HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-28, Page 15'Tencierometer ,—Contlnuod: from rsgi 11Wir 98 116-185 *87 126., up. *84 Last year, the price schedule WaS $150, for 4-85; $10.8,50 for $6- 95; $98.50, for 96.4.ati and PM for 180 un. Agreement WO 'reached in ne- gantious Friday. night, Mr Down sid PLAY. 'CODDLED EGIIER.T° Presented, by Stratford 3Unior Earners ABERDEEN HAW Kirkton, Fri,, April 5 fk3S p.m. Sponsored by Kirkton Public Library Admission; 514 and 300 EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL. Panorama VARIETY SHOW Songs, Dances, Plays April 9, 10 8 O'Clock Advance Sale Of Tickets General Admission SOO Band. Concert • SHAHS AUDITORIUM Tuesday, April 9 ' 8:30 p.M. ARMY SERVICE. CORPS •BAND OF LONDON Directed by Lt. Martin Bound!, In the interests of Exeter Junior Bend. Plan to bring the family. Silver Collection wimeeenTesssia.04;,..****P.A7***. yrtf Theatre Phone 421 Zurich. Bantams --contined :troth POO 4 front 'Overholt to Os •the score .0.41e3 Arthur Ganunon."s :goal at 19:31 of the first peried ended the sepring, And left .itis,ViUh bolding a 34 lead . It only took Zurich's, front nun' ning: line ,of Overholt -Wagner and Johnston, less than two minutes.' to tie the ggne vp 0,gajlt -15401 Overholt doing the honours. The sarnethree put Zurich 1140, the ;lead for the first time lo the game ft$ little Earl Wagner took relay passes froot 3..-olmaten. And Overholt and picked the ,corner of the tiet with heePtifilt sIiot that beat gootender Bob FAir- hall eleanly. Several good scoring opPor- lunitiks were .missed by both .clubs ln the second period as thi go.attenders came up with some spectacular saves. Alvin DOWaSba and George Mann killed a 4011b15, malty to their club effectively m the mid - die Stanza. as not enough passing hampered the Zurich boys from Adding to their total. H4wevee, it only took Overholt 50 .seconds of the third with both teams at uL strength to give his team a 5-3 lead. At 1.5.:•10 Arthur Gammon blinked the light for Bala after Wayne Church and Len 'ox had combined together to, set' up the play, • Overholt completed his "hat nick" just 36 seconds after the Gammon goal to pot Zurich two up once again where this tinge they stayed. ' , Paul Amache, tiassy goaltend- er for Zurich, played a very prominent role in the victory u he came up with a number of hey, saves on 'what looked to. be "sure" goals. .Smooth. skating Wayne Willert along with Bill. Wagner;-- lien Reichert and Paul Bedard showed very well at times. 13ALA. defenet, Vox, L. Falrhall; centre., wings, Gammon, Mann; alternetes, Rex', Da.Washa, Falrhall, Pratt. ZURICH — Goal, Arnacher; de- fence, Weida, Willett; centre, ,Toli - ;41 on ; wings, E. Waner, Overliol t; alternates, -B. Wagner, )7/pleb ert, Bedard, Klopp. Thieli Masse, De. nomme, Sweeffey, First Period 1—Baia, Mann (Fox) S:17 2-7,u Het), Jonston (Overholt) - 5:14 3—Bala, Mann -(Gainnion) -- 0;55 4—Zurich, JohnstOn (Overhol t) 16:25 5—Bala, Gammen Penalties — WhIert (slashing) 4:40; Overholt (hooking) 14:30. Second period 6—gorlell., Overholt (E. Wagner, ;Johnston) _ 1:00 1—Zurich, Pl. Wagner (.11ohns(on, Overholt) 18:46 'Penalties — 011107(41 (tripping) 5:56; Fox (trIpping) 10;20 and 1.3g6. Third Period Overholt • CPI Wagner, Johnston) --- :50 0—paia, Gammon (Church, Fox) _____ 15:10 10-7uricb, Overholt (Johnston, 21 Wagner) 15:46 Penalties—None. , • Previews Its ' Corning Attractions " ......