HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-11, Page 13ouncements MIK FITZPATRICK-eat her late reel- " .1, • 151"NROPFIE-Sgta and AOC E. H. Deltrechs• thee'? Delis Mitchell) 1111041 rth ival of eir ra Jame gdWard; M4.4 i4o1),FIY ty ,1 tee the ar, . Whitehorse, ROsPital, Atiril 4. brgthee for Debby ,Letese. aga.Q414 - AW and Mrs, James Engel., 200 Aleonquin Dr., RCAF Centralia. eigiounee the birth of their 'daligh tr, Katherine Lynn, at south l• roil. liAli espItal. rt! 6, 1957-a, ster tor 'Jimmy ar10, Dav id. kA Y -LAC 11`1111a.in Ct. And Airs. May, 150 ?Algonquin Dr., RCAF Ceetralia, ammence the birth of a sort, Militant Charles, et South _ Heron atp,spital, April 6, 1057. II ' TP ',I ELL -AI r, ;41111. Aire. 0 Core Mitchell, 226 'William St., all. neuriee the birth et a on. ,Devid William, in South Huron Remittal, .Aeril 6, 1057-a brother for Don - ea. RE.Ert - Mr. end Ales, George Parket. (nee JullY Sheddleett, of are benne to Announce the birth of their daughter at •Clinton Public Hospital, :Friday, Aprel 1957-4 sister for Rieke. PPF-Eorothy and Harvey Pfaff, Exeter, wish to announce the ar- rival of their son. Steven Bra.d, •ley, at South Huron Hoepital, April a. 1057. 'IVITAME,T*-"'Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd WtIIet Dashwood, annormee the birth of a• eon, 13rae1ley Vyrite South : Heron .Hospital, 1, 1057-4 • brother for Sheila, artInat-fatrold and 'Verde Wenn, •Gidley Ft., Exeter, announca ' the 'birth nf A son, John In South. Huron Hospital, April 6, 5R57-,-thanke to Dr. 130.tapn .and 'tett of South Huron Hospital. • . PEAT.HS 31.0,1,NHAA1'-Tn South Huron Hoe, NW, Titesday, April . 2, 1957, Santee'. Baynham, helOved huse band of •Emiline Smith, Creditort, in hie eighteeninth year, TREVETHICK. •In South 'Huron 'Hospital. on Thursday, April 4, 1957, Ann .Kestie, behave() wife at the late Themes Trevethick, in aser ninetieth y,ear. SPACEMA,P4--Saucerian says • Venusiansjust Nice earthling Rob Russell, above, who sparred in recent. drama ,play. • FAST ..11.E.1.111F ..F0 it. gamy T4Lt . . . . GIVE US ANOTHER GLASS OrtIQUID MEALTHI MOM -THAT GOOD MILK FROM 111611LANORRLD4IRY WE MEAN. Ea „ *teem, tesieueitia Iderive in Exeter on Sun1s.5', 7, 1957, allele Alergaret Berry, befeved Mier of the late JOIVI l'ItePatrielt, tend dear mite of Mrs. Ella Venner ot Exeter, in iter ,eightieth 5ear, LAKIN-In London Hospital. on TitesdaY, April 0, 1057, Cora Pearl i Lakin, (laughter of the late Mr. I and Mts. John Ford, Exeter ' north, In her fine -seventh year. BROCK-In South. Huron Hospital, Exeter. on Ttiesday, Apra 0. 1957, wive Mary/Hunter. beirwed I wife ot Wellington Brock, of 118. t borne Township. In her fifty- ' Meth Year. CARDS OF THANKS 1.1.1ss Alargaret Stephen .of the new Alargo Hair Styliel Salon, Hti .Aeltin ea., London, wishes to take this oPPorttinity to thank the Ex- eter Thrive -Advocate, London Free Prees, Proelter Sign Service, Lorne Elford, tier friends and relatives ,Xol' Ole lovely baskets or flowers, candy and cengretulation ,estrds. To all those wee helped,. In any Way te make the opening of my Beauty Salon a. suceesa, thank You. lle I wish to thank aJt those who so kindle reMenthered Lts with carde, treats, flowers and etelis while patients in South Huron and St. Joseph's, Hospitals. Special thanks to Pea' CrenYn wbo helped at. the time of our accident. .uou ana lSetty .Bell, 13.• • Harry and. Marlan Deegan wish to say "thank you" to all those who sent congratulations, flowers and treate to Marian while she Wee a patient in hospita.1, and since ret turtling home. They were all much aPPreeas.t ed. 11' Mrs. Sam Baynham and rewrite wish lo.. thank their many relatives, friends and neighbours for the malty floral tributes and, .cards of sent- pathy and to those who helped in the home during their. recent sad bereavement. Special thanks 10 Dr, Gans, Rev, Rapson, Hockey -Hopper funeral home, staff *Of South Huron Hospital and pallbearers. 11.• Lewis Fletcher and family 'wish to thank their many friends relatives and neighbours for the many floral tEbutes and eards .of sympathy dur- ing their sad bereavement. Special thanks to'llev, Plke, the Dinney fu- neral home, the pallbearer's And the flower hearers, lle wish to express me sincere thanks in the relatives and friends who remembered' me with cards, treats and flowers while a patient In Victoria Hospital,-eirs. Chester Rowe, 11' IN MEMORIAM RA.DER-In loving memoty of a dear mother and grandmother. Margaretha Rader, who passed •away one year ago, April 35, 1056. She wished eerie a last farewell, 'Nor -even -said goodbye. She had gone before we knew And only God knows why. , Asleep In God's beautiful garden, Free from all sorrow and pain, Sono day when Ilfe's journey is ended V'e s a.) hp together again. -Always remembered by her faintly. 