HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 114 1 • 1 00 .• • • 1 9 • 1.N. • FAN -cues: .• .„ .escri.es rip Feceration most TO Bend Ladies To East Coast ur. Sterling Ince of Exeter descrilled the trip \Odell he and, Mrs, Ince took last :summer to. Prince Edward Island at the. March Meeting of Elitnville1 Women's Institute on Wednes day. He also showed pictures which they had taken en. route. Mr. Ince was introduced by WS. Franklin Skinner, Mrs, Theron •Creery discusse the .rnotto. "If you haven't wh Yoti 'want, make use o what you have." A solo- was contributed by Mrs . .Coiner By CAPTAIN LtATON Owing to the absence of our a high school girls, last week's, at attendance was low, but LeftY an Captain had a few surprises 'for those present (besides square daricingl)• Ross Skinner and a reading by Mrs. iDelmer Skinner. Mrs, Ho- ward Pym presided for the pro - grain which was arranged by • the citizenship and education .cornmittee. Miss Ruth Skinner, president, conducted the business in which MO was voted. to South Huron Hospital :Auxiliary, Plans were madefor the next euchre to be held. next Thursday afternoon March 21,. with the ladies of Hu rondale Institute as guests, • Mrs. Creery, Mrs, Jack Co- ward', and Mrs, Jim Miller were named a nominating committee to present a slate of ',officers at , the next meeting. Hostesses were Mrs, Harry 'Coates, Mrs, William Thomson, Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, • Mrs. Tack Coates and 'Mrs. W, McBride, ••••I A ten-minute Be Prepared Challenge was given to the two teams into which the Guides were arranged. The challenge in- cluded signs of spring, treat- ment of a person who has faint- ed; rescuing a drowning person; and the meaning of /our promise in daily life, • Kathy Page's teen.' came out on top, with Donna Ersman's rating a close second, We were glad to see Grace - McKenzie get those second class knots passed, too. Good work, Grace, a Second Class Badge shouldn't 'be far in the offing for you. At this time we'd like to ex- press a big thank you and a waem welcome to Mrs.' Tony Page .who has kindly 'consented to take over 'our first Brownie Pack. We are certainly happy to find someone who is willing and enthusiastic to enter into Brownie work, and we will do everything in our power to help you with your Pack; Mrs, Page. Once again, welcome to the sisterhood of Guiding. We are still on the lookout for another leader, Airs. Spencer, our Tawny Owl of the 2nd Pack, is leaving town the end of this week, and so we now need an- other leader to help Miss Bakker with this Pack. Here is hoping we have as quick a response as we did' in our search for a Brown Owl for 1st Pack, Of course the Guides are all ready for our banquet this week. We would like the Guides and their mothers' to be there in time, so that we may start* to eat right at 6.30. So we'll. be see- ing you, with your uniforms spit and span, and don't forget — bring your appetites with you! • NaVal•Officer: ".Frave you ever been in naval service before?! Recruit: '"Yes sir. Was in the submarine service until ',they. asked me to quit." Officer: 'Asked you to. quit? Why?" Recruit: "Well; vitt see, sir, had always been used! to sleep- ing , with the windows open." ICHANGE OF LIFE HOT FLUSHES Why suffer from hot Rushee, ner- vous tension, irritability, wgak- nese, loss of appetite, aches and pains, simple anemia during change of life? Remember, in Clinical Tests, the majority of women enjoyed striking relief with New Formula Pinkham Tablets or Compound. Most likely you will be helped, too. So we offer - 30 DAYS FREE TREATMENT 1? you aro,noi helped just get Pinklam's from your Drug Store. Take for 30 days as directed to get at the cause of your complaint. If you do not experience striking relief, send Uf the empty carton for cheerful refund of your money. We have thousands of testimon- ials on file from satisfied tigers. Join 'them today. Try our safe, no -risk plan. Oct our easy-to-use New Formula Lydia E. Pinkham Tablets with added tonic iron, or Compound with Vitamin Bl. PINKHANII-COSOURG, ONTARIO *.....!. 