The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-04, Page 15Luean District News.
SattirdaY guests With Mr, and Mr. IL T. Bond who has been
Idrs. Herold Corbett included, home sick for the vast seven
Mrs. 4*., Z. •Orr and Anne, Park. weeks has returned to work,
hill; Mrs. Norman:Stones, Arko. urs. Nem Atkjnam has ye.
.and Mr..erid 1Vkrs. Lyle COP. turned home after spending 4
beat Sarxxia. few clays with he son, Gerald
Mr. and Ws. UQy Cook and And family a Leneon.
family a Kitchener were Sene annolle Anew, small son of
44Y g"st4 04 Xr. Ana MrS* Mrs, Jean jirnme is in jos-
klaSkettc eph's Hospital for observation.
'and. Mrs. C, P, Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis
and son werkStindaY guestwith and family spent last weekend
Mr. end Mrs« Mei Celbert. in Nopante, the guest of Mr.
Sunday guests , atidth Mr. and Davis' parent% Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs, Sheridan lInvington thole- Leighton. Tnvis.
(led, 111r. and Mrs. j, D. CAMP. Mr, Fehton Carter who under -
belt and family of Dutton, Mr: went an oPeration in St. Josephs
and Mrs, john Campbell, cif Rivo gograal last Tuesday Is mak-
er5kle' and Mr' Mgt* Mrs' LYie ini(satisfaetory recovery as is
Revhigt44 444 14°41Y Moor"- Mr, Milton FirOck of porndale,
gr. and, Rona laslYttiswseell:nrdthawitIthiiihnemrlelpulonetn:i
NOVa Scotia, Are guests of ND% arid mrs, ,t Ittuntnen,
and MrS. Jack. 1.40ein, and other Albert st,
Lucan , .
Miss Hattie ifodgins in ecinva- Mr. and Mrs, Fred Armitage,
leseing et the home of her sip- ,Mr. And IVIrs, Cecil Armitage and
;family; Mr. and 114'rs. Wes Hick -
ter, Mrs. Alvin MeLeita. A I Son. and Family, Mr. ;Hid Mrs,
Mrs, Eiden Caldwell of new' 1 Arnold Morley and Loree, all of
den spent lea MOoday with her 'lateen; Mr, and Mrs. Laverne
mother. Mrs. Will i)ieks. Allison and family, of Parkhill;
Mr, and Mrs. oliii l'ark Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilcox, Owen
spent last Sunday in Petralia, Sound; and Mr, and. Mrs. Don
the guests or mrmoicrmrs. stew. Thar and family, London, attend,
art Parke ,_ ed a family gathering at the
Mr. and Mrs. -Beery NleDiangn• home- of Mr, and Mrs, Een Thar
ton and family a London were in Byron on Saturday evening.
Sunday guests with Mr. Wes Be.'
yington and family. Rev, A, Aylestock of 'North
Miss LYriette Walpole and Buxton has spent the last two
friend, Miss Shirley McNaugh- weeks wih her parents, Mr, and
ton, spent last weekend in Kin- NiStliZetW, 11"111 Aylestock, William
cardine, the guests of the far Street,
parents, me, and Mrs. i,.. Mr. 'Earl Carling. son of 1+.1r.
41ner Walpole. and Mrs, Ira. Carling, who is
Rev. E. 3. Roulston :who was an employee of the _134 .Tele -
in Victoria Hospital for a check Phone. London base Peen trans -
up is home and was able to Vette ferred to th ' Pine Tree Line,
. Qubee, He leeit last StinclaY.
his serve last SuitelaY.
, Miss Marie Stanley and friend! Mr, and Mrs. liert Thomas and
of London spent last weekend family spent last Sunday in St.
with -the- former'separents, Mr. Thomas, the guests of Mrs.
And Mrs, 11. F. Stanley, Thomas' parents, Mr, and
Rev. .P,-,,Ta-Prest,ewas "guest Mrs. F, M. Brown, • •
-tpeaker in Trivitte Memorial Mrs. Charles. lYfartin eir Wine
Chunch, Exeter' and St. Pains, ,pipeg is a guest of Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. 0. - Pattinson has MOVed rt c tccs la
/ latiesa IM/111, .e,,r, and MTS. Mir,.
IT. A. Bodgins; .
Hensel& last Sunday,
into his new home, corner m ray Hodeins included Mr, and
Beech and Market St, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill- Allen have rnore'd into , London for
Owen Foster and family,
Mrs. Eleanor, Ernerick's apt, i for Sunday and Mrs,
i}locigins' sister, Miss M. Merle
Mr, and Mrs. 3. Hay have,. w,,,,
L ()f London for the weekend.
moved into ,the' apartment above 1
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tate of
their reeteurant, The Hub.
, Two chiiMs, Steve 'Davis and i guesiA ef Mr.
Dearbore. Mich were weekend
'And Mrs. Cecil
13rian HaSkett Were recentlY in- Bodgins.
Vested into Cubs, .
