HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-18, Page 17A •• 1 A a NV:‘. hooss, Executive * The Garden. club met at Oa home of the WOO, Mr. Ervin Rader. Monday with eleven g1r3a present and Mrs. Ervin De- Vineassistant leader. Catherine Rader WAS ,eleeteci. President with , vice,President, Eleine Devin* esecretary, :Lynda Tientsin and' press reporter., Ruthann Rader. • • Discussion on preparation. of location of garden and :dis- trubution. of yfeedi and paitiph, lets followed. • Members ,,of• the club are: Elaine Devine, Helen Rader. Shirley Render.lune and Ruth - *nee Rader, Catherine Rader, Carol Becker. Mary Jane Oak. man, .Carole Schad', Lynda •Tie - 01110 and Helen •Zimmer. They deckled to call the club Dash- wood Dirt Daubers. Roll poll for next meeting will be my favourite flower and why I like it, Home assignment is. to read all direction in pamph- lets and start record book, plant garden, plant and .carefor it, Carel Becker invited the club to meet at her Mune M May, Film ladles Aid The regular missionary meet, Ing of Zion Lutheran Ladies Md. was held following. the Lenten. service last WedneSday, evening. Replacing the topic Itev. Zorn showed a fjI1 entitled °What others did .about missions' follow - led by discussion. • • • It was decided to hold a SO- cial :for the Sunday School pupils during Easter vacation. gaster lilies will be placed on the altar for Easter. The• ladies are to attend a rally of the Mitchell Zone at loosen, April gap Confirmation Services A special confirmation service was held at Zion Lutheran Church Sunday morning when five young People were con- firmed, Authenne Rader, Jane Restemayer, •Ileidi Schroeder, Alvin Becker and Robert Miller. Personal Items Mrs. EMM; Dietrich, 'Tar, and Mrs. Roy" Dietrich and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ziler. Sunday visitors with 1,1r. and Mrs. Edwin Rider were Mr, and Mrs. L. H, Rader and .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard AeSternayer and gamily. „ • Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Melvin. Aestemayer were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Restemayer, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kraft and family and Miss Bertha Becker of Lotido0. Suhd ay visitors. with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Schroder were Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Walper, Mr. Ed- mund Walper, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Restemayer and Edward Mrs. Tillie Restemayer, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Resternayer, 'Miss Barbara •Slaarrow. Miss Marjorie Becker of Lon- don spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Becker. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller were Rev. and Mrs K. L. Zorn, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader, Mrs. Effie Kleinstiv.er,„ _Mrs. ,,,,Louls: Kraft and Mrs;-.F'W11..fred" Weido of Zurich:. Mr 4 and 'Afire,' George Ander. son and *Oily Thedford visit- ed with friends hereon Sunday. Miss Anna Messner, Mr. and Mrs.. Chas Fonger and son of London spent the Weekend 'with Mr; and Mrs. Fred Messner. Trousseau Tea Mrs. a, M. ,Tleman .was hes- tess at a trousseau tea in honour of her danghterr lsraneY, whose marriage to Mr, Robert Stor-, mes takeS place on Saturday, • Guests Were greeted at the door by Misa Bonnie •Heather McCrea, Nancy i Mrs. Tiernan and Mrs. Arnold Stormes. Ie the afternoon Mre. Brim Stormes of Port Stanley> presided at the tea table which was attractive With a Quaker lace elo,th, yellow daf- fodil* .and tall .yellow tapers: Serving in the tea rpm 'were Mrs. Robert. Halter Misses Mary 'Jane Madman and Lynda Tie- rnan. Miss Letta Taylor presided at the tea table in the evening, Mrs. George Tiernan showed the trousseau. Mra, Howard Da, tars wale iii charge Of .the lingo and ,chine. Mks. JI. J. Kellerman. showed the kitchen utensils and, dishes,. Mi. J. K. McCrea showed wedding gifts. ••Cittier :anistatita were, Mrs. A. V. Tiernan and Mrs. E. Koehler, Ninety guests: registered in the .1:wide's book. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Salter and. Mrs, Hobbs Taylor visited in Toronto on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Guenther and family. WSIAfS .Ffeirs Young. Singers The regular WSWS and Ladies Aid .meeting was held in the EVIi church with the executive in charge. The devotional was taken by Mrs. ..krt Haugh, Mrs. Harold. Kellerman and Mrs. Eben Wei- gand. Mrs. Mervin Tiernan peed, a story. Mary Jane Hoffman and Lynda Tiernan sang Garden". Mra. Chas 'Snell: gave the study book. The new president, Mrs, Carl Oestricher, presided for the busi- ness.. personal Items Mr. Les Buchotz of Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Ok4 and fam- ily, Mr, and Mrs, Reinhold Hick- man and family of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, V. L. Becker and family, Ms n Katherine Rader spent Monday evening with Miss June Rader. N. and Mrs, Fred Batez and Lynda of Walkerton spent 'Sun - •day with Mrs. Alma Hoperoft. A number of ladies from Dash- wood .attended the short course on sandwich making for all oc- casions at Grand Bend Monday afternoon. Flowers were placed on the altar in Zion Lutheran nhurcb on Sunday by the family of the late Mrs. Ernest Rader who passed away April 15, 1956. Two baskets of flowers in the chancel were given by the'parents of the con- firmation claas. • South End Service Used Car Buys 56 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN A Scottish farmer fell down a well. His wife peered down, but could not reach him. "Hold a wee while," she shout- ed; I'll call the men from the fields to, help ye out." "Wait a bit," called back the farmer. "What's the time?" "Ten to 12." ' "Then bide a Weel tread water tilt their dinner -time." • Almost, 268,000 -Washing' ma- chines were produced•in Canada in 1955, an increase of 24 per cent over '1954. tI Blue And white! atilt), matic'53 1ViETE00, TUDOR Grey and white. 52 FoRp'SEbAN Black and, ,white, with radio. - '53 DODGE SEDAN , Complete 'With eXtrast radio, 'etc. ' '57 METE01•NIAGARA Six tylihdei sedan, $350 OFF' list prim '53 AUSTIN SEDAN , '51 AUSTIN SWAN • POI.ICE MGR,' GUNMEN IN ROBBERY—Harold. Gilroy of ICingston, Ont,, shows how his ,sons, Jack and Robert, were gagged and bound while he was taken to a Loblaw groceterta, co,f which he is manager, and foreed to give $26,300 to a bandit. Police call the ease one of the most daring robberies in Canadian history, Two bandits forced their way into tbe Gilroy home, one stayed. to watch Mrs. Gilroy and the boys, and the other drove with Mr, Gilroy to the store, Two detectives entered the store and escort, ea Gilroy and the robber to a bank to deposit the day's receipts of $26,300. The bank being closed, the detectives escorted them back to the store again and.' the gunman hid the sacks of money on the floor of the car. Returning to the Gilroy honie, Gilroy was bound and gagged and the bandits fled. Largest Number Yet Take Citizenship Oath Huron County Judge Frank Fingland administered the oath of citizenship to over 50 immigrants in an impressive ceremony in the county courthouse Wednesday afternoon. It was the largest group to re- ceive the papers in the recent 'history of the 'county. Huron Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hayes adciresSed the group, Imperial Order of the Daugh- .ters of the Empire provided a SAVE '30c Gran Bend $ch�iF To Move To Borden: 111Y P/9 It. H. MIINIM eq.141PPed with boadoeto and In The Cantraila Carrot ouqopiroos aro roquiro4 to 'le Hoe yeti eVer drivon ftar OeViletiPlial training trips %rent Detachment Omni, Rend..looted, P. 15 miles West of Centralia, and. Meantime, in anedieceet, noticed the air of tranquility room, other students act as con-, about the JAIL? The peaceful trollers in the sYnthana tower quiet of the countryside, and the and ATC centre. This stimulates proximity of one of Onteries actual instrumental. flight, proviti. very‘tlesiratile spot an airport PrOefdtirea, haVigetion and gm finest 54130Y beaches, nae it a Ing 4104 14.0°4 111* radia x reception for the new citizens following the ceremony. Over „20 of the group came from this area. They included Dr. Voldmars Gulens, Dashwood, and his wife, 'who also has 'her medi- cal degree. Others weh: Vince Benoit, Mr, and Mrs. John Jacob Bruis, Mike