00000000 i i tttttttt ttttt tt 110 "THE .pus,pc . - HEALTH IS THE FOUNDATION ON WHICH RESTS THE WELFARE OF THE NATION" M141 (.Author's name below) • IMI. To properly practice medicine, physicians learn how to diagnose and treat disease. Work- ing closely with physic- ians are we pharmacists, who are taught . the art of compounding, dispens- ing, and protecting med- icines. . Preserving the public health is a :.ask that we physicians and pharma- cists gladly perform. Your he alth is better .served when you always follow your phyPician's advice on what to take, .and get any medicine. from your. pharmacist. • YOUR PHYSICIAN • . CAN PHONE • •EXETER 447 ,WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescrip- tion if shopping near us, or let us deliver prompt- ly without extra charge. A great many people'en- i trust us with the respons- ibility of filling ,their prescriptions, May We corn pound yours? • • ANDREW • JOHNSTON DRUGS Main St. Exeter PlItSCRIPTION CHEMISTS • •*CluotetIon by Benjamin bleraell (15044181) a Copyright 1t6 (5W2) iIIIIIIiIIhIIIIlIuJt!I4IIIId44I,St,l4IIiIiIE,I$iIIIl4,4,U,II,%S' . • • A 5ore That Deem Not Heal A Danger Signal That MAY Mean Cancer See Your: Doctor IMMEDIATELY For free literature writs F. R. Dobbs Phone 200 Exeter DMA? 14 Lt KIDS! WANT EiTRATIME TO READ COMIC BOOKS BEFORE SCHOOL?". THEN DRINK LOTS F' GOOD MILK FROM 161ILAN011111.0AIRY • THAT EXTRA ENERGY IT GIVES YOU WILL GET YOU TO SCHOOL. IN HALF THE TIME! \ • LoCALlAADIMAIMI, A group of young ladies from Grand Bend United Church were guests of the Wellien's Federa- tion james Street United 'Church at, their Margit meeting, on Monday evening. Rev, H. J, Snell presented two films, "The Last Week," depict- ing scenes from the Last Supper to the Res"urrection, and the Five Oaks, United Cherch Leadership Training Camp. The devotional on the theme "My Lenten Meditation," . was led byMrs. Ger Id G db It assisted by Airs. Arnold Linden - field, Mrs. Glenn hfiekle and Mrs, Stanley FraYile• .• The study book on the new republic of the Philippines titled "The Road is Rough," was taken by Mrs. Douglas Insley. Mrs, J. G. Goinan and Mrs. R. C.- Dinney contributed a vocal duet, Each member donated a cake of -soap for the bale, in answer to the roll call During the social hour which followed the meeting groups were -formed for informal dis- cussions On the Women's Fed -1 eration • group as* the • Grand Bend ladies are contemplating' a similar organization. Rev. and Mrs. E; A. Holley accompanied the group. I Listowel Church Four Crediton Groups ppoint New Officers Most To INMS Air • * • Tlie - 01,11441 'meeting' pf the WIMiere$ Missionary becety• .ut, the Presbyterian 1..littren- W klau° ada, iianititon. and London Syn- odical, is to. be held 13,te4f,14)', Wednesday. and Thurslay. Apr/t •,. atilt! 11, 1957. in Knox .1.;11Urfat Listowel. The theme of the meet- ing will be "Freedom- through Knowledge and Truth," !The wort. ship service at cacti session will arry '.out this theme. The Rev. Max Putman Of Listowel, Rev -4. J. A, Isaac' of Moncton. Rev. C. f„.ewis.ot AGIVQ0(1, Rev. D, rchi- bald Miivertgn, and RAY.. W. 