Th. Story In
Sy M*$, 1, 04. :PATON.:
ORINNEr-tilin and Eilene
py;rtsi- ,cerrnnae.i -- loving memory et
weik Johns), are hapno Mrs. James vottle, who passed
Tr4d/fl.F101 $dnoley Observedatuletince the arrith
val of eir : away one r41F0.. Aprit 1neis.
sari.Jimmie Jemee ar Atratford Vine YPar hes igeagel 0
Tile violent ILetaisb, .traciition. (ionorgl Hospital. 'March 4#, 104% 41ot •ofi A I 'gArled
"Motlierint elegelay" wee 0b. s brother for Diane. 1 -Was -taken from 'nor ittnnil 0;1, egrill
,iervod $ jimrs owtch. N.t”rtiniKos-vti, Rua sirs. Heiiert NVIth. Jesus (ihrixt to dwirll.
. lit3ilt tiOn, RVAV tton t The Bowel. 1)14•13, UPPII tier
ClallciebeiYe Islet Sundey, tralle, announce. the 0414 of
The Rev. rman Knox of thitiighter, jean Faith. al, .A3313, Wither anti decii#
Exeter Wee gig* preacher and Thin)" '11°"1141"rli 1' 1547'
tett Kfi mr eat Mrs bleye
he ,dedieeted the gifts: new Reale "aie'tiei, or leii7etoe fete' Merlon
.arid number elirrie for •the hying Poyetenei ere italie to artpollure
heard and new lineng foe tee the birch of thee, eughter, Nancy
redoes PrIvete• communion my.: k!iti,V1115*. ifor,t„Att,.4 tr114::
Mr. Allan 14111, the peoples* 0,1•nuix.^- :Mr. nd Mrs. Douala&
warden., accorop.anied by Mr. •o'iwieli, Zurich., announce the ar•
Carter, the rector's warden; Of- . VevVeleiliro7)I9J:eeftt, SI:rift;'
ficiallY requested Mr. Knox to ' 3957.
dedicate the items to the greeter',011E4414}YrTE--lur. "4 5:11.8. LO'
Glory to God and to the further* ' 2.1greUst 1 g'..gitc.:
aece 4 Christse Kingdom. en meth Of 6,. son,%foser Jean, 8,1'
, Tbe speeial Ifothering Day 135t
lessons, were read by Mrs. Karl
enee Certer, representing meth.. len. Scnie heOrgi3'. iiind,
ers, loved Wife of -1-lewls Fletcher, .in
Mr, Stanley Totnes, a student nee eighty..first Year, •
at Huron College, assisted in. the • •ENOAGEMENTS
$ervice. .
IT and Deborah.
earth.. Smith 11.uro4 HoaPita :114roll
-O'Neil, representing the Sunday
School teachers, end Mrs. Cl a r- Vlifigl,1kFt1,1;71fk,',1 ilopj.lid:ta."14;71:.jete".431,
Due 4) the illness of Mrs. Jas. e:Nrr' 'Me r"est krinigat:
Paton, music was under the direc- 1'414 wori theri,"=eeruer, '1Nlarlene
tion of Mrs. C. W, Hawkshaw t -,)f Edna, to .Albert Erie Ostlapd, of
Aylmer, eon of Mr, and Mrs. Bert
Lucan. (Wand, of Exeter. 'rhe marriage
$t. James W.A. And Guild tor. ial,e• Paco V r :
Mr, and Mrs. William Dicker,
Fond 1 ternaries ling 1 et y
The March meeting a the W.A. Woodhate, ennounre the engageineitt neaten:Nance keepsethemeinealr4Y
to clartoo Brock, Looking hack with memory '
church was held at the home of ;1(•;ii.e' oirveneen''. and -Airs. Car.loillrioacxke,
James Anocan of their eldest daughter, Mary ix.
lAvtoenijrii,,tii,,etahrosy we 1)34 with
Mid Guild of St.
Mr. :arid, Mrs, William. Black 1 Mrs. Irene Coursey, Miss. Del-
and family a St: Marys were ;rene Coursey and Mr, Don Down
Sunday guests with Mr. arid Mrs. I were weekend guests of Mr, and
Robert Coughlin, , i Mre. Fred Ford, Detroit.
Mr, and Mrs. George 'Young t Mr. 3. Walls and Mrs. B. Wen -
and family, spent _last Sunday :nen attended thefuneral of the
with Mr. and Mrs. Chester1 fern-tee
s sister, Mrs. Violet A.
