HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-18, Page 154 1, Presjcjenf Of Transpori. Active In Community -Besidea fetinding, operating and 'Agricultural Society and has been charge of :thegrounds of the fair Or a .nAttnbet of 'years. lie was particularly active at the time when. the temantinity park was developed. At that time,. the new Tace track was 'Wilt, the grandatand and bandstand orect- ed, ,and the , entrance gates installed, Preston Dearing was president of the society when this work was do.ne.. Tuckey is a Master Masoii in the legal lodge. He and his Wife live in the residence op William street, which they erected several years ago. Their son, Ross, is manager of Tilekey Beverages, which distributes soft drinks of various kinds throughout a wide Area, TheTuckeys havo• a summer cottage in Southcott Pines, .Grand Bend. , developing lus transport -business into one of the largest industries In 'the coninialeity,-,130 W. Tuckey has ,devoted Considerable time to public service. He • has served 12 years on council, including ,one in which, he was warden. of the county; he has taken an active part in poli- tics and has served on the exectla tive of many community organi- sations, He has the distinction of being the first mayor of the Town of Exeter. In Val, two years after he retired as reeve, the village Was raised in status to a town, and Mr. Tuckey re-entered the ninnicipal field to win the first AlaYeralt.Y. He was first elected to council In 1938, and he became reeve two years, later. Ile remained ;head of the municipality all during the War Yeara, during which time he. was req,uireci to contribute WCTU: Branch Jeadership, to manyspecial cam - n 1943 he was warden of Elects Officers I paigns and activities. Huron, Mrs. C, W. Down was elected During these years; when he president of the Exeter-Hensall leas driving a truck himself, his brach of the W.C,T.F. meeting service to the community re- at the home of Mrs, William enured more of a sacrifice than Pybus on Tuesday afternoon, many people realize. Often he Airs, Herman Powe was named would return from his trips just secretary; Mrs. Frank Gunning, before meetings started. He treasurer, and Mrs, William Py. would preside over the sessions bus, pianist. Without having had his supper, A communication from Hama - Mr. Tuckey has been an active ton asked that g member of the member of the Liberal party; local branch attend the provinc- and has been its candidate in ial convention in Oshawa on June several elections, When he was 11-13 when two temperance nue, county warden, he carried the purchased with the bequest of Grit banner in the provincial the late Jean Murray of Exeter, election and he ran again in the will be. presented to the film by-election of 1946. He has served council. as secretary of the district A special meeting is being Liberal asseciation. held this week at the home of • A mamber of Main Street Mrs, William Welsh to plan for United Church, he served on the the county W.C.T,U. convention A board of stewards for many to be held in Exeter in May. years,• 1 4 He has been a director on the hospital board since it' was or- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alderson ganized, and served on the and Mabel spent the Weekend original building committee. . with Miss Leona Alderson in He was president of the• Hamilton; Mabel is remaining for Exeter Lions Club in 1955-56, the a week's vacation, year in which the Scout House Mr. and Mrs. ,Fred May re - was erected, turned from Florida on Thurs- He is a director •of the Exeter day. 4 , A FILM "Shelter In The Cumberland" Wilt be shown in HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Thursday, April 18 8;00 p.m. • Rev. Leonard Phirfk, Komoka, will show this picture. Special. music by Rev. Phirfk and his wife. Sponsored by SHDHS Bible Club 1.• ee Grand Bend Churchof God Revival Services REi.f.s E. WILLIAMS Apr, 19 to 28 Sundays • • le am. and 7:30' p.m. • Each Night at p.m. • Except. Saturday Rev. Williams is a noted • singer and .preacher from Anderson; . Ind age . He has served as a 'director of a National Youth Camp and also as' Chaplain in • the StateSenate and House ,of Representatives . in Michigan. We, Welcome You To Come And Bring Your Friends PASTOR J. EDWIN WATTAM l lll lilt ll • lllll llll • mogiffill ll t llllllllll 1tioll •TRANQUILIZEk! No Prescription Needed! May Be Habit -Forming RecornmEtnded By Physicians! Not For Sale — It's :Free! Those statements may sound contradictory but they're all. true, or the • "PEACE OF GOD THAT PASSETIt . ALL UNDERSTANDING" Is Indeed A Tranquilier of Recognized Merit! * * * During this season eipecially, attend