HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-04, Page 11s ?porF,.fro7t....Partiment Little. To .Retoice -..About In New. Federal Budget • In the 195.3. :election, ;Conserve- Why :are Jana SO high? There hew ;than .they were aleW years. twe eanclidates all ever :Canada are several reeSenS, ago„ they are. realiy making were telling the People Phat taxeS The people themselves demand, RielleSt. 'they don't seem to rea- were too high. If that were true far too. nitich from the govern- lize how tlitt .hals .shruuk s 1953 a. must certainly is deubly inent. This is one reason. A gov- m a g Tee$ e" CLASSIFIED RATES FOR. SAE 1 L le I NV MACHINE, National 25 words or lei* 70c. .1 'Viet II er pares: ee; Pre -e eta Twin iteluxe steed '4 ntontbs. cream, 6eparator, 1150. lbs. Cepa-city, *Marc Than g Wards -7, ,oaect monthe, still smiler gee,rall- tee; New Idea alower • mower, only la 'Par word.. CUL -30 aermA, new .conaltion; re- triie in 1957, beeause.they have. eminent, too long in POWer---that if it isn't sufficient to buy •what SYCCEEDING --------1N50t mem "'el' "At' old' 411aPe, • ; wan . been. going up and up ever since, la another reason, - a • ....• s •. a fi. eteel roller, .co»ipletels, over. : MoroWard* "me 'lir Per Word. 200. OFF it id: ,osi.c1 with. order or.,OY SeturdoY .fellowine ;the, 1401 .Insertien. $01Mi0Pispialf (Restricted to .one .coiumn)- first inse.rtiOn Oer Jnch Subsequent IneartiOnk 14e Per inch ,Classified arts accepted up till ifVetirleStlaY noon.. Anctlort Sale 9 hauled. oew bearinge, .epply Al- a TO many people dependiog on , MoneY is OnlY the means Of ea - •government handouts. For M- ,ehange, and talking about ex - stance, in 1939 we had on the gov- change, what Wouldn't a. lot a ernment PaYroll 44,000 civil ser- people give to have an exchaege vents, hut iA 1056 we had four •of government. A move she]) as LIMOS that number, 188,000 to be this would do more to get the qv - exact. In the past 17 years, it Was dinary people back •on their feet an inerease of 0,470 •per year. Ithan „any other one thing that The government are spending eould happen, so much money. they don't seem Our trouble in Canada is that to be ablecto 5udge as to hew we have too many splinter par - much they really need. Last year ties whieli are costing Canadians they eellected $33.00 iter head 'millions of dollars per Year. If more taxes than was needed to you want to save taxes, here is run the country, one plebe where a great Wing InflationarY pressures have de- could be made without in any strived the, purchasing powers a way lessening any benefits • to Copy should be M Ines ay the dollar, the result being old any. person. We -must have an op. noen. ago pensions, family allowances, position to the government,. but and war pensioners and all those we don't need three opposition who operate on fixed incomes, }parties. In MY mind there should have found the Ping pretty be only one opposition Party rec- tough. When these pensions were ognized. That would gave the tax.. set up the dollar was worth 100 payers of Canada millions of dol. cents but now the dollar is only liars per year, and I know where, worth 531/2 cents. Quite a dif- of I speak. ference. That was the reason the If any party. is strong enough government raised the allowance•,to brief; back the largest group from 40 to 46 dollars for the old:at election time, then that iarty age pensioners. should be the government. The The Conservative opposition second largest group should be thought $50 would have been the official opposition. All other much nearer the mark. As a mat- groups should not be recognized, ter of fact, we were of the onin- I McKenzie King was responsible ion that if the government had for the recognition of two splinter S1,000,000 to give to Nasser, of parties in Canada, lie realized Egypt, to clear the Suez Canal I that So long as he could keep the which he himself blocked. then people voting for three opposi- surely a $10 increase to old age tion parties, his party could stay Pensioners was a very conserva-Iin. power indefinitely, and it tive increase for those who had worked. reached the•age where they were I The Conservatives are the only no longer able to help or keep party who have any chance of re- thernselve's, I placing, the Liberal Party, and Family allowances got a slight j would hope that when election increase but not enough to coni- ' day rolls around the people will pensate 'for the decrease in value I remember and return a two - of the dollar. The average person party system back to Canada, .01 seems to think that because they couldn't think of any one thing are making so much rnore money that would mean so much to the ' taxpayers in savings. 