HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 13ltt►+l1 Eltat. AUCTION SALE.. Of 'Valuable 100 Acre Perm CON. 7, US13ORND TWA COu:rly a1' Huron S Miles .; auth Of Blltnville ce The Undersigned 1UsLuci e sa .to sell br r1'ula. tic Auetton on TU¢SpAY; .APRIL. 2 at 2:00 p.m., Sharp IdI+A7t kIS1Ar1,: Consists of Lot D. Con. 7. Lisborne Township, 100 arees of cllolce clay laanl .oft tvhlcli A5 situated a well built brick dwell - Jag. :Also good sized barn and drtveshecl, .Ample water supply. fruit trees and small bush. Vertu in good state bf cultivation, ln- twection invited before day of sale, dayofsale, of i;a' Balance in 30 clays. SSaid sublet:1 to reasonable reserve. Immediate possession. k11 &131;;rtT AINI)P:RSCiN, Jt$,LePlI W1'IELIIIAN, Executor's for the Estate- of the late >;dward Hicks ARVIN-WALPEIIt, Auctioneer 31:28e AUCTION SALE Of .Household Furniture TI'IURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1957 At 2;00 p.m. Andrew Street, TOWN 011' EXETER Fnam'el kitchen stove;• .kitchen table; 3 Couches; rocket.; 3 -plate burner; 4 -burner oil stove; kitchen .table; radio; 6 stands lantern; leather sofa; 2 large leather chairs; hall inlrrer; hail stand rug, 9x9; single bed; extension ueau,dresera ad com; tnOdef 2 beds; cedar .'hest. erten. Sian table, hooked mats: dire .ex, Comments About tingulsrter; electric wtiahing ma,• chine; tubs; .quantity of tile; cellar- table, carpenter tools. 0f all hinds. Korkton including BANC bite, ltatnnere: 1 boiler) int rdeb tools of alt kiwis; coat scuttle; sealers; 2 large pipe wrenches: step ladder; quantity of bed clothes, Including pillows and quilts; cauantity, of .dishes, some antique: 3 troslcs; .all kinds •or baking, utensils: ;Ott it, garden 110503 hammock: scythe; iron kettle; 2 togging chains; lawn rhalrs adder.; all cans; lenge quantity flower pots; .arbage cans; mu ny articles 00r;nu neroUB to mention, MISS AL,5IA .TORNS, Prop, Andrew .St, FRANK TAYLOR, „Auctioneer 21:2Sc AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Property Of The 71ate MRS. IDA. CA..LDWDLI4 C +t:I;T1.i2 NORTH No, 4 Highway' SATURDAY,APRIL 6, 1957 • Mrs. Ida' Caldwell,ceE of the North, earners of .No, 4 and 83 highways, Two-storey hind -brick. 4 -bedroom house with 2 -piece bath an second floor and 3 -piece hath on main floor, built-in cupboards, living room and' sun porch, full base•. Ment; also on this lot, a 2 -bedroom cottage, built-in cupboards, 2 -piece bath and living room. For further particulars apply to FRANK '1AYI,gid. Auetloneer FtAXtl'Y B. BEAVER, 'Exeter ALVIN KD T.T tMAN, Dashwood 1ixeautor5 7:14:21:28:4 -Have A Wrexpert Put Your Car. Right Back on the Road Again! • Why filet a wreck make a "wreck" out of YOU? We'II tow your car in and fix it up like new, Our collision technicians have the tools and the "know-how" to re- pair the damage, but fast . see us on anything from a scratch" to a severe smack -up! Just Tell Us Where ... and We'II Be There) Hunter-Duvar &, Sons LIMITED Phone 38 Exeter TAX TIME Yes, and what you save on one of these cars will pay your income tax! ' '57 OLDS AMERICAN 88 SEDAN—Jetaway trans- mission, radio, etc. New. '57 PONTIAC COACH ,DELUXE. .Brand ,new. Big disc. • • • '56 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN — 2 -tone, White wall tires, under 9,000 miles, '56 CHEV. BELAIRHARD- TOP V8 --2-tone, radio, white wall tires. Moves like a comet. '56 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4 -DOOR COUNTRY SEDAN — The cbi ling family car. '55 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN -- Less than 14,000 miles. '54 BUICK SEDAN — Automatic radio, 2 -tone. Grips .the road'. '53 DESOTO SEDAN V8 — Automatic, radio, WW tires, power steering, A real, gem. CHEV. f1ELAIR HARD- TOP -=- AUtoniatic radio, etc: 'Under 20,000 miles. Like new. ' '53 .CHEV, DELUXE SEDAN --- Radio. '53 PONTIAC SEDAN 