Huron Signal, 1850-04-04, Page 4COMICALI'rIEB- A WEDDINO EXCURSION. 1e the eremite the cereutoey was per- formed which Rob Tim end Rachael an .sit, and after tbe compaey bal" liquored" all retied, That badlsg previously " talked it up" with Rachel, boldly anneeaced the resolution of start►Mg the .ext morning on a grand tour of observation. " He had always bin to bum," he said, " and never ate within, and flow he was coin' straight to G-, and afore he came back he would see s plealnbuat, tl there was such a thing any how." The village of G-wss about fifty miles dtstaet, tying on the Ohio Inver, and a j•.urney there fore. Tim's reeding' to those days was deemed a great undertaking. Some of them Ihnught'11m hail token leave of hu senses, nr eerteinly he was not in earnest, but he assured thea, he 44 •o, and the neat mornin', tackling up "'•!d ersy," end petting in a woody of perk and Leans h new Mr..Teri end t e n for the jo•irney. Iliggains waited on there iridal time - The second div the hopeful pair, without accident arrirrd et the town, it so hapl' •n - ed that the ateatnhoat Penney.' mil wee rounding in to the landing. 'i iin•4•aught ••qht of ber kt-pipe-, and in an eeetncj of wonder end delight cried out : " There she cctm•o now, by he k, y ! Look at her Reich ! Je-ru-,a-le m ! Joel as Squire Stokely said - one ken like a hur nin' filler. She's cnmiu' In to shore, tu ! Jemima, what a ere. k ! fnrder across than um our hnuee to Shaldow's mill ! •it't n Kart)! See lhev are wing up the varmint *ohs Halter. Wonder if its ,heery' and pelts. here's a pat -let's ue griy tied go down to the critter. " Thunder !-what's that ?-how 11 snorts ! You had better keep ar•ay from it. Tim," soul Rachael,' ut mought *wailer you down I.kewtakm'.' ' 1 ain't a(eared,' said Tun, ' folk, are entree off on't now. She'd good natured, 1 reckon, only spirited.' By this time ' gray' wee merle (apt, and Tim and Rachael wero moving caut,ou-ly in the direction of the boat. No balking, Rach, I'm going on to hrr.' The plank was out, and Tran tiilluwed timely by Rocher!, boldly Walked up and soon 'toed alongside tho engine. ' See how ,he sweats -they must have put her the • igh,' said 'Tien. 1 say u.d hoes,' said Tim, addressing the engtneer, 'move her jest a little -i want to see how she travels.' ' She'll move directly,' replied the men of steam,Netter keep out of the way.' Tim and R cha.•I now wended their soy to the main deck,&. eo completely were they absorbed with what they saw, that they did not observe the preparations making fur her departure. At the last tap of the boll.-• Tim thought there moat be a meati,a some where, but had no idea it was anything which concerned hint. At length as '1'tep THS PARNSR'4 PAPER. Ile Camas Agrkellrriel i he {eel mod auras d'ortaer`e paper psi/iskul se Caudal, semi ihme.fy ass moo riblollool is Upper Cows#14- .tealttsliel THY, weed ..1..0 of the Ag alI FUR 1448. DAMES PORTEN • Co. MARKET SQUARE; GODERICH. le 1u Primes' fora' eoms*etweJa*rrsrlr H T ]AVE mat �a�e veil fru the EUROPEAN 1850. It a visaed eoswr thiy, end •sitatad AliEICAS MARKETS. o...t the 94 pages double selualae, swipermi einem Cheapest T trod more IfLRNDID ASSORT- Duriog the present year, the sdse,timeg sheet will be dupeused with. 11 will coo FANO COTTON STAPLE D Y GOODS. fain sumerous Illustrations of Machines eat CORLY Clear! Medi.., Sauey a.d Primes Farm Implement., $ floo•es and ('' t l.t.t►e.mesa /albs. Souse. ead Salta Toil's. Liora rages, kc., Plans for School Houses, ad Laws. asd 11•is,tkercltefs, lilies Camay ice and Diagrams in explanation of questions in ar.JkreAi.l., $w(rBeak• •oil JKNat Mu- m, chasmsew and natural philosophy. bII.w, tiTeEAY LOOM, 1. $. Ylel •i•• •ad C..h- Great etre will b.kee In the eeketiur .wa•. A .a close, Mer►ed Cspt, Cd - of matter, whether rel .ting In Aerwaltere, tare sod tea, Ladies Sets sad 8bes. Dress Horticulture, Mechsn.r•, I)•mmeetle •Eeear- H*I.. sad Searle. COTTON $HIKTIN6ft, my, Education, nr gen. r,l $rhrnt e, h1eve- IMlaarteu. Resists awl Crape, of beautiful ►al