HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-11, Page 16.F.""11"IMMVIIIIPMM""444"4114444404 -77:-........•••413...4.1.410111•04 •OTAViiiiiiiT":7.7%77.7"7"7` P400.14 Th. Timia-AtiVacate, April IL 1957 • MI; .11C1490(.. TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS — Lucan Public lafter they met a strong St. Marys entry in the final game SchCiors.. entry in the first annual public and separate land handed them a convincing 104 setback Earlior ift the .;achool hockey tournament held in Lucan over the week- tourney, in which eight teams participated Luean trounced end is shown 'above after winning the championship. Ailsa Craig 7,2 and then whipped Oakridge Aces • 6-2 to • • 'Photo Limit Public School walked, off with the first-class honors advance into the finals. :PRESENTS TROPHY—Mrs. Art Black, teacher at Lucan :Public School, presented the public school tournament championship award to Bev Neil, captain of the Lucan team, during ,a ceremony following the final game Satur- day night The tournament, first of its kind in Lucan, Attracted good crowds. —T -A Photo Lucan Personal Items Mr. and Mrs., Cecil' Armitag and family were Saturday guest Of Mr. end Mrs. Campbell Birch .MarYs. Mr*. C. H. Porter and Mis 4ora. Neil have moved. to Exe ter. ••• Guests with Rev. and Mrs, J Prest last Tuesday included Mr. and .Mrs. Wilfred Scbuler, Mrs. lames Hewitt, and Mr. and Mrs: 'Edwin Hewitt all of Bervie. .Mr. and Mrs. George Holmes are happy to announce the birth of' a daughter, Debora Anne; at Victoria Hospital, March 31. Mr.• and Mrs. Rufus Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kennedy attended the funeral of Mrs. Thompson's mother, Mrs. Flor- ence Wilson, in Owen Sound. Though still far from. well Miss Hattie Hodgins is home *gain. Her sister, Mrs. E. L. 'Gibson of Exeter spent a few lays last week with her but on Monday' she was taken to the Green Gables Nursing Home, Parkhill. Mr. Earl Carling has return- ed to Quebec after spending four 'days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling. The Lucan Medway students have enjoyed a few extra hours ofsleep this week, school for them now beginning at 9 a.m. The Rev. F. P, Thoinson's fittlier,..61 Ottawa, who was so dingerously- ill following. an �p - ration, is' now on the road to geecivery. Mrs. Jim Avery is bow work- in the Mayfair' bake shop replacing Mrs. A. A. Simpson wird has accepted a position in the post office. • Ximberley Mine Hedden, small daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Redden has returned home after *Pending a week with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Midden. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Bill McGrigor and family• PreCton called on Luean • friends last weekend, 1'Rev. and Mrs. I. P. Prest and family spent last Friday evening end Saturday in I3ervie, the guests .0 Mrs. R. T. Brown and soh. Mr. Ted Brown, Mr. A. P. Wilkinson under - *Alit his second operation at Westminster Hospital last Tues- day, •Ife is now making satis- factory recovery, Mr, laid Mrs. Jack Hutchinson Of Winnipeg spent a couple of days' last week with Mr, said Mrs. Frank.ltardy.. e Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hilliard s and family have moved to Lon- don. • Principal Wesley Clow has s been out of school all week with - Mrs. Ivan Hearn supplying. Mrs. Sheridan Revington, re- • gional director, and Mrs. Mur- ray Hodgins, secretary on Co- operation with the C. E., Com- mittee, attended the W.A. Pres- bytery Executive Meeting on Wednesday afternoon at First St, Andrews United Church. While in the city they attended the annual "Daffodil Tea" sponsor- ed by the London -Middlesex Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, held at Metropolitan United Church. Mr. and Mrs. George English bave bought a home ,in Byron and moved last