HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-04-18, Page 1• +as+M err saber. • ,1 - t: •• 4nw end roti • -re Meow 1 mar sew a .11 er •• ii• 411 • •r31('r8!H T1 N--uILLLKf711 in set•eca. VOLUME (III. "THE GREATEST P0✓181111,V GOOD TO THR •RNIATEET TOSE/ELS MAMA. GODFRICH, COUNTY OF iflJIgON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1850., ,s.1 0.. . 1' • a salt 5 TWELVE AND SIX TeNCl1 AT Tr7a zee ee link !free. NUMBER 11• - be ds6dte nstits- her til ' — -. more roma--• for tos— to do, hie til• end Prussic, fir t Gee AGRICU .TUR . hew ghat the may rtitgleet )set too kegeeety to have best done within -Jae it atheneedi al uta tore obi of the g` rsd+sero hi fleldit.- ter roaounee the *entente Which lite lave lion of a central goesrnment f«r °treay, does the farmer •*deet thew eoadiuoo■, tad a phlhhc InsUtuton in this tire, thR Medical of hie *en V a Pro(cwor and They attacked hie House in the night, 'detects. That youhJ John ing,►a1h01 0latthu fent rrfttrely: f faller!. Paris that whichthis 1e f he Candles Agrieserrist thea uaremonably, sad ,Ase ujatly, blames dm l trtattor upon the penes of a man[ l I ed and e District, !hero to romans Common Gaol of is R A Magistrates, and 1 there that Prn•+ta ham Abandoned n d l f f College, e! w tc vett were tele t n@ of alarmist ht• fami,y with cries of fire, rbm t e p ata to the the French government has ser^*;red Ave'+l W PRACTICAL 1laMAA[ti ON THE ,eedsraaa for seines him *Id and worthless se ed ! nature age, well known. and of d • bens- the Magi his es, and e, *grain app i endeavoured to obtain third d of May next, and thence, nn that iron NwltxerlsoJ, from ^+Air,': t x;•p^arR , ,1 nn+ urn SPRING. — sow the smaller triads of reds without first test- (strut to that Institution. The chsge of preleei on by taw, frit in Bain: outage ager day. to the place of Execution, an •b tad joyous *mos of Spring, with its-logtheir resin', which a easily dooe by pot- an offeove eo aggravated, in the midst of a outrage was efntuneed. At length, unable be hanged by the neck until yon are dead, Neufchathatcl, 'eating rxpee'ev that she Tb ay 1 the laves end .bandleder. the !! ch. m One only wserch she ser ' eon- isercuiag warmth sed bright sunshine, giving deg a small quality is sem, moistened rue' ot+f outbunlmo(s community, ei,txlavmireo l terror, *!used ootien to beegiven {t of CAarch,b^ I ,cellae Gal Almighty have mercy on your abandons e!! clsim,., Holy beren•e she eon- sVetsrenovating le Eis to the ad imparting powers of and exposing a to a srm temperate r Being Y sed im Hie caw satisfied iha the see•d is good. you her; only to and wee followed by univorral and intense nesording to the usual custom there,—that The prisoner bunt into tears was lo be upon the • to rnnke for the preservation n! the `taco of the Vegetable Eiegdom, Da ¢ anxiety to learn by the remits of a pito-lel trP ep a saelift t el ee not he allowed night,t anIsis d flounced upon him, and hes sentence1 the &kite a o01 Europe. _ vigor to a eeosdew number of animate exist- comply with theme :wee e* y tsJ tar's., which oceedin whether this charge were Iron. ' ir*"I" ] — The day of trial ease—e Cwtrt was organ- mottoeed all to avoid risking the cense- _ Hie Motor in a kneel -ng pertor•, continn- THE COLONIAL POST OFFICE. totes, has again arrived; sad largely //gee ii draw nature has Imposed a essential to •egetauw f'• R upon the resources, both of the bezel sad timid*, and healthy development. Warmth, mc,uiurr, !zed to conduct ii—a Jury almost of your greet* of Omitting the notice. The de- Ing to sob all the time. 1\'hen it roar p° g,sen cbuositg was selected is the manner etrorYOn went em—the Fut 601- only re- over, he rose, and making violent gest leo Wi' are glad t0 ere flat rho n•■esu;n of the cultivator of lbs toil. Spring may be re - exclusion from light, bat not from air, are throe out to p' intens, nrr•!,nr0tory to surrendering the tp - prmeipal eoedidose. Of all modes redepositing "best calculated to intuit intclligesert 1 0o nroncd`sari a comDeniedenly by defend tattoos hecontinuedtufdol antil•ledilout lel trot of the Prat Office to the North Atnen- JE AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS) OF we strongly r,eonnend ear reorders 1° connections to this community, and a base the hf• garded u the isfacy of the agrwultural year , drilling sip- impartiality ; C• tinsel were appotn et p 1'• - . all the golden fruits N Autumn will be maze n the seed of most teat grain crops, 1 h wheat. One man started from a feneet ally ia6w*eod, both is regard to quant' and pears to be the rket and the btu; and ase our 'mishit you in conducting your -*(inti, who The night seem dark, bratt he found met in the Court nom. 