HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-04-04, Page 6The Times•Advocate, April 4. 1117 • 1, • • t * • r.1 11111B. ..******••••••!•tm,,r•tr—'.1!,•, And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Miude .Hedderi, Phone. 5 Mrs. Archie .McGregor, Phone 0112441. tegton Ladies. Sponsor Social. The Legion Ladies Auxiliary* entertained members, of the Le- gion and their wives to a turkey banotiet at the Legion Hall Wed- nesday evening.. Fifty sat down to dinner, after which a recrea- • tional period of •cardsand ere- kinoke was enjoyed, Winners of euchre were ladies, Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Mrs. G. Al- lan; gents, Wes Venner, Jack Drysdale; crolcinole, Mrs. L. 13aynham, Mrs, Bob Sangater. Frank Forrest, C. Rapson and Jack Simmons provided music for the dance. Mrs. Jack Drysdale and Mrs. S. Rannie convened the dinner, and Mrs. Howard Sniale and Mrs. W. Aikenhead formed the entertainment committee. Personal Items Mrs: Annie Saundercock, who is a patient of Owen Sound, visit- ed over the weekend with Mr. and Airs. Harry Snell. COUNTING CALORIES? SUM* 47g) lets you enjoy ••••••••••••••••••••mm. calorie,free . 0.51 sweetness without aftertaste .IMPROVED SUCARYL TABLETS bottles of 100, — bottles of 1000, IMPROVED SUCARYL SOLUTION 4 -ounce bottle, 1 -pint bottle,. Middleton's DRUG STORE Open Friday & Saturday Nights Closed Monday, Open Wednesday PONE 20 HENSALL HOLD Everything! Don't buy that Used Car until you have Test -Driven one of these beauties at' Henson . 'Motor Sales '56 Dodge Sedan Cu s to m radio, sport -tone, low mileage, very sharp. '55 Dodge Sedan CUstom radio, clean inside and out, away above average. '54 Doilge Sedan One owner, two-tone. This one is exceptional. • 14 Ford Custom Sedan 13Iack, one owner, sharp. '51 Dodge Regent 4 Door Sedan, radio, new motor, black —see this one! '50 Plymouth 4 Door Sedan Custom radio, blue, one owner„, immaculate, #52 Ford 1/2 Ton In good condition. Dt.ST Orlogn, 13Y SA:Wit- DAY TAXtS THIS ONt. • HENSALL Motor Soles Lye Burns Boy, Two David. •Quinlan, 2, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Michael Quinlan of Remelt, was admitted to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Wed- nesday afternoon suffering ex- tensive burns to his mouth when he got hold of a can of draino his mother had plac:ed under- neath the kitchen sink and got some into his mouth. The tongue and roof of his mouth were burnt. His screams Attracted his mother's attention and his father rushed him to hospital where he is resting comfortably. „Dr, J, C. Goddard attended. W.I. Earns Talent Money In a talent project members of the Hensall W.I. are holding various functions to raise money, Airs. Carl Payne entertained at her home Tuesday afternoon to an afternoon of music. Guests present were Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. G. Hess, Mrs, S. 1340)01, Mrs. Lorne Chapman, Mrs. H. Faber, Mrs. J. Faber, Mrs. Win. Hyde, Mrs, Norman Pepper, Mrs. W. B, Cross and Mrs. T. J. Sherritt were hostesses at a luncheon. The annual meeting of the Hen - sail Women's Institute will be held Wednesday April 10 at 8:15 p.ni. in the Legion Hall. The speaker will be Mr. Ray Pater- son. Legion Meeting Hensell branch of the Cana- dian Legion met Monday eve- ning in the Legion Hall for their regular meeting and outlined plans for their "share the wealth" Bingo to be held Satur- day, April 13 at which there will be draw for a T.V. chair and electric coffee percolator Their next meeting, May 6 will be a• dinner meeting. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. H. Neeb re- turned to their home in Tavistock after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs.. William Brown, Billie and Carol.. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McClin- chey and Jerry were recent visi- tors with Mrs. McClinchey's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William MacGregor, at Kippen. . Mr. ,Tolan Glenn is a patient in South Huron „Hospital, Exeter, his condition is improving. Miss Wilma, Brenderhorst, of Clinton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Brenderhorst. Mr. and Mrs; Don Rigby of Blenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Hilt Laing of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traquair of Hensall spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry and daugh- ter of St. Thomas, spent Sunday wih Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. George Gould and Dianne, London, visited over the weekend. with Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Don Perdue -and family; Camp Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Schwalm, and chil- dren,Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schwalm, and family, Camp Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson, Stratford, visited Sun- day with Mrs. Violet Schwalm. The Ladies Aid of Carmel Church are holding a pork sup- per in the church schoolroom Friday, April 12. • .• • -• •.:••••.•• ••• Recipe For Beans Travels To West Hensall Kinettes met at the home of Mrs. 1Vm, Clement on Tuesday for their regular meet- ing with 100 per cent attendance reported. President, Mrs. H. Knight, took the chair. Plans for the rummage sale on Satur- day were finalized. A lettel- from the Kinette Club at Melita, Man. was read at the meeting referring to a cook book they are making and fox which they want a recipe from every Kinette club across Canada. Hen- sall Club decided to contribute the Bean Festival recipe for beans. Airs. Heal presented Mrs. Knight with a baby spoon in re- cognition of the Knight's new daughter. Mrs. J. Clark won the raffle draw. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Pearce. Personal Items A committee on Crafts of the Recreational Committee m e t in the town hall, Monday evening and are planning a craft dis- play on Wednesday, April 24, to which, they are inviting a dis- play of crafts on the part of chil- dren and adults to be held in the town hall. Crafts of stamps, coins, womens' work, pin point- ing, embroidery, crocheting etc, paintings, oil and water color, and leather work, metal work, and other such items will be fea- tured. The rummage sale held last Saturday sponsored by the Kinet- tes was a decided success and well patronized. The Itroceeds will be used for welfare work. Mrs. Ross Jinks was convener for the project. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark Sr., were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marshall, Mr: and Mrs. Wallace Marshall and title soh Cameron of Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne 13allan, tyne of Detroit spent the week- end visiting • with , their aunt, Mrs, P. Graham. • Letter From. Kippen By 'MRS. NORMAN' LONG. •Mr.. Ray Arnold and his broth- er, Mr. Wm. Arnold also Miss Grace Arnold from Chatham have taken up residence on the farm formerly owned by Mr. John L.. Henderson. Rev." Campbell Tavener of Grand Bend was the minister for the Sunday service in St. Andrew's United Church on Sun- day. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mc Greg- or of Mt. Hope were weekend visitors of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Win. McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Storey announce the gift of a baby girl born recently in Clinton Hos- pital. Rev, L. Schnell of Saskatoon, Sask., visited during the week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. James McCiymont, also with Mrs. Robert McBride and friends in the vicinity. Mr. • Newton Shaver of Gorrie is visiting this week with his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde. Mr. Albert Keyes and'his sister Miss A. Keyes of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent the weekend visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren in Milton. Mrs, Robert McBride visited, a few days last week with Mrs. Alvin McBride of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalyr- mple, Bonnie' and Betty of Bruce - field called on Mrs.