HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 1212 Th o TiornitAllsocato March 1 917 jlasstfied CLASSIFIND PINTOS• 25 wOrdo or am 70c •Mere Than 2$ Words -* 20 Per Word 114414111)ING INSWRTIONS 400 Mere Than 2.5 Words — 1 a Per Word 200 OFF if ad with order or by $aturday following the last illsortion Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to one column) FirSf Iniortion NO Per Inch Subssiouont Insortions 440 Por Irish Classified ads accepted up till VitedieSdaY noon, Auction sale copy Should be III Tuesday at 110013- ' FOR SALE 1952 /METEOR, Customline sedan. antenlatic transmission, custom stip to‘ers, turn signals, beeter, spat - lithe air emulitioner, tires excell- ent, overall condition very good; reasonable. Pliene Exeter 747-r-3. 7tfe TIME elAGAZINE — Introductory sates. 30 weeks for 52.07; 75 weeks tor e6.$7. We'll put your name on the mailing list ot any magazine, -Exeter Times -Advocate, phone 770. • APPLES—Geed, firm, well -colour - 1 epies, $1.00 per bushel, In your own conteiner. Stuart Middleton, phene Clinton RU 2-7525. 7:24:21c TRACTOR. WC Allis-Chalmers, i1i geese eondition; wili sell reason- able, AleielY Wally Wein, phone 54 Dashwood. 7:1421:28c FOR SALE OR RENT -50 acres of plestere land in Stephen TelenshiP, Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Desh- ler:sad. 714:21:28e TELEVISION SET, Duzmint 21,. new Mauro tube recently, in good cohdition. Phone 871-M Eeeter. 21* liOtSTZIN COWS, young grade, rely milkers an& close springers. Norrnah • Marr & $tm, Lambeth, Peerie Byron 138-33 or 167-J12. 14;2128:4:11* COMBINE, Allis Chalmers S.P. 100, act propelled, new coedition, used 1 sea.sons; all attachments for beans. clever and Arabi. ApPly Box "Me4" Tim es -Ad vecate. 1421* PUREBRED BULL, Shorthorn Dur- ham, rah, 15 months old Theo- dor'* laberer, Zurich, phone 99 Zurieh, 14:11e SATZVEPOST — Low subecription rate to Saturday Evening Pest, good until March 31 only. 55 Istuee. for 0.75. We an Put yeet On the mailinfr list of any magazine. EX - *ter Times,Advocitte, hone 770. le:e1:2A SPECIAL OFFEE—SubteriPtions to •Saturday Evening Post, Ledies ROM*, Journal, Holiday; an three for 510.00. Limited time onlY. Ex. stir Times-Advoettte, phone 770. 14tfn CA'rTLE—A number 6f Registered Ayrshire cow* Ann heifers, duo to freehen in March !laid April. AP - Sly Hilton Truemner, Zurich, phorte 14;21* MIXED HAY, 70-0 square bales, fleet cutter's, 30e a. bee aiso 10 but. timothy seed. Harvey Rodgins Plume 20-r-22, Cr'ecliton. 210 SUN/011. BICYCLE, girl's, In teed tondition. Phone 529-M, Exeter 21c MIXED HAY, a quantity of biled, No. 1 entente. ApPly to Robert Me - Lean, Phone 884 -r -3I, Hensall BARGAINS IN USED TRACTORS AND FARM EQUIPMENT FARMALL 300 TRACTOR Vt. hydrenlie equipment, "I.P.T.O. (Liet ierice T°3,r3011drive 01j ' $2,2C0 l'A.ItefeeLL M TRACTOR In Good Condition FERGLISON TRACTOR IM Manure loader & 3 -furrow plow •IrOleDSON MAJOR TRACTOR Geed Rubber,. New Battelle 5425 1 MASSYHARRIS 20 TRACTORS • Pieced. For Quick Sale• , OLIVER .1.1Alter PAR TRACTOR $175 45 P:.T.O. RAY BALER Pt. Eetepped $1,100 .16 HAW. THRESHER. With ET.O. drive, pickup attech. ItteNNEAPOLIS-MOLINE COMBINE sporw MANetIE.E SPREADE.tt 5375- e, -18 MF PER.TILIZER DRILL Double Disc Pt. on Pneu. _e_e. 5695 FESINGLE DISC 'RTILIZER, DRILL Pt, Grass Seeder end etc, 5405 .2 THO 3-Furrete. Tiector Plows e See -ft, Field Catheters Stt.Flettry Beteg Tractor Elso 3 -Base MB Tetteter Plow .V. L. SECKER de SONS Your 1.14 Dealer 'Shen" e4),W Dashweed IPLAtElt .PIANO, Sherieek-ela.n- Sint with' beneh, 10 good c�odt- tU,o, *80.00, Apply M, J. Sinefiscirt, • Clandeb6Ye, Phent Lean 204-2. 21e tx,ritxtrow TABLE, with 6 shell% 215; stedie teUch, 515; , lhheis-Adyotate. et iet Very geed ebridltien. AlitilY 21* CAnitIlEIR far top d tar, Plume 41115er.42 .genottit, , 21:28* &iii4Itiattultolt,8 u. ft. Waist, tinhousg, „II years OM, excellent dole. elitlen, *Pk 101 Xerisington Seta, ItCAF Stetted. Ills CeeleftY OATte, 11 MI Led qua o t I ty, ilfeten front registered seed, ,passed field test for tegieration, cleaned . 1744 r tettated, Clerence Doivn, Phone ettito OATS—We offer lietevY, On - /Arlo feed oats fecieraid, 40 Me Pet at vie Mkt, tote, FOE Ilene .21:2ge r G. thirrePeert et Stele Ltd., "CANTsttNa MA(114/NN. *lomat hew. te,plitirie 57R. rth loci tine. 512; 250 Afitribbeettell 21a TON Tfttielt, 1048 0.1%4.61., with nitsf, good canklitiOri. Prioed right. quick sate, Phone. 200 Zurioh, v• hors, 21A 6.10titV OATS, treed teg. Areett Akily tinter Polyt,, Ceti frells., pont 21,4.12 Ekeeef. , .„ „„„21.* Ct./0C Iktile, hydro uistity, tor ..tricips, •NOM eetifilthan, AnPly truek, able foe plunlbere ter infevatof, Ltd., Parkhill. Ont. „ 21ft &20014/0/titAT011, A.1 emir/hien, etiR Valid, gelled Milt, ed. IL APply `1VelIWOod 0 11, 6/ dram nen& • • le FOR SALE ,ams Blow AN'ova The Ides Of March Blues. POTATOES,. by the bag. Apply eohn Kineriet, rt.s. 3 Exeter. 14:21:28e _ PLATER PIANO, Sherlock elan- tvith bence, rngeed renditlen. tete Apply M. J. Simpson, phone Luca,t 20-2, Clandebilee. . 21c ELECTRIC STOVE, Moffatt, 4• burner; Pitileo combination radio and recerd Player; grey rug. Oetlir. Art Wbilsmith, plione e55 -e1 EXeter. 21e ELECTRIC le It 0 0 11 le Ile capacity 500; ale° 2 shelters, Apple Tunes - A dvecate. 21c , BOY'S SCIT. size :14, light blue. May be eeen at Brady Cleaners, 21e MIXED HAY, seitare haled. ApPlY Harold Digitate Renate phone 31- r-18 Zurich. 21e , . le TON TRUCK, 1056 Fargo. 