•••••••••••••••••;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••000. THURS., FRI. & SAT. March 28, 29 and .3o "THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT" * Tom Ewell • * Jayne Mansfield • "ADULT ENT E RTAINM E NT" News Cartoon MON., TUES. & WED. April 1, 2 and 3 "QUENTIN DURWARD" • * Robert Taylor * Kay Kendall and on the same program "WEDDING IN MONACO" The story of Grace Kelly's wedding, .04,0••*••••••,••••••••0..••••••••••••••••••••.••••40.••••••••••••.•••••• cOMING "TARZAN THE APE MAN" Presentation and Dance FOR MR. & MRS. • DOUGLAS DIXON Fri,, March 29 West McGillivray Hall Senior Citizens , Social Evening Tuesday, April 2 MOO p.m. LEGION HALL Ladies please bring sandwiches or cookies. _____ 0000 owns,. o oo 000 , 000 vtutiffilitmtimm REGIONAL MEETING Exeter .11antandis —Continu.Aci from Palle 4 DIM314/1 tioal. senunal: •ae. fence, Otteroth, Lawrence, Bedard, vook: forwards, Watson. St'lla...efir, Molfirr. B. 411an. K. Allan, 1-441.01er, IlichardstM, Codegan. — oatNader/5: ele- tenet, Sitn8. Me.rrlage. McBride, Ile). woad; forwards, .1, Jones. H. :1010$ Sieohon. BoYle. Tliney, rstraer. 11 1.10Yle, 1:00Per, 3iarven, First pitrip1 o . Purhain, banren re )7,16 m, Bedard r, 1 ii-lobaeter) 15 - 3-11xater. a 3 ill. Jones) ' 10:11 z Penalties — .Strang rIeP193) .81,101 Stephen istasning) 10:16. Second Perled Steplion 410. Boyle, Beywood) 6:15 atm., Slephen U. .lones,) 6xeler, B., Jones The Ti eloonsmounglawoommomoomtwootinosoommilmomotiommeg. AM 0 Lb'. Boyle, .sietalon) 0:51 7 —.Mae r r. 110Yle (Stephen, ,iiewooril 18:27 Penalties — Stephen 2 (slash- r• Ire) 12:25 anti 10:55. • Third Period • • TA CAMPAIGN AIDS CHOIR—Junior Choir of Holy Trinity Church, •Luean, raised funds recently •by selling Times -Advocate subscriptions in. the area. The campaign, conducted by Miss Lina .Abbott, was part of the. TimeS-Advoeate's program to in- crease circulation and at the sairtetime aid a local organization, The plan is avail- ible to any group in the community, Members of the junior choir above, are: top row, left to right, Brian Smith; Helen Hodgins, Rose Wilkinson, Judy Haskett, Peter Prest; middle row, Paul Steacy, Mary 1VIathers, Linda England, Pat Egan; bottom row, Larry and Douglas Lewis, Hugh Elliott, Bob Har.dy ani Nancy Haskett. Carolyn and Steve Davis were Absent. Photo • Hockey • Standings O.H.A.•SENIOR "5" Lett Week's Scores: Wallaceburg 4, Strathroy 3. • 'WallaceburgStrathroy 4 'Welllaceburg Strathroy 3 , W1TFAP WO I aceburg * 0 22 10 6 Strathroy 0 3 0 10 22 Futur4 Games; 38—WalIaceburg at Strathroy 1—Strathroy at Wailacehurz (JC necessary) \A/INGHAM 5ANTAM TOURNEY' etet 7, Durham 3 Bteter 10, Klnearcline 1 Future Games: al—Exeter ve. Bbeneser HUttON ZONE 5 ROOM BALL, TOURNEY This Week's Scores.: Teeswater .1, Exeter Kinsmen 0 Dash wood 4, Brussels 0 •*Centralia 1, 1-1 anover 1 *Mohawks 1, BeIgraye *Centralia said licthAwks won on shots on .gotsl, Games Monday, April 1: 7 :16—Dashwood -.a.C ent ralia 8:15—Mobawlcs vs.Teeswater 5:15—All -S tar Game 10:15—Winners of previous games play off for championship. Hospital Auxiliaries District No. 2 Tues,day, April 2 230 sOuTH HURON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY ROOM • Spaakeri Miss.ltahno Beamish, R.N. DireetOr of Musing, Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital ALL AUXILIARY MEMBERS WELCOME 0000 000 00000 Oviintiatotossm000000000000000000fienounnIntaisonottoistiouni)J . . . . Exeter Holy Week Services, James Street United Church MONDAY, APRIL 15 TO THURSDAY, APRIL 18 Serviced Commence et 8 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 10 — 11 A.M. Special Guest Preacher REV. ANGUS VicOUEIEN, B.A, LD First $t Andtew't Unithd Church o London Everybody Welcome„ et Girl Guides —Continued from Page 7 Swallow Patrol. Carol Gibbons and Marg Sanders received Guide rings from the Captain for being chosen the best •all round Guides of 1956. Lieut. Murray presented World Pins to the Guides df the Oriole pa- trol for earning the highest marks for last year, rathY Page, who never missed one Guide meeting .during 1956 received a Navy For Spring —Continued from Page 7 • aprinted dress. The coat is lined through out with the same ma, teriat as the dress, The bolero and dress or jacket and skirt are popular. Many are made of pure silk print* some of linen while others are of the newest wash- able, materials. Half-size dresses are becoming in Styles that are young.for the woman of heavier build and many have •jackets •And capes, and lower neck lines. Afternoon and cocktail dresses have fuller skirts • withfitted bodice and:neck lines low and wide with short or no sleeves lending grace to the weaker. Top coats are in pastel tweeds, usually full length with soft flares. Many are tuxedo styles; some only with one button and the coat with no cellar teck line is very popular lending itself to be worn with furs, The picture of Spring is exci- ting and must be seen to be ap- predated. sttbiciption to the Guide maga- zine. • Campfire followed at which time •each patrol. put on, a skit depicting the groWth of the move ment since it organization. Dis- trict Commissioner Miss Sieg- ner expressed her appreciation to the mothers for their interest in their children's Guiding aci- vities and Margaret expressed her thanks to • all those who in any way had helped her to attain her COW_ Mrs. Connell took the ,good -night salute. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren ' CREDITON Rev, Glen R. Strome, Minister 10:00 a.m.;--Worship "The Reviler's Cross" 11:00 a.m.—Church School 730 p.m.—Evening Service Monday-4lission Band Wednesday—Lentert Service Thursday—W.S.W.S. • CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN , 'CHURCH • Rev; Samuel Keer„ B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs, J. G Cochrane, Orgenist 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 t a.m.—Motrtifig Worship -Sermon. Subject; "The Trag- edy of Pilot"—First in Pre - !aster .meditations. •Children pf the Church Meeting, Monday, April 1, at 4 p,m. Cirele Meeting, Tuesday, April 2, at 8 pan. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Itev. N. D. knex, B.A‘, Rector Trivet Memorial; Exeter , Midlent Sunday 8:80 a.m.-110)y Communion 10:15 a.m,--Stinday School 11:30 A.M.—Morning Prayer Special Preacher: ReV. J. Prest, Rettor of Lucan. Mid -Week Lenten Services each Wednesday at 10:00 a,m, -and 8;15 p.m. Everybody Welcome JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, H J. Snell, Paster Mr• Lawrence Wein, A,W,C,M. Musket Director 10:00 a.m.—Sunday Scheel 11:06 a.in,.—Mornihg Worship Sermon Subject'. "Things Pre - Sent Are Yours" • Anthem by the Choir Solo by Mrs. Clare Green 10 P.M.—Evening Worship Settneri Subjett: "David the Poet" A Watm Weleerne Is Extended To MI THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION ° Sunday Sehont 10:30 to 1100 LIL *leach Ma thy froth, 0 Lore Supt.: Statile Saudert Zurich. THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev, R, Van Farewe, Minister 2:00. p,m.—English Service All Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH • pASHWOOD Pasterr:Rev. K. L. Zorn 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service Wed., March 27, $ p.m.