HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-04, Page 14d 14 The TI ee-Aikfocetqt, April' 4t 1957
District C
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Phone 107 Lucan
Corre;pendent, Miss Lina. Abbott
Lenten Speaker
.,. 'Call'
D b Cll
escr1 _ e5 ..a
hlan5 far en
The March meeting of the 1Jn.i
ted Church W.M.S. was held in Lucan's third oldest resident,
the .church parlors last Thurs.' Mr, John Casey, celebrated his
day afternoon with the presi- 94th birthday quietly in his own
home last Friday. He received
dent, Mrs. Alex1oiig, in the
dozens, of letter and cards and
Chair and Mrs. E. R. Pitt's : many neighbours and' friends
group in charge of program and dropped in during the day with
refreshments. Assisting in the gifts and congratulations.
devotional period. was. Mrs. Geo. Son of the late Mr.' and Mrs.
Young Sr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomas Casey, he was born ou
Lewis. Airs. Myron Culbert and Concession 7,Biddulph on March
'rs. S. Chown sang a duet. Mrs. 29, 1963. He worked for some
rle Young was elected secreta- years in Cleveland and Detroit
'y to succeed Mrs. John McLean. before aking up farming on the
The guest. speakerwas the. edge .of Lucan.
Rev. A. Aylestock of North Ux'' He retired front the farm in
ton who gave a resume of the 1920 and for the next 15 years he
high -lights of her own life which and the Rev. J. J. Brown raised
were' instrumental in her enter- gladioli on a large scale. The
Ing the ministry. She also spoke last few years he has been con -
tin preparation for Easter. tent in the garden. When asked
if he would have a garden this
1 year he said, "Why I have MY
Se C. E. Robb potatoes all cut now, ready 'to
1 plant.
He is able to be up and around
Mate Farm. Agent •s every day but his eye -sight and.
hearing are not as keen as• 'they
FIRST for -all THREE. S were but heof can still play the
I' odd game of euchre,
- .may „�`' Ladies Guild
° The Ladles Guild of Holy Tri-
o nary church held its March meet-
«e,.,.,.-• ing an the Parish Hall. last Mon
day evening with the president,
Mrs. Kay Eyan in the chair and
the South End group in charge
a program and refreshments.
Mrs. U. F. Stanley read the
scripture. lesson.
•�ll'�`e� A number of articles for the
fall bazaar were turned in.
�,K�,• Two money making schemes:
Gill A Saints Day collection and a
children's Easter parade were
both turned down. Mrs. ..T. A.
Hodgins read an interesting .ar-
R;R. 2. L.uearr Phone 25-r-22 tiele on Religion. and Life.
Annual Ice Carnival
Lucan Arena, April. 12, 7p.m..
International Hockey Game
PRIMES FOR •-- The largest family •on skates, The
oldest person on skates. Children's competitions. Best
• clowning. Fancy skating (couples .only). Balloon race
(for adults). Costumes..
Feature Race Between Erwin Scott, Harvey Langford
and Don Ranting.
Byron Firemen vs. Lucan Firemen
Come One . . • a Come All
Admiseien—Adults 50¢; Children 25¢
T -A Subscription
Donates To W1
The editor of The ' Exeter
Times -Advocate has nff eyed to
help another Luean organization.
for .each new subscription the
members of the Lucan W.I. se-
cure the newspaper will make a.
donation towards Institute proj-
If °every member would even
get one each, what a boost it
would be 'to the W.I. bank ac-
To start the ball rolling, your
correspondent has already her
one subscription .and will try to
secure more before the contest
Times -Advocate
Circulates Camp
Mrs. 11, J. Porter of Camp
Borden receives a copy of the
Times -Advocate each. week. As
soon as shehas read it, she
starts it on its trip around the
camp, It stops atthe homes of
former residents of, Exeter, Dash-
woed, Hensall, Grand Bend and
By the time it arrives back to
Mrs. Porter, the next week's
copy is ready to begin its trip.
Probably there are few copies
of the Exeter Times- Advocate
enjoyed as much, by as' many
people as the one sent to Camp
It . is reports like the above
that make the T -A correspond-
ents feel their work is' really
worth while.
Attend Explorer Council
Counselors Kae Haskett and
Rose Revington of the Lucan-
Clandeboye Explorers and Mrs.
Murray Hodgins attended the
meeting of the Explorer Coun-
cil of London and district last
Monday night at Centennial Uni-
ted Church, Loddon. Plans were
made for •an Explorer Rally on
Saturday, May 25.