4.000 miles. top condition. Reason for selling, buying bigger truck, 51.600 ash. John Webster, Phone 297-W Exeter. 9,1:2en 'REFRIGERATOR, ele ell. et. West - Inhouse, in good condition. Call 536-W after 5 pate 31e CANADIAN TEACHER Special subscription offer, good until April 1; 1 year 55.00, 2 years 53.00. Exeter Times--.4dvocate, phone 770, 21.:28 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Special •Subecriptidn offer, Good Housee keeping and House Beautiful com- bined, two years each, for only S1e.110 AM, now: "Exeter Times - Advocate, Exeter, Ontario. 21 • Prefab Sections Suitable for Henhouses, Etc. • Asbestos Shinglet • Asbestos Sheets (era) • Electrica.1 Fixtures • Gyproc Sheets (Used) • Hardboard (4x8) • Doors Sind Windows APPLY FRANK VAN DOORNE Bohlen Line, Lucen Second Rouee Oft NO. 4 Phone Luca.n 59-r-22 3.1.0 SWEET CLOVER SEED. Yeliew Blossom; 55 per bushel. Apply Dougal Clerk, phone 80-r-2 Lucen. 21:28;7 TIMOTHY' SEED, choice, reason - Ably priced. Apply Percy Campbell, R.R. 1 Exeter. 21* FOR MORE Grade .k hogs cross your Present breed of swine' with the Tandrace, Also timothy seed for sale. Apply Ernie Miss, Phone 33-1e Xerkton, 21* HAY, timothy td alfalfa, baled, approximately 4,000 bale, no rein. Apply Harry Leek:, aerie 22-r-3 131Yth. 21.• 1 ELLOW SWEET CLOVER and timothy seed, good etialitY and at- tractive prices. Apply David Black- well, Parr Line, phone 88-r-8 Zur- ich. 21:23:7 COB CORN — Many Albert. Wy- dolighe, 11,17. 5 Parkhill, let willee teeth of Mt. Carmel. • 21* NEW Dominion Washer Must Cleste $100, PUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter . 31e V WHITE-FACED CALVES—S. Dyke - mare R.R. 1 Centralia, phone Kirk- tOn 90-r-11. 21e GARY OATS, fit for seed, grown Reim registered seta, $1.25 bushel. Apply Alvin Robeon, Xirkton, Plierie • 21:25:7c GIRL'S er RING COATS, e. re- vertible. • siee 30 and 12, blue end diamond modeled on reverse side. Also baby eenda and stroller. Phone N50-31 Exeter. • 21* RAT. 110 bales. Phone 18 leash - Wood. • 21*" SEED OATS — Reg. No, 3 Garry oats. clethied, treated, in new bag, $1.60 a buehel; Rodney. grown from Reg. seed, cleaned. Get the beat while they last. Albert Armstrone, Weet McGllilvrav. Phone Parkhill FOR RENT 3 ROOet APARTMENT, utilitiee paid, Private entranee. Phone 480. W Ot• aPP1Y 33 Huron St. el. 2141e PASTURE. In Stanlee Township, 100 tteree, more elr less, level drain- ed. fenced. tie retake eattle, eliade. fresh Water. well loceted Oa paved nighWay. Phan@ rilornings •one,* Lender). 2-7533. el:28c REAL ESTATE VSTAT4 HOUSE -- Modern lie. etorey red brick' lieuse, fell base- ment, laundry tubs, soft water eYetele, lleater, furnace and fruit cellar. First floor containe modern eitchen, dining refine living room, master bedroom and 3 -)lee bath, LIPetaire eentaitis 2 large bedrooms, 3 piece bath •end, sewing room. Aluple -.closet spare and double garage. leer full particulars apply Erie Heywood. ethane 649. 28tfc FrtaeetE EateSE, 3-beer/AIM, ItYclre, bath, oll neat. 1 -STOREY ;HOUSE, new furnace, 0- piece bath, netv roof, garage. HIGHWAY 100 ACRES, bank barn, silo. briek 1)0U58. 513.000. 14113BETIT A.ortEs, bank barn, insul --brick house, hydro, good IIIGHWAY 2a0 Acmis, bank barns, silo, driveshed, garage, geed brick house, good et.hool privIlegee. BRICK. HOUSE, Henn% mestie sound condition, but needs redeeor. ating Ask to eee through it. Loiv Priee to clear an estate. Sure ive bave other properties to sell. Write, phone or come. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. phone 435; Earl Parsons, phone 507, Fred Cole, phone 536-W, Salesmen. HOMES FARMS C..V. Pickard s. • Exeter We have client* looking for 2-, 3. and 4 -bedroom bousee loca.ted le or close to Exeter. 3-13ED1700M BRICK, close to ecbools. This is a tidy homeein good repair. teith all conveniences. Nice tot with garage. Low price for ca.sh or liberal terms will be giVen. • 3 -BEDROOM BRICK with good I., storey bulldine,e 58'x30', suitable for storage or small industry. Hollee Is ht good repair, heavy wiring and 3-plece bath. Approximately 2,f3 &ere of land. Priced to sell. Terms. 1 ACRE OF LAND with toed 3, bedroom brick house and small barn. Rouse 16 in good condition. 3- piece beth and heavy wiring, Quick possession. Taints. EXETER N'ORTR— Comfortable 3. bedroom cottage with 3 extra lots and a very good barn. This is .a roomy cottage, is well evired and has a good baternent. Low Price. Terms. 111 sToRny BRICK., 4 bedrooms. This house may be used as A. one - 01 two-fantily house, It has an oil burning furnace. Sniall barn and two lots. Terms.% T6 buy dr,sell see C. V. Pickaed, Reeltor end General insurance, ••394 Mein St., Exeter. Phemes 165 and 62 281.fc 8. HOUSE, 2 miles from Airport, reasona.ble rent. Phone 4.62-312 Ex- eter. • 21:28* an .ACRE FARM, Lot 1, Con, B. Stephen Township, le mile, east of Grana Bend, on highway, good house And barn, good teeter supply. Apply Leetime ce Desiardin250 Cae- ling St.. Exeter. phnne 150. 21* NE)W HOUSE, completely decorat- ed; modern kitehen; utility room; 2 bedrooms; living room and dinin Rimed g area; med air ell furnaee; 'not - gage arranged. Art WWI sm ith, phone 386-M Eeeter. 21e EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES — Electric Portenlea by the week. Hopper - Hockey Furniture, phone 99. Ex- eter. •Stfe Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners. Toole, Etc. BEAVER e HARDWARE, EXETER LOST ANGORA CAT, black red leather collar, Wellington St. 60e -r-13. 