HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 16Tim ii-*dM.cats, Miert h 21i 1957 Th(i. Times•Advocate B uiIdng.Pa ge Order :Pians Here tXIETE* TIMES.ADVOCATR, Exeter, Qntsrio rteese fend mi mors .information, without .obligation, about the pian features and the type of construction used in the house as pictured in The. Titne►•Advocate. NAME ADDRESS CITY_ PROV. bbbbbb 44.04.11. Home 01 The Vileek ti _DESIGN 0.448 Here is a compact plan with no waste space and a very small hall which, in spite of its size, permits perfect circulation be- tween rooms, The floor plan shoWs a large living room, separated front the combination kitchen -dinette by means of a folding door; also two bedrooms, a bath and an at tacked garage, Closets are plenti- -411Q1.10..ter0 SVPPiIE5 For Every Need LUMBE PP BUBUILDERS S Lindenfields LIMITED Phone 181 Exeter A Complete Heating Service Baked By Quality' Equipment LENNOX .With She' Five -Year Warranty including all controls, motors, etc. New quality air filters, exclusive features on farm and -.ohurner mounting. ANTHES IMPERIAL ' . An' outstanding line of design award-winning furnace equip• *toutstanding Deluxe or stanerard units in gas or oil. GOOD CHEER Oil, co "`'and. wood furnaces and the new automatic: bin -fed anthreelte• burner. ALL OF CANADIAN MANUFACTURE Pr'ee •estimatet on new installations and alterations. For qua, - by furnaces and oil burners to suit your requirements, contact Lindenfields Ltd • P14ONE' IAT EXETER ful and include storage closet, wardrobes, linen cabinet and' coat closets in the living room and rear entry. lixterlor finish is a combina ' tion of stone and wide siding with a hip roof, wide eave eve,rhang, stocfe planter, pictU.re window and coverer} front and rear en- trances. Floor area is. 1,035 square feet, with 19,665 cubic feet, including the full basement, but not including the garage, t: 'if$140/441.4A1i44104UA1lAUAA400t1. 117AAAIUA44411401.iAM.Al11W1AIIII iIA.1.A71l1141AA110.1)1IIAl11AlLMHl1Al111101, .� On Home Improvementli ,It has 'become increasingly .ditional nmouey for home lm easy in recent months .for a provement purposes, adding the homeowner to obtain financing advance to the all}aunt still due for home improvement Purposes. on the ,Mortgage. The gigantic national Operation I:lome Improvement campaign has enthused the nation's len - •dens and many are eager to help homeowners maize satisfying, profitable investmentS in, their ponces If Dishes Drove Hatter Mad What About The Housewife? Equity important It is usually necessary,, of course, to have built up a slab f .s stantial equity in. order to. ob tai suchen advance In other words; before the homeowner There are three basic types of can borrow money in. thus Man-, s home an ,- home improvement loans–,•the ea insueulaTpsitatiu. rd onle st many. banks ,and savings and loan associations are: •offering on their own, and the open-end the or incl snort age, e mortgage :advance. g $ In most cases, the advance Most Familiar is repaid by adding to the amount The most familiar b.. the Title of the monthly mortgage ,phy I plan,, in which .a local lender h advances the money required monthly p Y and the Federal Housing Admi- nistration. insures repayment, Terms of this governnient actj- vity were altered by Congress in 1956, The new late allows a maxi- mum of $3,540 for Koine improve- ment loans and up to five years to repay the loan, The maxi- ner , a ban usually require, that. he have made earlter moue gage payments totaling at least as much as the new advance QnlY in rare cases do lenders allow the new total to, exceed So the Mad Hatter thought he sinks are hung at a height which had troubles! iSuppose he was overwhelmed by a never-ending• tea party, badgered by Alice and the March Hare, confounded by an endless chain of dirty dishes. He could at least plead insanity, couldn't he? But what about the average Canadian housewife,' asks the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating? Not counting the times her generous husband takes the family out to eat, she has to wash up after 1000 or. more square meals per annum. And she can't just brush it off with, a lot of zany talk, like the Hatter. It's a tough life. But there's hope for her, according to the Institute, N"ot entirely unheeding of her plight, the designers of Canada's plumbing industry have come up with new twists in kit- chen fixtures to help release . her from this'drudgery.. To -day, for instance, kitchen • CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES ■ GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend ig x Let's Discuss our New .House :Whether 'ytiu'ree just thinking *bout building or have already affected your plans, we'll be glad 00 distustt your 'project with you. Perhaps we tan suggest improve- : tents, or ways of cutting costs f�t'ito'ut haaerificing quality. Weill IDC h*rppy, 'toe, 'to furnish free *atimetes on All yew, supplies. Let's talk it over. All Building Materials For The. 