'Anyone who has had the op- portunity of sitting in the House of Commons in session, realizes what a waste of time there is in daily recognizing three opposition parties, and it costs Canadians a lot of. money to keep Parliament sitting. Even pne extra day means thousands of dollars to the taxpayer.' The budget presented by the Minister of Finance the other day was, in my opinion, very poor reasoning. To the people. he said "spend less and save more." yo the Government it said "spend more and save less." Parage Sunday And Evening Service Open this SunclaY, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the • week. Larry Snider Motors Haife An Annual Check•Up A routine precaution to ensure your contin- ued good health. For free literature write F. R. Dobbs Phone 200 • •14411111•4•411MMISM44.114 Exeter South End Service Specials (This Week Only) * Front Wheels Packed * Brake Lining Checked * Brakes Adjusted All for $1.19 PL -U -S Because GOODYEAR 'has come out with a newly de- signed tire , we have stock in NO. 1 GRADE at SPEC - South End Service - CAM Russ and Chuck Snell Exeter Phone 343 PHONE 328 EXETER ' posed to be announced in the up a.nd rep a 44111111111111111111111,11111MAM e t e ttatimitti lllll timitottetittlitittiummulititti l i lll lll witstiit tttttt Ittitittittltalto, House not at a banquet or ‘a tested for sesd strength in c'eld, meeting. However, the large wet soil temperattires soarli.48phodiele- MMISter of Agriculture and he 67s112-2. 4:4-1a5e 4404104.4040.044410.1.044.. ERA Equipment Freel Professional Instruction With Each Purchase adairi PliOTOR AP Ii.E.11 bete W. abirran, $ phone b83 -r-11, . 4(3 FOR Sable AND REMOVAL 1 - storey rement block veneer hoese, 21, .barn S0x10, Apply Harry Strata:, MR, 1 genooll, phone 177 - CAR RADIO, ROA 'Victor. j'e4cettifct tale Exeter. model. Phone 347 after 7 pan. 4* CLOTHING. size 30 to 12, allapurpose coat and bat, shortie coat and skirts; 2 ladies' stilts, alai:, 12. Phone 141. 4c CAMERA, German Ileflex 10 3.5 Ile- Ilecla 11, with case, l'olgtlancler flash and fliteta unused, 00.00 eon). do plop. Pliente 02,11 Crediton. - REFRIGERATOR. A - 1 condition, guarantee still.valld, sealed unit, FOR SALE 1952 • alle•TE'OR, Cestornilne sedlm, w°°4 .Plwr'e 167 °rand Sen4dc• auteMatie transmission, distant sine ems. overall condition, tivVeer'y ex;o1r11; ajupaitstare"aieebitiai,"al,11"al‘l'illa.t'llba3PsiF:671.1".rileistfl,:leas eovere, turn signals, beater, epos,- Idata light, air eonditioner, 3.4 eta ft.. best offer. ApplY 'Well- verse:enable., Phone Exeter 747-rae. Oeptralia, phone a83-1Vel Exeter. 7 tic 4r: TIME MAGAZINE — introeUctorY IcAINES' aPRING COAT, pale blue, rftrte3i6.S179, wleVeeic1131 51120.947r; 7n8an7eeeekIsl t:ezetIrt 1a6t, ttragdr Cleerndellet.". gaY be the loaning list or amy niaaas ne, Exeter Times -Ads -4)041W. Phone 1770, aitai HOLSTEIN . 00We, yews grade, neW Milkers and alose spririgers, Norman alarr *On, Lambeth, Phone Pyrolt 130-a3 or 107-411. alaa-48;4•114 FOR RENT • • oalif NISturniOceTTRAGEE: B2ibtketTio, 4.7 awolltizhi .51-• East., EXeter, phone S9-.1.. 40 BRICK HOUSE, Saioom, elose to Hensall, rieWiY decorated, 'were, SPEOIAL OFFE1,1—Subscriptions to available by May 1; Phone Hensall a1u• ' • I Po -t Ladies 35. 40 Fauna Jourria,l, Holiday; an toree eter aunessArivocata, phone 770, ture. Phone las.shwood. 40 for $10.UU. Limited time oply—Ests 50 ACRES GRASSLAND fer pas - laths , . a BED -SITTING ROOM, nnferrilehed. CLOVER IIAY—Will sell reason- 2 -piece bath,. pa.ntry,, beated.',- all able. Phone 84-r-3 'Lurid:. . 