2Teente1e Plume 566-r. IF Backaches are slowing you up, take REMACAPS and •help youeeelf to relief teem pains ene aches. Mac your Druggist. , 21c CITRUS SPRING AT, grey end pink tweed, eXtellent corelitioh, size 8-9 years. Apply Mrs, MATO' 7-tyde, phone 177-42 Exeter. 21:.15* FEED TERNIPS 5(10 bus. ApelY Laverne Heywo6d, A.R. 3 Exeter, 211 FOR RENT APARTMENT, irt Shipka, ±-bed- room, living room, ketchen, full basement, het and told water, hydro, indoor tenets. Phone 6-,7 Crediton. ?tee 150 ACRE FARM, or acretge, share basis or citeh rent, e'er further in- formation phone 31-r-15 Dashwood after 5 p.m., *or Apple" Bot "Pe. TiMea -Ad Yea, to. :18:7:1421 :Mee SMALL COTTAGE, furnished, in Centrelia, suitable for yotnig couple, Phone 5en-33 Exeter, 25:7c 2 APARTMENTS, grouted floor, 1 furnished, 1 Unfurnished. Both are heeted, hot arid Old wader, bUilt- in cupboards, use of laundry foe Washing, private entrettee. fOrd Apertniehte, • 296 5 -P.0 OM APARTMENT, Ceti t ral fa Villitge. Apnly neet to SWIMS Cone trills. • tette A.PARTMENTSe—A ntirribee Of 1- afld apertilierit*, W. C. PeAree, Ratter, 86 Anne St 15tre APARTMENTS-eat:rely TestyeNu tiotkety, 011614 100, Zetelett,etre . , APARTMENT, ferrileeted, heitted, hot Witter, private batheilere, Ante fee brie oe tWo: peoOlo, AtsiV Atese 70 eblin St. Tee plume 2114.57. tif le:MALL, 11(5115.t, reent, kft. there bedromil, be:the:Mee eibell garden, street flee?, in Exetee. APpty Mayfair Ettkery, Exciter, entitle 52. 21tfe eellEDROOM HOUSE, 'with bathe tooth Up Mid tlewo. Centrally teat. Ad, A0(0151116 filtneest inanedietelY. Relitel $65.00, V, lekard, Reel - tor, Allan. St. 'Exeter • 24e II•ttleOlt APARTMENT. dewristettel, 1 110160,4 paid: 315. Andrew. St. Photie With pellette bath, tileelY deeetetetl. 4911-r-5 eteneale t011ect, ee Apply at F�r4' M5(5'W551Erteter. . 21f re • 0'440081 AtA.T.4111,1314T,. torpitshed,, s/Atte Mite 1. Plunte 13S Er. I Ateant heated, fteidy decorated Avail , gler., „ , „,. „ , 210 T 1 APAnTAINNT, ternIshed, heated, lief AM cOld Witter', l*OlOee )55041 5120.016 rknO, Iltelk6rAter, :White's Lie Cream Bar, 44v "Akin Si., eeer and evbite, vicinity of Vandern t. 21c TENDERS WANTED FOR THE SUPPLY. OF CEMENT TOWNSHIP OF HAY Sealed tenders will be reeeived bie the undersigned for the supply of SOO bee% of celitent laid down in the Rey Township ailed Mae Zurich. Cement to be delivered durine the Weeks teem May 1st to 15111. Tendere to be in the rands of the Clerk be Match 30th, 1957. Lowest or any tender' not necessarily ae- celited. • R.• W. BROKENSHIRE. • Clerk-Treas„, Township of • Hay, Zurich, Ont. 14:21c FOR DRAINAGE WORK Tenderwill be received by the Township of SteVilen for drainage work consisting of 1001 lineal feet of npen &AM and 1663 lineal feet of Tile Drain on the Lamson Muni-, Meal Drain. Frontlet% must be an coMphilled with - 10% deposit and be 16 lands of the Clerk on or before the 30111 de!, of March, :1987. LoWest Or any tender ea neces- sarily eceePled. Plien and Profile May be seen At the Office of the Clerk. ke W. MORLOCK, Clerk , 14:21:28e FOR DRAINAGE WORK 'renders will ebe received , by the Totvfiship Of Stephen Ver etraihttee week toneisting, of 0300 lineal feet ef tipeti drab/ And 1000 feet of tile ort the Clafke Muoicipal Tenclefe meet be neon,. panted With 10% &resit and be In the hands bf the Cleric rin or he. fore ehe 30111 day df Meech, 1037. LoWest fir Any tender net Micen- sitrity etc:meted, Plen and Oreille may be teeti et the Offiee of the. atontzcx, Clerk 14:21e2.8e FOR. DILeINAGE WORK Tender.* will be eiteelved by the Towns:hip of StePlien reir drahrege Week, ctehAlsting of 6240 lineal feet of open drain Arid 1699 lineal feet of Tile drain, 60 the Pickering Muni 11)111 Drilin, 'lenders heist be atcompaided by 111% •tleptisit etid be Ili the itehrle 6f the Clerk on nr before the 001.11 dee of March, 1351, enteeet er etny telider not beeee. sadly eceepted. Plan and Pe011ie may be Mien at the offiee ot the Ctek W. mouLook, elm? .2.A „14,21. " LOADING Agfs 4/At/LINO '014AVZ.L. Tendera WIIt be received lby the TownshIp Of Stephen fee Chishing, Loading arid Reuling 10,000 cu, yds, gravel from Proutra Pit. Tendere to Atete flat rate Per eu d ,dnywhotsti In the TOWnslito, 5156 rate fOr tO Meiling Town/1100 Trut14. Letvest or ah TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP' OF ESSOPNE TENDERS wilt be received by the undereigeed until 2 pn en., Akoday fer -Of as gallons of 80 -ounce Anatne 'weed spray to. be delivered to Townebie eierage at Ont., On or b.etore May 15 1997...Lowest or •any tender not eqeesestrey accepted. W. J. ItOUTLY Read Stujerintentlent, XII, 0, Exeter, Ont. 21, 2Se FOR THE SUPPLY OF CEMENT TOWNeHIP OF STEPHEN TENDERS will bo revolved by the TOwnshlt) et Stephen for 1,200 bags of t*Onient to he delivered to Creditor) by elaY 1. Tenders to be in the hand§ of the Clerk bY March 30, 1957. Lowest or any tenders not neceeeetely ;Incepted. le. W. MORLOCK, Clerk -Trope. terectito», •Ontario, 21, 38e TOWNSHIP OF' OSBORNE TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 3 peal., Monday, April 8, 1037, for seirayills radsides 111 the township. Price to •tie sub- mitted for spraying per mile eor one side of road only. Township to supply material and work to he done Iunder 11,1 . tec ion of the road superintendent, Lowest or' any tender not necessarily laccelited AN. ROUTLY • Road Super] it tend en t 21, 25; Rat .3, Exeter, Ont. • SERVICES PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK - TILE FLOORS THOS, 14. WeeleKER Plume 553 Exeter • New. Typewriter Sales And Service FOR EXETER AND DISTRICT REMINGTON RAND AGENCY, • S'I'ANDARDS • PORTABLES • ELECTRICS • Atoms • cA.Lcur.4Tons . • P.APER SUPPLIES • RENTALS IN STOCK TRAINED SDRVICEMEN PROldieT =Pains The Exeter Times -Advocate ' PHONE 770 COLLECT EXETER,. ONTARIO SEPTIC TANKS cleaned out. Im- mediate serviee. Butler Bros, Lu- ca,n, phone 108 or 730-W. TRACTOR: M -H No. 102 junior 11:2-3:4 Row Crop Traceer telth adjustable Mobile Disposal nont axle, good condition, sou filer. equipped with 4 -row beet or. bean e FARM IMPLEMENTS: Cockshutt Contracting No, 11 15 -run grain and fertilizer drill, completely equipped with • SEPTIC TANX CLEANING power lIft grass eeed attachment and markers, like new; McDeering Repaire on Draine, 1Vatermaine, 3 -furrow tractor •plow ort rubber, elc. in good condition; M -H Ste -ft, NEW INSTALLA.TIONS spring tooth cultivator; Fleury Bissell ft. cultipacker; ef-el side on Cement Seotie Tanks, Drainage deliveey rake; McDeering tractor Tile and Divine to meet your• requirements. manure spreader; •Mele bean puller for tractor; circular .taw meunted on • traelor; trades' roller bearing tvtegon; International 32 -plate trac- tor' disc; 111-H single scuffier; tub- ber Llre evegom 4 -section .diamond berrews: M -D 'binder. Ileft. etre early note and other iniscella.6eOus iteme. CATTLE: Hereford' cow, due May 4; Holstela heifer With calf at foot; Durhailt. cow, tarrying secorel ale 'due letter' part of March; Durham cow, carrYing third WiJljam Bell, ealf, due first week In Alien; 3 suhuner calves; 6 yearlittg Durham deceased. and Hereford. TERMS: Oath. • No reserve. leverythirig will be sold. HOU' WANTED 15 le 30 ,tears eke fond ot ceildren, eeer,e•-•—•-eeleee'ler-eeereeee GIRL eleeded .for light hOtisework, country home, geed. wage* Write pel.e,emee_iox . • 2 • YOUNG CHAP to Wale' Oa farm. Apply William j. Thomsen. 17.11. 1 ceotratia, plume 103-r.e Xtrittoil. elc Bookkeeper Experience PrefelTed Apply To CENTRALIA FARMER'S SUPPLY e Centralia, Ont, 21e GIRLS for general reetaurant wore: courteous, dependable, honest; live in; 1011 wages; 4S -hour week. Write to Ed Llopert, R.R. 2 leitworthY, Ont.; Mtiskoka.. 21;28:7;14:21c • EMPLOYMENT WANTED AtA.nsiED MAN, 39 years old, re- quires steady Job in or around vicinity of Fleeter. Write Box "E0" Times -Advocate, 11; e ' - RESPONSIBLE WOMAN %will look after home and .children for a per- iod not weer three welts at a time while motlier in Minitel; sleep out, Available May 1. 'Write I3ox "I10.e, Write Bee "He", Times.Advocate. 11:21:28e BABY CHICKS .F.04 SALE POINT YOUR '57 chicks in the direction of the best markets, eggs, broilers. Bray has wide choice breeds, erosses. etc, Sleep Abreast of buying trends. Order soon. Con- tact. us. Edo Carseadden, Exeter, Phone 246-W, or Bray Ratcbery, 120 John N„ Hamilton, 21c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Aggressive Men ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION To supplement our males staff for Your district. The men we are look - for must be wilthig to learn and tvork hard as there are excellent opperturittles for advancement. Di- rect eaeling experience an advantage, ear a neceseity. Same rommIesion PAM on each year's renewals. Sales training. provided. Replies confiden- tial (live full particulars in first letter including age, experience and phone number to Bexee17, London, ()merle. • LOCAL 11.AWLEICII ITUSINESS available. Start imenecitatelY, experieece helpful but not required. Car necessary. Write at once fer Particulars. Rawleieles, Dept, C-2.02- 251, Montreal_ P.C. el 6 OWN a lifetime Imeinees Viet grows front repeat and voluntary orders. Start part or Still time. Easy to learn, no store needed. If you are willing to work, write immediately /0 1600 Delorimier, Debt. 51, Ste tion 0, Montreal. 21c AUCTION SALES • Clearing AUCTION' SALE . Of, Farm Implements Tractor, Livestock and Miscellaneous Items' On the Premises, LOT 22, CON. 12, STEPHEN TlyP. 3,6 Mile South of Dashwood The Undersigned Auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Pub - 116 Auction on 'FRIDAY, MARCH 22 195z Commencing 'at 1;00 p.m. Sharp PHONE 205 GRAND BEleD • 14:2-4:3 CUSTOM CAPONIZING and started capons on order. Phone 57-e-23 Dashwood, 'Carl Oestricher, 2:21-6:6* NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estet•e of All persons hitving claims against the estette 66 William Bell, late ,of the TowitsitiP of Tuckersmith, in the County of' Huron, Retired Farmer, Whe died 611 the 20th day of February, 1957, are required to file particulars ef same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 23rd of March Met, after which date the estate will be distributed havtag regard only to thoee claims of which notice has beeh received, Bell & Laughton Selieltee% Mr the Executom, Exeter • Ontario, e:,14 ;21c 10 the Este.te of • Anna Florin. Kreutziger Deceased, Alf persons haying claints against the estate of Anna. Ieloterie Remit - Weer, 'tete of the vinago of Graud Bend, in tlie CoUnty of Lembten, Widow Deceaseeleeevlio died on or about 'the FOurth day of October A.,/), 1056, are required to Send to the undersighed aft or before the Slittli day cf APrIl A.D, 1057, par. (1001515 of their cialnie, &tidy Whieh tite /executor Will dietrIbute the aseete of the weld estate, bav. ing regard to Mabee of whieli he sheet then have hale 0, Detect at Forest, Onterlo,, his Second dee' of Matell A.D. 1057. JACIC ELIA8 KREUTZIGER, lexecutot by D. J, LivirogSten, Q.C., lenteet, tinterio, 1118 Solicitor, 7:11:21e n the Matter of the eletate Of Laura %Niger, of the Teivrisliip or eleplien, Itt the County, of Huron, 1,trItIOW, deeeireecl, ALL PfeeteONS having clitheig Ageinet • the teetate 66 ttle late teem, Whitler, Who eiied en tins 26th dee Jitilttary, 1067, Are hem, by totaled to eend. theni 16 the teideeeigned,• Veeltled, Cie befoen 6116 30th day of Afire, 1057, Anit.at the litsf.fterned data the isseetli of the laid Estate will he dialtiboted itmong the Peradis en. ota thereto, having regard only Marina Of whieli the undersigned all have notice, „ • Any tender hot hecaltoteity Itet. tbptod, inniftrg tohe In tile belies. et t r t ertetell Ceti t e, , I :le, 1057. 