•Dalyxmple's father, Mr. Robert Cooper on Thursday of "last week. On Thursday Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson Kyle spent the day in London. Mr. Charles Cudmore of Kit- chener accompanied by- his fath- er, Mr, Sap( Cudmore were in the village an afternoon last : • week. Mr, Lorne' McBride spent a few days recently with Mr. Dave Kay of Clinton. Mr, and Mrs, Atneld Gacketei. ter and family of Guelph visited iinzir STREET" Clothos-- world's fittest fabrics superbly' tailored throughout. "Fleet Street." Clothes bg Tip Top Tailors gives you the per- fect combination of fine tailor- ing4 distinguished styling. to, giber with your choice of the world's finest fabrics. You just can't Make a better elething investment, Conte in and be measured today! VilLONED40401JR•liKASURE 4'nee1ptect" Clothes "Fleet Street" tiothes $7440 2 et. Ws a Goodwin MK* NSA) Dodder phomo .14 Homan 1 31 HENSALL TIP TOP TAILORS at Kiiipen on 7rhursday. Mrs. Jas, McCIYMOnt visited Saturday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Jenny Schilbe of Exeter. • Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, E, Dowson were: Mr. and Mrs, Win. Mero of Zurich and Mr, Wm. Mero Jr. of London. Mr, and Mrs. Elston. Dowson were in Ltteknow last week at- tending the funeral of Mr. Jas, Webster. Aft.. Webster, for a number of years lived at Bruce - field and was well knoVli, around here, Mrs, Norman Mated, who has been in Ottawa the past two weeks at the hon of her sen. fn -law and daUt4liter. Mr. acid Mrs: Garth Mosher, returned to her home on Monday, her datigh- ler accompanying her inethei to rioncri. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cuditere and Lorne of LetidOn Called at the home of Mr, and Mrs, N. Long on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Deft Cooper announce thegift of A baby girt Wit recently in Clinton llotpitil. In 1934 the vette Of Citia6e4 iyiletrot oreduetion exceeded $t • billion for the first time. Th 1946 the value Was. Just OVOt $500 Personals Hyde, returned twine lifter .spending three Nyeeks visiting With relatives and .friends in St. May mr. lloy Ecu lias been .confined to his room during the past two, weeks owing to illness. litiss Anne" Tait spent tbe we4., end with I. and Mrs. _Malcolm • Dougall. Mrs. Margaret- Vale, . of Brace- field-, visited last• week with .her sisters. Airs, .Louis Siiipp.son and • Mrs, Mitt,. Maeldartin. The -Bible Study Class was held at the horoei 'of Mr.. and Mrs. Remy Rfsle, Sunday eve- ning and was well Attended, -This coming Sunday the elass will held -at Carmel Presbyterian. Manse. Mrs. Leola Cross visited during the past week with her son -ii. Jaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Itobinson, London. Mr. Basil Edwards, who under- went an operatien in St, joseph's hospital, London, last week is making •a .satisfactorY reeovery. Mrs. Alberta MaeSeth. .spent the weekend at the home_ of her son and datuditer-in-law, Mr,. and Mrs, Alex MaeDeth, Mr.. and Mrs, J. a rn es. Morris and family, et .Goderich, were re- cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John Henderson and family. More VVage Increases proved At Hensall More increases in salaries of crease of $100 in fees for the vil- village Officials .wero approved Hensall council at its .mecting. Monday Assessor A.1.W. Kerslake And Clerk. J. A. .PAterson were given raises of 510 each for the addi- tional workconnected with sep- arating residential .and owner– cial Assessments, as required for the new provincial ,grant .s.ystom, The assessor's salary is raised from $300 10.01;i0 and the clerk's from $1,200 PAM Assessor Kerslake told ,council the new system weuld mean an increase of About 40 percent in the amount ef work required to complete the assessment. Council also approved an in - Mr. and Mrs. Dawson,. of Lon- don; were recent visitors, with the latter's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick, ilage anditors, Menteith and Mon- teith. 