the..Church J of your choice And as you relax ill the quiet of the Divine sanctuary you may well acquire that serenity •and, tranquility the world needs So much tOdaY, . • * flespiptfullysDtdicated,10 our Churches .. ANDREW JORNSON Dittos. .1 • . , RECEIVE SAFETY AWARDS—Fifteen Iri vers in. the Guenther Tuckey organization veceived awards from the Ontario ,Safety League for, driving without an .accident for .a year. The awards were established for the first. time this year ,and were presented to the local drivers at a banquet Saturday night.'The recipients included: Top row, left to right,. Harold Schwartzentruber, Albert Vanderburgh, .Anton Hansen, Bensen. Edwards, B. W. Tuckey, 'who presented the awards; Milton Willert, Leo Gibson, Edgar 'Wildman; bottom, rctw, Clarence Taylor, Tom McLean,. Bill Duda, Kenneth Weber and Arnold° Campbell: Others who won awards, but were absent, were Gordon Appleton,. Frank Robinson and Uarold Wurm, • -41)9err First Employees Still Among Staff Two of the men first hired by B. W. Tuckey when he began his transport business 28 years ago arestill with the firm. Eric Campbell, who became the driver of Mr. Tuckey's sec- ond truck when he purchased it in 1931, is now assistant to the president. He was in business foie himself for a few years but re- turned to the local firm in 1952 when it expanded from nine to 34 units. 0 Edward Ward, another of the drivers first employed by Mr. Tuckey, is now in charge of the London branch, . Gerald Hamilton is the accoun- tant for the firm, and the busi- ness is guided by his capable and conscientious hands. Ray Guenther is the dispatcher and if you think he has an easy job, just try keeping track of 30 drivers and 47 trucking units and several .score of customers all at •On c e Ray has a man's sized job but he' bandies it well and is alwaas ready to try to solve the custom- ers troubles, be they large or smali There is only one member of the fair sex employed by the transport. She is Ruth Alexander, the office stenographer, who can straighten out any difficulty that can arise in the transport world. In addition to these employees, the men on the staff of the Exeter branch include: Wayne Tuckey, Gord Appleton, Charles Atthill, Joe Campbell, Bob Dykstra, Bennie Edwards, Bennie Fisher, Leo Gibson, Anton Hansen, John Mahoney, Carl Maier, Les Mitch- ell, Gerald Northcott, Harold Schwartzentruber, Alex • Short - house, Cecil Sinith, Clarence Tay- lor, Edgar Wildman, Milton Wil- lert, • Clarence Warm, Harold Wurm, • Edwin Miller, Elgin Kiefer and Eddie Medema. • In the Toronto branch are Archie Bender, William Duda, Jean Sauliner, Edwin Prince and. Francis'Woodeock. ' The Goderich staff includes Albert Vanderburgh, Tom Mc- Lean, Joe Runiig and Kenneth Weber. .Learn To Give In — Continued from Page 9 Stratford several years ago when 'a girl and youth were kilTed, when their motorcycle went off the road. Leo waa following right behind them. When he arrived, the girl was alive but she didn't live very long. ' "It makes you think when you see one of these," says Leo. Leo, who came from Thed- ford originally, started driving trucks back in 1935. He started with Guenther Transport Co. in 1940 and has been with the firm mos% of the tinie since. ' During the war, he spent three and one-half years in the navy, but he never got aboard ship: He was, a transport driver and drivertinstructor. He calls himself a "tramp" driver. He doesn't have any par- ticular run but takes 'the special trips for the firm. He's been to Quebec numerous times and has travelled to many of the states in U.S He' and his wife ,have three children and they belong to the Lutheran church in Dashwood. If you ever want to help a truck driver, here's a tip. When he •passes you, blink your lights, after his Wailer clears your front end. It's mighty hard to the truck driver to judge, says Leo, You might remember, too, that in a diesel truck, the driver can't' hear your horn. Use your tights instead, One :more thing: Give'the truck driver a break now and then. He'll appreciate it. James St. CGIT Holds Spring Tea The spring tea of ;lames St. C,G.11, was held Saturday afternonn in the ladies'. roorps of the church. • The 'girls, in their C.G,I.T▪ . uniforins,, • served guests froth tables centered withbouquets of snapdragon and tulips,' , • Sandra Walper and Judy Slid - grove entertained With hinge during the tea hem, A display of the girls' work including Christmas stockings, bun baskets and murals Must - rating their' mission study added interest to the afternoon. Town Topics Mrs, Jainea Taylor and Relen spent Sunday ia London with the fOtiner's"daughtcr, Mr. and Mrs, Etlialfi MIS, Of Byron, MIAMeta Salter spent the weekend irt Seaferth at the Mine of her sister, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Reeve. Mrs. William May returned. from Florida Thursday, Mrs, V. tlynditeri who accompanied her is rein:titling in Londoi for the - Easter weekend, • 41. • • • ,,t;'. 