HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 1414 Th. Timet-Advocite, Mosh 21 1957
. r.
And District News
WW1 'WI •U011
corrospoodenti, Wee Lina Abbott
;.Elect.Officers!Meet- ExPenses:
For Library
At a recent meeting, the Lu -
cap Library elected officers.
Chairman is "Mr. Krle Haskett;
treasurer, Mr. J, L Cantelon;
feeretary and. tibrarian, Mrs,
Irene ConrSeY,
The Library Board includes
Mrs. T. A. liodgins, Mrs. 0, H.
George, Mrs. Louis Staples, Mr.
F W. Hovey, Mr. Chas. Corbett
and the reeve, Mr. Cecil Lewis,
The Middlesex County Book
Mobile called. at the Lucan Li-
brary. last .Tuesday leaving a
March exchange of books.
Owing to lack of proper beat-
ing facilities the library has had
to secure a new abode. The
board was 'fortunate in being
able to secure part of the Mason-
* building, Main St, Moving will
begin as soon as the necessary
alteratiens have been complet-
Teacher; "And so we find that
heat expands things and cold
contract them. Can anyone give
the an example of this?"
Bright Student: "Yes, ma'am,
The days are longer in summer."
For Delegates
'The Lucan-Clandeboye Y.P.U.
' Met in the Lucan United Church
last Sunday night with - 25 mem-
bers present. Miss Marilyn Eat -
I on, as convener of her commis-
sion, led in the worship service.
I She was .assisted by Jeanette
; Make and Janice McIntosh,
I An Irish quiz, conducted by
t the convener, was won by one
of the sponsors, _Howard Kew.
Another sponsor, Mrs. Murray
Hodgins led in a sing -song.
The topic "Missions" was tak-
en by Nancy Elson.
A report on the Shamrock tea
last Saturday showed a net pro-
ceeds of $15,83 which will be
augmented by contributions
front the boys. and donations
from people unable to attend,
The, proceeds will go towards
defraying expenses to send Mar-
lene Revington and Heather
Stanley to Five Oaks,
It was decided to try to se-
cure Miss Angela Armitt 'of Lon-
don •as an entertainer at a
. . party in the near future.
When the Y.P.U. organized,
the High Class disbanded,
leaving in its treasury $8.40. It
was voted to turn •this sum over
to assist in the purchasing of
new choir gowns.
e gg „ !! „„,„,„,„,!„ tttttt ttt .„„ tt , tttt „„,„, 000000 ..„„„„,„, ttt ttttttttttttt 1111f1111111 0000000 t tttt tt llllllll 1.1z
• For Immediate Lease:
For particulars, call or write:
Second St., London
Phone London 7-9131 'or Byron 127W22
freil ttttttt ttttt ttttttt !mei ttttttt It tt 1 ttttttt 111111111111 tttttttt 111111011111M1111111 ttttt 1111111 tttttt t 11110
• PAYING for telephone servicing and repairs is one house-
hold expense that isn't ever likely to worry you.
You'll appreciate our quick attention to any inter-
ruptions in your service, and the fact that repairs don't
alter your usual monthly bill. Add to this our constant
. work on the entire system, and you have a new and
interesting picture of the value of your telephone.
Bus.sel Gets
Bell -Contract
Mr. Frank Van 13tissel, who
received; the =tract for Lu -
can's new telephone building,
began work last Monday morn-
The building is situated on
No, 4 Highway just east of the
village :and almost opposite the
Hydro Area _Service Centre. The
date now set fir the turn -over
to dial telephones is May, 1959,
In the meantime so many new
phones are being requested in
the Lucan 'district that a tem-
porary third board is being in-
stalled in the present phone of-
fice, .
Coursey School Euchre
Mrs. Harry Stokes and Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins were hostesses
for The six table euchre in the
Coursey School last. Friday night.
First prizes for high score
went to Mrs. Tom Coursey and
Mr. Bob Robinson. Consolation
prizes were won by Mrs. Bob
Robinson and Mr. Joe O'Neil
and the lone hand prize by Mrs.
Evan Hodgins.
Choose Winners
n Poster Contest
Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 pupils of the
Lucan Public School were again
given the opportunity to exhibit
their skill and originality in the
Making of .posters for "Fun
Night" sponsored by .the Home
and School Association to be
held in the Community Memor-
ial Centre Thursday, March21.
