HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-18, Page 2020 Th. 'TimmAdvecate, April 1111, 1957 The Times -Advocate Building Page 11111A1111!!if!!!!111111 t111A1111t1111111!!-1111111AA11.111111n! 14111! Ir111111111m1mill ItwoltI,14111A011111s Lay That New Floor NOW A Ttoom 12' x 12' Can Be Done in 3/4" OAK for only ,..,......+.11 $44.16 1i BIRCH for only 11.»:..»...»......... $40.32 See Us Today for Prompt and Courteous Service = A. Spencer & Son Phone 102-W Mensal! , 1 l 11 1 Ifl ! 11 1 11 111 If lllltllll 1111111111111111111111111IIIIIIII III Il1111111111I It11111t111111111111111111111111 11 1/ 1l 1 xlllll/11/1 11 1 1 1 t11111111t1111A1fn11Atnitmuttltf1u1111/t111t1111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111 ilLl,uululll l ll -When You Build A House Chances are you 'are making the most important financial decision of your life. Consider well the source of the building materials for your home. For over 25 years, the policy of Dashwood Planing Mills has been to offer the best building productfor the purpose intended, This is the product that will do the job properly at the lowest cost. We'll be glad to help you plan and gbuild you new home. Phone 6•W fllllllllltllllvim ll111111t111111111111111111111111f111111IUIIIIIIIIltt11111111111111111111111n1 nllnnlllnllultnllllltl1111' �D Replaceoutmoded, low capac-, Itypumps with a modern Extra - capacity, Multi -stage Jet pump made by Why put up with old-fashioned, troublesome pumps, with their belts end pulleys that demand constant eerviee? Now is the time to inrx hell big -capacity, constant pressure Mufti -stage jet pumps. Not one, but &in—•even three- impeiters to pump more water at less cost from ete4ler wells, 'Down to 23o kelt lata -Rite pumps proved better every day in more than million hornet end fsrnsl Don't wait Any longer. Cog! today and we'll ertiitiate, free!! We L. Hodge 'Plumbing 4 Hoofing « Electrical OUR PRICE'S" Photo! 7 Crediton esonoorn rtcnoom IOr•9xIP•3, Ibl•Gx111.O CL Qn cu eal1Gf1 0.740 AT 'CVO 6[.cOftOpFLOOR Design D-340 This is an ideal plan for ex- pansion, with provisions for a future capacity of four fine bed- rooms. As the second floor can be left unfinished for the pres- ent; this house has the advantage 1 of permitting the addition of two bedrooms and a second bath as'' needed. . The first floor shows art excel- lent kitchen with a large area !for dining, a snack bar and good light. Closet facilities include two coat closets, linen. cabinet, wardrobe closets; built-in trays, 'storage closet and attic storage space. There is a full basement. Floor area on the ground is 1,064 square feet and the tubage is 23,408 cubic feet. Exterior finish is brick veneer to the cornice with wide siding in the gable ends and .,dormer. Order Plans Here EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE, Exeter, Ontario Please send me more information, without .obligation, about the plan -features and 'the type of construction used in the Times -Advocate. NAME • ADDRESS CITY house as pictured in The ' PROV. New 'Mixed'. Borders Bloom Most Of Year In recent years the name "perennial border" has gradual- ly been replaced by the term "mixed. border." This has come about, because now perennial borders are filled with a variety of plants including annuals, perennials, biennials, spring, summer and fall flower- ing bulbs and even some dwarf flowering shrubs. A11 this is done to create a maximum show of bloom during the entire growing season from early spring until .the frosts of autumn. With a suitable background such as a hedge or fence, there should be a low -growing group of plants at the front, a medium height group in the centre, and a tall -growing group at the back. A border with lawn or walks on all sides would have the tall - growing group in the centre with the medium and low -growing plants located so there is a grad- ual drop from the centre to 'the outer edges of the bed. For those just starting a new border or re -designing an old one, the most important considera- tions are width, background and correct preparation of the soil. Most borders are far too narrow to accommodate the three groups of plants mentioned earlier. Six feet' wide would be an absolute minimum with eight to 10 feet being ideal. Flowers won't grow well if they are too crowded, yet the tendency is to try to add just one more type of plant in an al- ready overcrowded border. A. hedge makes a suitable background since it is usually green and will grow as high or higher than any