'etelli Dcr and ind*,tp .farms get *lest*- of humps led Toner, the ore ski guilty, by the degree oft ge which the farmer brings to bear upon mpor• of the drill will no doubt become better uodw- defense in itwbeal apecta. A very lege we answer. Aunt r, pa. GREAT BRITAIN. *loom :— toot oee0patios a the pretreat time.' 11 that stood and appreciated. number of w•itneeses were carefully commie- dered bin to "stop in the Queen'" sesame•' we propose in the pretreat article is to drop • few n eoeebding word or or two in refereoee to ed, and atter a labariotra mel of unprcce- addier, "'drip or 1 will *top you:" but no in the (louse •t Commons on Thurad i The exclu+ire p•ivilr¢R n1 rr¢ulating a?1 Clover, a plant of the greatest slut as foci for dented length, conducted as we hope with gnawer. The man escaped into Ingram', night, the stability paced. of the ll bad was matters N eccteml the Post -*tore Depart- praeueol and wassssaJe hist,. that Juryonouhceh wheat, where the er+! 50a a "umber et strongly menaced. Mr. Hatt bad given meth in Aro Bruer+yir je, he etofore rixsr- Thewlaeer that fres sow drawn u • slow has' *tock, and for renovating the Boil. That fa- pettlence rad To1tMs verdict, upon a careful others aero tcatte•rrd .boli', when Ingram notice of a moann that the (louse addrs st cised by the Post ela-ter 01 Englae, 11 been distinguished Is Upper Canada, try the geo• mer, who instead of exhausting his land by • y guilty •the crown, to direct that negotiations map . transferred to tbe Lir°levan•-'rovrrnny In eras shutes of seventy, clouded thief, fregaeot ' constant repetition of grain crops, seeds down revision of the whole proceeding, I am S• n- fired at him. The shot took effect, and strained b say in behalf of the Court that need hie death. bo forthwith entered into for the purpose Council. Everything connected with the sad sodden Ob.ngee aft d a damp alternately with *lower rod ocher grasses, and they cell perceive no just or legal grounds Three are the particulars, according to of releasing this country from all treat] department is to bo Prgulattd by order in ,1100?, reminding applies economically the manure which is made of excoption. Guilty ! 11ow much, under the evidence, ends Inoue painful exhibition i with foreign !Italia, For organ. Council, 'object t0 the *.neral rrCulattilga atmosphere:taming armed Is on the Coast of AfrI agreed upon by the seterel North American one of '• ON Cottony" winters. Live Stork of upon hi. farm, will serer have to complain, u all there thnlhpg ctrcumstaDeee which of the effects 0f bigotry and intolerance has ng cluster around the sere and throngour ^centred. ca; toin armed the trafic in slates. On the Colonies, which are w, fellows ,eery description has dw well, when prover at- thew-. now do, of a constantly diminishing pe ] morning precious to the debate on this mo- 1. An uniform sea e, throughout rilirh le word import, brat the wd•ful, violent, by Mr. Justice Aylwia. it ie feeling, bot tion. Lord John Russell called •meeting of North America, of three pence for *eery mattes has bite paid : • oo•dlua we are sorry stale of predate• Bot is order to here the Fall memories with the retrospect does this sin- We p iblm---h to -la the spntlnee delivered letter ee, an ounce, and other letters in tot serve w tea frege the ay trop . io t50? .44beneof this miwul plant a larger practised.— quantity — and C P° + of a life ore g the friends and 5npp^rtes of seed must be Town than 1. usually practised.