HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-11, Page 74
T' oristo IFF.ORINT
For Young
And Old
Here's an Easter idea you'll like, You select the
gift -any gift„ -from our shelves and we'll put zit
up in a pretty basket for you. You pay the re.gu-
iar price for the article and a slight nominal
charge for the basket -that's all it costs,
cosmetics, perfumes, gift toiletries r chones,
You can pick candy or toys for the
.or .china for
older PAS.
Come in to see our big display. And, of course,
choose from our full stock of pretty, Easter Greet-
ing Cards.
PRESCRIPTIONS ���� II6 huca t-s.a- Supp t-
EXETER. d'ko+ti 447
Bev and` Jack Heywood,' Your TV Experts
Huron TV
MARK ANNIVERSARY _The Rensall Giri Guides' Association, sponsors of the earn-
pany, celebrated the tenth. .anniversary of its founding Friday night at the Gold Cord
banquet in HenSall . United Church, Six of the original members are shown here
looking over a scrapbook. Standing; left to right, • Mrs, T. G. Lavender, Mrs, R. A.
Middleton, Mrs: E. L. Mickle and Mrs. Stewart Bell; sitting, Miss- M. Bell and Mrs.
W. 0, Goodwin. T -.A Photo
Booth .At Auction
Realizes. Profit
In the absence of the president,
Mrs, Percy Campbell, first vice,
Mrs. Alex McGregor, took the
chair for the April meeting of
the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church
on Monday evening. Scripture
passages were read by Mrs. Sam
Dougall, with comments by Mrs.
L. Luker. A. reading was given
by Mrs, Malcolm Dougall.
Plans for the pork supper
scheduled for this Friday in the
church schoolrooms were final-
ized. The group are sponsoring
a booth at the annual spring
show' to be held here May 31.
Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs, A.
Hoggarth and Mrs. C.1 Nolland
conducted a booth at Mr. William
Doig's auction sale at Carlow and
after the expenses were paid
enough money was left over to
purchase two electric hot plates,
one dozen tablespoons, and one
dozen dessert spoons for the
church. Mrs. A. Orr and her
group arranged the meeting,
Personal items
Mrs. Percy Campbell had .the
misfortune to receive painful
bruises to her body when a cow
she was milking kicked her. As
she jumped to avoid the animal
she s'praified her anile.
We .are now hi a position to reduce your repair bills on TV,
Radio, Record Players, Antennaes and all your appliances.
No job • too big' "ori too small, Your repairs will be made
either in yotir home or our \modernly -equipped shop. Nb
work sent away.
Telephone 985
Day or Night
476' Main Sf. Corner Main and Huron St
Hensali Personal Items ,
Mr. Rex.. Dick is a patient in
St, Joseph's Hospital, London, in
the interests of his health.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Sim Roobol and Maja were
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gelder-
land and son front Ridgetown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry West, of
Sarnia, were weekend guests
with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Spen-
cer and family.
Liss Maja Roobol, nurse -in -
training at Victoria Hospital,
London, visited over the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Roobol.
Miss Myrtle Blair R.N, of Lon-
don,'is visiting with Mrs, George
Free! Professional
instruction With
Each Purchase
Phone 343
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett and
Bryan of. Toronto, were week-
end guests with Mr, and Mrs.
N. E. 'Cook,
Trade Group
Guide Banquet
-- Continued from Page 6
and Tawny Owl Mrs. C.. Payne,
were Gwen's parents and grand-
mother, Mrs. C. Farquhar.
Guide Carol Brown contributed
a piano solo and Mrs. Middleton,
with Mrs, 3. C. Goddard as ac-
companist, conducted, a sing-
Present Service Stars
The Brownies gave Mrs. Clys-
dale the Grand Howl.before she
presented the service stars and
awards. Mrs. 'Goodwin, badge
secretary, gave Gwen a Guide
ring as outstanding Guide of the
year and Mrs. Spencer as Guide
mother .of the year received flow-
lowers from Brownie Anne Mickle.
First year service' stars were
awarded. to Marcia Little, Su-
zanne,R'annie, Ruth Smale, Linda
Noakes, Nancy Kyle, Anne Law-
rence, Dianne Reid, Donna Wil-
kinson, Barbara Schwalm, Bon-
nie Foster; Golden Bar to Nancy
Kyle, Bonnie Foster, Suzanne
Rennie; Golden Hand to Kathy
Scene, Ruth Ann Traquair and
Sharon McArthur;
In the Guides second' class
badges were awarded to Peggy
Goddard and Mary Scane; swim-
mer badges to Peggy Goddard,
Mary Scene, Pat. Rowe, Joan
Kerslake; skater badges to Peg-
gy Goddard, Pat Rowe, Judy El-
der, Sharon Elder,•Jane Horton,
Gwen Spencer; laundress badges
to Judy Elder, Sharon Elder,
Joan Kerslake; cook badges to
Pat Rowe, Judy and Sharon El-
Am'and first badges to Mary
Scene, "
' Exeter
Facts' About Cancer
From -Cancer fn r Canada •
Cancer Society Statistics,shoW that 20,309 Canadians died of cancer
in 1955. This is almost one in every site deaths. On the average al -
moat 55 Canadians die of cancer each day. More ' than 2 ' each hour.