Prizes will be an admission
ticket to the programs.
Mrs. Harold Ribson, Mrs.
Chas. Corbett and Miss Lina Ab-
bott were asked to do the judg-
ing last Monday afternoon.
The lucky winners were, Grade
5, Barbara Ready; Grade 6,
Marsha Ribson; Grade 7, Vickie
Eizenga and Grade .8, Tom Wel-
T -A Subscribers
Assist Youngsters
Last week your correspondent
presented $10 to the C.G.I.T. and
$37 to the Anglican Jr. choir,
made possible by the Times -
Advocate, the 45 new subscrib-
ers and the two friends who do-
nated a ,dollar each to the choir.
The campaign closed March 11.
Since •then two people have
given in subscriptions and two
more have promised. Just too
bad they missed out on the op-
portunity to help Lucan's young
Hamilton Church.
Scene Of Nuptials
Daffodils and narcissi, formed
the setting at the • First United
Church, Hamilton Saturday,
March 9 for the wedding of Shir-
ley Ann Cochrane' and Leonce
(Leo) Joseph Doyon,,. both 'of
Hamilton. The brideis the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J:
W. Cochrane of Lucan and the
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Doyon of Noranda,
Que. -
The Rev.- E. Melville Aitkin,
D.D. officiated and wedding
music was provided by Mr.
Harry J., Allen, organist,
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a gown
of lace and tulle with moulded
lace bodice and ballerina length
skirt of tulle and lace over satin
with lace inserts. Her white tulle
and, lace fingertip veil was held
in place by a coronet, edged
with rhinestones and she carried
a white Bible, crested with white
gardenias. .
Mrs. Don Bayliss, as matron
of honor, chose a. ballerina -
length gown of pink tulle and
lace with matching headpiece
and carried white carnations.
The bridesmaid, Miss Ida
Prudhomme, wore a ballerina -
length gown of blue lace and
tulle, matching head-dress and
also carried white carnations.
Robert llardman was grooms-
man and ushers were Jerry Gay -
heart . and Clyde Freeman. •
At a reception held at the
Fountain Restaurant the bride's
mother received in a brown suit
with beige accessories and cor-
sage of pink roses.
For travelling, the bride don.
nett a gray fitted coat with
matching blue hat and gloves
and eorsage of yellow roses.
PAN 5)
1 -YOU WOULDN'T vol.
This Week's Specials
mEncurrit ½ ON PICKUP tt $1,115
FOID4,2, ToN PICKUP ttttt 4,..„..„441 675
049 MD 14 TON PICKUP ttt4, 4fl•flfl200
PR tea AND
M f), • I 17 Y
I IN( t,t 44Mr.1( riinfih
• 'PZ I' 11117.
Hensall. Team 'Champ:.1,ons
In : First ,Shamrock .Tourney
BY HARQ14) ,ItIOSON Earl Wagner, their captain, .able job desnite all the shots he
.p.le'rniltet: cPatsunSt a '&1: filgr14:e 0 Is' cialung : n.".apjteectd. three goals
dividual The RCAF All -Stars nipped
was. hod to handle,
ill 411 s hill ,from tho, so tPairet hennet et SPorl. Q.:41. were1,:elt tl IYtidrs. jebo°6:elhatheere.ivullei:eelCnIrts:,a'cylte,114:1:112::::a;r:111 'act 1. jr; innougnedrsolvi „n wiltna nsdcyor 0 dE Elliottand.saaulild
4gslolQvv!Orflthe mnaonty trophy ,donated bY lir. E. a Fred Lamb scoring two and Bill
the South London Lions. 4-3 with
esdP aark:AbanP4u'nu?. acinedm°sOmotrrt4s-', Winder of 1""riville and
for Centralia. while Alex Ed-
pre- Halliwell and Don Bray one each
Some 600, veopie oecredi Bill Ilarburn„ Bob McNaughton London, Lions, •
teams gave them all --an eina. and Jack Chipchase,
Lucan Blenks .110ferfon
Our boys blanked the Merton leaving us with a real enthusi-
zingwhooped and .howled with laugh. And so, folks, .enas the first
ter,: while the plucky Pee-We.annual Shamrock Tournament,
turn of events to see Boer. Flyers 3.0 and plami..a solid arm for the next.
