HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-11, Page 12tos. 12. 19$7,. •I This 'Week In . Thames Road Help Crippled.Childedn "114412214°4M "IQ" BUY EASTER SEALS ru..............,............„............„........,„„„„...,„ , . Ready f., $.. E Spring Work? PHONE YOUR -FRIENDLY la -A AGENT TODAY' Middleton & Genttner Phone 40 ;; tt 1111111111 t 1 tttt 111111111111/11.1111111111111111111111111,111/14111, ll tt 1,111.1/Mnil"..""nin/MintiRIPMIMMU"' 011111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111411.111111111111111111111111 ttt 1111t11111111111111111111111111111111111i1111/1111111111114 Exeter OurMalting. Barley Contracts I Can Make • You Money See our special contract be -- fore you sign. Fertilizer sup- plied with contract. Act nowt I . Seed Grain For Sale NO. 1 REG. & COMMiCIAL MONTCALM BARLEY • NO. 1. REG. & COMMERCIAL OATS Different Varieties Scott's. Elevator' Phone: Office 63, Res. 110 Lucan. tttttt M1111111111111111 ttttt 111111111111111111J1111111.111111 ttttt 1111111111111111111111111111111/ tttttt 111 '*1111111111111111111111111 ttttttttt 111 tttt 11111111111111111111111111111111.111 ttttt tttt 1111 t tt tt ttt 111111)111 tt 11111111111.1111.11.14 • Seed Peas and Spring* Wheat I Available to mix with I your 'seed grain for high yield and better quality feed. You sow only a little but you reap a lot, CARELESSNESS . DOES MORE WARM THAN A WANT,Pr KNOV.ILEDCIIE . • I Our Seed Grain .Situation Our supply .of* Brant Barley has gene but Ike -have fair stocks of Moritcalm with a limited amount of Galore left. Stocks,of Garry Oats will disappear soon. We have a fair supply of Reg. No. 2 Garry left: If I you want Garry Oats, pick them up now, Redney— •i •'Oats are in good supply at reduced prices. Registered 11 Beaver, Ajax and, Simcoe Oats are in fair supply and a very limited stock of Com. Clinton is available. All Other `• verities not available. AR seed grainorders- ! should be picked up. now. We cannot be responsible I ,for.: filling orders that are not picked up by April 15. • Gra-Gold Fertilizers •ate good quality and free -running. The price is right, toe, Enquire, • TOP DRESS YOUR WHEAT NOW WITH: AEROPRILLS • Reduced Prices Of Western Grains have lowered selling pries- of all grains and all our prepared feeds. La us quote prices by cwt, ton or truck load, Special—Onto Mixed Grain •$45.00 Ton Grass Seed Supplies are sold out, scarce and expensive in some varieties. Others' are in big supply and prices fewer. Enquire t�r TIMOTHY, 1tEEt CLOVER, YELLOW SWEET'', etc: We have -recommended 1957 mixtures for hay. short and long term pastures. • • Have you decided about that other field? We can still offer you our barley contract. Its, Mae *aged, Jack and Joanne spent a. few days last week. with the forMer's parents, Mr. and kir& Wilmer Howatt of Lendesboro. A number of the liurondale In- stitute members went to Wing. ham oa Tuesday last to CKNX- TV when. l‘frS. Abner Passmore demetigrated 'California ','asser- ole. Mr. and Ilrs. Arnold Cann en- tertained a number of married couples on Friday evening. Miss Marilyn Gardiner spent the weekend with her •grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher of Winehelsea. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner were Sun- day guest t of gr. and Mrs. Fletcher. gr. and kirt. Robert Bern and Linda of Jarvis spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. John Selves. Mr. and Mrs, Cleve l3rophey and Glenn of London spent the NavnedekeinurclrNavyit.h Mr. Fred Dawson Mr. and grs. Harry Webber of Woodham, Miss Helen Web- ber of London were guests re- eently with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery entertained a number of mar- ried couples on Saturday eve- ning. Mr. and IsIrs. Warren Brock of Zion, Miss Helen Stewart of Byron, /qr. and Mrs. John Mc - Kilian, Keith and Murray of Atwood visited .on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. grs. Lloyd Knight and Linda visited with the former's grand- mother, Mrs. S, Hanna of Sea - forth recently. • Miss Markin Lamport of Lon- don spent the iveekend with - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lampert. Mr, and Mrs: Lorne Passitore, Sharen, Paul and Beth were . guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd of Exeter,: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp of London were guests on Sunday with ME, and Mrs. John Bray. Mrs. 