intelligent pr.etical lerretrre and garde- *tyle, 8eaat,fat Liao. Liners mad Lace Goods net* have promised correPpoSleaee. and is variety, Glee*. mod Newry, Artificial Flow- ers. RMeese. the editors pill Le happy to r Pelee commu- nicatinnti ( ell their sulurribM.. Suck A Burnam RROAD CLOTHS A KERS YMh:R1:S. oRTMENT OF f to are of intimae ell be Geehy- published FI\E, )YRM, AND DURABLEFABRICKS, t ■tfi c '1'w n or three geuUeu,cn of high ata OF FAHf11UNAItE BTYLF:B, Airtime. n1,'....e of tt I... rat i. cons acted [ {7 Waal sod Fast Colmar., srd at priers that with the Unrvereoy,l hive a•rreed to mor in asrprwitl perch...ra leeCbe�p••ss Fa.a' 'nhnte to the columna oft he Agriculturist. losable Trewwnag.. Do. Veeuoa• Cotton Partnere, eub•crtbe and pay for your pa- sod Lambs Wool Drawers sod Shine. per, nail Then write for l': ell' parties will W)I.T.RIINR. SATINY:TT/1 & TWEEDS, thus be pleased anlbet. fie.!, MA1)F: 1P (OATS. VI:bfTP$AND The Agricu'turiet it devote.) to the de• TROW!•EQS. STOCKS. SCARFS, re Iopmel:t 441 advua•emer,t "1 the real in- soil Ildkf . Irish l,�eu. Buckskin Mia. terms,' of Ca• ado. t'v.b good has alreadyGlove*. Egotists. Pwuh sed America Caps. berm d..ne by 'hie parer, al•d th=en ohKCARPETING it le a Contionation. But the prnpr i.•1are et v he Cu/lien:or, and the other paprre alluded Table Linens, T, veIlin;,t, 1.IIIcn 1e',.n H'rr•d Kraut Ins.: and the proprtctora RIM (j04.10/11Sht'eU L.tt't111t1'r- •d the Agr c•illur•.t hive, en far, been out RIM of pocket, bcetdes the time, labor and anxie-p ij}(•:,' Nlar%alllei Quilts, Daiii- te epi nt'in its pubhrwt.on. 1s the repriach ��� Flannels and Blankets. that lir fnnnere C+n of .ada it not support • ALO ROBES' art aircultural paper itf rev keit'. to con- F1dFTY SPO RAIN 'Ulu oBLtp rpusl 5-11.T• all rinse? We hope not. l.et tine who love their country, an desire its improve - be will b wW at ver red•eed I'r.ces bet CASII or Merke•able Firm Pro,'uce. ment. make a tittle more effort this rear. Goderich, i-dk November, I s49. 3•-043if and the reproach may be wiped out forever. m h' t 4+ t? - : - As an inducement to extra •lagoon, w. Gator the following Premiums: -Oen Ilex- •� ,- F. a' $. w -. POPO DoLI.Ane ! S i.viNTT-rtvtt DOLLAOS! S., : Z ^ _ i at -- I C ' 2 C Rift Dout.aas! Every person who wilt _ -� procure "00 euhecriber. for the Agnc'rltu- ,. ® Li d v ,1- i ii e , -' Lae, and remit the mnney at the time of •' g, - e • a ^ , w e d theper will be paid 111100• fit, • s', re -9 • ' ^ - T ' "• gist, at the subscription price et nag not• - v e ▪ e • -- ' • Y a -3 ordering pa, a e- 3 i; . e a z' 166 subscriber*, gtTS; for I'!O date, 430; to for 75 ditto, 1130; fur 60 dtttO, 11115. .11TH- -• e.a ? e '- >4 i ,oe LOST!! BELONGINOto the subscriber, between Aur Store sod the Division Court O( - be, on Friday last, 13th Instant, Twu PROMISSORY NOTES, Vis.' One JOINT NOTE agitate Jou• loom' .ad C.aauw DueuaaTY, for 13 18s 9d., drawn payable to James Phslau ur bearer, and endorsed by Jetties Phelan, put due, -Also, nN against Micn*Rt. Bioscopy Black Smith, for 13 19s 8d., -drawn we- lder to Christian Sauter, or bearer, written in -Berman, also part due. This to to cau- tion any person from purchuir•g the sante, or the above parties paring the Notesto spy perdue but the subscriber, -and any person finding the aboto Notre will much oblige the sube;iber by returning them to. bon. TILOS. M. DALY. Stratford, July 66th, 1849. 2v -0301f THE Subscriber beta to inform the inhabitants ref Goderich and its vici,tity, that he has re- ceived • Large Supply of dee LATEST' IM- PItOVED PATTERNS of COOKING, B 0 X ; AND PARLOUR STOVES, C11.- t.eetrUl la Mere haat N.