!grierl'uthcr.sa'ainnect rl.oioef4,s,,a.dlitspireenasPini si upga Intel‘''o withof11113. i*Igollesil and stOilot
good fellowship in place of the Coughlin, netting the third. It is
Cid established brick -bats.. regrettable, that more Lucan-
ites weren't represented at the
I would like. to thank the fol-
lowing coaches for their support,
encouragement and assistance
in our success: Don Buddo, II-
derton Flyers; George Higgins,
South London Lions;. Mr, ' Rai-
ney, Hensall Legionaires; John
McCarrol, R,C,A.F, All -Stars;
Fern Filler', Lucan Leprechauns,
Also a special vote of thanks
to the donors of trophy awards,
Mr, Harvey B. Langford and
Mr, E, M, Winder.
The panel of judges, composed
of Tory Gregg, past president
of OHA, Ken Ellis of CFPL and
George Dickinson,. representing
the Toronto Maple Leafs,. hand-
led a difficult task expertly, and
proclaimed a decision in favour
Of the Hensall Legionaires, who
deservedly received the H. B.
(Harvey) Langforl Trophy, in
defeating Ailsa Craig by a 9-0
a.m. This confirmed similar
opinions expressed in this. .01-
umn two weeks ago as regards
the ability of said players and
Ladies View
Spring Hats
The Miss Brewer Hat Show,
sponsored by. the Lucan W. I, in
the Community Memorial Centre
last Tuesday night, was attract-
ive and a financial success. The
president and committee in
charge were pleased with the
large attendance, Extra chairsy
had to be added to the many
Irish-deeked small tables, a-
roundwhich local. children and
adults paraded, modelling the
latest 1957 spring millinery.
On entering the auditorium,
each lady was tiresented with a
Du Barry favour, compliments
of the Lucan Drug Store.
In front of the curtain -drawn
stage was a pretty setting of
Reder's flowers from Exeter.
The florist also presented cor-
sages to the president, Mrs. Mur-
ray Hodgins, the _soloist, Mrs.
Jack Elston, who sang "Thc
Easter Parade," Mrs, John Rad-
cliffe, beautician, and to Miss
The children who modeled in-
cluded Nancy Hardy, Barbara
Park and Marilyn Hearn, while
the adult and teenage models
included Mrs. Frank Hardy,
Mrs, John Park, Mrs. Art Black,
Mrs. J. B. Ready, Mrs. J. H.
Steacy, Mrs. Rupert' Williams,
Mrs Clarence Haskett, Misses
Marlene Revington, Beth Wat-
son, Jane Steacy and Susan Mur -
The rear of the stage Made
an ideal .dressing room, the
models making a flood -ht en-
trance to the auditoriinn through
the north door, circling the room
and returning, through the south
door, giving . everyone present
an excellent view of hats from
all angles.
Half way through the show,
the lunch committee, Mrs. Guy
Ryan, •11,r. Harold Whyte and
Mrs. Erle Young, served re.
freshm ents.
At the. end of the shorty all
hats were on display and many
were sold. Mrs. V. W. Hovey,
Mrs. H. B. Langford and Mrs,
John Park, who convened the
Hat Show are to be congratu-
lated on its ,success.
North Middlesex P.C. Slate
lion. Byran L. Cathcart, MLA
was, the guest speaker at the
North Middlesex P.C. meeting
.last Wednesday.
William Stewart of Denfield
was elected president; Harry
Duffin of Thorndale, vice pres-
ident and Dave Fraser of Ilder:
ton, secretary.
•rish Symbols
Decorate Tea
A Shamrock Tea, sponsored
by the Lucan-Clandeboye Y.P.U.
was held in the United Church'
parlors last Saturday afternoon.
Small tables were decorated with
green lighted candles, green
hats, pipes, harps and St. Pat-
rick's serviettes.