'S. Magee of Molesworth. will conduct these -worship .servicee, FP -Rowing .a. Board meeting Tvesdsy,..aftercioon, Stratford, Presbyterial will serve a com plirnentary tanner to the :dole; gates. Mrs, Arthur Hamilton Of A t w o o'cl, Synodical president, will preside.. WAS Margaret Webster, 13..A„ ,noW Direetor of Organiz.atiOn. Will be' the special speaker Wed- nesday afternoon. On Wednes- day evening the speaker will be Leone -Su ,(Mrs; Stephen) How. Leone • was born into a Btiddhlst, family in Formosa, but grew up in the home of a 'Christian. mis- sionary there,; She • came to Can- ada, :and graduated front the Presbyterian Missionary a n 0 Deaconess Training School, Last June she 'married 'Stephen How, a -student at Knox College, They hope to return to Formosa to work in the presbyterian Church thete„ the. Thursday morning ses- sion, Rev. Alex Nimmo of Wing - ham will install the officers for the coming year, The Hamilton- London.- SYnodical comprisesten Presbyterials, each privileged to send ten delegates to this. meet- ing.All sessionsare'open, to the pliblie. Gram Says: • MoreCake Reopes • By MARJORIE STEINER Several of . our friends have told us they . made an orange cake from the recipe we gave, you two weeks ago and had good luck. with it. We have 'another recipe for orange cake this week, It isn't at all like the other one, except that it, too, is delicious. We know because we had a piece. Oran2a .Calr• • (A Neighbor) • • 2i- cups sifted pastry flour .1i cups granulated sugar , 2 tape. baking ,pow.der tsp.' soda 1 tsp, salt • • o/•-.1- cep, butter or shortening 3/4. cup Milk • . • .14 cup 'iistrilned orange juice 2 eggs. beaten. • • • grated rind of i orange 2 Sift dry ingredientsi. together. Add shortening and 1/2 of liquid. Beat for 2 minutes. Add rest of liquid and beaten eggs and beat 2 mitiuteS. Bake in -350° oven for 30 minutes. (Lower heat to little over 300° if using a pyrex cake dish.) • When cake is .baked,cover with the following topping.' Place under broiler for 25 minutes. Topping 1/4 cup butter • • .• • la cups brown sugar • •small•oup cocenut . . • ' ' 6-3 Tbaps.. orange juice , • • pinch of salt .vanilla Mission Society Studies Titoism At the March meeting of James St, Woman's Missionary SocietY held on Thursday after- noon Mrs. Herman Powe, in re- porting for the United Nations, referred to Titoism as a forth of Communism which began in Yugoslavia eight years ago. Mrs. PoWe said Marshall Tito believed state socialism ; would be reach- ed by petting his: own country ahead of Russia, •• The study on Burma and Thai- land was taken by Miss: Pearl Keyes, Mrs. , Harvey Perkins and Mrs. Berman'Powe. These two countries are similar in many respects. There are no missionaries but these countries are served through the Colombo plan and. the United .Nations agenties, There is very little Communism in either Burma or Thailand. ' The worship peridd was taken by Mrs, C: W. Down, Mrs.' E. C, Appleton and Mrs. Mary Han- nigan. • Miss Keyes .presided ' for the program. Which also included • duet by Airs. Olive Andrews and Mrs. Rhoda Shapton, President, Mrs. C. E. Zee- brigg conducted the- business. A communication was reed fro& Mrs. D. A. Anderson, Prestop, formerly of Exeter.. Mrs, Zur- brigg was appointed a delegate to the Presbyterial at Clinton oft March Z. A brief memorial' service was conducted for Airs. Henry Delbridge by Mrs. Zuri brigg and Miss Keyes, ' DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron ttreet, Toronto Net :Marie rraters new Butter recipes,. Write today • / ! This 'prune cake recipe has ! been in our family for a long I time. It makes a nice change and keeps moist. Prune Cake • .1 ciiit sugar • cup Witter 2 erfs enPa stewed prunes (mit fine) • 2 taps. soda dissolved in juice lg cups sifted flour. 1 tsp. cinnamon -1,itsp. nutmeg• . 