HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-18, Page 12The iltifemAilifleeAte, April 18, 957 p crippled chIIc.;r.i BUY EASTER SEALS !4M.4A.114A114141,441414111111111411.11A (411411111 W 111414114/1.1,11114111111411414144111.1114111MIAl11111ii41IM2M111,,M,MAIII . Our Malting: Barley Contracts Can Make r You Money z SO our .special contract be - 1 fore you sign,. Fertilizer sup- plied with contract. Act now! 3 Seed Grain For Sale _. NQ. 1 REG. Sc COMMERCIAL MONTCALM BARLEY 1 NO, 1 REG. & COMMERCIAL OATS Different Varieties Scott's. Elevator Phone: Office 63, Res. 110 P. iii Rg1111111111iii M111121411111,1,141111M11111,111114,MM 111114211114111111111111,1111g21111114111M24114t111,ti1,11111,1u• Lucan For ACCURATE PLANTING McCORMICK PLANTERS Unequalled for Accurate Seed Spacing, ' Uniform: Planting and Dependability 2, 4 or S row trailing models — 2 or 4 row Fast -Hitch models. With a McCormick planter you'll -take -lull advantage of good - spring days — work fast with money -saving, crop -boosting accuracy. Regardless of your planting practice — checkrow, hill -drop or drill —regardless of your soil type or size of farm, there's a rugged, dependable, high-speed McCormick planter built to get your crop in faster and better. Prove this with a demonstration in your own fields — YOU BE THE JUDGE. ■ Exeter F. W. HUXTABLE - Phone 153-W International Harvester Company of Canada Limited W. G. THOMPSON • HENSALL and Sons Limited • Phone 32 ...ortsz tea. . <. °- Clover And Grass. Seeds We have a complete stock of ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, ALSIIE', YELLOW & WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, WRITE DUTCH AND LAMINA CLOVERS, BROMEGRASS, ETC. PERMANENT PASTURE MIXTURES . . Place Orders While Stock Is *Available We are quoting very attractive. prices and replacement orders would require higher retail prices. SEED GRAINS All varieties available hi Registered No. 1; Certified Ato. 1. and. Coniniercial N. 1. Treated and Peeked in New :lute OAT VARIETIES: Garry, Rodney, Simcee and Beaver Registered' and' Commercial Brant and Mentcatm Barley I•ligli ,quality seeds will be litshort supply this spring. To be sure of your requirenieiits ORDER NOW! FERTILIZER W. Deliver 71e *fedi' Failte AMMONIUM WWI IF '.IN STOCK i.• We are contracting for malting barley. 2, Registered seed oats, • NAVE YOUR SEEDS CLEANED AND TREATED AT OUR MOMS CLEANING PLANT 'Your Seed tad be delivered and gleaned without being bags �e�uiPhone n s .and arrange a data to 'clean and treat your Comments About Kirkton BY MRS, HAROLD DAVIS .W.1. Elects Officers. Mrs. iaa'L Watson was hostess for n c eti t e alar it ate n a Ole # S # Woaien's .tnstltute, the president Presiding, W ilss,elected were; honor- ary president, .,Airs, Ealerson ,Talon; president, Mrs. Moss k'raucis; vice -presidents, Mrs, Allan. Eveletgh and Mrs, :John Williams; secretary -:treasurer, Mrs: Emerson Paton; district director, Ors. Erie Humphreys; alternate, Mrs. Archie :Dewar;. press reporter, , Mrs, Clarence Switzer; assistant,, Mrs. Heber Shute; directors, Mrs. .Archie Levy, Mrs: George Hall, Mrs. Ray b't'artcis; auditors, Airs, Mary Doupe and Mrs. 