HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-04, Page 13th A" p A A A A A A A A. 4. F 4 A i p I, 4 AIr 5,8 p I4 A:. .:1' cl+ pd, p 8, '1\ At/ ete x;I rd Ft, r4.4 pt, 41,, Gi l alf4 1,54 "e! 44, • Alx 84 4 ,4A +t 4 01 p sr Submit Applications For Permits Three applieatioxaa. liar 'bu.ildw ing Permits were submitted to Exeter •council Monday night. Len Dilltea. proposes to build a $7,000 home at. the. corner of a Huron and William .Streets. Erie Heywood submitted plans for a .Ane,storrey $0IO04 lipase :on Huron street and Ernest Wells ,is plan, ping to. build a Nome on IIarb borough street. For Alh Building Needs `_FRFb t-IALBREISC. • ttunA kk,r,plpk i�kAMapt *5011 '" ato0ttoa! � ti?FQ?aial�4 444 a1+Aina 744494 pal ritala O•loste al;entwm 11.4414411T Sat,* DESIGN C'400 Free. circulation between rooms is an important item in the easy operation of a household, This plan has a direct connection be- tween the front vestibule and rear entry, A small hall leads to three bedrooms and hath, and may he reached without distur- bing the privaoy of .any other room. Basement stairs, Coat e10- set;t9nd lavatory are all conve- •nient to the rear entry. Mi L-shaped living room, with a f'old'ing, door to close off the dining apace„ and a combina- tion kitchen -dinette complete the first ffpmi",. There is >E hit basement. Exterior , features, include picture windows, fire., place - chimney, Covered front entrance, stone or brick facing in front, wide • siding, and as- phalt AMMO, Floor .arc.e is 1,440 sq, ft, and eubage 8011 Eq, ft, Order Plans Here EXETER TIMES,ADVQCATE,' Exeter, Ontario Plea*. wend .me more information, without obligation, About the plan feetures end the type .of construetien used in the Times-Advacit% haliaie as pictured in The NAME.,Noun.; VHu,,,H.,H,P.,.,.,b,,,,f....................... o.. 11,,,,...,.,.,,.,,,1,. ADDRESS C iTY v P. ROY, ., I,,,..,,,,, I,,,., 111111111,1t111,6111111111„alit;e111111111U11111IIIII I I,I1111111111,t mon llltllll I Spencer Special 44. on BARCLAY TILE FOR BATHROOM AND KITCHEN 1` Square Foot '-A1 Only .29c .. , (Regularly 45# Sq. Ft,) 4 x '8 Sheet -- Only $9.28 BARCLAY TILE comes in a variety of coloulrs. It is very easy to keep clean and gives a smart appear- ance to your kitchen or bath. Be wise, visit us today and give . the "new look” to your kitchen and bath- room. A. Spencer & Son Phone 102•W Hensel) ptllllrk111l11i1gllqu,111f4111,11111111111111,1111,1!1111}111111mI1,g1111tIt1111111110111,11111 there'll be no water hauling' at your cottage anymore ... once yoq've installgcj a WATER SYSTEM /6129.9541 arse. tn,lellelien gar q I/, M.P. dir.c4 preln,F. set pwnp wish 3,Q AOIIo11 110, hgfl4re tank 8888.. 8114 ..._-.,„^_ _::................. Packaged Water System Fitt in Less Than 2 Square Feet of Floor Space Here's a t:ohplete packaged shallow Well Water system .. , an asseinbled,ready to install. Qgickly attached to house line And well. Only extras you need are pipe And 'foot valve. And it's so compact it its under a sink or in a nearby cabinet. So srnall you tan 'tartly it in the trunk of your ear. • Pumps en the water you need Mr your cottage or Antall home. We have Sta-Rite water AYiteroi for every home or farm Medi - COO in and Ict's talk about your requirementii.,l Phone r W. L. Hodge plumbing. Nesting Electrical TRY OUR PRICES Crediton' Getting Grass to ' Grip By DEAN HOLIDAY Getting grass to grip on a ter- race and thrive afterward is sometimes a perplexing .prob tem for the home gardener. There's a trick or two, how- ever, by means of which you can accomplish both things this Spring'. One effective way of establish- ing 'a new lawn on a slope or terrace is to use, reinforcing strips of sod at the top and bottom, as shown in the accom- panying Garden -Graph• Seed should be sown between the strips of sod and then covered to prevent it being washed away by heavy rains. Straw spread to a depth of two to three inehes can be used for cover and hold the. seed, or cheesecloth can be stretched over the slope pegged in place. Even after the grass has been established on a terrace care must be taken when watering it. A. goad ,method of watering. is by means . of canvas hese, shown in the Garden -Graph. Use of a canvas hose permits absorption as the water slowly oozes from it. The top of the slope • should be soaked, longer than the font, ,;ince the rpoisture tends to move downward in the soil. In cutting grass on the ground of a terrace, move up and. down the slope, Trying . to cut cross- wise will . invariably leave the ridge scalped by the bedknife. Then it is only, a question of time until the grass turns brown and is burned out. Grass on terraces is often ex- posed to direct rays • of the suit, Sail washes easii}Y from.! around This Week In Saintsbury By MRS: H. DAVIS Misses Joyce McFall! and Margaret Hertzet spent the week- end with Heather DAVIS. