HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-25, Page 8• "PrP •••' " - ""T".
$ Th�TimoiaAdvonatiar April 2$ 1967
Kippen East WI
Picks New Slate
• For Loos!
Reasonable Rent .
Phone 366 Seaforth
• M. Campbell Eye Was ele-
ted president of Jinn East WO
:Men's- Institute at the. annual
meeting heldat the home of Mrs.«
t• Whitehouse on. Wednesday.
Viee.prealcients are, MrS, Rus.
Sell Brock, Mrs, J. DrUminend
and Mrs, W'. Bell; secretary,
.1 Mrs. William Kyle; treasurer,
•!Mrs, W. L. Monis; .district .clirec-
tor, Mrs. Stewart Pepper,. branch,
directors, Mrs. Whitenouse, Miss,
.Margaret McKay and Airs, Chas,:
Eyre: press , Miss M. McKay;
pianist, Illro. j: .Sinclair; audi-
tors, Mrs. James MeNaughten
and Mrs. .S. Pepper:
Conveners at standing eommit-
tees;." agriculture and Canadian
hid:Ott-IRS Mrs. E. Whitehouse.
Mrs. Arthur Valley; community
activities and public relations,
Mrs. Verne Alclerclice, Mrs. M.
McKay; historical research and
current events, Mrs. A. MacGre-
gor, Mrs. R. Broadfoot; home
economics and health, Mrs,
James MeNaugliton, Mrs, Rena
Caldwell; sewing, Mrs. A Mac-
Gregor; sunshine, Mrs. W. Work-
man, Mrs, R. tipshall, Mils. V.
Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hensel], a
former preSident, installed the
Mrs. Glen Slavin reviewed
current events and Mrs. Fred
Brock, contributed a reading.
Standing committee conveners
gave reports of the year's acti.
Mrs. W. J. P. Bell, leader of
the Thrifty Kippenettes for six
years and who recently resigned,
was presented with an aluminum
relish tray, Mrs. Caldwell spoke
appreciation and Mrs, Workman
made the presentation, Cups and
suacers were presented to the
assistaift leaders, Mrs. Caldwell,
Mrs, N. McLeod and Mrs. Lloyd
Twelve 'members will attend
the district annual in Dashwood,
May 29, Miss M. McKay -will
attend the Officers', conference
at Guelph in May. The group
decided to sponsor a millinery
course and Mrs. W. Bell offered
her home for this project. A
eeting for planning programs
illthe held at the home of Mrs.
Pepper May 6, Hostesses were
rs. Arthur Varley, 'Mrs. Mor -
y Cooper, Mrs. Ken McKay,
rs. Glen Slavin and Mrs. Rus-
t. Brock.
The May Meeting will be held
S.S. 10 Tuckersmith when the
irifty Kippenettes will give a
• Freed Professional
Instruction With
Each Purchase
Phone 343 Exeter
Work Boots
A5.25 46.50
$5.95 56.95
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Railer Skates
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Skatos Chtailed and Repaired
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Phone 156 Grand Bend
s i '53 DODGE REGENT SEDAN,' tutone, air con-
ditioning heater seat covers, 24,000 mile
,.1 guaranteed $1,85
'55 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, blue, slip covers, •
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'53 FORD SEDAN tutone, 'blue, radio, slip' ,
covers, first class clean car $1,295
'52 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP, radio, tutone,
slip covers, air conditioning.
SEE THIS ONE •$1,095
'52 CHEVROLET COACH, tutone green, slip
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'51 DODGE SEDANS (3), all in top condition
and overhauled, in our "garage, each , lllll , $ 705
'50 METEOR SEDAN, a dandy' ..... . ....... ..„„..,. $ 545
50 PONTIAC SEDAN, another dandy $ 545
'55 DODGE 1/2 TON EXPRESS, 23,000 miles,
radio, - signal lights, tinted, glass, guaran-
teed—set it today!
Price 'Ranges Up To $195,00
'50 HILLMAN '47 'ClitVP,OLtT '46 MtItCUitY
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THESE TWO -maw Al' $95 EACH!
Exeter Motor Sales
Prod Dobbs, Prop.
200 - NON 7624 or /69•M
Grand, Bend Institut,
ects New Officers
The Womens Institute held
its regular hionthlY meeting on
Thursday afternoon, There was
• a display of handicrafts made
by the Members during the Year.
Several Q the conveners of the
different .ceminitteeS gave their
reports. Ars. Roy Morena re-
ported an the district executive
meeting in Hensall.
The secretary was' instrueted
• to send a note of thanks to Mr.
Stewart. Webb for planting rose
fbqunsgs around the cemetery
Mrs. Emery Desjardine was
elected president for the claming
y_ear. Vice.presidents are; Mrs.