2 -tone, other extras. '53 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Extras. Real sharp. '53 `MONARCH SEDAN — Automatic, radio, etc. '52 DESOTO SEDAN Automatic, custom radio, sun visor. '52 CHEV. SEDAN — Radio,. Centipede tires. '52 PONTIAC DEJ,UXE COACH - Custom radio, A beauty. • '52 DODGE SEDAN — Com- pletely reconditioned. '51 STUDEBAKER SEDAN • --Has all the 'accessories. '51 DODGE CORONET SEDAN -- Automatic. Tops in beauty. '51;CHEV, SEDAN — Motor reconditioned. • '51 METEOR COACH—Over- drive. Here's., a honey. '50 CHEV. SEDAN - COm- plete .new paint job, '50 FORD SEDAN —,,Clean. '50 FORD COACH — Pep at a price. Priced to go in A hurry. '50 STUDEBAKER SEDAN '49 DODGE COACH '49 CHEV. SEDAN '49 DODGE SEDAN— • Customized, '49 MERCURY SEDAN — '48 DODGE COACH Real good. MOTORCYCLE — 1 -TON TRUCK -- The Only Way - To really tell the true condition is to see those beauties yourself! It's the difference that counts) COMPARE! COMPARE! COMPARE! • Dollar For Dollar, You'll Get More MOTOR SALES Phonit iib Menial! For Demonstration or' Tr'anspiortatlon Open Evenings . 8 to 10 p,ml Lodged Na)tf to CAR, Tracks tHltlr 3ALE'SMEN w'O SERVE YOU By MRS. HAROI.I1 DAVIS W.A. And Guild Meet St, hauls' Anglican Church W,A. and Ladies' t.itttid xnet at the home of iVIrs, •Gerald PaidW h 14 members, present, Mrs. A. Irvine prebided ter the %v.A. meeting. Scripture passage Was bead,bylVli.'s. it, knight: Study was liven by hairs, O. Roundel, Mrs. H. Davis presided for the Guild meeting. After a business discussion Alts. A. Irvine con- ducted a contest: Hostesses were Mrs. C Smith, Mrs, T. Creei'y, Mrs. H Copeland and Mrs. Paul. Wadding Anniversary Mr- and Ivirs, Cecil Dobson celebrated their thirtieth Wee - Ring anniversary on Saturday haying as their guests 111r. and Mrs. Oliver Hazlewood of Wood, ham, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hop- kins of Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jaques and family of Zion and Mr. and Mrs. Bilt %Vaglloiu of Kirkton,. W,1, Euchre The Women's Institute held a progressive euchre in Aberdeen Hail Monday evening with 14 tables in play. The hail Was dec- orated for St. Patrick's. • Pri4e winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. H. O'Brien; lone hands, Mrs. M. McCurdy; men's high, Harold O'Brien; lone hands, Archie Levy. Lucky draw on a cushion was won by Mrs. Earl Watson. Gift To .Bride -elect Mrs, M. Dobson and Rosemary were hostesses to the Senior. Girls' Sunday School Class Sat- urday evening when they pre- sented one of their members, Miss Shirley Rogers, bride -elect with a Beauty Ware canister set in copper and black. Muriel Switzer and Vest Watson made the presentation. Marlene Stone, Betty Fletcher and Kaye Allen 1,.conducted sev- eral interesting contest. U.C. W.A. And W.M.S. The March meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S of the United Church was held• at the home ,of Mrs'. ,A. Wiseman. Mrs. C. Routly led the wor- ship service. Delegates were named to: attend the Presbyterial at Mitchell on April 4. It was decided to hold the next meeting Thursday evening, April 11 and to invite Mt. Pleasant ladies. The study book was taken by Mrs. D. Johnson assisted by Mrs. R. Hazlewood, Mrs. W. Kirkby and Mrs. W. Doupe. Mrs. A, Bickell gave a reading. The W.A. meeting followed. PersOnal Items Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Hanna and. Mrs. D. Shamblaw spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Hewitt and family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. Parker and sons of London were Sunday vis- itors with Mrs. H. Copeland 'and Miss E. Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills of Woodham visited Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs, Miller McCurdy. World Day Of Prayer The United and' Anglican churches held a joint Day of Prayer service in the basement of the Anglican Church Friday afternoon. The two presidents, Mrs. Stuart Shier and Mrs. Alex Irvine, ,.were leaders. Scripture passage was read by Mrs. Dy- mond. Mrs. Earl Watson gave the paper on the theme "Who Shall Separate Us?" Readings were given by Mrs. .Burns Blackler, Mrs. M. McCurdy and Mrs, A. Wiseman. Mrs. Glen Allen fa- voured with a piano instrumen- tal. Special prayers were taken -by those appointed: Mrs. Ray Payn- ter, Mrs. H. Burgin, Mrs. M. Gallop, Mrs. Robt. Hazlewood and, Mrs. Clarence Switzer. ' Class That Counts The regular meeting of the Class That Counts met On Thurs- day evening at the home of Mrs. Clarence Switzer, The Worship service was conducted by Mrs, R. Morrison.. The speaker of the evening was Mrs. R. Paynter, who told of her trip west, passing pictures of points Of interest. (Crpwcled out last week) Mrs. Vera Balfour of Iiondon visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. David Hazlewood. Mr. and Mr's. Ken Wattson, Joan and Gordon - of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Den Hewitt and. family ' of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr. end Mrs. Hiram Hanna's and attended the fune- ral of Mr. Hewitt's brother, Carl -Hewitt of Stratford. Topics From Zion By MISS JANE DYKEMAN (Crowded out last week) W.M.S. Zion West W.M.S, met Friday at the home of Mrs. Ward Bern, Mrs. Gerald Hern and Mrs. Al- len Jaques were in charge of the program. The World Day of Prayer service Was followed, Mrs. Gerald ifern gave a One address and Mrs. Beverley Skin- ner favoured with a piano in. stritmental. A small bale was peeked and plans Were made for: a larger 'one in the late spring. Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Bob Kinsman and John of Kippen were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Hern,. Mrs lVIelville Vern is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Londen, .. Ronald Dykennan, Waterdowni, spent the weekend with toy bykerldan., Mr, and Mrs.. Clifton Jaques and children were Sunday guests With Mr. and Mts. Arthur hop. klfts, Science hill. Mrs. 1'4'orma1Brock spent' Thursday and ..`rule, at t11e- klorflcultural 'Celdventiell at the Royal Connaught Hotel in llalifi- ilton. Doris, Doreen anti, Margaret Dos !' Nth SEALS PKOVIUE CLINICS.. Doctors from this province's leading medical centres visited 20 clinics throughout On- tario last year and examined 1,200 crippled children. These annual or bi-annual clinics are sponsored by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children in co-operation with Exeter 'Lions Club and other service organizations which sponsor the Easter Seal campaign. This year's appeal has 21 provincial objective of $700,000 and will run until April Behind Club's Fun, Work's. Being Done Lions, Rotarians, Kiwanians and the rest of the service club members always seem to be busy attending luncheon meet- ings and conventions and play- ing practical jokes on one an- other. But ... behind all their "'mad- ness" is a method. And for some 35 years they have been so ded- icated to helping the handicap- ped child that they have become, as one' official of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children put it, "the backbone of our work." Without the backing of On- tario's 218 service clubs and their all-out promotion ' of the annual Easter Seal sale, the So- ciety and its great and complex work could not function. It was back in Windsor, in 1922, when a few physicians and surgeons with the members of 10 service giubs,abecame appall- ed at the number of unattended cases of crippled children in Ontario and decided to do some- thing about it. They formed the 1 Ontario Society for Crippled I Children which today needs $700,-1 000 to properly look after its growing case load of some 11,000 Announcements BIRTHS CANN—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Cann, Newmarket, announce the birth weight daughter, b., t YeorrkaHospit t March 9, 1957, CARTER—Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Car- ter (nee Berth Niein.feldt), Sea - forth, are happy to announce the birth of a 'daughter, Tracy Lynn, at Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, March 12, 1057—a sister for Danny Ray, FEVERY --- Mir. and Mrs. Peter Fevery, R.R. 1 Cla.ndeboye, an- nounce the ,birth. of a daughter at South Huron hospital, Match 1s, 1957. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. end firs, Lloyd E. Stewart, Exeter, announce the engagement 01 their daughter, Juanita Maureen, to lir. Max Mervin 19edelnan. Halifax, Nova Scotia., son of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tiedeman, the marriage to take place April 6, 1957. 21• CARDS OF THANKS Glad and Btu Sims and family would like to say "thank you" to All their neighbors, relatives and friends for cards, flowers and treats sent to Trill, and i:o those who called during his illness and since return - int; home. Special thanks to those who helped with the wood and any other way, Thank yott. 31c r wish- to efcpress my sincere thanks to my. neighbours and Moodsfor cards and visits, Thanks to the for their yards and lovely basket of fruit; also the Parr Line. Perm Forum for the lovely box of treats and ca.itis, Personal thanks 10 my friends for flowers while I was a patient in Clinton xlaspitel, Margaret lllousseatl. 21.e 'Wordy canffet adertuately express our gratitude 16 these who ox• pressed their sympathy and hellrful- 1105514 to US so beatd'tltulfv itt the time Ent our recent sorroW, May Clod bless Yott a11, Mrs, Broderick and family. 1 wish to thank my Many friends and relatives for card€, floWers and via its while apatient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London and since return- ing home. John 1'tader, 21. wliowould sDim me nls'lth these flbwers, cards, money and visits while a patient In Vietarlit ITnapitel end d11t:e returning home,.rlpecial sn thanlc4 to the 7tinren, Itebeka'hs nddte11o1vs anti rill et the organlza- tiens: and fled coft and the boys, Arid very' ;special thanks to Lorne Prerzrator far the servi COS 1,6 rendered the At the title at 1136 ec- rident, and 1114 1nnnY VlSitS to the 1ro.apltat.—ldttib 'Scott. Ste 7 would like to thank mY friends end relatives who' S6 lrinrdty t8- 718 wi11t visits, gitt4, (lower'R,`'cn.I't14 and treats' each time 1 Was to the. lmsn rtlsMss 111531118 tri Pride of Huron Rebekah rd6d8.8, TRnies St. W.A. and Senior Citizens for their 131nrd remembrairees, Mrs. Laura Hervey, 21e. Mss, Palsy Jone:a ritdaht 4 in ex.. pro58 heir ain'ere ihanits 10 all Who 56 kindly reinetrihar6rd her whit flower.', tre*t8 and narrate rov1'itle a patient in St. Joseph's .Hospital end SIPCO returning hems, 210+ Brack and Grote Stephens at. Vended 4.1,3 Aeliievetnent Day d+t •Seaforth high Selidni on Satur- day, Delis and Doreen aav6 t.11e defddtinstratidti for the Elimville Club, Mr. alid Mrs, Nartrlati Tld'otilc and fAMil,v and Mr. (;conte Earl Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. hilae Pullet. handicapped youngsters across the province. Service club members oom- prise nearly 100 percent of the Society's directorate , . the committees of the Society's flye summer camps are service club members, , the orthopaedic surgeons who spend untold hours operating on crippled children's legs and arms are mostly service club men. Small wonder, then, that the service clubs and the Society operate in a sort of partnership and that the whole affair is ded- icated to .a rehabilitation pro- gram through which every- crip- pled child in this province has the opportunity of a happier life and the chance to achieve rude pendence. That way they'll grow to assume their rightful place in society as a self-sustaining and contributing ,citizen ; . . not a liability.. Exeter, Lions Club mailed out over 1,000 sett of Easter Seals this week as part of the prov- ince -wide campaign. Chairman of the local Lions' committee is K. J. Lampman; treasurer is Milton Robbins. it Report .On Baseline By .,AARE. ARCHIE DEWAR (Crowded .out hist week) Mr, ,and Mrs. lowatrd Switzer arrived home on Monday after 1 , spendiiag three weeks in sand ' ...:. e.n Ever' 1. ` ' # l~r.dly.lt�l 9 p..: .around Florida. They report a marvellous• trip.. .Mrs, Cacelottia hits returned to her:home it North 3ay .'iter • Closed rl Saturday � i The 'T asearAdvoce/ it Meath 11 NW. i - Gcdi,.rich Stores spending a couple last weeks with her i on augitter, Mrs. Fred Park - !Effective From Friday, Apoll,S, �tdllAlIAIISll4l,gt1n111u1,11lU...10.400!ft1.9111wsmonnlocinouatilt(tglwot6norR ItMa,}.Hom Mr, .,7im and Miss Marion Me - Naughton attended the young Monday Peoples" evenserving;ice at Mitchell .on Miss Laurie ,Ball, St, Marys, - spent a few , days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Harald. ,Berry. Mr. and Mrs. ,Alfred Baker attended the funeral of Mrs; 13.aker's uncle at Ailsa Craig,. Mr, :and Mrs, Gordon Fraser and Marlene, Mr, and Mrs. Shep- pard of Ailsa Craig were guests of Mr. .and Mrs, Duncan Mc- Naughton and Mr, .,and Mrs. holland on Sunday. Mrs. Archie Dewar spent a few - days with her daughter, Mrs, Stewart Marriott and family last week. Mrs. Geo. Wilson was in Lan, don Monday attending the ex- ecutive meeting of the Middle- sex County Women's Institute. • Mrs. Jinn Beer, Mitchell, was a guest last week- of 'her niece, Mrs, Oliver Baker and family.. Euchre a7 The monthly euchre was held in the school on Tuesday eve- ning with 12 tables h play. Ladles' high seore was won by Mrs. Geo. Wilson; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Andrew Knox; men's high score, Mrs, Robert. Marriott; lone hand, Mr, Fred Jamieson; ' consolation, .Jesse Elston and Sharon Marriott. 1 s as near as your telephone ;ORNATE TRUST SERVICE IN WESTERN OMITAII)O Call RAPE B. PATERSON, 'Trtut Officer hens+))), Ontario, Phony, Sl, For. • Estate Planning and Willa es Real Estate Services * Investment Management and Advisory Service i 4t% Paid on Fixed Term Deposita e 31% on savings—may mail' deposit* Or Contact ,dnr Ofrce,Of . GUARANTYTRUST COMPANY OF CANADA, 'Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor Niagara Falls • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie Calgary • 'Vancouver uta MAPLE LEAF SALMON 73/0 Oz, Tins AYLMER FRUIT -COCKTAIL 47¢ 20 Oz. Tins 33¢ TREESWEET ORANGE .'DICE ,48 Oz. Tins 38¢ MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR 7 -Lb. Bags 57¢ TULIP MARGARINE Price 4 Lbs, $1.00 • PHONE 16 PITTED DATES Price , 2 Lbs, 25¢ . . MAXWELL HOUSE INST. COFFEE 2 Oz. 590 6 .Oz. ,.,„,.,.,,. $1.65 SHREDDED WHEAT P ,ice ' ' 2 Pkgs35,0 ELLMARR PEANUT BUTTER 16 Oz Jar 310.. GIANT TIDE Package ,. 710 ULD &_JO.RY/. This Kid Might Be A Whale of a Ballplayer If He �uid Walk! Over 10,606 boys and girls in Ontario would like to play baseball and other port with normal children but they can't a they're Crippled.. In their bodies, these children are dif firent-•=their legs won't run er jump, their lips can't laugh and sing, their arms won't play youthful tricks, These are the children for whom we ask YOUR help and you help when you buy and use EASTER SEALS; a symbol of service to physically handicapped children. EASTER SEALS provide medical and therapy treatment, camps, home nursing services and transportation facilities for crippled children. Let your heart 'measure the amount of your contribution. Buy Easter Seals • Send Your Donation Today To •Exeter -Lions dub MiLTON 'E. RONlBINS Campaign. reasurer IH. CO,DPERATION WITH H lc. J. LAMPMAN Cslnnpalgn 'Chrllrman ON' 'AitO SOCIETY FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN