HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-28, Page 13e kin a; itypie of and bowie IS of lose;: le a tdtler; pots; I b.tmd: lev ttl- r•oufut large 1 bed,. wood; s 1 P. rr '.1:?So LOT, farm1,i th •of )ash is ln- )n on arp r '100 :phen good hen brick *lair, sun- 4airt hush. store .f 7E 1, 55 Iling be- rale, e-raIe, ll be sale, the r •v! late trth, p ays. 'own .olid nein ving ase- oom deco 4. to er >od 2R:4 rp 7 ale, :tie; ter, lilt - ted alf; ilex In 4 leis 40 be m- op. :ts 1 A t A 7 1 t MI 1 Glides on like magic... dries in minutes! >Ei Ies� i'ae p' o One coat fevers molt sytfaceit e Easy to cleanup. Wish brush or roller under the, tool II Drie# in minutes con be Welshed or scrubbid1 TRAOUAIR HARDWARE aufuiTy AT rAiR PR/CFS PHONE 27 EXETER 11111111111117111.oOmit, 111111Tomo 1114111117111I17ittt11aa11t,11111111Iltaillr11111loo 111111t11iug1u1t11111itlllll DOBBS For DODGE As the sun cOntiliues. to brighten, let . your countenance show its brightness when you sit in and drive the most .outstanding car in its field, the NEW 1957 DODGE. Without driving the NEW DODGE, its qualities cannot be appreciated such as the experience with the great safety feature—TOfSION AIR -RIDE. Wei are now receiving our Spring' deliveries and will gladly demonstrate the superior qualities the , new models, • Our Sales Indicate The Public Acceptance and Their Satisfaction Through Use A. Used Cars Tb those unfortunate •ones that feel they can't purchase a new car, we have a choice variety of USED CARS that will per'forin well and make lasting friends. Extra Help With Nan extra licensed mechanic to serve you, we hope, to give better service to all of our customers from April 1 on, We stand behind .our men and their work, so do not hesitate to give us a try. Evening Appointments For Sales Gladly Given 1 Exeter M otor Sales Phone 200 Fred Dobbs, Prop. , Nights 762-W or 769•M lllll111111111 lIlllllll 1111111111111111 A000i 11EcIemen.ts 40.ttH$ CAl;.i)1atiRX-.-Air. and Airs, Douglas t.aiberry, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of th.elr daugh- ter,Janice Isabel i4th u• rvrHospital, March 21, 1:i37•-•0, slater for Lance and Wayne. ra � ln,Kl3t)N..-)tiro and Mrn. • c)tenn Cainitron, of Dashwood, announce the birth of a son at fouth Huron Hospital. Afetal 25, 1357-•-b. bro- ther Jot' John, Paul and Betty loyal-tltaltksr to Dn Hutson. DOl OAf I, . — Harry ry and Marian Dougall, R.R. 3 I'Xster, announce the birth of a son, Roger Barry, at South 1-[ttlon Hospital, March 24, 1957—a brother for Itonle, Barbaro, and , Ia)rnda- .Fnlhl(IA 71r,and lllrs. Fred .ilringa. 11.11. 1 Mitehell, annoynce the birth, of , a• daughter, Sylvia. et. South lett➢'tart 'Hospital, March. 24. 1357---a, slater for Cathy and 'i'il ly, li'T 1.N1' RY --'. Mr. and nlrs, Pat Flannery, (nee Nita Smith) an- nounce the birth of a on at Strathroy Hospital, March 22, 1357, MADDEN—Mr. and .„Mrs.' R. P. Madden, Grand Bend, announce the birth of a on. Timothy Ber- nard, at South Huron Hospital, March 21, 1957—a brother for Mike, Bob and jilt. SieCOY -•Mr.• and MI's, Jack 1te- (1ov, 16 John St., Exeter.. an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Ramona Elizabeth, at South Hu- ron Hospital, March 22, 1957— WATSON' M. end Mrs. 'Victor 'Watson (nee- Shh'ley Gossnlan, 1)ashwond); London, announce the birth oL • a son at St. ` Joseph's Hospital, London, March 21, 1357. DEATHS BRODERICK—In S. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on Wednesday, March 20, 1357, Minnie Rennie, beloved wife of Edgar Broderick, Of Exeter, in her eightieth year, ovkin-Ht1In oN--At Port Franks, Ont„ on Monday, March 25, George Roland Dyer-Hurdon, for- merly of Exeter. 'ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. John A7ervyn Tie - man, of Dashwood, announce the engagement of their daughter, Nanev Alive, to Mr, Robert Allen Storn'es, son . of Mr. and Mrs.' Arnold G lest Stormer, of Port Stanley, The 'marriage will take place on Saturday, April twentieth at two o'clock in Evangelical united Brethren Church in Dashwood, On- tario. 28c Mr. and We. Thomas A, New- combe, Pontiac, Mich„ announce the enMarlon trttottWilliamr Robert ssery t son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery of Centralia. The marriage to take placet April 27 at L.akeland United 1'resbyterlan Church, Pontlac, Mich: :8r CARDS OF THANKS I would like to say thanks to all who rentenlbered' ere with cards, visits, calls and treats while'* have been recovering from my fracttlred leg.—Mrs. Harvey Hyde, - 2S• I would ]lice to thank my many friends for cards flowers and visits while a patient in St. Jo- seph's Hospital and shape retttrn- ing home, David Millar, 28c 7 would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all my relatives, neighbours and friends for cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Local 286.—Mrs. Lewis Kirk. 28. I wish to thank all the many kind friends, relatives and neigh- bours for treats, visits and cards while I was a patient in St. Jo- seph's Hospital and since return- ing home,—Mrs. JIm 1tove. 28* I would. like to thank my friends and relatives for cards, visits and 1 treats while a •patient in St. .7o- seph's Hospital, London, and since returning home, James Brintnell. 28c I wish to express my sincere thanks to my . neighbours and' friends for cards, flowers and visits 'while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital; also since re- turning home. ---W. R. Dougall. 28• IN MEMORIAM ' IB IY .y i n l unuIT H:E,DDEN—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Russell Hedden, who left us so suddenly one year ago, March 2R, .1936. eslde your grave we often stand With our hearts both crushed end sore. ]3 urluu11, ut in our gloom the sweet words come, rot lost hut gone, before. our Presence .Ne miss our memory we treasure, ,ovinR• You always orgetting you never. Sadly missed by'wife and famlly. 28c There is a variety of aviation duties hi the RCAF suited to the particular abilities of women. The RCAF will train you for interesting work in such trades ast FIGHTER CONTROL OPERATOR a SAFETY EQUIPMENT, •YECHNICIAN i MEDICAL ASSISTANT 'e PHOTOGRAPHY SUPPLY TECHNICIAN F'ot full information regarding terms of *service, pay ` 'and other benefits, see, write or phone the WOMEN'S COUNSELLOR R.c.A;F.. RECRUITING UNIT, 149 KING STREET, LONDON; ONTARIO. Phone: 4.4314 A 4.7315, HENNESSEI—In loving memory of a. dear husband and rather, Len T, Hennessey,. who passed away one year ago, March 29, 1936. He wished none a last farewell Nor even said goodbye, Ile had gone before we knew And only God knew why. Asleep in God's beautiful garden Away from all sorrow and pain, Sonia day when life's Journey Is ended We shall be together again. —Sadly missed by WIfe and Fam2Y. EERSLA7C7I-_In loving memory of our mother, Mrs. Arthur' Kers- lake, who passed away four years Yam" a clay 29, inanie is spoken, Many an hour she is in our though ts, A link In our family chain is broken, She'. Js gone from our homes, but • not from our hearts. Bt'er remembered anti sadly mist- ed by her family. 28• WIOBB—In Jeving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- pa, Russell Webb, who passed away one year ago, March' 30, 1956. • 'We cannot forget yottr imiling face ;Your happy earefree '447 ys, The smile that won so many friends Inthose happy bygone days. One of the best the world could hold. Tour cglterished smile, your heart Whet a wonderful memory you lett behind, Deep in our hAartts your memory is kept. We loved you toe dearly to ever forge)', —Lovingly rtmethherecl by his wife Der - Mite, Mervyn, Labelle and 7 er- . Letter From Shpka Mr, and' Mrs. Emerson BaW- den, Anne, Kay, and Gayle, Visit- ed • last Week With Mrs. Jacob Rutz. and other relatives s here'. The e vRev, M. J. Love Mrs, Love and Allan of Rydal Bank Were recent visitors at the home Of his brother, Ross Love, Keith Gill and Ivan Luther of Grand Rend and Clare Love attended the Sports Fair in To. ronto on Tuesday and Wednes• day and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ramsden and Sharon. Mr,• and Mrs. Elgin Webb, Mrs. J. H, McGregor and Mrs, Pol• lock 61 Grand Bend • were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur1 ,inkbeiner on Wednes• day in honor of Mrs. 