- N trember, per Schermer .l+t so .., A Lot of IRON, soasig*ed to F. C., Ueie,icb If the same la sot take* away forthwith, It will to sold to psv coots. CHRISTOPHER CR ABB. Goderich, Jas. 93, 1660. Se -atilt/ CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE C0/dPANY. THE Suberib.r having bees appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive proposals fur Assu- rance, and will be happy to afford to any person the necessary information, a to the principles of the Institution. JAMES WATBON• Goderich, 13th June, 1849. . ,$n1911 QTRAYED frarit the sebscriber on or 6- about the 1st of November last, Otto Yoke of Black OXEN, brown streak on the back. six years old. Also three COWS, One n Ir ithwhptem or.. I dos rano black, spangled p large Red Cow with a white Pare. One lined back brindle Cow, and one Tie,. years old Red Heifer. Any person leaving information of the above catt'e at the Sig nal Office or with Mr. John Allan, Tavern Keeper, Goderich, will be ntte6ed for their trouble. SAMUEL McCOSKiKRY. Kincardine, 241h Dec. 1849. 9v-47 which he offers for SALE1t very REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. The Subscriber also keeps on hand, as sepal, at his OLD STAND, >i LARGE and very Su- perior a,sortmeat of 'TINWARE of every description. The sub,cribrr tisk,. this opportunity of retur- niog his sincire thanks to ilte Public for dee very literal put.onagc hr has received since be has been in business in Goderich, and hopes by strict attention to boaunese, ud .I . , to continue to realer • share of the public patronage N. B. -GRAINING. PAINTING. GLA- ZING, PAPER and BELL. HANGING carried on ae heretofore- W ILLIAM STORY. Goderich, Cdr Sept. 18-19. 20-n31tf ESTABLISIIMENT. TAILORING A. NASMYTH cultural �ncienco, and too••, r. -••- v is_ • e s ^ - •-•returning thanks to ha !glands and nu - obtain the paper through then society, are ' -- _ -' , I uicroue Customers fon the Liberal Pat- -excludeJ ream the above. As we have no c a g 3 z i 3 �-• I runago which he Nis received during the travelling agent;; the offers are epee, soli - _ f past year, begs to intimate that he has jaet accessible to all, with the except'..., jus- '• ^ i'^ I recnixed an extensive Assortment 44 I No papers will bit sent un tes i_ 1 the subecnption eccotnptmea the order. uo• G til the smallest number [GO) is realized: of 3 a - n ter that one haft the price may be retained ' > m by the competitor, till the completion of the list which he intends to forward. Who .will try ? Where is the township in Cana- da West, in which no young man can be found willing to spend -two or three weeks afterwards expressed it, she began to 4Mhis wintry M win at least the 1I23 prize? - breathe hard 8 110 water began to ema,h,' agricultural Socicues nrdenng 93 cove* w ! 3 -0 3 ,. 'o end Tim'(or the first Uma observed they d J will be sr. p11eJ at half e dol. w 9 g • e ^ • a an upwards, P o. r"! ` ' w s Q were in the midst of the river. ' Hello here, old hoes 1' screamed Tim ; Single subscription,, one dollar. Loral ^ - ' n ' ' i sayCap'n, what you 'bout 1 where you Agents, p goin' to r They were now under full headway, and Tim saw the town and 'old gray' disappear- ing like magic. ' Thunder, why don't you hold. ber in r roared Tim ;'abe'e runnin' away. 1Vhat'el we do ? Oh, golly, cues the cr.tter-can't she be brought tu l A wag who comprehended poor Tim's predicament observed : 'You are in for it now my friend, we don't atop till we get to Orleans.' I told you to keep away from the blas- ted varmint,' screamed Rachael ; ' now what well become ef• u' ?' Tim was in despair. At this moment the steamer's whistle uttered ooe of its etmrpest notes, and Tin; s hair stood on end. '' She's loose, squealin' and kickin' 1' shrieked Tim. ' Oh, golf?,. Rachael, we are lost,' and in the absence of the know- ledge of any prayer, he tried to repeat a part of the blessing ho -had heard Deacon Snit l'y ask at the table. By this time the Captain had learned of poor Tin'a misfortune, and kindly ordered the boat to land and Tim and Rachael 'ranee more stood on terra firma. Footing it back with alt dispatch, they found ' old grey' still fast to the post ; end not many minutes elapsed before his head was turned home- ward, with -Tim and Rachael, who were perfectly satisfied with what they had seen of the world in general, and their experi- ence in steamboating in particular, -Great West. if you de. not wish to fall in love, keep away from calico. You c.. no more play wtlh girls without losing your heart, than you can play at roulette without b..sing your money. At Dobbs very justly ob- serves, the heartstrings of a woman, like the tendrils of vine, are always reaching out for something to cling 1o. The conse- quence is that before you are going you are gone, like a one legged stove at a street auction. in France, in 18.19, them was printedl'ia 8279 work§ of all kinds -170 less tn io 1843. Of these 926 were music works, 672 woodcut engravings and lithographs, and 7378 works in all languages, living. and dead. !