HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-28, Page 1011 The, Thr•i•Acivocite, March 24, It$7 New bet NL Le 1!!! wagon proved toughest by tar over "torture test track", • Axles formed steel channel with tapered C sections give extra strength, extra flex. • Double reaches of telescoping, formed C section channels take the strain and twist, Antasing stability, with high loads on rough, hilly ground. 6 ton capacity saves time, fuel. • Extra wide 72" tread carries the load firmly. • Expandable wheel base cz, 43, 9, and 10 feet) fits variety •of racks and boxes. True trailing proved on the highway under Maximilian loads. • Draft bracket is supported on extra, large king pin. fitted snugly in 3 bronze bashings, AP Extra large tongue hinge pin fits snugly in 2 bronze Wahines. Costsonly $15 more per bit capacity than quality 3 -ton wagons ! Available with 2 or 4 wheel Warner electric brakes. YOUR Nur. 044 .DEALER Ems Machine Shop Phone 9-W Repairs for New Idea IMPLEMENTS ALWAYS ON HAND • P U S • Machine Supplies • Shafting Steels • Angles and Sheets Hensall • Ductalloy Plowshares • Hard Surfacing • Pulper.Xnives, Etc. 'Whes New in .Fortn. Equipmont7 New Driver Convenience Feature Of New Tractors IsH Models On Display • Increasing traction, .continuousl as it is needed. Similarly, a the drat load .decreases, th weight transferred. .autoinatic.all decreases. A dual indicator called “Pilot.Guide-" for the Tractigo y in all Farmall tractors from the the old record for gasoline, run- s Farmali 130 to the Farman 450.1-ning second only to the John e This 4$ also true of the Interne- ?Deere 620. y, tional 130, 350 and W-450. There's a new one and two -valve HYdro- a Touch system for the. Farman 230, A 1.1.0w Ulm Qt farm and -Control has two- gaug,es. One industrial wheel tractors is being tells the o erator at - 1 shown by the two interpational ii the weight being transferred liarreater dealera this area, is correct for impiement And W. Euxtables Exeter, and field conditions. The other shows V. L. Becker and Son, Dashwood. the ,relative- working dePtli of The tractors are identified, by the implement which is control - a new, two-tone red Wit white led IV the two-way hydraulic Of course, as on earlier mo- dels, Jinportant leattires such as Torque Amplifier drive, inde- pendent newer take -off, and power steering are also available pn the '57 traders. • newmolel designations, cylinder used to raise or lowerIN ew uPowIer new features, and lam:eased' tile implement. horsepower • in most models, The new Fast -Hitch with Trac. For Deeres Farm tractors in, the new Ikne , lion -Control results in higher are the I 11 C b one p ow arma operathig efficiency by matching the one And two -plow Farmall traction to the load and greatly 230 in the two -plow class, the reducing slippage. The bother - Farman 350' and International some chore of adding wheel 350 Utility and the Wheatland weights is eliminhted under most Special in the three -plow field, ' conditions, soil compaction is the Farman 450 and International held to a minimum, and tire W -45Q in the four five -plow size wear is reduced. Field tests and the International 650 in the with a' Farman. 450 indicate five and six -plow size., ! traction control together with 111 The new tractors are designed Torque Amplifier can boost the for greater utilization of engine amount of. work done in a day power to increase operating ef-I by as much as 20 per cent by ficiency. There's increased horse.handling larger. loads with less power, more precision control slippage and without stopping to of hydraulically operated imple- shift to a lower gear. ments, power adjusted rear The new Fast -Hitch is used wheels, and the new and revs). , with a single cylinder to raise lutionary Fast -Hitch with Trac- or lower implements, This cy- tion-Control. linder can be used to control The new Traction -Control Fast-, all rear -mounted and front - Hitch, for use with Farmalls I mounted implements, the latter 230, 350, and 450, and the 350 through ,the use of pull -rods eon - Utility tractors, continuously and, nested to a rockshaft on the new automatically matches traction hitch. The same Hydra -Touch to the load. As the load in- valve used in this cylinder can creases, an increased portion of be used to control the remote implement weight, soil weight cylinder on pull -behind equip - and resistance, and tractor xnent. Hinged sockets incorp.ora- front-end weight is concentrated ted in the hitch permit fast in - on the rear wheels through this netration of plows and similar new IH feature. The new trac- implements and assure more tion control is entirely inechani- uniform depth in uneven ground regardless of whether tractor front wheels are on a ridge or in a depression. In line with Harvester's slogan "Models Unlimited," now there is a Farmall 350 diesel model and .the International 350 Utility tractors and a new Wheatland a single lever, easily controlled Special for the prairie farmer, by the operator from the tractor Farnialls 450, 950 LP Gas, and seat. For instance, Traction- 450 diesel are available in the Control on Farman tractors may four to five -plow class. These be positioned in any one of three models Are available with power - cal and operates independent of the hydraulic system. Thus, weight is transferred without robbing the tractor of power at a time when it is needed most. The proportion of weight trans- ferred to the rear wheels can be increased or decreased through settings to transfer from more than 12 to almost 35 per cent of combined implement, soil; and front-end weight to tractor .rear wheels. In any setting, the adjusted rear wheels, increased 'precision control of hydratili- cally-onerated implements, easier operating clutch pedal, new push-button starting, auto -type amount of weight transferred in- steerinq, wheel. and the new creases the direct proportion to Fast -Hitch with Traction -Con - the draft load,. thus automatically trol. There's greater horsepower ,'..""".swe":":""Mr•'••'•';'"" •Vo .444. . •••• :,...,•••::•/•••••,•1•,•,..i.:•.: . • • • • • Amilmoty. Oh I:A lam tek I eV/ • • , •"'"'e'• ' •—•:„F,4 - .04) 4.r 'WA ••.„•;:s AV • .... • INtERNATIONAL 2 -3 -PLOW B-250 UTILITY The .Lowest -Priced Diesel in Canada This is the hottest tractor news in '57, The 2 - 8 -plow International Utility IS liERE---with a full line of matehed 3 -point mounted tools. The sensational B.,25o is the tractor wanted by farmers everywhere, Powered with economical direet-starting DIESEL engine to cut your costs ,all -ways en every job, Packed with such farm -easy features as 3 -point hitch to take the new III matched implements (or the 3-point1nounted tools you already own)—built- in weight transfer system which matches traction to the load—hydraulic control—differential lock— disc brakes-Llovv silhouette for look -ahead farming —and Many more practical aids, YOU BE THE JUDGE! See thil-250. Put a B-250 to work in your own field at Our expenses, Prove B-250 r)ower, performancii, features and value, Don't wait, but give us a calf today for 6 prove- tolourself damonstratien the &I -naw International I1450 Utility-,--foday's tractor for dollar -wise farmers: F, W. HUXTABLE Photo I 53.11if Exittor New John Deere tractors, ex - peeled to be on display soon at W. G. Simmons and Sons Farm Equipment Ltd., Exeter, are, highlighted by a Walther of new power features, more •conveni- ences for the driver and brighter appearance. The features include: New custom Powr-Trol which offers up to three independent hydraulic circuits for effortless control of all types of equipment; New independent 'power take- off which delivers full -power out- put of the engine independent of the transmifsion clutch and hy- draulic system; New universal 3 -point hitch which is fully adaptable to a wide variety of 3 -point equipment and features exclusive load -and - depth control; Advanced power steering; A position - responsive rock - shaft; New float -ride seat which ab- sorbs the shocks of rough ground. The line comes in three series —520 3 -plow; 620 4 -plow and 720 5 -plow, • The 520 has full/3-0w power on drawbar, belt and power take- off . . four -row capacity in planting . and cultivating. The 620 is compactly built with a short wheel base, wide rear fenders; heavy-duty oscil- lating front axle (fixed --or ad- justable --tread), a n.d • quick - change rear -wheel treat. The 720 will handle 5 -bottom pows, 1 -foot 'tool carriers: 20 - foot disk tillers and similar loads. The •company boasts it will give "amazing fuel and maintenance economy." All three series offer a Choice of four engines—gasoline, LP gas, diesel or all -fuel. In official Nebraska tests, the . 520 set a new fuel -economy rec- PHONE ord for LP -gas tractors and broke Former Resident Dies In London Mrs. Lula Simpson, widow of the late Andrew Calvin Simpson, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Thursday. She was the former Lula Hast- ings, only daughter of the: late Mr. and Mrs. Al Hastings of Exeter and spent her early years here. She had been a resident of London for the past 32 years, She is survived by one son, James Simpson,. Of Lambeth, The funeral, service was held on Saturday from the "Needham Memorial Chapel, London, with interment in Exeter cemetery. • •• • +1.•• ••• . • • • • ... • • • . • .:. • OLIVER blOPER 55 I :.: , .. , ... ... . New champion ;.• . c ""illirMil" 1°04:h:compact :•.;? • ..." .3; T.1--- ,Il -":° ii • , t..A. traCtO.r. gia/S$ I ; .• ..r: /' 11.1, :: t :: ' . :. :;/;!;::E;E:•:•.:::;:::K:i:.•::::;,..%.:!!.:i;:•:;...4.;.1:;..••:f;':;.*:.:;::::: Outclasses all tractors. _of its type. Built to the dimensions yeu want—'5()3,inch hood, 1eig1t, 73 -inch wheel base, -.28-ineli rear tirea, tread. adjustable .frozu 48 to 76..inobos., All the .speeds you need—silt forward, including a new super low .of only 134 miles per hour. Independently cm, trolled PTO with reversible shaft to operate any nmehine. More power and featUres•—pulls a bottom plow in roostsoils ., choice of pooling or full diesel engine . double -disc brakes .hydranlic-oystena and 3 -point hitch. Oome in and got all the facto, • - 10. .1.01 • . • *WA • ••••*. 11,•4444434•1•4.44 • • GI A. BORLAND Goodison ()liver Sales and Seritice PHONE731-J-4 OLIVER 1111 '1 • 0 Oil CENTRALIA EW John Deere! :I Coming Soon! Watch For It Don't Buy Your New Tractor Until You've Seen John Deere We can't show it to you yet, bu.t we promise you this—it will be worth your while to wait to see JOHN DEERE'S new models before you buy. Here are some of the exciting features . • . • .NEW Float -Ride Seat NEW Custom Powr-Trol NEW Universal 3 -Pt Hitch NEW Independent P.T.O. THREE GREAT SERIES: 3 -Plow 4 -Plow 5 -Plow W. G. Shrnmons Cr S ns 151 FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. sr-.7-nz17.07.400v•Irvt;Well"7/7/47. FA. •••• • „ •:// ........ 1 H ,^.9" -%P•••••,•". ^ WA.:???;%riimg,y▪ 'reg/;,.4.*.1,1b0/40.0•-• • EXETER ..4p• Come and See Power Put to Better Use TRACTORS. FOR •—• --,,•<•-"VOMMV .• 10‘. it mt. g. V1.1.1. Introducing the Revolutionary INTERNATIONAL Bo250 UTILITY TRACTOR with Dollar -Saving Diesel Power Here now! A new flttractor' for every farna and every type of farming. Every model features power put to better use. For farmers in the 2 -8-plow tractor class it's the all-new B-250' Utility, Never anything like it -before in DI tractor historyl No other such value in the g - 3 -plow Utility field anywhere. Packed with farm -easy features that cut your work and costs on every tractor lob. Powered with econom to ical direct-- starting Diesel engine save your fue -and-maintenance dollars every work- ing hour. • YOU BE THE JUDGE! latitaNkaaaaL MaVitata* Come ond see! Come ond tomparel Come and :prove thf`i 11,•250-.,ot the new IH tractor o your choice. Ask toddy for a deenonstretiOn 66 you own 'Fara, r, . L. BECKLID & SONS PHONE 601ARES OW DASHWOOD