the , that they employ- ed i• Meatr«I a pre•e°t the par'eg se the rive, esergelic, pereerveriog, public spirited per pours onner y agree to wt amount to moa like Mr. Mere' 10 fill to office whose duties spout three uhouss.. pen per year rewards the Levees", •1 the Debt, thea giving as too e re eoogesial to the aateral anostitatioo of his dateline prospect of beteg "b« sod indep., mind. without doiag much positive good—and dent" is ,boat two moon In the taeggtime the had Mr. Ment base placed at too bead of the Treasurer has beam i.weoeted to eRsA Imo et tbne tbotwaod pound. to m«i pbssal dolt. Board of Works two v«rp ago, then is at leu' tie.• • room for the ',apposition that dui reeamt dime Fara'. Acc'oxwr.—Oe Thursday last, tht I1:! g rcnblo difficulties which have arises is that teat. • bide girl of 'beet woo years old, Mese. deparimeet might have been avoided. The two ter of Mr. Tetbraee, of the Toweahip of Folio - questions that involve the real iatereota of Cane - too, met • pa a n' sad astimely death in eon the public lands, sod tee judicious expeadi'ure quell" of her aktbes (stab's' Ir. !a the "tsar of the revenue on public i Or, re bash. It appears that she std a Ifr'te sister had fewer words, toe Crown Land. and the Board of been left ileac •t the utt..1 place—when Mite Works are the two Offices upon which the pros• eldest occurred, too Tule surer t•a Lome wire parity and wealth of this country are moot usgi• the alarm, but hetes. the dertreeted mother could bly dependant—in fare these eon •titan lbs meet' the spot, her referring child eau benne too /war of b•uae aid. prosperity of the country, and yet It is • .urtliol - and a serious fact that these two drear'mesis A REWARD OF 2t1 POUNDS weight of Mem been left to the msesgeasebt or wwmanage• Hay, will bg gree lot tofomatto4 respee'ug that mens of env body or every body, blend lbs whet. /moat who stole a e«uderable quantity of t.lrot of the Pro•ioee is times i, hu beta ��� nrsw frac the Ben en Le: 22. ea the Dns Lake Shen, Towuabip of Oradea. es the eight .peot to legielaiiag about kirks, chorches, Meeo• of Friday or morning o(3airaday lane Tee sta. lent oectarisn pricers, Universities. Lawyers `caber do« sot Teel ea moeb bur: shoat itt. low and kweoarta wed all other mock impraetiaible °f the stew, .s M doer eu ateooat .(th. flet, !kat error-ota6iwg does mot e1a.tty °gree 0116 and unprofitable nonsense : while the snorer' of the Character which the locality bas 'crewed for oar Wealth and happieese, as a people. hove " Revivals" end " cOOttreioes." and therefore, either been wholly segleeted or frittered away ha wi!1 cheerfully gi,s 200 po0oda weight .f .poo "ethic'. far,eritrsor aegratefol pa°per..— Hay w the pious men ahs will has° morel hon. .sty enengh to eotne fsewatd sod ulaswkdge This system of shim Government is drawing to ,Tut lie surfs she 91,00—es the.ebeceiher is sea_ dame the proper maoagemeol sad dispo.al of w o 1, or in par , e • •roe so moveables es vests them .1 once. either with the character of which they poesees in the coluniee, either to the French or to the English, without the (cast hindrance or obstacle from the British Government, 'Chat they may take with them, or send to France, the produce of what na:Ure soever it be, of the tail { tie the Reserve and Rectory question at ooee 1 fel Goeerameot eonaiais re plating the not it was some use after our snivel hen before w, gopds sold. paying the freigb(,as mentioned : Ile is perfectly isdigtaat .1 the very idea of I ewe it the tight platen, we !eel coats set that got multirod afterwards beteg buoy c tie .ay