'Toni Cr e w ; nominating committee, Mrs. Horace Greenstreet, Mrs, Stuart Shier, Mrs, Earl Watson, Standing committee conveners; agriculture, Mrs, Archie Dewar; Canadian industries, Mrs. Ray Francis and Mrs, Heber Shute; citizenship, Mrs. Mary Gallop; e .d u c a t i o n, Mrs. Glen Allen; home economics and health, iYirs, Wes Batten, Mrs. Tom Crew; community activities, Mrs. Ro- bert Ratcliffe; public relations, Mrs. Allan Eveleigii, Mrs. Archie Levy; historical research, Mrs, Stuart Shier, Mrs, John Williams; resolutions, Mrs, Alma Dobson, Mrs. Pearl Budden; card secre- tary, Mrs. Alma Dobson. Officers were installed by Mrs, Clarence Switzer, The roll call was answered with a recipe for supper dish. Mrs. John Williams was the winner of a jar of maple syrup donated by Mrs, Heber Shute. Mrs. Glen Allen gave a report of district directors meeting in Stratford in March. • During the business, Mrs. Archie Dewar was appointed representative to the Cancer Society, The Secret Pals are to be divulged and gifts will. be exchanged at the May meeting, • The May meeting is to be held in the hall with the club girls and their mothers as guests as well as a demonstration of the t n project completed this winter, "Cottons May Be Smart", Mrs. Heber Shute had perfect attend- ance and will receive a home and .country badge, The standing comjnittee reports were given Ladies Guild & W,A. The Ladies Guild and' W.A. met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Maurice Black - ler with 13 present. Scripture passage was :cad by Mrs. Milton McCurdy. A chapter of the study book was given by Mrs, Gerald Paul... After the business, Mrs. Wiseman conduct- ed . a photo quiz, spelling bee and musical quiz. Hostesses were Mrs. Burns Blackler, - Mrs, B. Humphreys and Mrs. Knox. Attend Demonstration A number of ladies attended a cooking demonstration in the Russeldale Hall Monday ' after- noon of last week as guests of Glen Go w r i e Institute. Mrs. Amos .of London was the demon- strator. A cup of tea was served by the hostess branch along ng with the • cookies and pastry made. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Oliver McCurdy of Barrie' visited last Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Miller Mc- Curdy. Mr. and Mrs.'Ira.Marsha'll re- turned home from Florida this past week. Mrs. M. Gregory is at present with her sister, Mrs. Ullyott, of St. Marys. Visitors last week with Mr. and. Mrs. George Allen were Mr. Arthur Allen of Hamiota Man., Mrs, Ethel Allen of: London. and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan. of Exeter. Mr. . and Mrs. Ward Allen of. Ottawa visited with them the previous week. The Kirkton hockey team held a meeting in Aberdeen Hall on Thursday evening. The .boys de- cided to purchase individually a jacket each with a crest on it. The Kirktc(n team won the , "WE CAN MAKE OUR LIVES .SUBLIME" lY *(Auth'or's name below)- When your health is• good, your every day is more joyous, Troubles are conspicuously absent, and you always look for- ward to a happy tomor- row. But when you don't feel good everything seems to go wrong. So guard your good health carefully. Visit your physician at the first sign of any illness and let *him help you to live a More sublime life: We will co-operate by care- fully compounding any medication he prescribes for' you, e YOUR PHYSICIAN .• CAN PHONE Enter 4471 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick u our res i Up Y p Cl p tion if shopping near tis, or let us deliver prompt- ly Without extra charge. A great many people en- trust us with the respons. ibility of filling their pre- scriptions. May we come pound yours? Andrew Johnston Drugs Main St., Exeter ItRsSCRIPTION CHEMISTS Henry ti,o. s" Airsire y(iaat-tsas): tbp'yElglit 41,411 Parents Pick New Of#icers Mrs. D. A. Wage was re-elect- ed president of the. Exeter Home and Sebcol Assoeiataou at the April meeting Tuesday evening. Other officers ..elected were vise iresients, Mrs. William pdt lluntey. and Mrs, Gerald holt; secretary; - Mrs. Sam Head- rick.; treasurer, Mrs. Andrew! Snelgrove, eons. secretary, Mrs. Harold Broderick; Mrs. Murray Green, Mrs. M. Vanderneut, Mrs. f-laroid - Skinner, Mrs, John Go- anan, Murray Green and Arthur B. Idle. Mrs, John Schroeder present- ed the