31c DOESON-Tn loving memory ot our dear mother, Alice Doheon who Passed (Way one Aar .ago, April 16, 1956. Since we've been called to part, This thought has soothed ofjr pain, That we are all still joined in heart, Arid hope to meet again. -Always remembered by her chi]. 'Aren, Elsie, Cecil, Wirmie and Male. 1 le BOA -1n 'toying memory of a clear wife, mother and grandmother, Margaret Boa, who passed away three years ago, April 6, 1954. This' day brings back to memory A dear one gone to rest, And those who think of ,iter icelaY Are those who loved her best. -Ever remembered by husband, children and grandchildren. • 11° FAHNER-In loving memory of a ,egar mother, Rosins,. Farmer, who Passed away April 100. 1951. A tribute of love and rernembranee To e. another we will never forget, Her memory te us Is a. treasure, • Rer' loss a lifetime regret, -Always remembered by daughters Inez, Dorothy, Carrie .and sons- • law. 11" • ANNOUNCEMENTS . TnousstAu TEA Mrs, Mervyn Tiernan. Is entertain- ing at a trousseau tea on Saturday. April 13, 3.30 to 5.00 p.m, and 7.30 to 10.00 p.m., in honor at her daugh- ter Nancy, whose marriage takes place on Saturday, April, 20. lle Spacemen, —Continued from Page 1 they've been saving earth from self-destruction by killing the • radiation from the bombs and patching up the holes created in the earth's "atmospheric belt." usians say the hydrogen bomb will destroy earth and damage the solar system be- cause manufacture of the ex- plosiVe involves "creation" it- self. The Venusians tell their friends on earth that this planet is near the stage once recited by the planet Lucifer, whieh has re- cently been rediscovered after being lost for ages. 'Lucifer, ap- parently, "fell apart" 'When it 'reached the hydrogen age and its destrUction threw the whole solar system out of kilter. Originated From Earth The Ingersoll school teacher, who believes • in reincarnation, says the Venusians originated from the lost continent of Mu and are identified by the original Mu symbol. He claims there have been many civilizations in the past which were much super-` • ior to the present one on earth. Shelley says the solar system in which earth is located is only tine of millions in God's verse." AlthotIgh governments do riot, recognize flying .saucers as ships from other planets, the United States has Spent over our bil- lion dollars investigating un- identified flying objects. Of the .1,800 sightings recorded sinde 1946, 80 percent have been, found to be natural phenotnenon but the other 26 peicent cannot be explained. The government hag adniitteclr he said, that these muSt be "eittra-terrestial" originating from another planet, Mr. Shelley enumerated sever- al of the Sightings which have been seen in this area ancl told of tWo • men neir Gravenhurst who had seen and talked to men who Alighted from a flying sau- Or,* On the retired list of the Can, adiair Army, Shelley is a teach. er ot modern languages at Inger. toll District Collegiate Institute, He first betante interested hi flying` Sifters in 19S4 and has since read oVer 60 books on the topid, Ile IOW speaks frequently. at Meetings nf church and corn. MUnity groups. Nino" To SO 'Saucer Although he hasn't 86011 fly- ing tauter or Vitited with thd Ventisient bliritelf, Shelley hopes to 800.11. Ths flys they've been around his hen% Weil of Tharnes• ford often. He has talked with a tittnibee Of meniberS of his seri- ter Stitiety who have omitted with the Venuslins. 'PIa'nte • CLASSIFIED RATES M. 25 Words or Joss 7Q. Mori Than .24, Words ..•• 20 Per Word :SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS ga More Than 25 Word* , 1 . Per Word W.I0 °Fr • it ad ,poo. ,with order or by SOturday followina flue lest Intortion Semi -Display Classified* (Restricted to one column) .First Insertion 98 Per Inch .Subsaquent Insertion*. ••040. Per Inch -Classified ads aceebted up till , Wodneaday noon. Auction sale ' copy snould be hi Tuesday At noon. FOR SALE 1052 METEOR, CustornlIne sedan, automatic transmission, custom slip eovers, turn signals. heater, spot- light, air conditioner, tires excel!. ent, overall condition Very good; reasonable, Phone Exeter 747-r-3, TIME MAGAZINE - Introductory !rates, 39 weeks for $e.07, 78 weelts for 56.57. We'll put Sour name on the mailing list et any magazine. Exeter Times -Advocate, phone 770. 