Wattling Signals
Prompt •Medical Cheek Up
It Vial At. Th. First Sign
Of . These CANCIEK Signais.
bfschmeb o u,ru'tual
bleeding -trent *AY body
air gpenlnri,
AAnsi here thit • 'dolls ndt
N Niaebl»e..hoarseness. or.
• ttirewth or thitioinI la, tit
�i tht breHt or els6Whtrd.
Wa'ta. a 'IMaloan, olid fM
difiardit. thing -is Tit nbt,..
mil b6Vtt•1 riatfttst.
w*Ubw'irii difficulty or
perslItdnt Indrtrestieri,
Canadian scientists at McGill university and
elsewhere are experimenting with the effect of
hormones in cancer .growth. Sonne researchers
believe that an. "imbalance" of the endocrine
gcolnsthelgrbwth of malignantacells, bear
* * * *
Canadian scientists aro playing a proMincnt-role
in cancer research. They are supported,to a
large extent, by the Canadian pobiie trough
the Canadian Cancer Soelety during the cam-
Paige month in April.
s * * o
Support the'Coming Campaign
Canadian Cantor Society
Picks Slate
Our Ladles' Wear r epartmeut is featuring the ever.
popular- tweeds in suits. Sized 10 to 20 and 1014i.. to
at $24.95 and $45;
Choose your 'new spring coat from -our wide selection
of tweeds And plain .cloths from $19.95 to $45.95..
Beautifut new prints and plain materials in sizes to
fit every figure, Misses.7, to ?0 -and 1.2134 to 261/2. Dv.er.
sixes 26'A to 321/2. Priced frond $8.95 to; $39.95. We special-
tze in half-size garments.
Plastic handbags, $1.99 to- $3.95
Genuine leather handbags, $4.9$ to $8.95
Charnoisette and nylon gloves, $1.50 to. -$2.95.
Imported silk scarves, 984' to $2.25
Silk uml3rellas, $3.951 pagoda style, -$4.95
New spring shades in. Orient ,and 'superstlk NYlorts
At the Chamber of Commerce
dinner meeting held Monday eve-
ning the slate of officers was
elected for 1957-58 term of office.
Honorary president is T, L.
Pryde president, R. II. Middle-
ton; vice-presidents, Don Joynt
and Lorne Hays secretary -treas-
urer, K. K..Christian:
- Please turn to Page 9.
Ryour Rest..
Many people never seem to get a good
night's rest. They turn and toss --blame it
on "nerves' -when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidney* filter poisons and excess
acids from the blood. If they fail and
impurities stay in the system --disturbed
Mat often follows. If you don't rest well
get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
help the kidneys so that you can rest
better -and feet better. 136
Dods Kidnex Pills
Men's &. Boys'
Spring S
band-finished garments t a i l or ed,
from fine, alt -wool imported worsteds
by Fashion -Craft. New weft weaves,
sparkle tones and plains in regular
and natural models, $49.00 to $59,00..
BOYS' 2 -pant single-breasted suits in
nylon and dacron mixtures, Sizes 24
to 34, $14.95 to $17.95,
STUDENTS' sizes 34 to 38, $36.00 to
See our wide selection of men's,
boys' and students' sport coats.
Men's Topcoats
"Weatherall" Nylon Blend, $19.95
All -Wool Tweeds, $32.00
"Ayers" Pure Wool, and Cashmere,
Flat Top Fedoras
by Van Kirk & Brock, $5,95 and
$7.50. •
iT'S HEREI The amazing no•ircn English broadcloth shirt
by Forsyth. Ease care -just wash and wear, $7,50.
Open Friday Evenings Unita 9;30
Sport Shirts
Ties, Socks
Sew colours in oar
famous British
Plop set Worsted
A ".must in. every man's
wardrobe because it does
flatter every rnan -y looks
"right" on all occasibris.
Come in and so Them -give
your wardrobe a lift.'
tA11010.Y'O4dl1R•MEASU E
i'tip top"' Clothes
04,30 pct
Studebaker's many. exclusives add up to important extra value you just
can't get elsewhere. Only Studebaker offers you Twirl Traction, with drive
power at both rear wheels, Luxury Level Ride that adjusts to smooth or
rough toads piths craftsmanship that makes the big difference. To get the
real facts on car value, see your dealer today:
VV, 0, Goodwill
Phone 16
ham Arthur Motors