slate of officers .for the nominating committee, Carole Hogarth, Sandra ,snider and Katherine Page were the three winners in grade .eight .speaking contest, Carole Hogarth spoke on "Nova Scotia". Sandra .Snider on "Skin Diving Expert" and Katherine Page on "Science Fiction in the • year 3000." Others • who competed :were Betty Dixon, Robert Schroeder, Diane Del- ' bridge and Barbara Mceonald. Judges were Miss heather Goldstein, Mrs. E. S. Steiner , and Mrs. Lawrence Wein. These three winners will com- pete at the May meeting for a silver .eup, Guest speaker was Mrs. liar. old Butler of Lucan„ who,is sup. - 1 plying for Rev. Krause while he is on leave of absence. She spoke on the importance ,,or religioua. education in schools. A quartette comprised of Shar- on and. Helen Krause, Joyce and Marilyn Hamilton of the Pente- costal church sang, accompanied by Mrs. Don Jolly.; Mrs. D. A. Page• presided for the business meeting when the Association voted to become a member of the film council. • Gordon Report — Continued from Page U second one certainly won't,. • Our basic goal should be• to increase at a profit to ourselves without raising the price. to the consumer. We never have. been the guilty party in the consumers' cost of. living. Large business corporations have achieved their success` by continual improvement in meth- ods and operations. Large cor- porations have achieved their success by adding on to the cost, of their product large •profit allowances. The ;farmer is ,100• years behind• in organizing co- operative odtleta,. The ;day,of; the independent farmer. is oVeil (Rev.. W. Young, padre, :OAC, Guelph):. Marketing boards have, come to stay and will be. as permanent to the future farmer ofCanada as union is to labour. There is nothing complicated about the farming problem today. It is a matter of supply and del mand, and in.the years, to come, the dei�hand. could exceed the sup- ply. To say to increase our pro- duction without a demand is folly even by 1980. Our production will increase as the need arises. With. an ineentive. price there wilt be.' no scarcity.: (Studynonniy the ecoof the war' years The broad and coinpreheitslve' use of land will have to be timed to oui' increase in population and the selling of our land to indus- try' ndustr , etc. In closing, I would like to rec- ommend to Farmer's Wife that she organize a Farm Foruni in her .neighbo{hood. In the past four years, each of the subjectS. under- di'scussioit within the report pertaining to agriculture have been topics for . discussion, .on more than one.occasion. -If the does not caro to -have a :forum. there is• no b.erin' in tuning in On Monday "evening: at ,8,3p..to, .Ci'r.G and find what :the experts have to say. It will be enlightening: A And now, 'Mr. Editor, Oils- is my final letter ,and'may•I con- elude with this one remark: "No. one hasbeen fooled." • Thank you kindly for the valu- able space herein. taken. Yours respectfully,'- , Member, Parr Line Forum. •^'Name available on request. • Message From Centralia By MEL. FRED BOWDEN Choir Hondrs Couple • The members of Christ An ga- lcan .Church arrangedc oir surprise party for .14r. and Mrs. R. I3, Gates and ;net at their .home in celebration •of their forty-fifth- wedding anniversary. During :the evening Mr. Ken - new .Hodgins presented the cou- ple with a set of TV snack tables. Lunch provided by the oho,, members was served by Mrs, K, Hodgins, Miss Isobel Wilson and. Mrs. Gates. Mr. Gates ex- Pressed. the appreciation of both he and Mrs. Gates.. Former Resident Pos;es Mrs. Wm. Connor, an .aged and former esteemed resident .of this village age passed Away on I rt- day of last week at the, home of her daughter Mrs, Jessie. Lewis in BiddulpIt , •Personal Items., Mrs: E. Knight has returned to her home • after spending the winter Months with relatives. Mrs. Sadie Norris, Mrs. Mabel Hannam, Mrs, Beulah Vivian of Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Dayman of London were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ken- neth Hodgins, • Mr. and . Mrs. John Talbot and their daughter, Miss Joanne Talbot R.N. • of Grand Valley 'were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harris West, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walden apd family of. Lucknow were Sunday visitors -with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Hicks; Mr. and Mrs., Prank Taylor and. Mrs. George Hay of Exeter called on Mrs. Wm. Bowden on Sunday evening. Miss Odeyne Clarke, a student at -London Teachers' College has• secured .a teaching position in Brantford with' duties to coin- mence in Septemb,er. Mr. F, McCuteheon left recent- ly for Blind River where he has obtained work. "This is Possum Switch," the bus driver called out: as he'slow ed down for ' a ° lour -corners Vali; lage. . ck' Replied a Wit from alae,' ba sea, "Are we in downtown 'Pos sum Switch?" "Not now," retorted. the bus' driver, "we just was." • trophy this ' year, . winning ' thri' best -two -out -of -three series, de- feating Moncton in the final game by a score of 6 to 5. Mr. and Mrs. 'Archie Mitchell of London spent the Weekend with Mrs. H, Copeland. and Miss Ethel Copeland.. Mr. and. Mrs.. Les -Fairbairn of London visited Sunday ' with Mr. and Mrs: Harold Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaught ton of Cane are visiting this week with • Mr, and Mrs. Albert, Bickell. Mr, Clayton Smith had his Cast removed from his' leg in " St,. Mary's Memorial Hospital this Bast week. ' 1i11dnuti11,1 lull 11111"111„ Down To Earth — Continued. from Page 11 SELF - FEEDING BETTER : A paper prepared by T. W. Per- ry, M. T. Mohler and W. E. Bee- son of Purdue University reveal- ed that ' self-feeding of cattle proved better than hand -feeding similar steers. In one trial, yearling steers fed cafeteria -style in dry lot gained an average•of 2,70 pounds daily compared with 2.48 pounds for handfed steers. The steers self -fed constimed • greater a- mounts of Purdue sup lement A, made 100 pounds of . in on 12 percent less digestibl nutri- ents, . and had a slightly • higher dressing percentage. The self - fed group sold for $24.35 per cwt„ as compared to $23,85 for the, hand -fed group. Steers fed in another test on a full. feed cern-and-cob -meal and 'supplement A, Showed 10 percent more rapid gain when self -fed. • DID YOU KNOW? March 1. survey shows sow farrowings in Ontario • for the period December to May 1956- 57 will increase 28% over same period 1955-56. This factor could decrease hog prices next fall proportionately. D,I.H. • • ATTENTION FARMERS! •SPECIAL -LOW PRICES on Threshing • Machines' UNTIL • MAY 15; 1957 It W. Pay You •To Contact :Us Now 'For Particulars REPAIRS AND PARTS • Now is the time to look over older machines and have re- palrs. done; so that you' will not be held' up later. We. give . careful attention to re- pairs 'and orders ,for parts. '.ROBERT • BELL INDUSTRIES . Limited SEAFORTH' : • ONTARIO Phone 268 niMnlnuiiiilluliiutii2tuiimuuiOnuia11n,uTilsit/ Started Hyline chicks Avoii�bIe 1 Week Old. 1600 '934A Pullets 2 Weeks Old 180 123 Pullet% ' • 1000 934A Pullet; 3 Woks Old L 770 934A. Pullets 4 Weeks, Old - 1100 934A Pullets 5 Weeks Old 435 934A Pullets 6 Weeks Old -100 934A. Pullets . 