24tin HOLSTEIN COWS, young grade, new milkers and close springers. Norman Mart & Son, Lambeth, phone Byron 135-33 or 1.67.312, ,... 14';21:2e:•1:11* SPECIAL OFFER-Subserlptions to Saturday Evening Post, Ladies liorne Journal, Holicley; 'all three Tor 510.00: Limited time only. Ex- eter Times -Advocate, phone 770. Ilan • !KITCHEN RANGE, white enamel, tin good coodition, modern design. Leal and wood grates, hot water front attacement, reservoir. Earl Ratz, 11.11. 2 Dashwood. RODNEY OATS, grown from Reg. No. 1 seed, Vell saved, 90c busbln run. 0, Faber,10.11. 3 Exeter, phone Hensall 080-4. 4 SEW.ING 'MACHINE, SInger,.'(1;:1 Op'' • head; dining V00111 table; smell Duo - Therm ell heater; hoekcase; 36 ft. extension ladder; number of used /house doors. Apply R. E. !fia•Ilt- i will, 47 John St. East, Exeter, phone 89-3, 4:11e PIONEER SEED, CORN, baeked by Planting agreement. Pioneer gives you free seed ilorn If .you must ,diee 'up and replant for any reason; Is tested for seed strength in cold, wet sod temperatures of 4.8 de- grees; maturing days from 85 to 12.0. Lloyd Lovell,Hensel), Phone 678102-2. . 4:4-10:5c TIMOTHY SEED - Apply George Frayne, phone 8i -r-20 Kirk ton. I 1 c 0110I0E TURNIPS - Apply Victor Jeffrey, phone • 457-r-12 Exeter. 11* 2 LOGGING CltAINS, one 11 ft. and the other 10 ft. Thomas Her- i•vison, 11.10. 1 Exeter. 110 MAPLE .SYMIP • - Phone 165-r-5 Dashwood. 11 e • ITNIVER.SAL MILKER. 2 unit, and Viking electric cream separator: square baled hay, first and second cut. L. •Tasko. 10,10, 1 Clandeboye, phone Exeter 881-.1-3. 11* LADIES' SUIT, size -18, green, in iiew C011Cliti011. May be seen Rt Bradt Cleaners. 11* SEED :DRILL. Massey -Harris, 13 - rem (Ilse fertilizer, grain arld grass seed, draw bar to fit Ford -Verge-. son tractor: also Heintzman upright piano. Apple ,P. J. Walker, Ceom- •arty, .phone 12er-13 Dublin. 11:18' SEED BARLEY & OATS, Com- niecial No. I Beaver oats, 51.00 a bushel: Commereial No. 1 Mont - calm harem sun a. bushel. Apply Harold Walper, 10.10, 3 Parkhill. 11* TELEVISION, RCA Victor 17" table model, with stand, all-ehannel outside antennae; also round wall mirror., Reasonable. „Apply Apt. 0•2, Simmons A.M.s., FAeter. Ile BEAN STRAW, 125 bales. Phone 25-r-22 Dashwood. 11* S XIF ERIN G from Backaches. Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago Is over if you let RUMACA.PS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist. • 110 RANCHWAGONae 1 9 5 3 Monolith, body and motor In excellent eon- dition; 53,400 or best offer; can be fthanced. 212 Columbia Drive, RCAF Centralia, phone 483-3-1 Ex- eter, lle Used Building Material Bricks,Flooring, Sheathihg, Joists, Studding, Doors, Windows, Tram • Sun Perch. Kitchen Cupboards, Furnace & Pipes, Pressure Syste.m., Bathroten FixtureX, Plumbing, Hot Water Tank. Electrical Fixterert, Electric:LI Wiring, Stainless Steel Sink Also a Ali -Storey RAME HOUSE. , Can be wreaked or moved. Praced to sell. , APPLY TO ERWIN SCOTT LUCan, Ont., Phene 63 or 110 OR CECIL LEWIS Luee,n, Oat., Pleene 138-W Ile Ife clainis the following- mes- sage has been sent to Earth by the chief scientist of the planet Venus: "To all people upon your earth regardless of race, colour or creed, that may in the quiet moments of their lives read and meditate upon these great truths —to prepare themselves by changing their thoughts and their ways of living thereby bringing perfect health to their physical Niches—to strive at all times to prevent war and to keep in thought that -they are all broth - as —to wait for our corning to help and to instruet in the atomic age—peace and happiness be with you all," Einsmen President Lloyd Ford was chairman for the joint Meet. ing, at whieh 75 were present. Entertainment was provided by Miss Pat 'Inlay, Loriden, and M1'8, Frank Nixon, Exeter. Taking part in the meeting were Lions President Sob Mo- nty, Tail Twister .l'aek Pryde, Sergeant -at • ating LOU tong leaders TOM MaeMillart and Roes Tuekey; S. 11. Taylor, Harold Presztater, Irvine AM - strong and bon SOUthcott. Lions Governor A. J. SWeitter ohtatulated '<lumen on their SerVite, work. •• FOR SAI•E 195'0 1,01112 TRUCE% ton; alit0 Morrie Minor. 3950: both 111 first class shape. Apply 170 'Victoria Slo EXeter (up" te 2 'p.m.). 11' BOYS" SUIT, brown gaberdine. size 12, May be, seen at Erady Cleaners. 1 le GIRLS' COAT 4 OA T NET, size 65 girls' coat end beret bet. slate 4; blue blazer, size 4. Mae toser'll. at_rerady Cleaners. 