HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-25, Page 5A:.nnouncernents
S *1134r. and -Allengri
Aa51 1, .tat Atom, Rioter,
no1.41 I the birth of e, nenaltttlr
�t South, Huron liospttel, .Airrll
3 15u "1' 1 to t
_. rab7, .1'l+cn cs Pr. �3u #Gn
end nttreing rtiAff,
>irltvl 111Nl t--140• And Myr*. Wit,
.k'inkbgitter, prSditon 11.11„.9, Inn -
Mune!!, the6 birth of a son at
South Huron 'Hoepititl, April 241:
957,-15. br'bthbt• far 'lio.ney,
r;1001'41t-14i.r. and 75,10. GilodWYn
ooper, .Blanettat'd, wtah to en-,
nouuce the birth of ik daughter,
e erne i
EMIL o 't, i4tekr a`r a
htt J at b y
'1 1 9
H t1'J' a� tt 1 l�7
twirl. rE A &&lithe Y, A� %
/1OitIl$11,4.--0/6 And .orb. D. B,
Uorrieil, 14C•AF tiltatitni Centralia,
annclunce the birth. .of ,l .daugl
4 ter, weight 1 lbs., _' oza., ttt 8aut11
littixifi S0s01441. April 22, 1967•
thabks tl# }?r, 1 ens*n, and Pure•
inti start,
PARSONS—,tack and Maklon Per*
A. A
i t
pons& Shamans .Ants., Nxekor, an'•
r I
b s
e h t f It
n a., t ss, o p o
uii d i
7 lbs., '12;14 oza„ at South Huron, during our repent sad bereavement
b d a d th.
Hospital, -1,pril 24, i95Z—'a. brother of a beloved nus n.n lr
4pecial thanks. to Pastor Ir, Zorn,
the choir, floral bearers, a1
I!. sif-
'at Ae t
Ladle/ hearer*,
' e in
1 la t.edany
a nn
a Who h t
a t
we v.
1 wish tb express my thanks to
"VtiAl'IrEtiS—LAG•` *04 hits. I4at•r1"-who
104l8Peredi Me ves awithnd hiloweis,
'Walters, 217 Algonquin �5t'•,. an- cards, !.fitters and candy ,white bo-
nounco the birth Of .a ctaula'hter, i.t a atiNnt in St, 2Iarys :Marriot-'
Darlene i41arj1•aret, at &Mtn li trait int Hospital and *ince returning
1-losPltai, Apill 29, 19117'--ir. Mete home —&tire hoes Francis. 25e
for Danny,
'rite Ansae AC" And Violet
D'K1'J W41atd tike to. 440 this tmq
turtunitY to thank the . 10.O.F,
14odge end all .ot (ere wit(, made
1 d the
utollatlonal to their .QcltPa.
range.'" tarnishing+ •or assisting In
the pageantry renovations, Abu
1 wish to thank 111 •* y friend*.
Wild apo kindly 1�emeninerea 1114 with
vjrits cards and fitWere 'while •
was,. In the hospital, Sperral thanks
td It*v, Hley, the BetoAn 1'3141e
Dints and the W.A. of tirednway
United •church -.-1t wee g -atepiullQ
apPreei*ted.—Acre, peen 'A: _Vrn, 26
We *nth to eztettsl Sincere thanks
to .our .many fr;lend 4or. vl8tts,
d 1 pa-
being p.
tlawera and treble while 11.
tiettts 1tt St. Joseph l+ tirld 'Victoria
#iobjiika s, Liatttion, and Mete our
return home. r Pratt And ,L'eter•.
Linentbacit. 9158
The tangly .et the 1hte Herbert
W to 8xiitles their sUreere
Wein w l a h
thanics and appreciation for the
raan�y acts or kindness, expressions
of dyymyt►thy, xnehtorlat cards Arid
beautiful floral tributes r etelved
for Brenda :Lee.
