HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-18, Page 167sfecr. lirrnegir "I*•Th.TifilistAiiirisKele, April( It Itir SPRING FLOWERS BLOOM PROFUSELY-1NDOORS Easter weather has been late in arriving in Eastern Canada, but at the flower conservatory at Niagara Falls, Ont., spring is in full bloom. There, thousands of flowers are being viewed by the public each day as part of the spring flower show which continues until Easter weekend. Lois Lizmore is here surrounded by calceolarias and schizanthus, two of the colorful varieties blooming to perfection. After the spring show is over 120,000 more flowers will be planted in the Niagara park system garden, Lucan And District News f Phone 109 Lucan - st, Correspondent: Miss Li11111ne Abbo.1tt '.11111"15111.1111111.1111111811111111111111111P . • Birr Man Burned Mr. Jack Adams, a 39 year old Birr farmer, was taken to St. .Joseph's Hospital suffering •frem iodine burns received when •a lurching cow splashed the solution with which he was treat- ing ringworm, into his face last Saturday. Fortunately none en- tered his eyes. He is making satisfactory re- covery. Explorer News Club, Ladies Hear Pastor The Lucan Men's Club closed their year's activities with a ladies' night dinner and program In the United Church parlors last Wednesday night.. Other guests included all those who had assisted on programs dur- ing the year. Ninety-three sat The 8th -Expedition of the Lu- down to dinner. can-Clandeboye Explorers was The president, Mr. Alex Young held in the Lucan United Church presided, proposing the toast to parlors last Monday evening the Queen and, a welcome to the with 27 members present. guests. The Rev. Thos. Head, of i During, the business session Granton, proposed the toast to final plans • were made for the. the. Men's Club, and „Mrs,Gisrdon Bunny Tea to be Held Wednes- t Banting responded. The Rev. E. day, April 24, r.i. Roulston proposed 'the toast Judges for the poster contest t to the guests which was respond - were Mrs. J. 1'. Prest and Mrs. f ed to by Rev. F. P. Thomson. E. J. Roulston and the winners Mr. J. ,H. Cantelon Preposed a were: 9 yr. olds, Anne George: most humorous toast to the ladies 10 yr. olds, Mary Mathers and and Mrs. Clarence Lewis re - 11 yr. old, Dana Culbert. - sponded. • in place of the regular wor- R. E. M. Cobk introduced ship service the Explorers march- the guest speaker, the Rev. 'Alex ed to the Lenten service in the Rapson of. Exeter, who related Penetcostal Church. sortie of his experiences before going overseas, his experience at the flint, his 'experiences in the business world 'on his' return and finally of his experience since re-entering. the ministry: Mr. Wilbert Stanley made a few cifrsory remarks, prior to Letter From Brinsley By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD a program of solos by Mrs. Bert Thomas and Mr.,Percy Vahey Miag Irene • Shepherd • spent accompanied by ..`"Mr. lidward Thursday evening with her Kew, solos by Ilene Donaldson, grandmother, Mrs. Ida 'Prest, accompanied • by %Miss Bette Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dundas of Detroit called on Mr. and Mrs. Leake. instrumental duet by Mr. • Ira Carling and Allan Johns - Earl Dixon on Sattirday. n anda musical. number by Mr. Roy Hamilton And 'son, • Don Black. Gerald spent Saturday evening I Mrs. Art Black spoke briefly with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Alli - on the Canadian ancer Society son. I and of the 'April canvass. Mrs. George Williams, who re- , sides With vir. and Mrs. Steward I Mr. and Mrs. Chas Robinson of Weatherspoon is quite ill. Mr: and Mrs, Earl Hamilton, Marwood Prest spent the Weekend in Detroit, Paul and Terry, young sons of Mr. and Mr. Carl Trevethick of LondOn, spent a few days with their grandniothers Mrs. Ruth Watson. Mr. Harvey Dundas of Wind- sor spent Thursday with his sis- ters, Mrs. C. Ellwood and Mrs, Earl DiXon. Mr. Wes Dixon of Denfield is Spending ,a few days With his daughter. Mrs. Ilean White. • . . . near Ailsa Craig visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kel- ly Robinson. Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Amos' of Brantford, and Mr. Alvin Amos of London spent Sunday with Miss Mary B. Amos. • Saturday evening guests with Mr. and'Mrs. Cecil Ellwood were Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett of Denfield and Mrs. Roy Harnil- ton of Lucan. . Mrs. Rose .Atkinson ,of. Lucan spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ida Prost, C.G.I.T. News The regular meeting of the Lucan C.G.I.T. was held in the United Church parlors last Mon- day night with the president, Beverly Butler, in the chair. Mrs. George Paul took 'the wor' ship service and finished the study book. In craft, Mrs. G. E. Nichol- son began work on stuffed dolls for the W.M.S. bazaar. An in - vitiation was extended to the g• Luther picture as guest of the W.M.S.. Altar Guild Make Crosses Members of the Altar' Guild, Mit. Jack Hardy, Mrs. Kay Egan, Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Mrs. Arnold,Lewis, Mrs. M. 0. Smith and Mrs. 3. W. Smith met at the home of Mrs. Clarence Has- kett last Friday night to make crosses from. palm fronds to be given to adults and children on palm Sunday. Palm Sunday Services In Holy Trinity Church last Sunday four choir boys, Frank Egan, Frank Hardy, Paul Steaey and Hugh Elliott distributed palm crosses to everyone pres- ent. During the service the junior choir sang an anthem. Jane .Corbett and Harold Her- bert received a League of Loyal- ty button for attending five con- secutive Sundays. In the United Church one adult and seventeen teenagers were received into the church. The junior choir sang an an- them, Janet Kehl -and Gary Rev- ington •taking solo parts. In the Pentecostal Church the first union Holy Week service was held at 7.30 p.m. with Rev. E. J. Roulston as guest speaker, taking as his text "He stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem" under the topics: Loyalty to duty, loyalty to conviction and reliance uporl God, Margaret and Tena Eizenga sang a duet. Coursey School Euchre Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and Mrs. Harry Stokes were hostesses for the eight - table euchre in the Coursey School last Saturday evening. Higescore prizes went to Mrs. George Hodgins arid Mr. Don O'Neil; second prizes were won by Mrs, Joe O'Neil and Mr. Roy Stone; Jon e hands by Mr. Tem Coursey and low were by Mr. Lawretice Hodgins. INVITATI 0 N S ANNOUNCEMENTS es: RECEPTION CARDS •NARK YOU CARDS, ,; ' 'aiL''yttelty IIITER-NATIONAL-AlipArTS Feitturing "THERMO.GRAYURE" PRI41iN0 (Raised Lettering) LLT. US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR .WCDDING PLANS You may Sloeyour 'Weelsltng Invitations, AfraitouriCOMOhit AekNow feeforastor 144 corolotte confidence as to Oa/4 and corrartittes at V t ALS* HAW "'MONA/412n IVSODINt NAPKINS, MATCNOS. ANb CAK t '045Xtt°' • Masquerade Carnival ...Completes Ice Segson. The -Lilean Arette, ,celehritted its last night of skating by stag! ing its. .annual Ice -Carnival. The evening opened with a hockey gaMe: Sarnia Pee-WeeS vs. Lupan.Lepreelienns, which re- sulted in A. 'victory for the visitors. Mrs, J. :Steacy, Mrs. Harold Ribson and Mr. Harold Wbyte were judges for the, costumes and races: :Girl's 'fancy :cos- tumes' la years and tinder, Les- lie Carling and Judy 'Coughlin; !soya' Milo costume 10 years and under, Ward Rodgins„ Steve. Davis; 'boys' fancy 11-14 years, • Douglas Walls, Penfield; .hoys' comic 11.14 years, Harry Bond; skating couple, Douglas and John Walls. Rapes: ,6 year olds, Marilyn Hearn; girls. 7 to 9 years, Barbara Ready; boys, 7 to 9 years, Paul Young; girls, 10 to 13 Years, Carolyn Denaldsons boys, 10 • te. 13 years, Jerry Harrigan; girls, 14 years and over, Anne Roving - ton; boys, 15. 