Dzioba; Mr. and Mrs. Josef Gosar, Anton Hansen, Basyl Jablonsi, Mr: and, Mrs. Cornelis Zeehuisen, all of Exeter; Mr, and Mrs. John Kingrna, R.R, 3; minisiture Where peace, perfect UAW control^ peace. seems to prevail. have Slated But inside that compacWooking sine. spo ()piaci at Grand. unit — the RCAF'a home of flying control personnel are bustling and every ten Weeita a new :Wen of graduates departs for ideeee far and wide. The School of Fly- ing Control is pledged with the duty of training flying control E.ersclutcl to _qualified -standards. .qualified oflicers and air, Men 'then go out to operate. the RCAF's 27 control towers, *ix rescue -ea-ordination effitrea and numerous flight planning centres across Canada, Circuits and ,Coffee Centralia student pilots yob - ably know emu,. Bend best ail the airfield whore they go to escape traffic congestion for Or, cults and bumps. Grand Bend tower provide the necessary con - trot to handle this excess local flying. The above statement can easily be certified by the follow- ing (actual) Air peter; -"Vixen 123, Grand Bend Tower, Runway 13, wind 140 at 15, Grand Bend altimeter 299. Cleared to the traffic circuit. Caution; coffee served not later than isoS hours," SFC students must absorb a lot of knowledge in ten -weirs before becoming "policemen of the air." They must have a working 'knowl-• edge of airways, sirPorta, ttavi.• gation, meteorology, communica-, bons and radio aids, and search and rescue. Besides the academie subjects, a comprehensive prima - cal syllabus must be completed. This involves exercises in a syn- thetic trainer, where students Exeter; Nr. and. Mrs. Jan joseph Arts, R.R. 2, Crediton; Hendrikus Johannes Arts, RR. 1, Creditoni Mr. and Mrs. Hein Rooseboom, Hensell: Mr. and Mrs. Abram De Moo, and Mr. and Mrs. Vlademir Hrovat, Zurich. Phone 102 for HARVEY'S TAXI 24•HOUR, SERVICE " Bend in January, 1141, more than 450 Admen and 325 officers have successfully completed this train- ing. The staff itself is located in the one,len* hanger on the unit. The litngit ft -hut nearby contains Jiving garters, its and recreation rooms. $/f4. S. N. E. Beauchamp, PFC, CD, is offcer connnenchng the detachment. V/1,, P. 0,. Xing, Vire, DPW, CD, is OW tnstrac- tot, and his instructional staff incldes rii.« R. P. Madden, DFC,. F/L W. AL Bristow, F/L H. E. Hanover, P/f. E. G. Holmes, rio A. J. Burnett, PP, and F/0 X. B. 114naher. In August, SFC is slated to bid goodbye to this peaceful getting 1)Y the shores of Lake Huron. The aeh091 is moving to CampBorden. Plans are under toinaugur- ate an approach control course to run concurrently with the basic flying control course. It looks as if RCAF Detachment Grand Bend will MUM* an even more tun., 1 1 Rfrody For Tho "COI Of The Om MVO IN FORWHORL,' "MAWR And frontuend EIS Wore Your Spritiotim• Motoring Kis r90119 Many HunterarDuvar Phone 34 A SONS 1.11 quLl aPPtaranct 'come neXt fall, owyno,o.oloot.010,fflow.w.lonuono..,,,,,,,mow, pit SIIIIIMIIMMISIUMMUlit11.1filit011011#4,11,41100,04114"1/0 3 1 3 s 1 3 We Cater To + Banquets I + WeddingS + + Private Parties ttlIWIMI#11901WWW11111111 iiiii $11110;101t iiii lllllllllllllllllll lllllll itl1111#110010111 #4401 l ll l 44001044110101011MMI MIMI lll 0 ll Matimmutimiamm, Opening April 19 Bluewater Restaurant GRAND BEND . RESERVATIONS Phone 47 !RAND SEND lll inomoritinposm,,,,urintrintosatistironsumens Parking At Rear EQUAL OR BETTER THAN ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT NOW :BETTER TH*N"EyER Get Iasis; Starting, faster get -stray, smoother idling' and grimier gas sconinhy --at orient; that save up to 40%. YOU CAN'T GET MOR -4#K PAY MOM Open Thursday To 9 Pint • Closed Friday rrrommown: 1*1 • A it t A 'A0 11:11•?.?,•`• Custom -Tailored" Seat Covers • South End Service •Russ. livid ,Chuck Rosh! Phone 321 leiter taiediallealiaselesilsiessen ENGLISH CARS 690 .4..iiitiviiiimoi...444m444.m.ramormosoimmtwomotoonstimmoti *.Power yotir IGNITION this week.endl Install new enlner.apprOved MOTO-MASTER Spark Plugs. They're new, all through . . . to give the /WI -powered, controlled spark required by today's steped-Up fuel anti engine power potentials. Engineered to work with original equipment parts and to meet all specifications set up for your protection 11Y the technicians and engineers who Wit your der. Give your car new "et-tup-ahd-go." There's * Moto -Master Spark Plug to do yoUr Job better — AT LOWER COSI-6 Randy smirk rind Gap Gauge PREE with 'very set et * or more mots - Master flues. JA4 Colourful — Ali -Rub -1W TWIN Auto Mats Deslaned in pelt.