1.4. tsp. cloves ' • Creani butter,add sugar d beaten egg yolks. Add prunes aed juice with soda in it; Add flour and spices which have been 'sifte:d'together:. Then 'fold 'tin Voelt•beafen egg Whites'. Bake in ' moderate oven, for 30-35 min. We use 7 minute icing on it. • • One day. while talking about recipes -with several friends, one mentioned. having • a delicious chocolate cake which had salad dressing as, one ingredient. It reminded us of a recipe we re- ceived front Guelph recently. W. have never made this cake or tasted it that we know of but others • have told us you wouldn't know it contained sal- ad dressing. es 01 the Evangelical altrCh 110(1 a joint meeting following A beautiful plant, Jaden with Lenten service Wednesday eve- white intim& .adorned the rot- ninf,f- Officers were elected. 'rum of the Evangelical Church For Dorcas Band glass:the on Senday,. placed by Mr. Win, president Is. Mrs. B. Wein; vice Oestricher ip 10114 ,TAMCIUbraOoe. president, Airs. G. Morlock;iof Mrs. Oestricher who passed secretary, Airs. E. liendrick; away one year Hga, ass't sec., Mrs. E. Raiz; treas-j 'Mr. Robert Wolfe of Lletreit urer, Mrs. A, Gaiser; chorister, . visited on Sunday with his par - Mrs. E. M, Fahrner; Oanist ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolfe, Mrs. S, Dundas; ass't Mr,. and Mrs. Wm, Woodall Mrs, D, Finkbeiner; sYrnpatig and family of Windsor, visited paonrdterr,Mrs.elief,Afic'sfiffloWm uSinittilli; re- ' the weekend withMr. 1 and Mrs. Jos. Wofiall. Officers for C.I.C.; president, I James Parkinson, formerly of Albert Geiser; vice president, L. Crediton, now a member of the Lamport; secretary, E. K. Fahr- staff of the Bank of Montreal ner; treasurer, Lorne Alorlock; in Collingwooci, is relieving at good cheer, Alan Finkbether; :the local branch of the bank. membership, Jos r Finicheiner; 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Krug of social, Harold Fander; leachers, Tavistock and Mr. and Airs, F,rd niaWn.Aonrytz, loertica.AWin rInkbein- L. Krug of Waterloo were Sun- eI day visitors with Ur. And Mrs, Following the election a so- 'Herbert Young. mai time was enjoyed, I Afr. and Mrs. Matthew Eng- S.S. Officers .Named • !land of Hensall visited on. NOR - day clawith Mr. At the annual meeting the Sun- FinY knandainer and ,famijyAirs. Lorne, School. of the Zion Evangel -1 ical church, the officers were elected, Ed. Hendrick was ap- , Family Banquet pointed superintendent with as- sistant superintendent, Alvin Dorcas Band and '0.1,C. OM. proved stIfficiently to leave his • Finkbciner; secretary, ROSS Marks. Birtliclayt Zion Mission Band Elect .1 Mr. and Mrs. • Victim Nestle At the annual meeting of the entertained at Armstrong's Rost - Mission Hand, the following of- aurant to a birthday .dinner on ficer,s were elected; Judy Fink- Wednesday honor of Mrs, beiner was named. president with. Thomas Trevethick who was cel - vice president, Joan Srnith; sec- ! cbrating her eighty-ninth !birth- retary, Joan England; ass't see„.' day, Wein; treasurer, Donald Ratz, • Ronnie Weber; Treasurer ;is Dennis Lamport; pianist, pianist, Jean Krueger; flbrar ians, Wayne Ratz and Larry Ratz. j •Those present besides Mr. And ! Airs. Nestle were Mrs, Ethel Plan Future Activities 'Kestle, Afisses . Minnie a n d Devotional period of the Woni- Gladys Kestle, of town and Mr. en's 'Association and W. M. S. ' and Mrs, J. W. Schroeder, Lon - meeting, held in • the 'United don. • Church on Thursday, was led. by • After dinner the party return - Mrs, Rohl:, Reid, who .also as- ed to the Kestle home for a so- "sisted Mrs. H. Lightfoot in pre-; cial evening. senting a portion of the study • Airs-:-Trevethick was showered book. - - with cards from her former. Mrs, G, Hill presided forthe Crediton friends and others.. W.ALS. business sivhee plans for tile Easter meeting were an- . Airs, Trevethick, a former resident of Crediton is now mak- ing her home with her nephew, Victor Kestle. nounced