HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-11, Page 6Th. T n Advocate:, April 11, 1957 RECEIVES GOLD CORD—Gwen Spencer, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Spencer, ensall, was presented with her Gold Cord, the highest award in Guiding, at a banquet in her honor in Hensel]. United Church Friday evening. Admiring the cord are Mrs. E. F. Elligsen, Stratford, area camp advisor, left, and Mrs. Harold Elder, captain of the Hensall company. -T-A Photo Hensall And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hebden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie McGregor, Pllone 682-r-31 Society Views .film On Easter A film on the story of the Pas- sion was presented at the Easter meeting of the Woman's Missio- nary Society of the United Church held in the church schoolroom Thursday afternoon, Mrs. E, Cross was the narrator and Miss E. Ellis was in charge of the pro- jector. The devotional was taken by Mrs, E. Cook and Mrs. A Alex- ander. Mrs. Carl Payne contri- buted a solo accompanied by Mrs. .T. Sherritt. Mrs. W. B. Cross presided for the program. Mrs. George Armstrong, pre- sident, chaired. the business meeting, Mrs. W. Dining and Mrs, R. Peck gave the high- lights of the Presbyterial held recently in Clinton. A bale of used clothing will be packed the second week in May for European relief. An invitation was accepted From the evening At:illaryto be their guests on Monday evening. Stewardship notes were given by Mrs. A. Row- cliffe, Personal items. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mur- doch have returned to their home in Stanley from a three weeks' vacation With their son-in-law and daughters Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Duncan, in Miami, Florida. On their return home they spent a few days with Mr. and 1Irs. Bi11 Murdoch and Miss Beth Afur- dpch in 'Hamilton. They also vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rumble in Toronto, and while there were guests at a dinner party in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Rumble's twelfth wedding anniversary. Mrs, Walter McBeath. presided at the organ in Brucefield United Church during the absence of Mrs. J. R. Murdoch who was va- cationing in Florida. Mrs. Mur- dock resumed her duties. last Sunday. 1 Members Honored At Hensall - Chiseihurst Young Peoples' union meeting, held at Chiselhurst, special presentations were made to two of the mem- bers, Nelson McClinchey and Geraldine Parker, in recognition, of having; ;dedicated their lives for full-time services to the church and were each presented' a book entitled "A Man. Called Peter." The presentation was made possible through the com- mittee of colleges and students of the United Church. District Official Visits" Rebekahs Miss Jessie Little, District De- puty President, of Brussels, paid i her official visit to amber Rebe- kah' Lodge, Hensall, Wednesday evening accompanied by mem- bers of Brussels lodge. Miss Little addressed the lodge speak- ing on "Fraternity," Miss Ma - belle Whiteman presented her with a gift. The lodge accepted an 'invita- tion to Friendship Night s. Clin- t ton lodge April 6 together with ' members of .the LO.O.F. their wives and husbands. They also accepted an invitation to attend Friendship Degree Night at Ruth Rebekah lodge, Stratford, Apr11.30, The district meeting will be held at Brussels April 24 at 3 p.m. all past noble grands are asked to attend. Plans were outlined for a bake sale Saturday Alay 11 in the lodge hall. Winners of progressive euchre were Mrs. J. Ingram, and Mrs. A Logan, and Mrs. H. McEwan Jr., . and 'Mrs. M. Allan; Brussels, consolation winners. HEI' SALL STORE FOURS — Open Friday evenings: until 9 o'clock; open Saturday evenings until 10 o'clock; open all clay Wednesdays; closed all day Mon- days. (Adv't) Easter Parade SPECIALS! Dependable Used Cars . at Mensal! Motor Sales 1955 DODGE REGENT 4 Door 'Sedan Radio, Turn Signals, Green, One Owner, Low Mileage Iinaculate! 