HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-25, Page 11re 444. A A r FOR SALE. usF4D WHITE BRICKS, goori, proximately 2'401E1 rests?antble. sap- 4aelt Adkins, phone ,3112 HensaII. KITCHEN CUP130ARD, antique, ‘with glasa dOore. Phone 1611-r-6 MUSIC TRAILER, 40 ft. Can be seen at farm of William: MeGregor, Ini. le east of KIPpen. For full hartietdars write 13og 24, Mount HoPe. 23:2e GLADIOLI BULBS, In colors •qf white, pints, yellow and red. any Quan t it y, Mee. Mervin Carter, ClalideboYe, Plume Lecau 163-3. 23e, GIRLS' BICYCLIC. in exeellent con- dition, balloon "tires; aleo boys' roller boots and skates, alze 9, el- tnost new. Phone 146 or can be seen et 33 Huron St. aVest 25* BED CHESTERFIELD and ehair In excellent condition; will Fame: lice; can arrange delivery. Pliene 165 Grand Bend. 23* CLASSIFIED RATES 25 Words or less 70c More Than 25 Words - 20 Per Word' 200 OFF If ad paid with order or bY Saturday following the last SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS OP More Than 25 Words ' ,11 Per Word Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to one column) First Insertion 980 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions • 840 Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at Comments About By MRS..HAROLD DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hazle- wood of Woodham visited Tues- day evening with •Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Dobson and My. and Ws. Bill Waghorn, Mr. Jack Barr of London 'visit- ed on Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Archie Robinson. Mrs. Kenyon of Saskatchewan, after having spent .the winter months in Florida is visiting'with her daughter, Mrs. Glen Alien and family. and Doug of Kitchener and their son, Don of Ottawa, formerly of Regina, who is completing his training in the R.C.M.P, at , Ottawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs.,I. Marshall, Mrs. Mary Gallop spent the Past week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hammond, Joyce and Shirley of Sarnia vis- ited oVer- the. "Weekend"' With Mk. and Mrs: Clarence Routly,. Mr, and Mrs, George Hall, Mrs. A. Pearson, Mrs, McCor- mick and Bernard visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pearson and family of Kitchen - Mrs. Gallant, Jean and Carl of. Toronto are spendhig, Easter week with' Mr. and Mrs. John Roundell and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Mor- rison .attended the Watkins Con- vention in Kitchener on Mon- day, .Planting? Plant Profi FOR $ALE FOR SALE eo, slush buttoa; will Sit "42-'48 trartor grain grinder, 315.90. Phalle 174-r-11 Pixel er. s30, BALED HAY. timothy and alfalfa. • LAUNDRY TUI1, white steel, willt drain board; aleo oil drum with tap. 14 Huron St. West, phone 251-W Exel Pee 5 GOOD B111.14 CALVES, Hereford, eme week old. Wally Wein, Bash - weed, Phalle 51. e51 -s .Potatoes, Suitable for Seed SEBAGOS COBBLERS l'er Bag 32.00 at- the Storage APP4Y CECIL, JONES 45. SON Next to Cann's linevators Phoee 108 25c PANEL TRUCK, 1930 Chev, in first class condition. Phone 790,-2 Exeley. A.DED. POTATOES, No. -1 Katandin and Sebago foundatIou 'Flock 1356, 11;i to 21e, slue 31.50 bag. Phone, 77-J Theuford, al. tleove and Sole cn. Shijike Store. 