HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-28, Page 8• S The Timis -Advocate, March 20, 11P57 oils And Hair Styles Add To The ,.Feminine Air Of Fashions .Spring onnossistmmummilminowliknowomiliwnontunumumomiummiliAlinsumksitot Gram .San: Recipes You Asked For 1)' MAROR,sigiNER ReCentlY• we have been at teas Where .a 'Variety Of cookies were :11OrVed=1,,antl we do mean .4 var. Atty. Twoof the friends who had deflated cookies have given us. the recipes. they used. A third iad he made hers 'out of her 'head,' Now .girls, don't change ,Gratn? from a recipe hunter in- to a head bunter, will you?Ser. lously, she has promised to transfer therecipe from her head ta a piece of paper and well have it later. The recipe for peanut butter halle appeared in- the column beforebut for those who re- quested it, after sampling cook- leS•made by Mrs, Earl Shapton, we are repeating it. • Peanut Better Bells (Mrs. Earl Shapton) 1 -cup peanut butter. 1 cup icing sugar 1 cup chopped' nets • 1 cup chopped dates 2 Tbsp, soft butter pinch of salt Mix all ingredients together with your hands. Shape into tiny balls. Dip into a mixture of squares of semi -sweet chocolate melted with a small piece- of paraffia top of double boiler. Let balls stand on waxed paper until chocolate is set. Chill be- fore serving. * * The fruit cookie recipe which follows was contributed by Mrs. A. 0. Elliot. It Makes a large number of small cookies so you could use half the recipe if you prefer. Fruit Cookies (Mrs. A. 0. Elliot) 1/ cups granulated sugar 1 cup butter (cream well) Please Turn to Page 15 ,1111 l ll l J1 l !I!! l it!! ll I l lllllllll lll OOO 1 llllll 11 lll $1101111 lllllllllllll l ll 1001 ll 0 lll ! l l llllllll sus,. lllll • 2.!: Let Our Expert Fingers Cut Your Spring Coiffure! Shaping, Shampoo, And Set MORNING SPECIAL $1.50 Modern Beauty Salon Phone 349 314 Main St, Exeter Perfect Spring Setting GET SET' FOR.THE FUN! Holiday parties .corning up! Get ready . . . get set . here -We'll style you hair, give it an easy -to -manage permanent, and set it regu- larly, to start you on your way to a beautiful spring season. Marjorie Dilkes' Your Hair Dresser PHONE 146 ' EXETER ,Soft Romantic Coif Marilyn Penhale models this coiffure by, Mrs .Marjorie Dilkes, designed for spring bonnets and an easily main- tained hair -do that will be the delight of the busy matron and the beginning of good grooming for tiny tots. Swinging into natural lines and no -part top lock presents a neat and attractive forehead fringe. and highlights gay saucy. curls at both ears, with an upsweep of short locks fanning high in the back. •—Doerr Soft 'Romance' Look Features Hair Styles Everywhere the emphasis in fashion is on the return •to the "feminine" to flatter both the older and younger women. Hair styles for 1057 time in with this trend and -accent the soft, flat- tering look. A major fashion in hairdress- ing is the "Romance Look," a frankly pretty look, soft and • glainorous, featuring :billowing wide waves, puffed and fluffed, ,yet with ,controlled movement, , 'Noticeable is the absence of cluttered detail particularly in the back views: Swirl lines are fashion's favorite even to the • crown waves in some styles while others feature a smoother cram treatment with softly.defined waves forming an effective halo. In fact, the hair style trend of • the season borrows from the past as the influence of the • 30's style emerges as top news with a for- ward movement framing the .face, in some styles, even cover- ing the major portion of the ear. Of 'course, np matter how hair styles change, the same basic rules prevail and should not be forgotten. Bangs, however popular, should not ,be worn if the forehead is low. If the forehead is narrow, the hair can be brushed straight back at the temples to advan- tage. Fullness at the sides broadens a narrow face; if the face is long, bangs are often becoming. So the girl with long, narrow face is right in style this spring. 