'Work 16 be etintreeted 2)n'12Pedoste •effiee 3.1t0011f APAR.T.MENT ops irifh. iiind vi, 141,4 rbet't 1180.50. Abnlym.' iroo61)111101155,, boated, APPlY i fr. W. 36�1 )C1, ego( iturt 2/6 MinWard, phone 248, 2,1*1 14:21;286 Of tl rlerk 6 1 erg* DAT411) 01 titater, Ontario, /hit 11 dev Mettle A.)), 1051 V)/".. 0. Cochrane, • PiXO(Ori r)uiterfo, 6011CROP 001' the Ssecuirmii. • e. 14:2141 EARL DIETRICH, Prop. /GLENN "WEBB., Clerk._ - ALVIN WALPER, AuCtioneer 7:14:21 AUCTION 'SALE • Entire Stock of Groceries GRAND BENI) SATURDAY, MARCH 23 at 1100 p.m, Two We, sprin3:1 teed mattreae; dinbig room table; beffet; chairs; 4 doors; oil burner end PiPesi NOrdheimer petite; theeter; oUteide tenet; Philo deep treeee, new; erectile cash register; Detiarice scalee; electric metre Allot, Berke); meet cotinterl show can.; We0t:6M YtllJng IOUat ho ;told, GORDON APPLETON. Prof:, na.ilIC TAYLOR, Auction77114, • CkrIng a • AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Implements . and Miscellteornoous Items • 44DWATIO BANNISTER LOTe12, CON 32, IDNDON TIVP, SATURDAY, MAtidld 23 at 1;30 P,M. _LIVESTOCK: 41littilani Sow, fresh: 7 -refereed eetv, freelt;- Holstein eow; Hereford ebWor 2 Yeare old; Horotord Yeeeling; 3 citivett, The entive 16 -We Are All young, liftrobred /I/Word hull, 0 Menthe oldi0 Putebeed Vieltshire oiled litter outs, ;haat beady 91.4olidelft 2-ye4.r.old Macre bred Iloreford, due Lime of Attie, IMPLEMENTS: WE, AMA Chat more tractor, with live fietteee take. of( AM liyoraulie; 0-lefe6te AliJ Chemed' niountort plough; 'Meter umbrella; AMA Chainfore "00" All moo 5.1t, power titite.off combine; 4114ti1'Y4liesell 32.plate floublik dila" ./..aeotifm dregs; Allis (Meitner/ leteg NMI M.14 11 -run fertiliser MO 111111: 4.se4tion herrews; 2410.15 2, nitro* plough( 11160,1). Wt. Meurer; Plea.tin bald loader; lot, cutting bog With 46 ten of pipe; 2.row nutter; 3 1'obber4tI1'ed tetetel0. with now 8:40145; dlial e Wheeled traller, with snare tire end stein box, len bee, eapeeity. MISCOLLAN11)(14114: 11461 spitocr, ;leerier rieW; Mt Of Ventre* lelealeer held; thritge *hod end 16060; rubber...tired bossy; 109 grinder; 168.1 brooder • etove: garden ecuffiers; pls•' teed - ere: begs; funning 111111; hay fork 1'00; Melte other 1160111 eArtieles found at 1). Wearier eale. terlautity ot manure, TERMS: Ceeh. Atictioneers: .1eUG5 FILSON, PliOne IldertOn 22.r-141 , 'Wm 'ROBSON, Phone Jklerton 10-1-14 21c Clearing AUCTION SALE . . . „ MoNDAY, MANCH 45, 1071 it 100 p.m. for AIR. HARRY STOKES, LOT 35, 0014. 3, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP . on Courser lene, Ili Miles from Luce" 1 eine North et No, 7 Highway Consisting of 100 acre teem; good line of nearly row tniplements. And ' livestock. Title larni IS ideally 10 - tutted with school bn the collier, modern houee and good Inutile For further (Wane content the oWner or auctlemeers: HUGH FILSON„ I Phone hearten 22.6-141 - TOM ROBSON, • Photo Ildertort 10-r-14 . - AUCTION SALE Of 70 Registered Cows and Calves and Stocker Cattle ot 1116 Farm of JOHN THOMSON, 2 Miles North of Denfield, 3 Miles South of Clandeboye TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1:30 P.M. 0 purebred cows with calves; 2 purebred Cows,Adue. In week; 6 first calf Durham and Hereford springs; 10 yearling heifers; 35 yeaelitig ethers; 25 2 -year-old sleeker steers. 'rhis is puiebred herd et Mr, Fred Petti.sbn, R.R. 2 St, Merys. Regis- tration paper' will be transferred to purchaser, TisnmS: Cleat), No reserve, Auctioneers: 13013 eleNAIR, Phone .Allsa Ortine 617-r-2 Bon SHORE, Phone Byron 42-r-131 14 14:310 At Public Of Farm Machinery The UndersIgn'ed Auctioneer lute received 1:1s11'uct1oes to sell by public ,Arretifin 60 the Lots of MELVIN PARKER' in ARKONA. on No. 7 Iligemay TUESDAY, MARCH 26 Commencing et 1:00 P.M. the tollowleg: ALM. Model GT traetor cab, PTO; M.M. MODEL Z, eully equipped, heat houeer and unlibittic lift; GOODISON 32x30 Threshing Gooclison 32x50 thresbine machine, clove!' attachment, 10 exvellene con - (Mien; Gehl Harveeter„ LeroY me- ter, corn and hay allachreeet, taw In 1054; Gehl blower awl pines, new In MO; 3 wagons and forage racks; MC 16 doUble disc drill, on rubber, 16" wheels; M.11„4 -row corn plant- er, new; MM. 2,rotv mounted eick- er for Z or 11; 51.51, .32-plete 155c - Lor disc, 19" pletes; $ section* light harrows; II70.641 1 -way eisc; /110 4 ace bottom plow; I13C 3 -furrow ace plow; IIIC binder, 10-11e, PTO; 2 -wheel inrplement trailer with a loading which; Cross 20 ft. gale elevator with Clinton motor; May- rath 30 ft. hay elevator, PTO; 120- f1. drive belt; 75-11. drive belt; 194S half -ton Dodge pickup, good ishape. new 'thee; CA Case combine, mo- tor, scour clean, phecue; Allis- Clialmeee rote baler; HIC 3 -section spring -tooth herrowe; Oliver 22- 1)10te disc; •Cockshutt 30 griocier, nearly new; 3-secticet rotary hoe; 2 truck Steles, Sellable Mr wegoe or trailer; many other small tools and small items_ not lieted, No Reserve, at proprietor's land leate ha* ekeired arid he is Ovine up fanning. . TERMS: Cash no day bf Felt, MELVIN PARKER, Prete HECTOR NoNEIL, Auctioneer Phone .Alvititton 210 Clearing . AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Traitor . e Farm •Implements, Feed and Household Effects • On the Premises, Lot Pt, 2i3 and 26, Con. North Bdry, MeGILLIVRAr TOWNSHIP . 1 Mile West of Mt. Cannel on . Town Line The Undersigned AUctIoneer re- ceived lostruetiOns to sell by Pub- lic Auetion 011 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1957 at 100 p.i11, Shall) LIVESTOCK: Red Durhtne cow, carrying third Calf, due A-pril Holsteiii' heifer, carryirite first cal4 due in Aril' red Jeurharp co*, carrying fourth alf, due in April; part Durham end Hereford farrow cdw; leuthani cow di:Prying titled calt, dee hi Apele; Hereford ceW with .ealf 51 feet, fresh six Weikel Ayrshire eow, carryieg seethicl call, due "In June; Part Durham and Jereee low, doe l Apeill AYrahlre Sow, due in May; Helatein OM*, carrying second all, due in Mire Holstein co*, ettrre.ing fourth air; due 10 April; 4 Durham Ateliers, teeing 2 years 610; part Durham and Jersey cow With, cliff at, feat. 2 Fterefoed baby beetle reticle' for market; Purebred, Refolded Heitit 3 Yeats eke ThIs le 8 Chola herd of cattle. 14005; Yorkehlre sew, carrytiig third, litter due fleet week ln MaY, •'.111ACTC)R. & , FARM IMPLE. AlleNTS: 1141. MuAtent Standied lacier, in guittenteed riew tOnal. 'Don; Meet binder, ?eft, altit,11kb riew; 51-11 No. 112 tractor' speeidee, hi brand new eorelltielil lel,11 L- ettere* tractor plow, like' WV; Meet greln and fertiliker drill, 18.1mo, eettipPed With markere, reinvee 1161 Used 1 seirefm: FIttery Eleriell n- otate tracter dem; Caire 4-11ine aid5. delivery pike; e.drtlei e1e61 10110)':9-11, eprin3 tooth eultivitdre • readier; Alclebering hay loader. 54.44, side rake; demi') e*eleelle scufflere 3,5eet1On dienienti her, reeve; lernet & Wood Mottle 5•11, 'cut: Viking crestre eeperAter, 600 cep., like nete; rubber the waken; hey reek' Set of I ; I.$Lz [derider, treed 1 setettin: 50 ft, be tf tarmih* 0110; efele erdiri enters/ attires; electric: 'fencer; il*. tehiden laddeei eirtuler StrY; 4505 liaMleeter; eillekett elteltee;areutt Mi ee: hay 66110;30451. eleetrie eilPhete anvil; forge: gait lantehiet .learging chailiel breeder move; neW eet ot teeetor elitthiet 20 emirs Woven witel PI* terel,gill eel) Iran; 100 stip TAMA: 14111031 1001` 8-3/11, Milk Pane; drill: viee; Aesortmeht of terpehter OM" ony houee; Melte: sheiVele. Merle &Melee ton euritereue Lb Meellen. PEND: 200 bale% elielee euelitY mixed hey; 300 'Wert ma. *trete. HOtteelHOLt) EFFECTS; Pliktert- Mon faille; clialre; licatty elentrie Weehing thechine: eleurni Apele Peelers; eeitleee; creeks end Other Iniseenentous iteine„ No- reeerve. Even/titbit "iilkftmAi 0411 MRS. tillsilltA flOWLAN1). Prole f. trot me Extsnik AUCTION SALE. Of High Quality Shorthorns Horses, Threshing Machine Tractors, Farm implements Grain end Wit, Nene no tit* lereffifeee. 66Y0, 10, COM NOMPT4 POUNDARY HAY TerWNeleelfe 2Funetuite'airiewi 4,61.1'001. loirfoolinillieoereetie• Milo East of Zerich and. :lei floo• '1\140412 oleettilion4idLixerocellitiliosetptIN. 190,41314131cergrrs• 11645: TelESDAY„ MARCH ge, 1957 commencine At 12130 p.m. Sharp HIGH QUALeTY ee1016.1.11Ultei$: Duchent cite', it yeer$ Old, due ,Juile 17; ree, yeare old, due April girdreacallifeear,f0fort;elleeeecoltvee, week, YWettit'Isic old bred July eri; red eoW, tal.te'Yitte eeeenti gale do* outtote of AprIl; unite emu), cow, cerryleg tithe call, red ,cow, e Years 010, with calf et due April 15; roan cow, wite calf at toot; derk roan cow, 6 yeees old, due APrli 11; dales 1040 COW, bre second eel), due middie 06 utter!' ;7 Vyeeiallt 1)01-11cli,awnlithe .(..ad'i-fl-ittetreffeeortd; tiert. Durham a)ie Hereford eow, Years with da0( At mot; 5 yeer- tieuffetesi,eiitieglix 32 )5eeettaies1 101 ; 60,4454; risine e • I eegistered Verhant horn 0e •15, 1952, tit choice quality and Went neg, eitis la an extra. cheale herd of cattle, all lit market continent-, liteltSES: Good work team, tru And reliable in every way. TRACTORS & TILLIESSING MA MINE: Internatiopal Super "We liee hew; International "eV" 4, 1 new condition, egiriptied with manure ltetdee, nearly new; Water- loo e8x42 threshing macbine, on gelettnitoldeelteeviyatore, qiunipmpueadnottveletha condition, FARM IMPLEMENTS: Interna- tional binder, en rubbele 8-61. eta' intethatIonal 28-plaie tractor else like nee.; Inteenatioteel 70 -run fer Wizen And grain drill, on eubbet like new; International power take elf ntower, 7-11, cut; internal:Iona 81/2 -ft. Atm tooth etilliValor: 3-drufi etteI roller; '4-eection chain 11n1 ilareowe; Internationat 3 - furees plow; 3-sect166 dialmorid barrens% 4-seetIon diamond haerowe; 1041 dump rake; 3-boree cultivator 49118110111:0-51111.11 mgrlal uln aeleidnci• er; rubber tire wagon; otee( Or wagon; 16-11. hay rack; 51 -If 4- 1(0000(11 *prime tooth harrows:Al2 ft, rubber endlese drive bell; 14 . di'v bell, walking Plow; eh" clear saw; . electric feed coolcer 'Viking 650 cap. cream separator, thl1Veleal 2 -unit milker; 2 iron kettles; Stewa_et electric clipper, 16 ft. gram