_. I. !poi •I to! Im111■It II IUlli 1. 1 now' V_ PROSPECe'I'US 01' THF VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MIR. AND MRS. MOODIE., Entwine. film: Editors of the Vicrosra blaotmioa will li devote all their talents to produce a noefst entertaining, •, d cheap 1'rnndicnI, ler the ('ana- than People ; which rosyafford aord uutn u.eenl to both old and young. Sketches and Tale,, is verse sod prose, Moral F:osay, Slat 1st hoofehc Seism..colony, Serof Ilsef01 Information, Reviews. of new Works, wet well selected srtielee from the most popolar authors of the day, will form the pa of the Magazine. The Editors feel eoefident that the independent and riaag country to wbnsr service they ars read to dedicate their cleats, will .cl..erfully,. hied iia support to enemnrsue their arduuo and honourable •ndertaking. The low price •t which the Periodical ie placed, is in order that every eerier within the Colony who tan grad, ero4! sAy 1 . h.eeme • ,b.rnb.r and pat rot _ " 1 uralt the work. _ _d•en to the V:ll.ee n( Nlra•burgh, and will a: rt •d '`' 1111 send M.aun," cnMueiag l e d reedloa, a•, lar• twelve copies end upward,, 3e 9J.- . '►L" o ono R T e who will rocure over three sr. scribers. and remit us the subscription, free of pnetagnr, will be allowed 25 per eeot.- 2 t{e.- c • d re: - GRon0R BucKLA?LI,. Secreta- Agnen'tu- t. T.: .Q cam. e - ^- gal Association, i'rincipal Editor, assisted ,7 A 2 ^ ; n = h n >! _ je ^ cr y t: M. Me )oco u.L. Proprietor. A;! letters should be post-paid, •nil ad- , r : ,- - dresse.l " To the Ed:ters to the .tor caitu- 'a • fist, Toronto." NOTICE. - TO BE r; LD•is ll E 9.brriber having been appointed Agent { N excelrert P.rm, being Lot ^• 12. T farthe PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND `]. Malt:an-1 Concession, Tnwnsbip Of -`-NCR.A1 LNdURANCE COMPANY, here- Goderich, con'sining 100 acrea-30 of whieb is cleared. The lend is cf a superior quali- ty, and well watered. It is situated exact- ly nine miles from the town of Goderich os the Huron Road, and at the juretlon of six duff•rent road*: u d at it is to the center of apopulous and prosperous Ideality, it N *I- celleotly adapted for a Taa-ern stated or a_� Store. This faun is well cet.tled to the MRS. DOROTHY DOUGLAS, widow attention of persons desirous of an eligible VIZ of the late Thomas Douglas, of the situation for bu.:nes•-, and will be sold os Farmer's inn, Stratford, begs to return her very reasonable tern,. For particulars thanks to the Inhabitants of Stratford, and apply t• 'Phomas Dark, T.oero-keeper, the public generally, for the very liberal Goderich, or to the proprettrr sopport which they received during the s' JONAS COPP, short time they have been in Stratford. Village of Harputhey• Mr.. Douglas begs to intimate that she -June 15. 1849. .9.1911 intends carrying on the business as hereto- - - - fore at the Old Stand, in her own r.ame,'and TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS hopes by strict attention to the comfort of F',RNISHiNG WARE HOUSE. her gueete,and moderato charge.', to merit a THE Suhacnbers have opened a New share of the public patrona:e. Type Foundry in the City of New Stratford, 21st Angagq 1849. 9v-nt9tf York, where they aro ready torsupply orders - - --- to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy New Tailoring Establishment Type', ink, Paper, Chaos, Galleys, Braes Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Compoollg Stick*, Cases, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. The Type. which *recast in new moulds, byu by totimatfor that n preparedhe Prrietaryto tve Branch, at.; dons for Stock 'n ironer• in the Mutual and •ppllcatinu for it..