HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-18, Page 13). 1. 4, 4 n 4 4.. S. 1 1 :Anno'uncements BIRTHS. ANDERSEN — AndY and GteaIVA Andersen, Laxete, announce t te birth of a eon, Allan Ronald, at Sa�ut1 Huvpii tiospital, Apra 13, 1057—thanke te• Dr. Galena alYELNTON—Mv. and Mre. Ebner R. Joitrutton, Hensall, 4114101stice the birth of a daughter at South Sterols lioepital, Ai; -ll 16—a Mster for Linda, Flora, 119Y, 314111Y:I .std. Ardit11, LYONS—Shlriese arid Bev 1:Yons, Isontion, announce the birth or .a daughter, Terri Louise, at 'Vic- toria Hospital, ',gluten, April 14, 1957 — granddaughter for Ala ad atm Alvin Moir. MARTENS—Tony and Martha Mar- tens, Palt, 2 Grand. Bend, ans porinee the arrival: Of a son, Mars tante Henricus, •at South Heron 1-1espItal. APril 14, 1257, afeNElls -,--- air. and Mrs. Richard- afeNen, 300 Algonquin Drive. 11.('AF Centralia, •announce the birth of a daughter at South aitt, rasa HosPitel, April 13, 1557, Change In Normal Bowel Habits A Danger Signal That MAY Mean Cancer • ••'' See Your Doctor IMMEDIATELY rot fres literature writs F. R. Dobbs Phone 200 • Exeter TAKING PICTURES EASTER WEEKENI5? # New Cameras and Equipment Models from 19.95 to 74.90. See our. new Japanese cameras: SEE OUR NEW SHOWCASE FREE! Professnal instruction with each purchase. - Film, Bulbs •And Supplies PHOTOGRAPHER • Phone 343 Exeter a BIRTHS .441;144ut —Mr.. and Mrs. William atelier, 11.17. 1 •Cretliton, announce the birth Of a son at South His - rots Hospital, April 11, 1057. DEATHS ,o0N,Nr4t—At the bottle of her daeghter, Mrs, Prank Lows, Con, 2, .1311.1cluipli Township, en Flay, April 12, 1957, Sarah Jane Dixon, beloved wife of the• late William Coimer, late .of Centralia, In he runety-fifth. year. CUNNINGHAM At St. JOrmill's lieeptial. Denclen, Senday, April 14, 1157s Omar Cunningham. Tire funeral was held from St. Jamee Churcia Clandeboye, on Tuesday, April la ENGAGEMENTS Mr, end Mrs. Parker 'Camps bell, of Wiegbare, annoauce the eogagement of their eldest ditugh- ter, Jean Mary, to Mr. Garnet Ron a14 Wareing, of London, eldest son of alr. and, alre, 1V1Illam Wareing, ot Exeter. The wedding to take made in St, Andrewar Presbyterian Chervil, aVingharn, on May 4, at Z. p.m. 1S* CARDS OF THANKS . . Wellington Brock and family wish to express their sincere thanks to their relatives and friends for their many acts of kindnese extend- ed to thein during their recent be- reavement. 'Special thanks to Miss Claypole and the staff of South Huron Hospital, Dr. M. 0. Fletcher, Rev. J. Slade. Harry Hern, Alma Hern, the pallbearers and to those who eoptributed to the Canadian Cancer Fund and those who gave floral tributes. 18' alma Veinier and Loreen would like to express their sincere thanks for the kindness extended to them in their recent bereavement. Spec - lel thanks to the Rev. Mr. Snell. the .neighbors and. Lhe Hopper - Hockey funeral home. 18 Dorothy and Chester Cornish wish 10 saY"thank you" to. alt those wbo remembered Chester with cards, treats and cigarettes while a patieht in Westminster Hospital. 18c Dorothy and Havveir. Pfaff -wish "exprese, their thanks to all those who sent cards, flowers, gas. and treats to Dorothy and Stevenvlille patients in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Gulens, Dr, Read, Mies Claypole and staff. 