elevator; 32 ft, exteesion iaeder; Centort „tanning 01111; bag truck; electrle fencer; 2 celony hoUsee, 10512; 2000-1b, scales; efi ton chain holm.; set of sllng 105103' block end tackle; liensen weeu sprayer; wagon box; 4 logging attains; geantilY of tiles; fence iweeosvtesit (fsetelceel. ; end cedar); 20 rods lerow potato direter; set 51 taps and dies; 2 oak barrels; steel &Mee; cutter; eniery; shovels; forks, etc. etc. GRAIN: 1200 brie. Cartier seed ale; 300 bus, Rocbley seed oats; 275 nus. Montaini seed barley; 300 sbeups(i. Cornell what; 5 bus. timothy HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Wing-. ham ItItehen range, like new; ex. tensien table; dining loom chairs; buffet; chesterfield suite; small tebles; Singer setelng machine; ha11 rack e s tends ; dressere; ehu rn ; bu t- ier bowl; sausage grinder end lard prose. Many articles too numerous to Men Ilene No reserve as the farm is *old. OwInee-to extra large eale, selling will Atilt sharo on time. TERMS: Cash. actspem LOVE, Prop, ROSS LOVEc&jerjR4. E. STADE, ALVIN WA_LpER, AuotiOrteer HOGS: YOreeleire pig& Truce, *Actors and Implements, With eampleto ilst In net week'is FRED"'HORTON, ProprietOr GARNET HICKS, Clerle ALVIN WATersR. Auctiogeer 140 Clearing AUCTION SAE Of choice 60 Acre Form LivestOck, Truck, Tractors Farm Implements, Feed ,and Miscellaneous lion14 Cen the Premises. LOT 10, CON.. 13, USSORNE TWP, 2 Mlles least of Winchelea; 1 Mile North ef Xirkton St, Marya Rafe Tee thitlersIgned Auctioneer re, , calved ittetreetiona to sell by Mb - 1. lie Auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1957 Commeneino ex 1.00 P.M., Sharp 11.,8 A L s T T E.: Consiste eiteice 00 aere farm on which ir - situated A. large barn: also geed 6, sized etable and ben bousel merit ebed With nelv roofing. Ali In first elese conditien. Ttvo storey treme house covered with metal Sheeting, all newly painted and modern convenienees. This ie an ideal farni in every way, the very ehoicest of clay loam; 16 aerts fall plowed; 2 ecree mixed bush; re. mitincler in mature, and newly seeded; never failing water supply: e term well drained and fenc10, And e Miele° elate of cultivatitn, In- ; spection invited. Terms of Real Estate; 10% en t day of sale, balance la 30 days. v Sole stibiect to a. reasenable re- ; served bid, . Note: Terms can be arranged '4* with proprietor,. before day of ale. 1 HORSES; Matched dapple pew team, 5 and 6 years old, gearalle teed true end DAIRY CATTLE: Part :Milstein 0 and Ayrshire cow, 4 years old, 0 Jan. le, reeved .elarch G; Hol - Lehi heifer, fresh Nov. 1, retired S e Jan. 31; :Holstein heifer, fresh Oct. 22; rehred Feb. 21; Holstein heifer, fresh Oct. 5, rebred Jan. 20; Hol: sleln row, 4 years old, fresh Fe12, 25; part leoletein and Jersey heifer. eresh Oct, 13, rebred Feb, 8; Hol- stein heifer, freeh Feb. 20: Jersey cow, 5 years old, fresh March 1: black Holstein eow, 9 years old, re - bred Feb. 2; part Durham and Jet' - 245' tow, fresh 2 months,' Milstein heifer, bred Jan. 26; 4 Rolstein heifers, rising 2 years old; brindle better, 700 lbs ready for marIcett Holstein, bull, '1„ year old; yearling' Ayrshire better; 6 Hereford year - !Inge; 6 Hereford salves, 5 menthe old; 5 valves, under 3 Mollie. Dairy (little are of choice 0041115' and beavy produces. zrnitofc & TRACTORS: 1951 Chevrolet, Half -Ton Truck with racks, like new, In guaranteed con- dition; Fordson traetor, on rubber, In geed, cdhdition; Case tractor, on rubber, newly ovellutuled; M.11 13 - run fetellizer efelleering 3-ber Aide rake, Ince new; Oliver 2 -furrow tractor plow; et -T4 mower, 6-61.. cut; New Idea hoese drawn manure eprerteler; Cockehutt drop feed 1155' loader, like new; edrine teeth Heater:. e -row eorn seuffler: ducting box; WttlicIng plow; team (Ilse, like new; • tractor dise; 4e/teeth:in dia- Mond harrOws• rubber tire wageht Surge milking machine, completely efeliPned; itleminurn wbeelbarrow; ament mixer; 52-fe, extension Jail - der; horse clippers; root pulper; e,000 -1b. scales; colony house; hay fork rope and indica/A; harnets; forks; shovels and numerous other articlee. HOGS: Yoricshire sow with litter of 11; Ydrkehlre sow, bred Jan. et Yerkehire mete bred Jan. 21; 4 ehunks. averaging 115 the. each; York hog, 6 menthe Md. Pigs are all or exceptionally good quality. lecED: 2e0 bales nf oat straw; 0 bales of wheat straw: guantitY rob e6ru. No Reserve, everything will be old. - TERMS; Caeli. FRED HORTON, ProprielOr GARNE9' FeXCIe.S, ,01erk ALVIN WA.LPER, A.uetioneeee 21:285 Clearing AUCTION SALE' Of Farm, Farm Stock Implement*, Grain & Feed AT LOT NO. 1$, CONCESSION 1, HULLETT T'OWNSIIIP lei Mee East of Clioton. oil No, Higbevey wEDNESDAY. MARCH_ 27 at. 12:30 Eden Sheep the lolldwint: 6 4 yestrit old ,freshened 3 months: Angue X Reeefoed eow, 4 years old, recently freellened, with calf at foot; Hereford cow, 4 Yee-ra. old, recently freshened, with calt at toot; Holstein X Hereford cdw, 4 year5. old reeently fresheried with calf at foot; Hereford ebw, 4 years 61t1, due time of sale; Eel - stein X Hereford cow, 4 years old, dtte time of sale; Hereford X Guernsey cow, 4 yeare old, to fresh- eit soon; Rereford cow, 4 years oicl, 0 freshen seoh; 3 Hareferd heifers, In freehen soon; BereirOrd 'year- ling heifers. PIGS: Yorkehlre sow, with litter e weeks old; 2 Yorkshire sows, wtth litters 6 reeeke old; Yorkshire sow, due April 26; lettedrice X Yorkshire boar. 11 menthe old. IMPLEMTNTS: 1952 V.A.C, Case tractor, with Eagle littch; Case 