in the XXVllh article: at:9 such of the said! their important gnestions being petssed over, I the Mlorstry have Unproven their po°iuos by and a°otbar, lad my mind en c hems is the e"' private, who chore to go this ;ear, shall I fit Satre for writing, that I deferred steel th "file be victualled during the passage, at trio fa- •oil asks " Why should thew M vieetiona be shirk- chassis( Mr. oret from President of too dare -else amthe oar mins t ee mete of postal pence of hie Britannic Majesty; and they ' ed now, by a strong Go,erameet, able to eery Council to C of the Reseda Works camrnnuicauee, se that I hope pea will exctw shall take with diem their baggage. They any mammies :bat they propose 1" (1) and again. We direct the epeeist attratioo of oro readers dimh BOWITreD et eftamy de90 0T (0 (05 mlay. sad Otis oues ethiag skull be masters to dispose of their estates he 1175 ..Oar belief ie, that if the blisietry par to Mr. Merril', Address to bis eonatiteente. life all the vets ase4 lav of mo, less .td peril• and to send fbe produce thereof, as Well as by the Rectories sad Reserves, at a time when which will be friend in atomiser column. It is ons journey, for went of woo, uwuog that there their persons, and alt teal belongs to them they are able to dispose of them, they seed ant ' one .f the very few political addre.ees with te a day Got far diatom, when 1 .01 be able is to Fiance." s of Great ___, ,_ the country r_.. further t...e r which we carr r• we ars well .leaved. li w ((00 you • eeaplen hirtory of Plates Rocky Meantaiee, sed of sermoennng the diffieeltles of In the trolly between the Tiro " true prophecies" or with the character of o'S- tial announcements -and relieves himself of an eecumulaled load of righteous indignation against the Ministry, became they will sot wet - i receive sone of the preete-•ond cow, we 'nay rea- i ooeebly',peet thea whatever men or whatever Ipartmay be ie power, their poetical minty will y be the treasure of their pnpalari y. And be- Iwviog that the chief secret ,.f woeful and eaeeees- '(am lunitntititttr. CALIFORNIA LETTER. Faayui.R RIVER Dlooi,.., California, 17th February, 1650. Dear 91r. Yietehe►,-1 am serer indeed, hays neglected yes to Was. bet the fact is, My 'bat 1 ed Parte h er (!1 The imposition 1. too palpable, and men sl ort, .tnIxht-loewerd n.oly ma 'ndepe1Jani, the Sierra redet. Boffin at present to ear, Bolam and France, wtgn at en• on the gY IOtb of February, 1763, by which the whole canner be deceived fora life eine:" }(eaten this, and is entirely free from than earnvaga.i clap- that we (01 through without any dif5e.lty, whsle toes, were eomenewced in (,attach In 1635 Power wer of the Kling over the Church. Theheof what is new British America was final) 0, ye Sei°iswr.1 trap which geaenfly diuieseiebee eleetioe thousands of cattle were lost either by work,-lo- Ydiem 'embus them, want of food ..d their dritk• iY It fro el prohabls that 'he re too religious estabtlehtnents, noway. sumo svernor ietilti that a Kin was y g 1. palm.es w•err�alss hundreds of ..ggo°., a Jearrits College was founded at Qnehee by g Ceded 1• Great Britain, there L. but one Now, we are really lad to see that tie friend of addressee. care y the Marred, du Gamache ; in 1637,.the Ur- Ilead of the Clinch, and bad power to Qlelll blaring op the matter before u9. It lye cpulater has se zealous and retho- election of Mr. Merril wall he opposed, et at eat' the rend was litenity covered web pnn- solioo nuns•fuun,Ied the I total Dien, and the dowers it an- lea though/ proper. He ills- Mys:-Y- °iasuc en the rttiemeet of these