HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 15r „ '41itillelle...eve...1111er eesivesteliklIstISIISI Fastt Scripto- Ball-Point PENS Regular 490 We've Sold 100 Lots Left! The Times - Advocate STATIONERY DEP'T Phone 770 C'hiUrch ,Men's Clubs Fete Ladies At Bend The Mena Club of Grand Bend Mrs, .V. Present Were, Mr. and end Greenway Vnkted. Churches Mrs. 3, Vox and son Of 'Camp held their annual .night Borden and Mr, and Mrs. Bribe oh Wethielday evening when, Williams •of •LOndon, about. 100 attended. Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Herbert lloggarth of Lon- Curts took the chair. .and after don. visited with his Aster,. Mrs. the opening service,. Mr. Wd11• ROY Flear and Mr. near on wood GUI introducd the ,speaker. Sunday. • s of the evening, Rev, H. J. Snell , Mrs.„1-fOrlee Lake is. Visiting of jaMeg Street United Church, for a few days this. week with. Exeter, who ,gave an inspiripg. her cousin, Mrs, Harold Prince and heart-warming talk. - in London. A group Of egirie from Green-- Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. .Sweitzer, way rendered a. chorus led, by gave a St. Patrick's dinner on. Mrs. Harry Isaacs. Mrs. Mansell Sunday, among the guests be-: Moon. and 'Mr, Emery Desjar-'elpg Mr. and Mrs. Dena% Eerie dine Also contributed a. duet ac- of Sarnia, M. and Mrs.. Jacob companied bv Mrs. A. E. Rol- .Sweitzer of Exeter, Mr. and. ley. This was the final rneeting MrS. Geo. Clarke .And ,fernily, for the season, to be reenniel in and Ur- and Mrs, Chas, Clark September. Lunch lama was served all of Theciford, and their greed, ,-.1eY the gentlemen members, sons, Bill and Gary Brenner ot town, Mr, Wally Desjardine is a pee tient this week in St, Joseph's Hospital. Mr, Murray Desjardine is con- fined' to his home through ill - nets this wek, Mrs. James •Grigg returned to her home on Wednesday after being a patient in St. Joseph's hospital for the- past ten days, Miss Olive Webb is assisting at the local telephone _office and will be employed there durin.g. the summer months. Those who were home for the weekend were' Dennis Finan 01 Sarnia, Sheila Finer', Kenneth Flear and James Dalton, and Joan, Gt11, all .of Londoo. • Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Baird visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arth; ur Datincey in Lucan on Wei:P nesdaY, Visitors on Sunday with, Mr, and Mrs. James Dalton were Mrs, Daltortert eerente, M. And Mrs. Frank Coughlin and. her uncle, Mr. Frank Murray, - all of London, their son Frank Dalton and a friend ,Tim Doyle also of St, Michael's College, Toronto. Several from here who have been :taking ceurcesat. the eve - Meg -school in Parkhill attended the social evening and dance on *Thursday and report }Wing. a delightful evening. I. Racial Problem Discussed The W,U.S. and W.A. of the United Church held their rev• - ler monthly meeting . on Thurs- day afternoon, With Mrs. Doug- las Gill and Mrs. Willis Gill taking the chair for the meet- ,ings respectively, MrS. Emery Desjardine took the study book on Burma and Thailand, with Mrs. Mansell Mason and. Mrs. Wellwood. Gill assisting. Mrs, Ezra -Webb took the Bible .study from Ephesians, Mrs. C. Tavern gave en interesting address on Citizenship touching particularly onrace disciimination. During the W.A. portion of the meeting it was decided. to hold a mother and daughter ban- quet for the girls of the C,G.I.T. It wits. -also decided to held an affiliation' service at the .C,G,I.T. Meeting be April, Mrs. H. ?file was appointed to bring back a report of the Presbyte- nal meeting in Clinton on March 1111111111111111111014111111111111M1111111111111111111111111116111111111111111111111111 Persinel Demi ' Cpl. and Mrs. N. Chamber. lain and Nancy visited with Mr, and gra. ,Isa ItIcDonMd At Mit. cite' on ridey. Mr. and Idre. Roy Scott of Sarnia spent the weelcend with Mrs. Scott's mOther, ekirs: WM, pattersoll, Mr. and Mre, E. Keown spent Saturdie with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Mathers, Parkhill. . Mr. and Mrs, Wes Nichols of London spent Sunday wih Mr, Nichol'e