18* I wish to express my sincere• thanks and appreciation to my neighbours, friends and relatives for their kindness In sending me cards and treats, and calling to see me lnee my accident an Feb- ruary. The kindness of all has been much appreciated, — Clayton Smith. ,18* Mr, and ,Mr. George ;Jaques wish to thank their friends for kindness shown Mrs. Jaques while canvales- cing at her daughter's home and since coming home. Thanks to Dr. Pletcher, 18* I wou1d. like to express my sin- cere thanks 'to all my relatives, neighbours. frierids and Farm Fo- rummembers for cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since re- turning holne.—Lesvis Johns. 18c IN MEMORIAM DAVEY—In loving memory of our Parents, Richard Davey, who passed away April 21, 1056, and Susannah' Davey, who passed away July 26, 1048. They have 'not gone from those they loved. Nor have they wandered far, Sust entered. God's most Jpveiy room, And left tbe doors ajar, —Ever remembered by their family. 18* HEDDEN — Itt loving memory of Gebrge Edward Hedden, who Pass- ed away in St. Catharines April 19, 1927. He bade no one hie last farewell He mint goodbye te none, • 'The, heavenly gates were opened, A loving voice said come. often it and think of you, The things you used to say, I wonder why you had to die Without a chance to say goodbye, Though out of.. sight you're ever Stilt missed, still loved, still mine You wilt live with Ma in memory Until the end of time. —Ever remembered by wife, Cathe- rine, and. his family. 1,8* -a 1 Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week, . 'Exeter Motor 'Sales "1 Precision is essential to protect your health Precision is the keynote of the pharma- cist's profession: Years of training qualify us to fill your doCtor'S prescription with complete accuracy . . for the protection of your health.' Easter Gifts — Easier Candies UTLEY" DRUG STORE •,Phone 50 'The ristris-AiNegow Apet 7Plante" Here .R0- Racket' To 8 aa'• 414SSIFIED. RATES. 25 words or Jo"si 70c Mor e Than 25 Words — 2y Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion •SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 400 More Than 25 Words lit Per Word Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to one column) First Insertion 980 Per' Inch Subsequent Insertions 84# Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. FOR SALE MAPLE SYRUP -- Phone 165-r-5 Daeliwood. 31:18e SEED. DRILL, alassey-llarris, 13- rim disc fertilizer, grain and grass seed, draw bar to fit Fora -Fergus min tractor; also lielrazman upright piano. Apply C. , J. Walker,' Crom- arty, Phone 3.2-r-13 Diabilia 11:18s 516107) BA.lirmy & OATS, Com- mecial No. 1 Beaver oats, 51.00 a bushel; Commercial No. 1 Mont- aalln barley, 51.50 a bushel. Apply Hamad, Walper, R,It. 3 Parkhill. 18* RANCHWAGON, 1 9 5 3 Plymouth, body and motor in excellent con- dition; 51,450 ov best offer; ,can be fipanced. 212 Columbia Drive, RCAF Centralia, phone 483a7-1 Bx eter. . 18* CHEVROLET SEDAN, good run- nings. Apply S. Deelstra3 miles east of Centralia. 1,8* RUBBER TIRED WAGON, heavy duty, with grain boy, 200 bushel capacity, 'rolling hay rack and end lades, in good condition. Amply Jack Coates, 41.16. 1 Centralia, phone. lairkton 103-r-18. 