HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-28, Page 6.•
The Thnes.A4hrocolte, March a, 1117
• Cottons Are BeautifulWith the co-operation •of
community stores, The
Times -Advocate presents the
fashion picture for 1957 in
lthis special three-page sec-
Exciting styles, worn by
local models are uniquely il-
lustrated in fashion portraits
by professional photographer
Jack Doerr,
Store buyers, who've pick-
ed the best in wearing ap-
parel from the offerings of
Canadian and American
,manufacturers this spring,
pro vide enlightening com-
ments on what's new to serve
as a guide for the buyer:
Advertisements on these
pages will also help milady
make her choice for the
coming season.
Once you've read. about
the exciting fashion news for
1957, you'll be anxious to
pick your Easter costume
Marilyn Jory in a dress of rose blush bengaline cotton
figured with black is in high style for the young lady
this spring and summer as shown at Gould and Jory's.
It is made on princess lines with full skirt, raglan sleeve
and contrasting button trim. • • —Doerr
Soft Subtle, Feminine
Nursing Aides
Receive Caps
Students who had completed
a six months nurses' aid course
at South Huron Hospital received
their caps at a capping cere-
mony in the hospital auxiliary
Receiving their caps from Mrs.
Walter Stahl, instructor, were
Joan. Baker and June Dietrich,
Dashwood; Margaret Bertram,
Exeter; Ruth Ann Dykeman,
Zion and Audrey Godkin, Walton.
Miss Alice Claypole presided
for the ceremony. Mrs. Jack
Delbridge presented each girl
with a pen, a gift from the
Ladies' Auxiliary to the Hospital
and Mrs., Marian Learn, assist-
ant superintendent, presented
pins donated by the Hospital As-
Trend In '57 Styles Inake her home in Vancouver,
was presented with a pen.
Mrs. Stahl, who is leaving to
;I• Gould and Jory •
SPRING IS HERE! and with
her, she has brought new exci-
ting styles ani ;delicate pastel
shades to flatter; all women,
Dresses are soft, subtle, and
strictly feminine with the more
covered -up look, lowered hem-
lines and new luxurious fabrics
that even extend into sportswear.
jeans and shirts are taking a
; back seat to the new Ivy league
look with its striped blazers,
sweaters, slim jims, slacks and
skirts. For the working girl,
• piques, cotton broadcloth and
eyelet batiste predominates de-
signers' choice, with chiffon,
silks and linens playing an im-
portant part in afternoon and
evening wear.
Dresses are high -waisted with
soft flowing skirts, or the tapered
sheath, figure -wonderful for al-
xnost any age, and the sissy
shirtwaist is Oh! so papular,
both blouses and dresses. 1
• Fashion is reflecting the new
Blouson look in dresses, suits
with trim shorter jackets, and in
blouses worn over 'everything
from bathing suits to evening
The shade this Spring is lilac,
flattering to all ages and colour-
ings, particularly beautiful when
combined with soft pink, beige
or taup.e. Accessories, too, are
s;1 delightful and exciting with
the slim heel and tapered toe in
shoes, and clutch or pouch bag
to match. GloVes are even shor-
ter this year and in shades to
compliment any spring outfit.
So Dame Spring dares us—
dares us to step out in style this
spring with polka -dots or stripes,
to shoot the works at even.newer
shades, take a whirl at a shock-
ingly pretty neckline, splurge on
a pale silk for a gay summer
and create a sensation in a big
flower print..
4:t4ske. tg,
riis here at
Exclusive Millinery
Exqyisite Bonnets At Moderate Prices
A complete line of accessories to compliment
any spring costume.
+ Coats
+ Dresses
+ Suits
+ Lingerie
+ Accessories
Infant to 19X
and ,Subteen
roe 3Z
+ Blazers
+ Dress Trousers
+ Shirts
+ All.Weather Coats
• Conitiliti Lln le;heligtotifi Underviter
And FlowOry
Miss Norma Veal
'.". ""---7"-1 Weds Postmaster
Baskets of pink and white
snapdragon, palms and lighted
candelabra decorated James St,
United. Church on Saturday af-
ternoon for the wedding of
Norma Ruth Veal, youngest
daughter of Mrs. Veal and the
• late William J. Veal; and Arthur
Edward Ball, Clinton, son of
. Mrs. Ball and the late Ernest
Ball, Fincardine,
Rey. H. J. Snell performed the
double ring ceremony at 2
' o'clock. Mr. Lawrence Wein,
church organist, played wedding
music and, accompanied. the
soloist, Mrs, Ivan Lloyd, sister
of the groom.