Saturday. • — Please turn to Page 17. Baptisms • Rev. .1. P. Prest 'had' three baptisms in Holy Trinity Church' last Sunday afternoon: Nancy Helen Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis had as her godparents, Mrs. A. Brom- ich and. Mr. and Mrs, Clare Stanley. Anne Patricia Stanley, dau,gh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Stan- ley had as her godparents, Miss Marie Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis. Susan Lynn Hodgins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander (Sandy) Hodgins had as her god- parents Miss Joan Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs, G. Murchison, Debra Jean Kennedy, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kennedy was baptized at her home on Frances St. last Wed- nesday by the Rev. E. J. Rouls-' ton. Lions Aid Red Cross Mr. John Anderson of the Lon- don Red Cross was• the guest speaker at the Lions meeting in the Anglican church Monday eve- ning. The chlb turned over to him $375.75 the amount collect- ed on their house to house blitz, Mr. Anderson spoke on the Tted. Cross work and thanked the Lucan Lions for their splendid effort. Mrs. Cecil liedgins group of the Guild catered for the din- ner. • UWO Residence Church Protect Mrs, W. A. Shepherd. London told of the background of Mac Kinnon House and Mrs. L. D McCarnus, also of London spok on "Frontiers" and the future o United Church Residences on th campus of the University o Western Ontario, at the meet ing of Lucan United Churcl Woman's Association. on Wednes day evening.' MacKinnon House Sunday wa April 7 and the objective is $5.00 per, every United Church family stretched over a period of three years throughout the whole o London Conference. Mrs. S. Revington led in an Easter worship service assisted by Mrs. C. H. George,0 and Miss Bonnie Drennen sang two solos accompanied by Mrs. Clarence Hardy. Excerpts from the Dominion Council bulletin were read by Mrs. C. Robb, Mrs. John Robb, Mrs. William Aylestock and Mrs. Edgar McFalls. ' Mrs. Cecil Robb, president, conducted the business when it was decided to donate $100,00 to the choir gown fund and an additional $100.00 o the parson- age committee. Mrs. Sheridan Revington and Mrs. Murray Hod- gins were appointed delegates to the Middlesex Presbytery W. A. annual meeting at Colborne Street Church, London, on April 30. In order 'to promote Christian reading amongst the women. of the .church, bookshelf No. 1 is to be ordered along with a num- ber of booklets. Plan Week Of Services Once again the churches of Lucan will join in Holy Week services. All but the 7.30 p.m. Sunday service and Friday 3 - hour service will• begin at 8 p,m. The schedule is: Sun., April 14, Pentecostal Church, Rev. E. J. Roulston; Mon., April 15, Pentecostal Church, Rev. J. ,P. Prost; Tues., April 16, United Church, Rev. F. P. Thomson; Wed., April 17,1 United Church, Rev. J. P. Prest; Thurs., April 18, Anglican Church,Rev. F. P,, Thomson; Friday, pril 19, Ang- lican Service, 12 noon to 3 p.m., Rev. E. J, Roulston and Rev. J. P, Prest. Besides the union • services there will be an evening Sunday service at 6.45 p.m, and a 10 a.m. communion service every morning from Monday till Thurs- day in the Anglican Church. In the United Church there will be a reception of new members on Sunday and Holy Communion Friday evening. In the Pente- costal Church on Friday will be the World Missionary Rally with the Rev. J, Ned as guest speak- er. Explorer News Zone Commander Praises Auxiliary , The Ladies Auxilia0•to the - Lucan Legion held their April . meeting in the Legion Hall,last e 'Tuesday night with 20 members f present. The president, Mrs. A. e E. Reilly, presided and Mrs. f Ralph Rummell, Mrs, Art Bell, - Mrs. Bert Thompson and Mrs. Ben Seifried were hostesses. - Zone commander Mrs. j. Quat- kenbush of Zone 5A