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys visited With Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Dickins, 14ambetil, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Scarlet of Sea• forth spent Thursday With Mr. and Mrs, James Turner.. Friends who called to see Mrs. Fred Davis during the past week were! Mrs. W. J. I iekint, Ludati. Mrs. Tint ICooy Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Meuriee Mebonalff. Centralia, Mrs, Mttrdie Colbert and Albert, BallyMote, Mrs-, Clarence Fletcher, MI's♦ Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn, Clrom.4 arty, . Mr.- Cliff Ings. and 11tr, and Mrs, Alvin Carroll, London, vis- ited during the weekend r'vith Mr, and Mrs, }tarry Carroll and Mr. Hugh Carrell. Master Wayne Carroll spent the Weekend at the home of hip' rrindparenta! AVtr, thndi Mr*,,. etirY IMMtne, LOOM Mr, and Mrs, James :Barker and fancily visited en Sunday With M're, Orvld Ddlc find Linda i1 London, the grass crowns, exposing the surface roots. Here high cut- ting is doubly important, The taller grass will reduce soil washing and the evaporation of moisture. - 5 : .11114.5 t Basement The Ti. �lAk!; 4WbM.tltk!M5MiiiliktMllii,llkll4f4Nkka!},kk(Hnt! a f ArBargain Vane W:alien are thehunters when it comes to bargaida; mere lean! is apt to goad; at the ,prospeet. But hasernentswhen, itthe :.coatameeslt 'tofulls batseem'gain 10 have got the jump on them. l-IQhne basements, .that isl it's the 'naan, of the house, ac- cording to the Canadian Insti- tute of Plumbing and Keating, who has hien most .energetic in the trend toward cenversiQla from the old type basement to the modern "finished basement", This trend, which istoday an established .fact in new IiOusidg, is now hecwn pg wide•spreaii amheongdays houswheeosn diet were built in tthe busetnent was regarded as little more than .a dudgeon, And perhaps the interest of the man 0f the house in Pita area is not without logical LQtlndatirn• After all, his was the. responsi- bility for tending the family fur- nace, that great flionster of grime and soot whose abject slave he was from late sunt - mer until early spring of every year, Its replacement by a modern heating plant is ane of tile' pri• mart' stalls .iii converting the basernelht from its tele of fardilY juiaksh4p tonhone oder'pnf usepiefulnt, to. recreae- tion. •l'he b - gin with, is compact and can generally be housed in a fairly small enclosure somewhere in a corner, instead of being the lord of the area the old one was. And even if m, attractivethis appearance pet of possiblethe nnwthe models makes their presence no detraction from the decorative Urges Pian For Growth "Growth of your towns in the future, will mean Changes of va- riousbinds," said John Pearson, last week in Clinton. "Be ready by good planning now, to di- rect this growth as it comes, by guidance into .the paths you want it to follow Mr, Pearson, who is field lia- ison officer from the C4mmuni• ty Planning Branch, Department of Planning and •'Pevelapment, Toronto, was speaking to a iohftcials gromeinetingthe of mupie.countiesipalH ofuoffi- ron and Perth. These two counties areLively ;♦onesofthone eMid- andWester.p• two respeUnta- c- rio Development Association. Arranged for the'• purpose of discussing town planning, under the gttidapce of Mr, Pearson, the meeting saw more than 50 muni- cipal leaders from Stratford, St, Marys, Listowel, . Blyth, Milner- ton, l3iussels Exeter, Mitchell, Seaforth, Itensall, Winghamm, Zu- rich, and Clinton and Goderich ip attendance. • Mr. Pearson . reviewed the seven basic types of land, use, starting with agriculture, (the first)through residential„ eQm mereial, industrial, Teadx: sod streets, parks and playgroods, and municipal grounds. He emphasized that commer- cial areas must be kept com- pact, for . people want to shop where they can move easily from one store to another, and within reach of banks, post office and municipal .buildings. --Please Turn to Page 15 11111M1t,!,Il,kltll,tkini,,, kl11111,111111t111111111111111111,[Ilr� AND All Building Materials For The Lueon Arpa,it`.s H. B. Langford Phone 64•W Won 4141101,14 ,,,,, 11141111,66#111,11016146111616t1611114,00 Do You Appreciate SERVICE? Sure, we're glad to sell LUMBER and BUILDING SV.P.PI,IES