— maninithonpeece of Godse and under thelprw extract from ;he Montreal vWitci,,—$ sen one hundred and sixty of whoa attended proportion. girt N IM Peovit le the bay crop of Int yearNo transit postage between the Pro - wee abeeduse, bat to several of the Easters die- The great object, with the clover pleat in pare• man on of the law 1 Yes! of one o rho extr t ment of bete—which may be his lordship. and Mews/idly informed them trieu it wan 'summit way, owing is the ri- talar, ,Anal- be to corer the ground entirely, lmidst of life, with bright hopes, warm affuc- road with profit, But taking the facet 0f that, should this morin* be carried, be vlocea to be charged. t shat prevail- over •eery large ,hereby preveatiog the powerful action of the Uonq mutual attachme-0te, sttoag, exteD- the case as they strand, who can ea] that should resign office. The result of the 3. The present rate ottwo pence sterling Pro - „ewe” drooeh were rays 00 We serfaetk between the Plante sive and numerous, making life a blessing Ingram is qu-ty 01111.1"1"! 11 i• true a disiaiot at night war, that the motion on leers from England, for their transmitter .. lbs Yris ab Prer;sees lid tM EA"'"was loot by • meprruty of - ►t. Sion rem Halifax, t0 any place in these Slaws. The faemero io Mom sections meet during the drought of rpring sod summer. The to himself and others. µ'o allude thus he jury of his gull• • hut on their oak hate dime- colonies, to be coaGnts•d. ere ofa hn•y roller is recommended, and the the injury you have Inflicted, not for the found him •guilty; every man has a There aresigns o1.aD ,t • •Phe prepayment of postage to be up ibors experiaeee great diff tele p keerig¢lotion of Parhatneot. up the nasi firs static.—penin affected due. anon of msngre, (Plater in meet roil( pin- purpose artf alreadyfaeerate l,i but 010 remind and it t1 edtffifo lento form imagine titre! 41wn 17 010 The bill for the abolition of the Lienten- optional, duce a powerful effect,) will generally be found you of the irreparable wrong -ono to the could so hr forget the atmrtt emotions of tic♦ of Ireland. u to be promoted to Par' 5. Each Province to retain the amount 01 ly w root crept east have been similarly effected P°• with that of bay. faeces fel in producing abundance both fir hay ,hement after Elate*• p' R victim of yoor cruelty, in ,bear j•leuce to our nature,—prompted, ton, by the ••flee• nsta o it collects,. } y y 1 ascan a\Ve learn from (relent that cultivation ie 6- The pootage 0n English letleei cofl.c- Ve. the wily w• for msdif is the Oleos ied p ¢ him whose voice is now fleshier) in death, tion* of a husband and t tether,—es art goin on more rapidly than was enticipated ted in the Colonic", to he paid oder io lbw w ani«aq fres* the extremes which an frequently ew Y and whose wrongs can be only vindicated by withcooleeer, or exeroi.e reflection under g ' la the enemy is this climate, is by Frew ihelt leehldbeee. the living settee of the law. 11, therefore, such eircumetancee. Ingrs'vr had endured. and that a great breadth of potatoes batt ted Master Griot seal in England ; the pre - you may at any moment think your ease a a most vexatious end aggnyated peneeu- beta 5bwe- atfrom tbe southern v'inualtate of two pence sterling tobeere- - sts'dils jrsemwg • sermon ,j as tempt, and file- , frontiers of Ireland ie rapidly incleasi.C•— to the province which collects it ; ifpreplltd re( feidieseiste- R*.t ere" u temp, maagel TIT I wRKMAN MURDER- h one w, repining tour °Anshan** intyou mind, Lien, but appealed app* lin toi theand,law f me pan tut The operations of the encumbered sere!*, in England, this rate of two pence is to he the strictest ewersowl1 be theps, may he said with Bosiers, Monday, April 1. or murmuring wont seek* interact from resource, he had to defend his property sited hilt are now be¢if inzthe to have their bents credited to the rate Province, to which the tet - rhe otrieteft tnih to be the firmer t fMet uehnr. rowJeJ tele morn- your imp+—think ! Oh !Funk ! of Alm instant himself, and we do not hesitate to say that• tial effect.. The first estate sold under ter is addressed. It bond !