Smith, Londen, 'Henry at the T. Stephenson -nine-
Mr. -Robert . Smythe, . who has ; ral home, 'Aliso, Craig last Mon -
been. on the Siek.liSt, 15 able to day afternoon.
be up. ' , i .,„,._
ranton Trustees
Mr, and,. Mrs:- S. Radcliffe
spent three (Ws last Week in Granton rate payers have final
Flint, Mich.* ily elected their school hoard:
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter I Charles Gowan .is chairman,
of Detroit Were Sunday guests Henry Wissel, secretary, and
• with Mr. and Mrs. John Casey, William Green,
Rev. H. S. Nieklen of the Lu. At two successive meetings
can Drug Store preached in the rate -payers were unable to find
Unitarian Church, Hamilton), lastcandidates willing to serve on
Sundae. Ithe trustee board for the pat
Mrs. Kea Balding of Port Hit- . three months there was no' offi„
ron and Miss Olive Banting were cial board. Mr. Green was the
, Saturday guests with Mrs. W. only member of last ye'ar's
T. Banting and family. !board.
net the love for her that 4100Pil
Shen 3Aver fade sWitY,
i -jiver remembere4. by• husband awl
DAV1S--lrt loving ,rnernory of s
dear wife and mothev. •Sophia
Valia. who easPed away our
years ego. April 2. 1513.
lier tharniing n'as and smiling
Are PiPaSlir, to recall.
She had & kindly word for each,
And Med beloved by. s11.
-Sadly missed Iv kfuebe.hd.
and Daughter Emma. 69
TIEMAS - In loving' memory of
Mrs. David Tieman„ 'who passed
away 5 YfOl'IS ago, April tc,
R731 Pavia Tiernan, who wised,
away 3 yearn ago, M&Y .13511;
While you dear parent* rot, ens
Your lotina mentery ailveY0
-Ever remembered by Children
and grandchildren. 40
WEIN-1n toying memnry 'tit two
dear ones. sister Maleata. and
brother Edwin Wein, who- lorfelomi-
4wAY realist ago, April a. And
Avit 11. 3555,
Noi log can ever take away
The love our hearts hold .4eer
40P0et 00
0Y-• MOS, Alictli* DEWAR
Mr.• sad km Kenneth Bish:
wink ;cotteoe, aBonk Sunday walv
Mr. and Mrs. _Howard Switzer.
Odra, Zinnia ',Shepley Bruce
of 4§stx were Weekeed ;finite
with her daughter, Mrs. HoWarti
,Switzer .rand }toward.
Mr. and WI. Fred Parkinson;
end Brenda visited at Orand
Send on Sunday.
Mr. and 8,Irs. David Holland
were ,guests with Mr. end Mrs.i
Alex Smith, St, Petits VI SIM-
Mrs. Andy Carter,
Devotions for the W.A. were
taken by Mrs. Teens, Ma. Karl
O'Neil and Mrs, Andy Carter.
Mrs. Ed F 1 y rt .contributed
thoughts for Baster,
The WA. 'annual will be held
May 1 and 2 in St, Paul's Cath-
edral and Masonic Temple.
Mrs. Boy Hodgins presided for
the Guild meeting. Arrangements
for a social evening and pres-
entation te be held in $t, James
schoolroom on Friday evening
were completed. Money making
plans were disceSsed.
Mrs. Fred Simpson offered her
home for the April meeting. As-
sisting the hostess were Mrs.
Boy McRann, Mrs. Abner Heed-
rie -and Mrs, Alan Hill.
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister
Mrs. Ken Marie, Organist
Sunday, April 7, 1951
* 10O0 a .m .-"Your Hour"
Baptismal Service
11:05 a.m.-Sunday School ,
7:30 p.M.-"Ceme Unto Me"
• Illustrated 'Message
Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector
Trivift Memorial, Exeter
Passion Sunday
It:30 aan.-Holy Communion
10:15 a.m.-Sunday -School
Wednesday, 10 a.m.-Holy
8:15 p.m.-Beerisorig
Filmstrme-Life and Work of
St. Peter .
Bveribody Welc6rne
Evangelital United Brethren Wed., 8.00 p.m. -Lenten Service
ReV, Glen R. Strom, Minister
1000 A.m.—Worship
1100 ani.--ChurCh School
7:30 P.M.-Everung Service
Thnrsclay Annual Congrega-
tiofial Meetieg 10:00 aan.--Sunday Sehool
Sermon Subject; "That Strarige
of Cred1ton. ar ag
place- the middle of April. 4.* taern
Mr, and', Mrs, 'William Benefer 0( And leave the rest to God.
Crediton, wish to a.nnounce 'the -Li o v 1 n g 1 y remembered by the
ertga,gcnient of their only daughter, familY• le
Betty :Joan, to A.Ilan William
Becker, or of Mr. and lars. Henry
Pecker, Dashwood. The marriage
will take place at Main. St, United.
Church personage, Saturday, April
20 at ig o'eloelt. . 4*
Mr. and Mrs. :NEOAWICO Be&ver, of
Cradltan, announee the engage-
ment 0 their ilaught4;0,14,1\r,ITterma.notietvnttthcei,,. presentation
PL. to F/0 Willlam S. iltfiSPI161`, of
unCrsA.psoCIleintleiVIAailseslolner, •
N.S. 'rhe anarriage will take Pisoe
in .April. 4* A presentation for Douglas
Daster, •wish to announce the Mary Lou Eagleson, was held
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. W. Little of
Toronto spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter and
attendeci the Simpson -Roger wed-
ding. •
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Cunning-
ham, Clifford and Miss Joan
Anderson of London were guests
at a birthday"party for the form-
er's daughter, Mrs, George Stiltz,
'Three.D Plan
Letter From
Mrs. David lielland eotertain.
ed about 80 young People from
the Tebernaele, St. Marys, 0 a
erokinole Party • her teetitse 011
eriday evening.