'Lucan Area It's B.1'.. Langfor.d phone. 64.W l.ucan 1,1 bb H41H4011HIIQHIII 411111111111tHIIIHHHLH.111AlliMIHIIi1111P11t.111111!111,It141,111110111A11HA14M4t11f1A9 W00.4 141,I1O11H1HIH11A PHPHIHI11IHl1t111HIu14HHIIHIH1111H11l ll IIgnp11111H44I,-1111,0111 Illioll PII4IMilli11:. meets:; sometimes, when higher g. _ �e���®,� a. ncents would be a 1 hardship, the "life" of the mort- a gage is extended. Principal advantage of the i open-end mortgage is that in m o s t circumstances greater amounts can be obtained through this procedure than through un- e secured loans, such as the eliminates back bending. Gleam- ing drain boards flank the sink, so that dishdrying racks can.l?e employed. Mixer -type faucets deliver water of just the `right temperature and swivel nozzles take it to whatever part of the sink it is needed. Retractable hose extensions with spray noz- zles make rinsing easy, and to these also can be attached spray brushes for automatic washing of dishes. All this is a far cry from the back breaking "dish washing of yesteryear. But the new fixtures are made for other purposes as well. Although much of the fam- ily wash is now done in the ahto- matic washing machine, there is still a fair amount of linen which should be hand laundered, and for this the combination sink and tuft unit is ideal. On one side, a deep tub accommodates as much water as .is necessary for soaking a good day's hand wash, while the hallower sink. portion is ideal for hand -rubbing and rinsing. '}ere is where the retractable hose attachment with its spray nozzle comes in handy again, Most units to -Hay too, have built-in cupboards underneath, mum interest is $5• discount Title T loan, It is common, for (per $100) on the first $2500 up example, for a homeowner to to the $3500 ceiling. need as much as $5,000 for home "Discount interest" means that improvement. purposes. If he. the charges acre deducted from has repaid that' much of an exis- the amount of the loan as a dis- ting mortgage, it is possible for borrowed. ornt at the time the money is same oeconomicaleinterestat the ra es bArx le I as the mortgage. Title I is one of the least com- plicated methods of getting Refinancing procedure There are.several other, less frequently used methods of fi- nancrng home improvements,. among them: new mortgage fi- nancing, which is possible only when the home is owned "free and clear." This is simply a matter of obtaining a mortgage left over for- home improvement money in a hurry. There is little red tape. Usually, the cantrac- ter or the dealer that the home- owner is dealing with secures the loan for hint after the home- owner has filled out a simple credit application form. Increasingly Available• See The New .DASHWOOD PANEL WINDOWS. COMPLETE LINE OF PREiFIT WINDOWS it .GREE ESTIMATES • ObROMPT DELIVERY a QUALITY MATERIALS Phan* • 90 The ttninsured loan plans •offer- purposes., This procedure has ed by many leaders in all parts the same disadvantages as new pf the country are frequently mortgage •financing. comparable in all respects to on a home that is already built, Title I loans. Actually, .such loans have .become increasingly available because the Title I program has proved that Ameri- can homeowners, when they are borrowing money for the pur- pose of updating their homes, are uncommonly good credit risks. Again, the loan is usually ob' tained by the dealer or contrac- tor and it is not necessary for the homeowner to contact the lender at all. Since the interest rate is not determined by the government in' this case, how- ever, the wise homeowner will snake sure that he is getting the "best" buy as far as the local interest rates are concern- ed. The open-end mortgage. loan is a procedure whereby the bank or savings and loan association that holds the original ' mort- gage on the house advances ad - so that all the requisites of wash- ing up or hand laundering are within easy reach, yet out of sight when not in use. But