'William Lamport had the misfortune to fall and crack a bone in her right wrist. Mrs.\ W. J. Moores is attend- ing Branch Conference in Wood- stock this week. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed on Sun- day, April 14 at the church serv- ice. ‘ The .monthly meeting of the 3-M Club will be, held bn Wed- nesday evening, April 17 in the church basement. Miss Rosemary Passmore of Brantford • spent the weekend with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. W.A. And w:m.S. meeting The Easter meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held in the church basement with Mrs, John Selves and Mrs. William Lamport. as hostesses. . Mrs. W. J. Moores, president of the W.M.S:,-,waTin charge of the meeting. Mrs, gelvin Gard- iner assisted with the devotional. Reports froni the 'Presbyterial were given by, Mrs, Wm. Rohde and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mrs. Floyd Stewart was in charge of the program •which consisted of a vocal duet by Mrs. Wm. Cann and Mrs. Archie Morgan and an Easter poem by Mrs. Edwin Miller. Rev. Francis Lovelock of Ful. larton was the guest speaker for the afternoon. He spoke on Jamaica and his work* as a mis- sionary while he was there. Mrs. Kenneth Duncan conduct- ed the WIA. business. It was decided to put some more new cupboai rds nthe kitchen. • Community Night On .Thursday evening corn- ' minty night was held in Thames Road School with five tables of euchre in play. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Hume and Mr: and Mrs. Robt: Mayer were in charge for. the • evening. Prizes went to: II. gayer for ladies' high; Mrs. Ray Cottle for ladieelow; lone hands, Har- old Rowe; men's high, Mac Hod- gert; men's low, William Snow. Fieldman Continued from Page 11 a. situation of this kind is not good .enough for such an im- portant industry. Are poultry producers content with the sit- uation? That is the question that confronts the poultry committee of the Federation of Agriculture. If the producers are satisfied then the committee will let the matter rest. If they are not sat- isfied the committee will ask the Federation of Agriculture to Conduct an information program designed to formulate a plan to improve this situation. Remember that the govern - int and the organization are helpless without the support of the individual producer. Please let us have your opinion. ttt tttttttttttt tttttt iiiiiiiisittottielttii tttttttttt GRAIN -FEED (:)FED • 1/.; N 114 NF friPX TOrr TOBACCO GROWERS IN REVOLT—A revolt by tobacco grower S against the Ontario Flue -Cured Marketing board's policies has been started by a group of the province's tobacco growers. They charge that the board used "subtle blackmail" and "outright policies of fear and intimida- tion" and flouted recommendations of the Federal Com- bines commission. Their revolt is being investigated by the minister of agriculture, lion. W. A. Goodfellow. Leaders of the growers in their criticism of the board are: Lyal Tait, Rene Strebbe, Ted Ratorwsky and Edward Adams, titiollitioilitiiiillitlito ttttt tttt o; t 1 tttt 1 ttttt 1 t 111 tttttt 1111 tt ttt 1111111111 Down To Earth By D. I. HOOPER Though April Showers April showers bring May flow- ers—what truth in.an old adage! Much as we cuss -the wet, cold weather, it is very necessary. With a very light snowfall the past winter the water level is low in the creeks. The long-range monthly weather forecast is for above normal precipitation, Cold weather is expected for • the Easter weekend with normal temperatures returning the be- ginning of May. While that sounds rather pes- simistic it is not really too far from average weather in this area. Although April seeding is not unusual, early April IS the exception rather than the rule. 