HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-18, Page 1EXITik ONTARIO; API IL Mr mmercial re.ases B t• 4 1 I to USBORNE STUDENTS PRESENT PROGRAM •Several hundred students from Usborne township schools present- ed a muscial prregran1 in Thames Road United Churcb Friday evening which included this singing game, called . • • EASTER. PAGEANT—Youth Fellowship group of Calvary EUB Church, Dashwood, is among the organizations plan- ning, special Easter services this weekend, They Will pre- sent a pantOrnirne at their Sunrise Orvice on Sunda.y. Donna aglesen and Ruth Schade are the angels. Members iof the choir iiclude: back row, Donald Bender, Stanley Haist, Jack Schade and Ronald Snell; front, Shirley Bender, Joan Ouenther, Joyce. Haugh, _Carol Schack and Lynda Tiernan. Rev. W. F, Krotz is the minister. Photo tray Dog Bites Girls, ap Police For Escape U wi remain at f$ but cone 4.5 Commercial property will pay the increased costs •of Keeter's meniemal government this year, aceording to the 1957 tax rates set by council Monday eight. ;ease, Levy en residential property • Pollee Constable John Cowan treated for rabiee. assessments pay en additional . and 'one-half r... - was criticized by town conneill "A thing like this eatt be very mins . • Although its expenses Are MP considerebty„ rote:toil isn't pans ping any :major projects. Biggest newexpensa this year: willbe the purehase of earths moving machinery for the dumps Cost is estimated at -VASS and may be higher. Roth theepublic school and the • Monday night 'for not taking ac- serious,' said Messer. county levies are up one mill. n n re ort that a stray dog chances out of 10 the dog didn't I , 4"" The new rates: residential, 6$; Council also budgeted for an I 69 5 Athiltienal $1,500 on drains; An- other $1,000 on officials' sear* les and allowances; another $1,000 for the fire brigade; and increases of approximately $50 each for police, and Perks. Drain budget includes :Plane for construction of a drain on Andrew street south and repair of another one on Edward street. Monday night council: * Requested written statement from Fire Chief Irwin Ford con- firming hazardous condition of old house on Huron street so that it could give authority to have the building torn down, * Considered two requests. for "No Parking" areas on Jahn street and left decision to Vont- reittee. * ordered the tearing "down and cleaning up of a chicken house near Wellington street * Warned dog owners that their animals will have to be tied for the sturimdr. bad bitten two young girls on have rabies but you never can Anne street. tell. The animal should be locked Councillor Bill Musser said up for,two weeks for observe - Parents kept the. dog corralled tion. The two -levy systern—required under the province's new grant homeowners their - first tax break in years. Under for two hours waiting for the Council requested an explana., the•old system -the Y would have never showed up. The mongrel, he wasn't on duty. Chief Reg owners of comniereial places; to share inereased costs with constable to Lake it away but he tion from Constable Cowan but escaped and is still at large. 1 Taylor, who was taking the night One of the girls lies been shift. said the constable had con- tacted the county health unit and learned that the dog should be impounded. If there was no place to keep it in Exeter, it could be taken to the pound at Clinton.' Councillor Musser said Murray Brintnell, father of the girl, com- plained to him following the inci- dent. He said the neighbors kept the dog in the neighborhood by feeding it meat. When the complaint was first aired, Mayor Pooley said he didn't know whether the police were required to handle such a case or not. "We haven't an official dogcatcher or pound - keeper," he said. Council admitted police had no equipment with which to catch Fill Kitchen For Victim The women of Centralia dist- 1 rict held a kitchen shower on Wednesday afternoon in Central ia United Church school mine for Mrs. Gerald Isaac, whose home was recently -destroyed bY fire. Kitchen utensils in enamel, aluminum and plastic, a set of dishes, tea towels canned fruit and pickles, basket of groceries were among the articles seen on the long table. A new ironing board was nearby and neigh- or impound dogs. hors clubbed together and pre- The animal was a tan, short- have to finance the band alone when some of the members came sented Ms • Isaac with a coni- haired, small mongrel without a from neighboring areas. Councillor Ross Taylor, a mem- ber of the rec council, said the grant was only a portion of the cost of the band. The students paid tuition fees, he pointed out, "We gave $500 to the senior band every year and it didn't have the possibilities this Junior band has," said Taylor. "They are training 40 or more young- stergn' Ccillot Fisher, another