• Branch, sod to give such jotorrnatton on the 44137 et a may be rey.iced• JOHN CLARK. Goderich; 26th Sept. 1839. _ !>-n34t• f FARMER'S INN STRATFORD. IN GODERICH, THE Subacribrr beg. to announce to the in - habitants of Goderich, and its vicinity, that he has commenced business in the ,hove line. is the Room sAjeinine 11. NORTON'S Sad - from entirely new sett of Mauler.", wentdie shop, Market Square, where he will be pre- deepeoupters,,and warranted to be unser- pared to efeenudl order, in his line oo'the pas*ed by any, be sold at prices to suit the shortest notice. ■rail it moderate cherges- times. Alt tbo type formatted by us ie N. B.-Catuug dune on the shortest nonce " hand cart.JOHN ADAMS. Punting Pretties furnished. .a and ate.,, Goderich, Oet. 11, 1819. 12037 S:cam Lngtncs of the must approved pat Sint rhh'oID BREWERY. terns. . • ► HE Subscriber to returning his sineee Composition Rollers cul for printers. T acknowledgement* to the Inhabitants o re. Editor. of New•papen who will Rtntford, asd 10 hie cu•t•emrrr generally, for buy three limen an mach type as their b111e the liberal patronage which he has received der- ailment to, may give the a-bove atx-menthe ,eg the time he has been in botine,e; wisher. to insertion in their paper., and send their intimate that the improved arrangements which papers containing it to the Suh.eribers. him, recently been ma:'e in his establishment, ivocxci ' T k OVF.RF.ND will enable him to make a superior quality of N. T8 Aaw.Ntreet.Yese Fork. BEER, and to farnieh it on earl, terms a, entitle December 7th 847. m 1 horn to a continuation of the business which _ __ _ he has hitherto enjoyed- J- P. VIVIAN. l llattk Deeds and Memorials, simtford, Nov. 28, 18.9- x9-.43 A Nn all kinds on DIVISION COURT CIZ QAII✓ 0 B[,A.1NKR, and BLANK tNK PROIKI9 SOItY NOTES, for sale at the Signal OtTice: Every dlacription rat 110OK and JOB Printing cxccutid w to neatness and dispatch. QT CUMMGNSLSrequired M the New Dig - OT 17 ,net Coen Art, nodal' other ALAN& FORMS seed to the District said Demme Cosa Costs, on Rale , I o. !4tasl Also, all kind' of JiIl PRINTING es slimiest notice, sn.t on ,ro,4Prate Ie G ,derieh, J,ly I. 1849. Signal lattice, l;,.Jereh, 'CS Se timber IS and is ready to Execute all Orders given to him with care and punctuality as formerly Goderich, April, 12th, 1849. 2v -n IOtt TWO GOOD FARMS .FOR SALE. - ON E withip 2 miles, and the other with- in about 3•' miles of Goderich Tows Plot. The first is 1. ;T 10 in -lav Conces- sion, Township of Goderich, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, Is bounced at the one end by Lake Huron. and at the other by a Public Road, -and the second is LOT 8 in 8th' Concession, Colborne, W . Di vision, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub- lic Roads. For Particulars apply to JNO. McDONALD, Eeq. Goderich, 19th June, 1849. o19-tf HURON HOTEL; • GODERICH. • AMES G1NTLES, would respectfully in - el form the inhabitants of Goderich, Nod its Vi- cinity. that he will constantly , Kc°:p Her:;c:; and Carriages FOR HIRE, ter which he respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. JAMES GENTLES. 18th Sept. 1640. ,2o33 -i( PVIIFY T8 fiLIS). M OFFAT'S " VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHC 4IX BITTERS The high awl ovied celebrity which thew pretwieeel Medicines have se,uured fer their hoaruble .06cacy is all the ,Iuea,e, which they pr, t se to carehas rendered 1M usual practice f puffing not only eery, bet unwor- thy of them. They are tureen by their fruits ; their god 'Forks testify for them, awl they Shrivel sot Ply the faith .r the credulous. r- /wit .; L L. n a - - Of ASTHMA. A1'FECTIUNS'f the BE LADDER ad KIDNE YSd CHRONIC ,T1311. BILIOUS FBVEBS & LIVER 001aPLAINTa.