'Way back in 1946 many district farmers had completed their seeding in the last week of March and the first week of April. In. 1947 it was directly the opo. site. A very limited acreage was planted early • and the balange was' not seededtill late in May. In 1956 it was April 25 and 26 when first seeding was done Limestone — Continued froth Page 11 lime, are given as the causes for this reduction. Mr. Goodfellow stated that ac- cording to the most conservative estimate, Ontario soils require at least 100,000 tons of limestone annually to maintain the proper degree' of alkiiinity (sweetness) in the soil, and the increased rate of assistance is to encour- age the greater use of lime- stone where it is most needed. The new rates came into effect on April 1. Mother Motive Liquor manufacturers are de- finitely out to capture the home. In beautiful full-page advertise- ments ! one sees the' mother motive used skilfully to break down sales resistance. Not as yet do they have mother drinking: But. she, the gracious hostess, serves her guests—beer, wine, hard liquor perchance. She prob- ably gives kindly advice to youthful guests:, "You had bet- ter,be content with a light wine. This sherry now. -You can't get drunk on sherry," • How wrong' she is! Even na- tural sherry is high in alcoholic content: But "fortified" sherry is something else again. Sherry (natural) has 16 degrees of al- coholic: content, (fortified) has 20. Claret has 10.5, champagne 11, port (natural) 16, (fortified) 22. Youth CAN get drunk on sherry. Few people do, perhaps, for it is usually taken in small quantities. It would seem to be an ideal "first drink" wine for young people in that type ef home where mother serves beve- rages to her gneSts. This. advt. is sponsored by The Huron County Temperance Federation ttt iiiitito11110 t st t t tt t t mutton tt t • WHITE BEANS If youwish to sell, see us immediately, , MALTING BARLEY. CONTRACTS Still some available. Fertilizer supplied. Check Our Closter and Grass Solid Prices Before You Buy . L. Mick!. & Son Office 103 HENSALL • Min 105' here and the ground was none too dry, On May 10 the creek reached its spring peak and cat- tle went to grass Saturday,May 19. Seeding was begun again on May 22 and completed May 23. Back in 1955 seeding came in early—April 5, but was inter, rupted on April 7 by a snow storm. This delay was very temporary and the majority of the farmer a ,finished on sched- ule. April can be very changeable. Smiling one moment, weeping the next, She can be at change- able as a woman, as moody as a mule—but we like it. It gives us a breather; Time to look around; get our second wind for the long summer a- head. It is a time to make out income tax forms—they're due the end of the month. Time to clip the sheep, look over the fence repairs needed. To 'make lett minute implement • repairs and more often than, not—clean and treat the seed grain. Yes, maybe we'd better do the last one first, the rest can wait. April showers do give us time but just look how fast it goes. So many things to do and here it is a third gone. So hitch' up your overalls, you fellows. It will be •gone before you know it and once again it will be spring and all of us will get spring fever, complete with optimism. DID YOU KNOW? ' Latest in tractors—has no. crankshaft, no spark plugs, no mechanical valves, uses cheap fuel and should be low In 'cost= It is the "Typhoon"—a free pis- ton turbine engine being devel- oped by Ford Motor Company. Comments Abiut Woodham Illy MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE Farmtri: Mrs. Anna Denham visited Be .Propared For Spring with Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Biekell' On Sunday at Anderson. Ur. and 11r, ank 1,00VY, Rachel,. Hilda .incl Helen, .of. Tranvaai Were SundaY guests. O.ft Mr. and 11:rs, Bert Rundle, Mr, Arthur Allen of liatniots,:' Man. was a visitor with his aunts. Mrs. Rert Rundle and Mrs. ROY Kirk on Monday. gr. gel Fletcher and son, Bill, • Of Couquett, SA*, spent Tues. ' dayy evening with his cousin Robert •Rundie and Mrs.. Rundle and called on other relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd galcins, ,Bayfield, 'gm Minnie Talbot, Brucefield, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie. Vogiden on Sunday. M. and Mrs. Ben Webb and family of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr4 and Mrs, Nor- ris Webb. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Stephens have disposed of their butcher business to Mr. Joe Blommaert of Kirkton. Jack and Ruth and Donald' moved to Ilderton. on Fri- day last, while Mr, and Mrs. Blommaert and family moved. into their new house on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne,' Mrs, W. Payne and Jim Payne. of London were Sunday visitors With Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Rundle, Jane O'Rourke of $t, Marys was a weekend visitor with Betty Hem. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie .Scott. and son of Blyth were Sunday visitors with M. and Mrs, Lawrence Copeland. Mr, and Mrs.. Roy Russell and family of Russeldale, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Scat of Farquhar' visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Shirley'. An insurance agent was try- ing to build up new business in the village, and tackled an old Negro who was very much under his wife's thumb. "You'd better let me sell you an insurance on your life, Mose," said the agent, coaxingly, "No, Sir," replied the Negro, firmly, "I ain't mine too safe at home as it is." NEW! retsnsernnerr.r. Seed and fertilizer prices are at their LOWEST now. Order your SEED OATS while supplies are good and,: prices reasonable. Carry, Rodney, Simcoe, Ajax and eaver seed oats in stock. . Barley Contracts •-• I I are now available with FERTILIZER SUPPLIED', Ws Also Have A Lmited Amount of. No. I Commercial Brant Barley For Solo Cook Bros. Milling Phone 24 Hansel' 741 tt 14 t P1111111140111;1011;;11011111iffill11111#1110/0110110/111tIO1,11111$11/ t I t III tttt 111111141111011,111,101011111411,111141100 LIMITED T P VIEW emend OCCUrate planting AR. cCORMICK PLANTERS For Hill -Drop, Check and DiiII Mcniting With a new McCormick you'll speed up idurrijohiinkbet. positive you are planting full stands, with .topriatch. for top yields. 2, 4 or 6 row trailing model's 7 2 or '4 r6w Fast -Hitch models. A size with equipment..fctiSevery,neill, for every soil cond' ition every planting prketieet Au110:1„ and precision -built to stand up under the strOn'of modern high-speed operation. Prove the dependa'bility'Of a MCQer mick planter with a demonstration on you own fit' ' YOU BE THE JUDGE. - AUROPEP* tttttt CYCLINE Crumbles 'The "Sprinkle -on -Feed" • Form of Aureonweing) ChILORTCTI4CYCLIP1i Ask us today about this new form of AUREOMYCIN that you can sprinkle on any kind of homegrown or other feed. For prolefttion disease • For better weight and growth gains For improved feed,efflieney For healthier, more profitable cattle, swine, sheep., Exeter F. W. HUXTABLE'. Phone 153-W - International Harvester Company of Canada Limoted Middleton's DRUG SORE W. G. THOMPSON Limited Open Friday Si Saturday Nights • Closed Monday, Open Wednesday Top ua PHONE 20 HENSALL 410#45W"Ii. ttttttt HAYLINER 68 At Work in Your Hay BALES LIKE A DREAM . • HANDLES LIKE A BREEZE! Try this completely new haler in your own field. Climb onto the tractor seat. Head down a windrow, and enjoy the thrill 00-IAN/LINER ease and convenience, If you make hay the modern way YOU'LL DEMAND the HAYLINER 68 ASK POR A FREE DEMONSTRATION NOW. Be among the first ranters in your area to try this'all-new baler. It's the • latest advancement in engineering for the hayfield, YOUR EARLY BIRD 'DEMONSTRATION IS .PREE just •Citit of Visit Your New Holland -Dealtr,, " • • 41• .100,0*•• EXETER , • FARM E.041111PMENT • Oiroi Ili' lam. Slit ;Wail. IMO PHONE Ma * D1 jarmyn .11XSTER Clover. And Grass. Seeds We have a complete stock of' ALFALFA,'" RED' cLovnt, ALSIKE, YELLOW & WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET. CLOVEN WHITE DUTCH AND LADINA 'CLOVERS, Bnqmg GRAS$," ETC. • PERMANENT 'PASTURE MIXTURES •.. . . Place Orders ,While Stock Is Available We are quoting very attractive prices and replacement orders would require higher retail prices. • SEED GRAINS • „„„ ' All varieties aVailable in Registered Certified Igri;•1, and Commercial No. 1. 'Treated and Packed in New Jute . OAT VARtETIES:* Garry, Rodney, Simcos and Beaver Registered and Commercial Brent and Montcalit Barley High quality seeds willthe in short supply this spring. To• be sure d your requirements oRtER NOWT • - , FERTILIZER Wen Deliver, 10 Your Farni • AMMONIUM NITRATE IN STOCK 1. We are Contracting for malting barley, ' 2: Registered seed oats. : HAVE YOUR SEEDS CLEANED Ahlii'‘IREATEti • • AT OUR MODERN CLEANING ,fLANT, Your seed can ba delivered and donned withotitliting bag gcd, Phone us and arrange a date to 'elan end:treat lout requirements, , W. G. Thotrilo'n7 • -6t SONS i PHONE 22. • Lirrilled •.4ffeNsALL:,;, • # • A • A • • 1 1 A - 4 L4 t