O IAO --- Mr. end Mrs, Kelly
ltobinsan, Allsa Craig, Bh8PunCn
the .birth of a daughter, Maty
Mildred, at South 1#trron 140*-
Intel, April 18, 1,967,
Visitors lei TOw+n
Mrs, Lauri► 0140, L00400
i a a
ce5atic! end Micbatai 1nf
131'1#. ,
Cornwell, •with( Ml's. Wrl�illtitn
Mair .prod Mrs, 1`ergtt*on,
Mr. and Mrs. C, V. Pickard
in. Guelph with the letter's . sis-
ter, Mr. and :Mrs, W. A. Wad-
deli: Misses Marguerite and
t re
i a Hamilton, len a
r a
' d � k d>
i'u C
> y
i home,
i their m
t er
iiolidao' ng a
Airs F I+Yans Cl -Moen, ,ani
t r iirtrs4 L d ✓l<
her dent
i1'OOP11%F —'&miles lay, infant 2laullh-
ter of a1r, and Mrs, f7i.adtiYrt
Heiner, an April 18, 1952. ;14t St,
itrary`,b Tlxetriorial RosPital. -
)i11.,1,011, �-- Sttdi'ieltly 113 Pi/4011A
To tt8 ►In,. 0n ] 1idaY, • 4.pl'h 19,
2.997 Abbert 141ortet Miner. late
of parteuhar, beloved hU2hand op
the fernier Muriel Dr�tke, slat
dear father Of It*bt,rt, of 2..o ttbn,
and Harrhy, int 11*ttle, in hid fl4LY-
first Year. .
),OOSE,BOOM On the way , to
,church on Sunday. k1rf'il 21. 1997,
Ariena ktooseboom, beloved daugb-
tar .of Mr, and Mrs, `William
Itooseboom ttt her fourth year.
I7 IN—In "Detroit on Thursday,
April 18, 1957, Herbert S. Wein,
beloved husband of, Hilda. Rader.
in 1119 shitty -third year`.
x wish to express my sincere
thanks to the neighbors and friends.
for the kirrdiless eittended tl% ine
while " a Patient In lit. 78 888's
I1o.Gpital; also for the flowers, treats
and cigars sent to rue, with special
1 traits to Dr, Gibson and lar. Wil-
eon. and the nursing staff,—A,
k 25
• Mrs, Prank Lewis and family
Wish to thank their many friends,
relatives. and neighbours for the
many natal tributes and cards of
sympathY during their sad bereave-
nlent, flfi2814t thanks tq Rev,
Olark1 t13b 111515083`?..Hobk8Y ,tUtt iti
Horne and ,pallbearers,250
Thames Road
Continued from Page
lVixls. lIAyy1 Of Exeter, with
Mid Mrs. V1t±tor Jeffery,
Mr. and Mrs. George to
d Nancy, Mrs. Anna, Monteith,
Toronto, with relatives ill
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Knight
d Linda. were guests on
day With . Mr. arid, A4rs, H
ebbe- of Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luker,
Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Molr and.
Hansell visited with Mr.
Mrs. Win. Snow on Sunday.
The monthly meeting of
W.A.'And W.M.S.will lne
edneeailAy eveslnlnt#, May., 1
3d p m. D,S; J', in the ch
ite3ults Annual ., `Trip
The monthly meeting of the
o 4�
s held. n
Club was
everting with 2i. present. Mr.
Mrs. GienR.JeffelCy, Mx. and
oliert Jeffery and Mr. arid
dtvin 111&1 et Were ih char"
he evening. Mt. Vieth
"' eta
Rik the t
lir sit f g
' s chs nYl p
113t's filbert JeffCry bend'
Olefin Jeffery led. iii the d
anal peeled. Mt Yfi'stef met
given by &navy 1V, J. M+n
Other nUntberd on the pro
nclud.ed a story by
effery, heading by Mrs. Edwin
Miller, pians duet by Mrs.. G
Jeffery and Mrs, William
nd hurniorotis reading by
1Viel"Vin Gardiner, .