25:2c LADIES' BLACK BUM', size • 15; ladles' bete -grey suit, size 14; navy ladies' all-weather • mat, pinic and grey check with matelling hat, size et.' These elothee are in new enn- dition and may be seen at Bracl,v's cleaners. Reasonably 'Prima, 1i5c WEED TURNIPS, cholee. Vietor jeffery, 11.10, 3 Exeter, phone 457- pg,EaTnie RANGE, heavy deb', modern 24" elze, mew type burners, A-1 condition', 3511.08' APPly Mrs. Nom Doekey, Phone 505-1V. 25* WASHthG MACHINE, Coffieldl 17" televigion set. Phone 708 'Exeter. • 25* tric% 3 -burner, heayy duty Junior; junior 3 -wheel cycle 'with 2 -wheel attachment,' rettsonable..APPly POOLERATOR ma, 60 eye.le, eu, $120, Wall trade for power board motor, Or boat trailer,. .P2IT:12•Ice GIRLS' COAT- ,es TIAT, size 3, green. Will sell cheap for quirk sale. See them at 'Brady Cleaners. 'I -TILE'S CRIB. and mattress, steel, drop Mdes, good 'condition, 315.00. Plinne 6e6 Exeter. 25e Maxwell Rotary Power Mowers 18" 2 -Cycle $59 55 18" 4-Cyle 329.00 18" 4 -Cycle, recoil starter - 395.00 212' 4 -Cycle, remit .starter 3106.00 Lawn Mower Shaipening and Expert Repairs • FISHER HARDWARE 25c COMBliala, Allis 411utliners No. 66. fully equipped, 3 yeara old: White tlueshiug. :machine, No. 0, excellent PASE COMBINE. 6 ft. cut, With motor and complete while beau attachments; alereury I ton truck with steel platform and plywood 4' racks. Beth Bents in A-1 conaltion. Also baled straw fee sale. Plione 25-r-6 Dashwood. 2ae on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Elgaufiehl Phone 193 Luca:: Quality Appliantes for Thrifty Shoppers '57 GENERAL ELECTRIC • RANGE 4 -Burner, Push Button '57 SIMPLICITY WASHER 5129.00 HOOVER CONSTELLATION' $89.50 MOVER 2 -BRUSH FLOOR POLISHERS Electric Phone 109 Exeter 35. WEsiNER PIGS„ first quality, Apply Bert Bee, 'Phone leer -17 RASPBERRY PLAN''TS, Columbia (non -suckering; also Week rasp- berry (black caps). Mrs. Emalle Carter, highway south of Exeter, JIG SAW, 24" lo centre, excellent condition. Apply to Fred Hatter, Exeter, phone 224-J, 25* HELP .WANTED WAITRESS - Apply In person to Relater's Coffee Shop, Exeter, 25c TEACHERS -Hay Township Public Scheel Area, Huron County, re- quires Leachers ,for rueal . schools. reendeci teachers Is 33,200. Duties to commence SePteMber, 1957. Appliea- Hone to state qualifications, exper- ience and religion. Apply 11. W. Brokenshire, Secretary - Treasurer, YOUNG WOMAN, intelligent, 21 to 35, tor employment from june 15 to September in smart, attraetive camera shop located at Grand Bend, WANTED Used Refrigerators We Will• Pay Up To $200 For Your -old Refrigerator On New FRIGIPAIRE REFRkPERATOR Get All These Features IMPERIAL. MODEL CP -120 12.0 CUBIC FEE! • Cold, Pantry Model combine .41 10.1 cubic foot 'refrigerator with a 1.9 cubic foot$ 66 -pound capacity food freezer. 1 • Four Aluminuni Roll -to -You Shelves', • AutoMatic Defrosting Refrigerator. • Freezer Hat New Ice -Elector With Three so Picture Window Hydrator. ei Choice of Colors if Exti:a Charge. GET YOUR PACK OF FLOWER SEEDS ' BY VISITING SNELGROVES PHONE 18 EXETER HELP WANTED SUP,PLY TBACILER Rae Towne County, requires one experieneed flit area. Blities to mil ille.rive April 23. tnelng June 30-4-23 on rolls teacher for tall terrn. Aito.biru salere sebeclule in infect. 11oPlY stating exeerieeee to Garnet Hicks. 10,11. 3 Exeter. 11:18:25e salery. Write, enclosing eitepeltot, 10 Box GB, Exeter Timee-Advoeate, RELIABLE MAN for pert -time '.1"11 work. TA be responsible for milking 32 to 15 cows. Five-roolla term house with ,modern conven- ience» free. Final Arrangements ran inade by Motacting Box "1" COUNTER GIRLS needed foe Snack Shop, Phone 11, Meneed, 202 Grand '1ELP FOR KITCHEN - Arm - TRUCK DRIV.ER, reliable, over 25 years. Employment- to start by May EMPLOYMENT .WANTED :tient, any kind 'of work. ApelY Louis Illoodsworth, 94 Alexa.hder ' REAL ESTATE bedroom, . 