18* CHILD'S coax, wool, rose, size 8; girl's. beige spring coat, size 8; girl's spring coat, beige, size 12, n excellent condition; boy's tweed sports jacket, size 12; gent's sports jacket, blue, size 32; 2 child's pleated skirts, size 6. Slay be seen at Mid -Town Cleaners, 18c GMLS' BICYCLE, used, maroon,- good condition; $24.50. Apply to Beavers • Hardware, Exeter, phone 86. SUNSHINE BIKE, balloon tiros. in good condition, Apply Jack Taylor, R.R. 3 Exeter, phone 39-r.8 Kirk - ton, 18* TWEED PANTS, 5 pairs, all colors, size 16 years, Phone 620-raT-4, Mrs. Frank Treibner. a 18* 2 GIRLS, SPRING COATS. sizes •12 and 14X, in good condition. Me' be seen at Brady Cleaners, 11* LADIES' 1VOOL SUIT. size 16-18, blue, May be seen at Brady Clean - era. 18* Topics From Zion By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Mission Band Entertains The Sunshine Mission Band. en- tertained Elimville Mission Band Saturday afternoon at the school. Elimville put on two numbers for the program including a rec- itation by Larry Skinner and a solo by Sandra Walters. Zion members presented two short Pia Ys Mission Circle Honors' Member The Mission Circle held their Easter meeting at the home of Helen Herdman on Tuesday. The Program, was in charge of .Doris Brock assisted by Greta Steph- ens. An Easter poem was given by Mary.Diekey,and a story was read by Greta Stephens. Mary Dickey was presented, with a wedding gift by her fellow mem- bers. Personal Items Mrs. Lavina Hern, Exeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and boys. Peter Dykeman, Galt, was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and family. Mr. and Mrs, Delmer Skinner and amity spent Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and children visited Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Everard Millet. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern visited Saturday with Mr. and Mts. Ken Parkinson, Blanshard. A number of ladies from the community attended the W.I pot luck supper and annual meeting held at the Elimville Township Fall on Monday evening and the short course on "Sandwiches" Tuesday afternoon. The winner of the comforter draw was Ruth Miller, Woodham. This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Batten returned home on Sunday after spending a few days in Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Den- ham, A number from this vicinity attended the concert in Thames Road chinch -6n Friday evening given by the pupils in the school area. # Mr. and Mrs. twart Pym of Exeter were Sundayvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Herne., -Mr. and Mrs': Bill Gilfillan of EXeter visited with Mr. and IVirs. Conn Gilfillan on Sunday. •• Mrs— Ivan Brock, Margaret and Dennis, visited en Sunday with MrS. Minor Dobbs at Lang- ton. bid you know that all freight cars tarry what railroaders ealt a "bump detective"? This is a redording apparatus which 8111)W8 how fast a freight tar is travel- ling during Switehing operations and serves to hold down damage that might be 'caused by Over- enthUsiSstie witching engineers = Ihto • when making Uti sod breaking 4 FOR SALE: LADIES" 'BICYCLE, staaaard, blue. in aecel. comialon: 0.1$0 1,19Y5' CCM wagon. AWAY Howard Kerslake, MR, 1. Centralia, Phone 374-14 alas Oar. TIME MAGAZI,N'E introsinCtOrY rates, 30'weelts for ;2.97; 78 waek3 for 56.47. We'll put your name PII Lite mailing list of any magazine, Exeter Tirnea-Acivocaae,,phone 7at70r. ta CUSTOM OAR IDIO 8 tube Plaice 941511 buttott, will fit (Squaw - ler product, good condition, 520,59; ti hp. elegtric meter. 