Given in marriage by her
brother, Ross Veal, the bride
was lovely in a floor length
gown of white crystallete 'made
on princess lines with back in-
terest. Her finger tip veil was
held by a coronet of pearls and
sequins. She wore a pearl neck-
lace --the gift of the groom:. She
carried a white Bible topped with
red Sweetheart roses with stream-
ers knotted with forget-me-nots
and rose petals.
Miss Barbara Brintnell, Exeter,
as maid of honor•and Miss Irene
• Beavers, London, as 'bridesmaid
wore ballerina length gowns of
nylon net and lace in blue and
coral respectively with matching
accessories and cascade bou-
• quets of Kokomo carnations and
blue hyacinths.
Mr. Ivan Lloyd, Chatham, was
groomsman and ushers were El-
wyn Kerslake, Woodham, and
Robert Clark of Kincardine.
A wedding ,reception was held
in the church parlors when the
bride's mother received in blue
Brenda Dinney is ready for Easter with her navy blue
shirred skirt and white sissy blouse lavishly trimmed with
lace set off by a bright red cummerbund tied with black
bow. Her dress is made of tel3ilized cotton, a drip-dry fabric
requiring little or no ironing. Her white hat shaped like
mother's is of linene straw trimmed with wee flowers and
navy velvet ribbon. A white straw bag and nylon stretch
gloves complete her costume from MacMillans. —Doerr
crepe dress with black acces-
sories and the groom's mother
chose green crepe. Each wore
a corsage of pink Sweetheart
roses and white hyacinths.
andtravelling to Niagara Falls
and the United States the bride
wore a beige tweed suit with,
blue and brown accessories.
On their return they will re-
side in Clinton where the groom
is postmaster. The bride was
leader of the First Exeter Brown-
ie Pack • p
Fashionrevious to her mar-
FQr Children •
Entertains For Trousseau
Follows Adult Trend
Mrs. :William Veal entertain-
ed at a -trousseau showing on
Wednesday afternoon and eve -
B Y MRS. DEL. Ma cMI •ind quality -proven. The custo- ning in honor of her daughter
MaeMilla n's
• Style trends for children this
year are delightful modifications
of the men's and women's ap-
Coats 'of pastel tweed,and all-
weather fabrics, trimmed with
touches of velvet and. buttons
that contrast will be popular.
The sissy blouse and dutch -boy
influence will be much in evi-
deuce. Even the duster coat
teamed with matching prints is
being shown for the tiny miss.
Hats, too, this spring are mi-
niature copies of mother's, de-
lightfully styled to flatter and
please the young lady. Some are
shown with tiny straw bags to
The young gentleman's ward.
robe has been greatly influenced
by the Ivy -league look; co-ordi-
nated jackets of Ivy -league
strips Worn with plain trousers
repeating a colour from the
The navy blazer is still much
in denfand with a grey flannel
trouser and white shirt.
Colour without a doubt is a
major factor in choosing a gar-
ment and it is alwaysimpor-
tant that it compliments the hair
and skin tones of the child.
Colours this year are as deli-
cate as an early spring flower
garden, or as sharp and clear
as a summer day. Soft pinks,
violets, 'blues and yellows run
a close rival with vibrant, clear
reds, navy, coral a n d tur-
quoise: Mix them or match them
the new finishing process on cot-
tons and synthetics keep them
clean and colour fast for longer
Sport and play -clothes become
more versatile each season. Ma-
nufacturers are using more fa-
brics easy to Clean and suited
to the purpose of the garment;
drip and drys for hot summer
days; sturdy denims and sheens
cloth that need little or no iro-
ning, a boon to the busy mother.