Easter crafts and favors for
a mother and daughter banquet
weredisplayed and explained.
Tentative plans for a Septem-
ber. Seminar for leaders of Ju -
tors, were discussed: •
Wins a $100 Suit
The Lucan LO.O,F. Lodge held
a ten table euchre and dance in
its lodge rooms l.akt Tuesday eve-
ning. High score prizes were won
by Mrs. Allam Hill and .Mr. 'Bob
Watson, Lone hand prizes went
to Miss Elaine Grainger and Mr.
Don Laughton, Mrs. Lorne Bar-
ker won the surprise raffle,
Reeve Cecil Lewis draw Mr,
Charles Conghlin's name for the
$100 suit.
The T.A. put the last two sen-
tences of Explorer News on the
end of the W.I. meeting so, "A
letter was read extending an in-
vitation to attend a meeting of
the United 'Church Evening Aux-
iliary. The meeting closed by
tbe. completing of crackers for
"shut-ins," should end the Ex -
i plorer News not W.I,
...at your fingertips
The first aid kit and insurance both
have important roles to play ht the
event of accidents.
tach year, the companies writing
accident and Sickness in.Suran.ce in
Canada pay Chit more than ,~ninety
tli/llittl dollar's (not including auto•
mobile accident costs) to policy.
Borders '• --a, mighty bulwark against
unusual financial strain,
It is Ear better,though, to prevent
accidents and miishaps,rathcr than to
deal with the treatment of their ser.
ious--and often tragic --after-effects,
That is why insurance companies
are constantly seeking ways to stem
Canada's nvittnting accident toll.
5afcty pays dividends .. •. saves
Lives, helps to lower yew insurance
costs, Be Catefuh
1,ah0 aX Alai then 1411' Niplelin. antpathi *Min
Oa, AutQMebili siYfi'Casually lasurallesoi
,one question for my good
friend l$ooin-Boont, "Is it lrO.-
bably that R.C.A.F. of .Centre -
ha. pickled upa ZP. few tricks in
Exeteaconsidering • so many
(inslu_ing john McCarrol) were
smoking cigars, and could Cen-
tralia have been accustomed to
soft ice having played. in Exeter
all season, while. the • western
gentlemen from 1%IcDonald were
used to a hard natural lce?"
1 Ali well, Lucan stili 'has ice
while some of our neighbours
are waging a losing battle with.
spring fever. Don't forget Boom,
old boy, your promise to assist
and cover the public school tour-
j The Leprechauns; our entry'
for the Goderich Kittle Canada
! Week, are industriously . worlcang
out three times weekly, on Mon-
days at 4 p.ni., Thursdays at
ptThpe.yin. araend laSoaktiugdaypsr
9 sha
and it's just possible these Boys
may bring home the bacon--
i rind and all,
' We would like to remind all
that April 15 is the deadlipe for
Music Festival entries, .,
• A ladies softball team is being
promoted for this season and
all those interested in participa-
ting are urged to contact yours
truly as soon as possible in order
to be lined up for workouts, when
the weather permits,
WARNING! ! ! Be on . your
toes folks! Kinsky and Hutton
are coming. Just received 'a let-
ter of confirmation from the
' Frank Tunney office, Toronto,
!that we will be able to start
wrestling in .the Arena at the con-
elusion of their contract with
London, which will be early
Friday, April 12, is the night
•for Lucan's. Annual Ice Carnival,
with fun"for young and old, and
a great assortment, of prizes. We
are anticipating an exceptional
turn -out for Lucan's final night
of skating and fun for the sea-
The tentative dates for the
Hobby and Trade Fair, are.
May 23, 24, and 25th. An ama-
teur show, will be one of the fea-
tures and we are interested in
hearing from competitors, •
Fern Filion, who this past
season spent many tireless hours,
teaching hockey to our young
fry, was the recipient of 'a beau-
tiful lighter presented by the
young hockey hopefuls in . appre-
ciation of his hard work, Best.
of luck to you Fern!' '
Franklin Hodgins
Dies In Ilderton
Franlin E. Hodgins, 55, died
unexpectedly Saturday March. 23
at, the home of his son Robert,
in Ilderton. He lay at rest in the
T. Stephenson and Son funeral
home, Ailsa Craig, till Tuesday
when the Rev. Maurice. Platts
of Vannuk United Church, con-
ducted the funeral •services.
Interment was in St, James.
Cemetery„ .Clandeboye. • Pallbea-
rers were six neighbours, and
1 nephews were flower bearers.