'Webb's birthday, Mr. and Mrs, V. Denomnle of London spent the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Picker. ing. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Me. Pherson and Fred of Parkhill visited with rlslatives here Wit Wednesdayk Civil Defence Need Dashwood Club IoIc Dashwood men's club held their super meetingtin� Moday .evening. supper poll Q.C. o f Exeter was present .and ,discus- ised civil defence. Ile pointed put the danger and ef"fets of th to• mic bomb and the requirements for protection against it. "S.St Officers Elected SundCalay*vary K U,B. Sunday Scliooa election .of `officers was held on Jack Gaiser was .elected super• intendent with assistants, Carl Oestreicher, Addison Tiernan and Irvin Eckstein; 'secretary Jack Sehade; treasurer, Ralph Weber; asst., Donald Gaiser, Congr*gatiottal Supper The Ladies Aid of .the church sponsored a congrega- tientonal supper in the church base - m , The Brotherhood was in charge of the program at which Robnre Snell sang a solo, Donna Bagle- .son played a trombone solo, Har. ry Hoffman and Mrs. Everett Hoist sang a .duet, Ervin stein gave a .reading and Stuart' Wolfe was in charge of the mirth 'hour. Carl Oestreicher showed. •filfn s. Pyjama Parti► • The Dainty Doers and their Leaders. held a pyjama party at the home of Joan Guenther. The evening was spent playing bunco. Winners were, Anne Koeh- ler, high; and Kristine Gulens, low. Personals Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Filkihs and Janice of Howell, Mich,, spent the weekend with the Tat- ter's mother, Mrs. Win. Na - diger, Miss Sue Anne Walker of Zu- rich spent Friday afternoon with Miss Marian Rader. Dr. and Mrs; Fred 1Vlorlock and son Scott of Waterloo are visiting with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Ervin Latta,, Mr, and Mrs. Topics. From Zion By MISS JANE DYKEMAN Euchre and Crokinole Party The Jr. Red Cross of Zion School held a euchre and cro• kinole party Friday evening . in the schoolhouse. There were 11 tables in play. High ladies euchre prize was won by Mrs, Warren Brock, most lone hands, Mrs. Norman Jaques; mens high prize, Mr. Norm a n Jaques; consolation prize, Marris Loule. In crokinole high prize for ladies was won by 'Greta Ste. phens; high • men, David Baker; and Earl Miller the most 20's. Lunch was served by the school lunch committee, consisting of: Margaret Brock, Joyce Dickey, Helen Iiern, David Baker, Wayne Here and Bruce Dykeman, ,as- sisted by the teacher, Mrs. A. Abbott, Mrs. Norman Jaques and Mrs, Lloyd Hern, WI Euchre The Zion ladies . were hostes- ses at a WI euchre held Thurs- day afternoon at Elimville Hall. The Hurondale Institute were guests. . The prize donated by Mrs. Laverne Morley were won by Mrs. John Coward; high score, Mrs. Phil Hern; lone hands, Mrs. Wm. Etherington; conso. lation, lucky cup, Mrs. Verne Pincornbe; nearest birthday, Mrs. Wm. Lamport. A blanket was won by Mrs. Laverne Morley in a dutch auc- tion. Personals Michael Cushman of Exeter, spent Saturday with Bruce and Leslie Dykeman. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Ogle, Strath, roy, were Sunday guests 'with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock. Mrs. Warren Brock visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart of London Town- ship. Ruth Ann Dykeman, Exeter, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock were Wednesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Thames Road. Mr. and . Mrs. Ken Parkinson, Blanchard, and Mrs. Rhoda Nixon and Mr. John Knight, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern. Mother: "Dear, didn't I tell you that you should say no"if a sailor asks you for a kiss?" Daughter: "But mother, they don't ask!" • An old Indian took his watch to be redaired. When the jeweler took the back off, a dead bug fell out. The Indian, astonished, ex- claimed: "'Ugh) ... No wonder watch Stopped, Engineer dead!" union!llll1111n 11IIinn,11ti1111tU11111111i 