—Lenten Service . Gram Says Continued from Page, 5 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup sweet 1 tsp, mace 1 tsp. almond 1 tsp. vanilla a little lemon • 21 cups bread flour To the dough which has been mixed in the usual way,. add; 2 cups seedless raitins 1/2 cup currants ., • 1 pkg. cut citron pkg, mixed peel or - 500 worth gum drops (omit black ones) 4 pkgs green glace cherries 1 cup white raisins 1 pkg. cut citron Mix i little flour with cut-up fruit before adding it to the dough. Mrs, E. mixes. dough with electric beater before adding fruit which has been thoroughly mixed. Drop by teaspoon. on un - greased pan. Bake 10-12 min. fGirosotd idea to make a test cookie * * * Mrs, Elliott also included her recipe for short bread which is a year-round favorite.L. 44,,Ae -, • Shortbread Cream Well and add: g 1 cup butter ½cup icing sugar • 2 cups bread flour Mix ingredients well. DO' not rollbut pat dough flat . with hand.. Cut and place on ungreas- ed cookie sheet. Bake in moder- ate oven until lightly browned. * a * There are many ways of mak- ing pastry but this method, Whicli she calls "sure fire" is the way Mrs. Ron Watkin, RCAF Sta- tion, Centralia make S hers. It keeps well in the refrigerator. Pastry (Mrs. Ron Watkin) 5 cups pastry flour 1 lb lard 1 egg 1 Tbsp. vinegar Sift flour and cut lard into it.. Deal egg in measuring cup, Add vinegar and enough cold water to fill the cup. Toss with dry ingredients and blend. * Mrs. Watkin asked us how to keep a pie shell from shrinking from the edge of the pie plate while baking. If you have a helpful hint oh the subject, 1yoret you tell 10.2 Almer Passmore, our chanipion cook, will appear on CKNX T -V on April 2 at 3:30 Thrn. She will demonstrate a California Casserole. The rec- ipe will' appear in this eolumn soon.--Gtarn'. CALVARY CHURCH - Evangelical Unitid Brethren • DASNWOOD Ray. W. F. Krotz, Minister' Mrs. ICOn, *Cum, Organist Sunday, March 31, 1957 10100 a‘rn.---"Ne. Are Debters" 11:05 aan.—SundaY School 1:30 p.m.—"The Son of David" Illustrated message, MAIN STREET The United ,Church Of Canada Minittert Rev. Alex. Rosen Organist: Mrs. A, Willard 1115 cm,—The Service of War-, ship Nursery Class (three years and nodal in the Primary /loom. Beginners (4-5) wilt withdraw during the second hymn, 1000 a,m,,--Tht Church Scheel Superintendent: Mr. Sterling Ince Worship God Eveey Sunday As A Family • PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE' Malti a.trL—Sund'ay School. 11:00 a .m,—Morning Worship Subject: "Tile Fourth Good'. z 1:30 p,ni , vg1istk Serviee Wed., 8p,nak — Meeting for I a Prayer VI" 8 p,m04-Christ Ambassadors • Alt Welton% "Dost thou believe On the ton god?"—St. John 9:11513. Now, iv, L W, Krause ••Amelatad Putoet EVellia Lit Whin IOW 8-1Cxeter, Stephen (1). Jones, F. Bo)le) 4:37 p—imrham, AleGirr tsolutefer) Y:26. E 10–.Eseter, B. Jones (Stephen) _ 18:52 Penal ties -' :McBride (slashlns ) 1:20: 51e(irr Ibody ebeching at centre ice) COMING EVENTS MUSICAL PROGRAMME IV schools of 'Osborne - Township, Friday, April 12, Marries Road Mira. Watch for further an- nouncement. 28c A FILM •ON CANCER will be shown at Mt. Carmel Hall on Friday evening at 9 o'clock, ' sponsored by the Cancer Society, Everyone, is welcome. • 213* Bar-e-aist. CaMFO Motown Mattress hoe RT When you're buying a matt - res, remember comfort is much more important than price. Dunlop PillotoaM Mattress gives you REAL comfort you get a re- freshing, restful sleep night after rught. Ws cool, even on the hottest nights; odor- less, too, It won't Sag or pack and you don't need to worry about moths or vermin. Com- pare the value ,ANDhe eomfort, From $105 to' 5125 Complete With Box 4prings Hopper -Hockey FURNITURE Phone 99 Exeter RUMMAGE SLE, Henaall Town Hall, Saturday, Morel) 30, at 2 OIIIIMMAI111.4111111111111IMMIIIIMIIIMUM111111111111JIMIIIIIIIMMUI4111110111111$11111M1111111111111a1SOMIIIMA p.m. Anybne wishing to donate articles please call 84, Hensall, 000000 eemememeeeneseelenneseeleinmerinneeeng or leave at Hall Friday evening, March 29. 