perhaps the most impor- tant' part of easy washing and laundering is the constant supply of •hot water which to -day has become so commonplace in the Canadian home. For really sa- .nitary washing of dishes, a pre- liminary soaking in water is re- commended. And to make sure that water of maximum high temperature is available at all times, a check should be made to be sure that the water heater is large enough to satisfy the •wants of a modern family. ' Tanks of 20 gal. to 30 gal: ca- pacities which were commonly installed in homes two or more decades ago have been found inadequate in these days of two bathroom houses, shower cabi- nets, automatic washers and similar appliances. But a tank of 40 gal. to 50 • gal, capacity en- sures a never -failing supply of this essential service. If the March Hare and the Doormouse had combined to get the Hatter the right ,equipment to work with, he might never have been driven mad,, or at least, not seriously. Dashwood bought and paid for. The advan- tage is that there is consider- able red, tape accompanied by sometimes excessive fees—such as for the required title search. Refinancing, which is the pro- cedure whereby a homeowner with a small mortgage can apply for a complete new mortgage in a new amount, retire the exis- ting mortgage and have money. omPoie vootiosol) Replace outmoded, law capae-t ley pumps with a tnodernExtra capatity, Multi -stage Jet pump made by Why put up with 'old-fatshiofed, troublesome purrlpt, with then' belt* and pulley* that demand constant Service? Now is the tine to ire-. stall big.capacity, constant pres4ure 141ulti-,take let pumps. Not One, but twin --even three—iipelleri to' pump more water at less cost froth deeper wells. Down to 230 feet! Sta./kite putnds proved better every. day in mote then a million holed* and terms, Don't melt any toner. Cull today and We'll estimate, freed' W. L. Hodge Plu tibing y Heating Electrical "TRY OUR. PRICES" Phonal 7 Credjton GINGERICH'S0e NW ENGINEER WE NAVEBATH UNITS TWAT ARE' I T' WHEN BUILDING YOU WiLL BENEFIT COME IN AND TAKE A LOOK 1. GINGERICIIS HEATING-LIGHTiNG-PLUMBiNG OIL BURNING -AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT4,SUPPLIES 4:11.04,t ( FtLECTRICAL REPAIRING 34 MOTOR REWINDING ZUFIC SPENCER DIRECTORY • cumber • Shingles • Sash & Frames • Doors • Cement • Cabinet Work • Hardwood Flooring • Lime • Piaster • Insulation • Plywood* a! Gyproc . Ten Test' R .Masonite • Arborits Lal Steel Roofing •! Aluminum Roofing e Builders . Hardware A. Spencer & :Son Phone 102•W, Hensall ll,li114H IH1111/1A111H!H4H Ill, II ll 111 t l 111 141110111111111,11IIHl H1 HIn11111,1111111111HHI,1HI10$0,1 11041$111lIIiu140 1 ,Illl0ltll llll Illla4nH lilllll 111111111H111111111IIIIIIiltint lllitll, l(3 HURON LUMBER OFFERS A .' a . March Special! 2 x 4's--8'@ 62¢ Each 1 x 6`s--16' '1'. &G. @ 80¢ Each Cash and Carry Build The Huron Way Complete line of Materials for ALL BUILDING NEEDS Huron Lumber Co. LIMITED Phone 48 Main Street Exeter 114111111,11 H 11)114 4 t l l l 1114/11114141l1111l l l l l i t l l l l M i l l i, I t' l l 1, 1 4 11/1111/1 1 4 1 4 11 t 11111441110 Tradesmen' Directory Consult this Directory dor expert work in construction er repair. Your local tradesmen are ‘.qualified to give prompt" efficient service at reasonable prices. Plumbers Quality Oil Heating INSTALLATIONS • HOT WATER and WARM AIR PLUMBING Is A Specisity Lorne Kleinstiver PHONE 145 DASHWOOD ALF ANDRUS PLUMBING • HEATING SHEET METAL WORK OiL "BURNERS We will be glad to assist you in designing your home, We, have drawn plans for a nunyber of district buildings. 402 ANDREW StREET PHONE 719. EXETER Suppliers Masons' For A yGelid IA ,lilt Y JOHN WEBST;R Mason PHONE 2114/ . EXETER L. H. .TURNBULL AND SON CONCRETE BLOCK & TILE SAND 1 GRAVEL Excavating and Grading PHONE 223•W GRAND BEND P Landsca in9 PHONE .STEWART WEBB at 34•r•24 DASHWOOD for all LANDSCAPING. JOBS Contractors MILTON WEBB CONTRACTOR . 33 Years In Construction fon "WE BUILD THE BEST'"; Phone 156 DASHWOOD Carpenters CALL • DOUG TRIEBNER fora • Top -Grade CARPENTER Don't Delay--•Phoni Today! PHONE 6204112 EXETER H. A. HAMILTON • Carpenter Free Estimates Given PHONE 221 GRAND BEND Electricians A ERic TURNBULL: Plumbing• , Electrical Wiring PHONE 31 GRAND BEND GARFI'YELD THOMSON Cormercial, Industrial and Domestic ln:talation PHONE 132•M EXETER Decorators TOM WALKER Painting and Paparingl Buiit•In' cupboards PHONE In EXETER ee Your LocalTradesman. FIRST l +,