* te hih.style your car interior and to pro- tect Original equipment Milts. Choice of smart Sky glue, Cral, Desert Tan, .glue Grey, Green or rieep•tone BlOek. t. most CAM the Per, Set c.00 CS.C. TOT -RUN GENERATOR EX0HANOE Iteetety milotott Itto4 tot ten to suet/item! Pio* pereemenee° Mettietdr. Mit Nit orietheu1.4—, Out eireitifeN rebuilt, Ali Pwr01 *hail* Ho illoitrit wet.* sig expettly gni. 11#1164#0 0' WYK pia a* ii. ItIm . Awl" pitied,. 50 MOTO-MASTER IGNITION PARTS Engineer Approved.—Save up to 40% MOTO.MASTIIR IGNITION COILS— Meat all egieelfIcetiorts set 4p by the engineers whit detained VOW ist, Selentifie belenee ef Windings assures mettintur "Ieleecy at ell tieeds. ird Pit AM. good" 164144 4.40 Chryeler• prod., 1a46•54 4,60 Ford prodigity 1940-544,45 • Others 3.65 to 1.26 0.4004445ik 1641110H CAM 4611-touilieltte Miht& equipment. iTatYthing le 'Waded: elpptevell 111# tensien ama, fertnIneht, clips end distributor °teingaerd TO Pit Pride elleVrblet, 11)29.54 1.20 bdt, 6,tyl., 193$.54 1,60 Plymouth, 1933,-54 1,60 izard produete, 19411.54 1,1111 Others 1.20 td 2,15 MOO.MAITtR IGNITION TUNt.tie KIT --Get better perfortrietice by te., Viei;ebilege I U. 074;7 eVoll rare rstlii -panda. lo Fit Chevrolet, 192942 OhetirOlet, 1953:66 Dode, 1939,50 „, • Dodg, 1.cyl., 191. 6 FON. prod., 1949,56 • PlyMoUth, 1935-60 PlyMbutri, 1951-56 Other* 1.32 td 2.64, • Pride 1.35 1,'70 .1.63 1.7 1,87 1.63 1.85 4voit 12 -volt 5.35 Siniply OW§ Itt# to cigar lighter *ticket for 40.. 000 CandlePOwer beam of light. With cord. '-Save Up To $13.00 A Smart Selection of Patterns and Colours Give your Car a lift—right into next Spring's colour -styling with high -style fashion -White seat covers at a fraction of the usual asking price, Yes, Canadian Tire makes It pagsible for you to outfit your car at rare savings with glamoreut Saran or Carcleth. Seat Covers—exactly tailored JO *t your car. Complete atep-by -step directions. show you how to install seat covers—Or if you prefer aur tallor,crefe experts Will handle the contglete InetallitIon for you, in short order—by conVentent appointment at • moderate service charge. Hurry dOwn—fbr the best .election aid talents te esceettote the metier* isseaM et year tar. Tour ahem, hasidemete beauty weal 95. ther. wddi o it mit 0( cichi, striOie, populetr Addeo et( are tims, tyke er greet. '10atitit tilbridili #fki•eat. tit wilh. plosai beletent onet Matching bengaline trim. 1 1 °FRONT shocks ei frEatIAlt Therw's 0aristy aplenty •r-4* eon the Owe( fOsitiditinte—id the Atwood decorator endorsed pattern. ' 'abaft sleet, mister hie SAIIJIN or the Mir; jet tptiX, "CA/101.6Tir Itint is hide tweet, stole xepellOit Rua burn residatt; deter Me .001d, wOr teSe UM, 061116$4.4&## gliehelltage sALlit PANS 41.444. 04,44•13••• Heavy Gauge CLEAR PLASTIC SEAT COVERS "Ellehire Window' Clear flostle-4ess thi bOtait Otte, Iittosmb-kases noir cot tutheisteri Itesit Akita aloes. Cut** taileoid bier? duty &iota c1�tt Idaho ititit to0ere mith written ettatattes agatma epiittina dr diseeloatimt. These ore the tufted .$90.190 quelity. AT CASAlitilitt S.MELT NETS . . . 99c See CTC For Fishing Tackle! To 0.39 Conadion ire NOTO,MArtitt Vol.TAGI *NARA* TORS A faulty vitItnati regulator holy aesliy rain your bettereV Sett atetor, Pretect molest °Overeheger ,"lindatshalniti" et florn-aut" nowt with imaeth.actia, solenoid type. MOH -Mester veltegt replete*. 61,1 11ttlgiOtairOlit llualltret emelt 4 de. 4 4 • 14 114'.4 1101 Phone .451 COMPLITE .�d Row • mut Heir the 'Now leaf Supertone Air 54.95 gestoni.sfyied &nte Unit das alga - Mitered ift Or Under ASSOCIATE STORE dean. 'rite 161+ car 01`616 Including Valkeilt_dgeg• Gititer, Vine) 10.tuh. Arrarniettet With a mithoures tom. Latiat oamotod, el do r v Is am. SAVE S'Aritti.Y1 436' MAIN St, yam MOW itobbins