plants in the bor- der, The hedge should be one with fibrous roots which stay close to the plant and do not reach out in the border to rob the surrounding plants. Where no suitable 'hedge is available ,a painted wooden fence may be used to good advan- tage. Whatever is chosen, make sure there is plenty of mainte- nance room between the hedge or fence and the plants. In the case of the hedge it will need to be pruned and cultivated more than once each year. Wooden fences will need painting and re- pairing from time to time, Whether your soil is sandy or heavy, the preparation is the same, Dig or till into the soil a quantity of both humus and fer- tilizer. The humus .can be either peat moss, material front the home compost heafi or well rotted barnyard inanure, The humus will open up the heavy soils, let the oxygen reach the roots and improve drainage, In the lighter soils, the humus hangs on to the moisture and prevents 'the water and fertilizer front leaking away quickly. DO this as soon as the soil is Work- able in the "Spring, In addition to the perennials, plan t0 include in the holder Wi- nona annuals. Toward the back Mild - be massed iii groups Of four Or five the giant dahlias', or the giant snapdragons` in the middle use asters, stocks and a host of others; at . the front you CAO maas blocks of annual plume. portulaca, verbenasr pinks and petunias, The various spring, summer and fall flowering bulbs can be scattered in groups in the front and middle of the border. They should be marked with stakes so they won't be interfered with during cultivatidn and planting when the leaves have ripened and died away. The dainty white snowdrops and the more spec- tacular blooms of the crocus will be the first to flower.each spring. Mixed in with the early flow- ering bulbs can be the violas and pansies. These plants will be in continuous bloom, provided they 'are regularly picked until the really hot weather arrives. Then, if they are cut right back and fertilized again they will give the front of the border renewed bloom during the late suminer and fall. In most localities they will need replanting each year. Graciousness, Comfort In Modernized Homes While the younger set thinks in terms of ranch -types and split-levels in which to set up housekeeping, there is still some- thing about the charm and gra- c,iousness of an older house that means "home" to those who • started their married lives two or three decades ago. That is not to say, of course, that many of the reftnements of the 1956 model' homes—the extra bath- room, automatic heating, finish- ed basement—don't have a great appeal to people of more mature years. In fact, says the Canadian In- stitute of Plumbing and Heating, a great many ,owners of older houses are combining the charm and graciousness of their homes with the comforts of present- day living by modernizing in just this way. And their task has been made easier by the fact that these improvements can now be financed through a Home Improvement Lo6n.. These loans, made by the chartered banks to home ,owners, carry very reason- able rates of interest, and can be repaid over'a period of years. Among ,the many,ways in which a house can be modernized, one of the Nost popular is the in- stallation of a new' bathroom and the addition of either a sec- ond bathroom or a powder room. In many cases, a second bath- room is out of the question be- cause of the problem of space. In very few houses, however, is it impossible, to find space for a powder room. These conveni- ent. additions to the amenities of the house can be placed in as small an area as 4 ft. by 2 ft. Since they are often most useful when'• located on the ground floor, a hall cupboard, pantry or the area' under a staircase 2------A71:/ with .t) PAM Spray & Brush Painting HOUSES, BARNS ROOFS ETC. Lyman Gratton Phone 53 Grand Bend I11,,11/llf 1111!!!!! 1111!!!1111111 I Il l Il114141l11f f!!!lull! 1111Intl!!! l ll ll! 1111111 t111111111111111/111111111111111 b. - y ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER ' PHONE 719 Heating, Plumbing,. Sheet Metal Work — OiI Burners --- ,;ft lll1l11111111f11111111111111,11 /11 4111111 I lfllllllllllllll1t 1111111111111111111111x1/111111111“ 11111, ll/111111411111,111111II111I lull 1111I111111g111111 ll1,1111/I,111111lllllf PI ItII1f 1111111111111111111111111111111111111, Let's Talk About... Home Cornfort! Why not have your heating. alterations ,or your new installation done before housecleaning, or in the early summer? We carry a complete line of OIL BURNERS and FURNACES and we give expert service on main- tenance and repair parts. 