11* ea -ea ,, , • 2 END TABLES; coffee, table: bookcase: neW vonditioll; "$3:5Jrl. Phohe 552-W-1 Exeter. lie 11° T.V., General Electric, •lu ese- cellent condition.. Apply 75 Mill street. 11* (10 0 N V HOUSE, Ogre., metal Plaid, new rendition. Apply • Cecil Robb, 11.15. 2 tarcan. lle orrix,s, 'BICYCLE, .in good condi' Lion. Alay he sect,. at Brady Clean- ers. Phone 618 or 106. 11c 1 FEED TURNIPS - Phone '177-r-11. Exeter, Evan Sims. Ile PIANO, playing case, medium eiZe. eomplete with bend), P1111Y gtiarall- tee; 570.00. 1Y, Martin, Exeter South, phone 43. 11" 1931 FORD SEDAN, custo.ni radio, beater, turn signals, Motor in A-1 condition. No reasonable offer re- fused. Aiust, be sold immediate:1y. Pall Local 310, RCAF Station -Con- tra/la, er tiPplY Ant, 0-2, Simmons Ants., Exeter. lle DRAIN TILE i . , • 4 inch 53 per 551 Derd inch 55 per Al Del'd 5 inch , 110 per M nerd inch 145 per M Del'd 8 inch _. ,.. 175 per 'Al Derd VA and Elbows in Stock Prices for 10", 12" and 14" on Request RYDALL BRICK AND TILE Elginfield Phone 193 "Lucan . Mtn HELP 'NANTED • PROTESTANT TEACHER for S.S. No. la Stephen Twit., Haan C'allaY. Dutlee to commence September 3. Modern soiree' on paved' read, excellent hue eorinections. Please state qualifications, glare exeeeta ed and former inspector, to Eimer Powe, Centralia., Ont. 11 :18c TEACHER- tsborne TOW1:15111P SCi100i Area, requires Protestant teacher for fall term, Modern schools, salary schedule In effect. Reply stating experience to Garnet Hicks, 5.1.10, 3 Exeter, 11:18125e TEACHETIS,-Hay Township Public School 'Area, Huron County, re- quires teachers for rural wimple. Salary ,for experiencea, recorn-' Mended teachers is 53,200. Duties to commence September. 1057. Applica- tions to state qualifications, exper- tepee and religion. Apply H. W. Broltenshire, Secretary - Treasurer, Zurich, Ont. e DAM SUPPLY TEACHER - Hay Tbwii- ship Public School Area, Huron County, r'equit'es one experienced supple teacher for rural school in the area. Duties to eommence• April 29, ending June 30-23 pupils on roll. Apply H. W Brokenahire, Seers: - fiery -Treasurer, Zurich. Ont. Min WAITRESS and woman for klt- (•hen, part time. 'Rether's Coffee Shop. Ile MAN WANTED for rawieleh beet - flees' , Real ,oPPortunity. NoLexpey- lenee needed to start. Write RAW- leIgh's,, Dept, 13-2(32e.0, Montreal', Que. • lle WAITRESS full time. Armstrong's Restaurant. Ile FOR RENT 3 APA.RTMENTS, modern. Apply Hodge'S store, phone 7 Credlton. 4:11c 2 APARTMENTS, unfurnished. Both are. heated, hot ancl cold water, built -In cupboard, use of laundry for washing, P•rivate entrance. Blatchford Apts. 11" 5-1000551 APARTMENT, furniehed, steamheated, newly deeorated. Available now. Phone 135 Exeter. . • 4e APARTAIENT, available May 1. Godbolt Apts., John St., phone 202, APARTMENT, steam heated, nicely decorated, suitable for two people. living room, kitchenette, bed and bath, 530.00. Sandy Elliot, phone 476.. 4:11e APARTMENT, downstate. 1i Hen- sall, modern facilities, nicely decor- ated, private entrance, Apply Mrs. James Smillie, phone 122-3 Hen- sel! or Clarence Sntillie, phone 891- r-,2 Heiman. 4:11c APARTMENT, in Shipka, 2-bed- room,living rpm% kitchen, -full basement, ltot and cold water, hydro, indoor toilets. Phone 0-55 Grediton. 'fife • 5-100051 APARTMENT, Centralia Village. Apply next to Station Cen- tralia. , , 10tfc APARTMENTS -A number of 1. and 2.bedrooM apartments. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 15tfe O APARTMENTS -Apply Tasty -Nu Bakery. phone 100. Zurich. 9tfe SMALL,' HOUSE, living room, kit - eh en, bedroom, bathroom, small garden, street floes in Exeter. Apply Mayfair Bakery, Exeter, phone 42, 21.tfe• SMALL STORM heated. APPIY John Ward, phone 348 Exeter. 11' 4-100051 APAIITMENT, downstair. Annie Harold Beaver, Phone 6112-W Exet et. 1.: 1 es 3 -11101)1100551 11008E, ell heated, built-in Cupboards In kitchen, 3 - piece bathin Exeter distriet: atall- able imme'diately. Apply Fred Daw- son, phone 456-e-5 Exeter. 11* BRICK HOUSE, 2 -storey, 3.bed- robin, sot Andrew' Si. ADP'S' Wil" Hain .7. Thomson, Centralia, phone KIrkben 100.r-4 . , lir GRASS for 20 head of tattle; pienlY of shade, and terming teeter. Cre• tact William Oestrleher, phote 12 Oreditoti, 11e stilteble for elderly lady or Welting Person. Appiy to Timm,- Adyneate. 11' COTTAGE, instil Mirk elding, 3- bedroem, 3-pleee bath, beeerneet: Also berm Wtlson Allan, Phone 58 'Hensel!, 3-11131)100055T 11055151, Pearly new, full Pored bateement, 011 ill rilltee, herd weed floors; east aide. of tile. oter; eleSe le itelutole. 