'Ears that stand out should be covered and there are many at- tractive coiffures that fall SOft- ly at the sides. There is "a style to flatter every woman this spring and they'reso easy to keep in place. Hair styles co-ordinate with spititio•COLD WAVE SPE -CAL! provitektroy-A.S12.50)iyav:e ONLY $8.4,50 Y•.GO: BY BEAUTY BAR. EXET00; hat fashions to give a softening influence and make "my lady" look young and feel gay and pretty. ' Kirkton Friends Shower Bride Mrs. Burns Blackler was host- ess for a miscellaneous shower on Friday evening for Miss Eva Greenstreet, bride -elect of April, Sixteen girls were present. Contests and quiz games were Conducted by, Mrs. Bill Irvine and Mrs. Blackler. Winners. were Mrs. H. Greenstreet, Donna Mills and Eva Greenstreet. Each one present gave a fav- orite recipe and a bride's book was compiled. Donna Mills gave a reading. Mrs. Douglas Carter and Mrs. Lenore Godbolt presented Eva with a basket of gifts. Eva ex- pressed appreciation. • This Week In Saintsbury - By MRS. H. DAVIS , Birthday Party On Saturday evening Mr, and Mrs. James Barker , entertained in honor of Mrs. Rd. Dickins, Exeter, who was observing a birthday. They had as guests Mr. and Mrs. \Earl Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta, Carol Ann, Kenneth and David, Mr. and, Mrs. Donald Maguire, Leroy and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, Almarie of London and Alexia of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee; Larry and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, Heather and Michael, Messrs. James Voting, Lucan and Robt. Tindall, Mt. Brydges. Guild Sew . The March Guild meeting wai held on Thursday at the home of Mrs, Dean Gibson with 11 members present. Mrs, Harry Carroll, president, was in charge of devotions. A business meeting followed with a lucky draw for a pair of nylons Won by Mrs. Harry Car- roll. Mrs. Gibson was assisted with the iufich by Mrs. Earl At- kinson and Mrs. Raymond Green- lee. The ladies pieced quilt blocks. Peron.l Items Air, and Mrs, James Turner and Mrs. W. J. Davis were Gentfr .Tapered Toes; Shoe styles this season, as shown at Smyth's Shoe Store, feature the pump with gently tapered toe, high and slini heel and vamp, ornamentation. Tapered. Toe, Thin Heel Highlight Sho Fashion By GEORGE SMYTH is " toward more slender high' Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter heels often thestiletta heel. In answer to the appeal of many It's into the mothballs again Canadian women who have asked for bulky snow shoes and galosh- for a heel of uban height with - es and time to treat yobr feet more eye appeal, manufacturers to some elegance. are now producing stylish shoes The shoe story this season is on a slim little mid -heel which sheer delight, The look is long and slender, from tapered toe has been tapered down to give an illusion of height as well as to slender heel, Colors and tex- looking tures are real conservation inine. more delicate .and fem. pieces. More than ever, shoes Colorwise, white plays a• big are designed to cor-ordinate with role in this season's shoe faeh- the entire costume and ta have ions. Starting right away, it will a place in mix or match en- be used with dramatic effect as sembles. trim on a' closed pump or open Pumps are big news this spring.. In the closed version, style in black patent leather or on one of many neutral tones top fashion headliner is the such as beiges. Patent will also needle toe, very slim and point- ed. Numerous modifications of have style highlights of faille. this present a shoe that is easily wearable and •yet retains a smartly tapered toe. Detailing is delicate. Orna- ments are small, neat and often rolled, and pleatings and perf- orations are finely worked. A square vamp ornament, often in the form of a 'buckle -covered square or oblong, frequently serves to shorten the appear- ance without destroying the beauty of its tapered toe. Heels Are Slim, GraCeful Heels have been pared to the slimmest, most graceful lines in ,years. In dressy shoes the trend Gloves Add Color To Daytime Wear Longer lengths for daytime wear come to the fore in new gloves, although the classic shortie continues important. The longer glpves are used to accen slim lines and to wear with cape or bracelet -length sleeves. Newsmaking, too, is the wide range of color in washable laun der -leather gloves. These gloves in •washable kidskin, pigskin, or suede, display variations on every color of the rainbow, plus neutral shades. Thursday guests with Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Hodgins, Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ,Latta and family were Sunday guests with Dr. and Mrs. Amos; Kirk - ton. Little Miss Kathy Schapp was the victim of a dog bite last week and is a patient in Victoria Vospital, London. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maguire were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Hugh Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ab- bott attended a social evening in Zion School Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schapp held an auction Sale last week. Mr. Schapp has accepted a pos. ition with the Government and will be stationed, at Pembroke. During the past week Mrs. Fred Davis has had as visitors: Mr. P. Dymond, Kirkton; Rev, and Mrs, Mills, Watford; Rev, J. T. Clarke, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lucan; Mr, and Mrs. 'Gerald Geribolt, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Godbolt, Mitchell; Mrs. W. Es- sery, Centralia; Miss Mary Mar. garet Essery, London; Mrs. W. J. Davis, Lucan; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Mrs. P. Dickins and Mr, and Mrs. Glen Dickins, London, lllll l I ll l lllll lllll 1(1111 lllll lll l Unita! ll l lllllllllllllllllllllll l I l ll /i llll llll Pre=Easter Special o• COMPLETE COLD .WAVE •*fri 'Only $595 Week of April 1 .6 •OPEN EVERY MGM' DURING SPECIAL • I Introducing FRANCES GREENE, - Out, how iorofessiorially.troitiod hair ityliat Ethefs BeautIr Salon -4. Flax tones—b eau tiful pale neutral membersof the brown family—are to be important this season, playing up costumes of black, brown or virtually any, other color. Red and navy are also expected 'to be high on the hit parade of shoes for the months ahead. • Designed For Activity Children's shoes for the spring and summer season are design- ed in a variety of styles to suit every activity that young feet indulge in. . The trend is away from the' chunky, heavy -looking footwear and emphasis has been placed on lighter construction, more pliable leathers that will not • hamper growing feet. One new style which will have widespread appeal for the young miss who is becoming fashion conscious is a low-cut shoe with a convertible strap. This can be worn with the strap around the back of the heel, giving a pump effect, or with the strap across the instep—two looks in one shoe. Black patent, often with touch- es of white, will be fashion right for dress wear this spring and early summer. Ornamentation is delicate, following the ,.grown-up' trend and consists of perforated treatments, little rolled bows, buttons and pearl -like trim. Accessories are Of prime Area Auxiliaries importance to the spry in ,costume. To Meet Here :Shoes tie in with the slim, miss Ron° Bornish, RN, slender look of fashion dic, tates and are of fine leathers in simple design in clerk and pastel colors, Hair styles, top, are Mif- fed to lend the feminine air or complement the new spring hat. • Pick Delegates • For Assembly 'N.G MissItuth Skinner 7eport- ed on visit to Goderich Rebek- ah Lodge by 16 members of Pride of Huron Lodge on 111arch 19 at the regular meeting last Wednesday night. director of nursing at KitChener- Water100 General 1iospitalwiij be guest speaker at the spring meeting of Hospital AMairiaries in Region 2 on April 2, Ladies' Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital will be hostesses to the 'delegates. President Mrs. C. S. IdaeNaughton of the Wel Auxiliary will chair the jneet- ing and Mrs. E. E, $tanfielf). regional president, will 'conduct business sessions. Past noble .grands. Mrs, Stuart Dick and Mrs, Lex McDonald were. appointed to attend, Rebek- ah Assembly in Toronto. Dele. gates named to attend the dist. riot meeting in Brussels were past 'noble grands 'Mrs. Stuart Dick and Mrs. Harry Heaver. $•• •,k 11 ••;•• • A PICTURE OF THE WORLD'S MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE! is how it feels. . . . this is how itlooks By SANDLER of Bootee It's the fashion -conscious Logroller.-the only casual classic in all the world that wraps your foot in one flawless piece of soft upper leather. Walk softly-. walk lightly—walk as in no shoes at all! • Fine imported calfskin in Camel Brown, red, blue, black and Wild Olive. Smyth's Shoe Store Phone 376 Exeter PIM* Is 'rood Bond besiordino, Pr* Minor Woutleloo Ye telt glee I tell le supremely beautiful... MOONBEAM' $7,:.••••• From $1 to $21 0:$ LtiitrOtts trinescnnt MOONBEAM jewelry" ty COTO hag Set the whole fashion World aglow! Choose from an elegant array of neW Spring designsitt gleaming Olden finish! Lovely soft feminine colorto toorchrtate With all your *Mart new addles! Matching necklace, 6tatelet, and eaningt, lack Smith Jeweller phon• sto txofor• Other SPRING JEWELRY by liftollif AVM ond Uflkio Impotfod from , 0. J