-Continued front Page 1,0
Members of which ,Should have
no other dutieS. Clearly, thie is
a practical suggestion, for under
the present set-up price supports
would be administered #by the
top.heavy DePartment of Agri-
"Member of ,LF." suggest-
ed that my request for long
term, low interest loans ,aid for
less discrimination ip the Farm.
Loan, Board, was asking for
charity. This type of loan is
certainly net getting something
for nothing. Naturally the loans
have to be fully eecured and
paid back in full with intereet.
This is charity? 1 wonder if
."member" is Aware that farm-
ers With an equity a over, $10,-
000 are refused $1,500 to $5,000
'loans' for the flimsiest reasons,
sometimes with no reason giv-
en. The government has entered
the farm loan field-, now it is
up to there to make this a serv-
ice to all, and not just a special
privilege for- a few.
The Wan tharged that the
farmer gives charity to the con-
sumer, If the ceneumer cbuld
purehase the egg t we redeive 300
a dot& for, at that price or
even 350 or 400, might call
that charity. But, the MArInup
per dozen ego between the pro,.
ducer and the ultimate consum-
er in• some eaSeS exceeds 200,
Last summer this was graphical-
ly illustrated to me. In the week.
we received e60 a,nozen for eggs
shipped to Toronto, my relatives
in the city, were pAying 790 a
dozen. This is not what I call
charity to the consumer but it
is to whoever received the extra
The United Church
Of Canada
Minister: Rev.,Alex. RapsOrt
Organitt: Mrs. A. Willard
115 a.m.—The Service of Wor.
Nursery Class (three years and
under) in the Primary Roont.
Beginners (4.5) will withdraw
during the sedond hymn.
1000 a.m.-The. Church Sthool
Superintendent: Ir. Stirling; Ince
Worship GOd Every Sunda);
As A Family
PaStor: Rev, K. L. Zorn
1000 a',ni.-Sunday School
11:00 a.m.---Service
2:00 p.m -; Lutheran Laymen's
League Rally
Mr, a.rid Mr. -Andrew Hamilton,
Dixon and his bride, the rormer
in Weat McGillivray ball on: Fri -
engagement of their ti aughtet:,
,Tanice'Mariene, to 141r, o , ,
sort at N.r, and Robert .Baket.,
Hensall, The. marriage to take
Place. on Saturday, Arwit 27
.3ames Street United Church. • 4*
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Westle wish
I o express their appreciation to the
(Ire brigades at RCAF tlentra.lis
and Dashwood and neighbours for.
their help in fighting their ree-mt
fire attd also' la' 1.11Ose Vita aSsIsted
7:50 p.rn,-Service
Pastor P. Vies$, Stratfoed,
Speaker ,
Arithem-.St. Peter't Lulheran
Choir, Stratford
One .Defeat
In Season
day evening, A large crowd at-
tended, who danced to the music
of Heaman.'s orchestra,
An address was read by Mrs.
Gerald Thompson welcoming
Mrs. Dixon to the COMmiunityr
On behalf a the neighbors, a
purse of money was presented
to them by Hi Dion,
Personal Items .
Zurich Bantams, who played
22 games this Oaten before
winning the Ontario Bantam
"D" tdie, recorded their most
seccesafel Prison el Minor hock-
ey to date,
The chib won, 19 gameo, lost
pnly one and gained ti,vo ties in
fthirticir 2114gAgMoaels 4ta4tlifitheTiPeoypp4oissi(1
tion throughout the season as
eemPared to 4a thee* had scored
against them.
Zurich gealtender Pail Arnach.
er ended the year vvith a very re-
spectable 1.95 goals againSt ave-
rage and recorded five shuteets
along the way in doing so.
Bob Johnson Was top point -
getter for the newly -crowned
as he scored 43 goals arid picked
up 48 Assists for 91 points.
Wayne Willert and Girrard
Overholt tied. for the second
rung with 58 points' each while
EpoasriltioWnaglAnietiri noo,tched the fourth
Following is the scoring sta-
tisties for the entire '561-'57 hoc-
key season the Orb set.
A prop** inel
#01.08 by *Ken
Walters ,end Betty Dula
• bias :by Donna •Mills
son •Clark; .a.nnonologne
Peweissief litenta Melvin Gardiner,
Mre. Clark (ilassford 444 fain-- IV singing.
Hy of. Oshawa ,visited several, Rev. The. Head,
iliya lost week with. ber 'sister, siloWed pictures 4
Mrs, :Gordon Johnson ,arid Mr, Seottand, ‘Cepe Breton-
Mr. 04 Mrs. Alten Neil and
Dgeald vielted on Sunday with
Mr. ,and Mrs, Oerald Itawlissits
i;.1 Him •
Mr. a.nd Mrs. Frank Palitin.
son 4n4 Venn.. also Mr. Wilfred
Herbert vted •wlth Mr. .and
Mrs. ,Qq111141$ on TON.