11 a talk - MR, 4/ 3011n St. Bait. Exeter. Mettle iltfro FARM, 100 /terra), bank been, drive; Riled, thicken house, geed +'enlent Meek hettee, Etbmident teeter etre' ely. Cool It Stephen TOWnsitip. Apply Witteed Deejarditte, Foil, 2 • Prieetteutri, 4:11* 111110.E. HOPPE, 2-eteree. !garage. htunediale Peaseeelbri. AP151S,,.,VC101' ,.,refterice, at 'Sirocco St., Exeter. 4110 . _ . . • BABY CHICKS- FOR SALE • IMLAY. CHICKS. Ask **pet. let list. (111104A fee Alt jltarkete, Melee( thicke, Pelletat Prohlet Shinnient. AMC agent fer April-Atee 1151. Erie Pereeaddert, Exeter, Pinter( 215.1"(7, Prey .Hatelitte, 120 John N., Heron. tett, lie Rocket REAL E;TATE 'RUMNESS OPPORTUNITIES ERICK. HOUSE, well ,situated • to echool, ohltable, for large family or i duplex, 0-11 ere bath and 2 -Piece , bath, eli blurring turneet. , t I.11.1011", 11018E, 1 floor a bed- rocone, bathroom, double 'garage. 1 FLOOR, ineul brie. Wing room Hrepittee, 2 bedew/me.. full 'bath. niee Mullen full vellar, furnace hot water' tank, ventral ((ration, SALA11„ COTTAGE, asbestos elate ,-ehling, eeliar. low price. fralleK HOUSE, 3-hedroont, fell I bath, IlYdro, full hatientent, water. lPres,arp s55tent, attached garage. ' barn, large garden; iow tax rare. ' FRAME HOUSE, 3 -bedroom, hydro. 1, 'bath, Oil heat. , 1 -STOREY HOPSE, new furnaCt‘ P. : pleve hath, new rot,f. garage. ' HIGIIWAY PM ACRES. bank berm silo, brick house, 515.000. HIBEEnT 150 ACRES. hank .barn. Inset - brick house, hydro, . good w 8.1 er, 57,500. HIGHWAY 200 ACMES, bank ba.rns, silo, driveshed, garage, good brick house, good settee! privileges. 30 AtlIES PASTURE, abundant water, 2te miles smith of Dash,. wood, Sure we have other properties to eel!. Write, phone or ems W. g. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, Phone 43ea lead parsons phone 507, Fred Cole, phone 536-W, Salesmen. lltfc HOMES FARMS C, V. Pickard District Manager. FOR PART OF HIJMON 001,1NTY Must live le LerritorY. •The tflan we • want. is employed, but not ClUite satisfied with li1s. poseibility of ati- vancemeot. Vita position reconvert • a self-starter. Only results ectuot. n agricultural baeliground vale - 'able. It you cart eel' and :lc low how to , train men; this position has exceptional,epportunities and sn mei be the lest lob you -will be looking for. The prOduct Is nAtiona,ly and '.1ocelly advertised. If ;Lou aril sails - Med with malcing lose ,ha n 3sfee 'a year this will not, interest 'yeti. il.Ve are the. oldest and largest Intanufactilrere of_ liquid feethizer , In the country'. Prefer emit 30 to lee, must have ce.te and bee. of references. Corresponden •e strictly confidential. Write .or call for per - ;sena' interview F efelaachlEtn Vice -President, "Ne-Churs" „Plant Food ,Co. (Canada) Ltd., 2 Laegartie I St. W„ London, Ont., lle . . sTART A ppsimAxEivr year - !round business,)ou begin earning yourod onwlVeboY Ibe Lex (1.1Pc...* ;al quality assurea quick, e.artY seles wJth y 01 z'epes,t• 'hometowo surroundings,- 5•gur ter, • HWY, All families are eustomers and users of products torch ee ours Write for detaite. Familex, Dept, 55, Station C. Montreal. Exeter 3 - }I 135 1)10 00 AI BRICK, close to schools, This is a tidy home in good repair with all conveniences. Nice lot with garage. Low price tor cash or liberal terms will be given 1 ACRE OF LAND with good 3 - bedroom brick house and small barn. Houee Is in good ,condition. 3- p1e,ce bath and heavy wiring, Quick possession Terms. ENETEn NORTH- Coratbetable bedroom cottage with 3 extra lots and a very good barn. This is a roomy cottage, is well wired and has a good basement. Low price. Terms. Ill STollely BRICK, 4 bedrooms, This house may be used as a one - or two-family house, It has an oil burning furnace. Small • barn and two lots. Terms. 155 STOREY FRAME., 4 bedrooms, modern kitchen, two bathrooms, new oliburning furnace. Nice lot. Good location. Terms. To buy or sell see C. V. Pickard, Realtor and General Insurance, :394 Main St., Exeter. Phones 185 and 628. 