Strathroy was s present and her guest Mrs, cutt. The former congratulated , the branch on their activities during the past year and wished 1 them continued success. The date for the Zone Rally at Strathroy .has been set as May 29. The 7th Expedition of the Lu- can-Clandeboye Explorers was held April 1 in the United Church parlors with 30 members pres- ent. The Expedition opened with the making of decorations for the Bunny • Tea, Wednesday, April 24. During the business session, plans Were made for the Bunny Tea and for the making of post- ers for it. The Explorer making the best poster will receive a free ticket for •her Mother or friend. The coming rally in Lon- don, was discussed and plans made to attend. It was voted to Send $1 to the Explorer Counsel- lors to help pay for an Explorer at the Muncey, Indian Reserve to attend the rally. The story of a Hong Kong boy and girl who lived in a Leprosar- iurn, was read, The worship Service was tak- en by Counsellor Kae Haskett, LLOYD ACHESON YES, SOESDY, #0it A mAN'To RUN A MARATHON,HE's GoT , I* PI TOP di:3;400)6W: ,ie OW FOR TRAvELINGILL TAKE AN AUTOMOBILE FROPA LUC A N it MOTOR SALES 11 TriE-g-VF!-L comprrioll !ever/Nemo, LC/KING: FOR A REAL BUY? I, • •;( -Don't Miss SHIN; Those Specials! 40 MERCURY SEDAN, 2tbne, overdrive and raffle. 10 MERCURY SEDAN, 2.tone, hew =tor. 10 MERCURY ,SPORT COUPE, taditt LUA4„,."11411 YOufl mr RCURY LINCOLN ME nark &ark • 'Z 44- 47 111 During the business session it was decided to continue the monthly bake sales at The Hub Restaurant as they have proved so successful. The, next one will 'be held Saturday April 27. • Mrs. Beri 'Seifried won the mystery prize. While lunch was being pre- pared Mrs. H. T. Bond conduc- ted two contests. The first, a vegetable contest, was won by Mrs, Quackenbush and, the se- cond a contest to write, as many slang words as possible in five minutes was won by Mrs. Cal- cutt. Teacher's Meeting The Lucan Public School staff attended the April meeting of the Biddulph and North London Teacher's Association last Tues- day in Mrs. J. E. Conlin's SCR -- rate School. . , e The guest speaker was Mr. Fritz of the London Teachers' College who gave an -interesting and helpful talk on Nature Study. Lenten Service The Evening Auxiliary, attend- ed in a body, the Lenten Hymn Service in the Parish Hall, last Wednesday evening. From .this group, Miss Lina Abbott secured ten favorite hymns to be sung. Rev. J. P. Prest preached on the parable, "The Unmerciful Servant," after which he showed a missionary film, with Mrs. F. W. Hovey running the projector. Launch Blitz For Cancer LtIcart and district, one• of the 10 branches of .the London and Middlesex Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, has over 50 canvassers lined up for the door- to-door canvass beginning this week. At a meeting in the 'United Church parlors, chaired by the president, Mr, Murray Hodgins last Friday night, a large per- centage of the canvassers were present to receive supplies and last minute instructions. The branch was most fortun- ate in being able to again se- cure Mrs. Allan Rush of Lon- don, the executive secretary of the London and Middlesex Unit, as guest speaker. Mrs. Rush not only spoke on the cancer society, symptoms and treat- ment of, cancer but also answer- ed many questions on cancer and the coming campaign. While the canvassers were signing for their receipt books refreshments were served by Mrs. Harold Hodgins, Mrs, Art Black and Miss Lina Abbott. Y.P.U. Meeting The Lucan-Clandeboye Y.P.U. met in the Clandeboye United Church last Sunday evening with Miss Lynette Walpole's commis- sion in charge of the worship service assisted by Terry Cul- bert and Keith Frost. The 32 members present were divided into t w o discussion groups on Faith and Evangel- ism, It was decided to have & bowl- ing party at