member of the rec council, stated : the senior band had members from outside the town. Mayor Pooley pointed out that the young band would present its its first concert shortly. He said the 'committee 'Which had been organized JO•form, the band was attempting to raise Jolliet funds US help ,meet expenses. ., Deputy -Reeve 'Mawhinney ap- •PareintlY was convinced. He voted in favor ,of the grant, along with . the others. the new plan means bosuiess- men will have to meet the extra bills, Junior Band Gets Grant Exeter Recreational Council made a formal request for its grant of $2,000 this year. The letter, from Secretary G. M. Miekle, revealed that $1,166 was requiredto meet the couri- cil's share of the recreation director's salary; $300 was needed for administration ex- penses, and $500 for the band. Deputy -Reeve Chester Mawhin- ney wondered why Exeter should ,,sse •"'n' i;.;\•• • \`UL, \ ' ,.;\• \k\`‘ ,•••-•:- • "Seed Cycle", by Whalen pupils„ Other numbers included verse speaking, reading arid numerous vocal selections. Singing w,aS under the direction of Lawrence Wein, —T -A. Photo kisn ParkhilIDam PI , See Usborne Agreome nt Ausable Authority will investi- 1949, wit cost at kast half a 1 following arbitration hearins. in the latest estimdte of the cost I claims against the board's ,latest Contractor Prank Pearce, of Vieldnia.n II, G. Hooke said on I The, AuthoritY now faces legal1 offer and we are, hopeful of set- the Pearce. Construction Com - Wednesday. . i action from cottage owners in 1 tlement," the fieldman stated. pany, Hagersville, has , assured ..r. • • d fly. the Port Franks area who claim . He said, owners have 30 days the Authority he will start work on the dam Monday, April 29, the fieldman revealed. If con- ditions are favorable he may be- gin one week earlier. • Steel. for the dam has been gate cost of construction of a million dollars, Fieldman Hookel "We have not yet received any of the dam. flood control dam at Parkhill, 'estitnated. Plete set of stainless steel. One lady remarked "Name -a kitchen utensil and it's there." The church ladies served after- noon tea. so • petitions for a dam in that am ARA's dredging in the riven. in which to appeal to the mun e have, en it," hi said. • tion in the old channel. Icipal board if they are not sat - that we will have to take action 'mouth has blocked their naviga- He said the Authority will A report Saturday said owners idled. probably authorize an engineer demand compensation. exceeding "The board's latest " offer is to prepare a preliminary report $200,000. , slightly more than the last. one . when. it meets this summo. The Chairman John A. Morrison of $115 an acre but it is much promised for June and the corn - Authority will also request the has received a mandamus to less than the'amount which the pany will plan its work to coin. provincial government to pay patois of the cost of this re. as an alternative, pay damage port. claims. • s The fieldinari said petitions At -a recent meeting, the had beet received from, the Authority acted on the advice of . townships of McGillivray and its solicitors and disclaimed any Bosancmet and from Dr. L. G. responsibility for the plight .of Hagmeter, owner of the large the cottage owners, farm near the Pitery, and New Venice Corporation, which. a has Owners May purchased several t h o u s n d -"The prospects for such an ,Acept Offer Undertaking appear bright," said Hooke. "Officials in most of -the dredge out the old channel or, owners requeated." cicle with its delivery. . acres from Drs Iragmeier. areas toneerried favor a project Ausable AuthoritFieldman y o ll • Parkhiis expected to endorse the dam because it will provide it with a muchemeded water, supply. It has spent thousands of dollars drilling for water with • ,s H. G. Hooke said Wednesday he expects a settlement will be ef- fected soon for purchase of lands expropriated for the Morison Dam. M Hooke said s, which Was recom- accept a new offer made recent- Dep't 'tells Vets The Authority's awards to the five owners totals $10,402,70. In claims to the arbitration board, the owners requested a total of 546,000. Individual offers were $1,161 to Garnet Frayne for 105 acres; $4,510 to William Kernick for 33.6 acres; $3,300 to William Chambers for 23.9 acres; $1,294,- 20 to Mervyn Dayman for 6.8 acres and $137.50 to G. Hayter and Iona Hayter. • Fieldman Hooke said that if the offers were accepted, the cost of purchase would apptox- imate the amount provided for everal of the out 'success. owners had indicated they would The dam mended in the Ausable report of by the Auseble Advisory board Work On Harbor Raises Pigs In Village, Remo!' Man Pays Fine • • • A noise" Mans G r a n v II 1 e from ;A police chase in Hensalltickle, was fined $10 and costs. in magistrate's court, Exeter, Wednesday for keeping