—' in prowling his property he only did hie I the new commission, was bought by a 7. All franking whatsoer, dirallowee. •i-- --` 6. Poetage stamps for prepayment to be ve 1000 alt that hell rare elm - pence, an tow ea . ll coekl einem hell w presenting your at his side. Ile spoke to Aim, but teethed - NEWS BY Ttll LUROP \. h +sed him ran Colonies, arc in progress. A Poet - o6ice hill hao heed i•,trodueed into the New Brun.wick Legi•latuue, by the Attornev- G•neral- The following are its prori- • Ie spring pirticalarly, when the temperature is The Court room wast I ly deprived of 1 fe by your gum J P \Y think there are few, rndoo,l Th 'meaty ereesn lid tis odieary food .1 cattle • *'ally ins to hear the *Potence Millie aro pronoun- thin, if rant fort for all sense of retributive. duty. e m tenant farmer. e e e,r .uo+•r•– eed upon Dr. Wrheter, ai were •11 the ave.- 1 tier—ifyou hare any compunctious rising whotwould not•earnestly desire to see the procement of the cultivation of Sax in Ire- allowed, and CbloniiR stamps to be engtt- ;e " sue+ Wachter to the Court-Iarnlr^. TAP , ' conscience, you may be rcat} tn exclaim royal mercy exercised in b1s taco*• land, aro making strenOrwS effort* to lalro- yeJ. - 9. Newspapers, re, pampfilelr, and maga- stock ,bort, what an advantage it is to • ( supply of faeeeleol root.. Haw invaluable are state of ilei., sed ' duce that crop tete the Southern and Wes P Pe such hie 4 of food he mikh us awl breeding and u.lemnil In parsing eeetence ori John Ingram, the tern Provinces. zine*, to be transmitted at present rates of track of yrgiven ; premiwng N worse funeral prevailed throughout the Assembly• pia g , unishment a just God be merattrt to me lion. Justice Aylwat addressed him in the Lord Gougb, whit has been honored and' postage ; but with power.to each Legis a- that they are gire0 udiuo0•ly, with a .props Dr. +lyglt$TER was brought into Court I . sinner !" followog terms:— feted everywhere, since but return from Lure, to order their transmission. free df +inures to 9 He looked gl°nmy in to Ate country seal charge. God grant that your example may afford John Ingram, you have been tried by a' a solemn warning to all, especially to the Jury of your own choosing, and have been young. May it impress deeply upon every foetid guilty lathe Amicus crime of murder. ind the salutary lesson it is intended to' The circumstances upon the death of Wm. h hieh oto ci ng yy, an1sone n tolen a gtikeltha! of ai in the hitter rave +h of truth, "I have tin- I s ainet H^avrn and my own soul ! My admixture of hay •rad straw. Carrots are excel- at ¢ n ex o auffntaV he must have pees purify the blood, and promoting • gnerath' diet was made known, but yet was collected art reokrl is . ne teodta to the extreme, and wore the mark,. of the I t f r hwsil ► r ♦ 1 ¢ h ed since the ver - healthy etas N the mental; lid the mar obser- lid calm. m healon halts good a rwpeeu Hots (or yrreeg ten minutes put uioe, the Court came tech, to guard against the innulgence of Watson, make the act 7 w ears- no i the de uiTturo of the Frrtteh *reamer for penaltiee which those ante impose for nrla- creek N *rep tris-. in, Atincluding Hon. Richard Fletcher, who uneallowedd and eindieimee passion; to resist prived him of Ids, Seer legally murder, P R tion of the Post Office regulations .—Globe. [ the M tem/tame that the roil M had attended the trial. .liter some minute* eempurpos ; *stili selfish, sordid and wick- outer crime. in torsi du este you have tet iseuedillu, the English Conceal at Athens ed purpose ; to hetes to the warnings of rap, sed very Rrett latitude was given you issued the following cirtnlar :— nd yield to the claims of duty • to prove certain 'teem, which by no moans Minister i am 1instr instructed b to Iier the Majesty's 's jissretrtsis.TAnoa •—Among the many im- India, proposes retiring The bull contains all the exemptions GREECE. with regard to tbe traormies'on of lettere On the 1st of march, three hours after otherwise than by post, which are contain- ed in the imperial Acte, a else all the 1 N et 5t d ( lent. kir. Attorney General Clifford, thoroughly prepared for the rtcepmia of the seed. n at i eonmcaence a g roes and succinctly, yet with (rest grgvlly, Much of the toilers of all load* of pirated 111. it is of the indictment. trial i std rimers fro tib rstithou thought . shrink .nail abhor -g the excuse os allot the nature a the crime.