50.50; bloyele, iia" frame, a5.00: 10" tractor grain grinder, ;19.00, Phone 574-r-11 Ex- eter. 18c 100 NEW BORN CALVES, Hereford and Angus, between April 15 and May 10, Apply Clarence Hardy. phone 194-W lamina 180 COMBINE. Alas Chalmers No., 66, fully equipped, 3 years eldi threshing machine, No. 6, excellent condition. Apply Arthur Srnale, Strata, phone Dublin 48-r-10. 18:25• BOYS' NAV7 BI,AZF.R, size 6, 95.00, May be seen at Brady Clean - era. - 18* LA,DIES' SPRING COAT, size 16, pale blue, In gogd condition, MAY be seen at Brady Cleapers. 1.S• CASE COallarINE, 6 ft, cut, with motor and complete white Iteah attachments; afercurY 3 ton trunk with steel platform apd plywood • 4' racks. Both iterns'In A-1 condition. Also baled straw for sale. Phone 25-r-6 Dashwood, 181. • • FERTILIZER DRILL, 5.14.a. 15s run, In new conditiop, arith, rubber tires and double disc openers. A.C. Rote Baler, 1 year old. Big savings on a "like mew" machine. Exeter Farm Equiproeht, 1.Se WHITE FACE CALVES—j, Dyke - man, It.R. 1 Centralia, phone '<Witten 910-r-11. 18, SPECIAL OFFER—Subscriptions to Saturday Evening Poet, Ladles Home Journal, Holiday: all three for $10.00. Limited time only. Ex, eter Times -Advocate„ phone 770. 14ttn DRAIN TILE 4 inch • $ 55 per 11: Del'd 5 inch Sa per M Del'd 6 inch 1111 per M. Del'd 7 inch 145 per M Del'd 8 inch 175 per M Peril T's, T's and Elbows an Shack Prices for 10", •12" ' and 14." on Request: RYDALL BRICK AND, TILE Elginfield , Phone 193 Lucan 11.tfrt If • Backaches are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS and. help your- self from pains and ache. Ask your Druggist, ' 18e Quality Appliances for Thrifty Shoppers '57 GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGE ' 4 -Burner, Ptish Button S169.00 .'57 'SIMPLICITY WASHER. S129.00 HOOVER CONSTELLATION CLEANERS $89.50 HOOVER 2 -BRUSH FLOOR POLISHERS Phone S36:00 Russell Electric 109 Exeter FOR RENT :PAPARTMENTS, unfurnished. Both are heated, hot and cold water, built-in cupboard, use of laundry for washing. Private entrance. allatchforcl Apts. 18* 5 -ROOM -APARTMENT, furnished, steam heated, newly decorated. Available now, Phone 135 Exeter. 18c A,PARTMETT. Unfurnished, steam heated, nicely decorated, suitable for 2 people, living room, kitchen- ette, bed and hath, $30.00.. Sandy F,Iltot, phone an. 4:11:1Sc APARTMENT, dosvnstair, in Hen - sail, modern facilities, nicely decor- ated, private entrance. Apply Mrs. James Smillle, phone 122-.7. Meis- sen or Clarence Smillie, phone .691- r-2 'Hensel). ' 4:1118c APARTMENT, in Shipka, 2-bed- roonr, living room, kitchen, full laaeement, hot strut cold water, hydro, indoor toilets. Phone 6-3 Cred iton. 7 tfe APARTMENTS --A number of l- and 2 -bedroom apartments, W. C. Pearee, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 15tfc 2 APARTMENTS --Apply Tasty -Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. 9tfe 4 -ROOM A.PA.RTMENT. downstair. Apply Harold Beaver, phone 602.1V Exeter. 11:15' 3 -1311DROOM HOUSE, Oil heated, built-in cupbortede ift kitchen, 3 - piece bath, in Exeter (Restrict; avail- able imniedia.telaS Apply 4'red Dasv- son, phone 156er-6 Exeter, 1St APARTMENT, 2-hedreona heatea, unfurnished, available MAY la Also *mall store, available now, Apply ;train Ward, phone 348.. 18* 3-11005t APARTMENT, fUrrilsited, heated, aeltable for 2 adults, het and cola 'water ,on tap, private entreatee, ne Pete,. availeble aftry 1, Phone 400-W or away at as st,„ 14.1xot03' (evenings). Ile APAriaMtlirr with bath. 90 Victoria st. . ise Ais'AtitsinNt. .unturn:shed,. heated. bet‘ and cold avatet, on front Of Mein St. Mayfair atikety, Bxetee, phone 52. . 