vexatious pass- least it is eertaie that eke men who wool 0op• mors, all left ley eengraeu a.abk a a►e 18ern Convent of Ft, Ursula was else established mused Father le Tourpois fur cause, and .. His Britaeeia Majesty on Lie side agrees along. The great belle of ratable kfi eau be• nutwilhstarldin, the rornonattaeces of the togrant the liber' of the Catholic religion itooa Tory will assuredly _be seeded now pew ,i, he he Rad,esl or Tory. menet ha rc• about the carne time. poo Clergy, who totally denied his right of +lis- y when both soles are se importunate ler aa guided se • friend t° Cameo's welfare. tweed 00 Joseph RIG Min end Fort iworm, In 1640, • number of cone in Paris gyt Y g to the inhabitants of Canada. Ile wil`con- D pOg• thin 6011 a,ln on ever j«racy, den dswieg rho eoterlained the lake of founding a religious missal or presentation to any living, bo rip- tegeantly give .tbo moat effectual orders egausble arrangement ' The Spectator geyp �- put 01 ver jnuraq• pest ma •( she smignats settlement in Canada. Nrgottatiooa were painted 31. de gentleman to succeed him; that his new Roman Catholic subjects may that "oar ballet icor of the Coawrvative parry TOWN COCVCiL PROCEEDINGS. were The m100 were t eeome �e n good many entered into with the Company, and the nay, when Hoe gentleman vea. asttiog out profess the worsbip of their religion accord J would gl.dly see the Reserves.onsigned to 'be whole Troland of Montreal web ceded to the to take possess:on of the living, Jonquiere . R to the rites of the Rnmish Church, as iii bottom of Lake (antario'." This reminds us of Alth.soil rather late ie tomes, into existence, tram•, bat we did saeiai0 tb. 'met annoyance stoppedhim, .oda Toted Fattier Ilse uct. onr Town Canoed seems Willing to atone for the from them. bowrver, we had to keep pard e•r- d f to St Elul itisns n(I a PIaO '1 •a tbo law. of Great Bntain permitM th "V f Wakefield" C Id" h ha ry night, which wit on small job afterpwroey• delay by an extra share of energy and persever• Ing all diy. 1. fact, the trip was 'edemas and ,nee. Several Meeti•ies have already rake. tiresome in the highest degree. we were .5 mouths nngiou. nen er o o P In January, 1159, a census of the inhabi• ria. In 1644, the King of Franco cun8rmat tanto to oil tL7,5 districts of i m chabt• the grant to them for ever, and the whole of was taken. In the district of Quebec there ulony this valuable property is to this day ei the ware of men ca ble of bean,' arms, trom be deudedly wrong, bec.o a mere tries of the hand. of the order. W • g be shown hereafter) poesesoed at the Con- n 1647, the Inaihition of '•The Sinton 16 to 60 year' of age, 7,511; 10 Montreal, q,ioet ha. been heti .acreil: 1t would be inI(ib m, slut would he requir,J le throw tLo Re - of the Congregation" was foundodat Moo- 6,40e: and to of Re ere 1,313 -total, teresting to know the prec,te extent of tele treat 1 G,1 J• Total pnpulnuoa 65,000. proaerty, but we hare nowhere been able In 1650, the Jesuits, whq thus far had ,I it 1759, Quebec fell before the immortat to meet with an account of it. We floc, Moo merely Missionaries, obtained a patent Wolfe, and the inland evped Zion agesat how,tver, that the whole variety of land France.- Camels under General Amherst, General granted by the French Crown was 7,985,- 470 scree -of which 3,117.179 acres were granted in Mortmain, as fullowie- To the Ursulineu 161,616 " Three Rivers iireutines 30.009 •' Reco'Ie. t 945 " Bishop be Semienry,Qnebee Ge33•'4 " Jimmie 5 .991,645 " St. Stripe -ems 250,191 " General Hospital, Quebec•48,497 dee., Montreal... .404 " hotel Dieu, Quebec. •. 