— neater en itr dry, bee weather, wbieh eb.netevrws row and rerdiel. lid tee, mos'ed the Court that from lho(trsy thought of assailing the Fire tans or other deadly we main may be Grceto to itihae ngogooda h Her of"o taro engross nt the attenesseres tionch of it Parliamentted will during wemura ef lkis ehmau mighm be obviated, by the final sentence of the law be pronon•ced- drop cali:valiee sod *gleams mauriag. It is The prisoner then row and was a+kpd by a well aewtlaiod fast shot deneg the **eel" the clerk what he had to chew why see ei eamr•er, tia►fwt deeply r:olti•ated soils art tense of DRATH shootd not be pronounced (steer eireeMMA see beteg 'Vial) precisely egainet him. in reply he raid nothmnf. tote whirl seesebt Ib. healtkwst wgeutio,: bowed Badly and took his seat- Cbief J am raei.leee h 'beim* heath, a spp.rteniy lice Shaw thea addressed him is the fellow- of ewoeadi.g within the reeeh of the rooms of ing words. The voice of the Chief Justice was replete with emotion and his whole pests try the fees of what is called capillary at- manner evinced the sincerity of the feeling 1a is obtain a deep n ing farmer is sperm sect traction. The int object, tkewfare, with die so touchingly exnreused in the followspermad ice seed - SENTENCE ! blest with no mein@ of moral and religious cattle you had impounded. Our egis a dere a Royer W - Walt/TIM-1e muting 00 culture—who have never received the bene- i tore ha. declared that the punishment of by Vice -Admiral Parker for the present the party who are liable to suffer by lee bed Lod ploughed is dm fall—a practice °P [ y fits, of cutttcated spcietya nor enjoced the such an offence shall be a fine not exceed- free iigrese and egress of all vessels present system,) enable them to hold the -- generally 4 d—will (regaeaAy here for tee last tune, to pro•ousco that sweet and ennobling influence of home.— lig fi+•R pounds. Unfortunately for you, actually in postesion of Her Majesty's reins of power, there has been a time, and anteore which the law has affixed to the there may be again, should the present sys- revere .Megieg we. ie maria., ee the part.,- high and aggravating offense of which you To such an one a word of advlee upon an you glade yourself your own legutator, a4 squadron. Ilse slimy esi4.ee apt a antro* ad *mesh- nand convicted, itis impossible by language occasion s0 impressive may be a weed 6tty vour own court, and still more unfortuna- The circnlar caused great satisfaction in tem 'continue in force, when representation dote by the sedan of heavy miss. A powerfsl to give utterance to the deep cooacioosnesr - ■Isoben and tend 10 ¢0nl : but n 1 ease like tell the executor of your own decision! Athens ; the trade appears to have imme- erste only in name. Some of our resdera Celtiteter, when ground ban hies ploegbed i■ of responsibility, to the keen cease of lid: this, where these ciretimstanees are all re- You did sot cell npon the deceased to' diately resumed its neual course. The ent may not be aware bow injorious!y the pree- tbe fall, might be seed with , -mugs is spring, nese and sympathy, wuh which we approach versed, loss word of urs CoOld ova be More your few oapportunity any o(Jf defence, brat accusation—you gave him bmm tonxii rrespinst., ntlof Ibm %•coal tat oto at, 00 plains Thee rare entee towns therefore o coex- this hese dt1J. aPPeeeNsneru which ail tact u ex- ited mese second plseghiag. bitter thoughts, to which wccommend you. pared into the presence of his t Con- Wyse, proposing that air William Parker try with a comparatively small number o To( t wee r yttfatioe to eke dols- man hes mayMardi"' 6 10 toll Ate• but which it ff ' f Pal DfOPe may seem MrdK fit t0 'Mote to in snare de- But a+ we approach this last lid duty of (vast yoor own cue with his. to rho first eholild give up the Greek fillips in his pts- inhabitants, Rend a member to Parliament, age of their (sad, either by farrowing, dhchiet tail, render the performance of thee duty oa Pronouncing mP.n 1trace, which i5 indeed the' place the accusation against you hue Leen session, and that he (the representative) while some counties containing ten bines or 1 drsumna will eaperiest* the the prevent occasion Host ueopeakabin price f the law, and net our owe—yet in smmbm !led to •Grand fury. You were ,soul- guaranty the payment of the claims the n tuber only the risme privilege.