$QsinMsY; *AS taken by presi-
dent, Mrs. Rohde, when
the annual Trip were discussed,
everal contests and games
Haire �lin►on Minister
Rev -S. Kerr, of Coven Presby-
terian Church, was guest speaker
art the Good Friday evening
dada Wilke hi Thames
Mr. Stanley McDonald, of
ton, , will have charge; of
hserVtces it 1
llllleen and Lloyd Willert wish to
express their•thanks to all those
Who sent cards, flowers,Itts and
treats to r111een alta Bradley 'while
patients lir South 194.1r054 Hospital.
and slued retur»itlg home. 25o
The fantliir Of the late Siebert
,titter 'with to d?Ipres8 their 8lltdere
thank* to ,their relatives, friends
t4151, neighbors for their many AIRS
o kindness extended tb than Mir -
Mk their recent, sad bereavennent,
lineelal thitrtk$ to li4V. W. 1. Moores
t. GibhbnS and Ur,Mlt*hill, the
Hopper-l:lockey funeral home, these'
+Virg Loaned ears, to those who
helped at the house of 111 &ilY other
Mr. and Mrs. "VtrIlllarn Johns wish
to drank all those whe lent flaw.
ers, ,cards and treats to 518. John$
Whate she was a I,atient in South
Harlin Hospital aril 'since return-
ing horns. They were all much ap=
predated. Special 'thanics ttr the
staff of South Huron Hospital. 25c
tin te
held on
S.80 urch
nis .y
e and
R Mrs.
E Miller
W M.
l Glenn
d Rohde,
e Mrs.
d plans for
Mr, and, 1Virs. Edward Amb.ed-
lett and daughter Lynn lViaria.
Windsor, with Mr, end Mrs,. H,
it. Sherwood.
Ms. Arnold l.
d Cantt
with M.
and Mrs, Orval Cann.
Mr, and. Mrs, E. P. Ball, Mn
and Mrs I'ledley with Mrs, Julius
ichler, r.
Mrs. Dorothy Prowear and Don
and ivl
na, London
Gerald Lawson andf
Woodham -with Mrs. Sadie Law-
Sgt. Gordon 'Hall, Portage Le
Prairie,. Man;, with Mrs, Hall
and children.
Miss Ethel Do
W, Woodstoc
with Mrs, Anna Ellis and Mr,
and Mrs. O. J. Dow,
Mr, and Mrs. Amos Warwick,
Port Huron, with Mr. end Mrs,
GILL -7n loving Memory of Tdector
GIII who passed away one year
Ago, on April 28, 1596.
Quickly and ...suddenly came the Gall,
His sudden death surprised us all,
Dearer to memories than words can
'Tire loss r f ii son We loved( se, well.
—.Lovingly remembered by Mother,
Father, sisters and brothers. 25e
mnrastiarL,-- In lend and loving
tnerA84Y of Our dear Mother, Mt.
John Mitchell, Ynho passed awaY
April 25, 1956.
You can only have one mother
Patient, kind and true;
No oth84 friend.' in all the -World
W111 be so true to you,
F`or all her loving' kindne42 •
dealt the orltl1182*rti8d return,
To our Mother i4"++ • Could. 441411.
To those who have a mother,
' care;
.Cseasure hex. with
For yew never know her 'value,
Ti11 you see her etniit7" chair.
—.Always 4�r18in11oretl iiy the to 6c
—Continued from Page 3
Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. Quinton
and family, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Lilley Mid. family of London
were Sunday visitbrs ' With Mr.
,arid Mrs: Arthus Mcf'Ally
Clark Fisher,
Mr. and MCA, Jack Payne
and Children, Sarnia with M.
and Mrs. Clayton Frayne.
Mr, :and Mrs. R, F. Simpson
and family., Stoney Creek, with
Mr. and Mrd. J. S. 'Jlleher, ".