2$:4* 41,,,ti)toligesm.r8p.aiN17.tai 19-r-3 Kirktori, gerlyraCteoateesp, trpahnocneR. STA.OK. OF STRAW BALES about , le 500, 250 ach. Apply A. V. Elliot, phone 476 Exeter. A, 3 APA RTMENTS., mbd ere, Apply . , - 1- Hodges store, .plione • 7 Creditor', PERCHERON TEAM, aged 9 alsel . 4.11c 10; elealormiels ,DeerIng binder, 7 ,s.no(ii4. APARTaiENT fiarashed, rt. cut; M -D 13 -run drill Mal mark- tea h t 1 e 1 ' der rated. ers, neiv conditioe, Pholie .26-r.2 k T ea, e'. 1.1 w 3'.... . p . erediton., - .......,, - vat a.ble, now. Phope sine axetez, seas. 4c 'REAL ESTATE EMPLOYMENT WANTED KETATE fiouss: — Modem Pi. CLERIC TYPIST rersitirea lob In storeS, red brick botises full baee- niXeter ourroanaleg dietriet, system, beater, ferettee And: Mil, in typing and generai office work, launarY tebs, eoft water refsta experience, lest and ;lacerate iar.Virst flOor Vettitains Modern, Phone 43644 ;Exeter. 40 kitelien, dining roam, living reetn, meeter bedroom stud 2-.Plece. heati. Upstairs contains 3 large. bedrocons, aapiece bath anti solving reein. AOMie closet space end drodsle. garage. For MU partirelare apply Erie HeYwood, Phone 040. 28tfe SWE,ET CLOVER SEED, Yellow Blossom; $5 per bushel. A.PPIY APARTMENT, available May 1. Godbolt Apts., 'Topa. St. -phone 202. Dougal Clerk, phone SO -P-2 Iomean. . - -1'287 AP.AIITMENT, eteasn healed, nicely decorated, suita.Ple for two peoPle. , YELLOW SWEET cLoyzn ard lasag. thnothy seed, good quality ami at.- bath, $30.00. ,Sanes, Elliot, Phone room. aitchenette, bed and tractive .prices. Apply Da.vid„ Blatk- 476. .4:11c well, Parr Line, phone Haag Zur- ich. , 2 la.2817 SP allTMENT, clownstair, in Hen- sel!, modern facilities, nicely decor - from registered seed, 31.25 bushel. s for seed, grown ated, private eotrance. Apply Mrs, GARY OATS, fit Tames Smillte, pbone 1224 Ben- APPIY Alvin Robson, learkton, phone 2a2sa, sail or Clarence tab:1111e, phone464.1.; 6S -r -S.. s.Dizaeael„'IAPARTMENT, in Shipka, 2 -beds ltfc GULLS' HAM and coat, Pink. The general public as a whole KITCHEN RANGE, wood. alai, aaamea hydro, indoor toilets. Ione . • 1,:oroeidni,to Ini.ving room, kitchen, full ' basement, hot and. cold water, ie. good eonditioil. Phone 103, got .very little to• rejoice about. in good • condition, modern design. , A' little here and there. Very ac- Coal and wood gatee, ' considers . the depreciation of the baar.tsei: 7 neaiii„L,rt,o;:15:1:,?!,.,77!-I ...z, 1,.... .„ ...h....a. 411 formation Hensall. • ceptable doubt --but when One front attac.nment, reeerl•Itr, 150 ACRE F.A.RM, or acreage, ehaee or apply fax dollar the government certainly noixszY OATS, grown from Reg. bits Tintee-Advocata. didn't excel themselves in giving NO. 1 seed, well saved, 90e Ions. too much away. Faber, BM; .3 Exeter, pboni. , 7. f ‘.•• • :- — • c We had the Concentrated Milk - Hensall 650-4. a • , • .4 sa . .e-It00a4 APA.R.TatEa.T. .Centirtottltlac Village. 'AM:1Y next to Station Cen- Producers in Ottawa Just the COB CORN—ApplY Arthur Rundle, trellis. other day. They held their annual phone 457-iall Exeter. 4c - APARTMENTS—A number of 1e , meeting in Ottakva. While there TURNIPS --. Victor Jeffrey, phone and 2-bedrooin apartments. W. c. they met the cabinet, the official , 437-ro..2, Exeter. 4o Pearce. Realtor. 86 Anne St. 15tfc opposition ,and others. I ' For years milk producers have SEWING 'MACHINE, Singer, drop 12 APARTMENTS—Apply Vasty -Nu head; dining room table; small Duo- 1 Bakery. phone 100. .Zurich. 9tfc been pressing for more consid- Therm oil heater; bookcase; 36 rt. eratiori from the Government. , extension leader; number of used SMALL HOUSE,. living room, kit- ,Aliase atiolosi n Apsply R. E, Bale- ellen, bedreom, bathroom, small Four years now they have been East, Exeter, garderr, street .floor, ie gxeter. going back financially. Finally phone 894. 