— or adept impwtant tad aeeeemry Prtetiee minim. At all times and under all circum- giving "i(eranee• we cannot do it with feel- then likewise put rapes a trial hefnre a jury of her Msjeety'e Government on Greece.— The tows of Cornwall, for Metairie*,hates(less, be die sohaving am by hteg til both drier 'ad warmer. 554 slices the feeling of indescribable aolem•ty lege of indtfierenr-e, a a formal end official of viler countrymen, and have been Mr. Wive replied that he fegretted being only • papul.lion of 1,500+ more readily brought Tato • fit ,esu for eitly attaches to the utterance of that "tern act. God forbid that we should be .ketitlly defewdee by a learned and lble unable to comply with M. Thouvenu's pro- much mn6nence in the Legislature as tote TM adeat wig ales he yoke f retributive j't$tice which consign+ ed from indulging and expressing those it Gurnee!. Your Counsel has been heard position : that the instructions which he county of Wsteeloo, cowtaintaf 40,000.— as' epresaible feelings of interest ends symea- nein application in arrest of judgment, and had received from Lord choffer.Palmerston did not e 1 town :o' Niagara the its se go Oxford in pla- h of Rai reale, in main are (heat** eywntiythyandcram aamton which with of superior {alit'. Me ars wt the edicts*• le roue death ; but when we consider all theP circumstances of est Idle—your vis- oust In our hearts, and we do meet sin- make avpifcaion in the proper quarter to 'et "sin have the Royal mercy extended to you.— i T A L 1' . London conujrinq . a elhe *bunter f 504,01. • fellow being to as untimely and tgn°m$D- y h h ari+c apnntanr after sentence time will be gives you 10 perm!t am to rene0 ro life of another, may they learn to reference used to repel force, under certain circum- Dern the laws of God and heir ow designed to nes on It ver for t e rieerne that purpose firedupon mande on*the• Greek tGo ernment through and alter our t present srepresente'ion.erease Tb. bear, m obvious o their owe- W. for- while J 00 the ttm French Republic, bear, from cords o advice may nor et ad- these ghyaand notwhilewere your gown given good s0to of Vice-Admiral Sir William toconsideration. nce of e measure should theentitle it present • bat ding such words ro riatee n stonduke the highway _ to Si .:bought appropriate on province nonl ci- property, !ye ou halo fired fromfyour owe periodeof time, the coercivesact action limited Herr nottem beenrs very expeeed to theve its degreef3fects which a its elisions ; it has hely been our protract le however, Y ruins* like the piston(, to address the ilfrt- property you wool- have been guilty of the Majesty's squadron, but saverthelets to importance domande, ibasmueh a it ',MANI n a Life has degraded, the ot;e t , vicious, earlyose the wereguiltyguilt only of a . Tholes tpon whom trrospaes, evenu fired ifthey sesslidh, or Greekvessel inf depo t,funtilis pos- a blow at the root of our i final at the prevent time, the relation which o par- ed life has been east among the R J sal ebe abandoned, who have been went there for the purpose of rescuing the arrangement shall have reat been been R Oen beinbear so greats preponderance iDally. to each spower of steep th 94 000 inhabitants The tows of 011 .1 *trig sowing: tM sou sf c yourP cerel and enrdually deplore the dl re g tions byothers—the rrelations is he hopes sod alums upon Y is - the roil, cad is *lewd,. ,Mrs the kvrl of fnr you ^hen—the hopes std anticipations condition into which crime has brought you. Yon gave him who is deceased no such The Paris UseOerre hu the following :— 6uencR In sir ++bee m leets man be co•eldered, or IAe severe you have cherished, with your present eon- And themgb we have no word of Present p ivJeger: yet he was your brother, ho was Cardinal Antejelli has made known to M. diesel contamate, a population of over 40,- aptfegfrwu caeidat of the higher elevatiwswill dation, and the ignominious death *hieh a- eossolauoa or of earthly bope to offer yon my brother, and the brother of every mem- 1lerayareval, that the Holy Father had re- 000. Thus it will be seen ata 'lanes that bemire 1o4Petet use tesderreglstaua. Agave- ermine you, we are oppeesed with grief and io this boar of 7oar *action, yet we de- h• r of society, and the wrong against him solved to leave for Rome in