Mother, Mrs, James MousSeau, returning home from a motor trip M Florida for •the peel; few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Flear at- tended the funeral of a cousin in Royale Oak, Mich., on Thursday. Several from the United Church attended the evening auxiliary In the United Church, Parkhill, on Friday sullen Rev. Mr. John Scott, returned missionary front, Korea, spoke and showed slides of.his work in that country. He also showed how the bales sent were distributed where needed. An inspiring evening was report- ed by those who attended. _Mrs. Elizabeth Smith returned Acently from a trip to Florida, and is now visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Clyde Reed and Mr. Reed in Strathroy. Mr, Albert Cox was returned to Westininster Hospital by am- bulance on Thursday, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker were Mr. and Mrs. -Ralph Lightfoot and Shar- on, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Light- foot and daughters,and Mr. and efre. Howard Lightfoot and Douglas, all of Crediton, Little Debbie Love is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love, while her moth- er, Mrs. JIM Love, who recently underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in St.' Joseph's Hos- pital, London, returning home on Monday, is convalescing. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird were their ,daughter and son-in-law,. Mr. • and Mrs. Carl 'Veneer, their son end Wife, Mr. red Mrs. Wm, Baird and Mr. Delbert Idaten, all of London, Sunday visitors with Mr. and -COMING EVENTS BAND CONCERT, by Army Ser- vice Corps, Eand of London, under the irection of Martin Boundy, SHDHS auditorium, on Tuesday, April 9, 8 p.m. Silver collection. 21: 28c E.P.S. PANORAMA Variety Show, April 9 and 10. Watch for further- announcement. 21c PRESENTATION and Dance for Mr. and Mrs. William L. Morley, West McGillivray Hall, Priddy, March 22, Hearnari's Orchestra. Everybody welcome. 21" sssssss tttttt I ttttt ristisissrarrorit tttt tristrittli tt i t it ttt t It's DOBBS For DODGE '55 DODGE REGENT. SEDAN, green $,1895 '54 PLYMOUTH I3ELVEDARE HARDTOP '.... 1,645 Tuttine, :radio. • 1.• '53 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN 1,195 Radio, new tires. maroon. • • '53 PONTIAC SEDAN t t t t tt tttt . 1,195 f TOolle; air conditioning.' FORIT SEDAN, tutone, radio '52 ,PLYMOUTH• ttLVtDERE HARDTOP Richt), tutone. '52 DODGE SEDAN (2) tttttttt each '51 DODGE SEDAN (3) ; 50 FORD COACH,• green . I '50 METEOR .t% PONTIAC SEDANS Your choice of these two 044 to/.,•.,14.11,444.6v.,.6, '47 DODGE COACH, a good one , • 295 I , SPECIALS '52 DODGE SEDAN REGENT 1,250 `Radio, spotlight, windshield washers, new. tires, (This dal, is privately owned and can be purchased privately or though us,) '51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN (2) 595 )49 FORD COACH, intone, radio 450. '46 MEACURY SEDAN •, 4.111..111i/ *1116/VilifylitieVtilloti 175 '46 tiODGE & HUDSON' COACH,' good ....ea0 • 95 1.i2c)5 1,150 1,095 795 695 545 Eket:eitiltiotor Sates Prod Ottliblit Peep., Sunday School. PhOne 200 Night% 7:624/ or '-"‘"' DetideA, forinerlY 'Of 'fifteen. 'guest comictician for two nays 1"1 to 11'130 1.th, Ao Mt. and Mrs: Mil Dtinomme of Radcliffe Drug Stott will be • I Mr. Add, Mee. Clint Webb, this -week of too of Londott's "TCIt Me thy truth, 6 Lord" hat Martha Reilli3ON of dmoti. large cosmetic depart -toil% - &Iota stkitgo, Sauder4 zurieh BISHOP' BLESSES SCHOOL )3ishop 3, C. Cody, London, officrally opened Mt. Carmel school Sunday in a ceremony which brought back many graduates. Among the officials taking part, were, left to right, Joseph Dietrich, Khoo1 board chairman; Bishop Cody, •Rev. Kelly, the parish priest, aid John Morrissey, reeve of Stephen, --T-A Photo This Week In Saintsbury Dy MRS. H. DAVIS W.A. Ladies Delft The March meeting of the W,A. met at the borne of Mrs. Lorne Wciberg on Friday after- noon with nine members present, Mrs, H, Davis, Mrs, Jas. Turn- er assisted by Mrs. K. Weiberg led, in the devotional, The roll call was answered with an ar- ticle for the bazaar, The ladies quilted after the meeting. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, James Barker received the news on Friday of the death of Mr. Orval Dale, who had been a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London for the past three months, They at, tended , the funeral from the Evans funeral home on Mon. day. Mr, William Abbott of Niagara Falls spent Wednesday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, Mr, and Mrs. James Turner and Mrs. W. J. Davis visited on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Fred Davis. Mr. and Mr. Lorne Hodgins and family were Friday eve- ning guests with Mrs. Labannah Hodgins, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Don Maguire and boys were guests on Satur- day evening with Mr. and Mrs, James Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Greed - lee and Mr. and. Mrs. Heber Davis were guests at g thirtieth wedding Anniversary dinner aA the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee in honor of, Mr. andl Mrs, Raymond Greenlee. Mr. Greenleewas also celebrating a birthday: - Lucan Personal Items Itev. J. F. Wagland, former rector of Holy Trinity Church, now of Oakridge Acres,`Lottdon opened his new church, St. Mar- tin's in the Field, on Sunday. Mr. M. 0. Smith wilt) has been spending a few weeks with Mrs, Smith since. his return from Quebec, is leaving by plane next Sunday efectm Melton for Calgary and from Calgary by train for Kamloops, B.C. where he wilt spend tWo- months super- vising the erection of a met of the Pine Tree Line. Mrs. William Harney of Exeter spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John taley. Mr. and Mkt. Wm. Gallimore of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. ASirnp- son. Mrs. Art Hamilton of Belle- ville was a Sunday guest with her parents, Mr. Arid Mrs. Har- old Ribson. ' Sunday' guests with Mr. and Mrs, Harold McFalls included Mr.. and Mrs, Arthut Ford and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth „Here and, family all of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs.. Clift Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins Were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis of Lon - ton on their way home from a two month vacation in .Florida visited with a number of Lucan relatives and friends last week, Miss Hattie liodgins left on Saturday on a two week visit with her sister, Mrs. Herbert Charlton and family of Denfield. Mrs, 'William Brownlee was a guest of her son LAO William Brownlee and family, Centralia last Wednesday. Mr. arid Mrs. John Park spent last • weekend hi Sarnia, the guests • of Dr, and Mrt, Len Lobsinger and family. Dr. and Mrs. P, S. Dobson of Alma College, St. Thomas called On Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Roulston last Wednesday, Mrs. George Craig and son of London were Tuesday guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas England. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Murray and family and Mrs. Margaret Stewart of London were Sunday guests of Mrs J. R. Murray, Mrs, Stewart remaining for e Week's visit, Mr, and Mrs. 3. W. Cochrane and three' daughters attended the wedding of their daughter Shirley to Mr, Wilfred Doyon in Hamilton on Saturday. Mr. and- Mrs. Clarence Hod- gins of Denfield, Mrs. Alvin Mc- Lean and Mr. Murton McLean of lelginfield and Mrs. E. L. Mrs, Chas. Martin of Winni- clibseri of Exeter were Thursday peg, her son, George, and two guests of Mite Hattie Hodgins. grandchildren of Toronto were Last Wednesday evening Mrs. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warper McRoberts attended a T. A. Hodgins. Mrs. Annie Fdirles is holiday- ing with Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hodgins • of Chieago. • MrS. T. C. McFarlane, Who has been confined to her home for several weeks it Able to be out, Mr, and Mrs, H. S. Hill of HAntilton Were weekend guests last Saturday attended the first of IVIrS. W. Brokerishire. anniversary of the South West - Mr, and Mrs. Start Keillor of ern Ontario .Taxation Division Iona were Monday guests of I inter office bowling eeefeemice. Mt. and Mr% Wm. Aylestoek. ! Bowling hi the afternoon vis Mr. and MrS. Sheridan Rev- 1 followed by a Omer dance in ingtofi and family spent Sunday Hotel London, M Which Mr. Hod- Duttoe, guests of Mr. •And gins acted as eniece. Mrs, R. IVIillar, On Friday Mr, and Mrs. Neil Mrs. E. J. Wellston Spent last ; Leckie, Charlene and Danny, en Friday afternoon renewing old I route to Florida and the- eest acquaintances, when she attend -1 coast were dinner guests, of Mr. ed the United Church .leirtisters' and IVIts. M. 0. Smith, wives' Association meeting in Inks •Kay London Metropolitait Chttech, Lenden. was a' Sunday guest with Mr. Mr. Seise Iltindt noW of Crum and Mrs. Charles Windsor, 'lin RCAF visited with Mr. and Wt. D. A. Fletcher of Stand- Mts, Ira Carling and family lesterd, Althe who has been spend - weekend. ing the ,past two Moths with -Mr. Geissler, aii employee 1 het daughter', Mrs, R. G. Beard ef the Neetee'' oiled itteterY, Das and family Of 1.itteatt and Other moved from the Apattritent in relatives is leaving on Thursday the Gibson mill to aft apartment for beret.. in Mrs, D. Setteevi's Ifintie, I Mr. and l`tIre. Wine tizenga M. Frank Smith and entertained 14 MeneberS of di* granddiitighter, ti *fi Smith, Way last Sunday, the Occaelon Were Satueday trillert on Mr. being Mr, tizenga's birthday. and were. Henry litodgins. Mr. ;reek &Mgt who has been • Mr. Howard Xe' and Mr, D. off work for the oast 11 months Geissler' are making .41 week's through •illness. Is •kolug back in butiritSe ttle. 1,6 Sudbury and wet* ofi *teddy, but nor hie Parry Sound. • lather, 'Mr. Robert Smythe, is Mr. and Mrs, A. Paltry and confined in his bed, family Wore recent tethers bf Mrs, Lillian It Adeline ot tilt\ teachers' Federation.rneeting In the J. D. eaCtircly school in Ceritralia, Rev: Daniels' spoke on the theme "Our Country, Can- ada." - Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ford of Detroit were weekend guests of Mrs. Irene Coursey. Mr. And Mrs, Murray Hodgips Centralia Pianist Wons At Festival At the Kiwanis Music Festival Of Stratford. Elaine Powe cif Centralia topped her class of 11 competitors winning .first prize in the under 10 years. Bonnie Heather McRae took Second place in her class cqm- peting with 7 eompetiters, Carol Brown of Hensall won third piece in the under 13 class and third in Open 13ach, class. Sandra Wolper of Eteeter also won third place in the under 15 class. . still a patient in Victoria. ospital The Story In Clandeboye By MRS. J. H. PATON Mr, Omar Cunningham has been ill. Ile •suffered several bent attacks. Mrs. Gordon Cunningham spent a week with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Volk, in Parkhill. Mr, Joe Cunningham returned home on Saturday evening from a motor trip, visiting Key Vfeart. and i Joarncksond uviinien.Mg4 Those receiving first class , following an accident, reeeivinga honour mention are Lerida Tie- head injury while at work in man cte Dashwood in the under London. 13 years and Donny endTerry Nixon in. tbe under 7 and 8 Quilting was a popular pastime years. last week. The members of the W.A, of the Clandeboye United Receiving honciur Mention Are Church held a quilting at the Linda Walper and Betty Dixon home of mrs. T. Collins . • The of Exeter. Ladies' Guild of St. James These competiters itre pupils Church held a quilting at the of Mrs. Frank Nixon, Exeter. home of Mrs. Ernie Lewis, Mrs. Alnier Hendrie is int - This Week In proved in health. Mist Judy Scott entertained Winkhelsea eight of her school friends on . By MRS. F. HORNE Mrs. Harry Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne were in London on Friday last to Attend the funeral of their cousin, the late Mr. Leslie McNaughton, formerly of London. Mr. Harry Armstrong' and Janice of Hensall were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. Batten. A number of ladies from this community attended a shower at the home of Mrs. Donald Bray of Thames Road on -Saturday dvening for Miss Norma Veal ef,.Exeter. Norma is a former resident of Winchelsed., "I spanked Junior," saidthe woman , indignantly, "because he was very rude. He called me a big fat pig." "Well,' spanking won't do any good." replied her husband, "What you should do is go on a. diet." Friday afternoon at a birthday party. It was also the birthday of one of her guests, Miss Linda Lewis. Plaits were made for a barn supper to be held in Clandeboye United Church on Wednesday, March 27, at the March meeting. of the W.M.S. andeW:A. of the church, held at the'hotne of Mrs. 