The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-11, Page 15T t MI LAUNDRY 'BARG TO CIELEIMMATE THE 4 1 4 t • 4 1 4 0 A 1, 4. 17 • ea 44„ ; A 4 4 • *It r 414 f • u • PI 4 One Box Cof Tide FREE All yeti have to do ,is watch .a demonstration , of th.e. Fatuous SIMPLICITY Washer in - our store. Nothing to buy! • 1 3. -Months Supply FREE During this Pageant of Progress, we're .giving away..a. huge box of TIDE with the purchase of every SIMPLICITY Washer, Simplicity . The ONLY washer With a '2 -YEAR FREE unconditienal guarantee PLUS a 12 -year Rebuild Warranty. SIMPLICITY offers all the .reodern • features, too, including the safest wringer ever built! Three .9 r t mOde is tochoose from—Deluxe Firm - 411% • Hy and. Spedial,iter'ting at. A 9 • . $ •Pe. "'4,1kiMMateie4g:',010.' RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR. HOUSEHOLV APPLIANCE PEACE& FOR sALEs wirki sERVICE EXETER- PHONE 109'1 Enter Your Name In The • Big Draw! Win A Frigidaire eieee••••••.••••reeeereeei•••••••••. See the "Savingest7 Pair from Frigidaire at SNELGROVE'S New. Speed, Convenience Ifere's good neWs for the 0,11. lions of Canadian worroo who prefer to launder at home, where they can' give their clothes and household linens their own per- sonal care, 'And good news, too, ' for their husbands, who like the economy of home laundering, and also like their wives' special toucti with collars and socks. The new 1957 washing machines and automatic dryers, now being shown during the "Pageant of Progress," -April 19 to 20, make laundering at home qUicker and more convenient than ever be- fore, And, with all their new ad- vancements, " these appliances can new be purchased well with- in every Canadian's budget. All Canadian manufacturers of these. machines are lending the Pageant their support, and bee.' ' stores are participating with giant displays and demonstra- tion showing of the latest in home laundry equipment. Purpose of the Pageant is to show the Cana- dian • public the advancement's made by one of the country's most iMportant manufacturing industries Since 'the-- price of home laun- dry equipment is now extremely low in relation to average income, the economy of a modern home ! laundry will probably make one of the strongest appeals to the hundreds of thousands of Cana - 1 , chins who will inspect the new ! appliances during the next 10 days. IThe economies gained by the use of these modern aPPliarices' are now manifold. First, of course, there is the straight eli- mination of bills for outside work. 'Second, thee is the longer !life of clothes, owing to the gent- leness !of the new appliances, and 1 their versatility in being adjust- ' able to all the various types of fabrid, including the new "mi- racle" synthetics, Third, there are the big savings in hot water and soap made possible by the greatly increased' efficiency of the modern washing machine. And, finally, these new machines are made for .a long, trouble- free life. The low price is paid back many tilnes *during years of service, and the cost of up- keep is now negligible, since the , new washers, ironers and dryers will usually run for years with out repairing. , Of all Canadian manufacturing groups, the home laundry intim - try has kept up one of ,the most intensive and consistent research programs directed towards the production of better goods at lower prices. Some of the fruits of this research will be seen in local ' "Pageant of Progress" displays. For the housewife, one of the main results is greater conve-, nience, She can still give her clothes the same careful atten- tion aS before, but now she simp- IY "bosses the job" while the Ma- chines do the hard work for her. Yet she still has the absolute control over the laundry, and can command the machines to do each job exaetly the way she wants it done. And the results she gets will be finer than ever, for the new washers and dryers give clothes the most thorough mundering, yet are gentler than ever. lVfoderrt washers give true deep -cleaning action, without wear. The new clothes dryers give clothea exactly the same "fresh air" sweetness and fluf- finess as a summer breeze, and do it every day of the year. The result is laundering perfection every time, with every job done just the way the homemaker wants it, and clone better than she Could do it by band. *IR El 44.4.4AMME.M.VV:.'"I'0040Mfrak . ' .`•1111' EL 11,..„..44,1• •••Am= __ea•;*;••••••.wa.; .... .. ... With tho novo Yollorod Look thot Milne builds in, blends anywhere' Autorncitia Woshers Electric Dryers ,.0.$299.50 UP rfkettri $2.29.95 UP Here's the new combination that beats everything you evo heard of for wing water, time, clothes, andelectricity' The hew Frigidaire Poreelairt ?air with amtaing Control Towers, The Cleanest Wash you've ever seen—vithout rubbing • The Driest IAA that iverieft a washer Retrieves lint oil the soap-seurn that filter trapt Washes enerything that's waihable—antomatically • Saves tip to 1400 gallons of hot water -A year—up to a big-gi26boxeg of detergent • Vastest, washing ever—clots a cerite wash inset little as 15 minutes, Quality4ulit and Baked by General Motors 1.111.111111.e..m., THE BIG SURPRISE FOR 157 wINGLOMATIC' WASHERS • THE ..FEATURE$-....'.. omen Want Most Exclusive "httlomatie" 7. RINSES Rinse thoroughly ' yet use less water! FAMOUS 7 RINSES leave your clothes really clean yet use less water than most or- dinary washers r Every bit of dirt and soap scum is flushed out—leaving your wash sparkling, sweet smelling! Models Illustrated: Superb- Washer $399.50 Superb Dryer 129930 Second Lille in Biddulph ty MRS. H. WON Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Pym of txeter were guests of Mr. and Ws, Sam Skinner on Sunday. Guests of Mt, and Mrs. Ross Mcralls on Sunday were Mr, and lqrs. Hugh Davis, Michael and Heather-. Weekend visitors with Mr, and Virs. Chris Tischer were Mr. and Mrs.- Lloyd Statilakc and girls, also Mr. and Mrs. T. Thompson, all of Lention. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. 3'ohn Spaeck were Mr, and Mrs. GusGregus ad son, Dradley, of Exeter. Mt. and Mrt, Maris I<eliy -1111d stopitch ofst. Thomas spent Sunday with thel_atter's par. and Mt. Wth„ Dickey, M. It and Mrs. 'Elston Spent feW days last week with Callbil and Mrs. Antes, Port Canada's eeihmedity exhorts 1955 Were valued at $OM.,. SsnelOtove10 100,000 Up per cent in value Phone 18 ExeTer x5vor 1m54, Colt Modify imports at $4,1110,000 were tip 15 er 4. AMAZING "INGICIMATIC'' FILTER automatically strains and cleans every drop of water to remove every bit of lint and fuzz. And it's out of your way: No sloppy tray to handle-- just remove the screen and rinse!. Exclusive "Wat-R-Wizord" SUDS RETURN Save* gallotis of water—boxes of soap I • "WAT-R-RNRARII" SW1S ' RETURN saves up to2500 gallons of hot raster and .26 boxeri of soap every year by Storing the hot sudsy water between loads ... cleaning itsaldreturning it tor use over and over again.- Super -Speed brying * Lint Screen Automatic Door Shut•Off * "Sard-Sun" t..emp "Yeld-tone" Signals ,* Touch4Ottom boor Release Interior Light * Satin•Smooth * Controlled Air 'Circulation Phone 181 • Pairs As Low INDENFIELDS Ltd. Win A Mkt Washer 'O.- Dryer et Tickets from IUs