Wm, Love and Mrs. Iffellweed
Gill; secretary4reasurer, Mrs.
Raymond 'Ceding; asst.-sebreta-
ry, Mrs, Herbert P.file; branch
directors, Mrs. carman Lovie,
Mrs. A, Finkbemer, Mrs. IL
Wainwright; • •district director,
Mrs. Roy Morenz; alternate,
Mrs. Verne RidleY; pianists,
Ms. ,C. Reeves, Mrs, U. Mason;
auditors, Mrs, Mae Holt, 'Mrs,
K. Webb,
Conveners of -Committees: Ci-
tizenship, • Mrs. Max 'Turnbull;
education, Mrs. Elgin Adams;
community activities and public
relations, Mrs, C. Taylor and
Mrs. E. Keown; home econo-
mics, Mrs. A. Hamilton; histo-
rical research, Mrs., Harold 'Wai-
ner; health, Mrs, Win. Sweitzer;
agriculture and Canadian Indus-
tries, Mrs. Eddie Gill; resolu-
tions, Mrs. Hugh Morenz,
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Mansell Mason, Mrs. Wellwood
Gill, Mrs, E. Burr, Mrs, Hugh
About forty-two members and.
friends of the Institute attended
the short course on •sandwich
making for all occasions spon-
sored by the Institute of Grand
Bend and Dashwood on Monday
afternoon, whenMiss Doreen
Croft of Toronto, Department of
Horne Economics, was the in-
Missionary to Speak
Miss' Audrey Finkbeiner, mis-
sionary on furlough from the
West Indies, will be guest
speaker at the morning service
in the 'United Church on Sunday,
April, 28, which .service will b'e
conducted by the Womens Missio-
nary Society with a full ladies'
choir in attendance. The W.M.S.-
s tendering a mother- and daugh-
ter banquet to the girls of the
C.G.I.T, in the church •on Tues-
day evening, April 30.
Holiday Services
The 'local churches were filled
to capacity on Sunday morning
for the Easter service, with spe-
cial music and addresses being
in accordance with the theme
of Easter, and the churches
being beautifully decorated with
flowers, ferns and Easter lilies
for the octasion. •
Easter Visitors ,
Easter visitors with Mrs: Mae
Holt• and Mrs. L. Geromette
were Mils Beulah Holt of Wind-
sor arid Mr. and Mrs. Jock Holt
and family of North 13osanquet.
• Easter visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth toberts were Mr.
Roberts' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. E. Roberts of London for
the weekend and Mrs. Roberts'
mother, Mrs. Bartlett and 'Son,
Dalton, of Arkona on Sunday.
Misses Sandra and Darlene 'Ro-
berts returned with their grand-
mother to Arkona to spend the
Easter vacation..
and Melva -arrived home last
week after spending the winter
• months in the South. Misses Ani.
ta and Carol Menard, who have
been, spending the winter months
in Windsor are spendi4 the Bas„
tervacation with their parents
and brother.
Mr, and Mrs. IL Lougheed Pf
Woodstock are spending a few
days in their cottage here.
Easter visitorwith Mx. and
lfrs. Thos, Desjardine Were Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Desjardne,
Diane, and Michael of Forest,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and
Judy of Exeter, Miss Grace Des.
Jardine returned to Forest for
a visit with her sister.
Mr, and Mrs, ,r, W. Holt had
a their Easter visitors, Mr, and
Mks, Gulens, Mr, and Mrs.
Adair all ef London, Olive
Webb of Dashwood, and 11fr. and
Mrs, Harry Pickerel .of Toronto
en Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. MansellMason
entertained 'their family to a fowl
dinner on Sunday, the occasion
being Mrs, Manson's birthday.
The guests included Mr. and
Mrs, Graham Mason and Mr,
• Jack toyt of London, and 1r,.
and Mrs, Junior Masan and Bren
• da of the Bend.
Weekend guests with Mrs, Wm.
Patterson were Mr. and Mrs,
Donald Scott of Sarnia and Mise
Laura Lisk of $t. Catherines,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer
entertained as Easter, guests
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Sweitzer
and Brian of Exeter and, Mr,
Geo. Clark and sons.. Michael
and David of Thedford..
Easter visitors with Mt. and
Mrs. Robert Desjardine Were
Mrs. Desjardine's father Mr.
Wm. Desjardine of Bayfield,
her sister, and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wilkie, Bar-
bara and Brenda of Kitchener.