1 Have You Considered Complete Home Or Office Comfort For The Warm Summer Month's? One CFLTEAL Alli.. CONDITIONINQ unit to meet the heat build-up during hot weather gives all. MOMS- eomplete air conditioning. Let us qupte prices on your re- gitirements'. Call Us Today, Lindenfieids Phbn. lot ..Ekafar �N'r911AnlYfi'1fY"PYY1nw1i1NYY'llilfl�ilt1�11tYluiiYvtYiPPifii1YY11i1iYi0iii'iilYiiillii1YlliYtii111ittiYifPriliiYYlY li1'lilrt»b will frequently provide ari ideal location. Installation of a new heating system, of course, opens up many possibilities of modernization. To begin, with, the new heating plant itself, being more compact than older models, perhaps automat- ically fired, easy to service and attractive in appearance, •makes it possible to convert the base- ment into a useful recreation area as a rumpus or hobby room. Upstairs, old heating units are replaced by•concealed radiators, baseboard panels and similar units designed to blend and en- hance modern ideas of decor. In the living room, a new "picture window" may replace the old- fashioned one because new types of low radiators or baseboard panels can be installed beneath it to form an effective barrier between winter's cold and the comfort of the room. In these and similar ways, the atmosphere of yesteryear can be combined with the comforts and amenities of modern living. GINGERICH'SO HEAT ING'ENGJNEER WE YOUR �--. PLUMBERS BY COMMAND, WE'LL DO THE WORK THAT YOU DEMAND GINGERYCfS HEATING-l.IGH TING-PIUMBINO OIL13URNING FAIR CONDITIONING EQUIP MENTd,SUPPLIES dot ELECT RICAL REPAIRING OR REWINDING 34 Z,URIC M07 I oee 11,eeeelePlteIIIAleeee1IAAeeeeel 1111114111 AAt1/14 1MAA1M111AM1AMIHMMNAF, i:1�11��JLG SUPPLIES for every project In The Lucan Area It's H. B.Langforci Phone 64-W Lycan E 91.141mu111111m1s111111141!111111t411A1t11t11414t111 !!!!!!!!111111111111I1111n111111111111114l,111111ffs 114!111111111111!l11111111t1114111111111111lI1111111x111t11411111111111f11A411111l1 wsili1111A4111g!!!!l1l111111110 • Build The ,Huron, Way FOR ALL Materials AND Building Needs CALL Huron Lumber Co. Phone 48 LIMITED Main Street Exeter 'l 11 1111111111111I1x1I111111111111Illl tlllllllllllllllt 11111111111113111/1!!111! !lull! l l lief l 11111111111111111111111If VIII Iu1N SAVES You MONEY( Before You Build or Remodel If you're thinking about economy, cleanliness .and convenience in your new or remodeled home, then you'll want to see us about installing gas. You'll save money in heating, cooking, llot water, and other essentials; you'll find its clean—there's rio soot or smoke; and it's so fast, you'll save time and trouble. We'll be glad to talk it over. • Gratton & Hotson PHONE 156-W GRAND BEND Tradesmen Directory Consult this Directory for expert work in construction •r repair. Your local tradesmen are qualified to give prompt, efficient service at reasonable prices. Plumbers Quality • OiI Heating INSTALLATIONS HOT WATER and WARM AIR PLUMBING Ii A Specialty - . • Lorne Kleinstiver PHONE 14S DASHWOOD ALF AN DRUS PLUMBING HEATING SHEET METAL WORK OIL BURNERS We will be 'glad to assist you in designing your home. We have drawnplans for a number of district buildings. 402 ANDREW `STREET PHONE 719 EXETER. Masons For A Good Jeb call JOHN WEBSTER Meson See Your Local Tradesman FIRST! PHONE 297•Vit EXETER Suppliers L. H. TURNBULL •AND SON . CONCRETE BLOCK & TILE SAND & GRAVEL Excavating and Grading 'PHONE 223-W GRAND BEND Landscaping PHONE STEWART WEBB. at 34-r-24 DASHWOOD • for all LANDSCAPING JOBS Contractors MILTON WEBS CONTRACTOR 25 Years In Construction "WE BUILD THE BEST" Phone 156 DASHWOOD r Carpenters' CALL DOUG TRIEBNER for a Top -Grade CARPENTER Don't Delay—Phone Today! PHONE 620-W12 EXETER H. A. HAMILTON Carpenter Free •Estimates Given PHONE 221 ' GRAND BEND Electricians ERIC TURNBULL • Plu'mbing Electrical Wiring PHONE 51 • GRAND BEND GARFIELD THOMSON Commei•clal, Industrial and Domestic Installation PHONE '.222-M • EXETER Decorators TOM WALKER Painting end Papering Built -In Cupboards PHONE ,553 EXETER iirreistaismismempieseeareaserieseesemesessmarreasieraeloweiseseeleArie VI sh ye; 'do bo L r C will 30, Aua ann Ur( A. Eta] eve nigl cov ed don ladi ,1 7 J. T P Of for cep for Un Re kn • ser and a. dal ron • the Ne Lio to. . Cr: Ch Re ing en ret ing or IDoha 6; it lot of of ori Co 211. un da a sr. au wi kit hay �uf co whali >in bu ce� ba, au1bu eel, SO tltt Ife, isto in 116 Dr de AA