Mr, and Mr*, Herb Broom Jr,
and son, .end Mrd. Wen, Wheeler
and daughter, Gail, Toronto, with
Mr, and Mrs, Herb Broom.
Mr. end Mr3. Lorne Elder and
family, Hamilton, and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Passmore and
children, Ayltner with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Alex Duncan.
Mr. and MrS. Al#an' Elston,
Biddulph, with Mr. and .Mrs.
Les Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott,
Port Stanley with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Gilfillan.
Mrs. Mae Brogan, Windsor
with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Har-
Miss Shirley Harness, London
with. lairs. Irene Harness, g
Mit, Mildred Batdon and On- Mr, W. J. Plumsteel,
alae, Mr, and Mrs. Keith., Bat- Mr. and Mra, Walter Bentley,
sett of London with Mr. F, C. Marian and Katherine, Mr. and
Mrs. Evan Sims and Laurene,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sims, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Heywood: Sed
Mrs. E. Dew with Mr. and Mrs.
Mervin Schmetzer, Kitchener.
drini►tae',1ts About
Thaltiea &read ori. Stnnda�,
>lerVices are on Daylight
and , at
Visitors. In Town. A4►-Qf.Town Visitors Teem T4lrib •
, Smart Miss Xathieen Hay in Gtt.eWp, Mr. A. F, 1'iitkb !Peril" rotor
rinMr. end Mrs Dppeld t'
. Mr. * d Mrs. Mrs. H. C. IUvere in l..ol►dou, t►d .home i*it week r'om St.
RQ Deborah, Mr,' 11tr« fieri Petri* in $rvtirside, ,elth •tt Despite', London, where
M Wade, rd Bla Withy vi Stilt. .un underwent air ovation for thu
Mrs; c,tiat+rd BlieneNlerd. Mrs. ,tiprdalx Mt:,ta tlh, in . ra d .
JiM Mr
Mr. and l4irs, lfowat;d l�drd ford. 1'atnavanl of the ldWial' Part � tlftll'
'flintily,lir'ilntiptoit with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. >f.Wart Pym. In left leg.
P. Relerley and Mr, aand. Mrs.. Windspr,
;Hilton Ford, M. and Mrs. N. L. 'Martin end
Mr. and Mt"s. Grant Chea, Jew farn,iiy in Waliueebttri� with Meir'
Jimmie andjohn, LueknOW' Parents, Mr, and. aim Cotten
.lee, Jilnm d ,
With M. *end Mrs, 'Ben Case. ..and Mrs, Peed Merlin.
'r Mrs.- W. O. Winds.). Mr, aed .Mrs, Grabann Meson
M . and, y with • the fpi'lnter'd
London with Mr,. and Mrs. and:,tsm'Mr% And Ws, Mansell
Mason, Grand .Send,
Mr. •and ,Mrs. ft►1sseil Tiernan
s ed
In Iia hwo .
Mr. and Mr's, Harr De 'Vries,
Bart alld Shirley in f antilton.
Mss Pearl Keys with Ree.
Turner, mb th
zld _ rs.a
a M
Mr. and Mrs, .A,ttb_ ey , ,
J ne
Hsnor'rer, "lith Mrs Wn1, Balk, Judy and pan in
Mr, and Mrs. Ra Wuerth will
Mr, and Mrs, Oren Winer, Ha- family in Struthroy with' Mks,
mitran and Miss Ittiby Wood, W.uerth's Parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Ridgetown with. Mr, and Mrs. Robert hunter. Martin In
John Luxton, Mr, 'and t Mrs. W. grin W.
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Doherty, London with Mr, and
Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Po- d. 'Ventof and family; • hobble
herty and Denise, 1VIOtlnt Clem- returned with Jinni for this week �
ens, Mich,, and Miss: Wilma Mr. and Mrs.' Samuel Hen,
Coates, Loddon with Mr. and Brick with Mr, and Mrs. Arlo
Mrs. Whitney Coates. Mr`s. Frank Stucky,'Wayne, Mich.