Exeter on April n from 7.9 p.mand a party in the Luean Community Centre, April V with Miss Ange4 Armitt of Loficlon in charge. W.I. News Lag 'Tuesday the conveners of the Lucan W.I. standing Mt. mittens Met at the home of the secretary, Mrs. William Drown, 1.9 prepare reports for the April meeting. Following this, the full executive met to make piens for. the District Annual to be held in the .Community Me. meal Centre on May 27. Mrs, C. H. George and Mrs, Edgar MePalls were 'nainecl !Mich con- veners, Mrs. Prank Hardy, Mrs. Wes Bodging and Mrs. Cecil Robb registrars, Mrs. Harvey Langford to take charge of the tickets, Mrs. ira Carling and MISS Muriel cariing to Arrange mammal bouquet, and other decoratilitlE Lucan And District News • Correspondent; Miss Line Abbott • Coursey School Euchre Mrs. Wilson liodgins,, and Mrs. Charles Grose were hostesses for the six -table euchre in the Coursey Sebool last Friday night. High 'score prizes went to Mrs, Joe O'Neil and Mr. I'iarvey Kodgins; consolation prizes to Mr, Stewart Thompson (Playing Indies' card) and Mr, Bob Rob- Mson. The prize for lope hands was won by Mr.. George Hod- gins. Gibson School Of MUSIC. . Mr. Ira Carling of prancis, St. has rented the apartment above the old post office, used for years as the public library., Next week he is opening his Gibson School of Mem. 'Though not giving up his studio in Lon- don, he expects to be in Lucan three nights a week, London Township Denies Ice Grant After a 20 minute debate last Monday eyening, Reeve John Gillies of 'Condon Township cast tbe deciding vote which killed Luc an Community Centre's chance of obtaining a $300 grant, The grant was violently opposed by Councillor A, E. Smith but high favoured by councillor Homer Hardy. Lucan had asked the council for $500. Anglican W,A. The April meeting •of the Anglican Woman's Auxiliary, was held at the home of Mrs, U. F. Stanley last Wednesday after- noon with the president, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane in the chair and Mrs. J. Beatson, Mrs, F. W. Ho- vey and Mrs. Jack Murdy assis- ting Mrs. Stanley as hostesses, Mrs, Roy Stanley and Mrs. T. A. Hodgins led in the devotional period. There were 18 members and three -visitors present. Mrs. Ervin Scott reported on the "Quiet Day" or "Retreat" at 'Byrim last Monday. Those attending included •• Mrs. Roy Stanley, Mrs. T,, C. McFarlatie, Mrs. F. W. Hovey and Mrs. Erwin Scott from Lucan and Mrs. E. Tomes Of Clandeboye. Owing to, the. Diocesan meet- ings falling on May 1 and 2 it was decided' to postpone ,the branch's May meeting till the following Wednesday May 8. It was decided also to attend in a body the Thursday evening, Holy Week service in the Angli- can Church. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Harold Hodgins who took as her topic, "The Mohawk Institute." She told many interes- ting facts of this old historic site. I t 1 Evening Auxiliary; C eAutn c ial Pin:;ewe ing of the village council last Monday,a petition •. ttends Service ; for a drath on Butier Street was approved. • The Evening Auxiliary ,of HWY Trinity church hold its April meeting at the home f)f Mrs. Itoy Stanley last Wednesday eve- ning, In a body they attended the Lenten service in the Parish Hall . for their worship service, before proceeding to Mrs. Stan- iey's home, where the president,. Mrs: Clarence Hackett, presid- ed. Those volunteering to attend the day sessiensof the 'District Annual, May 1 and 2, included Mrs. Clarence Haskett, Mrs. Norman Hardy and Mrs. Cecil Lewis, and the evening sessions, Mrs. Clarence Hardy, Mrs. IL B. . i- Lucan will adopt Daylight Saying from April 28, to -October Tayl.r•Heaman Radio Servling For Fast, Effisioint Service WCAN 1344 AILSA CRAIG 121." I. 14 lllllllll l 111!IIMMIIIM.1014011111,411101104111401mtifiliffilltiolislisl!MI0 Elliott, Mrs, Clare