28c He—"Why, you didn't have * rag on your back when I mar, ried you," She—"Well, 1 have plenty now." 1111111iffni.1,1(...111,f1/11111i111111t01111 olol oo I o oo 111111110 REGULAR MEETING of the Ex- eter Home and School Associa- tion is postponed 'from April 9 to April 16, 8:15 p.m. -28:4c Phone102 1 for HARVErS TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE 1 CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & • HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend 1 I N • INSTRUCTION Mrs. Dorothy Wildfong, A,L.C.M., is pleased to announce a new .piano eats. Pupils accepted any day- or evening. Studio -430 Albert St., Exeter Phone 362.4 FAST RELIEF FOR RHEUMATIC • PAIN SPRING' IS HERE! Remove Rust Spots Now Now that Spring has arrived, its time to let our export Mechanics put your ear into the best-loOking appearanee possible. We will remove all rust spots 011 your car at reasonable 005. Ering it in tOdayi • Hunter-Duvar • St SONS PFone 3$ • LIMITED boo f BIG EALS In Used Cars. At Larry Snider MOTORS ...orosnevmwero *** oit4 '56 MONARCH SEDAN, low mileage ,,, 000000 ... $2,895 '55 MONARCH CoACFI, automatic, radio .„... $2,395 '55 DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN, automatic ..., $1,'750 '53 MONARCH SEDAN . . .. $1,595 Automatic, radio, power brakes, power- ‘••• steering, centipede tires, lifewall tubs. , '54 FORD COACH ,.... $1,495 '54 FORD SEDAN '53 FORD COACH,' automatic, radio $$11,439955 '54 AUSTIN CONVERTIBLE, Yum! Yum! $ 995 '51 METEOR SEDAN , $ 895 • 00000 ,.....„. $ 895 i '52 METEOR SEDAN '51 CHEVROLET COACH 000 , o ......... $ 825 '51 NASH SEDAN • ,... .4 dO $ 650 '49 CHEVROLET COACH ..... ; ...., . . ..... . .. ,....... $ 495 '50 MORRIS MINOR COACH 217755 , 47 FORD COACH . .... . .. . ..... .. .. . ........... ......„„ ...... $ 1 '46 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 4....„....05 '40 FORD COACH, a beautiful car $ 175 3 • TRUCKS '56 FORD 700 C & C . . . ..... ..... „.„...„.....„. $3,995 56 FORD PICKUP DEMONSTRATOR ..... $1,650 • 9,000 miles. '53 FORD PICKUP $ 805 '49 FORD 3 TON DUMP .... .. .. 650 SPECIAL The following above average units to be reduced $1O per day until sold: • Tli ura, Pries 156 FORD SEDAN $1,740 '55 FORD COACH`, choice of three .... $1,140 1 '58 MONARCH SEDAN, automatic . . .. ... '$1,585 54 FORD COACH ..... ........... . ..... $1,285 I ..': '53• 53vP IOE NT TE IoARC COACHSE D AN $1,240 .. . .. ....... . . . ... $1,040 ..... I, '53 DODGE REGENT SEDAN ,.. ... . $1,040 I '52 METEOR HARDTOP, a beaut $1,040 '52 STUDEBAKER HARDTOP, overdrive $ -885 '52 PLYMOUTH COACH .. .. ...... „ $ 885 '58 FORD SEDAN' .. ... . ..... . ...... $ 8.60' • '51 FORD SEDAN ...... ..„ ... . .. $ 740 '47 CHEVROLET COACH, a good one „... $ 240 l• '43 MERCURY COACH ....... $ 165 '55 MERCURY 3 TON C & 0 ... $2,085 3 '54 FORD 3 TON DUMP $2,035 I 1 3. 1 E TRACTORS OVIVEIt 70 Vt.tat 4R8w •Scufkler atid 2, • .1 Row Corn Planter $ i JOHN bEERE 4-11.0W- MAN PLANTER, Ift 250 47 FORD TRACTOR, . . . $ Latry .Snder W�f� Phati. 624 ,Fortl,,Moivird* 1:46141, thilfor smomumitotithoffiroloomonvolovonommimforimmiowimm,frp000vonai,,faittotto,