18clat MODERN HOME, aew, aii ells venieneas, den tt a 111 located in Wand BOA 184 REAL ESTATE notTA,Cit, ineut Wok Mink. 9- bm edroo, 3staleet bath, basement: also barn. Wilson Allan, 'PISMO 58 labilaall, 4:11:18:250 REALESTATE • 2 vrouPr mum, oil farnece, forced air; 4 rooms, sunlit/re/t, main floer; 3 bean and bath, upstairs; garage; location acted. BRICK HOUSE, well situated to school, Imitable for large fundiy or duplex, 3-p'ece bath and. 2 -piece bath, .oll burning ternace. 1 FLOOR, instil brie, living xoom 'fireplEtee, 2 bedrooms. fell bath, nice ..1t1Lciren, full cellar, furnace, hot water tank, ,central Acr'ation. SMALL COTTAGE, asbestos slate ling, cellar; low price. BUICK HOUSE, _3 -bedroom, !I'll bath, bydro, full basement, water pressure eastern, attached garage, barn, large garden; low tax rate, FRAME HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, hydras bath, oil heat. leSTORTer HOUSE, new furnace, 3 - piece bath, neav roof. garage. FliGHWA.Y 100 ACRES, bank barn, silo, brick house, 515,000. HIDBERT 100 ACRES. bank barn, instil brick house, hydro, good water, ;7,500, . HIGHWAY 200 ACRS, bank barns, silo, drivesbed, garage. good brick house, good school privileges. 50 ACRES PASTURE, abundant water. 24e' miles south of Dash w000, RUG BRICK ITOUSE, 4 -room, itt very convenient shopping centre, bath, hot and cold water, cash deal; quick possession, latic Sure we have other properties to. sell. Write, phone or come. W. Pearce,Realtor, Exeter, phone 435; Earl arsons phone 507. Fred Cola, Phone 536-,W; Salesmen. 11 tfc HOMES. FARMS C. V. Pickard Exeter 3 -,B ED ROOM BRICK, close to school. This is a tidy home in good repair with all conveniences. Nice lot with garage, Low price for cash qr liberal terms will be given, 1 ACRE OP LAND with good 3 - bedroom brick house and small barn. House is in good condition, 3 - piece bath and heavy wiring. Quick possession. Terns. EXETER NORTH — Comfortable 3 - bedroom cottage with 3 extra lots and a very good barn, This is a roomy cottage, is well wired and has a good basement. Low mice. Terms. 184 STOREY FRAME, 4 bedrooms, modern kitchen, two bathrooms, mew oilburning furnace. Nice lot. Good location, Terms. BRAND NEW — 3 -bedroom, 1 -floor home with garage. Up-to-date kit- chen, Beautifully tiled bathroom, Large living -dining room. Clean, bright basement, Thi a ia the type of house you would build for your- self. Let us show it to you. 18tfc To buy or sell gee C. V. Pickard, Realtor and General Insurance, 394 ale.in St., Exeter, Phones 165 and 628. ESTATE BOUSE -- Modern laie storey red brick house, full base- ment, laundry tubs, soft water system, heater, furnace and fruit ()eller. First floor contains modern ,kitchen, dining room, living room, plaster bedroom and 3 -piece bath. Upstairs Contains 2 large bedrooms, 2-plece bath ana sewing room. Ample closet 'space and double garage. For full particulars apply Eric Heywood. phone 649. 2iafc SMALL WARTIME 2 -SOUSE, mo- dern kitchen and bathroom. Apply 117 Aisne St., phone 748. 11:18ci 3 -BEDROOM HOME, nearly rew, full pored' basement, oil furnace, hardwood floors: east side of Ex- eter; close to schools. R. E. Balk - will, 47 John St. East, Exeter:, phone 89-3.. lllfe 'BRICK HOUSE, 2 -storey, garage, immediate possession. Apply EdgaP Broderick, -31 Simcoe St., Exeter. 