3 -piece bath. baeeMent: also barn. 1VilsoneAllee, phone 58 Hensel], 4:11:18:25e 2 STOREY BRICK', oil furnace, forced ale; 4 rooms, sunnorch, main floor: 3 beds and bath, upstaire; garage: locetion good. BRICK HOUSE, well situated to school, suitable for large. famirY 01' bath, oil -burning furnace. ' fireplace, 2 bedrooms, full "bath, nice. kitchen, full • cellar, furnace,. hot water tank, centre! loeatiort. SMALL COTTAGE, oksbestos Mate , siding, cellar; low price. BRICK HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, bath, hydro, full basement, water Pressure system, attached garage, balm, large. gardeni loW tax rate, FRAME HOUSE, 3-bedrocim, hydro, 1 -STOREY HOUSE, new furrlace,,3-, Piece bath, new roof,' ga.rage HIGHWAY 100 ACRES, ba.nk barn, silo, brick house, 315,000. HIBBERT 100 ACRES. bank barn. insut- brick house, hydro, 'good HiGewAy 200 ACM'S', bank bard's, silo, driveshed, garaget good Week house, good school privileges. '- 50 ACRES. PASTURE, abuedant water, 21,e . miles, south of Dash - RUG BRICK HOUSE, 6 -room, in very convenient shopping centre, 'bath, hot. and cold watet, caeh deal, quick possession. 18tfc APARTMENT HOT.ISE, oil furnace heat, separate entrances and Intl: - looms. Good 1 nvestmen I. Good dwelling: 3 bedrooms, bathroom up- stairs: living room, dining room, den, kitchen, main floor; lurna.ce. Sure we. have other propertlee tn sell. Write. phone 'or- coma W.' C. I Earl Parsons, Phone 507, Fred Cole, phdne 536-W. Salesmen. litre ' BABY CHICKS POI mg TENDERS WANTED .1-aY CHICKS. The atuswer tel the eprIng emelt buyer. No :wetter whet market you, aim for-ee,,ge, broilers. "' xeeleint 'bred. for all Mar- Carseadden, Exeter, 1/11011e irav B.etchery, .120 John N., „Hams Ilton. 25c HOMES FARMS c. V. Pickard Exeter - .1 -BEDROOM BRICK., close to schools. This is a tidy hOme in good rePatr. with allecdnveniences. Nice lot with garage. Low prlce for cash or libeaal terms will .be given. 1 ACRE OF LAND vcrith good 3 - bedroom. brick house end small barn. House is hi good condition, 3 - piece bath and heavy wiring, Quick possession. Terms. . EXETER NORTH-- Comfortable 3 - bedroom cottage with 3 extra lots and a very good barn. This is a roomy cottage, is Well wired and lee STOREY' FRAME, 4 bedrooms, modeen kitchen, two bathrooms, new 'inhuming iurnaee. Nice .104 Good location. Terms. BRAND NEW -3-bedrootn, 1 -floor home with garage.. Up-to-date kit- chen, Beautifully • tiled bathroom. Large eiving-dining room. Clean, bright' basement. This it the ,type of house you would belld for your.- sele .Let us sbow 11 to you. 18tfc To buy or sell see. C. V. Pickard, Realtor and General Insurance, 304, Main St., Exeter. Phones :165 and 628. 28tfe ESTATE •HOLISE Modern 11A - storey red bridle. house; full base- ment, letindry tubs, soft water system, heater, furnace and fruit cellar. First . floor contains modern kitchen, dining room, liv.ing room. untster bedroom and. Sepiece bath. Upstairs contains 2 large bedrooms, 2 -piece 'bath end sewing' room. Ample closet spate and double garage. 'For . 