Coates, spent Saturday evening Dint Hennessey is wending Eas
with them, ter week in Ghathatri and .liar•.
but4df-toners Visitors row.
Mrs. Lavine Hem with e r,
Dr. and Mrd% E. S. Steiner in and Mrs, Malcolm Spuec ,
Gary, Indiana, with Mr. and Marys. `
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hicks with
Mr. and Mrs. J. F.«. Pringle, St,
Catherines, '
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Broder-
ick and Bob with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Flynn, London.
Miss Lorna Taylor, London,
and Miss Shirley McPhee, Td-
rpnto are spending the Easter
vacation in New York and Ber-
Mrs, Frank Bruce with Mt..
fret/ Coates,
Mr, and: Mrs-. S. Frtke:,.'Foroo,
'to with Mr. .end Mrs. W., G.
oC r e,
h >}.
C. a
Mr and Mrs. Alex Johns, ton.
don with, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Mr.. andAirs, .era d
l4i ,.
Nancy and Miss Joan' Hattintpn,
Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Shoebot-
telii Fend Mr. and Mrs. Chas,
Badger of ferry Sound were
Good Friday visitors with'Mr.
and Mrs, Ray Shoebottont.
Mr. and .Mrs. I. Macaulay and
family of Montreal are spending
Easter week with Mrs. Macaul-
ay'e parents, Mt, and,.Mrs. An-
drew Ricks,
s ern
and rs.
Mt. M
and son visited for a few days
with relatives in Toronto. •
Mrs, K. Grab and Wayne are
visiting with the fdrnter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith lit
Mount Albert,
Mrs, TOM Steiner i►ari family.
Mt. and Mrs. Geo, Leckie with
IVIr`. and Mil, Wm. Forrester,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fraser
with Mr, and Mrd, Morley Wit -
trier, Detroit,
Mr: ,and 'Mrs, Walter Cuthush
with Mr ,and Mrs. Chas. Reeves,
Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan and
son with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Pr. Hu tae Creech, of Fhtledel.
hie, visaed With .lie • erenta,
inn: *frt. R. N..Creeetldh, after
r, ��
attending a eonvehtion en cone*'
research at Chiang-&.
Mrs. Whitney, Cortes, grit.
Rarl .Shepton and Mei. Hadley
May attended :the firth; :Annual
in:eetlsig . of Loledon AlatitProtiok
Worn a Assncirtiort of the, PM-
tt� is
ch �itualtllt IC le
et Church, l
Mr. and Mrs, W.. S. Cole re«
turned iron riorida lest irriday.
Rene Murraynd Mta$
Miss Rea y
e d tt$S*t
� bda.
l l' it.
, .stand 1v
_nla tI
Connie d �.
o on F 1-
Miss Murray'ato
at s
dey evening or a kitchen shoW-.
er for Miss Marlene Moyes, Whose
nlaCr age to tDtttlend took
.pie on Saturday,.
Donald o'Rrien, Zurlelt, Gerald
tannite ltdnsat#, .;Jinn Crocker
and Hui Batted, keter, •are on
**trip to Florid
Mrs. Ethel Prout, London, Who
has just returned from Florida,
spent con* of da it in own
n£a tl Y
Ogling friends,
Mr. Roy Rats, S.hipka, ld art
ending the Grand Chapter of
Reye& Arch Masons in TttObto,
It's silly to feat amt getting
old. When we stop g.. d in
er, We're deed..
Brewin, Wingham, and Mrs. Elmer Kieinfeldt,
Mr. and Mrs. A. 0.• Elliott with Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Erouse, De- Dr. and Mrs. Frank' Biltsoii
ixo#t. with Mr. and Mrs. 'Lori. Hutson,
Sandra and Linda• Snider with Mitchell.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Facey,, Tavi- Mrs, A, E. Delbridge with Mr.
stock. and 1t1rs, Gorden Brooks, Lon -
Mrs. H. S. Snell, is in. Clinton doh.
owin to illness of her father, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Dewar with
Mr, and • Mrs. Wilmer Mac-
Donald, Jackie and Ruth Ann,.