4tfc 1511,850 BUNGALOW, custom built, moderri, five rooms and bath, at- tached garage, 3tone • front, over- sized bedrooms, dining and huge living room; full, bright steer re- ieforced, basemen a tiled office room, cold atorage, copper hot water oil 'heating and many extras. This home is on one half acre, beautifully landscaped lot. fruit trees, raspberries; paved driveway and parking; large vegetable gar - son; country location along paved road in Centralia, airport district; sacrifice, owner must Move to To- ronto; immediate possession, For appointment phone Exeter 497- 18c 140 Amts. near towe, L -shape barn, pig pen, 5 acres bush, 6 -room houite, oil • heat, 110,500 — 54,000 down. 61 ACR,ES, 'near Grand tend, bards barn, good. house,, excellent pasture, ;7,500. 5 -ROOM HOUSE. Cents•alia, located on 184 acre's, coal heat, garage, etc„ $3,400. 6 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE, well lo- cated en east side of town. Ideal home for growing family, 510,800. I'Va have a number of hornee, farms and business properties. We invite your inquiries and listings. D, M. JACKSON Real Estate Grand Bend Phone 35 M. J. GAISER Agent ShiPka, Phone Dashwood 161.-t-14 M. J. Hayes, Agent Parkhill Phone 182-W 18c GRAND B11ND Groc'eteria and Meat Market for sale or rent. Store 21x45 with all equipment. Fell haee- ment, Large apartment above. Fan' terms. A, V, Tiernan, phone 108, Daahwood. 18:25* HELP WANTED • SUPPLY TEACHER slay Town- ship Ptiblie Sehool Area, Huron County, reclitites one experienced supply teather for rtual school in the area. Duties to commence April 29, ending Jtme 30-23 pupils on roll. Apply 11, W. Brokenshire, Seete- tary-Treasuree, Burtch, Ont. latfn TE.acr-tVi —Usborne Township Scheel Area requires Protestant teacher for fall terra. Madera vehoole, -salary schechile in effect. Rarity Mating eaperience to Garnet Rieke, R.R. 3 :Exeter. 11:11:250 p1bAcIttn8-14ay Towhship Public School Ate*, Httron County, re- ouires teachers for rural scboole, Salaey rot experierreed, reeorn- Metaled teachers le 53,200. Dirtier' te taliathleace SePterrIber, 1057. Applies.. fiehe to Mate qttalitiesalene eaper, leriee atid religion. Apply H. W. latukanallita, Setretary 'rreitstwer, mutteh Out urn Man TO WOIU' 1 . onument Shop PAVOit 't SON Pheirie 41 tater HELP WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER for S.S. No. 1 ..aePlIelA Twp., Huron Comity. Duties to rommenve September 3. Modern scriool on paved road, excellent bus connection*, Please Mate qealificatimma eatery exavets ed anti former inspector, 10 Elmo' Powe. Centralia. Ont. 11:1Se (BUSINESS .OPPORTUNITIES !AGGRESSIVE 3456N .4ind .wometa Make interesting profit* oa each ,5 you ;tell. Well-known PuiputactUrer of fittest hots:mimic) necessities and 44iletrlea bee .openings in your ear- iraundings. Write for details and. free ,catalogue te 1600 Pelornaea, Dept. C., Montreal, 18c MAN WANTED for Rawleigis bursa. ,EXPgRIFAICM) nese. Sell to 1,500 Write oday. Rawleigles, 11098, p -302. S.A., Montreal, Que. ISe Body Man 4, And Painter HOSPITALIZATION PENSION PLAN Apply Lary or Reg LARRY 'SNIPER MOTORS Phone 624 Exote . , EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING Electric portables, by the week. Hopper, Hockey Furniture, phone 90, Ex- eter. sue Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Ere. BEAVERS HARDWRE, •EXETER SERVICES New Typewriter. Sales And' 'Service FOR EXETER. AND DISTRICT REMINGTON RAND AGENCY • STANDARDS • PORTABLES • ELECTRICS a ADDERS • CALCULATORS • PAPER SUPPLIES RENTALS IN STOCK TRAINED SERVICEMEN PROMPT REPAIRS The Exeter Times -Advocate PHONE 770 COLLECT EXETER, ONTARIO CUSTOM CAPONIZING and started capons on order. Phone 57-r-23 Dashwood, Carl Oestricher. 