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Eli Hodgins hewas born on the
Coursey Road about a mile
south of Lucan. He barbered 'and
farmed at Ailsa .Craig before
moving to a farm ' on the 9th
concession of London Township
in 1939 where he has. since
He is survived by his wife,
the former Margaret Leitch,
three sons, -Robert and Donald
of Ilderton and Jack at home;
also five brothers, Arnold of
Parkhill, Evan, Wilson and Eric
of the Coursey Road. and Alfred
of. Toronto; two sisters Ethel
(Mrs. Maurice Corbett of Paris)
and Olive (Mrs. William Bannis-
ter of London).
Cali to Rockwood
Rev Albert Moore new sta-
tioned at Kelliker, Sask. is being
transferred to Rockwood; Ont.
in June.
Mr. Moore is a graduate of the
University of Western Ontario
and took his theological train-
ing at Emmanuel 'College, To-
ronto. He was ordained at Sault
St. Marie two years ago. He is
a son of the Rev. Dr. George
Moore of London. He ismarried
to the former Alice Stanley of
Lucan. and they have One claugh-
ter, Mary.
Mr. Moore will replace the
Rev. John Diltz who recently
died of a heart atttaek. Since
his death the Rockwood charge
has been vacant.
Craft ClIsses
Classesin . rug making taken
by Mrs. A. E. Reilly, in hooked
and braided rugs by Mrs, Myron
Culbert and in smocking by Mrs.
Gordon .Nicholson will be given
in the Lucan Community Me.
mortal. Arena on Thursday, April
4 at 8 o'clock.
A Robby Fait is planned at
which time all craft articles
made during the winter months
will be displayed.
Achievement Olteht
Sonne 50 members of the Lucan
Figure Skating Club from Park-
hill, Ailsa Craig, Clandeboye
and Lgcan 'and district, in lieu
of the usual Ice Revue las Wed-
nesday night staged an Achieve.
ment Night under the direction
of Paul Watton of London and
Margaret Neil. of Lucan. The
former had charge of seniors
and intermediates and the latter
the juniOr5,.
Dressed in blue slacks with
white uppers the young skaters
put on a splended derttonStratio►i.
and were a credit to their pa-
rents and teachers.
The first half hour Was a rou-
tine lesson to give: parents and
friends a detrirnstrotinn of how
lessons are no'nducted,
This was followed by the
Mitch Waltz,. Siving bailee and
Canasta, Fango by, the Sr.. girls,
a duet by Anne Marie M'urday.
and Margaret Neill it march by
the intermediate girls and solos
by the two leaders; Paul Patton
and Margaret Neil, after which
refreshments were serVed,
Perionill ltettts
Principal Wesley Clow of tlae'.
Lucan PS. Was brittle Thursday
and ,Friday due' to illness.
Please Turn to Page IS
Ljc.ns,en E nter ain
The T yron litons Clrlb, assist-; Sharp, London; :best dressed girl to, thirteen year old girls, Vickie
ed by the Lucan Lions, steged under z0, Leslie Carling, Lucan; Eisenga, Lucan; door prize, Air',
a successful ace .carnival ut ,the best dressed boy under 1,0, Dav,4 L Woizac'k; London, deck radia,
Lucan. , Arena last ,Friday eve- i wliyte, Lucan; most original, St, Marys Brass Band pro-
tying with a good crowd in atten. Junnate .Hankin, -London, beat ,yided mluste for tale skaters and
dance. ,, comic,, Linda Tatlow, Lucan, Pesjardine's orchestra for the
Parkhill and Byron Lions i Baces: six ,year old boys, rad dance which followed the caxni-
opened the evenrng with a hoc- aey ¥ason, Masonviue; six yeay v.aL
key game, Victory went to park- , old .girls, ll aralsy Hearp, Lucan;
hill watlr a score .of 1, t seven to nine year old boys,., I,i" , , �" , ,
One of the highlights of the Paul young, Lucan,, seven t .
evening was a broom' ball game,- nine year old girls, Barbara
between the Lucan Volunteer Beady, Lucan; ten to :thirteen
Fire Brigade and the Byron Vo- year old boys, Jerry Harrigan,
lunteer Fire Brigade; }which $t, Patrick School, .Lucan; ten
caused .much amusement, as. m ...a ,
player after player landed en R
his back. Exeter Min:iste:r
Airs. Harold. Ribson and Miss
Ling Abbott of Lucan and Mr, •
Dedicates _
lay Kohl, (.resident of the .... �Ifts = -
ByronLions)� were 'ud es for B r_ e. ;;.4.;;;;;;;;
yd g the .Rev, Norman D. Knax of U,ue nfo Intlu$;;,,';;;rt,niu/enlssn„ulli„u,gpuUgugg,gl.Nt„gig,Ilgflnlfgqpllll
The Lucan C`,I� t,T. met In the
United Church parlors last Mon,
day evening with. the president,
Beverly Butler, in the chair' and.
leading in the worship service
assisted by Marilyn Culbert and
Shirley Emerick:.