1 t. 4c Apply Mayfair Bakery, Exetet, '21.tic on March 20 they held a banquet - • in the Chateau Laurier Hotel. STIFF TOOTH CUL,TIVA.TOR, 10 ' s phone 52 fla Massey -Harris; s -furrow John safALL STORE. heated. Apply John The Hon. Mr. Gardiner was the Mere Plow. Phone 481R2 Hensel!. Ward, phone 345 Exeter. • 40 guest speaker of the evening'. What happened? IPIONEER, Bele'D CORN, backed by AP.kTISTMENT, ground floor un- planting agreement. Pioneer gives furnished, heated. hot aid cold Well government policy is sup- you free seed efor any arn If you must disc wafer, built-in. cupboard; use of ' 'laundry for wattling: private ent- rance. Blatchtord A.pts. , 4* 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, 'utilities. paid,' Private entrance. Phone*480- -Br or apply- 33 Huron St. E. SW° Ifs DOI3BS For - DODGE '55 DODGE REGENri SEDAN, gree; $1,895 454'PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE HARDTOP Tutone, radio .'53 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN Radio, new tiros, maroon. )53 PONTIAC SEDAN ttttttttt . . Tutong, air conditioning, '53 FORD SEDAN, tutone, radio 41 52 PLYMOUTH- LVEDRE HARDTOP Radio, tutone, '52 cntv COACH, radio, A -I. '52 DODGE SEDANS (2), each '51 DODGE SEDANS (3), each ... .... . 50 FORD COACH, green, a real honey '50 METEOR & PONTIAC SEDANS your choice of thee two A-1 cars 47 DODGE 'COACH, a good one .. . • 44 ON SPECIALS '53 DODGE SEDAN R ' EGENT . . .. • Radio, spotlight, windshielawashers, new tires. (This car is privately owned and can be purchased privately or through us.) "51 'PLYMOUTH SEDANS (2), each '40 PORI) COACH, ttttone, radio '46 MERCURY SEDAN'. ItslaAtAltr OA* AIN 14e.01.01VIA 46 DODGE COACH,. good 144AA4I4•4i0411A4O440411.11.114+ '48 HUDSON COACH ,,.,OI,, W.i10,1i4.4*00.1,6111tottlYttt* 1,645 1,195 1,195 1,295 1,150 1,150 1,005 105 695 546 295 1,250 505 395 175 05 195 Exe7 erMotorSates Phone 200 001day:retrain 65 to gathering was too much for the Tr''Llotrt 11'01 (TfIlagrettiet Migtinegml)gi:1; gtigigr;r;;EIViaciT, ileir p'elLi_itT),a);i,i; the government had deeded to buggY; white Deetahle .letitrie sew - place a floor of 170 on first grade ing machine, With attachments. Phene 140 Kirktort, spray milk powder, and on first - grade roller milk powder a floor GOOD WORKING TEAaf gray end iblack ,,,tiatv,..ts..Spyly tie Gordon on Stone. Being in conversation 'with. 31.11. ° ' - — 4° of 140 per lb. 2(k:Iiined AmTlitrilibouerghfifit the strangem,ih! l'''°°V*. r individually designed enetwer foundatInne. afre. Beatrice Woods. 'RE AS VOUNG as your fig - government, after holding out for ;11in,rin.. 3 Exeter, phone 104-t-6 leak - election, considered the concen-1 44: four years -now, just before an Crated milk produeers were en.. !GIRL'S COAT, alleperprise, size io. imav. be $een at Brady (flamers. 4. titled to a floor on their product; I one man said, Surely they BAT OMB. large size, full Panel - weren't trying to buy our votes led, and mattrese. $20, Apply Ears ling's Lease: store, geed iwith our 'own money., Jtilootz 4.6 i Strange as it may scan the(audition, Phone 06 between 11 and. !BOY'S Lillorrix, farm vote is very netessary at- 12g an. or ,iter 4 p.m.. or s,pply' election time. Farmers can by ,104 8RUrtql , f., after 4 P.m de their vote tither elect or defeat ' 7 HOL8TEIN HEIFERS, between election farmers are in the first: tested. Prleed “ro 'mem rtha al'oB a government. Just before an 7oo end gal ths ',seal -Ea privileged position they have 'TAAItYonA, 'Nil% ,R.edi'ge,htlphodnteat(‘11-sr-ii i 4* found themselves in the past four years, nantely to tell the govern- ment what they cad do. The agricultural industry hs not only been forgotten in the Past four years by this goVern- nient, but it wat also completely forgotten in the budget. If any other 15% of the populatien had suffered in the past four years like the farmers of this country, we would have had a rebellion in Canada. You see, you Just tan't exactly starve a fanner. Ile Will get entingli to eat in spite of the gev- eminent. That is the reason he SufferS se long before he gets up On his hind Mgt and dcfnands his rights. Now, bOWevetf We see the Gov- ernment once again bidding for the farnier's vote. What a hopet How much do they think farmera tart take and still Vote the gov- ernment beck bib power? Prod Dobbs, Peels, Nights 762.W or 7694 I „ 34.40.,A31 BIKE, Pleglieh style, one year .old. jest teerinditioned. Apply Aro„ 2, 459 Main Sts Exeter. 4. "ils A N MACHINE. Bea NY. Phone •341-1V Exeter Dr appiy Pant 4* , . 