the beginning parties are rant fairly represented. When an u h and nothing but a sense of impera- voutly commend you to the mercy 0f our calls for p'rnishment. • Again, human juteico of April, and that the resolution to the about i is considered hatrt Conerr` con rtitsoae seal tial, we io ^esti' k t• istp ve 1M aterld R • linaveol Father, roll whom is abundance me fallibly but time in given you, which you 10 be ..officially. the lame ones have generally re:wiled Re- ative duty imposed on us by the law, %/hose > r ' y *Nath» e1 the *roe•; meiy by clewing, draiei g sad tamers and ministers we are, could auatan of mercy, and from. whom we may all hope did not (,rive him, to prepare to meet the in- mazer corp*- , tenses it *dist enters ba' seta th.t it rakes snperiw ealtivatie•; oder thew us in pronouncing mush a 'lid moot against for pardon end pear^. And now nothing felled° tribunal above. You have left 10 The Conxtifetioenl of the 9thin t•, snarl or Hite threes hie a bs of the pope- earl}wwiymay M rgm*raed w with seism end the ri1mR of wilful murder, of which you rnstsierrhnt thehich the of pronouncing von thn hopes deI ion from your religions states that the British P 7 g lead. i M ths1' " tasaww a s with sd, whitd Nasi p,har¢ed—• crime at which htemanfty the hick rho law fixes for the cnnvicti0na, and i am glad to sea that in menteJ a notice to the Tu+ean eabieet, lotion l0 ,**lire a majority of 'Reformers in I lu the pmts of eerwls, 'ease crime , sod ",der memo of mvdcr, of which you etar.de0avic- the document you have submitted to the demanding compensation for the losseq the Legislature. Thee it not the smallest a t1aY °limit'• yogi i s } tees which eenteoee ia, that you, JOIIN Court, vin hays made •Ilusion to your Re- sustained by the British residents le hog- donbt that Reformer" have long had a ma- ise wattms sioay uv groat ;apemen.ubDemos all forms of model reQ w 4* with the ed it sentencehorn.. of a visit ority in the cr ole. while then opponent+ a„,pedbdontielase 0, th, tM iiteet? w sev r st penalt he law b•n iple butes ata W WEBSTER, be re cu.t fy, !hie ab*'d . The daesuinde d, tot death s willhe from the British 6eet. Advice* from Na• bad it in the Legislature. The plan prnpe- Walt ant penalties in lords simple y person sol- place and f detained county, in close custody, in the abridge of use days indeed, but l4sps*t1J t*e shove t. dmh the eel sweet? N emu nna imp»s5ive words: " Avery Prison of this Bounty, and Aerie° taken at po►unn of us all. Time will M given for glee state that the mneMeipalit `o:iQ eel by P^P'ilauon have prementiiuun amt upon sides gditkiry stain• tit shall commlt the erhne of Murder Alai! ouch time as the Ezeentlie Government of reflection and , Your past life pre•entcd a petition '0 the kin The el h menet M w sandal V Wort' vireo the puns leteet of ewers" (hr the the Cnmmonweeith m*y by !Meir warrant ham rot been wholly good, and you will find, 20,000 persons, praying Dalt the coestilu DaRADInI. EYRbT AT N xeLR•• — A droul- ebowdith5vtiwsuepbealtivtw• Tome saree." The manifest object of this law is •ppahe, to the pheen(Rveehlion, mrdthere up,n consulting with your relteioue advi- tion might be abolished t law, nit re'" fulrxploornn and firer -steered at Maples, on esmiaw strew }rt*aepbu, sanerer, is meet Is- tN }rnlIC$J n sired work] n( Boman l+fe.- be Haag by the Week •aril eras, are Deed-- more, much too role*! open nod ropentiot in de facto. the (eh Moen,. which threatened extensive >M}atobt} mgg Ogi;•pd M this titaasrtaaex the most imporWleb'eet ret a juagsrd fn• sad may God of kis io6oita goodness have lint there is onasiexpher agrr•valed P^ destruetion. The teller+ of the Darrow, I Government. t' ad the deity of marc, "'inn? enol, your cams. You expos our own son to AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY• h Y b with you b /' µ Zea re or closed port, extend from the watem's edge •and+hMtmsaMlitYsslyelttskydewwmp.