1951. DODGE REGENT •4 Ddor Sedan Rattier, Sunvisor • Black. It's TOPSI 1954 FORD 4 DOOR CUSTOM LINE Black in Colour Ws ,a 13EAt:iT'Y1 One Owner. 1954 DODGE REGENT 4 Door Sedan Turn Signals,Two-Tone, One Owner In Showroom Condition!. 1950 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SPEC, DELUXE Itadior Blue in Colour Very Clean Inside and Out One Owner 1952 FORD %,TON EXPRESS Listed Away Below 1V4 Real Value, See 1E I'oday.i We Invite you to drop in, SEE and DRIVE the NEW 1157 DODGE, Several now cars to choose front. Hensaii Motoas Soles. r'lAt The 'Sign'Of the. Blue SW160b" 1 IT HEN$AL 1Y • Legion. Auxiliary Host To Groups Mrs. Luella.Hall of Blyth, Zone CI and Blyth and Clinton Auxili- iaries were guests of Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary on Tues- day evening. Mrs. Hall dis- cussed the scholarship fund and spoke briefly on "Faith". In an initiation ceremony con- ducted by Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Wil-, mer Dalyrmple was admitted into membership, Mrs. Ida Dick of Exeter, a former member and secretary was presented with a gift, Mrs. Fred Beer doing the honors. The group will cater to a masonic banquet this month convened by Mrs. E. R. Davis. A period of bingo was enjoyed. Mrs. -Wes Vender and Mrs. A. Inkley won a cup and saucer. A draw for a seven -piece croche- ted set, mads by Mrs. F. G. Bonthron, was won by Mrs. Bor- den ' Cook of Blyth.' The lucky cup was won by Mrs. Ken Cooke, Clinton. Prizes for nearest birth- day were won by Mrs, J. Sim: mons; oldest person present, Mrs. A Joynt, Mrs. R. MacDoz nald, Clinton for having an anni- versary on that day. II Mrs. H. Smale and Mrs. Aik-, enhead convened the entertain -1 ment and Mrs. S. Rennie and I. Airs. J. Simmons, the lunch. Over 60 members and guests were present. Personal Items Miss Bernice Dining, of Sarnia, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Dilling. Mr. and Mrs. S�tewvart McBride and family, of• Toronto, acconi- panied by Mrs. Alvin McBride, of Exeter, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and. Mrs. Garry Corlett and son, of Toronto, were week- end visitors with Mrs. Corlett's Cook. parents, Mr. and Mrs, N. E. Miss Shirley Chapman, 1t,N., of Sarnia, was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mrs. Joe Helm and family, of Tiverton, Mrs. Robert Reid, of Kincardine, spent Friday.with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. Sucaryltoo Q f lets you enjoy calorie•free 765. sweetness without aftertaste Improved Sucaryl Tablets bottler of 100. .50 betties of 1006, 0.3o Improved aruc,sryl Solution -4•oune6 bottle, 1.15 1 -pint bottle, 5,05 MddIeton's DRUG STORE Open Friday & Saturday Nights Closed Monday, Open Wednesday PHONE 20 •HENSALL' • an ue o or ul e; Mrk TE th5� niver _ .. Gwen Sponger,. daughter of Mr. lig en also enrolled fear new leaders .and members who have' Guides. and presented prdfieien- fi:kept it going. Special mention cy badges' to others. She was . was :nada. of Alm R.. H. Middle-- Wen hewers by Guide Elaine ; to , Airs. W. 0. Goodwin. and Keys. In :her reply to the toast, 1 its. T. e Lavender, charter Gwen expressed, appreciation to members. Who are .still active. the other members .of her oom- Jane. Morton, for the Guides, sur- Pans,, to her leaders .and to her prised. Mrs..Lavender with the family for their assistance in her . gift .of a Guide ring.. Mrs,lay.era- aebievement, er, who recently resigned after I'iev, C. D. Daniel, who with'fiv.