1111111111111lite I ?nl)fliturt7nturoiiritnrr,rrnrrrtlrturrrrnattornnnl�turrhrturrrrrnarndVwturrirrriu'arm7r Garnet Weiberg and family ' and Howard. d. Welbexg ,of Waterloo were Sunday visitors with Mr, And Its. Fred ed Welbera ., Misses Anna Messner and Eu. nice Frederick spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Fred 'Wei - berg, Miss Anne Taylor of London spent the weekend with Airs, Hobbs Taylor. Mr. Iierb Calser of Dearborn, Mich., is visiting with his bro- ther, .Chester Gaiser; Sunday visitors with Mr.. John Bender were: Mr. and Mrs, Al- lan Falhaufert, I{it.chener; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bender, Toronto..; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Bender, and Mr, and Mrs, LIeyd Ben- der. Mr. and Mrs, Art Koesspl and Virginia of Lansing, M1eb., spent the weekend with Mrs, John Kuntz .and Luella, Mr. and Mrs. V, L. Becker .and family spent Sunday at New Dundee with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reciter, The Local Commission of the .Dashwood Hydro-Electrie . syr tem have requested the .Ontario Hydro fpr 'a reduction in rates for the Dashwood Village Sys- tem, Mr. Ronald Ten Eyck of Kit- chener spent Sunday at the home of V. L, Becker. Comments About Woodham By MRS..ARTHUR RUNDLE Mrs, Viola Denham, Gary and Lyne of ]!'ort Erie were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Chatten. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Cobleigh, Nancy and Sharon of Detroit, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Langford. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills on Sunday were Mrs. Lorne Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCallum and family of Mitchell. Mrs. Don Rixon and Mart Jane of London visited with Miss Blanche Mills on Thursday last. Mrs. Anna Denham was a weekend guest of her son, Ron- nie Denham and Mrs. Denham at Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffshield of Baden were a Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Mrs, Dan of London visited with Mrs, H. Chatten on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock of London, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns of Sarnia were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Rundle, Jim and Jack were Monday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Base Line, to celebrate. Mr. Rundle's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hogg and David of London spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hazlewood. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb of Grand Bend were Friday evening. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Murray May of Byron visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Copeland on Saturday, South End Service Used Car Buys '56 FORD SEDAN Tutone, better than new. '53 METEOR TUDOR Tutone. '53 AUSTIN SEDAN . Grey, excellent condi- tion. '53 AUSTIN SEDAN Cream, red upholstering, better than new• 152 FORD SEDAN Radio, tutone. '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN Fully equipped., South End Service Russ & Chuck Snell Phone 328 Exeter Itil ll int17,111 I a ltintintionet 1111111111,, 1111111111111tin Gravel And Trucking Busines in Town Of Goderich WITH LARGE TURN=OVER Equipment includes gravel loaders, screening plant, good gravel pit •one-half mile from town. Stock off gravi, sand and stone; large yard for stock piling; material in town. Office and garage equipment.. Owing to circumstance owner must sell. Reasonable for quick sale. Apply B He Goldthorpe plum' 79$ oe Apply "Eox 673 GOOERICH'r ON` , Inrltlrnrrtrnrrrtryrrttd •A yotuis doctor ,and youa dentist shared the same met Lien room. and also the sante .re, eeptiouist..Eacla was madly bl. love with the girl. One da,y, the dentist was .ailed .oust ,of towel and before leaving, called in the; object. . ae t of his.:affectlouf. A'Ilaring," he said, "I'm go - tog to leave yell for 1G da fn . Y 'll find a present your desk." When ,she opened •the dr..ewer, she found HiQ ,apples. Cornish1 Mitch. CEMRT11 IO'Put', ,Ic ,ActoT I , , ,' i ,K. J, � fo;;Isl! �. ;�rr I . 