1347 OLDSMOBILE, :4 door eecian, black. with Hydramatie transmis- sloe, cotton: push buttoo radio and tubti.lees tires. This eat, le In tee very best nf cordilloe end t an be mniehtseed fnr 5350,00 by contaetina Rob J-Iftri'n11 ef 211 Ai On nein Delve. ncAF Statioe, or panne 544. 4e , rrtmertur SZEti Pherie 14 -r -2e Klekton. 4t t.kly,r)nitoti toAit available fer V,"01,reelsnablA8R°.blteinit?rtileleY, ;11.7iid af"ptTri! bred Heletelo heifer, am. erre 17, Phone .53.13 lel:erten, Ernie Pattie. 4* . Farm's Noises BUMPING LOTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Exeter 1.,ARGB BRICK :HOUSE Bast aide, of fawn, all Modern convenienCes, Good sige iIyiiig room. large, -dining roam and modern. kitchen. Three laree bedroome„ two bethroome, fell basement, laundry tubs, oil furnace. •Priced• at Onbt 510.800. ATTRACTIVE HOME East elde .of Exeter, coMplete_IY modern. Living room 14 x 27, wieh 2 picture windows and fire - Place. Kitchen with built-in cup- boards, Three good size. bed- rooms, 4-plece bath, Location on good lot near schoole, • 100 ACRES NEAR TOWN Bank barn with good etabling, taicken house. Brick house, all .conveniences, four bedrooms, full basement, coal furnace. 70 'acres of tillable. land, 25 acres of pasture, 5 e.ceest busb. Plentl- ful supply of water. 510,500, 200•ACRE 'DAIRY FARM. Bulk barn,' good stabling, mod- ern house. Terrifio opportunity at 53,000 down. SERVICES 200 ACRES—LARGE BARN Stabling tor 100 head, Weil lo- cated on highway. Modern houae. TWO miles from Exeter, We also have litaed • 'Massey Harris' implement dealershiP * A licensed hotel • • •.Two ,hardware: stores • Nursing holt* • 2 country stores • 2•Restaurants, 2 ,Garagee WANTED PROPANE. GAS alEaTER, Used, in good rondicion. Apply at, Times- , "VOCatta 4c BA.BY CARRIAGE, need. good. Phone 251'... ' 4c CATTLE FOR PASTORE, Apply Medley May, phone 37S -r-3 Exeter.. 40 'NV) PrtIPR—Appty Pct Lamport, iltivrvo MAP.P.—Appiy 'MAMA. on, XLrt. $ Parkhill. 40 INCUBATORS, 1 or 2, in good coe- ditiOn, nil -burning type. Apply in writing to tea 11e• Times -Advocate. Town Topics Mr. Erele 'Axton who has spent the winter with his sis- ter at Grenfell led Vitimore, Sask., returned to Exeter en Sa-' turday and is visiting a law days at the hohle of his sister, Mr. atu trs Alfred Coatet. 1)f. afid Mrs. M. C. Fletcher attended thd fithertil on 'Iliad*, of the letter's brother Mr, Entich MOtt Of Sarnia Whose death oe- 'tufted as the result a an aeti- 'dent at Thtdford. Mrs. tetale TaYler„ NelS0h Stetet„ 'OW TiteadaY LehdOP. the gtlest MrS. theater Tay• lor and Mrs.Alex Itteder abd Vialted Mr, Itteder who it a patient in Vittoria itiospitaL, Mrs. teorge lettuca had thc misfortune to fell off a their At her home on Thursday, die - eating her shoulder and breaking three ribs, Mt,end Mrs. :Cermet are visiting with Air. and Mrs, Jitn Erantis itt Thvistetk Where Airs. /agues is recuperating. Mr. and Mrt. C. Nilsen returned Monday eVelling from Florida. Airs, Pero title. London, spent the 'weekend with Mt, and Mrs. Geoid Webb. Mrs. t. O. Lloyd, rant Ind She&Schottherg visited with Mrs. Wittimh Mair and Mts. Pergutort oti Sunday last, CATTLE TO GRASS for cseasom Apply Times -Advocate. , • 4.9, .44.441.A.lima•M44.4444141.44 REAL ESTATE .D M. JACKSON .REAL: ESTATE ' Grand Bend Phone 35 M Gaiser Agent . SHIPKA—Phone Dashwood i64.R.14 . • • M. .1. HAYES—Agent Sieeadway. St., Parkhill -182-W COTT.A.GE, besot brick siding, 3 - bedroom. 3 -piece bath, basement: also barn. Wilsoo Allati, phone 56 Heneali. ,4:11c New Typewriter Sales And Service Iron zxsT417, AND rnsmicx REMINGTON SAND AOENCY • STANWatin • PORTABLES • ELECTII.ICS • ADDERS • CALCULATORS • PAPER SUPPLIES rtgSTALS IN STOCK TRAINED SERVICEMEN PEompr /1,111FAI1IS The Exeter Timls-Advocate PHONE 770 COLLECT EXETER, ONTARIO eked Se eell by Po w FRIDAY', 11*7 .nonimenclna g ,p.n. ' V.STATA: tanteists of 141, eare fem. Let 13,, Oort. 17, Start wp. , on which is elate:04A aleati-bank bare, sirivershect ana bouee Laree .1-stnrea wbite Lij dwelling, all In fair stete of Pep hadro tiwougliout. Annsle, water ply. *es tillable land. Reigns t der in patture Ana miatati .hese learns incely situelati elosSis to *WO •end ethool. REAL ESTATE: Conaiets *I stere farm, V1i111 no buildinge, Rens tillable lend, aleMeander. pasture and, lamb, ever Wittig water 811PPV. InaPaCtiOa invited nee foie day of Fete. Farnts will be offered PeParato with no reserve. Ilefinitely wiij sold to the bighest. bidder. Immediate Pogeeeelon. TERMS: 10% on .day or Ws. 4441100 in 34 days. /SIRS. EMMA DIETRICH. LORNE DIE.TRICH, aiiLFORp DIF.TRICH, s Executors for the Estate OT tn. late Jnbn Dietrich ALVIN WALPER. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Property Of The Late sins. IDA CALDWELL ExgTErt NORTH, No. 4 IlighWaY. • SATURDAY, APFIlt, 1057 HOUSE; Residence of the late airs. Ida Caldwell, Exeter North, corners of No, 4 arid S3 bighWayes Two-storeY intsuabrick. 4-bedroons house with. 2 -piece bath on eeerstiti floor and 3 -piece bath op, maftn. floor, built -hi .0m:boards, living room and sun POrcti. ft111 be.se- ment; also on title lot, a, 3,be4roorn cottage4 btriltsin cenboards, 2-Plece bath and Jiving room. For fprtaer partiettlars apply tie FRANK TAYLOR, Assctioneer HAnav E. BEAVER, Exeter ALVIN KELLERafeeN, Dash3900d Bseentors /:14121:26:4 SEPTIC 'TANKS cleaned out. Ire- Inediate service. Butler Bros, Ls: - can, phone 108 or 130-W, Mobile Disposal Contracting SEPTIC TANK, CLEANING - Repairs on Drains. Watermains, etc. IsIEW INSTA.LLATIONR C'ernent Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains to meet Youlr requiremente, PHONE 205 GRAND BEND 14:2-4:1 CUST0111 CAPONIZING and etarted capons on order. Phone 57-r-23 Doe:mood, Carl Oestricher, 2:e1.616* NOTICES Chatelaine . Beauty Shop' announces that, for personal rea- sons, it will no longer be open for blisinese. A wish to thank our customers for their patronage during the past 1, Years. 4* Hensel! Appl'icatione wanted for the posi- tion of garbage. collector contratcor Cor the Village of Hensel, Appli- tante to uss own equipment and collect once a. week. .A.pplications to be it hands of the dere Aaril 13. Information will ae furnished 343EDROOM HOME, nearly new, by 'full pored basement, oll futaace, j. A. PATERSON, Clerk - hardwood floors: east side of Ex- brarttAh,grnoehrierlts.E, 3 -bedroom, hydro, 7.33-VO11z, H0US,neW furnace, 3- psiileoc,c r5olo5f:006s.s rag a. 13701-11VA.Y 100 ACRES, bank barn. HERBERT 100 A.CatES, bank barn, insul briek house, hydro. good water, ;7,500. II1GH1Vesa, 200 ACRES, bank barns, silo, driveslied, garage. good brick 50 ACRES PASTURE, abundent liciuos, geed school privileges* water, 214 muth iles soof Dash. Shire We have other properties to sell. Write, phone or come. W. 0, Pearce, Ttealtota Exeter. 'Phone 415; Earl Parsons, phone 507, Fred Cole, lellene 536-W, Salesmen. • 21.tfe etas; close to schools. R. E. Balk - will. -17 John St. East, Exeter, phone 59-J. LAKE FRONT COTTAGE, 26'x56', Poplar Beech, north of Grand Bend, 3 bedrooms -with elothes closets, 2- piece modern bath, 1:3'x25' living room, kitchen -with cupboards, elect - trio stove. •refrigerator. space oil burner, fireplace With electrio grate, large picture wineow facing lake. Apply to Bds..* 802 Exeter. 40 FARM, 100 acres, bank bean, drive - shed, el -deicers Iteulte, good cement block house, abundant water sup- ply. Ron, 14, Stephen Towneh p. Apply 'Wilfred Desjardine, 11.11. 2 Dashwood, 4:11e single bed; extension ta e. 9x12; 1 bureau, 3 dressers turd coin- BUILDLNG LOT. on west. side of mode: 3 beds; cedar chest: exten- Faeter, reasonable. Phone 441-07 skin table; hooked mats; fire ex - Exeter' thiguisher: electric washing ma- le:M(1K 'HOUSE 2-storele. garage, tttahtlilee;'' ctanrbpsingteuranttoiotYls nrCtaiTI; kcienldlaar, in:mediate Possession, Apply Edgar inesuaing saws, bits, hammers; 1 boiler; garden tools of all kinds; Broderick, 31 Simcoe St.. Exeter, 4`a• coal ecuttle; sealers: 2 large pipe : urielntscl:esti;uastitet:Ityladoatertalsrlitileagn,titsycoolef bed clothes, including pillows and et Thom„, antique: 2 trunks; ail 'kinds of iviLehOSSTun hakirtg utensils; 100 ft. garden hoSei 'Reward, Fred 'Wells, Egeter, 4t hanimoc. seythe; iron ketuitIded;e4 ol gging chains; lasvrt rhetret BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES nil eans. les•ge quantity flowee pots; , . DO • TOO •WAa7T fn moneye cans; oak buffet. 