4. particulars apply Erie Heywood, phone 649; 28tfe 3-1330DROOM Rom -E, nearlY new, full pored basemerit, oll furnace, hardwood floors: east side of Ex. eter; cloee to schools. R. E. Bale - will, 47 John St, East, Exeter, BRICK" HOUSE, 2-stereY, garage. Immediate posseteloh. .Apply Edgar Broderick, 31 Sinictee St., Exeter. $11,e50 BUNGALOW, intstem built, modem, five rooms eaul bent, at- tached 'garage, stone front, Over - Aimed bedew:nits, , dining- and huge living room; full, bright steel re- inforced 11 aem ant, tiled office room, fiord Stoeege, tepper hot Wetter on heating and Inttny extras, This henie is On 'One half acre, b,eautifillly lithdecaPed lot. fruit teeels, raspberries; Mired drivewaY arid parking; large Gegeta.ble gar - gen; t1oUhtry Ideation alotig paved eh -orifice, Ovieter nitist move to To- ronto; In:mediate possessioo. For Appoint:beet phoine Exeter 491, GRAND BENI) Orocotett, end Meat 21e45 with ell equipment. V1111 base. meta. Laege rtment above. Easy tering, A, V. Tieillart, phone 108, EtkehWoocl, 1A:25* BRICK 1-10tIfiE, ile storey, 1401104 bedroorns and beth, furnate. full • SO ACRES acoa mos, leant, bitrii, good hems?. With. hYdrb throughout. Deep We11 end le hillee 40 Lender'. or Tenders will he received by the T04)14114). ef Stephen for .draituage work, eon:getter; of 1,915 lintel feet lot drain .and 5,7311 lineal feet .of open 'Tenders must be eteceitlillenied be 1056 depottlt anti Ims in the „of the Cletk". on or before the 6th day FOR RENT not necesserilY aceieted. Plan and 3 APARTMENTS, tinfernished. 110111, are heated, hot end cold water, Profile Jilay be peen at the offico of 15, W. .41011,LOOK, Clark FOR, DRAIN -VG 111 WORK Tendere will be received by the Township of Stephen for dralilege work mieleking of 4;1E9.Hr:eat feet of. death. et: the Wilegn Menicipal panied with 10% deposit and' be in the, hands of the Clerk nit or befere Plan and Profile may be seen at the office of the Clerk. P. W. MOIILOCK, Clerk ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, steam heeted, newly deeorated.' Available 110W. Phone 135 Exeter. APARTMENT, furniehed. t .e M. heated, 'decorated. eallahle for 2 PeoPle, living room, kitchen- .. bed and batb, 630,00. SamtlY Elllot, phone 476. 1812ac APARTMENT, in ShIptca, 2 -bed- room, living ioren, kitchen, fell basement, hot and gold water, bydro, Indoor toilets, Phone eel" Credit on. 7isc .A.PAR'I'MENTS-A, number of 1 - and 2 -bedroom apartmente. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 15tfc APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, heated, ply John Ward, phone 348. 25* 3-1100e1 APARTMENT, furnished, heated, suitable for 2 adults, hot and rola water on tee. Private entrance, no pets, available May 1. Phone 400-W or atmly at 165 'Wile Ilan St., Exeter (evenings). ISM 3 -ROOM APARI(MENT With balh. 00 Victoria. St. 2611e .tPAR,TIVIENT, available NAY 1. ,odholt john Se, phone 202. HOUSE IN LI.J' CAN. p,v.allable '1121a5; APPIY at, Times -Advocate. .25* Grand Bend, Apply Elmer Webb, phone 70 Grand Bend. 25c 11.4x,r? A HOUSE, in Centralia. ground floor, separate entrance. hot and. cold running water, furnished tage, furnished. Phone .160e7-3 Neter. 25c • furnished, heated,. hot water, 4 rooms anti 3-plece beth, T.V. an- tennae instelled, no children. avail - Able May 1. Apply 59 joint St. East, SMALL 710(18E, suitable for a couple; 'conveniences and „, garage; available Jupe 2., Phone 120-J Hen - 4 -ROOM APARTMENT, downstair, furnished or unfurnished. Amite Harold Beaver, phone 602-W Ex-' eter. 25c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANs‘vEki. to. your Wiflh-a Quick and ease way 10 make more money enabling you to get at last that' "special something" you want so much. Don't. wait. Now's the time to enquire about it. Free informa- tion on request, 1500 Delorirnier, Meef WANTED for ReAvtrigh busi- ness. Real opportunity: No exper- ience needed 10 start. Write Raw- leIgh's, Dept, D-202-0, Montreal, woe. 2.3c WANTED Phone 135-11 Ltican, In the eveninge. loca.ted In new subdivision in Lucan, MORTGAGE on ranch style holuilstaa APARTMENT SIZE PIANO Height 41" cm:r..rvs PLAY PEN, In good eon- Het:sale phone 26. • 18e CATTLE To PseSTUB.E. ApPlY Elmer Deters, R,R, 1 Dashwood. HAVE GreASS for 10 head of cattle. Phone 162-r-5 Dasbwood. 