and reports given on packing of the bale. Mrs. Earl Nell - was in. •charge of W.A. business. Roll call was answered by donating articles to' church kitchen: , Committee reported on plans made for ren- ovation of kitchen cupboards and for catering to a farm for- um banquet in the near future. Hostesses were Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Mrs. G. Zwieker and Mrs. J. Woodall. Personal Items Cpl. and Mrs. Robert Lambie and family who have spent the, past three , years in Gerniany, returned last week to the home • of Mrs. Lambie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne' Finkbeiner, where they will spend some time prior to leaving for Cpl. Lambie's ncE.4 posting to -North Bay: • • Mr. Isaac Gower who injured his knee in a fall two weeks ago, and who has since been confined to his •roorn, has im- Beta 'Sigma Phi Marjorie Dilkes YOUR HAIRDRESSER Permanent Waving Hair Styling and Shaping Tinting and Cold Waving Phone 146 'Y- GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prop. individual styling. Permanents Hair Treatments, Tinting Manicures, Facials 40 Main St. Phone 522 Studies Living The Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met at the home of Mrs. H. G. Hooke. The program on the Art of Living was taken by Mrs. Lloyd mith and Mrs. R. W. Read. Assisting the hostess were les. Allan Gesell°, Mrs. Glen 3 onnallie and Mrs. Walter Bent- ! ey. . • • •'. Chocolat* Cake A • (Mrs. A, R. Campbell) 1 OU • Mir 1 Whi 1 d 1 • p e p sa a dressing: 1 cup white sugar 2 cups cake flour. 4 Tbsps. cocoa 2 tbsps. baking soda 1 cup Water (room temp.) Sift flour once, then measure. Sift together . with cocoa and soda. Creain together tlie salad dressingand sugar. Add sifted flour mixture alternately with the water. Bake in loaf or layers hi* 350° oven. •:P. -S. -4e hope the folks who have Promised us recipes for the column, will find time to send them or. phone them to us be- fore they get into spring clean- ing. Call ;Is. at home for we are not at the T -A Office now. Shower Presents On Norma Veal. Miss Barbara Brintnell • enter- tained on Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Norma Veal, bride -elect of Saturday. Norma was presented' with a miscella- neous shower of gifts. On Saturday evening Mrs. Don Bray, Thames Road held a mis- cellanea's , shower When sixty former neighbors and friends gathered and gifts were present- ed in a wagon drawn by 'Carol Bell; Brenda Skinner, Ava and Michael Elford. The actress wes read by Mrs. Ross Skinner. Town Topics—. Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter TImes.Advocate Is arways pleased 'to publish these Item!. We and our readers are interested In you and your friends. pilene 770. LAC Robert and Mrs. Machin's (riee„Marie Cutbush), Brenda and Kent left on Sunday for their new posting at :Zweibrucken, Gerniany. • Rev. and Mrs. Mervyn Love and Allan, of Rydal Bank, have returned home After visiting for the past two weeks at the home of Mrs. Loves. patents, Mr. and Mrs. Williant Gilfillan, Mr. Bay Creech has .been ap- pointed • superintendent of the Simcoe, Burlington, Dunnville, Waterford, and Morden (Afeni;•, toba) branches of the Canadian Canners LiMited, Mr. Stanley Green, formerly of EXetor, has taken over Mr. Creech's duties as Manager of the Sintcoe plant. F/L ReV, P. MeLeari, padre of RCAF' Centralia, and Rev, if. 41, Snell, of James Street United Church, exchanged pulpits On Sunday morning. A massed choir of over 40 voices front }futon County Junior reenters' furnished the music last Sunday at the Junior 'Farmers Conference Chtlech Service at Guelph. Attening front 'Osborne were the, Misses Agnes Bray, Doris and Doreen Brock, Ray Cann. Barry Jeffery, Bill Doug- all, John Pym, Hugh Rundle, Maurice, Love and H. Shute. Mrs. tom** 'Harvey is recuper- ating at her home after being a oatient,, in LONtin hdapitalS, Jetneit. Street United Church tenfot 'choir under the leadership 6/ Mr, Laurette Wein, will be heard nn S'undav at SAO p.m. over CPPL Radlo. Itev 1. 