Mrs, Gorden Eaton of Clande-
boye and Mrs. Murray Hodgins,
Lucan poured tea at a table
centred with white mums and
green tinted carnations. The table
was backed by an artistic ar-
rangement of Irish symbols,
Receiving at .the door were
Mrs. E. J. Roulston and the
Y.D.0 vice president, Ruth Don-
aldson. In charge of tickets was
Marjorie Sovereign. '
Eight members were in charge
of the serving while four other
members assisted in the kitchen
where Mrs. Alex McIntosh,
Clandcboye W.A. president, Mrs.,
George Paul Lucan'S W.A. vied
president and Mrs, J. B. Ready,
mother of Alan Ready, ,Y.P.U.
president, were in charge. Mrs,
S. Chown, Lucan's ever faithful
tea -maker was as Usual on duty
despite her over four same and
ten yesars.
Lucanites are moving to Lon4
don and Londoners are moving
to ?Altai.' and not even waiting
for the first of May.
MrJih lierriot of Elizabeth
St. has sold his home to Mr.
13uci Cooper and has moved to
Ilfr. Hector Fee of London has
Pitolrehased M. George EtigliSh'S
ine on Margaret St. and Mt.
English has moved to London.
Mr. P'rank Mitchell also of
Margaret St. has sold his home
.L6 Mr. John Wright of London
and is moving to London April 14
•OnSundaY afternoon at Nib,'
TrinitY ehiirch, the Rev. S. PA'
Prest baptised Brenda Mae.
teed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Reginald Beard.
Godparents included AltS. D,
Vletther Oftandard, Alta,
and Mr, and Afra, Vit, Vlach%
er rife Londe&
TO. Ray Campbell and . his
Ailsa Craig boys go my congra-
tulations for a good fight. Con-
sidering it was the first game.
for the boys, who tackled top
team of the night, they made a
worthy showing and deserved
all the fan 'compliments received,
Certainly, Goalie Bob Robinson
was terrific and did a remark -
Figure Skating Club
There are still about 50 mem-
bers in the Lucan Skating Club
though a few have dropped out.
Parkhill has 27 members, Ailsa
Craig 3, Clandeboye 3 and the
remainder front Lucan and dist-
rict. Paul Tatton of London has
had charge of the senior and
intermediates a n d Margaret
Neil of Lucan, the juniors.
Instead of an Ice Revue this
year they are going to stage an
Achievement Night, March 27
when the class will demonstrate
what they have learned during
the year as well as put on sev-
eral specialty .numbers. A sil-
ver collectionwill be taken,
Plan School
For August
At a meeting held in the rec-
tory last Friday night,. plans
were made for a Lucan and
district Vacation School from
August 12 to 16 with a Wednes-
day parade and, a Friday Achieve-
ment Night.
Officers were elected: Dean,
Rev. J. P. Prest; treasurer,
Mrs. H. B. Langford and secre-
tary, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, -also
a committee to be 'comprised of
dean, secretary, Rev. E. J.
Roulston and Rev. F. P. Thom-
son. •
A registration fee of 100 and
a .50 daily collection will be
charged to help defray expenses.
A questionnaire will again be
sent to Lucan, Clandeboye, and
all near -by schools to get an
estimate of this year's attend-
ance and the number of teach-
ers required.
Last year only two churches
were used, but this year, ,three
churches will not only be used
but also the Motor Sales show
room. The United Church will
house the Nursery Department
and will be an entirely separate
unit. All others will hold a joint
opening service in the Anglican
church, after which intermedi-
ates and senors will go to the
Pentecostal Church, Craft classes
will be heldin the show room.
Most of last year's staff ha5
consented to again assist but a
number of new teachers will be
required, to, not only rciirste
the ranks, but also to 1''
of what the commit
will be' a bigger and 'A
Vacation School. '
Extra Teacher
-.Mrs. Ivan Hearn has been en --
gaged by the Lucan Board of
Education to take over Mr.
C19w's room every Wednesday
afternoon to. leave him free for
supervision ant remedial teach-
ing. Mrs. Hearn began this
New Pigeon Loft
Mr. Frank Hardy, one of Lu -
can's oldest pigeon fanciers is
erecting a new 8' x 16' pigeon
loft. •Mr. Hardy has five sons;
four of whoni are also interest-
ed in homing pigeons.