'years and over, Paul Conlin, John Conlin, Keith O'Neil; .balloon race, Charlie Welsh,. Byron; special race, Don Bantieg, A second broom ball game,. which at the last game March 29 ended a 0-0 tie, was played, Arena Adivities By HAROLD RIBSON Lucan's 'annual iee carnival last Friday was the final salute. to ice aetivities. in the arena and this •Week will see the close of a very eventful hockey season in Lucan, Last Thursday night, Derry Boyle made good his boast when his Exeter Public School team marked up a winning score. Boom -Boom will have the results of same on the sports page. Even the refereeing was of fair quality, with Boom -Boom and Jim Thompson tooting the whist-. les. We have high hopes for the development of a public school league next year. And now for 'Saturday after- noon! The Lucan Leprechauns travel to Goderich to compete in the big hockey tournament and We are inclined to believe the opposition will be given some reasbn for concern. Here's hop- ing we have goed news to re- port on this highlight for next week. On Saturday night the Neubury Barn Dance Gang come to town and should be worth a listen. .1t may be good-bye to ice but with the thaw comes a new line of summer sports and arena en- tertainrnent. There isl more talk regarding t h e much - wanted swimming -pool and wrestling fans will soon enjoy many ex- citing evenings in the arena. May 23, 24, 25 are the big dates to remember! This is the week •of your Hobby and Trade Fair. One of rthebig 'attraoliqiiy scheduled is a "Twilight Race Meet", between locally owned horses, now working out in Lu - can, If you have TV, radio or stage ambitions, let us remind you of the big amateur show in con- nection with the fair. Get your entry in at once! between the. .Lucaff and Byron •firemen for the Radcliffe "tro- Phy and was 0144 'W.011. by Ln• Van 2 -0 - The largest family on ice, Joe Harrigan, won bas/tet o groe- .eries..front the Reyington meat wfatimt.. Others deluding prizes, includ- ed: McCormick's, Lendon, candy bars; Wishing•Well, drinks; Tws„ light Drive -I theatre, tickets, and Stanley HardWares fano. 'skates. antdMrs.ItinisRenry Hodgins were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Davis and family, . Mrs. lkf- 0. 'Smith spent last Weekend in Waterloo, guest o Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lachle and family and while there on Sat- urdaY evening she attended a dinner party given in honor of Mr. Merton Morgan (formerly of McGillivray) and Mist! Mona Holmes prior to their marriage in the Waterloo United Church April 13. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Bertha Nobbs in London last Teesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Smith of St. Thomas were Monday guests of the Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Rouls- ton. Mrs. J. McGillicuddy and Mrs, A. Isaac of Forest were Monday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Cas. per MHoward. Mr. edeins of Owen Sound and Mr. Robert Sharon of Park- hill were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins and famil.lY, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford of Detroit were weekend guests of Mrs. Irene Coursey. Prior to being sent north on a hydro job, Mr. and Mrs. Dow Wilson and family called on Lu - can friends last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickins and Mrs. Phin Dickins of London were Friday guests of Mr, and Mrs. BobColeman after return- ing from ' the funeral of Mrs, Wellington Brock at Zion West United Church. Other Lucanites attending the funeral included Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mrs. Will Dickins and Mr, and Mrs. James Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Grose and Mr. Frank .Guest of Toronto and Mr. Lawrence Grose of Tillson- burg attended the funeral of the late Mr. Ernest Guest last Wed- nesday and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Scott and Miss Lina Abbott. Mr. C. A. Pattisot who recent- ly moved into his hew home on the corner of Market and Beech Sts. was taken to Victoria Hos- pital last Saturday, pending an operation. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Johnston, Allan Johnston and his mother, I visited With Mr. and Mrs. Ira I 'Carling after the Men's ,Club dinner last Wednesday evening. • Mr. and, Mrs. Edward Galpin nd son (grandson of the late Dr. and Mrs. E. Tennent of Lit- erl) ,who have been in Ceylon for the past two years and now ten sent. to Dttaws, spent last ednesday with Murray.Mrs. T. D. Orme and y Mr. ,and Mrs. R. G. Parker and Carol of Harrison were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee. Mr. Casper Howard celebrat- ed his 8lst birthday last Tues- day- quietly in hit home on Frank t. Mr.. Howard is still enjoying nod health and able to wait on rs. HoWard who is again home om the liosPital. Watch for further information g regarding hobby and craft en- M tries. fr „ • Clandeboye Comments By MRS. J. H. PATON Reception Service On Sunday a reception service at the Clandeboye United Church was held at which time the fol- lowing became members: Nancy Scott, Sharen Kestle, Marjorie Donaldson, June Lynn, Janice Macintosh, Nancy Bison, Donna Blake, Marie Voisin and Wayne Williams. Mr. and Mrs. David Kestle were received by transfer 'from Main St: Church, Exeter. Easter Holy Communion was observed, Mr. MacMcNaughton assisted the pastor the Rev. Ed- gar Roulston in extending the right hand of fellowship to new members. U.C. Ladies Quilt Mrs. Rae Neil presided for the April meeting of the W.M.S. held at the home of Mrs. Andy Thompson. An account of the study book on the Philippines and Indo-China was given by Mrs. Lloyd Lynu and Miss Ag. gie Northgraves, Mrs. Rae Neil arid Mrs. Will Darling will be responsible for the study bbok in May. The W.A. meeting was in charge of Mrs. Alex McIntosh, 'the president, Plans were Made to re-sleet:irate the church base- ment before May. The ladles of the W.A. have been busy uilt ing two quilts for Mrs. Lynn this Week in the church base- ment. Presentation A presentation was held in the Sunday Seto& rooni of St. James Church when Mrs. Roselle At- kirison and son, Jack, were pre- Seeted with a trilight and table lamp item. the members of the church following the showing of Ince picturet by Mr, Stanley Tomes and of hi$ Work last sum- mer at Fort Severn in the die- ceat of Keewatin. Palm Sunday At St, James Chureh, Palm Sunday was observed with terv- fee of Holy Communion atintin. istered by the reetor, the Rev, 3, P. Prest. The music was under the direction of M. Keri Clark, organist of Holy Trinity Churth, lateen. Pettorull Itiths Mr, Stanley Tallies, a Student at Huron College, conducted the service at Christ Chureh, Cen- tralia 611 Patin SttildAY, , *S. .1, H. Paton returned to her home last week, from South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Dave • Hills of London and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Paton of Parkhill visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton, Mr. Murray Carter purchased the farin of Mr. John Thompson at the auction sale on Monday. - Miss Rtith Sigsworth, R.N., left on Monday for Miami, Flor- ida. � Cunningham Stable Owner ()Mar Cunningham, 74, passed' away in St. Josep's Hospital, London, on Sunday after being a patient, for *three weeks from a heart hilment. He was born ori Concession 2 MeGillivray township afid spent all his life on the same farm. He was interested in horse racing. and owned and drove several horses. In November, 1912 he married Lily Morgan who survives, also three Aorta, Elmer, Ingersoll, Er- nol, Glencoe; Roy at home, and three grandchildren. The funeral was held from the Mundy funeral home to St. James thurch, Clandeboye on Tuesday where service was conducted by ReV, 3, P. Prest with interment itt St. Janiee ceirietety. Pell bearers Were Roy Me- lt:anti, Lloyd Lynn, Harold Lynn, Eldon Young, Austin. Bice and W. M. Lee. Easter Carol 0 Earththroughout (hy bor. • clers Re -don thy fairest dress; And everywhere, 0 Nature! ThrOb with new liap,niness: Onee mete to new creation • Awake. and death gainsay, For death is. swallowed up of life, And Christ is risen today! * Let peals of jUbliation Ring out in all the lands; With hearte Of deee 'elation "Let Sett With sea clasp hands; Let one supreme 'I't Dont atoll round the World's high. WAY, FOr death it swallowed uplife of And Chriat 18 risen today! COmmunitY Organizations • tan ..Hobby.,. Trade Fair , . The Lucan COMMIAnitt Club, • ' - . - - - -- Group To Inspect' Swimming Pool The committee. in .charge sof securing a swimming pool for 1.41104,11,, met at the :Community Centre, last Monday night,to review :correspondence received since its last meeting. it was the decision of the cotn- inittee to visit the. pool at Blznini in .the near future for further in - forint a Oen, Local Items • Mrs. 0. Whitehead, Mrs.' W. 0. Knight, Mrs. W. Hickson and Mrs, .Arnold Morley last Monday received 44 points out of 60 on the Homemakers' Holiday pro- gram over CKSI., Loudon when • they met at Mrs. Knight's. At the annual joint Thank - offering meeting of the united Church W.M.S. and Evening Auxiliary, Wednesday evening, April 24, the latter is sponsoring a Martie Luther film to which members from all churches will be welcome. On April 17, 1956 Holy Trinity Church, Lucan and St, James Church, Clandeboye issued their first church bulletin. Each week copies have been sent to all sick and shut-ins as well as giv- en to all present, thus knitting together active and absent mem- bers. The Lucan-Clandeboye Y.P.U. members are staging an Easter pageant to be presented in the United Church Sunday evening, April 2L Mr, and Mts. George E. Young, tohonborirtthhdeairy,daughter Nancy's third celebrated with a family turkey dinner. Mrs, Laura Black, after spend- ing a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Banting, left •pn Wednesday for Ailsa Craig where she will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Robb. Miss Msrle Law of London was a weekend guest of Ms. and, Mrs. Murray Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Stanley, Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stanley attended the Schiell-Stanley wed- ding in Strathroy on Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Roulston were Tuesday guests of Mrs. A. R. Kellam and Miss Laura Kell- am of Lambeth, to wish the former congratulations and best wishes prior to her 96th birth- day, April 14. Mrs. Kellam is the widow of the late Rev. A. R. Kellam. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson of Thedford and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Durr of Parkhill were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Windsor. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb, recently included, Mrs. Gideon .Ruttle and Mrs. J. G. McLeod of Kincardine, and Mr. and Mrs. Ardill Mason and Hugh Mason of Ripley. Mr. Milton Brown, formerly of Clandeboye, now of Montreal, spent last Saturday with Mrs, S. C. Chown and family. Mrs. Len Lobsinger, nee Jean Revington, Who underwent an operation in Sarnia is making Satisfactory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coughlin and family spent last Sunday in London, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hatelwood, and also called- on Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haskett and family. Mr. George E. Young of the Lucan Hydro has been transfer- red to Clinton as foreman, duties to begin May 2. ' Mr. anti, Mrs. Erle D. Heist and family of Ridgeville, spent AlastEwei3egkieunyd. with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Weller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sprague and son spent Sunday in Tillsonburg and attended the services at Bethel Temple where Mrs. Weller's and Mrs. Sprague;s brother n the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ready at- tended brother's night at Avalon Rebekah Lodge in Aylmer last Thursday night, where Mr. Ready acted as visiting Noble Grand. Mrs. S. E. Reilly and fansily of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reilly. Taylor-Heaman Radio & TV Servicing For