4 , . 0 4 Sorority -Honors Mrs a A„ ,Fraser i„,,,,,„..........................„,„...,...4,........ ,... . . Mrs. M. D. Fletcher was , , [ nanied .opnaor of the Beta ." ., :Sigma hi :Sorority at its Meet.. - log at the home 0 Mrs. li. C. . E xet er. Stores Dinney on Tuesday evening. Airs. A r t hut Fro ter was . chosen the .first honorary :ueui ber .of the group. Miss ' Jean Taylor was ,elected president and Mrs. Diara Wellington is .direetar., . ... • Vice-presidents are Mrs. John Conlan and Mrs. William tinnt- ley; s e cr etar y, Mrs. Melvin Geiser; treasurer, Miss idyrland Smith, I • Convenors of .committees: pro. gram, Mrs. I. W. Bead; Social, r Mrs. H. D, Hooke; ways and; For your Convenienco , tnealts,, Mrs. Milian). Schie'el; publicity, Mrs., Teti Jones; his. torian, Mrs. Don 'Geiser; ,cour- ., • tesy and contact, Mrs. L. Smith. ' Mrs. -Clera • Wellington pre- sented the Easter message • to the group dealing with sacrifice, sharing and serving. Mrs, G. Thomas presented, the gift which was won by Mrs. Ray Guenther, I Assisting the hostess Mrs. were 'KDon Geiser, Mrs. H , peonistsday vening 'Tit CLOSED ALL DAY 'FRIDAY OPEN SATURDAY TO Klumpp and Ntra. Hayter, ll ll l lll tom l • llll • ll ll lll ll g lll ▪ 1114110,0FIMOMIeitillitilllitlfilalleIWIttl41131111g111H111111010g0 • On Easter Sunday, in every Christian church,' pastors Will again tell the story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Y.ou and your family are invited to attend. A welcomb awaits you in the church of your choice. • JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. 14. .1. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Musical Director 't Joyous Easter Day Services 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship The choir will present' an Easter serviee of story and song entitled "The Mien Im- Mortal" • Mr. Gordon Koh at the piano Will assist Mr. Lawrence Wein on the piano.., 7:00 pm,—Evening Worship Sernion Subject: "The Coli - quoting Christ" Anthem by the Junior Choir Duet by Mary Ann Lostell and Eathryn Hick's Solo: Sandra Walper A Warm Weltothe Is Extended To All Special Services James St. United Church Friday at 11 a tn. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. P. Kroft, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Good Friday 10:30 a,in.—Holy Communion Easter Sunday 7:00 a.m.—Sunrise Service 10:00 a.m.—"Easter Morning" CHRISTIAN REFORMED ,CHURCH Good Friday 2:00 p.m,—Ttev. lloyteme, Dutch Service Sunday, April 21 9:45 am—Student N. Eck, Eng- lish Service 2:15 p.m.—SW:lent N. Eck, Math Serviee Everybody Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. K. L. Zorn Good rriday 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship with holy COM11111111.011 blaster Sunday 10:00 •ti,M,—SuridaY School 11:00 a a ,—Easter Worship anti Lord's Supper NO p.m. — Special tasto, pro- gram presented by choir, en- titled "Peter and the Itesur- teetion" • MAIN STREET The United Church Of Canada Minister: Rd. Alex, Rapson Organist; Mrs. A. Willard 11:15 a.m.—The Service of Wor- ship 'Nursery.Class (three years and under) in the Primary Room. Beginners (4-5) _will withdraw during the second hymn. 10:00 a.m.—The Church School Superintendent: Ir. Sterling Ince "He Has Risen As He Said" THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER ' EASTER SERVICE 10:30 to 12 Sunday Sehool ' 10:30 to 11;30 a.m. "Teach Me Thy 'Truth, 0 Lard" Saint,: Stanley Sander, Zurich ZION CHURCH -Evangilical United Brethren CREDITON Rev', Glen R. Strome, Minister 6:30 nm—Sunrise Service Speaker: Rev, E, Girigeheit Fellowship treakfaat 10:00 tion.—Worship "The EMpty Orme` 11;05, a.m.—The church School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.P. a, Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10:(10 aan,—Sunday Sehool 11:00 a.th.-1Vlornieg Worship Sermon Subject: "Three Ter- rible 'Ifs' " Good Friday Service in jamell SL Church at 11:00 aan, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, N. D. Knox, B.A. Rector Trivitt Me;norFall,, Exeter Good Friday 10:00 a,tn. — Ante - ComMuniOn and Litany, Easter Sunday 8:30 Communion 11:30 a an .—Ch oral Communion THE BETHEL. REFORMED CHURCH IN' MAIN stREET CHURCH Rev, R. Van Farawe, Minister Good Friday 2;00 p.m,—Communion Service: ° °• Easter Sunday 2:00 p,m,—titeli Service .Speelai. taste Music 8:30 p.m.—Sunday Ado& All Weltome