Fabrics treated with new scien-
tific /Wishes that give longer
wear, Shed rain, resist stains
and creases all help to lighten
the strain on the family bud-
Children's wear manufacturers
are striving daily to overcome
the sizing problem, In the pixst
year an1 extensive survey was
made throughout Canada and a
new standard of sizing has been
adopted. However there is still
much work to be done in this
field before a truly standardized
sizing can be adopted. Some nia-
nufacturers are =Chiding tags
on their merchandite indicating,
height, weight, and measure,'
ments for a given size.
Name brand lines is flit most
ininortant part of good nubile
relations. They're dependable
Flat Handbags
Enhance Capes
handbags are ported testume
co-ordinates this season. They'ro
flat for bedoitting. wear with ,full
tapes and cape -like fashions, and
soft in loek, for harmony with
softly' pleated, Welted or draped
coattlin eS.
Shane§ are Sirtiple, with lint
deflated stiar or, elongated
rectangle preclothitiating.
mer knows, when she . buys a
• nationallradvertized articl e,
that it's backed up by the ma-
nufacturer for long-lasting wear,%
who will stand behind their
goods if not entirely satisfac-
tory. •
in summing up, style, colour,
quality and durability teamed
with the proper size are the
important factors in choosing
your children's wardrobe this
Norma,. bride of Saturday. As-
sisting in the afternoon were
Mrs. Sam Skinner, Mrs, Elwyn
Kerslake, Miss. Barbara .Brint.
nen and Miss , Pat Kerslake.
Sheila Bonnaillie) was in charge
of the register,
' In the evening Miss Yvonne
Penhale officiated and assisting
in displaying the trousseau were
Mrs. Don Bray, Miss Doris El-
ford, Mrs. Harold Broderick,
Mrs. Ross • Skinner and Mrs.
Den Penhale.
Vet Ladies
Heair Hooke
111r. li. G. Hooke, fieldman
for the Conservation Authority,
-showed slides on the work of
the Authority al the March meet-
ing of the Ladies' Auxiliary on
Monday evening,
Plans were made to cater for
the Boy Scout banquet .April 10
and for the. • RCAF Centralia
ladies' bOwling club in May.
President Mrs„ Eugene Beaver
asked the. members to send cards
to the president of Kincardine.
Auxiliary who is in St. Joseph's
Hospital as the result a a car
WCTU Discusses
A-Icohol Education
Alcohol education was the sub-
ject of discussion at the meeting
of the Exeter-Hensall branch of
the .on 'Thursday after-
noon at the home of Mrs, Herman
Because of the illness of the
president, Mrs. C. W. Down, Mrs.
Powe presided and conducted.
the worship service.
British Columbia was thepin-
neer province. in 1947 in this ad-.
vanced movement followed by
Alberta,Saskatchewan and Ma,
nitoba in thes.ame xear. Con—
ditions Ontario have net .been
encouraging. Quebec shows M.
creasing interest,
• Boris
•. By Tip Top • Tailors
'Boris of California' Style;
Originals, tailored exclusive-
ly by Tip Top Tailors,
point up the fashion trends
for spring the gently
rounded silhouette, the re-
turn to a quietly feminine
elegance, and the
tendency for skirts to •
be slightly longer
(13-3,4". from the Boer),
You may have 'these
Boris Originals hand -
cut and custom tailored
to your personal
measurements by Tip Top
Tailors' skilled crafts-
man, through Walper'S,
your local agent. Be
dressed with •
distinction ' this coming
season by wearing a
garment bearing a
"Boris of California")
A ,
5' I
Men's Wcar
Phone 81 Exeter
Cet into the spirit of .spring . . . get into
• lighthearted and lovely as the season •
of waist or long of torso..in light, bright or
• in silk, rayon, couon, linen and miracleVeruls
. in short, we've the dresses to
.pleasingly low you'll
our spring -happy dresses, each do
itself. We've dresses slim or full ..
dark prints or solid colors. We've diesses
.. we've dresses with matching jackets
new handbags
You'll have fashion well
In hand when you tarry
one of these elegant
handbags. We've smooth
textured leatheta. Pa'
tents, in a Wide array of
shapes, tolors.
Hy accworiti foot
Scintillating iliaeviti, all- Won, pretty patterns.
Nylon gloves to enhance your mounts,
Reversible skirt' in rich-weeions and tomtit,
Just arrived! Prettiest cotton blouses.
Slender and shapely shoes lot spring.
Phone 16 • Exeter