Mrs, Ella Patterson ,of Wind-
sor spent the weekend With her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hanion
Mrs, Clara Manore of London
is this week spending a fiw days
with her mother, `Mrs. Sarah
Miss Evelyn Desjardine. of
Lion's Head is spending the Bas -
ter vacation with her ufotlier,
Mrs. Wilma Desjardine and:bro-
thers, • •
Mrs: j.' Moussean, Who lie's'
been spending the past few'Weeks-
her daughter, Mrs: - Fred. Jack-
son of Stratford, returned; home
last Sunday. •
Miss Marjorie Dayman of Exe-
ter spent the weekend with her
uncle, Mr. Alwyn Dayman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner
entertained Mrs. • Fahner's pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. • Arthur
Baker and' Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Kading of the 'Blue Water High-
way on Eajter Sunday,:
Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Rendle
spent the Easter weekend in Lon-
don. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Collies and
son, Kenneth, of Windsor acconir:
panied them after visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Rendle for , a few
Miss Lilian Heidman. of Teren-
to .and Mr. Joseph Herdman Cif
Debden, Sask.., spent a few days
with Mr, and Mrs. E.: ieown last
week., '
Mr. and Mrs.- 'W. P. )3. Mac -
Laren spent the Easterweek-
end with their son Robert- In
Miss I; WYand spent the Week.
end with friends in Toronto.
Mr. aind Mrs. Richard Sinclair
eekend at their cottage in town:,
..... I ..
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Menard w
Gram Says:
Hope You
Like These
We'wish we might have had Read theother day that house -
nines should •keep the cookie
Jar well _filled at housecleaning
time so they can take a coffee
break and munch cookies to re-
lax. (The coffee break appeals
to us much more than the house-
cleaning we'll, admit.)
If you make a batch of these.
cookies, :we're afraid you'll be
tempted to relax often. Mit.
Harry Coates, who gave us the
recipe, says it is a -favorite with
her family, .
Salted Peanut Cookies
(Mrs. Harry Coates)
1 cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla,
2 cups sifted flour
A/2, tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 cup salted peanut halves (not
1 'cup •oatmeal
1 cup coarsely crushed corn
this me recipe in time for our
Easter column but it reached us
just too late. However it sounds
like the sort of pie you'd like to
serve on special occasions. Mrs.
Walter Cutbush, who gave ,us
the recipe, says she likes to
make this dessert the day be-
fore she plans to serve it,
Pineapple•marshmallow 'Pio
• (Mrs. Walter Cutbush)
Graham cracker crust:
10 nr 11 double graham crack-
Vs cup melted butter
ys tsp. cinnamon
2 Tbsps. brown sugar
Roll crackers, Add -cinnamon
and sugar, Combine with melted
butter and press into pie plate.
Bake at 250° for 15-20 minutes.
1/2 lb. marshrnalldws
1/2 cup milk
1/2 pint cream whipped
Vs cup .well drained crushed
pineapple •
840 Maraschino cherries
Heat marshmallows and milk
in double boiler until blended.
Remove from heat arid stir until.
Beat cream and fold in well.
drained pineapple and therries.
Fold into marshmallow mixture
and fill baked pie shell. Chill
in frig. before serving.
* * * 0
Last week we, had a daffodil
cake recipe: Oday we have an
Orange cake which is a good
recipe for using up the egg yolks
left over from making an angel
cake, This ambUht Will Make
three g•inch layers.
Orange Ceki
(Our Good Neighbor)
, cup butter •
1i cups sugar
8 egg Yolks beaten
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. stilt
g bps, baking powder .
11.1 cup orange jUice
1 tap, grated orange rind
2k cups sifted cake flour
Creamshortening and sugar
until fight and fluffy. Add egg
yelk5. and continue .ereaming,
Sift dry ingredients together
four times and add te creamed
mixture alternately with orange
juio and Pour into tea
in with wax paper, Bake .at the Guides: 'and her mother Mrs.
3508 �r 18.20 18.20:titifititet, Ethel RirbY.
Cream shortening and sugars
till light. Add eggs and vanilla
beating well. Sift together flout,
soda and baking powder and
Work in ..the peanuts, cornfakeS
and Oatmeal, Add to first mix-
ture. Chill dough before rolling
into balls .size of a walnut. Dip
balls into granulated sugar.
Place on cookie sheet 2 inches
apart. Bake in moderate oven.,
Honor Girli
At Toronto
Miss Mar*geret Sanders of the
Exeter "Girl GUides and Misa.
Gwen Spencer Rentall will be
Toronto riday to receive
their rd certificates frons
Mrs. Louis cord
•Wife Of
the Widened GI:Werner 61 On
The presentation will be riatdq
to Girl Guides in Convona.
tion University of Toronto,
Gwen .will be accompanied b!.
her Mrs. W. C. Spencer,
and with Margaret will be her
mother. Mrs. Warren Satiars,,,
WS, Robert /Argon Captain of
McGillivray WI
EIects Officors
Mis.illiSOR seas re*OleCted
president oir,14foGillivtoy Wom-
en's Institute et .1•ho April. meet-
ing held in West McGillivray
Vice presidents are Mrs. Wes.