'George Simpson. • The Rev J. P. Prost conducted the weekly Lenten prayer service at the home of Mrs. E. Tomes on Thursday evenfitg. The sereice on March 21 will be at the tome place. Euchre • Miss Elaine Grainger and pupils of Clandeboye Scheel No. 3 and 12, held •a successful euchre at the school with nine tables in play; Prize winners were as follows: Ladies high, Mrs. V. 'Thatcher: gent's high, Mr. W. Scott; lone hands, Mrs. G. Eaton and Mr. E. Armstrong; lucky chair win- ner, Mrs. R. Williams:. consola- tion prizes, Miss Rosemary Hall and Mr. T. Tomes. VON CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren • CREDITON Rey. Glen R. •Strome, Minister 10:00 aen,-Morning Worship Mr. Woodrow Macke of Nigeria will spehk. 11:00 a.m.-Church School 7:30 p.m.-Eveitirig Worship Rev. A. M. Amacher will preach. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ReY. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G Cochrane, Organist .1.0:00 a.m.-Sunday Sehooi 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Serra on Subject: "A Great Faith" April 15 -19 -Pre -Easter Services with Rev, Angus MacQueen, of London, as guest minister. lie will deliver suitable devotion- al messages each evening. THE•ANGL1CAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, N. b. Knox, CA., Rector , THAN Memorial,. Exeter Third Stinday iti Lent 8:30 aere-lible Communion 10:15 Ltn..Sunday School 11:30 Cm. -Morning Prayer Services each Wednesday of Lent at 10 a.m. and -8:15 p.m, JAMES STREET . UNITED CHURCH J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wain, A.W.C.M. Musical Director 10:00 a .re ,-Sund ay School 11:00 11,0e-Morniog Worship Sermon. Subject; "Death it Yours" Anthem by the Choir Solo by Maxinc Reeder The Sacrament Of Baptism will be observed. 7:00 p.rit-Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "havld,, the • King" A Warm Welcome Ls .Warm Te All THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER • THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farevre, Minister 2:00 p.m. -Dutch Service All Welcome • T Bend Legion Watching 'Wander Wonderer* with service die. with theM.tp, charge papers', bent 01 frerst.- by hill to, 041 lunching their way lercia$ the Howard Khirnp. dominioo, will find a. onlowhav Branch 4014 out taciturn weicom* fitturn from elated for Aptil 1. Canadian .14ogiee OrePett el, let Out .data worry '0 Greed )3end, it Wee cliselosed• pretty ,Cl�$ Sit * Meeting Of the Legienateth Monday night, 1)tolean housed' and led waYfarer over the weekend -0,0o worth -only to find out that the same fellow had pro-' Me4 from the benevolence on previous occasions .Bill .Lochner, who keeps an •un,to-date list •ou Aueb toknsivA4, plansto work with Duncan in -keeping closer tabs on the comings and soiege Of seeti The meeting was regular affair that saw the initiation of a new teenibet, Young, Meal boat builder .ot con- sideroble repute. .Several other names were tendered for con- sideration by the members, these to be voted .onat a future meet- inge. A nuchae party, .organized to raise funds or the Canadian Olympic training fund, • failedto bring in the required amount Of money. A spontaneous dona- tion •progrant by the members in. attendance .soort 'remedied this problem, however.. The slandardS in the LegiOn's Chuckwagon trophy dart, -tour, pey presently has :the Mather- Desjardine . team in first piece with the Rath-Heinilton and Crown -$.401* duos tied for second place. Bill Forester, a, former pre- sideet, was presented .officially ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH • DASHWOOD. Pastor: Rev. C. Kits's, 