pigs with- in the limits of the village of .Hensall. He was also pieced on sus- pended sentence ,for failing to obey orders of the medical of- ficer of health end WAS required to post a $100 bond to keep the peaee. Evidende revealed the man allowed a hog carcass to deter- iorate Outside after be had ban ordered to remove it, Donates! Ross Brunzlow, ef Crediton, paid ,,$S0 and etistt after being eisttiticted of Careless driving. The Charge resulted Hensall Pupils Get Polio Shots Pupils of ilentali Public •Sehoo and from Tuckerainith, Stank and hay Townships receive Salk anti-pOliO injections at Hen tall school on TueScItly, Dr. si. C. Goddard Wirt i charge, Assisted by a deft mem- ber of the huron County health Mit, 'Clinton. Pre-school ehildeen wilt te- teive theta on April 24 At the IliWri Mill. • A. letter from the Public Works Department of Canada, react at the regular meeting of branch 498, Grand -Bend Legion Monday night, confirmed word that ac- tion will be taken soon in the dredging of the village harbor. The letter tame es a reply to an earlier letter by Legion presi- dent Ciayt Mathers to the de - Frank swaber, Exeter, and partment urging that action be recently, Itheasune Dolomite, Centralie, taken.were each fined $10 and costs on The letter stated in part, that careless driving charges result- ing from different accidents. Magistrate Dudley Holmes pre- sided. Charge Trainer in Car Crash Charges have been laid against Vic Lutman, well-knewn race horse driver, whose car was in- volved in a collisionat the inter- section of highways 4 and 83 Sunday, which sent two people to hospital. Pollee say Lutnitet a heave of Bidets Who now is in charge of a stable of horses in Goderich, tailed to stop before entering No. 4. He was traveling west on 83. The LUtrnatt Car WAS struck in, the side by ti southbound vehielc driven by Jack A. Petblesv "an investigation at this place is presently under way by offi- cials of this department. Their report is expected by the latter part of April'," Eight new members were Ad - Milted and initiated. From Grand Bend, Don Pleat and Arthur Heist were weicosted. six Dash- wood sitizees, Milford Monet, Harry Hayter, Otto Restero.yer, Wray Sweitzer, Harry Finkbel. tied end Henry Simpson were in- ducted. Clarke Kennedy, a former Henson Legion eiembet, tram's - fared to the Grand Bend branch, Pour public School studerite were awarded cheques for $2.50 from the Legion for their excel- lent showing in a recent public speaking contest. They Were Mary Carbart, Mary Daiten, Sari- dra Bossenberty and Emerson Hill Pupils Sing In Usborne A massed choir of 175 voices of grades three to eight from' Usborne township schools under the direction of music instructor Lawrence Wein sang for a capa- city audience in Thames Road school Friday evening. Other musical numbers were kslouble trio from S.S. 1,. Mrs. ,Carter, teacher; duet by Marlene. and Darlene Frayne, S.S. 3, Mrs. I, Harlton, teacher; solos by Bill Jeffery, S.S. 10, Mrs. William Mair, teacher. and by Betty -Duffield, SS. 12, teacher: Warner McRoberts, t e a c h e r; singing game by juniors, S.S. 6, Mrs. Reg Hodgert, teacher; double duet from seniors, Mrs. Don 'Jolly, teacher; double trio, S.S. 4, Mrs. A. Rapson, teacher; and junior choruses by S.S. 5 and S.S. 2. • Interspersed with the music. were readings. by Brian Hern; verse speaking by Mary Ann, Lostell, Dianne Stone, Sharon Hume, Sharon Stone, ehirley Jaques and Margaret Oke and a dialogue by Betty ,Duffield and James Foster of Winchelsea school. Mr. Delmer Skinner was chair- man for the evening. Conte° t e d by The Times - Advocate, Constable. Cowan said. he was not told that the Anne street residents had the dog corralled and he patrolled the streets looking for a stray ani- mal. lie said he, searched the area both in the morning and after- noon but saw no trace of the dog. "If I had.known they had the dog behind the house, 1 would have gone after it," he said. The dog biteBrenda, three-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brintnell, Anne St., and scratched Linda Lowry, -Mrs. hrintnell's six - year - old sister, Mrs. Brintnell said 'Mrs. Her- old Holtman called- Constable Cowen and she, Mrs. Holtzman and Mrs. Gordon Appleton wait- ed for the constable to arrive from 10 a m until nearly noon Churches Celebrate Festival Of Easter Easter Sunday will see church- gregation will hold its weekend I es marking the event with spe- services in the basement, dal services and special music. Interior of the church auditor - Ministers will. choose approp- riate messages and augmented choirs will present the Eastet story in song. E1.113 churches at Dashwood and Crediton will hold sunrise services at 7.00 a.m. 'Olean church services are be- ing held each night this week James St. .chureh when Rev. Angus .McQueen B.A„ B.D. of First St. Andrew's United church, London brings the message cul- minating in a Good Friday morn- ing service. As is the custom in the native land communion will be dis- pensed in the Bethel B,eformed chureh at 2:00 p.m. Good Fri. day, Peebles:" six-year-old daughter, The Chuckwagott Trophy dart . Monica, end Charles Davis, a tour/wiled_ is over and the passenger in the lettelan car, Maitera-negierditie team, who were both taken to hospital. They built up an early lead and were have elite been released. bevel* overtaken, walked off with Dotage to the vehicles was the luelete. They finished the se - estimated at. SIAM by Chief P.cg Taylor, Who investigated, ries with iota . pis. stead place were hill Rath and tumck finished third,With -28 points, Palm Sunday was marked by communion in the United Church- es and a reception of new item. bers. ,Added to the roll of Main Street church were 19 members, many of them young people on profession of faith. Rev. H. J. Snelleef Ames St. has been con. - ducting a communicant's class and 33 joined the Church Sunday morning as well as 12 by trans- fer. Two communion services wilt be held la Ttivitt Church of England at 8:30 and 11;30, The choir at James street church will present a service of story and song entitled "The Dawn Immortal." Mr, 'Gordon leech at the piano will assist M. LaWithde 'Wein, On Easter Monday the Yetlag People of the Pentecostal church Are presenting a pageant, e:Ihe Cross, the Great Divider, direet- ed by Mrs. Harold Butler of Lu - can. Cool Presbyterian Church is undergoing teteiisive redecorie tion which is curtailing its East- er activities, The renovation, both interior end exterior, will not be com- pitted until MAY, so the Oh* lurn has been torn out and new seating. lighting, pulpit, lectern, windows, and carpeting are be- ing inStalled. The front entrance will be al- tered to eliminate the two nar- row stairs to the upper floor and replace it with one wide set of stairs. Exterior of the building is to be painted, The church board, of which Jack Pryde is chairman, is in charge of the prOject. Among the men doing the work are Art Whilsmith, Bill McLean, Lorne Kleinstiver and Garfield Thom- son. Rich Man Gets Relief? Reeve William McKenzie told town council last night that relief may have been given a man, who had $10,000 in the bank. Reeve McKenzie didn't identify the recipient but he did say the relief was paid several years ago and to an immigrant family.' "I'm led to understand the father had brought $10,000 to Canada' and it was deposited in a bank.' The reeve revealed the incident to emphasize his argument that "we have to be awful careful of' this relief," ' It was also revealed that one man who was .,getting eoal, on relief was burniegASso,pree, all the time in his home. 'Lots, of people not on relief only burn one," the reeve said. Council agreed not to authorize purchase of any more tog for the party. harry Itaiiiiitori with :10 points and Andy teown and Jrilia Bk. 14,0 Lay Plans For Project 4 "s KINSMEN ELECT DEPUTY GOVERNOR—Les Parker, past president of Exeter Kinsrrien 1 Club, was elected deputy governor of the zone at a rally in Smicoe Sunday. Above, he is congratulated by Hartley Watts, retiring deputy governor, who presided for the meeting. Left is Vice-Presidertt Jack Drysdale, of the Hensall club, who supported the Exeter candidate; right is George Noseworthy, of .the Exeter club, who was Parker's",campaign manager. —Stewart, Siincoet . Sixty. Ministers and 'eyelet% from district churches gathered for a. simper meeting in ;lames Street -United church en Thurs- day evening to hear Rev. Ster- ling .Kitchen. Wedge secretary of :the missionary and .theinten- enee department of the 'United: Chureh, give direction to the teeter plan for the district emi- gre -oakum. Kitchen said that mn all the toogrogationa whet this project has been :Undertaken greater interest had been treat- ed lit the. work of the thueeli amongst .1 a y rat en and also ritottgst irregularly attending members. It bririgstach mem. ber face to face with his stew- ardship obligation thus increas- ing the -givings of theplittelt• predeet is Alitiest always 99 per tot success," said the 'speaker. An enlistment committee con- sisting Of * layineri and rninister from each derieffiltiethin was bathed to scout tint Whet eon- etegatierte in the area are in- terested'. Rd% &Med Kerr as eheite man tit the meeting Arid will convene Oita eintitelittee,• COMPLETE SERVICE OARAOttompletion of Guenther TuekeY T tS Ltt service garage marks major milestone fn the eiparision of; this 2 ;,.-..1..v., dustry, Mechanics tight Xipfer, right, and td :Miller are Shown in the; ';evv Ibmnialldtiol which will be maintenance headquarters for the 47 -Unit fleet. Four-page **Wrenn • the transport firm appears on ,pages six to ten, —11.0:::ote - see