Brampton, with Mr. arid. Mrs.
Edgar Cudmore, Jackie and Ruth
Alai reitiainitig for a week.
Mr. end Mrs. C. Insley, Mrs.
'Phos. Allen, Stratford and Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Insley and Mur-
ray,. Crediton with Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Insley and eaUSatia ,inn ce-
lebrated her first b,crthday on
Good Friday.
Miss Dolores HeyWood, aiutnian -
with Mr, and Mrs. Wnl. I•ltinter. Personal Items ,
David Wright, London with Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Gunning
and Mrs. Vernon Heywoodeand .of Granton spent Wednesday
family. with Mr.. and Mrs. Clarenc
Mil. A. M. Sweeton, tolibon Knight.
With Mr's. Eva Delbridge. 1t'l:iss Urea Kirk returned
• Mr, Vernon Heywood, King- home /rent Stratford ;Hospital bn
stona with Mrs. litywbod eau Sunday attex having a Caat put
Baby Joanne 'Smyth 'IA spend-
ing this week in London at the
hone of Mr. and .Mrs. R. Lilley.
Richard Shoebottotn is visit-
iti with his cousin, Larry John-
song in London.
Miss Wilda. Pollock R.N. of
Kitchener was a weekend , visit-
or with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
A slumber frons here attended
the Lenten services„ in James
St. Church. Eaceter last week.
The their of Christ Anlican
church assisted the 'dint of
TriVltt Memorial church, Exeter
for Easter Sunday morning.
Mrs, Cliffgrd Watsonapent the
Eastet .weekend with her daugh-
ters, Mrs, Tom Steiner and Mrs`.
Val Buecitoae in Gary, Indiana
BACKACHEwhen you sleep ..
j**y Fernl'tw'e
Phone 20.
chip ren,
Mr % and Mrs. Mex Rohde and
Charile,of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Renneweis and 'Dennis,
Bornholm, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Gibson, Ruth and SUaie, 'Lain-
beth, Mrs. M#rguernte Gibson,
London, Mr.. end :Mrs. William
Rohde, Dbugies, Glenn and Cal-
vin Of Thante* Ailed, M. .and
Mrs. 'Riney• Keller and Barry
with Mrs. Henry' Rhode.
eSt4 a
Spence, M y
Miss Elaine Sp, ,
is " holidaying with her grand-
mother, Mrs. Laving Hem. .
Message From
. Greenway
Mips. W. T. Mena sled Miss %1i.•
lien Ulens of Windsor spent the
weekend at thelih home. Mrs.
Uletic •reMeined alter amending
the winter in, Windsor.
Mr. . and Mrs, Russell, Brown.
and family visited o Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Willard Forbes
and family of Fest ,
Mrs. David Cluness and Mrs.
Fred Windsbt entertained tt num-
ber Of relatives at it miscellany-
eons Shower_ on Saturday eve-
ning at the home of their par-
ents, Mr. xind Mi'8, Gordon Wood-
burn in honor oi' Miss' Betty
Glousher and Mr. Glen Wood-
Miss Marlton flicks of London
spent the Weekend With her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. illekS,
Sunday visitors With Mr. and
Mrs. Bus La�� gerWetf were Mr.
Frank Low, Mr.. and Mrs. John
and famtiily, Misses, Jean
and Antic tagerwerf and friend*,
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mclyher-
aoti of 1'ototltti Welted relatives
over thehollday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jack hurtle of
London visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, henry Hartle,
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gardiner
and family of With
the Weekend With Mrs, J. Gard-
ner. Mrs. Gardner and family
are remaining here 'this Week.
Mr, Dawson. Woodburn of To.
roan will 'prresent pictures of 1ttlt
visit to the British Isles 'and
France last summer in the
United 'Church en Friday eve',.