Lewis and Mrs. Earl Morten
secretary-treasurer,Mrs. Parry
.Arrastron4 Mrs. Melvin
SOn;- district director, -Mrs.. A.
Armstrong; alternates, Mrs, 13..
11/0.11:5107;s: mlArrss:. z%arril :pixorolne.y;m. p1 -
D. Steeper and Mrs. Melvin Al -
Fred Fenton;• auditors, Mrs. A.
Convenera of standing
lie relations. and ,conutunity• ac-•
dales, Mrs. Les ag-
ricuiture and Canadian industries,.
Mrs: Mac Allison; home ecoW
°Mies ..,:endhealth, Mrs, Mar-
wood Prest; historical research,
Mrs, Fraser Dixon; resolutions,
Kooy; publicity, Mrs,'
Parry Thompson, Mrs.
Fenton; social welfare, Mrs. 'A.
Erskine,. Mrs. A. ,D. Steepw..•
Mrs. Fraser Dixon, Mrs., Fred
Fenton, Mrs. WM, Luther.
The' officers' were Installed by
Mrs. Andrew Erskine. • -
Mrs. Marwood Prest. gave a
Area Official
Lodge Guest
Miss Jessie Little, Brussels,
district deputy president, was
guest of honor at a banquet 'at
Armstrong's last Wednesday
night when members of Pride
of Huron Rebekah lodge and
guests from Morning Star' lodge
numbering 7,5 met there prior
to the regular meeting. •
Addressing the meeting in. the
lodge rooms,Miss 'Little spoke
on "Fraternity, the foundation
of the Order." Mrs: Ronald"Virat.
kin was soloist at the banquet
and Mrs. Ifarold ,Bell' -sang se-
veral 'selections at the,. meeting.
Mrs. James Armstrong, past
district deputy president, brought
greetings from Brussel's lodge,
A donation of $20 .voted
to the Exeter and District Branch
of the' Canadian Cancer Society
during the rosiness meeting con-
, „. .
ducted by:noble grand Miss Ruth
Sunday And
• Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wednes-
day afternoon, and during
the evening throughout the
- week. , .
'Snell Bros Ltd.
taipor on l'Devoiopmentit
nom:14041le and Mrs. Wm.
Fenton gave "belpfui ,gVestions.
for the
• prevention of accidents
in the home. The. m
cannot succeed if woman faits
her, obligation" was discussed
by Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. Mrs,
Earl Dixon rcontributed a plane
A contest conducted by ,Mrs.
Prest was wonbyMrs. - P.
Cornish,. Mitchell, et. Co..
H. ../, Cornish L. F, Corni* ' it. Mitchell -, i
I K. W. Slide W. 6. Suchard . ,. •
t 1 291 OUNDAS ,Sr,, 0141.2.2651 LONDON, Ott; • i
,,,,„.,„..,..„„„„..,.,,,,,.„„.,,....,,,,„„a,....",,,,,,,,,,,,v,„,„,„,„„„,„,„„„„„„,„„„,„4,1,,•!, .. „„..)
19 Richmond Street West, Toronto Enspirl 1-74)43
44 Ames §troot, $t, Catharines Wilmot 5.840? •
428 Richmond 80004 tondoe,Ontorl, 44714 •
Values Effective
Aril 25, 24, 27 '
Salado Tea B. ORANIp. .F3EKC:IS s ' PKG. OF 60730
Swifts Premium Beef Stew . . i.G.• ?4•OZ,, 'TIN 43c
Treesweet Orange Juice .. ‘ , • LG. 4S -Oz. TIN 33c
Quaker Muffets a a . . • PKGS.,
. 2 35a
Crisco:s. e .•0 •
• 1.1-B. PKG. 38c PLR. TIN $1.12
Nescafe . . 6 -oz, JAR, 160 OFF $, JAR, Sit OFF 57c
• Heinz Vegetable Soup . , 2r4 25c'
Nature's Best Tomatoes . A
TIN c3e.
• .
.Cheery MOrn Coffee WE GRIND IT# • 1Lis, SAG- 930
Maple Leaf Soapflakes 1Sp, OFF,• LARGE PIC% 82c
Bieakfast Club Marmalade '2 FRUITS 24-0Z. JAR 340
• Velvet Flour
FOR0:.KES OR PASTRY, • • 5. -Ls. SAG 440
5 •
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