4,di s a r" iC� ''TT. R^ ds w. :l*, ,! i a 291 DUN !D.AS ST* i:Mil 24051 tftAMI1rTA1}/rAAI,rnM1}tput7AkAAU11N"AiA,11M7i7N1A/MAMMITA TOOL LOAN FREE SERVICE CANADIAN UNE SHQWS YOU HOW 10• $AVE Ohl ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT QUALITY AUTO PARTS SAVE ON LABOR, TOO WE SUPPLY THE 'KNOW- HOW FREE. AND LOAN YOU.THE PROPER TOOLS TO ENABLE YOU TO DO A "PROFEESIONAL" REPAIR JOB. Moto -Master Mufflers Blow-out Proof--Saveup to 50% MUFFLERS Equal it batter than .rigin*l ajuipawne. IAiididwl/y *ngi,le.rad ler *wary ter and truck. P.rladt lit - ' mi. ready insta lation. Cuarantiii bliwiibpreat. Roady.iheed soa►U Brake Shoe. ExCapgn e luiy.N install—N. rIP.Ofia•—Ne WW1: • Saone is typo aiie apNi iter original 10•1110060..., GUARANTEED ONIE. YEAR or 10,000 MILES Save up to $50 on Your "Ring Job" "100" 'PISTON RINGS . Will Chow you how to install Mite -Mester Piston Rings and guarantee satisfactory whortnenee— or we pay for parts and labor. IF YOUR CAR HAS LOST ITS PEP—If MI "isting vas and eii--giya' It • naw get-up-and.e. Raster* host cements - slim and stop oil pumping with Miti-Mnstir "105" Platen Rings. They fit right end they M$tk right, because they're made by a leading reenufeefgrir if origin) equipment ti the specifications of the engineer who designed your ear. You must ba satisfied 0 improved perferinanee er Milton Rings will be ,S- placed—Plus extra dellen to recompense you far your time and Taber. 4-eyl. sat --12 rings -2.61i d-eyl, set—III rings __$.35 24 tinge __OJOS 0.40. set -24 rings __7.15 32 tinge _LSO TOOL LOAN SERVICE The toils you need ere leaned at , smell Sennet Charge en a Refundable Deposit bogie—includin" Ridge Reamer and Wrench, Ring Ciinpri,,Sr, Valve Lifter, Torque Wreneb. Export Machine Shop 30nir5 ' Crankshaft Exchang� 'including all hiring; W 4iiwndtinj NdYo ea ttliiYhs Pteelaien Nbdh te new-pertatfii.ne. tli�llraid. Foie CMRYELI MOR1. eileV841.81?` 1534.14 ' 03441 ' Iti1'4t; • 1" 34.80 41.45 42.E ANe available far Miert abler .tee, 'MNidi.g :gaff$; iodide—at *allot law prise*.: • OVERHEAD VALVE JOa Inet►diu eloininj Neben, •sufiw, reeeit 4e4 adernallfti AUSTIN A-4. CHEVROLET PUt 4.60 6.90 9.20' lir .1ea.Netwree'i erISiNeatlene aro :shoal, •f,Miwyi ye aN machine dot* work. Got ear datra4e rNt ,piece• SHOCK ABSORBERS Better than a "Bow Car" ride MOTO•MASTER ' RIDE-O%MATIC" MOCK AOSOREERS Adjust airtemitietlly to toad and load .•edition. They ere controlled by 4 'Limit maw fluid than formnly wind' as direst action shieke. Improve Acini tern/oft, snake eNir- Mg easier and keep yawn set safer en canes. Pully guaranteed to better riding eanafort feu one year or 13,000 miles, Yeu time 51.11 4 .9 8 sr Mire per Pelt in part* end labor' by wing the lob yourself. (Or'we *111 install fir you et i moderato eirviee charge.) Per Veit Moto -Master Shock Absorber Fluid Identical to *tidiest approved feticide; tar ill orb . .39 shack ebe,h.,, end knee -.idol alit'. 211 -ea,.. . 1110 Coll Spring Lifters AIM "".(/ AWT0-MA%TEii FRONT END PART% ANII Colt 1PklWiel A cansplat. OM for .R alit* and crush.. itiri rLt,*whCal $ ng it1iih►ty Inert aro Liter 10 lief. •prin''gg.. : Take* only i felt Mihetaa 11 ;wee. Ner Opiate! toil:eeodel, _ Trade-in Yur Old Clutch s clutch Assembly Excha rte Wit WILL ERCHANpm** pA.** ierin6' Cetlye ;'CI.41, Plata .ed Priteeri Plat. ter .a teeter, rNeilf " Yat" lroiteleed e/iatlibly-ali.ady N WOOL R. Metele Cottle Aeeetib 1Ip Mewl ttl.eetb, Welt 40010111, eeriee. $E:N aKiw.nett fit YON? iM .eelnrbir• itgrback gwar.mtei.f p.tbfeiNS..matie. CMNb. ttruM 1E46001 Nava Chevrokt, 1931.54 W - 1* w S'rIl :bey, 'Track, 1411,5471M641-' 1 e. D.dte, 1543-54 (ext. N drivel » 11.011 • . Pard VI, 1535-41•- 14.01 Flora prolloktt,. 114144-.04040 *L4 Plytneethl.1940.53 , --- •11.00 111. Pentlet, 1941.54 (*Sit)-- I4.11 Mae available fit *alit shit i►edrlet tMill:. REEUJLT TRANSMISSIONS • Cleo.ked ind 'foetid w.dw 4,,i*0 dagdltenre vufilblt Ned 1Tatelin1Vitaw, Mitt Not NIRr�j Nlgi.gl 14141051Mt4 sear..teei for N dew itL , roi$* Itchen). 11je .�aee ,9tlae