but we're happy to provide yoti with helpful services too. Here are just a few of the EXTRAS you get at Dashwood, • PROVIDE BUILDING HINTS AND ADVICE • MANUFACTURE SPECIAL MILLWORK • FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL JOBS • HELP PLAN HOMES AND l~'AJW $uzIoINGS • ptEE PLAN SERVICE b NI atmosphere of the now basement it lam, il, Of course the fact that the amount .of w:ert; necessary to service, fuel a11d eielaan .thrift only a fraction ,-et that demanded by their predecessors la not .over- looked Icy that former slava, friend husband. And he's attract• ,ed, too, by the fuel economy that means a substantial saving to him.Catch season., lint, after ell, his main -con- e' finished -con- cern i s that the f n shed .base - anent opens tip for hint and 'his. fanhily, AI completely new area for living, for pursuing hobbieer, craftsmanship. and ;the like. or, for that matter, T -Viewing in quiet seclusion, .or party' room where he and his cronies can retire for a convivial quaff and a chat are aetivities that will have his favourable vote, 'ale new basement, however, has a dividend bargain for the lady of the house. When it is fanned, she should put iner planned, a portion of iIt t, .enclpsed in its own privaoy, whore a properly appointed and equipped laundry room cad be installed, an that. Mondays need .no longer be 'blue" for her. In this roam, modern, easy -to -clean laundry tubs, or perhaps a combination tub-and•sink unit, will replace the old pop vitreous .albs, and round the new unit she can plan her laundry flow so thatthe least time and effort is necessary to keep the family's linen fresh and 01eap without having to pay for it ip back -aches and bard labour." So this basement, right in the home itself, may be found to contain fur of those through 'Which women have fought their way down the years, CEMENT We have CEMENT available at all times by the BAG or TRUCKLOAD. CaII Us For Quotations G. Thompson AND SON Phone 32 He•nsall Spray Brush Painting _ a HOUSES, :BARN'S ROQFS ETC, Lyman Gratton Phone 53 Grand' Bend Spada! Offer a •'•'.'E'xten e y F.rom; April -4 to April I1 e:.. 11t 1 +,,,,,,M„a,,.#„a,M I,,,.I....r1..A„A,i,.1,I,rw, Agri Tongue end Grooved e,k,k,. SOO "T'I Cash end -Corry Build The Huron Way B Complete . line of Materials for ALL BUILDING Nips uron Lumber = Phone 40 ,yupul,r[u 1lu,rrl ul N, n IIr4l1l,11l,nr! r,vinlukllnr,l ,ul11lMII! gknU!rlHlrhtivktnlNlH,}4}ll!!1likliNlM1}e!!fl L..IMiTED Mein Street -obiter X Lindenfields I.IMITItD Phone 111 ExlhN A Complete Heating Service Backed By Quality Equipment LENNOXC ' with the Five -Year Warrantyf 'inclu4intt alt contpetlll. 'uit t i etc, New ;minty air filters! cxcluaiye. ,staros 0., tto1111- 4I burner mounting. ANTHES IMPERIAL An outstanding line of Osten ,ward,winnlni ft4ret!leet *Ow ment. Deluxe or standard units in ,as or oil. GOOD -CHEER? • Oil, coal and wood furnace; and this new automatic: bin;} anthracitI b4rnar, — AL -. CF WOMAN MANVFACTYRIE Free estimates .on new instellations•and alteration; Por-outek ity furnaces and oil burners to suit your requirements, cents* ' Lindenfields Ltd. PHONE 101 EXETER: Tradesmen• Directory• Cansult this Directory for expert work in construction i repair. Your. iacai tradesmen are qualified to give premp$, efficient service at reasonable prices, ' Plumbers Quality • OI Heating 1NSTALLATIONS HOT WATER and WARM AiR PLUMBING Is A Sp.cielty Lorne Kleinstiver PHONE 14S DASHWOOD ALF ANDRUS PLUMBING HEATING SHEET METAL WORK OIL. BURNERS. We will be glad ,to assist you in designing your home. We have drawn plans for a number of district buildings, Call en us 'when you're thinking of 11 II In i 402 ANDREW STREET • or retroalollin V l!► repairing ting PHONE 19 EXETER Philo. Ow Dashwood ,, Masons For A Gaal Mai' calf ” JOHN WEBSTER • Mien PHONE .2f7•10/ EXETER Suppliers L. H. TURNBUL AND SON CONCRETE RLO4K TILE SAND i GRAVEL Excavating and , Gradinaii PHONE 223-W GRAND !LEND Landscaping PHONE STEWART WEBB' at 34*r.24 DASHWOOD for all LANDSCAPING JOBS Contractors MILTON WEBB CONTRACTOR 15 Wears Irl C'onstruetioit "WE BUILD THE EBVI`”' Phan, 14 RA$HW;40p Carpenters CALL, DOUG TRIEBNE'R for a Tep,Grade CARPENTER Dant Delay—phaeoe T.deyi PHONE. 420,W12 EXETER H. A, HAMILTON Carpenter Pr.. Estimates Given PHONE 221 GRAND .DEN Electricians - ERIC ?Unmet LLPlumhille ' Electrical Wiring PHONE 51 •1lAND EEN GARFIEI D THOMSON Ceman.rciatk industrith!l anal Demeatle ln;attallatlan PHONE 2324M '11X1r1 Decorators r TOM WALKEIr pale i soil PaIN«t'l•i Earllt $ OP** * 1 H0Nlrl See Your Local Tradesman