Stanley and Mrs. Jack Elson, Owing to'the annual meeting, their next meet- ing will be held t the h f Mrs, Jack Hardy on May 8. , The branch decided to con- struct little mite box churches, in which to deposit donations on different Saint's 'days, The new study book, "test of 13nrnia" was in charge of Mrs. B. H. Elliott who had drawn a large .map to assist her in 'mak- ing, locations clearer. Lucan Stores Open Friday . Twenty-five lousiness men of • Lucan met for a dinner nieeting at the Shamrock restaurant Mon- day night. One of the main topics of busi- ness was Lucan's shopping hours. It was decided to continue Satur- day closing at 6.30 p.m., and be- ginning with daylight saving to open Friday evening 'until 10 p.m. On Holy Week,stores will be open Thursday night instead of on Friday. 'A decal in the shape of a sham- rock has been deigned and all members of the association will display one in store window or car. W.I. Tour T.V. With Mr. J. Walls as driver of one of the school buses, 38 mein- bers of the Lucan' W.I. left the Post Office at 7 last Mon- pdal. evening 'for a tour of C,F.- On arriving at the' 'IV station the party was divided into four groups and four young men took them oa a one hour and a half tour. On the way home a stop was made at the Knotty Pine Inn, for refreshments, 1 DOBBS For DO '55 DODGE REGENT SEDAN, green . lll . l $1,895 '54 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE,. HARDTOP ,... 1,645 Tutone, radio '53 FORD SEDAN, tutone,:radio 1;295 . • 2 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE HARDTOP..,1,150 Radio, tutone '52 CHEy COACH, radio, Al • 1,150 '52 DODGE .SEDANS (2) each 1;095 '51 DODGE SEDANS (3), each79 '50 FORD COACH, green, a real . 695 '50 METEOR & PONTIAC SEDANS • Your choice of these two A-1 cars -545 '47 DODGE COACH, a good *one, 295 SPECIALS . '53 DODGE SEDAN REGENT 1,250 • Radio, spotlight,.windshield Washers, new tires, (This"car is privately owned and can be purchased privately of throligh.us.) • '51 PLYMOUTH SEDANS (2), each, 595 '49 FORD COACH, tutone, radio .395 '46 MERCURY SEDAN 175 '46 DODGE COACH, good '46 HUDSON COACH '50 HILLMAN SEDAN, black and white • . .. ''95 195 " 195 Exeter Motor Sales Fred Dobbs, Prop. PHONE 200 ' Nights 762-W or 7$9•M long, low and beautiful Dodge SETS THE STYLE IN ANY NEIGHBOURHOOD ...puts yov a step ahead of the crowd ••ktetAn:••• • ::ti:;44.4,444.:,4,....4.4,444444:444',..;'' .4 • Bring home this dreamboat of a Dodge, and just listen to the neighbourhood hum! }Tear those long, 1014 'prlit sties' ?, They're for the lot(over 173' feet) and low (only 4% feet) lines of that dazzling Flight -Sweep' styling! • HS soaring tail flints ton you right' oft—this big bolt'. hal, a Modern slant on motoring that Maki* It Ma naibsest In Its flaldt In fact, everything about Dodge sparkles with tomorrow's touch. And "everything" covers such jirsiS n lite W.-v*611M as push-button Torque-Flite au tomatie drive, This most Modern way to go is partnered with the most powerful standard 17,8 of all low-priced cars, toot But best of allwait you put this road • smoother to a ride test. Here's where yott feel the biggest ex citern en t New Dodge Torsion -Aire - • Ride irons the bumps flafas a floor . , lets ypu • whiz around corners without lean or may . . stops brake "nose-dive" cold in its tracks. So cOme en ill. See how easy it is to make the E! swing to DODG You're always a step ahead in cars Of This Po/wardLook > Dodge marks yOu aiMOIDISiltteki 0:110,1th is "iiitivanced-datilign ia or dlsibilottabta Iltsiaiarilghtm liwoop Styling' tiavolotIOnairy ToralOnaAlrili RIMS arti • ar.toraellitlitai dills.; With • YOU GET MOR! IN A goush.liatatton tioritiols1 OtlitYSIIR CORPORATION Or OANALIA, LIMITED • THE AK BEAUTIFUL IUY IN THE LOWAlet HUAI EXETER MOTOR SALES Phone 200* • Ewer — . .111.1.12 41` ti 4 ;4 4 "