14,119 " Strews Gnaee • ... ..........49,336 ens. a Tear o a ere when a pro - Under this Treaty and the article@ of ca pi. posed to born the twelve groom of gime epeete- tnlation, the ecc'oetasucal property (with :oleo and, like Dr. Primrose. we thiole it would the dxcepieta of the Jenut� &ate,, roe will to he 1J lands and prnperty, .. ,.. Prideaux and Sin 1Vi'Iwm Johnson, being Their vow of brotherhood embraced, per• also suceesefel, nearly the Whole country petual pelmet -chreuty-,Ieiltt obeli fell into the hands of tie British. In 1760, since to the Pope -and the. dedrcauon of thecoa west of Canada wcomplete) by their time to the inetrueuon of youth. Um the surrender of Montreal. ren Canada wasder their palest they gradually acquired •• final' ceded to Great Britain. bythe treat y large ammint of property -by grants from "f Perla, signed on the 10:h February, 1763. the Company and from the Crown of France. The uncle* of capitulation of Quoboc by Lifer and legacies from individual*, ane cont.uned the f 'Rowing clause: by purchase. They built • College atQue- „ VI Aro landd:-=Ttfat the 'semi,* of Que- bec, with the assistance of the seem-daythe Catholic, Apo rolic soil Roman religion coatnbutiurie of the temple in money and shall be natnteined, and that safeguards Tamale. shall be granted t, the homes oldie clergy In I659, the AAD. Mnntigey, 'Roller Aiwh- and to We monanteru,a, particularly to 11111op of Petra, lander! et Quebec, w'th a tenet LerJohtp tiro Bu.hop of Qoehec, who, ani - from the Pope, constituting,him apaetnticl tented with seal for retig y ton, and charity to Year. Cured.' were, at thermals tune, es- the people of this dwcoee, desire• to reside tablished in Cat,a,la. Id 1669, a prnpoe,l to bre 1uth^s for the support of religion woe fir,t mooted. The demand for Cure• to supply the new settle- ments which were enrin(rng up, formed the groundwork of an effort to establish a Sem- inary charged eith•the duty of supplying religious in.lreetion. Letters patent mimed front the Crown, erecting this ln.?Itteion, and authorileng tithes to the extent of ones in it constantly, to exerciee Ireely and with That decency which hie charart'r, and the tattered offices nf'ehe Roman religion require, hie episcopal tut horny in the town of (dee- bee, whenever he shill dunk proper, anal the po«e.ainn of Caeirda .hall be decided by a treaty between their most Christian end Britannic itinjestie., Orneree:-The free exeFci*e of the R -Oen religion, like aloe safeguard., to all religions personas, as thirteenth of the preceods of tho natmral and well SA tri the 'bebop, who shall be at Ifbsr• srtlfclal labor 01 .1 people 1015° 'meted ter' to t• came and extremes,' freely and with Ile support. Ry Rot al order, the tithe ease decency, the Atweriona of his office, whet• redeced in 1679, to one -twenty -meth. e'•er he shall think peeper, until the pewees - In 1663, the, "one hundred 1esociatee" pion of Cannata .hall have been decideld be - rel nquahed their charter. and Boni. !IV tame thew Brtta.nte sed motet Christian erected Canute into • Rot .1 government.