- In the south and ,int. where thew diseases prevail, they wr1 M fund Invadable. Punters. farmers. aW Oben. who awe ..e diene M.diuw. stroll neva .Re wide 6e "elbow GIs: BILIOUS CHOLIC. and SEROUS Lowman. BILIS, COSTIVENESS. COLDS £ COUGHS, CROL•C. CONSUMPTION. Used with gnat were. .n the d,sww. CORRUPT moose, DROP -TEES, 331fsploomIda. No person with tine deeded dr twee, Abed relay dome these tndi urate enmedeldr. ERUPTIONS d let SAM, ERYSIPELAS. FLATU LE..CY. ELVER and ROUE. For i6.wm.rreulttsw•► yea WOW,' these medicines will I.e round a aaA, speedy. tea setae retied,. Other medicines leave the system menial to a Warn of the dneuee-a curt by these mnlrrmee ,, presume - TRY THEM, BE 'ATIMIIOD, AND RR CURED. FOULNESS nil CUNPLEXION. 03111731tAL DEBILITY GOUT. GIDDINESS. ORA 1' EL. 11E1DA•'IIES. Qrie•"i Md. INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RMSU.ei TISK, IMPURE BLOYD. JAUNDICE. LOSS of APIA TLIVLE OO11RPLAII TS, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, JI *RC U RI A L DISEA.ES.- Naees Ails to malate miserly all the effects of Hewers i♦ � Idr s000ar than the amt pnwer(ul preparation rl S.rnpanlla, NIORT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. NERrona COMPLAINTS a alt Mnd., ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. PALPITATION ern, HEART. PAINTER'S CHOLIO, P I L n a . The mimosa penp•ierne of thew modems tate caned of Piles of m seen .taming by the um of Gene IAA Medicine mane. PAINS in tha bad, aide, ha 6, leads, Odd eel mea. R H E 11 .I A T I R :w. The. •fRee'wl wdh this i.rrdle !lees... wi111,. MI, of relief by It. LM Me.l,riaen. RUSH .t BLOOD tease HEAD, scusrr, DE1,IVi RY, 6ALTRHEUM, SWELLINGS. FOR GOODCI.E.tN R.1RCF.Y, at the wmarOwns, uec1aR,tl.r..Ydnesrrrfsra MAITLAND RREIVI'R )'. by the Ruh- W O A 1118, nr01 leas. am 1 M 'cribs!". J. F. 11 RITTA I N, d... M..ga.e. Preece will do ,,Ito..bma•e, lbw whew Goderich, Oct. 10, 1849. 2v-n2fllt ever O10i' .artmca r ...sewn!. Reid w.a ha same,. .c ROfl1LA, int ZING'S MIIL, mite gab._ Iht. P. A. MCDOUOALL, - (II AN 1e ee*..Abs. Wow 7.Oft. at Iaf Gode Mie Rapt• 1:tb, 1"1- at NoTICE. To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. THE increued demand for Summonses and other BLANK WRITS, in con- nection with the'_nsinese of the several Di- vision Courts in the District, has "tempted us in printing them in much larger quanti- ties than heretofore, and consequently ena- bles us to sell -them much cheaper -there- fore we intimate to the several Officers re- quiringlheee Black Forms, that from this date, Summonses and all other Writs be- longing to the Division Court, will be Sold at the Signal Office at the reduced price of (17' Two SHILLINGS Ane SIIrgNCM ran HuvnnRn. , TIB LIFE PILLS AID PIilE II IITTlitii TRAVELLER'S HOME. PURIFY THE BLOOD, tel os the STRAY , RG, 1VATE.RLOO, t And tin remove all disease front the system. ,. 211th ebrn*ry, 1 39. S A ,ts1t, irt.t .tis pew r6. LIFE PILLS ■d TiIE n scriber he by int n etre to his P H R ^ I I 8 1 T T E,, S bey.at.hs r,wh Ntemps. fermis and the Travelling Puhh• gene- tines is P.. eui.ano. nr.n.rypalyw- and ifanr:ons for moral and mental imprnetwewt p rally, that he has r'mnyed from New Aber- 7Yii femme athw..4k,.,.sirs sew pee ay is w1en s IaM to r1►er with • . 1, all! •17 . VICTORIA Mvo.us11 will eoauin twauy-h M1Lt 'IA MEDALS. Nos ifs found in that well. It now n hones for- es.akh t. a &swag ofnrnadw.y tmmwatt four pages in rah number printed on new type, and upon good porn , end will fires •t eM red „• PP• o(the year a stet Volsmne, rat 985, pages,' le- CC. i of the I Mile* of iAu Provisee as will be ready sad able to Icnrdneo to the Ime.obe. eba• w►. proton Ihr..ith wMw gather with Tide Paan sed Index. are cnritlyd to a %dal for the fellow/- comfort of those who may lioror him wfth M wowed esti ',h..�ys �we gneiss' Re esrde. •rile. es. 11 will 1'e finned Mnethly, all Ili, trig *ellen,, via :-Detrnt, :i ry.ler's Farm their patronage. And while he returns b44t ee0Me7Meet,lfe'. i e;b:f,1mtt stn. w041/4Tim of September, from the ol1e. of JOSEPH and l'hatrsegnay, are vuq.epreJ to seed to thanks foil peat farms, he hope., by 'strict inlayed way WILSON. Front -street, Belleville -the Pah, the Adjutant General of Militia, at Temente. 