�,years As Captain, was made Mrs. Daniel, was present, ,spoke., the recipient of a reading; IMP spoke on the challenge of life and briefly of the honor Gwen had : from the loeal association in tee- the way in which .the Guide train, brou t to herself and her cont- ognition of ,the fact ,that she has trig helps .a girl recognize and munrty, through winning this Goicl ,acted.: as chairman for the ten prepare to meet these challenges, Cord..rears ,since its organization. In She was introduced byMrs. It, Guide Mary . Scae proposed a reply Mrs. Lavender said she had li. .Middleton, . thankeby Mrs. toast to the Hensall Girl Guides" received more than, she had .ever A. W Kerslake and presented Association which was organized given • in training.. ' with flowers by Brownie- Ruth by Mrs. Clysdaie, and which re Present. besides the Brownies. Ann Trequair. ceived its charter ten years ago,and Guidesmothers, with their others A toast to the Gold Cord Guide this month. Mary outlined thand the Captain Mrs. ..4. was proposed by Mrs. E. F. El- Guide Movement in kiensall and Elder, Lieutenant Mars Good- ligsen, of Stratford, camp ad- in reply Miss E. M./,llis, a char- win, Brown Owl Mrs. E. Rowe. visor for Ruronia area. Mrs. El- ter member, paid tribute . to the .; — Please Turn To Page 7 and Airs. Waiter bpencer, was guest of honor ata banquet .era 1 riday eveuin arad was -present, ed with her uold. Cord, the high-. est .award for achievement Guiding. The presentatlpn was made ny Mrs. K. R. Clysdale, of . $t. Marys, Provincial' ComntiW sower of the Ontario Girl 'Guides" Association. In au address Mrs. Clysdalc r..whirl,,,tiouicoom W. ullitt66A1mtot1}IAdmiliAItwil111 nukttifii,1.1!#111111�1toliU��1II1n11Etoem,�,II�II4lq.11114!y DineOut err For a r e a 11 y delicious dinner and superb set'. vice, always :dine at Arlin strong.'s. Enjoy 09r Easter Special' You have. a choice of ROAST TURKEY or .GRILLED I-iA.M in a full course dinner all for only .. . ......... ...................75 Half orders for children. Reservations If Desired ARMSTRONG'S RESTAURANT Main Street North Exeter Phone 538 /111111lems III N 1111,111111111111111111111l11n11mnit11111tI11/11n1t11nll1t11111.111111111111111111 IIII4111111 tit 111111111 ltt11�• ,orktartIQ,tlC4,R•NRVN1➢aPe,��„ A All recipes for marvelousmeals begin with meat from SUPER SAYEI Meat makes the meal—the better the meat • . the. better the meal. And our meat is BETTER MEAT—the top grades of government, nn- spected meat ... aged Just right for tenderness .. , .cut Just right to give you the moat good eating, good tasting meat for the money. So' do What all good kooks do—use top quality meat . , . use aur meat—to be .sure) '.d111111111#1111111111111n Itnp0..... till, I,1III „1111111111111111111111I111111 11111 I 111111111#1 5 4 :w0 FIC $uper $ave INSTANT COFFEE 2 OZ. JAR 5 lc 5 oz. JAR $11,15 REGULAR YELLOW LABEL, Lb. 87C GREEN LABEL, Lb, 95c RED LABEL, Lb, $1.03 /,11111111111/1111111111111111#11111111111111111111111111111111ioni11n1I11n111H/111111111111th, White, Pink, Yellow Economy Size 40C Reg. 370 KI&nex KrL 29c FROZEN FOODFEATURE • BIRDS EYE GREEN PEAS,( 12 OZ,PKG.24c eameal Bacon " 6 A ince.d Ham verBeef or Pork LB. 9c 59 11 1 111111111 1 11 11 V 1 1111111111111 111 1 III 11111111111 1111111111111 111111 11 111111 1 11111111111 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf111111IIIIl11111111111111111111111111111111 Illlllllllullll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111III111111111111111 SUPER $AVE SETS: THE.: PACE IN GROCERIES! Wagstaffe's--Delicious T re esvioet katge 24.0=. Jars . or Plum cirmal�de OJam c Iend'ed Del Monte 1Tiic'd P Stokely's Fancy --= Reg. 2 for 33¢ LGE. 43 DZ, Cheese orn Cream Style raft Velveeta l 1111110 1111 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Bonus Bargain — Nortex HAHDI!.CAN. - e NEW! Deodorant Compartment • NEW! Exclusive Bag -Gripper • NEW! Square Style Finish ▪ NEW! Convenience Lid Stays Up • NEM Rustproof, Stailnproof Basket Regular $8.95 Value 2❑ DZ. rap 1/z LB. Ruttier 37¢ 31c ,Regular. 37¢ C 15.0z. Tins 29c Regular 350 29c Only At Super Save With $3:d0 Purchase 111111111 U11111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111101111111111111i11i1111ii111111iI10011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111Ig111110' L'S' MARKE HENSALL °AEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS' CLOSED ALL, DAs MONDAY