Fast, Efficient Service Call LUCAN 133.J AILSA CRAIG 128" who. sponsored the, Re..0Ween Frolic, last year, met at the Community Centre last Tuesday night to make plans for a three dial Hobby and Trade Fair, May• 23-24-24... chairman for the .,0100,- ing was Mr, Harold Whyte, Pro- ceeds front the Fair will be in - aid :of the Recreation Ceuncil. The following organizations. will be sponsors; Herne and School. Association, amateur show: Le- gion and Auaillary, danee and goncessiens; school bOard 104. Staff, prizes and drove; WOW - en's Institute, graft; Lin Club, industrial entric0; And holm, Hobby entries; ..Messrs, "silerold Ribson, Clarence Haskett and Harold Whyte, advertisingy Arena Board, admissiont. Prizes for varietis entries will be very worth while. There will also be a draw each night. The .committee is, planning three nights. with special attraev tions and if ,possible some after- noon performances also. Personal Items Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Included Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Lee and family of London and Mrs, Ken 'Carter and Stephen of Clandeboye, Mr. A. R, Wilkinson who under- went his . second operation at Westminster. Hospitalis able to - be homes_ Ernest A, Guest .nurci L.ea aer Vutierai servicesforErnet. A.'Guest, 77, were held In the • 11, tfliakett and Son funeral home Lucan on Wednesday, 'April 1.0 by the Rev, Bruce .0111.". Wert into- was i Birr .treited tery.. Pallbearers included • Jiin Crunnican, Alex McCerob, Den mccomh, .Allan Scott, Clarence Lewis and Murton. McLean,. - Son of the late Mr, and mre, John Quest be- was born on It farm ,on. No, 4 Iliglitvay and concession 16 London ToWnshig, where he lived all his ljfe4 taltitlit - (wet the farm-- when bis ifather retired in 1905. He 'attended MIT Public School • and. Lucan High School, was a Sunday, MOO teacher in the Birr United 'church ..or. over 25 years °and. sang IR the ehtlrelt choir even: 1pnger. was unmarried .and for Some time had been living alone, lie was found dead on hisver. andah, where he had lain sever. al dayst by Mr. Murton McLesti. fte is survived by two sisters,. Dr. Edna Guest and Mrs. E. M. Grose of Toronto, also titre nephews, Mr. Mervyn Grose an Mr, Frank Guest of Toronto and ' Mr. Lawrence Grose. of 'Mabee burg, Give your car that "Show Room'' look- ' 4111, fav if/4 eir ( with superb Vitri-Glaze System! A Vitri-Glaze* job by our It'l the beet 'bargain in car trained mechanics ... and your beautifying available. Don't car recovers that 'showroom" thisg it! Bring your car in to look. Watch the years drop us today. away! We clean your car inside and • outside . . . washing and-pol. ishing the exterior . , vacuum cleaning and deodorizing the interior. And it casts no more than an ordinary polishing job. 1an exclusive development by Block & Deck& .1.1•110 GLENN .LOCKHART "WHITE ROSE DEALER" Phone 691-W North .Eicefor WEIN Why is the telephone still working Mummy? It's most unusual when a storm affectyour telephone. reasuring to know that it has a -habit of staying on the job. The reason is that your telephone operates front banks of giant batteries in the telephone exchange. Should power go off.for any rea- son, these aro Charged by a Nese' motor standing by for just such an emergency. So the uninterrupted service you enjoy is' no accident. It takes forethought, 4Ittip- ment:-and money. All are neceSSatry if you • are 10 have the hest ,poSsible telephone service 24 hour S a day. ?HI SILL TiLlilliONIS COMPANY COI SANSDA "SPEEDY!: LLOYD ACHESON P'YEAH, BUT I DIDN'T GET A CHANGE TO USE miNE4 t . 1 LA TilAbitMalkitt 164 WELL, NEXT TIM TINY THESE WOROE• 7'HE BEST PLACE TO PUY A USED OAR it AT LUCAN 14101OR SAL'S ecAuse 1H ARS ASE Tittf.t0 ANOCOmt Yott ToP CONDITION!" G000 ;DEA- N° AAGUMENt '53 CHM,. SEDAN. . . , .. $1;095 '52 PONTIAC 2 DOOR HARD TOP 905 '52 PONTIAC SEDAN 105 THESE ARE ALL CsObts CLEAN CARS Lucia" sir+. MOTOR SA / I)( lift y r e't N I • IP • • x./V ry....• iii ,MY 44 11 t -1 4.