'Motionja s the wars and wishes of his _= o. WILLI/kat B. errAT, 'liber Bed este Prnprinnr, 1" whom alt orders for without deig, s statement of their claims, ceetomer1,BtiH to smolt a continuities of res Swedw.y. .ores .r aatb..,,w.n. Mw Rosa, 1 ► tiierly occupied by Mr. Jnnee,-where' M lbs«• y wbMb •r..g� •• .t,ityg the aq t.a e ad TM eros ead samaritan, ere e IND WI elate. mr the Msgatnne and letters to the Edttore, mmat J that the, may be me ,■ 1 n Hoole balreptiee_ot JOHN ABEL. M pail i adoa•ra I'appserele tame. Province, will please copy N. B, (Toed F'ItABLES and attentive imearimete es Oedencb, March 3. 1848. { the abet, ,ice. , 3 n7 GrootM. v2-6411 imi or er patati.e11.. To. .a • y adMa••d '(post yyooiI ) Th. terms of nab- gland by Ii. 1st Yay *cat. E I)OL):!�R PF,R ANNUM- _.� Are. BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Agent. Goderich, .Tan- 28, 18484 1 wipes CASH re.CASH for WHEAT AT the Goderich Mills -and for Cherry Saw Loge at Goderich and Bayfield Mills, by WI1LLiAM PIPER. Goderich Mills, 5th December, 1849. 46-1f STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. I. LEWIS, BARRISTER, SOUOLTOI, ., a 0001tillKIL ,.. ALFRED W, General Agent &. Cunveyaalter, COLI,iCTOR Or ACCOUNTS, 4a 44- 0ODERICIi. Oct. 1, IMO. 6.085 IIOMF. MANUFACTURE. THE Subscribers in returniog thanks lo their Customers far the liberal sup port they have received ,ince cnmmeectog butinese, beg to intimate,; that they have for sale at low rates, Cooking, Box & Parlour Stove., also Ploughs of eight descriptions; and con- sisting of the most improved Moulds. Self- acting .11111 Pope, and various other cas- tings. Having engage.! ao experienced Machinist. the subeenbere can confidently recommend their THRASHING MA- CHiNES of the newest design, beth sta- tionary and moveable, and would solicit a call from intending Perch before buy- ing elsewhere. All orders pan:tually at- tended to and executed with neatness and despatch. ORR k WiLSON. Stratford, 13th Aug. 1849. v2-nteltf. JOHN STRACHAN, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, &iiciter its Catarcery. Conseysaccr, NOTARY PUBLIC, Has bis office io West Street, Goderich. January, 1850.v- Goderich, IQ J! o , 1.49 • PLANS AND SPLCIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District of Huron, and the neighboring Districts, that he has Established himself in Stratford, and is prepaid to give Plans and Specifica- tions of Public cr Private Buildings, Bridg- es, Mill Dams. litc. kc, Ike., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, on tho most reasonable terms. Itis thorough knowledge of his profession sod his practice as Builder, qualifies him for any Undertaking in the lino. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, kc. kc- Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 16th, 1819. 9v-n7tf DANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1.4 C , doc linfor is Ckoacery, Hu bbinoffice a formerly, to Stratford- Stratfoid, Ind January, 1860. 2v -s49 N. B. -Mr. Strachan, of the tato firm of Stracban k Liars, continues to act as Agent- lad Coua..l for Mr. Liar. in all matters referred to him from Stratford. WATSON & WILLIAMS, - DIXIE WATSON of Gadericl, BARRISTER AT LAW, !a. e!e. sad GEORGE WILLIAMS. of 8soprad, late •f the firm of Hector, Weller ead Witham*, Barrieten, &e.Teroato, keying this day enuredk intoco-part.erehip, in the Practice, and Pro.- woe of LAW, Cans..av Nd C will in future keep their Offices at Osderieb ad Stratford, respectively, soder the sum, style and firm of Wainer and WILLIA.is. Doris Warier', Goderich, GaoWILL-Leine,a WILL -Leine, Stratford, 94th December, 1849. 91-14711 STRATFORD HOTEL. (Lave 1545'..) THE Subscriber io/ores his fri.ods and the Travelling Public, that he has leased the large BRICK TAVERN, at the East end of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth,/ lately occupied by Mr. Isaac May, -where he will be ready at all times to afford the usual comfort and supplies and promote the personal convenience of him guests. WINES and LiQUORS of the best de- scription. A steady Hostler always to attendance. ALBERT G. HATCH. Stratford, lath July, 1849. 