2- r0w cultivator with 4-rew Atta'clie ment and bean puller; Case Model A. 6-61. gombine With nutter, been at tech men t ; 1946 Yard tractor: leergireon tractor plew; Ford Fergu- 8011 641, tandern diec; Ford heavy duty 'tearer mower; McKee hay harvester, .completd with Pipes and forigs box, 3 years old; Kitelsee 5- f1. -way (lift type); 'Ferguson Wing Tine cvultivator; LH, 11-diec fertilizer drill; LH. binder, 7-1t1 cut; M.H. No, 11. tractor erreader, 0(1 eebbere M.H. 3 -bar side dellveey rake; 3 -section dree herhoWe; ti- ection lever drag harrows: 3-drunt tee! roller; Joint Deere roller - beating wegfin; rtihber tire Wegen; Caedihal Jollier 16-1t, grant elev- eitor; Wood's erindee With hes. Motor; Oiling acne; 2,000-111. °ales; Renfrete Melee dream Ana- ator; hog softies And orate; fin - her en111; teuck tarpaulin; eet of 0-28 triteter chains; *tektite Plow: R -ft. extenalon ladder; ma nut- ing bag; liag holder; 130 ft. o? '15" /Ole With ounce; gaieleti seliffier: hairis: eaVerlerte fOrke; shoVele ter immelente ether attleles. PEED AND GRA/N: Quantity et stied and 1o656 hey"; awns. 600 tie, of Mite; apProx, 100 butt, et erAllef; .At 3 p.111. tlits fatm of 00 spree (Meee.,:oe WA) of geed lay totem, will be offered fer Aele, n Altuated aft R -room Aerie Mese with ashoetes shingle iding And en attaohed garage. In he house 10 aiso a 3-idoca end resAbre syltion, on firm iti henk berh (44'596') with litter hoorebrelitelia'Ae4iPefiegi804:11nerilelpiliteeftlt:1etidetrielep433°07f'8Chr: And Conditions at Sate: ft Mote Trnbleenents 'Ana CATTLE: Hereford X Jersey cow, e 3 0 11 1 fr A, 11 2 Feed; beide Oh VS1111: 'i60,-16 &mei on data of hale and balance in 30, nape 61. mortgage tan he arranged with the pedinietor. The farm will he Word, for *ale aubjeat to A. re* treeVe Wit eel' A et et, Wit1174'81, Pranrfetor nOWAnD tr,LicTT, Auctioneer 14:216 Clearina AUCTION ,SALE • Of Choice 40 Acre Perm Livestock,. Truck, Tractor Farm Implements, Feed and IVklerellineoui genii On the Prettilecie, ,f,etoti fo, floN. 13,11/114014Nt TWP, 2 Melee F,ei1/4„„t 61 Winehele6A, 1 Mlle Neeth of Werkterf, oti et, eilerye tos,4 • The lfridetisieneil‘AlletiOnee Is he - Afflicted to eell b)' roblic Auction on FRIDAY, friAnel4 gi, 1957 it 1t06 0,tri, sharp 11ISTAT.46: COftslai166 thelee 80 eel% Ariel Ott WhIeli 1* isItIlitted large befit 1010160160f !Medi hen lidnee And 4513 Atibli; Alt lei firer, Mail Condit/Ohl 2.11t6Irey tette% dOVered With Metal Meeting, leth MOdern cdriVenienceti, house ,neiudy lialrited; IftspelitIon in, Terr irked. ill Or ttiAi Platelet 1086 op 0011 Of belatiati 11* 10 days, Sold 50111561 id it reatonable r2. salve bid, Note: Terhle bt stringed . ▪ . with proorioror. . ritit0st•Yrrirlx: b000ld Atop S+5 veare old, true and reliable, 31 heed yst 1161ateln tattle; 10 edid beet tattlei AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Building, Household Effects and Miscellaneous "Items . Chi the Premises, 537 :William St., TOWN OF EXETER • The Undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to sell by Public Auction. on SATURDAY, MARCH 30 • et 1:30 p.m. Sharp VALUA 13 LE I4CILDING & LOT: Choice lot, 77x125 ft., cm which is eiteutted cerne»t block building, 60x40. covered Avail asphalt shingles; all In hew state ef repair, . TERItee: 10% on clay 66 sale, balance in 30 ds.ye. Sold etibject to ▪ reallohable reserve bid, • Fun net of lemeehold effecte In next week's Wye. rSIC HEYIVOOD,". CLIFFORD HEYWOOD, Eremite/1i fer the Estate 06 the late nits. Brinkin G.elINET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPErt, Auctioneer 14e AUCTION SALE' ' Of Valuable Building Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, 5e7 William Street, in the TOWN OF EXETER The Undersigned Aectioneer re- eeived. instructions to sell by l'ub- 11 Atietion bh • SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1967 Commencing at 1:30 pine, sharp REAL EST.Alelee Valuable Bernd- ing and Lot: Very choice lot, 77x125 feet, en' which Is !situated et newly tonetrected cement blork 00540 feet, revered With esplistit thinglee. This building is verY hultithle for ettrage or storage reel% Terms of Rai Estate; 10% ote day of eale, talattee in et) "dem Sold subleet to a reasonable re- Aerved OTHER AftTICLEet Household Dfrects and Mee. 3-plece liesterfield. like neer; dining rent itble ; le dill I g 1'60111 ch fre VS I our oak reeking ebeire; but. al 3 Complete bedroolit settee! eashstend: camp tot; folding °halve; itchen table and (Mahe; Westing- ouse tefrigerater; 4-bt1rner elec. tie stove; couch; General teetric radio; Singer sewing ma - hind: tette And Mall nitrites.; acuunt cleaher; tehtre teblee; irate eit beard; crektoole bard; large ardrobe; COmeolettril rage, Various izee; AentInalee rugs; scatter HAM rJranee; euilelhe; tourer; 606(01661) &wit 111)01)3; 241151' 1511140;Ouebeo Saler; eeleetele. temps; 516011110 kirk; MOO laddersi giesseeereei Ilnewitree In hey fatilirst hienicers: ointOrtere; large aseertment Of let - lett 13 11 (140(18)114 1765(1)' washIng a- 1)1(51 40)1100): Ana Alio equipment: 1111161 1124 WheellitirreW; 10 sete eel< And MAIO: 110510413) 4 Ake nO 10 61,1(18(511)4.14110 1)00,, Alievelei e it e- eht elletie; teege eettorintertt or tele; 012115e eticlea t66 &morons mehtletr. Vb fleeetwe, everything •will be TB/MAI ottsh, ttittrtro61) OrAPPottb trtvwobn, geetitbre for trio Vista(' of the lath tus OA/WT.1T 41701t8, Clerk A.LVIN WAtPTh,AnetlOriler el •tit 1' More • Auction.. Sales On Page 13 11