Mr. Hardy is a member of the
Forest City Pigeon Club, has
been flying pigeons since 1920,
some from as far away as Okla-
homa. Nearly always his name
has been listed among the win,
Mrs. 'O. H. Patrick
Mrs. 0. H. Patrick, 84, passed
away in Calgary last Friday,
March 15. Funeral service was
held in Calgary on Tuesday,
MMarrtsil. P19atrick, ,the former Lulu
F. Adams of London, was the
wife of Dr. 0. II. Patrick, The
latter was born in Londen. Town-
ship arid still has many relatives
there and in the Lucan district.
She is survived by one ton and
one daughter.
Personal Items
Mr, and Mrs, Lyle Worrell,
lice Genevieve Hodgins, now of
Dentield, are happy to annolinee
the birth tit a son. Lyle Wayne,
a brother for Gordon, en March
At St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
Mr. 'and Mrs. tilted Watson
Of Alameda, California, are
happy to announce the birth of
a daughter, Rarkdi Sue, Sister
for Mark, born March 10. Mr,
Watson is a son of Mrs. 'leen
Watson,. Main St.
Mrs. 'Casper Howard .of Prank
St. is again a patient of $t. Jos.
eplk's hospital, and her fernier
neighbour, Mrs. Fred McLean,
is a patient of Vittoria hospital.
The latter has been an innate
of the Metormitk Home tor
MAYO Linte.
*-4110ASC hill to rage
May Produce.
Picture Here
The people in Lucan and dis-
trict should not be surprised if
they see moving picture cameras
clicking in the Lucan district
before tlfe end of the year,
Information via the grapevine
suggests that a feature picture
may be produced in this district
before the end of ths year.
It has been necessary to can
cel the dance, scheduled for Sat-
urday, in lieu of a play-off
hockey game, being held on the
same night. However we shall
endeavor to retain Dave Folks
and his Rockets for another oc-
casion and hope all rock and roll,
fans will accept my apologies
for the time being.
Plans are being made to or-
ganize box lacrosse this summer
insthe arena and we will welcome
interested contacts from other
Carnival Night
March 29 is Carnival Night in
Lucan, sponsored by the Byron
Lions Club. A first-rate pro-
gram has bee slated for the eve-
One of the features will be a
broom ball game between Lucan
and Byron fire Departments.
Liman Fire Chief Sandy. 'Young
will play goal and has fortified
himself with a good team to re-
present Lucan, •
Another feature of interest will
be A short hockey game, with
Byron Lions vs. Parkhill Lions
Club. This should be a dandy,
considering that Byron boast of
having Jack Maclntyre of Chi-
cago Black Hawks. in their line-
up. Parkhill's • chances look
pretty slim, with such opposi-
Prizes will be awarded, 'for va-
rious events as well as .costumes
—so make special plans to at:
tend a special night, on March
29, at the Lucan Arena.
• On Wednesday, March 27,
at 8 p,m. the Lucan Figure
Skating Club will hold their
achievement night. The instruc-
tor, Mr. Paul Tatten, has ac-
conplished considerable with the
classes and will provide the
audience with a specialty num-
ber or two. All parents and in-
terested friends are invited to
attend this function,
In answer to the numerous
inquiries as to lack of newspaper
coverage for the Shamrock Tour-
nament, .1 can reply only that
the Times -Advocate of Exeter
was approached and promised
to be present. However, they
have since maintained their fai-
lure to attehd was a result of
overload on the staff. Cohte-
quently we are more than ever
inclined to feel the necessity of
our own newspaper and in view
of the recent acclaim awarded
our Ideal correspondent, Miss
Abbott, we feel that she would
be a likely candidate for a fu-
ture editor. What say you?
Help Crippled Children!
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redit Union
Here's VI/hat A Credit Union
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6—A member with $500 in his ,or her account has the equiva-
lent of a $1,000 insurance policy with no premiums to pay,
and a declared dividend to his or her credit each year.
, See Us Soon At The
Savoy Barber Shop
• MON. and WED. EVENINGS -8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Or Write P.O. Box 126, Exeter
Exeter Community Credit.Union
Annual Report Dec. 31, 1956
Working Assets - $10,909.00
Loam to Members 9,496.00
Income from Loan Interest, ....., ttttttttttttt „747.00
Operating Expenses 289.55
Net Profit 457.00
Declared Dividend 3% Plus 1% Bonus Rebate
On Interest Paid By Members -10%
Vernon. Montmorency, President • Doug Sweet, Secretary
Harold Patterson, Treasurer
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