2:21-6:6* POWER MOWER SALES'a. SERVICE ALSO POWER LAWN ROLLING Clinton, Jacobson, Lawn -Boy Briggs, Statton, Lawson Motors Used Mowers LAING'S SERVICE Phone 72 Exeter • 1Se TENDERS WANTED FOR :DRAINAGE WORK. Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen fpr drainage work, consisting of 1,016 lineat feet of drain and 8,730 lineal feet of open drain, on the Ilaist'alunicipal Drain, Tenders must be accompanied by 10% deposit and he in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 6th day of May. 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plan and profile may be seen at the office of the clerk. F, W. MORLOCK, Clerk 11:1,S;25c 'FOR DRAINAGE WORK 'renders will be received by the Township of Stephen for drainage warts consisting •of 4,869 lineal feet of drain on the Wilson Municipal Drain. Tenders must be accom- panied with 10% deposit aridabe in the hand e et the Clerk on or alefore the tith day of May, 1057. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plan and Profile may be seen at the office of the Clerk, AIORLOCK, Clerk MIS:25e AUCTION SALES REMEMBER THE . AUCTION SALE IN THE VILLAGE (Ma HIRE. 10 Mee North of London SATURDAY, APRIL 20 1:00 p.m. Allis Chalmers "0" (Tarter 'svilit smuttier. In good condition; 29 - plate Bissell disc; Skyline front aid. loader for Ford; 11-rrin disc drill; Duro deep 'well system, corns plate, guerenteert; hardware; poufs try equipment; electrical aPPliances• pump and pipe fittiegs; V belts and pulleys; harnerie; new and used lumber; 191 h.p, electric motor. Steels of Jack Legg's stot'e, FURNITURE: 2 electric stoat% Quebec heater, tables, benches, tvashing maehine. Timms: Cash. This is e. large sale worthy 01 your (Meatiest. . Auctioneers: 1I.Itaitoro alLSONnTOM ROBSON 2a2r 10-01-3104 • . WANTED 'MORTGAGE on ranch style house, located in stew subdivision in Taxan. Neale 135 -It Lucan, in the evenings. liafc CATTLE FOR PASTURE: good water supply, Phone 13s5a balrittan. Ernie Harris. 18* • APAIVI=NT SIZE FPIANQ .1leight 41." APPLY BOX "P,S." TIMES -ADVOCATE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Furniture At, tit reeldeace nf the Auctioneer, 2S7 Alain Street, tketer SATURDAY, APRIL. 20, 1110 P.M. Genera! Electric refrigerator, like new; oil arose, used only a MW timet; slnglo (Id 11 1111 en tal been double bed, eptinge and mertross: dresser: warstobs; rarest; chrome table and elides; chesterfield, 2 ' Mathes 4 eustriens; Standard electric lattp; kitchen table; eloek; emoking set; 2 screens; small etand; 3 nsire taws; dishes; White ititeheit cabinet; dressers and eerrussoiles: reeking ehaire; matte cheat; Marry other art lei te, Aitytme wishln In 0011 Anything at this PAIO, bring 1110111 ArtvInt T. alAWXES, Pte0, 111 aNi' Talla el in n eer CLARK FISHED* Creek 1St re CHILD'S PLAY PEN, in good con - Apply to Mrs. Cs Filord, }fermata phone 26. - 18c CATTLE' TO PASTIJRF, Apply leaner Daters, R.R. 1 Dashwood. • 18:75* LO$T patESSURE HOSE—On emir 4.ndresv and aolan atareete. 