Mr, 'end Mt°s, Cleves liropltt y
and Glen of Loneltn spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
Lloyd Brophey and Frances,
Mrs. Waiter McPherson spent
a few day* with relatives at
Arkona And Palmerston,
Sunday Visitors With Mrs. Ed.
Bullock and Stewart Were Mr.
and Mgt. 'tarry 'WinterbUtf and
familYTneinito, Mr. Mid, Mtt.
Robert Bullock and family of
TOetnitt0, Mr. and 'Mrs. john
Mr. and OM Mrs. Peter PitwilWi anti
fetidly And Mr. and Mrs. • .+'red
Bullock and fetttily.
W.M.S. *enolvtreaty . s rviee
will be held In the United etch
on Sufldlt at :9A P.m. h
Mite Audrey :• `inkbeiher, mitt.
tinnalry ott fut'iilttgh from British
\re§t Indict will be the guest
speaker. The C.G.I.T. will have
their reaffiliation in this tern-
which waS
fortuna.ten heregni breakig ifi a fall
0n Saturday. • •
Mrs. • L. •Jeliffe and family of
Mt, Elgin were. Sunday visitors
With Mr. and Mrs. Itay Mills
Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Levy
Thames Road, Mr. and idrs.
Harold Levy, St. •Marys spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wal-
ter LeV'.
Communion was held the
United Chtirch on Sunday morn-
ing. The pastor, Rev, J. Slade,
receiited 1Q new members into
the church. The choir fevered
With' Easter music.
The farmers are making use of
the fine weather 'and are busy
on the land.
-Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pringle
and family were Sund& 'visit-
bra With 1Vfra.. M. ,Cbtlelehd and
Mr.' and 'Mrs. Ray ,Knight and
family visited on .Friday with
Dr. and 'Mrs. Lester Allen, Wat-
Mr.. And Mit. Fred Payne,
Donna, also Janet and Ruthie
McArthur, of London, were Sat-
urday afternoon guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Ruhdle and
Rost Chatten of Elate. is hal
idayiiig at his bonne for the East-
er vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Anderson
of Toronto, Mr. Harold Eerry of
Western University are spend-
ing the Easter holidays with Mr.
Hugh Berry.
Mr. atilt Mr§. Rost Gunning of
Toronto spent 'the Weekend with
the fennel Alger, Mta. Jim
Judy Switzer tial IMAMS 15 hol-
idaying with. her' grendaatother,
Mrs. W. L, Switzer.
Mr, Archie Chatters of London
spent ;$autres,' with his Mother,
Mrs, H. Chattel,
Mr. Mid Mkt. Wesley Shied of
Graelltort were guest§ of Mr. and
Mrs: Vie Mitten on. water Sun-
Mr. And MPs% JAe1k Robinson
and', Utility, Mt. Rosa Robinson
fit 1til kten, Mita Marilyn Brine,
Windham 1tfr. end Mee, Clar-
eintee Sin lair of Galt Visited with
Me. and Mrs. flobt. Rilbinson on
Me. And Atm Geo. Wheeler
spent a few days last week with
Rev. Sohn and Mrs. Wheeler of
Mr. crud Mr*. RAbt, R.tlndle,
Jim and jack were in London tilt
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr, and Mrs. Reilr•v Small of
St, Thomas were Sunday visit -
Mt With Mr, And Mra, NMrfMA
Miss Edith. Redd of Legitioti
OW the weekend with her par-
EMa gar'etnKnight•isthbtd ayidng.
with her grandmother, Mrs, Ed
tut Johnston in Lotidotl.
Mr. and Mts. Wray Sweater,
hart end Retban'il Of Mink* were
Sunday ' 'visitors 'with Mr. attd
Met. Bert TtUndie.
Mite .lean Scott 'e St, Marys
holidayed with her. limit end
uncle, Mr, aria Mra..tttek Smith.