250" WAN'PED TO RENT -Small bungee. tow, 2 -bedroom. or apartment. for elderly couple. (total. abstainers), in a, cadet location. Apply •W. Cossar Foster, 406 Wilson A.ve., view, Ont. 25c CATTLE FOR PASTURE -dad 8;- 92 Earldom 25. ..-WHEEL CAR TRAILER with box. 7 ft. long, prefel'ablY 61046 Inch Wheels. Robert Cann,. pheee iss.r-31 Exeter. 255 reATTLE TO PASTURE. 20 head. sentare Oestricher, Credi- ton, Phone' 12-J, 25tfc liockex .04rnItt" 11, 'Ex- eter. atfc floor Sanders, mot ,r,44.0., floor Polleheede PERSONAL PAW 02 abrIllaAlatt", 0,210041 bag°. can be eelpiell he ihowistias or thankful user,. your Drutraist. 4'11' twistntriednrutxlij:k°,001444°11171 9C 'FRIDAY. APRIL. 00 eClaUgfiz?"gou°4Ford141*.ZWPG.h:rt4pd b173-rrt,ead3 Tickets One at Sea.vers Harder/4s Everyone welconte. Deshwood, Ceri Cleetricher. Premed. IP Centralia. WA. 5 econd Anniversary RN1TURE . 2041 L E ,Saturday April 27 to May.4 Open All' Day and Every Evening Until 10.00 P.M. As In Previous Years We Ara Giving Away. Three Free Door 'Prizes Draw To Be Made May 4, At 10.00 PM. Every Article In Store Reduced During Sale VALUES GALORE! BARGAINSI BARGAINS!. Westlake Furniture Phone II9-j • • ZURICH 3. 3 F. GET OUT IN THE GARDEN DANDELION RAKE - WA" wide Long handle; 1.99 2 -WHEEL GARDEN CART - to METAL WHEELBARROW - PLASTIC BROOM RAKI - fill or empty. Metal tray 2111/," x Ample tray with big Flexible hoary • duty tines 191/2". Roller -bearing rubber -tired puncture - proof rubber Hrs. wan't damage tender egg wheals. Lightweight. • VMS t 1111.,W LAWN ORGANIC LAWN SPREADER - Simple regulator controls oven flaw and distribution of grass seed or fertilisers. Bakst enamel one -hand . 0.89 TANK SPRAYER Heavy gravel/11nd steal, weld./ 8.20 °The rich, natural growl& elements of dehydrated LAWN ORGANIC will stimulate healthy and vigorous turf. Clean to handl., No 2 75 danger of burning. Ica. Fiorillo& to um' 30 lbs. Ns. 1 LAWN SEED For new lawns er re -seeding kart patchm, you will get excellent re- sults from these special mixtures at fine perennial grasses. SHADY NOOK-Gro-keted, 1•111 1.25 LAWN•MASTEB-.-140. 1, 4•111. beg 2.71 GARDEN SPA143--Teinpireit 12" blade; "D"-Fiondle 2.60 SOW RAKE -- Steel reinforced. 14 curved teeth.• Long handle TURF EDGER - Stool blade, 2t4' CULTIVATOR -WEEDER -- 4, torgeo prongs Nun sail; 4" Weeder blade cuts aff Mate 2.10 blade. Lang handl, 1.79 Heres Value SO -Ft. PLASTIC HOSE .69 3-PBONG CULTIVATOR :EOM narrow to get•between plants, onlw PRUNING SHEARS CUtleM A:04, bled, cuts against soft Lmital anvil, Narrow nos* far thige-in guttl-- GARDEN NOE -4-* Koen-edgad steel' blade., long handle. • Standard Supreme 1.29 2.35 FliaVy•gaugo Steel. Revelled gdges OfeYentit Mitring IOC Drum sits. 12" X 20"rWlier tilled, am, Water 11110d, 14 95 CdMitttrt r WITS COUPLINGS Get impit•stringti. letii-looking Pfeifle 'lei -flexible, lightweight and :logy UMW. 1/3" CORRUGATED RUBBER HOSEA-w, Priced ler savings. Couplings aki 25-11 3.20 50-ff SS 436 Main lt 'motet Phone 451 MIR‘rt Robbins •