28tfe ESTATE HOUSE - Modern 1,1,e• storey red brick house, full base- ment, laundry tubs, soft water system, heater, furnace and fruit cellar. First floor contains modern kitchen, dining room, living morn, master bedroom and 3,piege bath. Upstairs contains 2 larg•e•bedrooms, 2-plece bath and . sewing room. Ample teloset space and double, feTtgg;ieyTCLPOOdfultlheirrett93,1a1:4 • a?SPa' FARM. 100 acres good clay loam, good bank barn, 2 -storey brick double garage. Lot 4, Con. 0. Us - !house, steel drive shed. hen house, beriTte Two:, Wfillam J. Thornsoo, Oen trella , phone Kirk ton , 103-e-4, 11c SALeLL WARTIME HOUKE, nio dern kitchen and bathroom. Apply 117 Anne St, phone 748. Ile 1 Farms Houses ' BUILDING LOTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Exeter 'LARGE BRICK HOUSE East side of town, all modern cohveniences. Good size living room, largo 'dining room and Modern kitchen. Three large bedroom, two bathrooms. A. •1u11 basement, laundry toles, oil 'furnace, priced at only 710.80d. ATTRACTiVE HOME East side of Exeter, completely modern. Living room 14 x 27, with 2 picture windows and fire- place. Kitchen with built-in cup- boards. Three good size bed- rooms, 4-plece bath. Location on good lot near schools. 100 ACRES NEAR TOWN Bank barn with good stabling, cluckert house, Brick house, Ail Conveniences, four bedrooms, Fuji basement, mkt termite. 70 mots of tillable land, 25 ares Of pasture, 5 acres hush, Plenti- ful supply ot water. 510,500. We also have. lieted • :Massey Implement dealership • A. ticeosed hotel • Two hardware stores • Nursing ImMe • 2 country stores • 2 Restaurants, 2 Garages D. M. JACKSON REAL' ESTATE Grand Bend g Plying 3e M. J. Gaiser Agent SHIPKA--Phene Dashwood 154.ri-14 J, HAVES-Atlent lerriedwey ' St., PArk11111-42-W WANTED AN.KitiX tritAirtlt, 111 eed condi Hon. nly Tinteeelecleocate, 11 AtORTGAGE en 'Ninth afyle htelsk ioeated lil i•lew Aubdivieren In LUc5n, Pliene 13541 Janette, in D,M •eVenrege. 1 WC 0.1,„111414; !POrt tehees. Apply -Etilett NViiterd, phone 322. W4 Rtater, 11 ", EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING 24.4cHr:535sElectric Portables by the weer. Hopper - Hockey Furniture, Ishone 99, Ex - Otte Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Figor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER SERVICES - LADIES, see Spencer's new Dac- ron mesh Material • for 'Supports - Special -4M off for the month of April only. Many other beautiful materials. Mrs Beatrice Woods, 10,10. 3, phone 104-r-8 Kirkton. 11.• YOUR representative for Stanley Home 'Products In EXeter and (Ust- rict Is Mrs, Roy 'h'erguson, ohone 561-10', tor information. 116 New • Typewriter Sales And • Service FOR EXETER' AND_DISTRICT RE141.,NOT.014...RAND •AGENCY ' • STANDARDS • PORTABLES • ELECTFLICS • • ADDERS • CALCULATORS • '• PAPER SUPPLIES 'RENTALS 129 STOCK TRAINED SERVICEMEN nppains The Exeter Tint' es -Advocate • PHONE 770 COLLECT . . • EXETER,' ONTARIO' • CUSTOM CAPONIZING and started capons on order. Phone' 57-T-23 Dashwood, Carl ,Oestricher; 2:21-6:6* TENDERS WANTED-. FOR DRAINAGE WORK Tenders 'will 'be received by the Township of 'Stephen for drainage work, .conkistlne• of 1,916 lineal feet of drain and.8,70.0 lineal feet of open drain, on the Heist Municipal Drain, Tenders must be accompanied by 10% deposit and be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 6th day of May. 1957. •Lowest or any •tender not necesearily accepted. Plan and Profile may be seen at the office of the clerk. F.. Iv,. MORLOCK, Clerk ' • 1 lel* t25e FOR DRAINAGE 'WORK Tenders will be, received by.. the Township of Stephen for drainage work consisting of 4,869 lineal .feet et drain on the Wilsee MAInicipal Drain. .Tenders Must be a.ecom- panted with 1080 deposit and be in the hands of the Clerk, on or before the tith day of May. 1957. Loweet. any teneee not necessarily A.eeepted. Plan and Profile mey. be semi at the. Office of the Clerk. ' W. AIORLOCK, Clerk •• 11:11:25e AUCTION SALES on. 'threader; clearing of ,OTAt„O' ena- 11 V The TkoiesAivac./.,, 0 , , 1.. _....._ eleCtrie ,elrlielee; garden trackgrl ' 0 Or Pa 'Steele; Petegtiprdne Wirer.), a,.rts .0100 ;m 421 ilking C:eine parts; new tatainst Jitter sped nee earrier 'parte) toO1$ tI kin:4st betting; Polleye; Shattinge hangers; •,heartnSe and. • Mill. ..,414P - plies; V belts , and pg1.114,•.$;.:„Raw and used 1001e. • PLUMBING ARTICLES; Deepapill ellitilete tvelliltinip parts; hydrentsl• 4110,04 lode, fittirige; peints; Pine • ,CgaiVa»teed and, 14aelti ,aii" to 5", end -fittings; Dore deep. well Jet 40 ft. 42 gal. satetenl,"•ealnPlete With.160 ft. of gelvanised drop pipe and elector,•gyaranteee, 1 e-ete!...i.• Neje foone4,711001 .by •Ittee faUttin). , •• .• • HARDWARE: Pails- belts; paint) St:rotes; insecticide and eattle spray; I grestee; Rea auto'parts tp.nd stages - series; emelt Wares; 'electrical ree... terlals; flood lempsi. new 100 and 60 'watt butbaS Cord; hew ;Led .irsed harlieSs: and lifirte; &lee eiethInK, beets), bieyeles and lawn • mowers, Sweacteetre,r1‘11ritiialt). tartloirt tr•on 4Ilo‘utetaraff:;;IWE1.5,14,:::::at'bergea4141:1111141.7444.4‘ft!detr"E'4 Stewart Alectric ,r,lippers, With belS HAY, sTstAW' *,05641X1 4 ' try of haled •atrew and kia.Y1 • noRyoatnlsdiOnaorypp.oatistrr.stiiitea,brIss'i, 1:14e ,Queber: heater; Anainel qac range; Ansurel topped table wig ,cdabr,rar;-4.ftertiml fonted:x14:t.itn;s:4 ;Inte.c4rneent 01401 stuldsitotsfoonc:13. rtoAvirocyr. r_ro. p.. N6 reserve.. farm aseId. siAnof,r) JACKSON., Auctioneer 004 and merry trilseellaneous .arlaelee found around 41: general-N:0re.. • • NEW, LU,SIEER: 6000 ft.- 1x6 hone lock; 2,000 ft. 2/12 pine; 2,000 ft. of re pie; rased. 000: ft. of ;Maple flooring And • variety of lurriber; piles of eveap iron) etc. • ." 1947 pont?. CAA, ;good. cOnclitiont 1047 ee Toe Stedebititer Truela 0Cod condition; 1040 lilt. 1 Ton Stake Truck with -sleek eacks.,• This Is a‘bi454,.'sa54 t consigned„ new 'and' psect'itspipment and vie - rants Aoer ateentiera Plan • to .ato tend. and hey ,bo 'atictign. •Urider carer, in ease ,�f esthi. • • Coneigernerits still accepted :for this and other- sales to collie 'by contactirtr the.: agate:inters or phoiri- hig Londe. 4-6053. • • TERMS; Cash.' • • -AMetteneers:', HUGH' FILSON TOM ROBSON 22.-r-141 :'Ildeetort • lear-14. "Tout.- Sale ..111., Our "'elands • Meanie Dollars in .Teters ' • • Clearing • AUCTION: SALE • Of 100 Head Stocker •Cattle Implenients'arid, Ferri for • ' MR. W. I, THOMSON,' ' • lie Miles North. of Denfield.. and 354 •mantLes0,1es:01104t,Ipt.mC.1,0f, Mcisha..41n,:pe: 0., • MONDAY, APRIL 15 • ' McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP, • FARM: Consisting of 97 acres, 2 barns,, henheuses,. 9-reorn house with 4 -piece bath,, pressure system, built-in cupboards, ideally located just north No. 7 highway. Faroe will be .offered for sale ri:t 3 pire, sub'ject to reserve bid if not previously old, . • .; CATTLE:' 100 head. of •top qbality Meeker cows, 'titters heifers, year- lings and -y "ear olds. • MA.CHIARY:- MD, Farman,, tractor' pulley, - power take off. In gOod coneltion; M.D. 3 -furrow loam bottom plow, on rubber; e -row beet• and bean seuffler leith )(yet -emit& eentrole 1949 Ford 'tractor; 2 -furrow Fergusori plow.:' front Mounted, bean hydreatile eontro I; John Deere 32 -plate treater disc. new; , john Deere. 15,•run fertilizer on rubber, with markers and graes seeder; John Deere leroer beet.: lifter: Bass/Mtn-Diamond sugar beet loader_ : Allis .Chalmers combine, 5,•ft. scour eleirt: and Power take off: .A.tiff lingered pickup, for Allis Chalmers combine; 'Case rubber - tired •-wagon and. reek; Massey-' Harris • 4.• -bar. idee • *delivery • rake, new; McCormick polver corn binder with:loader: 'McCormick 1 -row corn nicker; McCormick S atat•ae stiff tooth t• cultivator eh rubber: • Mc- Cormick .3-seetion spring tooth cut-. Heater; McCormick 5 -ft. ,binder; 'MasseyHarris• 2-xection harrows: s: Ining rotary.lawn new- er; • steel water trotigh; 154 tons fertilizer: hey leek and eam-vIse,. emery and le electrio horse.motor: small toots; eleetrie Blaele and Decker drill: 100 ft. endless 7" drIge belt: '50 ft. enatees '7 -inch drite "belt: many `useful . miscenen. eerie erticlee. Atria household items, TRUCK: 1051 Obey 3 'J'on Truck• With }mixt And' reek, 425x20 tires. ,mn.Ars: Cash. • This is a• large rale of quality cattle and excellent machinery. Arrange:, to attend. Auctioneers • • • ROBINSO.N, FILSON & reaftNAIR • Large, Consigned AUCTION SALE • VILLAGE oP tifirt on Ne. 4 Highway, 10 Milers NOttlt , of London. „ SATURDAY. APR11.. 13, 1957 lt00 PAC Sharp FURNITURE: 'Number of tieW tIrigidalre refrigerators, tan be fineheed; ugga Frigidaires; G.E. en. It refrigerater, geed etiedition; 'Hotpoint eleetrie 4-butmet steve; Thor 'Washing Machine; tablet; benchea; Mande; ANTJCAISS in emirate cleseee; :Use other eTectricel appliancee add mehY lniSeellaneetts artieles 04 furetiture; Mateo -hi fleet imeditl radio With pollee cans &ha Short wave, „ MACHINERY: 51-11 No. 22 ttite- ter, 4 yeefe bid; Mell 2-1OrreW plOW: 51-11 .28 -plate Mee; 2-itew tern ecuffler; 11-rtin fertilizee drill. The ptecedieg IreplerrientS ettintigned by Me. Paul Peterton are With*. but resetVe AS he has given UP reaming. Tile folloteleg are ten. Melted by Mr. SteVe 'Varga Strathroy: Int. eaftirtele plow; ;Lb, a,rew tetra or 4.reiv.beet ittid been tetifflor for ID', Model A Treeterf , loStiel * Wetter; eUgar beet lifter; 011Vet 4 - NSW beet and bean drill (116111I been Pellet; 531-14 32e01ite Mee; 2.. Aection• emit* teethed; geteettert hartertee; 'rind realer; 3. ft Prext, end *NW lnoWeet eXtetlelett lottido;' Wheeibiterteett late ,911.1. AAA tier* With PIMP, nen?: eitiery: and ma.nY twin) imMI :Mole foetid etetind term. Other roheighed Lots: 1.4iM roller; eels corn t�adt5 it. • • A.U.',...C4T,11.01iSALE.,.4ring SteCk*:..Mactlinary and :Hcitifehold ,Effects. •.