Mr, end Mr*. Nerthetn Meekle
arid family, Mr., and Mrs. Ed.
want Matkte 'and felony, Mrs.
Malt& of toronlb were nelldaxa
weekend viaitt►r n' with Darr .Atte
Mrd. GCb, 1'% 1lor;phy.
Mr, and Mrs: •John Simpson,
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Durand
and Ronnie with Rev.' and MGs.
Kendrick, Seaforth.
Mr. add Mrs, tt. W. Jt4pp and
daughter with Mr. attd Mrs. Gor-
don Jeep,. window',
Mr, and Mrs. C. M. F arrew
with ' Mr and Mrs, ToMpsoin,
Miss Jane Farrow with Miss
Donna Thomas, St, Thomas.
Miss ,cane Harness with M'rs,
Dan MacLeod, Goderith, '
Roger Cahn With Mr. ,and Mrs,
Percy Jackson, Dunnville+,
Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Howey
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Gardiner, Kitchener.
Miss Betty Coates and Miss
Mary Gardiner spent Eastet
weekend in New York,
Mr. and Mrs. JAints Loader
with. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhe 'Loader,
11th. and Mrs. Gotdo'ft iJlens
and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Adair'
of Lonndo'n Spent the weekend et
their ,Surnxtner Koine.
445551554444.410054100 005
*11 ANE
0.0111W 04,
xt:NOM* flosalikast OW Metal
1rsire :
000Mt40tbviNN NiiMMiW►M►MNNBMF
Day or. Nigh,
TV lerviar
Expert topsail to trflevihton Pet*, folk* $e' "s, .!
A 1
Antenna.* ` adf4e :Mttetwirt . fM'Igi.
ptlltridea 9f An lr:lttd�, It��S t M
f. .
t. i ..
MAIN it '
48 -Oz. ''T'!t1 350
73/4.Oz, Tin
12-03. Tin 45p
•2O -O . Tins 2 for 35O
15.Oz. Tins • 2 for 210
Price 4 I bs4 0.011
16 -Oz, Jo ,.....,. 370,
Maikwell t#olxge, 2 Oz. SO;6 O,. 14
Price..5- Yi., e.ii..,Y.............. i1
F]�G ....,.....,. •+,.+..+i%iti.Yiii.l, titiii
4Pg'ii9t ,ettJe forieiz..
hen jPuith has
so much snore
to offer!
ROUitnI*Sirr .1 -dor
e-Phattiger &vieree
A .dtNSMAt itOtotts VA1,Ug
4<.yvl< : •:J.•.:•
y f"
iltrryttER onkel: and ordinary t=art there% * world or tliNereheo
in driving perfotrnarict, in luxuriotus Features, in styli
that's miles ahead,
61ne lance—one gentle touch tit your tot brinks you Wall
.fig thrill, Pettily -one sweeping . + ttti••e will ignite nl ►elt`hilwatioft
that t an1t.he elrpresatd ilt words. A1416 tal tuteleS big diftereainec
itut look at it another way. fttweun (lick's prices end ordlnett
-Pira there's a difference of oinly perini64 a weieal 'i't, it'd literally
true that if you canafford nyiy new car, yott tart buy a Buick*
Ste your Thick tlealcr mid ask *bout Bukk's featured *
Pyliliflow,'* Million -Dollar /tile, and all, Do it t*oott orr better
until i .i 4 tlo 1t today!
eJNVtei 1"ariablt' Pilch DDinit/1ot31 is Mt Nib, .»ynelbur i%nlit's• ht►hili dithtf, .it til
armoittrd ant Carr'rottx, SttH* elle& RoanMattttty-ttttibntaf oil Otinittt exit* Mit
lire i!ltt $rrri;tr�
Witert HIM A1ltOMoaltel Altai IUlk1 slUICK Witt SURD `tlfelN;lr.l
it k Lii `d
t+ evtolet•.,: flirmot*'Heli. W C t,y Molts