2v-ot5tf LUII FORHUT! THE Subscribers will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for Good Merchantable Wheat. JAMES PORTER & Co. Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. n37 R. WILLIAMS k • CO., CHEMISTS AND DR UGO/8T8. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cine.*, Perfumery, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dve Stuffs, &c. &c. THE.uhscribers beg to inform the fehab- itants of STRATFORD and the .er- roundiog Townships, as well as the public in general, that they have opened the above establiebment to this Town, where thee will also keep constantly on hand a choice ..lection of GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, HARDWARE, kc. Ise. When they hope by keeping a good mock at low preen to receive a *bare of public patronage. Phy.ieisn'e preecripti.s. and Oamily re- e.pes di.pe.aed with the greatest sas.raey' prom pt it vide. N. B. -Crawford k i&.eh's Mtreard wholesale and retail R- WILLIAMS k Co. Stratford, 144 It►w..ry WHO. tu.6lt A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR: ware-iv11U1, 6ODERICB. Guderich, April 12, 1849. 9v -slot J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, W'LL attend SALES is any part of the County on reaeoeable Terme. Ap- ple at his Residence, Light -Hoose Street. Goderich, April 4'h 1849. 111-9■ DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER: Three doors East of W Cathode Cc's. Oce, W EST -ST IR FET, GODERICB. 2v -n30 August ,:'Illy, 1849. Stokes, CHEMIST and, DRUGGIST, WEST -STREET, GODERICH. March 8, 1849. • 2v-ao JOHN 1. E. LiNTON, 2'OT Aa T 70111R, CQ)nmissioner Queen's Bench, AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. DAVID H. LIZARS, WISHES to intimate is the iaka¢itals of VV Goderich ad the nrrousdiag eeeatry, that be bas commaeed beat.... u Conveyancer, General Agent sad Acc.emlaat, sad by maids - nos aeration, accuracy, ad mdsnts eatery., hopes to be useful to limb as may repaire hie services- Thaw wtsbia1 to esnp1y him is any of the above bm.ebee will pl..se mall et the Registry Office, Lighth.... street, Goderich, 13th March. 1850. ,3-86 DR. JOHN HYDE, • Lara rams ,J 1.0 liC IIo I:l STRATFORD. Jely 31, 1849. 4v-.26 WM. REED, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. ¢c., LIGHTHOUSE 8T. GODERICH. Oct. 25, 1849. 2.038 ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, And Civil Engineer. office at Mr• 10.nT ELue' GODERICH. January 19, 1950. tv-nbt NOTICE. THE Subscriber ho+1R RENTED the WAREHOUSE sad WHARF belong- ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of this place hes established bin,..If as a rORwAanEa man Coweeeet0N Ma*caanT- Any orders or commission from the Mer- chants of Goderich, will, receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN• Windsor, March, 1849. a. -'felt. elje §uron Signal, t. ratmD A.1 mummy arms roanksa BY THOMAS MACQBIIbI. MDMM Aso rao,eiaf a. _ orrice wAsa8T-egoMot, eoltOICW. • 0 Deet sod Joh P1i,Mi.g, .waited with assumes amid dispatch. Timms S0 lw, Mw... eriaeai.-TEN NHL. LINOS- per aaawm if paid strict! in septet..., .r Twazva Aso Srx Pages with tie espi les of the year. Ne paper dise..tianed trail smarm are paid .p, maks, the militias, blab it his adv.. tag. lode se. Aay iadiv'deal is the mum Weesib g n- apoesthls for sit .sbsetlheys, "hail rsetive a se,esth copy gratis. ET All letters §loot....d se the Rdissrtnwt be poet pall, or they will let be tab.* est of tb• put Ulu Isom M asvlmiipomi. Sia Saes and .sdwlSat huselial.•w•LO i { iEashaehwpest iasert aa..... a. a. 0 O 10 Wa► Tem as l asditr Pint imiurliee,.r •. 0 1 a Each ssbs.ga.at flsrti.s, 0 0 le Over to lip.*, Int i.sertiu, per Hoe, 0 0 4 lash suledomalt )Hosed*.. 0 0 1L7 A libinal dis..s.t nada le lens wee adsartias by the year. T01 PSI M _ JOS NesNees Is, • - '• - ._...... mew* .._._-.. Te.