41 41] piece of, preeePre hose •Wieln fitting On .one emit.' Finder pit easititet as, V, kloss.rtb„ phone SERVICE - STATION For tease. • Immediate Possession Reasonable .Rent .APP.I.Y H. 0, .FREE Phone 366 Seaforth COTTAGE, at or near Grand Benet. • for one month, July or August, 3 bedrooms, plumbing, baiter ton t pre- ferred. Mrs, 3, R. C. afoffatt, 14 Hazellyae Rd., Toronto 3, Ont. 18c NOTICES' TOWN OF EXETER COLLECTION OF TREE LIMBS, ETC. .4collection of tree Bathe, bush cuttings and other like refuse will he made on Thursday, April .75, also again on Thursday, May 23. C. V, PICKARD, Town Clerk 18c BABY CHICKS FOR SALE PAST GROWING, early production. Chicks for all markets. Ask for complete May ilst. Bray Hatchery has pullets, started; ali prompt shipmeot, 46*. wide 'tat 10 choose from. Ask agept: Eric Carseadden. Exeter, phone 246-W; Bray Hatch- ery, 120 John N„ Hamilton, 18c YOU CAN DEPEND ON When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and waatea, back- ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often f allow.. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimu- late kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—aleep _better, work better. Get Dodd's at any drug store, You can depend on Dodd's. DAIRY 14 ILO WHAT& SO REASONABLC YET SO RICH IN VITAMINS AND GOOD HEALTH? fiummal 106NLANDRILLDANY MILK OF cOUPSEI , Easter Parade' 01 -Beauties Just like a woman, paint and all: Some have sun bonnets (sun visors). They all talk a lot (radios). They all have a warm heart (heaters). Some have new slippers (tires) with shiny buckles (chrome 'wheels). '57 OLDS AMERICAN 88 SEDAN—J etaway trans- mission, radio, WW tires. Disc. $700.00. *'56 FORD CUSTOMLINE • SEDAN — 6 cyl. Like new. '56 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN — 8 cyl. WW tires, etc. '56 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4 - DOOR COUNTRY SE- DAN — A popular but scarce unit. '55 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN — Less than 14,000 miles, '54 BUICK SEDAN — Auto- matic, radio, 2 -tone. None better. '53 DESOTO SEDAN V8 — Automatic, all power equipped. A car you can be proud of. '53 METEOR CUSTOMLINE -HARDTOP — 2 -tone, etc. '53 PREFECT SEDAN — An ideal second car. '53 PONTIAC SEDAN — -2- tone. Easter Bunny Spe- cial, '52 FORD SEDAN — Like new, One oVoner. Low mileage. TRUCK '56 FORD lh.TON, long box. Custom cab, air conditiOn heater. Side mirrors, low mileage, '52 DESOTO SEDAN — Automatic, radio, sun visor. '52 CHEV. SEDAN — Radio,Centipede tires. See this one. '52 DODGE SEDAN — Thoroughly reconditioned. '51, STUDEBAKER ,SEDAN' — Lots of extras. Make us an offer, '51 DODGE CORONET SEDAN — Automatic. Tops in beauty. , '51 CHEV. SEDAN — Motor reconditioned. '51 FORD SEDAN — SpoL- less. '51 METEOR COACH — Overdrive, original finish. '50 CHEV SEDAN DELUXE — Driven by a lady school teacher. '50 OLDS CLUB COUPE -- Radio. One owner. Under 29,000 miles. '50 FORD SEDAN — Clean. -'50 FORD COACH — Tip at a price. '50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN. '49 DODGE COACH '49 DODGE SEDAN '49 MERCURY SEDAN '47 FORD CLUB COUPE Very clean. The Only Way To really tell thri true condition is to see these beauties yourself! It's the difference that counts! COMPARE! COMPARE! COMPAREI Dollar For Dollar, You'll Got More �b Cook Nowt SALES. Phorl 171 HOOSaii For bentensfrailon• or TranspOttition Open EVOningi B to 10 /11#011# Loafed NW Tr -CNA. Traeks IHRtit SUOMI/UM rO ittRVI YOU