'with large level - Seven yott reeve:. sold before. Plate Mirror; anwil sized round write, -today, Get the facet. thee Moine leble; 4 dining theirs; Mega melte yoer rabid. 1600 Delorl- Wicker elutir; Ircin bed, 40"; 6 kits Dept, -54, Station (1, alentreet, chen rintits: small tables; 4 beds 4e. room cheire; anaotity of • Wood; many articles ado numerous to MAN WANTED air Palleleigh huel- mentleil. MISS ALMA JOHN'S, Prop. aSiOlilartenal,1.:1,41e.1""ilft5' "V"1,:: PRANK' TAYLOR, Atictionestr:s2d today, Rateleigket4. Dept. 3)-202- Areltew St. AUCTION SALE Qf Live Stock, Grain & $lid .0n the, Premisee, • LOT 4, CON. 11, HAY Twr. 4 Miles Smith of Zurich , or 114 Miles East of Dashwood and 1 Mile North The Undersigned Auctioneer re. ceived instructions to sell by Pub* tic Auction on „ TUESDAY, APRIL 9,- 1957 Commencing It 1:30 p.na, Share LIVE STOCK: Hereford cow, 1 years old, due at time of sale; part jersey cow, due time of sale; red cow, due in May; white heifer, due in May; part Jereey cm, Milk. 1ng; roan COW with mit; brindle cow; white cow, due Septa, spotter; COW Vall calf; roan cow With calf; red cow With calf; Hereford heifer wlth alt; 2 roan helferas due in August; 5 two-year-old *heifers; A yearling steers; 5 grass calves; $1 winter calves. • GRAIN & SEED; 1,300 bushels mixed grain; 70) bushels wheat; 40 tbs. tad clover seed. No a•eserve, everything wet be sold. Proprietress giving up fame- ing. TERMS: Cash. MRS. TIDERESE 1-1A.TO3M4.N, Prop. fe. F. STADE, cierk • }isc:rori, IlicNEIL, Auctioneer 40 AUCTION SALES Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Choice Durham and Hereford Cattle, Tractor, Farm Implements, 'Hay, Grain and Household -Effects On the Premieei LOT 11, CON. 1 ,5 HAY TWP.. 1/ Miles West of Dashwood and 2, Miles North or 21a Miles West 0 Zurich, and 21e Miles South. The Undersigned Auctioneer le in- structed to sell by Public A.uction on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10, 1957 Commencing at 12.10 p.m. Share HIGH QUALITY CATTLE: Red Durhane cow carrying 401 calf, due first. week in May; 2 Bed Durham eowe, with calves at foot: part Der- ham and Angus cows with calf at foot; red Durham cow, 'fresh 1 weeks, with calf at foot; roan Dur-. ham cow, carrying Srd calf, due be- fore day of sale; blue 'Roan cote carrying 5th calf, due before Salo date; Roan Durham cow oartying 4th calf, dne in June: Roan- Durham costa carrying 2nd calf, due in MaY1 part Durham and Hereford heifer. milking; red Durham heifer, rising 2 yr. old. HEREFORD CATTLE: Hereford cow carrying 2nd MIL due before day of sale: Hereford cow, with calf at foot; Hereford cow. fresh one week, with calf at foot; Hereftwa heifer, with calf at foot: Hereford heifer, due in June: registered Here- ford bull, Jaybee Baldwin Stamm's,' 'AUCTION SALE outstanding quality and blood line; 9 Durham and Hereford steere Of Household Furniture averaging 750 lb.< each; e Durban THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1957 and Hereford heifers averaging 600 ihs. eath. This is an extra cholee at 2;00 p.m. • herd a rattle. Cows ha're all been bead milked. TRACTOR & FARISI IMPLE- MENTS: Case Standard tractor, iti guaranteed eonditionf Case. 2 -furrow tractor plow: ateDeeririg Binder, ft. r•tit, on rubber. useit 2 seasons; M -}113 -run fertilizer and gram drill', like mesa MeDeering hay loader, MoDeering 1 -bar aide delivery rake. tilre news 7 ft. airDeering sprhi tooth ettltivater; Mt -Deering trette manure spreader; aid:amine' aleve er, rt. out: 3-alrom B1001 roller: M-13 team soufflers; Leta gritide and bagger: rubber tire wagon, grain box with eleee: 14 ft, rack: 10 ft, slirling reek; 2 H.P entebination Beatty eleetrio gaieties' like new: 5-sectinn diamond liar rows; steel tire wagen. gravel bo* set of sleighs, a:derision ladder, ettt itsr, nen' electric, cattle dipper, fan tang in111, eingle :testifier, Wheel Miaow, eleetrict fencer. eroest-4411 saw, eeythe, emery, gatv. Mein sinow Riney, quantity lumber. 