Linder the leadership of Mes.
G. E. Nicholson, purses were
completed and plans . made for
the making of snuffed dolls, The.
president was in charge of the
study .of Korea. •
,u t,lt.,. 1 UpN, g,.,lU ,,,gu,tgg,.u,pl,g,piliO4 opt,luuguigp„lug,grin,iil,Ii,n,,,i„i,,,Nw ililllltot
Q. .
H. J. Cornish i, F. Cornish D. Mitchell
K. W. Slade ` W. E. Suchard
291 DUNDAS ST. Dial 2•2651 LONDON, ON
the tid . Win- Exeter, was th1,e guest speaker at
ners 'wcostuiere: ess Queeanr; ofracesthecarnl- the special .+r}otliering. Sunday, iii,nn,IH,,,nIN„gniil,i,n,,,ii,,,,n,g,g„4,Y,ii,i„iNiY,i,gliin}i,,,4ggl,g,t,y,gl,niui,i,tn,illg,lnui,un,•
val, Mrs, Jack Steaey of Lucan; morning service in Holy 'Trina-
ldn,g of the carnival, Mr:. Kevan ty Church last Sunday.
Evening Auxiliary . During the Service he dediea-
The Evening Auxiliary of the led a • silver chalice and paten
United Church held its March donated by Mi. and Mrs. Clay-,
meeting in the church parlors ton Tfaskett, in loving megtorY
of the former s mother, Mrs, Ma -
last Thursday evening with the
president, Mrs, George Paul in mel G. Haskett; four buiseg•.sand :
the chair and Mrs. Erle Young's veils,, mit, mr Mr.ed by iMrs. andla=
group in charge of program and rence Hackett, Mrs, K. Egan
refreshment. 1 and the Evening W.A. and altar
The guest speaker: lilacs I. veng
linens, gift
Castle a London Baptist missio-
nary gave an illustrated talk on As leader of the Jr, Congrega-
her work on the Isle of St, tion, Miss Lina Abbott, and Mrs.
Lucia.B. H, Elliott; representing nio-
thers, .read tate lessons. There
Coursey School Euchre was .a splended congregation for
The rate payers of the Coursey this special 'service,
School held this week's Euchre
on Thursday night instead of
Friday night. The hostesses were
Mrs. Guy Ryan and Mrs. Evan
Hodgins. Owing to other activi-
ties there were only four tables
at play,
High score prizes .were won by
Mrs. George Hodgins and Mr.
Don O'Neil, . consolatidn prize
winners were 'Mr. Gerald Hod-
gins (playing a lady's card) and
Mr. Evan Hodgins. Lone hand
winners included Mrs, E. Mc.
Roberts and Mr. Eric Hodgins.
Humn Service
At the Wednesday Lenten .ser-
vice inthe Anglican Parish Hall
last Wednesday Rev. J. P. Prest
chose the parable, "The Two
Sons". Miss . Lina Abbott was
again in charge of the hymn
Owing to April 18 being in
Holy Week -the next .W.I, . meet-
ing will be held in the afternoon.
An addedattraction will be
numbers by the Lucan Glee
Hocke.. Tournament
For Public and :Sep+rate Schools .
.Competition, For The
Sponsored' by Lucan Recreation Council
Director of Tournament Harold Ribson
Imulti ,nuluuuIItI' ,
THi$ .GAR I5 SOUND) ( so 1'
,e 1.,., TIAIMMAJW4 t..
This Week's Specials
'55 MONARCH SEDAN, fully equipped ................ . 2335
We' have a fine selection of USED .02 -TON PICKUPS
And Surrounding Areas
New Headquarters For
We are pleased to announce the appointment of The :Exeter Times -Advocate
of Exeter, Ontario, as an agent for Remington Electric; Noiseless, Standard
and Portable Typewriters; Remington Rand. Printing Calculators, Adding
Machines, Carbon Paper, ,Ribbons and all office machine supplies.
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You are cordially invited to take advantage of the new up to the.mintite,
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Ready For Demonstration.
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