100 123 - Pullets ° Newhauser Hatcheries f Opp. Whyte Packing Co., --Cor. Lipton & Corcoran PHONE 1910 - , STRATI=ORD Perth Clubs Organize St. Marys and Kirkton 4-H, clubs were Qrgantzed at ameet- ing in :the St,- Marys District Col- legiate fnstitute on Friday eve y c i; Hang of last week. Norman MC.k. 1leader,welcomed Cu1ly,cubelcoed them guests and _members,. Wayne Pridhatit, •Cromarty, was elected president of the Kirkton 4-H Dairy 'Calf Club. John Robinson, R.R. 3 St, Marys is president .of the Kirkton Beef Calf Club, Other officers of the Kirkton 4li Calf Club are: vice presi-; dent, Donald Carter, R.R. 6 St; Marys; secretary, Wayne Steph- en, R,, 1 St. Marys; press .re- porter, Grant Bertrand, R.R. 1 St. Marys; club leaders, Rea Stephen ,R,R, 1 St. Marys and Allen Eveleigh, Kirkton, Officers of the KirktonBeef Calf. Club are; vice president, Charles O'Shea, R.R. 2 Grant- on; secretary, Grant Hodgins,, R.R.2 Granton; press reporter, Howard Ballantyne, R,R, 3 St. Marys; club leaders, Roy Neth- ercott, R.R. 1 St, Marys; Don- ald Pullen, R.R. 2 Granton and Arnold Robinson, R.R. 3 St, Marys. Mrs. A. Pritchard Pinelry Resident Mrs. Ada Pritchard, 69, of the Pinery district, Grand Bend, died at her residence Tuesday evening. She had been a resident of the area for the past 20 years and operated a restaurant,, She also established a kennel of Kerry Blue terrjiers.. She is survived by her mother, Mrs, Annie K. Anger, of Toron- to; two sisters, Miss Francis Anger, Toronto, and Mrs. A. D. Derbyshire, of Bolton. The body is resting at the Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, pending funeral ar- rangements. Burial will be in St. John's Norway Ceiitetery, Toronto. WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Reliable Grading • • Direct Settlement Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Exeter District Co -Operative Box 71, Exeter or by writing to CANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada • A BUDGET 1S A METW0I •QF WORt2Y,ING. BEFORE ,. YOU SPUD IN5TEAOOF AFTERWARDS GRAIN • FEED•SECD 7.35 vi/P If You 'Cali Find A Bettir Baler -BUY IT" We believe the FARMER needs, now ,more than ever, the most efficient Machine he can get,. and We believe the -NEW HOLLAND 68 HAYLINER to be the most efficient in its field, The improvements over the the famous New Holland 66 and all its copiers, put the 68 in a class by itself! ASK FOR PROOF AT. Exeter Farm Equipment PHONE 508 R. D. Jermyn • EXETER „00llll0lll01111111101110401,0lllll1 1111121111/,2q2/1,11Y11111un,m,n llnMMli1,A21,21W4Mtli 4112 1 2 111 21 111/ Two WORE vantages� From Using Our "Fertilizer • 1. A Complete Meal of Plant Food In Every Particle. 2. Continued Feeding of.the Crop' Throughout the Entire' Growing Season. Contact your nearest Shur -Gain agent' ;now for your requirements. - .- Phone- 256 CANADA e PACKERS Exeter •ti11titeptifn11114iu11n„flt n0nunlumunli uuu1,.4u,M111„n1Muulu,uuuMnl11uOunun,tnminlnnutijtud GOULD &,, JORY DOLLAR DAYS! TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE 48 -oz. tins 3 for $1.80 AYLMER RED CHERRIES For pies, 15 -oz. tins 4 for, $1.00 HEINZ BABY FOODS 5 -oz. tins tttttt...Y ,,;. 11 for •$1.00, AYLMER EXTRA GREEN PEAS 20-o2, tins .....,Y.....;.,.,,.,:,,: 4 for $1,00 AYLMER CATSUP 11 -oz, bottles ,., , Vr,YYYYi..l.j. S for $1.00 • CAMPBELL'S SOUP Tomato or vegetable .,,;,, 8 for $1,00 SCHNEIDER'S PURE LARD Price .............Y....:,"...,,,..." 4 Lbs. $1.00 SCHNEIDER'S BOLOGNA Price ttt t..,,.Y,1Y......... 3 Wit, $1.00 TULIP MARGARINE Price ..:..,::1 Y.Y.,,i.:,Y..YY.;,i" 4 Lbs. $1.00 PriceIINTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE .Y,�Y IYI'Y,Y.,,, I,Y f11„if Y,li"Y, 8 for $1.00._ Special! Schneider's Pally, Hams Fu1Iy Cooked For Easter PHONE 16 1i144i1YYYYYYl4i4'i'aYY1PYYf11YiYY�YfiYYYiYYi2'IYYYiiiYtiB'1'lY4'iiirii7YrYiY11i'ilii;'ti114YPPi➢iPii4iV141'iYiPtlYil1YYYt1'f2Pili4Y4iiiY111�x LD & JORY WE OELIVEl IExBTEA ) 4