- Majestsw.' The Oovernnr-Generee a Kisg'w Commie The Articles of Capitulation, aligned at stoner, an Apostolic Vicar, and four other Montreal, cnntesed the follow,eg clauses:4 gentlemen, in be elected by the three first "XXVII. Drina taded:-Thefree exercise gamed, wen formed into • Cnun.el, and hid or the Catholic. Apo.tohe and Roman Welt eow6ded to them the fine! dere oon to elica• glen shell Dobai mein, in eoeh meow ens, civil and criminal, aecord,ng to the laws that ell too slates and people of the towns sod cae,nms of France, and the practices of and 000stemo, glares sad distant posts, nate Parliament of Parisi a 1978, the Bove shemouses ouses to •aren ..bte in the ctwrcbee, NipCaoanl woe tacrsased to 10 , old le I sed to fFeewtet the imminent, 0. hereto - .env Total acres • 4,117,179 What amount of land was held in addi- tion to these large tract. by the Clergy, we have tint been able to learn; but the accu- mulation of pewits reentry, legacies and purchase., must have been very gloat. (To be continued.) Tata NICAc enVA Qt,u' of - T.RaTV AGITATION wiry Y,I oLA76.-A Wasbing- tan Corre*pendenteof the Express says: Dupatohes from England have arriv- ed in reply to the Convention projected by air 11. Bulerer and Mr. Clayton. TM Bnti.h Wester is anthortxed to negotiate more definitely. A correspondence has Wee nnened nal negotiations are pre - 'remote in a f ndly, conciliatory and pro - witting scent. expect the pond of ecce Witten is how web the British Govern- ment mens by the alipttlatroe " not to ter ref7, occupy, to exercise janassetioe over the Territory of Mosquito by virtue of thou protea; .rile." A schoolmaster downMng a moiety lend- er says, " He torsos yot la the proeoat teem, he leads Toole the eond,tinnal meed, keepps you on Ike eabpmcttve, red rola, yea the eve of the eoapkt6en of desdeeisable *vet felt. AM the Sesiny'a P.•aietr were anm- u the Avers.. tT or eperfres is aware drat bt. /lett' were ' 4 au Allay, OIL t—•tea Tsai., ST leo to errerm into Lake Ontario, would make them available to the purpoers of general ddseatio0, wheel would certainly be far mere nuseat. sad more profitable than to as. them to distnrb the fie he. ■red obsrruct the Lake NI•tgttin. !- What a pity that "one half of the Conservative party" .forgot to feel r anxioea for the settle- ment of the Reeer.e question at • time when Men ewe friends were in power ! Bat, by the bye, the Bperi,rtor lies overlooked the feet the the little etiele in the 3igoat of the 4111 fasten', o• which be iscomtneethe, does aot contain ,,sea single allusion to the Clergy Reserves! Ire hes forgot that ie that article we diselarm all 'awe - ties to play the' Prophet on the neemeioe. He Me fere' that we did Rot *tits 'bat the Recto- ries or any other question would be " shirked" or neglected, and he is perhaps ignorant of the other fact, that we are not in possession of Cabi- net .ecreu, and have no scgeaietaeee of, and on enrreapend.aee with any member of the present Government. Aad wheo be asks " Will the Signal bet kind eeoegh to fifeem as why the gaesn«s •e which he write* e.a.et be settled beloee • general election?" We asst ielora him that °ask en °ramptien ten entirely hie own. We merely anpposed'1 poseiMe that they m,gbl not be settled, and ear resew for suppos- ing roe is chiefly the follewiag:-Aboot this time last year we were fell of bnpe, sad ley. and glad - mer at the prospect or aa iaaediare tad salami bk .djeetsgeai of • g.'s0es rhe, hke the Ba. seise. sad Ret5.rl« bad " fN yews end moors' trroes mode the eeMe of beth parties at every /peroral Wheelies -we mesa of emerge, :he Doi- 'Meity (Owego*. We din *sweet that e ems 17 The /bow of Bullis*. reek /loos year - MU at least of the Cam erva'iee party" ewer. day en the Market B1°w, when sea 6e.01enal. with.