WS' rergue0h returned
•home from the hospital Sunday.
and Mrs. Ronald Squire
were :Sunday guests with Mr.
And Mrs. Lloyd"Flanniean,
In cleaning up afterwar st. • . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knapton
;We wish 40 exPress our sincere
of Thorndale spent Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, en on.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prest spent
Wednesday in London,
Miss Elsie Morley of. Exeter
„ spent the weekend wttli. her par -
thanks to all those who so. Is .
remembered VIR, 'With cardS;
treats 'and flowers white we were
patients in South Huron BoaplttI
and St. Joseith's Hospital and since
returning home. Special thanks to
R d and miriting staff. Earl
and jeannette Lippert,
• erns, Mr, and Mrs. Luther Mor -
The family of the late
Broderick wish to thank their nlanY
friends, relatives and neighbours
for the many floral tributes and
cards of sympathy t
recent sad bereavement. °Special
thanks to Rev. Snell, the Dinney
funeral i hbontle ae7cdprep:Allbnela5rrerss.ineet4.0*
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dundas
of Windsor attended the SiMP-
son-Rogers wedding on Satur-
day at Kirkton and then visited
friends and relatives over thei
Ga.. A P
21. .42 48 91
21 24 34 58
22 21 33 fig
17 36. 5S
23 .5 15 20
11 5 10 13
21 2 lfi. 12
21 4 6 30
22 2 7 9
Bernie. Denomme - 19 3 7 9
Paul Bedard 31 3 4 6
"Butch" Sweeney - 22 1 1 2
John Masse 14 0 2 2
Rnsiell Elope 15 3 2.
Goaltending Ga GA. Ave SO
Paul Aniacher 22 43 1.55 5
'Bob ;lohnsion
Wayne Wnlert _—
Girard Overholt, 4 --
Earl ;Wagner
Pant Weida
Larry Gedard
13111 Wagner ,--
non Deichert ---
Allan Thiel
Laura And Pat liod.gins of
Clandebeye were visitors •of jaw
ice Morley on Saturday.
, Mr. Geo, Earl is :spending this
nienth with Mr, and .11Irs. Milne
Mr. Milne Pullen and Donald
.attended the Western 'Ontarie
Aberdeen MOS 444141 AIIIIner
At the Weeteriv Fair Administra-
tion Buildiog .SaturdaY. M
Award Was presented to Donald,
grand _champion in the Queen's
Guineas .class..
Mr, and Mrs, Jas, McLaughlin
and Mrs, Lloyd Nett of Sarnia
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
E. Ferguson,
Social Evening
The W.A. sponsored e social
ev,ening Friday with a good
Dodgers Play
This Saturday
Songto. POI1C4t4, Keys
April 9, 10
4 O'Clock,
AliW1C4t Tlekstn
Gewalt Aorniillon 500
eter Home and School Associa-
tion is postponed from April, 9
to April 16, 8:15 p.m, 28:4e
BAKE SALE -Saturday, ,April 20,
Snell Bros Ltd., 3,00 pan, Spon-
sored by Zion United Chureh
W.A. 40
PORK SUPPtIl-Carrnel Church,
Bensall, Friday, April lath, 5 to
7,30 p.m. Adelts $1.00, Children
500. SPonsored by the Ladies'
oiPNA CLUB Easter Display
and local program; buffet tea;
Thursday, April 11, 8:15 p.m.,
Town Hall, Grand Bend. 4e
iliary to South Huron Hospital
annual rummage sale' to be held
in May. Watch for ad with
further particulars.
Legion, Hall, Saturday, April
8 p.m. 4e
Leo Durecher, 'manager of the :Huron Hospital regniar meeting,
°re Mr. Lin Amos spent the week- 1054 World Champion New York .Tuesday, April 9, 2:30 p.m. 4c
Giants, and aneouncers liedseY
and the many Mends who rernem- • , Nelson and Jimmy Woods will
minas to my relative& neighb
beradone with cards, f,owers. treats end with his daughter and son.
end vlsha While I leas a, patient in in-law. Mr, add Mre. Scofield of
Rev, Samuei Kerr, B.A., E.D.
Mr*. J. G. Coehrene, Orgatilit
moo a.m,-Morning Worship
Rev, H. J..soeli, Patter
Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M.
Musical Director
10:00 a,m.-Sunday Sdh�al
11:00 11.111.-Martling WOrSitip
Sernleri SUbjett "Things
Come Are 'Yours"
• Aethent 1:1* the Choir
Duet: Marilyn Bissett, Barbara
• 7400 ,.n1.----EVeliing wersnip
Sermon Subject: "The Decline
.a David's Kitsship°
' A Warm Welcome
Is txtended To All
• txttopt
Sunday Sehool
16:30 to 11.40
"Teach Me thy Truth; 0 Lire
tunL: Stanley &Killers &ilia
Yen Ferewe# Minisfee
E:00 p.M.-Duteh Service
4U ViteleeMe
Man Judas and in re -
Easter Series.