— ' when yen 511* with e • Mee wawa itlsa, limey ni sit an one who shall lu+va.beeo foosdssoi ljjJyle ; From the Parket. lease. If they Mb rn N teeomp•aied by al b ntmi q f the city. ing '1 mgt +P le dee eolith* of admAjidrittee df7tlfKib J Mental n n the entrant who kayo been i6cent elates of 1M PrinePs of liokre0 • of " s say m the camsih.ebn of rostra(, let thorn 1 m the Info Hungarian revolts P the Kin s nslacs. In sash mmd,r/si0o}o• woe tsro►1• w dAls, the •eNl sadorfrstlty en lttrdieNl _ !etre strangers mid trot r a tine, All the sentence, n ea have .gl/ Mwig ltfjml t hill rwwlMtw idAe►e►sttW w1e8 whither reartily t tib11151 sera ItstNllMnp * Oa tire tlsth tilt et bbs M"ntreil Ctimf - See a ►smites tato w11411•1_ Iwo of your e muted to terms of i t n these ciliate ween wnrehn•sea 2T7.00n ean- BbeUron wore brought, Tba e ,reeding tarn of *oral, xn- on the morwl•r of the Snit A 11Rt K+" * bo Jena pay d that 11 teemirates. it is • bisb• eel Sulawpiny aN l butt, • aettitesee. 0f dost! was pro child a J•u in Loek of • tike has to will ;1005 in the (nru6eaiov. far periods a( ■am 1 troths and *tatters yrs,. The Austrian an Pxples•1, n „f fire -damp took al acs nnds- ind ,a saga tiro end ammo ;Na lrrw•wd statifMtstlos pp[ tis its stern NW suthody ad taentlesd spore saw n•wud Iohn ing lint eke *thew hi avideoo• to tit nee a the •dirt, el the. Princes of res • the law U ellen in its stern nod ia4eti0i11 fee Onotermdsr of one Wdleare Wouirw.— J• fr R n[ . t has rwpealPd Baron flsynau e P y and i•eyaned • • 1• r fraternal Court which eahngsrei ►r ewe Gfe' tat pn the Hungarian Jews, end aeon pro• leen•. and Capnv, which th*ew down 1+•fnr Re"'*1i beaNhy u n Ib prote , NI and (rats Tlia cam 1 ms* of a most pahoful sed du-. g raiders' of the ,. sl'•, "rad it sea. ,rtl!i gr t sr ilMlMMg b H• tm- a that in Ju 1 w111 say no mere to yet; (sty weeds a» mimed to indemnify throe who have tlroady D , n•m ter+ lyd, • +f . benignity, your - teas"?' khed. It }ypeu Mtifgculsey that the ohtb s Pliebtae• 1 *.vents all kids 04 it pnnisbes the dID with severs in tut the Roman CMbol' to Wilton and', likely to de you Irttleseed: that is for your- the adatioU eat. {jiell esour p!' An inundates of the Dann►, ha• tensed ft Iraq ascertained that the ens gsgiaes+aAli1►itrpts•th. Altkslybtdssev•es order tire! the of t 11 tMs et ororaeity M a "dm pub wto mil tweklosyght n tsis((sM it e'n.. it(jet me winery, espneislly st has igni'rd. and there u•a, every reeve's to r dad! Ilya• tlssatitiw .4 worthless - eedsAit . sMv ,*.s •I .7(NaN t twy M'414S on, i1N t11Mi Red try* I — fear that the Ring'n palate end the ehu.rR mime gosh M yobbo 'Wage by dieheasu ea- ewe aide climbed. lily illwm mane ease* 4,41110/1/111/0‘' A,'fle .emeasii IAds wields ova, etas take,ethic( mita tad Cewrovn. Reab sad t11e Kaspr dierrnct• t' r t, t the Rings Palate ..4J the dwtoy• Ire i*a i►•b'ya Mss haw haw -witlsi Farago tell as d,Ms ibeePi p thM /sisrmml( i have alit too waeb die- ,',neon 'beamed ►e*efs@ havw taken ref•'g' of St Limo tae Time. Oho r'• ar7 of ganef! y tion time Woo sastahsd a UMW,. newariN/I 1 a1 • Rub, me IA• ..lest duteutulin. P •wlss•dshhtw. yea we Fitt ►sari hllriM tr , g t world) p"a' gT Wallet i fbsA►aI bike* dew am sheep be 1 t 1{ s het agbt too moth 't'jep .11t0ghanlan5 bt sa11. ' > , . on • swot 41fy u tb. ibis text. 111•111 fir .e monfhb =1g' es NNe► have you not allowed }assert/MlislTsmaib•lsialelgfesbma*(tis teen• roveromen is • share 700* tri. otohim wi piss column" oft • es raga the Court to declare than penalty again! . h went to commit • deed of vmo- J h the,slat rasa paned by c0urre 10 a ennaklrnhln distance under the pelmet• - thedy al •h, the{ sen soar. f death h • been "rad C*pnn, and R veva Rd tkrwgit, it,..4•sad bltwrt vIW►tIh rhr late. his *ns df Tt1E CAM: OF JOHN iNGRA%1. ` tb , of r. •ilmeye th$t,on 110 •ed gj,relaattmq }ease rata from PRUSSIA, i H d G P da•tab y gltirm is comparison "Rh mafl y wlMtRbistseK• •.M mesa soda. g • M r e1ai, and troy an laid waste—hie Cattle erai wN t y Adores from Berlin, isforea us the 1 them to load w - ^ '. hirers nfbirsi smite• fa Reighlea e t the Ironies), and , int an . Owing to previous Jec:,Del the Oro. web as temp. sinew. at*., Rpias by sets elf vlsaosee you deprived him of life I lad killed—Ata renews broken down—thw fears fMN y"• *Meld oa , no °listiess between the spurts, o bwb a ia• Intl asd waeiwt 16"0"•11., 111 'the with .an*stayed aforethought- This a alleged Trees stayed in his orebard—tbe Pota yon to the sometime** of cruse t Attie tonne r