* •d •exisa. that 'lee lea( tad wash-- wove.a8besd. The ledges were Reber Dm- .ta es -bens. ds*.Id be emarebly sa.si$.ol ,. lila, Esq. of Carse. Snob, Theo. W. Daly, t. . roll " mob of aft rho Copier " Bat jaw ise al etwtfwd, sad Jsaea Oalteway, Rao. of Boy - Place, sed a eossidenhte ameeret of besiaew et • e° the reed, and with reprd in the Well."' 1 preliminsry nature has bee, ghee ihroatth. We n0 u► but bole I. la 10..., brit( .lther asst shall Meetly roe the comes of the various o65. pl.,aw t isdomsd Risky Meiatuao, rwere in- t -ere that have been elected. tended to be travelled by soy other animal than Mane-Reojam'n T. row.. req iso Pack Mole However. we went dove and Town Reeve -W M*1e W.Ilsee, E,.,. up preemie*, without beemette., ..d only one• Town Clerk -Thom.• [add, Felwithout SS, aseideat, and that wan merely seem 1tt p.riere w1.nt eel Common Schools -Re•. the veggies without dotes any damage. ; John Me• so ion m Charles Fletcher. 1 drove three yoke of cattle nearly all the way , Ass ow,rs-Jnhs B.e.awsr,h, Esq .y jari ase ew.idsrable •f 0e (1x female sod c,,,. ,. newt, driver. The dem en the node ors awful. sad 1 Cnliee,nr-A,,.. McKay'flow em wore you who we got ism rhe Valley o1 Chief re -reel. -Mer,. f.G. the Seersmento, i really was tbaskfel to the Al- mighty for file west goodness. Carnnee-Dr P. A Mete -emelt Now with regard to ear present sfiamtioe, ere Ce.oahlrs-Hear• Recd, Wo Reed, Dene, , °r" is a leg bear whish ors Milt abelat 190 L.'nherr ani John McLean.miles from the City •( 8anremamla, and 950 4.. P.'h M.r.r—Jeer. b lterr, lwnh Roeg Md- San Fra.eiseo,'eher. we an engaged digq ler. Andrew 0...., end Rehm Ellie trim Pnan.l gsee er-Ana. Barker Jmh. Lnnfwseth, Fos., F..aentse ter hate, the Cenmo.. The Beal of the Corpnntioe, we believe. wit deoiewed h the Mayer,.sd represents the Com- mercial and A,rleotism' ioteresu.4 the Town, by the following symbols, via : A Steam Vend to the repro saaaalw matter. A Sonia( Vessel n the Wee draw 'porter. A %'e Met Sheaf in the copra dater ranee, mid a Pais% in the event awesew mortar. Creel -o• Oott Tree - ah. Matte-" F.rwarl." Tea Wa•rea..-We had the p early Serial. sad plee(hi•g and e ie of as rim had partially eemmeseed two weeks ago, lilt tb.lam Thie. Mwesw. le roc 0155 few days 11..e gime sea .seed whiter, sew i getisfy my poo mamma. lad .bra I�i�s �M w Someday rod Tweeky sista last, were ea i,- yet dl 1g1i. linty my 4.s.► Mr. Fleisb,r I awn 01.10 twos eyrbis Mt wA•t 1 wrwld t s safr ly well u witty eights is Jamas ry. Tilt epistle, ss ti avis ,• c SOW tbishe• day' es • Menge fee t e better, led • .wetted pre- ter is lapatie.t re be of. • • misd of Series. 1 ramie yearwppt Mo f IA6sai emi. THO on the bank' of the River, when we make an mince to two melees of Gold re ea man pee day. The *arrest .ales of gold bees( $14400 pr ounce. in fact, with regard to the ga•asity of gold in Catifonia, all 1 ea. toy is •het with re- gal . quantity, it ea estleAtd. Me. too 4111 - eel ties i• guttas et ie MOB rho mew, etre be- n( n hawed with twinm r*entis•..aposa(u, wcaryy. &e. Ililewever. with all, 1 dusk w. will 4* w.11, and roarer regret the pap 1 bale mime. William aid self metered ,he best of Mreltb 011111 - jut *VW. said 1 nes *.ell this sn.enea.ejsyi.( that greatest of blessitge We has. flaw into a company of twelve fee the perptwe of darning rhe Inti!+ and M``lir%, the hod being the oel7 moat an died a embalm • good (•►ss pile. I ow paw maddest If 1 8..p my health. that I will be worth mot ealy a little, mat • geed may thnp.redr by the month of De- cember, whew Minim 5.04(40 .141104ae10* . _ter... • ET itis with]t same r slwtoaseIbet w palish the fslMwbg CewasnteeMsa ad we At ss meet, 11w • feels/ vel Blataillp Oar too At" are. rid cat bee way gam, peble es .aswI( ewe W e oppnal M AIM herosM Nile MOW Mitaieet WI 191196r4089 yams .•(yd salliper'waatliAs• smiMr •