W.M.S. Easter Tharik-Offeririg
Ynteting on Thursday, April 11,
at 8 p,rn., in the chureh.
Guest Speaker:. Mrs Donald
MiltDonahl, of Henget
Holy Week Services April 15-19;
in James St. -Chureh.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Angus
MacQueen, of London,
W.M.S. Meeting at the horne ot
Mrs. Art Whilsmith.
Mein Street
045 a.m.-Sunday School
1100 cin.-Mor,Meg Worship
Subject: "The Despised Christ"
7;30 p.M.-Evangelistie Service
Wed., tp.m.-Meeting fee Prayer
1ti.,.8 p.m. -Christ AnthaSSAdors
Coming t vents Cast There
Shadows Before Them - "The
Cross the Great Divider"
taster Pageant
taster Monday -8 p.m.
Psalms 37:28 --"The SteeS of A
Good Man are Ordered of the
Lord: And Ile Delighteth in His
Pesteet to,L W, Krouse
Assetisted• Pesten
twig, Lo Witirollutlet
St. ;loseph's Hospital and at homli, near Parkhill.
T. "would like. to expreaa my sin-
nte with bowers, -treats and cards spent Sundae,. everiieg, With Mr,
while a patient 11. • .
Rosulta1 and. shire returning
Lavine, Rent,
be sharing the microphone this
season to broadcast NBC's 26
-..i.f4ernet Patterson. Mr. and 1\lrs Earl bixon and Saturday. afternoon ballgames.
rere thanks to e.,11. -who remembered Mr. and Mrs. • Denglas Dixon
and Mrs,. Brtie* .E,aglesen • a
'°I'leleerilt,W4DYean Whitt .visited with
her *sister awl brother-in-law;
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hotstin of 'Ailsa
Craig on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood
enent Sunday evening with Mr.
And Mrs. Andy Keogh.
Aft*. and Wire. Itoy Ila'milten
of Lucah met Merelay' evehing
-with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamil-
Urges Plan
- Continued from Page 13'
Parks arid playgrounds, he
said, are essential, for if they
are not planned for in the be-
ginning, a municipality is in for
head,aehes later. There will be
trouble with children who haYe
no adequate, place for recrea-
tion, and community spirit will
be lacking if there are not suf-
ficient parks and playgrounds,
IndUstries W t eonditionk
suitable to there nevi', and pre,
tected in the future. They want.
ream 'for expansiOns protected
lbr them, so that when growth,
eolrinai they can eeparid at reAse
°pante test,
"Roads and streets are most
hriportarit, Traffic' is becoming
increasingly the problem. Do
not allow housee to build on the:
ends of streets, for in future,
dead end strettS may mean the
various parts ef yOur town are
hard to reach. Plait for widtt.
of streets* and know that your
Street system is laid out for
growth," he said.
A lively question and answer
period followed. Mr. PearSon
laid out the .procedure through
which a municipality should
move to obtain. a planning by -
Half As Much
"Member a P.L.F.," in some
mysterious manner of figuring,
arrived at •the conclusion that
farmers will have an increase ,
of $3,800,000,000 in our share of ; law.
If he will check his inform ation terest to rural municipalities,
"Town planning is of great in.
the 1980 gross national produnt. I
he will find that the increase will ag Well," said Mr. Pearsori. "As
be only approximately $1,335.- the towns grow, residences creep
000.000. This is a 385, increase, outside, Ancl stretch up mid down
wavheilreaglat wisageestiomf atweodrktehrast wilt towns. highwaYs leading into
towns. This means added school
hicreaed approximately. facilities -met be provided by
Are we farmerse as maeomplac. ke'..nst. the township. Strip development
Squeezes out the land behind
nearly twice
enough to sit ,back and wait 25 the homes. It may mean that
years .-te dip our fingers into good land is made metes.% for'
that "jetkpot" or are we going
to get busy now to insure that
we see get our share?
Perhaps We should all choose
what I call the "Three D's", at
Otir formula fer success. They
are: dedication, determiriation
and 'drudgery, Farming is no
"snap." It, is a difficult demand-
ing 3lroft8SiOn, teriteiring all the
ekills of A jack-at.all.trades,
Not just a knowledge of some,
but A profitiency in all. A$ farm.
ers WC hAve every' reasori to be
prowl of Our larefeeeibn, but we
should not anew this pride to
blind us to the principle (if So-
"nfli" etigneSted that
new to my "field of thinking",
wasa "parrott" to the "dittates"
of some others who vvarded to
"blow off," In reply to this a-
musing bit of sarcasm I should
like to say that 1 Ain not under
the (fidget a Anyotte, ethet
than ity husba.ftd. I might add
have spent a 'vett deal of my
seat% We irt the nest year or
ee, * study 'Of the problems
of agriculture, past, present and
exneeted future.