50 ft rittibee hose, 2,000 lb. platfor 2 etewbers; lewtt mower; garbage scalee emitter saw, brooder atm* shovel's, torke. rhatlls, barrel amailetreets and Wetly articles to litimerous to tueution. reulatlifYy AsNlirneddeltdAThIty;8 510%11 b('Itilsclitil lellte7t:ler:Ir.laitillio., studio watieta eletttic HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: P1111c0 tamps: reetre tablet; Isitehett t4,131 elinieg room rattire; rocesieg bees; dreesers: kitthee etleiboarti fellet set: new entufertere .eira tenets; toes; large aeeiertriteit diehes and glassware, staters, Mamie ete. e144. NA Reserve, As tin, farm is sold owing to oxtra large We eellini will start share en tete. sartol.stermtvie;it‘t:littalkill,Nite4;rtuotsutt)amtlini Trats;TAlloibitytttritt, vvrev6. AT.Nt'S/ Atiotlopeor Andre,w Street, TOWN 021 EXE'eSt4 Enamel kitchen stove: kitchen table; 2 touches; rocker; 2 -plate Verner; 4-burnee oil stove; kitchen table; radio; 6 stands; lantern; leather sofa; 2 large leataer chairs; hall mirror; hall stand; rugs 9s91 • • :HOMES FARMS c. V, Pickard txet.„ 3..131111)noti0ht BLUCK, close to selloole. This ix a tidy hernia hl gOO repair with all tonvehienees. NICe lot.with gargle. Love Drift for cash or ithelol fertile Will be given Aditt, '00 'LAND' with good 11. bedroom brick twist and entail barn, Hellas it itt grad temittioll. Mere betit and heevy Quiek poseeatien, 11'enne.. leNETER NORT. 11-e-Ctirnatietable 3 - bedroom tottage Wall 3 extta lots 'rztorblity6. evetteale°, 661a beektiTl. awlted Thts le n'tk' 4%04; Ittfod basenlent, LOW Mice, 7,4 wrontiy tnici‹, 4 bedrooms. Tins house may be used At it owe. tletahansity hotise. nee ett ell bnrintig filtrate. Senall bans arid tWo kites Tethee, 11.4 STeirtgr ittAlktt, 4„bedrooma, modern kittlyeu, tiTa oitti.le6On‘s* nett, oftbuteleg fitreate. ante let; Gesisd lecktieit ' to buy at *au telt (1. V. Theltard, tie -attar and Gettettil t1r184lettite. 594, :MeteSt,,, tatterPh , orits 106 ahd stls. llstro 11011$4,`,via Lista . verithArth. 1-plece bath, thotros, 6011 leellalte**etee iSf. tend, Soply %Infant Ilailitetko Hap WANTED Real Estate or attm- AuCTION SALE Illanief&atem131)(aloPyieltOmfict, GAIpArTil, 01) 'irrltlng e tat the age to tilP, CrintkntAVn11. On the Teremlase B,o*,110, Gland , , seas* Cilo,nse:Ixotig xn1. 01 d Eke L;0.5 444,'o fSrt1l \ (ARMED V6.1 for .heof rattle a"uth `..4 LOT 11, CON; 17, farm; amiletri ettelphient; fenad At, is,TE,..Pft,,nx, ',,rw„r,„ 14, mite North of commodatient elates to aelmel tate ean,ea anti' d a11160 NO11111. 011111111. At101Y to A. tobb. Phew' .."er 214. AT116s W6s" "0 1/4°11- Tha der§'I hart Aurtiottrer it In. • , er, , • tot tor ate otm, om..work ift 2410,,s., riot .. ..... . ... *NtOrpr. OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA ' looly. tingt handwriting 16 PM. i 'MARRIED t7AN to wed( lin • riotry sar_Aiie"leY .-s 5 iAivott.itegrpci.0,i142 . $1 taalsle:d oit eiiniytaEhliPcit ihha.i mtti,overie°iasiaorr wsaoierA.tooror onePatw, h5sioadtkflliae WFi et*tvC li tte Milet& 15833 for liet abeelta Wal1 i, Geed tiaraeter Med feftweries atl Wise rhoiros for rofitable taare 6 to 10 Hordrthy ,ttitt7,WhiIs 0444.41A 0t VxcuMANAGER WANTED 011 il Wr45i5‘.5'%.5"i°1PYl ' ' et:teethmei beel4se'146e*IetIeeC6"eteeeal'y48Weirath t eh Ae:d tt: z1;1;1i11it6tkttailh s allliateeoithetoste""d "6hlh Pressure MOO Iswented itky10zk4(?rlgt:130)110 en yeur eiet is renutred. Qualitteagena Art id '(0'. 1t04*4. 1ftt ai1"11 ry,120.jobtNHamitert,14II yoo the tate(heee And deatreOn 11tomminin your thie el iorta.bles,bY the tonneravilable, aidabromwile*.owtMAeeieiOe lley _urhiture. abore P, Iate deelioit Ante yetkiow the feetel nta Win. ed lifettrle apportuity wth inkerft 44441OLIPMNT0RENT4tl* , G.raDnebtnte eS Meter. d PART TIME ONLY 10,000.00 to shO,O00.0 anual lotome na3enn: hr I Y l n r tewiouriontIiiiesptieie.iellsteiii eae r V ti n t SEWING. MACIENES rilentrie Interested 1l41°441hIlrg4rlot44 VvintnitritIlt% 11al.r.ttrat7tailt4"44 a * eliheti °ti tlmwiuf p Il i • f nl o floor Sanders ileteettel letterview 111 Ytate *NM, Welt, earlee Mit s allthitted itittane. ilela Melt:de elltelle :leather. 44* -1 W, 'WOW tiONViAr4V1, '1004*d4.41% Philellera a le, 1440 'et, Aleidteltier 'MONTREAL, lltrabko, Vacuum Tiede, ttc. 14.11.0t6WA44it„ EX.Vt$owanorroonnonommoraoondononioninottoorariataainaurimunivaboavaimoatiotoreo