'They will reeeive •$.3.00. in- stead of $40. Ey-law covering increases. for the fire brigade, passed at a for. mer meeting, were given _final approval Monday night, With the resignation of Bill _Clement as garbage eQUOCIWI council agreed' to advertise for :.atiPoc. r ilbSe ifnardetbaencle GI); Wee°elkle. • A portion of the .dunip ground for $100.- a year for pasture pur- lpvoa.sse leased to Pirlc Van . Weiren A .grant,01500 was made to the Hensall Spring Vair and Farm i)eqludipilnuenitayS:how, which will he The Ausable Authority's levy of $505 was passed for payment. This is the same amount as last year. A grant of$30trwas gly.en,to the Mi. and Mrs. LiticlaWY, Hensall Chamber of Commerce. - of Thamesville, 'visited over the Daylight Saving 'Time will weekend with the latter's parsHeonte• into effect on April 28 at son. at Mr. and Mrs. John ilender-. .a.m. and eease September 29 o et 12 p.m.. • Help Crippled Children pomn,momfmtwountimim4,40.moimint ISP t 0 .. .tieelleettelentleolet,HteelletteetelleteetTeeeettototteeeepopeel pier Spring Seeds Nowt , Rogistorod and Commercial Seed Oats and Osrli1f .Fyll Stock of Clover and Grass Seeds Contracts Available Kindred and Montcelm Malting Barley Contracts A Limited Number of Feed Oat Contracts Fertilizer Available With Contracts Check Our Fertilizer Prices . L. Mickle & Son Phone Office 103, Feed,Mill 205 • HENSALL looe 44 e ll l et l I l ewe ll l e ll lllllll low lllll mew l ll e l l weeeime tt o lll oesee l est l se ttttttt sinew tttttt it tt immune t set t lllllll lll llll 11111.111111! lll 110114}MMIllt9M1111111111111 l I llllll IWO ll 111 llll M11111111t111111;10110 ll 1 llll e l l l ll I ll otemestioet tooteotemeemeetiew l e ll lot ll leeoloo lll to l leete l llll ll e t ll e l I lll I l toe l ell lllllllll llll el ll l I l HIMIM l l ll l l ll ll l l llll nu ‘1114 t • • • (4/ ep., IN ...0 '*;'14"17"111 • -er $ow Whoever says "It's so hard to save money thus days" is in for a pleasant surprise the very first time she shops at SUPER SAVE. For here, saving money is as easy as filling your shop- ping cart with your favorite foods. And what could be easier than that? Our displays put your favorite foods right' at your fingertips—and everything you touch is low priced. Shop SUPER $AVE VSAVE MONEY Every Day! FRESH FROM THE OVENS SAVE THE SUPER SAVE WAY! Wagstaffe's—Pectin Added Strawberty, Jam. • SAVE THE SUPER SAVE WAY! Hereford Corned Beef SAVE THE SUPER SAVE WAY! Bright's Apple Sauce SAVE THE SUPER SAVE WAY! Stokely's Dark Red Kidney Beans SAVE THE SUPER SAVE WAY! BIRDS EYE FROZEN. FRENCH FRIES 9ez. pkg. Farm Fresh PRODUCE • California Celle -Wrapped Cauliflower EAck 33c New Texas, Golden, Crunchy, 20 Os. Poly tag Cello Carrots .2 Forz119; California Green Tip spa ragus inn La. 25C Cuban, Red Spanish Pin'apples SIZE 12153 FOR 8 5 c Pick of the trap, Full CV Juice Sunkists Oranges 5 LEI, POLY BAG 59c .1118.181 INNEN* ••=/=• 1.#111111111 !MEOW .1•111•114 OWEN. WINNEt .111M* ' 24; C12.•.JAR.• . •9 ii4„s 12 DZ. TINS 15 UZ. TINE; 2 FR 69c 5 FOR 15 CZ. TINS .FOR SAVE THE SUPER SAVE WAYI • Aylmer • Choice Go den Corn .mmimimmiimmommummummummmommiumiiiiiiir Weiners 3 LBS. $1 • Hamburg11 • 40 LOS. 4IP • Macaroni & Cheese Loaf . Cubed Stewing Beef Rib Boiling Beef . • • 11••••• 11•111•111 69c 25c 3 r" 40c QUALITY MEATS 45c 1 -Ela 43 L., 19c Hey Kids! Coloured Plastic I Skipping Ropes •••••• ONO/ *MINN. .unnounimmoomiummonoutimmionommiimmoinommoboloommollimiammor KET HENSALL Open' .Friday and .Saturday Evenings 1 • VIPER AVE MARKET', 14144 11111111111411111ummioN1011i--11 fool oil a