I do not pretea to b01100 ittv
W1116118 Are infallible, 'but 1 do
believe in the fteklom at aneeeh.
The extressieg a COWS Oditilet15
Is A peivilege inlieeent lit Orme-
r8eY# 'hut this Pelvilege
kit be debated hv the expression
of degettelive triticisre, erit.
leism for 1LS own sake, To he
• Comments Abdul
Dr. Geo. V, liorphy, Mrs.
Mackie and Mr. }tarry. BOvIerl
ef Toronto Were weekend visit.
ors with Mre. G. P. Moraeby.
Mr. . and Mrs. Roy McCurdy
ol St, MArys Were Sunday gueste
of the forrner's.pareett, Alt. and
Mrs. Ira MeCtirdy.
.. Mr, Archie Chatten of Loridon
called on mother, Mrs, 14. ,
Chatteil oti Sunday. Atei• 21-341lwaukee awl Chiettgo
Mrs. Geo. Squire of Whalen sent. 28-Cfhtimti.l. am' Ifffwa"oo
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Squire on Monday.
Mrs. Lloyd Sinith accompanied Town Topics
by Mrs. R. F. Roelofson Of Exe-
ter were in Guelplt a couple of
days last week.
Mrs, W. le Switzer has re-
turned home after spending the
Peg two months at Hamiltori
The opener- will take place on
April 6 and will consist of an ex-
bibition game between the 'Brook-
lyn Donets ed the highlreaten
Milwaukee Braves.
The following Saturday the De-
troit Tigers will belle the Pitts-
burgh Pirates to round au the
exhibition games and on April
20 the first official league name
will get under way between the
Milwaukee Breves and Cieeire
nett Red Legs of the Nati�nl
We particularly request a good
1-a'se'r• a I ifgoeul le20. S : paign. All presidents of pertici-
-game schedule is slated IS to arrange our cam -
Apr. 13-PlttAburch and Detroit pating organizations are urged
(Exhibition) to be present.
Apr. 20-Mtlwaukee and. Cincinatti
Tuesday, April 9
Auxiliary Room
Tues,, April 16
BOO p.m.
Directed by Lt. Martin Bettfillif
Anr. 27 -Brooklyn anti Pittabtirgtt
F. R. DO13BS, Pres.
May 11.,,4littelnatti and Chicago
Ma.y 4-Pittehtugh
In the interests ef
Exeter Junior Band
Plan to bring the family.
silver Collection
Phone 421
Previews Its
Coming Attragtions
THuits., FRI. & SAT.,
April 4, 5 and —
* Johnny Weisenutlitr
* Maureen. O'Sullivan
April 9 and 10
* Van Jehniert
* Ruth Reiman
* Rory Calhoun
* Yvonne DeCarle
mAy tt,i4 1 ,evt,iiivo..m.ringtork onnotonnoinnootottomilimilo, fffff tl fffff ithrimonnintic ttttt tt lllllll lll lll
May 35 -Chicago and "Milwa.ukee
June VittSbut•gh ene cahuatsce ustral Program
June 1-washington and tineon
atme S—MilwAtiktle art4 Pit tsburgh
3 '--Pitiladalphia And
;lune 39-1111Wattkee and Pltialturgh
July 11-1istif tork and ,
uly 13 -Pittsburgh and Millvatikee
July 2f1. -St. Loins, end pitt,sburah
.inly 27-5Xilwaukee antl New "l'ark
Aug. 3-13rooklvn and Milwaukee
Aug. 10-Pittslitit2h and Bl'00141311• t
Atte. 17-Milwatikett and...St...1'46[11A 1
24-C1ttel11itttl and Pitts,btifgh
Alit& 3 -At, LOMA And C1leaft0; '
5t4t, 7-,Whe1t1fittilft arid 1,-1etif
54. 14-Arro3klve snd lithe/tuxes
•and SudburY.Mri. MCI Luh
.14 visiting with. her mother thii
Mrs. Roy Kirk and Lorna were
Sunday guests with Mr, arid Mrs.
Bry,e6 Skinner At Munro,
Mrs, D. Stephens of St. Marye
visited with Mr, mid Mrs. Jack
Stenitens on Monday and Tues.
A'number from the village At'
further development, if *pion -
en e the be ey game .
t d, ti b 1,5 St
mg is not nedertaken early.,
arena on Saturday after.
With these rural housing devel. noloonra..between St. MAtys and
Mrs, Elmer Selves of Mt,
Pleasant visited with Mrs. Ada
Butters on Thursday last
IVIiss Amarida Shier spent Well.
nesday with Mr. and MI'S. Fred
Rogers of Hirkton.
efonents, the townships, are re-
ouired to provide services, and
their limited experience in such
things is a handicap. Aural and
urban areas teed each other in
this niatter of planning.
CO -Chairmen of the meeting
were R. Sermvn, retiring
preeklent of Zone: One, atul W.