'Moncton 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Servite Parents Back Junior Band Parents of tbe ,Tsinior Band members met last Monday to organize it Parente Committee to give encouragement and aid to the band. Mr, Cecil Wilson was named president and Mr. Warren Sand- ers and Mrs. Harry. Beaver are vice -presidentt; secretary is Mrs. Gordon Prance, Townsbip representatives Are /Mrs. Lloyd Jones (Usborrie) , Mr, John Gal- loway (Stephen), Warren San- ders (gay), and Wilhain Higgins (Exeter). Mrs. L. • Sturgis was secretary for the evening. Plans were discussed for pu- blicizing a concert to be given by the band by local talerit 111 May, A concert is to be given by the Army Service Corps Baird in South Huron District High School on April 9. This is a 50 piece band under the direction of Mar- tin Boundy and is one of the best in the district..They have offered to stag ibis _concert in the interest of the new Iota' junior band. Bandmaster, James Ford, Lon. don, was present at the meeting and answered any questions the parent a wanted toask. Don Easton representing the Senior Bad was also in attendance. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren ' DASHWOOD Rev, W. F. Krotx,' Minister Mrs, Ken McCrae, Organtst Sunday, March 24, 1957 10:00 a.rn.-The Uplifted Christ 11:05 aen,-Sunday School 7:30 ii.m.-Cbrist Manifested MAIN STREET The United Chutch Of Canada Rev. Alex. It tuisett Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 11:15 a.m.-The Service of Wer.. ship Nursery Class (three years and under) in the Primary Room. Beginners (4-5) will withdraw during the second liymn. 1000 aan.*-The Church -Scheel SuperintendentMr. Sterling Ince Worihlp God Every Sunday As A Noisily PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main St. , Plisse thnt(Nbith) i The Ann* S, Ottani* 90 reht.-Sunday Sehool 4 11;00 a.tu,--MoritMg Worship 1 1 . - • - Subjetti "The Everlasting 1 For the purpose of receiving the .direetote And '1:30 n, -The Evangellttio Set, I authtOr 8 reports4 , . • 'vice 1 . -For the purpose of *electing directors; Wed., a o,m.-Meeting for Prayer I Thum.2:30 0.111.--Winiith's Mies i -I All blab/Mitt:I 'contributors' and presidenta of otorg:nitaatiOnsatontributing are meinbert end entitled sionaty toutteileeat the 'Mitt • I , Frsiadiagr,g * p.m. -Christ Atiobaidi I "Now Faith is the stibstattee .6(- •eibMiNAt . I.iti40 ,COM1111111111 . ,. of Mrs. BianChard. liBll In- vote. thill.gs hood tot. the eeetehee i Mr. ly 1. Pettlee, Mr. t.. V. MASAI, Wit. &Os* E • 1, of things not seen,"-Ileb. 11;1 i THPUbLIC GENERALtY INVITILD Pistol hey, L. W. Xrabiti • E 1 .1, heirohon M. liortdof bitoility, • . Atottiktici Nowt , R. ,11,.;.0weilifo. d FMB* tc6 Witch 1010 loatiinitlionunieinuntifiroffittlituffleiteicierieffetionintototuffilitnikeviuninnerVnWeinetoteffiteif . Whet's Doin Read This Page eception And Dancoi • • TOWN HAW. * FRIDAY, MARCH 22 • FOR MR. 1 MRS.. BILL FINK DISJARDINI ORC141111T141 • Ladies Please Pravide the WWII Everybody Weleeting Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Corning Attractions THURS., PRI. & SAT. March 21, 22, 21 "TOY TIGER" * Jaif Chandler • * Laraine Day NEWS CARTOON • MON., Tun. &"iffie.. 3 Moth ti, 26, 27 1 ALWAYS .FAIR . WEATHER" • * Dan DellOY • * Cyd Charlie CARTOON CARTOON - COMING "THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT" * Tem Swell * Jane Mansfield Junigr Farmers 'Banquet Friday, March 22 - 7:00 p;nt, .1 Thames Road United Church GUEST SPEAKER: REV. DR. 1 SEMPLE• GOOD PROGRAM Admission $1.50 Per Plate 1 South Huron Hospital Association Tuesday, March 26 8:00 Auxiliary Room "Hz 44 ai tttttttttt • Exeter Holy Week Services Janies Street United Church MONDAY, APRIL 15 TO THURSDAY, APRIL 111 Services Commence at $ p.m. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 19 — 11 A.M. Special Guest Preacher REV, ANGUS McQUEEN, B.A., B.D.- First St. Midi ew's United Church, London • Everybody Welcome irentorrtrirmslir tttttt is t mirrittrimirrrttsrlursir tttttt ttt tt * t i*OlIttf t tt r tt rtrirrtritittitrIMitri Annual Meeting 1,, •