• At •LOTa cos. LR,S • 'MIC3/DRS/117ff "TWP. '24. Miles East or Brocefield; or.214 Miles West of, Egmendeille; ' On MII1ttoad, " • . at, 12 O'Clock .Sharp THURSDAY, APRIL„ 1* .• CA. T E: 'Registered, Hereford bull, 4 yetirs old; registered Hole stein dew, 5" years old; eresh Jffn 1 (heifer celf); Holstein •coW, Years -old. fresh. ,ene month( twin caltes); Holstein cow, 4 years fresh; Holstele -CCM. -; years old. to freshen May 20; t bitte coir. 6 Years old, to freshen, in, June: registered dual latirpose eow, 3 Years old, milking: Durham cow, 5, years old, freth 1 Dec,, and. re - heed; 2 Derhare :bows, 6 yeAts fresh one month:, Durham crete..6 years old.due time, et. sale; Jersey cow, 5 years old, fresh bni•mtnith; Jersey, COW, ,0 years , Old, fresh • 2 months; registered Hereford cow, 6 Years, 614. fresh•ohe month (heifer dell); regietered. Hereford heifer, 3 Years old; Hereford cow, 4,, years old, due theta of sale: t3 Hereford tows, 4 years •oid„. fresh' 2 menthe, retired March 5 ancr,Feb,(27;„ 7 two- year -Old Steers, 000 )he.' 4 two, 1,1ere Year'fod iry dh6lefari ersitig':150:4a 0 to f86.1a116 01 lcb8.''14s; number of yoltng calves. PIGS: 2 York isoLVS, 3• litters, bred Jan. 30; 2 :York A0WS, 1 litter, bred Feb iald 18; 'York' het; One year old; 13 ehtiekx, wa.ossixinnyr lfeclortniek' beer. int 11 Vector. stuffier and bean puller (nett.• in '51): AfeCormlek Deering .A tractot: New Holland baler 76; a4'6 fl. combine with motor and all attachMeats; 1047 Studebaker toll: truck, eqtripped for beets; heti all steel wagon with 16 It. rack; truck tire wagon, steel box: bale elevator; •054 it. 'McGee - Mick Deerfpg stiff tooth •cultivirtor; Massey-afterrie drill; 7 ft. McCor- mick Deering' power 3110W61': CtiCk* Millat 4 her side rake; 7 ft. Cate hinder; section hart -owe:: 2 eectien A(1 rleOlviete;: hAilierg•sm;lek9 16. er31-ndgrure (erre* ace( beittont plett: •MoCor-• Mick Deering mannre spreader; Case 10" haInniee farteing mill; aluteinuM teheelbarriete; robt pulpee; 12 Milk carte keel strainer.; 2 -wheel trailer with reeks; aisyrothe gteln auger' bean' cooker'; eleettle pent 82 ie. 6/tension 'Wider; 'electric riff l ll ift ll ll • GINGERICH •La HEATII-4() ENGir4E.ER spintlef HrE .4.140 5004 LOOK %OUR" • PLUMBINS 111144TE*P'- k ,9 044 IMg . al2a7 HEATING -LIGHTING PLUMBING OIL BURMING•AIR (ONVITIONING EQUIPletr47,5 SUPPLIES lk•-< 6c',ELEC1RICAL REPAIRtiO. 34 0F ZURICHL., MOTOR RE wiNoiNG - South End ..Service. pedals * FrOnt Brake _Lining -Checked.. * Brakes Adjusted 11 for ,$1.1 • P—L-1.1-5, 4 Brand New. . FOR ONLY . 850.00. South End Servito. Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 'EXETER • BANG. Non'f driv.e em. until it's TOO -.LATEll * GO: theii. HIGHESTATRADE IPI • VALUE NOW oti, A NEW Sit OF B.EGoodrich Glenn WhW-Aims Pheno 6114 Worth' lOutiO0 milliamui l l l 1. • + OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA i . . • MANAGER WANTED : i • PART 'TIME ONLY • . 310,000.60 te 120, .00 sflflual intents possible by s endin . 61115' : A few Itelirg illenthlY in jOst *pare Hine, ;Well eittilitillithed Canadian i Cempany will eppoi..t meat man ee 'Wernher to tapieViste Mile ; itedeational btrilnesi. Ne ekpetterite neositary At We train yen' 3 In All ettages et the !Meanest And ne hien Pteettlte meet la evented E itri he itellitli"en Yette Peet •11 ragweed, tfumineatioAs .are eta egle 1 liftest e• , o, e .? 1, nsd Atati6* A.nd et.er. in.e es • ' .2. Spire 3 te iV 'Hittite Nionthfy 1 3. ...a Miminuni of 1$1,000:06 C,Iiiili Atiattited I•• .Whretl is • Fully Secuted !.1,:tr6y1y.t.it eArt Meet these ittiklifidittliSh*, :kite( itaitril ?liti litilrieliaY I With CeniOany Execut,ve . in yene Allita attieWee this ad lititMisal• 1. e* de net ansiNee, KAI advtitileintint unlearn' iithi. 5 niteristed le w•hatelliiili eie a hleh Plena haVii Anil, 12 ; te4o9i1n1.1iO4-iIti•lVtid0iA1 lti*`ergo'.i Whbsalo:era0 twik*Y0 4ideelgtili,rtek"Vih.fCtkllh".'Irilts. I 1411111 OtimitY *I0I 0efif f-sli•,, en* ihttediiiegmi 1s• Pee ,* *oftener. Intervietit;11 .710)1. *Hilt, 'refit. fatly . itOwt_yegt. s :tett, Attune Ohent 'worn IA* .1. 'W, o•ritlit COMKANY, liFIFT K, '1440 It. laieltentliter SIONTAILAL, giiebati, iteetteelfeffilitinnerninetritriffettintinfirititilireertMlirrealentelenreittlitleielletetertill •