HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-04, Page 8Stars` Gifts Bazaar :lift • Top attraction at the Latham Wort en's League bazaar at RCAF' Ente,rtain:s Mitch�li Ost: Tuesday evening the 3 111 hula held their meeting in rthe rrltnixch basement when they en- te.rtaiaed iklitcheal a SQ: -SO Club.' there were sixty-five present. Mr, and Mrs„ Amid ;Cann, 1tir. *Ad Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and. Mr, and Mia. Reg ,kiodger.t were South End vi S ce er Speci•c.is (This...k Only) * Front Wheels Packed • Brake: Lining Checked * Brakes. Adjusted All for $1.19 P -1„•U -S .Because GOODYEAR has come out with a newly de- signed tire, we have stock in NO, 1 GRADE at SPEC- IAL LOW PRICES, South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER in .charge for the evening. Rev. W. J. Moores extended a welcome. The president Mrs. Willtarn Rohde led in a sing, song, Mr. Arnold Cann wasthe ct}airnxan. Mrs, Melvin Gardiner conducted the devotional period. Padre McLean front Centralia Air Station gave a talk and also showed an interesting film. Mr. Glenn Jeffery thanked the speak- er. Mrs. Floyd Stewart gave a humorous reading. A comic skit and a musical number were e given by the Mitchell Club. A vocal quartet comprised of Mrs. Donald Bray, Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mrs. Edwin Miller and Mrs Gordon. Stone sang a number ac- companied by Mrs. W. J. Moores. A skit "Ways and Means" was put on by Mrs. Robt. Jeffery, M•rs. Glenn Jeffery, Mrs, Almer Passmore, Mrs, Arnold Cann, Mrs, Melvin Gardiner .and Mrs. Wm. Rohde. A musical number was given by Mr. Arnold Cann, Mr. Robert Jeffery and Mr. Wil- liam Rohde accompanied by Mrs. Reg Hodgert at the piano. Rev. Watt of Mitchell spoke a few words, A few games and con- tests were enjoyed. Personal Items Mission Band was held on Sun- day morning during the church service with the leaders, Mrs. Donald Kernick and Mrs. Don- ald Bray taking part. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Jeffery visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bissett of Exeter. The community night will be held in Thames Road School on Thursday evening, April 4. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed on Sun- day, April 14. Mr, and Mrs. George Castle and Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Mat - '55 STUDEBAKER DELUXE CHAMPION SEDAN Overdrive, tinted glass„ '54 STUDEBAKER DELUXE CHAMPION SEDAN Tutohe; radio, overdrive, whitewall tires. '53 STUDEBAKER DELUXE CHAMPION SEDAN Radio, overdrive, backup lights, signal lights. '53 STLJDEBAKER 2 DOOR CHAMPION ?Radio, tinted glass. '5.3 STUDEBAKER V8 COMMANDER SPORT COUPE Overdrive, radio. '52 STUDEBAKER,. DELUXE 2 DOOR Tutone. Good Choke Of '51 and Older Models SEE US TODAY! , Graham Arthur MOTORS Studebaker Sales and Service PHONE 210 EXETER. 1 Station Centralia Saturday night was a group of six unopened .parcels, prices for a raffle. The boxes weren't pretentious but the people who—sent them are :and that's why they created such .excitement. The senders included Princess •Grace of Monaco, .Sing Crosby, Perry Como, jean Belliveau,. Bishop Sheen and Pat Murray. Princess Grace's parcel caus- ed the greatest e stir and there e s a er were .a number of little girls tvhe were alternately praying and dumping while the wicket was being drawn. But the prize, a •eolorful Monacan guard doll, went to Mrs, Larry Cronyn. Bing Crosby's gift, an auto- graphed money clip, went,. to. Mrs, Irvine Remple; Perry Como's record was won by Mrs. John Watson;. Bishop Sheen's book by Mrs. William Hayward; Pat Murray's shaving kit by Mrs. Don Taylor, and Jean Belli- veau's cuff links by Mrs, A, Pinet. According to. Mrs. J. W. Thomp- son, the league president, the bazaar was a big success finan cially. Other attractions includ- ed tea, bingo, baking, sewing, white elephants, etc. Convenors in charge of var- ious projects were: Mrs. M. Du- gre, Mrs. C. •Chodola, Mrs. T. Mullan, Mrs, E. Dempster, Mrs, P, Kendrick, Mrs, J. Saul, Mrs, J. Pinet and F/O Maurice Go- biel. Confer Degrees At Eastern Star Exeter Chapter O.E.S. met in the chapter rooms Wednesday evening with Mrs. Garnet Pater- son worthy matron and Mr. Wil- liam Bell, associate patron pre- siding. The degrees of the Order were conferred on Mrs, John Vangooz- en and Mrs. Robert Peck. Visit- ors were present from Parkhill. thews of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. dos. Kernick. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman of Embro. Mrs. Almer Passmore, Dennis and` Darlene spent the weekend in Dearborn, Michigan with Mr. and Mrs. Oren Grace. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde entertained a number of mar- ried couples on Friday evening. Miss Lois Cottle nurse at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn were guests with Mr. and Mrs: Dick Elliott of Exe- ter, on Saturday evening. • Mrs. Harry Jeffery, Mary Margaret and Paul spent a few days last week with the former's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bawden of Wind- sor. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert were guests at the receptionfor the latter's brother and his bride Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Howatt of Londesboro, who were married on Saturday. The bride was the former Colleen Rath of Belgrave. The reception was held at the bride's home on . Saturday .eve- ning. • Misses Barbara and Catherine Rivers. of Exeter spent the week- end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery. Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. W. J. Moores, Mrs. William Rohde,• Mrs. Donald Kernick, Mrs. Mel- vin .Gardiner attended the thirty- second annual W.M.S. Presby- terial held at Wesley Willis Uni- ted Church, Clinton on Wednes- day,, Irstitute At 'Ele-ctis New Mrs. Arnold Kuntzwas elected president of Dashwood Women's :Institute at the annual meeting on Tuesday held, in .the club rooms. Vice-presidents are Mrs. L. Taylor and Mrs. M. Tiernan; secretary treasurer, Mrs, Sid Baker, .asst,, Mrs. Charles Snell;. district director, Mrs. E. Rader; alternate Mrs. M. Tiernan; direc- tors, Mrs. M. Merrier, Mrs. V. L. Becker and Mrs. K. Koehler, press reporter, Mrs. Sid Baker; pianist, Mrs. K. McCrae. Conveners of standing com- mittees: Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries, Mrs. Harold Ra- der; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. L. Schenk; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Claire Irvin, Horne Economics and Health, Mrs,. Harry Hoff- man. Mrs. Irwin Rader, past pre- sident, conducted the election of officers. The Dashwood Dainty ;Doers were present and modelled their pyjamas they had made in their home malting project and dis- played their record books, They Presented their leaders with a gift. Mrs, A. Allemand, convener of the Home Economics commit- tee who had arranged the pro- gram spoke on the topic of Home Economics. Roll Call was ans- wered by "What I Serve to Un- expected Company," Mrs: E. Koehler°discussed the motto "No woman is a slave to housework but rather to the way she does it," Barbara Koehler favored with h piano solo. Mrs. M. Tiernan presided for the program and led in a sing song. She also gave an article on tea in honor of tea week, Mrs. Ken McCrae and Mrs, F Wein also gave readings. Mrs. Sid Baker, Mrs. Charles Snell and Mrs. Ernest Koehler were each presented with a gift in appreciation of their workas. leaders of the Home making club. During the business period it was decided that the Home Eco nomics group be in charge of the layette for the Salada Tea. competition. The executive are to make arrangements for the district- annual in May. The la- dies were reminded the invita- to join with Grand Bend for the short course on Sandwiches for all Occasions on April 15, A display of fancy cookies with a cup of tea proved an •in- teresting feature of the'meeting. Shower for Bride -Elect Mrs. Robert Hayter Jr. was hostess for a miscellaneous show- er for Miss Nancy Tienian, bride elect of April. Friends and rela- tives were guests. The evening was spent playing bunco. Winners were Mrs. Harry Hoffman and Miss Nelda Rout- ledge, consolation. Mrs. Ken Mc- Crae read the address and Bone nie Heather McCrae and Mary Jane Hoffman presented the gifts. Dinner guests Saturday eve i ning with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayter were Miss Nancy Tienian and Robert Stormes, of St..( Thomas; Mr. Charles Tiernan, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken McCrae. The Lutheran Laymen's League Rally will be held next Sunday afternoon Pastor C. Klages will conduct the opening devotions. A pooled lunch will be served at supper time. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmer- man, of Guelph, spent the week- end with 'Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz. Personals Mrs. C. Salmon and Mr, and Mrs. •H. Salmon, of London, spent last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. C. Salmon. Dashwood' Public Library has been . moved from Tieman's fur- Kirkton Church Scene Of Rites Prices Effective April 4, 5 and 6 Instant Coffee MAXWELL: HOUSE Aylmer Peas CHOICE 4, 5 SIEVE Catehr Macaroni READICLJ'T, Brasso or Silvo Monarch Pie Crust Air -0 Tomatoes t,''HCICE LSE, Snyders Green Beans FANCY. Str Williams Grape Jam White Rock Chicken DoNLESC Old Dutch Cleanser Flakes Cocoanut ,Angel � AR JAR $ 1 .45 • TNS, 2170 • TINS G / 2 PKGS 29� "I633c "TIN PER 311' c PKa, 28•oz. TIM 27 LARGE c 2 iYs-rNozs, 31 c JAR vias 7TIN' 41 c FOR 27c Ord. Dutch Bleach r6 DZ. SU. IOD ?cot, 25c • :24: , , 210 BLUE Breeze Off =• Gt. Pkg. 74c Lux n off — Gt. Pkg. 71c Sun Dog, Medium Steel Wool 2 P 230 KGS. I�r JOHNSON'S Glo-Coat Hard Goad—Pt, Tin 59c "The Best Place To Shop After All" J. H. Jones Gjbocerie.s s DItLIVERY PHONE 532 Baskets of white gladioli -and ferns in Kirkton United Church formed the setting for the Mar- riage of Shirley Isobel Roger and John Thomas Simpson on Saturday, Mareh 30 at 2.00 o'clock. The bride is the daughter of, Mr, and Mrs. Fred 0. Roger, Kir'ktbn and Mr, and Mrs, Maur • ice Simpson, Clandeboye, .are parents of the. groom. Rev. W. H. Pike performed the ceremony and Mrs. Alex Crago, St. 'Marys, played traditional wedding Music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Beverley Biek- ell, St.. Marys,: rwho sang ""Be- cause" and. the "Wedding Pray- er." The bride chose a floorlength gown of tosepoint lace and ny- lontulle over satin styled with. lace bodice framed at the neck- line with Guipure lace yoke studded with iridescent sequins, A short lace bolero featured mandarin collar and lily point sleeves. A triple band of pearls and sequins sin leaf design held her finger tip. veil and she car - tied a cascade of Better Time roses, stephanotis and ivy. The attendants were Mrs. Al.- bert Watson, London, cousin of the bride, as matron of honor in gold crystal; and bridesmaids, Mrs. Clarence .Carter, Clande- boye, 'sister of the groom, arid Miss Grate Doupe, WoodhanY, cousin of the bride, both in pad- dy green. The gowns were styled identically on princess lines with softly draped, bodices, plunging necklines and bouffant skirts. They wore feathered headdresses and tarried es;.'saes c d _. r of White baby mums, stephanotis and ivy,, Clarence Carter, Clandeboye, was best mann and ushers were Albert Watson,. London, and St t. ley Tontes, Clandeboye, Receiving guests, the bride's Mother Wore a blue trientine dress with pink and black aecos- sories'tvith pink and arose Corsage. m The groom's teethe those a mauve dress with thatching ad- tesseries and gardenia corsage. Fot a. wedding trip to Florida, the bride donned a Charcoal suit with light blue and black patent aecessotie9 and SWeetiieaft rose Corsage. Mr„ ritld llfr' t, gifn tan' wilt lttakc their Moine in 'Clandeboye, Dasbood Ofic(itrs .niture stere to. the men's. .club. rooms. Miss. Dorothy Kerslake,. of .Cen- tralia, spent the weekend with Miss Diane Kraft. Miss Sharon Rader spent 'Wedgy nesray with her aunt, Mrs. Lloyd ironer. Mrs, Ervin Devine and Mrs.. Ervin Rader attended a',leaders course for gardening at Rosati on Wednesday lash Miss Neld. a Ito t edge, London, Msprsent. Philip the ;week-endFassoldw.ith. Mr, .and John Scott Morloek, infant son of Dr, and Mrs. .Fred Morlock,. was baptized in Zion Lutheran Church Sunday, March 31, by Rev. K. Zorn. Mr, and Mrs. rs, Ar- nold Becker were sponsors. Comments About Crediton Mrs. ' Fletcher U sbc►rne .Native Mrs, Lewis Fletcher,90, .died at her late residence, Kirkton pn k'riday„ March 29, She was the former Nellie Georgina Bind of EIimville and following her marriage to .L.e-' wis r'ietcher they farmed .on concession 11, Vsborne on the farm now occupied by their .son. They retired to Kirkton 19 years ago. On March 27 they quietly celebrated their .golden wedding anniversary.. Surviving, besides her Husband, are one son, Allen and ane • sis- ter, Mrs. 'Thornton Baker 0 Exeter, A private funeral service was held.pn Monday front -the Dinney funeral home conducted by Rev, W. If. Pike with interment in Kirkton cemetery, Factory shipments of Can. adian-made vehicles• jump e d more than 27 per cent in 1955 - over the preceding year. The 195 shipments hi Pments t;Qtalled • 453,623 By MRS'. JOSEPH WOODALL units^ In his series of pre -Easter ser- mons "Jerusalem and the Cross" Rev. Rapson delivered his fifth message in the United Church on Sunday morning, centralizing on the two arms of the cross. Mr. James Brock has return- ed home after spending several months in Stratford, F10 Robert Palmer of Bright- on spent a few,clays last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Fahrner, Mrs, Palmer and Shirley accompanied him to Brighton on Sunday after spend- ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fahriier. Mr. Calvin Fahrner of • Arn- stein spent a few days last week with, his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. M. Fahrner, Mrs. Wm. Smith is spending a few days with relatives in Pigeon, Mich. Mrs, William Schwartz, Claire and Doris and Mrs. M. Faist attended the funeral of a rela- tive in Bay Port, - Mich.; .on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Ezra. Faist, . Nola and Pauline Ness, Mrs. M..,Faist and Miss Lillian Haist spent weekend in Kitchener, . . Mr. and Mrs. Wellington. Haist spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Oren Grace in Dearborn, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Clark of Detroit were weekend - visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark,,, when father and son marked a double birthday celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale and sons of .Brampton visited. on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. F, Clark. Misses Kathie and Julie. Schenk of Ancaster are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schenk. Mr. William Colter has dis- posed of his farm land adjoin- ing his village property to Mr. Allan Finkbeiner, and the Cred- iton East property to Mr. Lorne Hodge. •Mr, Colter .will retain the village property, all of which wase_ formerly, owned by Joseph Woodall... .• 'Mr, Lorne Hodge and. Ur. vin' Finkbeiner have purchased the ,farm" land and buildings of Mr.; John Kuzmich, ' Mrs. T. Trevethick is a pa- tient in South Huron - Hospital. • News• Budget From Crediton East By MRS. W. MOTZ Personal Items 'Mrs, Don Quesnel and family. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Voison near Mt. Carmel. Mr. Sam Baynham 'who has beenillat his home was removed to South Huron • Hospital on Sun- day: • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards and Diane of Walkerton spent the weekend with Mr. and: Mrs. Sain Sims. . Mrs. Alec 'Hamilton of Grand Bend and her mother,. Mrs, Harry Lewis, and Mrs. Leonard Wein. spent Friday in London.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis and Eber and Mrs. Leonard Wein spent last; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs.. John Nedza spent Sunday with friends iii Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cliffe and daughter, Marlene. and Mrs, Ed Harris, all of London, visited on Saturday with Mr, "and Mrs; Wm.' Motz. Letter From Shipka • Personal Items* • Mts. Mason, of Prindeton, New Jersey; is visiting with her sister and brother•in-law, Mr. and Mts. Chris Baumgarten. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Dave visited on Sunday at Woodham with Mr. and Mrs.. Harty McNaughton and family. Miss Audrey Finkbeiner, of St. Lucia Island, spent a few days last week at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Finkbeiner and family, Mr.• and Mrs. Cliff Russell and sons, visited over, the weekend with relatives in, Essex. Mrs. Lamport and Tom spent Sunday in Stratford with Mr, and Mrs'. Ed. Duncan and' Peter. Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, hen and Barbara visited on Sunday with herparents, M. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, ham. • Mrs at WoodM. Baker visited' Sunday with her sister, Mrs. t. Steward - On and Mr, Stewardson, at GreeitwaY,• • Karl Guenther arid' Jlhi Clarke: went to Hamilton where they are employed With the ShaWCon. struetion Co. Mr, and Mrs, Walter tillsold, of . London, visited on Saturday With Mrs. M. H Matt. Police sergeant -"dot vV h Y from you, eh?',eve you guar, ed all the �!xits7" Rookie --?ea„ hut I think be likely went out through One or the 'entraneeso' p $.10,9401011lMN14411JaM44.11144i41111414114111411144141111U144111111,7111.CI,4444 4440411A1M144444A11111111!41444 Get Your Brand New Goodyec..r Tires Now For 5111ooth,, Summer Motoring n )(1:.:- Qnl� : $14.90 Y At Your, Noi^thvEnd Shell, Dealer Matchers Bros. 21 Phone - 3 , W Exeter PREMIUM z GASOLINE: ' 11,111111111.11111114111111,141411,1111114011414111,111111111,1111111,1,11111111411111111111111,1111111,1111111111111141111111111,11110,4 1. Ijill1,11 � uiillilll��lllul{ll) I� New!. Frigidaire Refrigerators Save Up To $300 0 Get 'trhese Frigidaire Features: • ZERO -ZONE FOOD FREEZERS • BIG STORAGE DOORS • ROLL -TO -YOU SHELVES • AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING •• FROZEN JUICE CAN RACK" • NEW DECORATOR PANELS Pick. The Size You Wont There's A BargainIn Every Model •11 CU. FT. CU. FT.' • — CU. FT. • 1 2 CU. FT. 1 2 CU. FT. 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