J. Kelterborn, Mliverton, retie'
itig president of Zone Two.
In Zone One, the new chair-
man is Dr, 11.1. A. McMaster,
'Beaforth' viee-chairMah, Petnr
Melewah'. Goderich and Roy
Adair, Wingliam, third member.
Secretary le Wilma D. Dinnin,,
Attending the meeting from
EXeltir Were 'Reeve Williabt Mt.
Xertzle and Deputy.Ildeve Chest -
OD from }Weill,
Attilt Norman SatleS and Clerk
Az. Paterson: frent turich,
CharleS. Thiel add Albert Kalb-.
werthy a print, mina1 oPielen
should be, Well thought out,
Wed on sound feet not on tree -
tiring. and bn„ of a construetive
nature. In thti letter' I have at-
tempted to Abide by tbie rule.
YO0f$ fee better farming.
"A Parinees Wile"
F... J. Xnight
Ittit4 1.4. •
N!itt; titicilleje:,"11:givtiett hbot
Mr. and Mr. Fred Donne aed Mist Olive Weed, Teton°,
guests at the Sitripson.Mget. cr, Mr. W, Weed, who hAt
Mr. And Mre, Emerson. Corn-
Sunday evening when. their
By Usborne Township Schools
featuring ',Messed ohoir singing, Solna, duets, tie,
Program will IA veriecl by reeding*
Thames Road Church
Friday, April 12 — 8:15
Admission 25f
ish were pleaeantly surprised on l'aei.e.....,,,,eueeeeemeneellieeeeefeeteeeeeeeeeeel,,,,,,,,ilmeie l lll emaeleieleemelele
daughter and son-ln-lAw EIS an
Mrs. H. A. Woods phoned them
from Red Deer, Alta., the dc-
casion being Mr. Cornish's birth-
day. .
M. and Mrs. 'Geotge Steven-
son, Marvin And ilarbere and!
ed on Seeday with Mr. and Ivirs,1
Miss Carol Herd of Guelph visit -
Rebell Ostler, •
Mr. and Mrs. George Hind arid
daughter of Walkertoe visited iri
Exeter on Sunday °Whig tri the
death of the former's aunt, MrS.f
Lewis Pletcher.
Mr. and Mrs, George PIetcher
of traetford attetided theat funer.i
ef. Mrs, Lewis Pleteber tot,
Mrs. tila Moore returned to
Toronto ont Sunday with Mt.!'
arid ge.e. Murray 111015re Who
Mee Ilelee 'Sweet, TerOoto,1
visited here.
Exeter Girl Guides Selling
Hot Cross Buns
Guides are now making a houSt-tb.holise canvasor g
orderS. V you have tiot had. A Guid6 tali ori yoU,
liloa50 contact _any girl you know 18 a Guide or pliale
Thursday, 'April 18 After 4 p.m.,
Fleas* hells your total Guides by Ft -lacing An order
front St. iteatys Aleeterial Hos- S0014 the weekend 144th .07' 461imitimoo.wmimo~mmannuotemmtionnowinhoommoiluttam 0"04i 0' an Saturdey evening. rnother,
aradei MIAS Amanda Shier were spent the w 14, eekend with her fath,
weddin at Xirkton United Church just rekurned .8Pendiug the
, winter Florida.
)tity Beth wks weekena Friends awl. relatives gathered:
O'retitirke in St. goys, Andrew Dougall Tridae eve -
Mr. and Mee, Wray Sweitzer /ling to honor Mrs. Cathatite
Ronnie and Barbara, at, Shipki :Ford VIM Was telebratitig her
atid Mrs.. Bert Rundle. Mr. Ana Met, , T. Nab') "
Mr. and NetarA. vvItilats,00 twisr: lattieti mrMre. afiebtittwChoutitItts ?Zola over
mrA. mmet. Attended the the wftkend gilt -Mill* service
visitor with her friend, Jane AL tii4 -.'5t Mr` 61111. Mrs'
were Sunday visitors wth Mr. eigthy-fourth birtry.
Mr. And Met, Olive §1. visited with,
wood visited with Mr. orid Mrs. mr. and Mre. Ott& over
"Cecil Dobson erk Sunday. the weekend.
M*soliie berieeet neld hi Tavie-•iet Agriettittitai Seliern et Ridge.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pilitistori
' And 'WS were in tlyth on Sum
lilt end Mrs. Frank TOW' daY O.Wiltg lb Or &fah of Mr -
ll 1 en Vialted en` Met. R. L, Paler, Hamilton,
leek Mt Wednesday evening. tuwit.
and ;testi, Mrs. Charles lime and (101instett's trinSid,
Stifiday Willi Mr. arid teen 'Isvisiting for .etv daya 'with I
Mr. TlieMaS
Dearing, Serbia,. I MtS. therlts •
Exeter HO), Week
jamas Street .Utlited Church
SCrVidele Centric:rite At * rt.rh.
tootiol Gott Proontr.
FirSt St. Anditw45 United Ow* LOA
tvoryhoily WoloOnto