4. Snell will 'present the message. Mr, and Mrs. E. R. }topper Arrived Inime on Sunday after a sojourn in' Florida Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. lioddY, Sandra and Bruce visited with Mrs. Chas. Harris over the Weekend., 'Mr. and Mrs, Vide, Snell re- turned on Sunday from rlerida. Mr. Orville and Miss Stella Southeott spent the forepart of this week in New YOrk. Mr. and Mrs, Wm: Jeffries of Waterdown* and Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hannigan , and three sons of Waterloo spent the week- enadnnigtu attill.e honle of Mrs. Mary a Mr, and Mrs. Bobert Bragg, of bsl. Lorne, and Mr., and Mrs. Harold Wilson, London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. W. .1. P,ybus, Miss Mary Dickey, Woodham, has accepted a position with Mad - The Martin Luther film shown at the Legion Hall Friday cvr- ning the sponsorship at the Ttivitt Memorial Guild, at - (reefed a large crowd and was a worthwhile program, as well as a success financially. Mr.* and Mrs, M. L. Martin ere attending the funeral today (Thursday) in 'Wallatehurg of Mrs. Martin's htotber,. W. C, kCientettdti,on Wshubildillyv.as accidentally Mrs. Gordon Cudinote snout tow days last week with het PD•ierken,tsiienMstaend 'Mrs. itobert' • •F Etlells. Beauty Salon PHONE 18, GRAND BEND • OPEN ALL YEAR Elinor Wasnidge Ethel Desjardine, Proprietress Modern ,Beauty Salon 14 Mein Phone 349 HAIR STYLING I•• PERMANENTS HAIR TREATMENTS TINTING • • Open Tuesday to Saturday Pearl Henderson,. Prop. Ths TimolAilvocatt, Mirth 2L ii . Front Quarter - Are A Bargain Right Novi! Here's you get — good roasts, boned and rolled yeti wish; minute stealq minced beef patties; some stewing beef cut in cubes; or we will cut the quarter just to suit you, all for 5, Pound EXTRA SPECIAL Baby Beef BEART, LIVER AND TONGUE • 9c Pound Come Early — It Won't Last Long Exeter Frozen Foods Phone 70 Exeter ALI-METAL with CHROMIUM Lege iiiMatM,,,,,..060201440k0510; NUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE J 001111010310000 STEAM -DRY. IRON You don't have to dampen clothes' for it. You do them just as they come from the line or dryer. Set temperature to suit material.. . WHEN YOU BUY A CROMATIC $37.45 azt WASHER REG. PRICE $19.50 ALL-HITE IRONING TABLE DESIGN AWARD WINNER Tip proof. More leg room. Adjustable toall heights. Use it standing or sitting, from either side. Ventilated, top Chrome legs. Far more rigid in construction 'than others. WITH AUTOMATIC WRINGER SAC MINIMUM TRADE-IN Pull back on the clothes and both rolls stop. Wringer swings to any position with a gentle shove — no latching. TOTAL EXTRAS Has tiouble-walled tub — inner tub is everlasting stainless steel: 6 -minute washing action has no equal for getting clothes clean. 6 -year guarantee on the powerful mechanism. HAS TWO-TONE FINISH -YOUR CHOICE OF COLOURS OR All WHITE, IF DESIRED Fisher's Hardware - Phone 29 Exeter PE, NO MONEY DOWN —TERMS TO SUIT YOU— COME IN AND SEE US Values Effective March 21, 22, 13 Catelli Spaghetti Sockeye Salmon Rice Krispies Dog or Cat Food CHCESE SAUCE' FANCY RED KELLOGG'S • FROZEN Fish. • Sticks 2 PXOS 61c . Giant , Tide' se OFF 090 is Dz. 3 POPE 39c 45c 25c 3 FCIR 35c 0/4 OZ, TINS LGE. MI& OZ. PKG. Dri, MALLARDS Royal Inst. Pudding 6 FLAVS* Morning Cheer Coffee Good As Gold Tuna Salad Dressing SHEDD, Johnson's Glo-Coat WITH FREE RAIN HD= 2 • PKGS, 21c 1.'6' 96c BAD LIGHT go M EAT C LQ*16 ee oz JAR C HAM) GUM ft -4 no QUAllT 40 I %PO COFFEE PRICES Salsa tax Removed Ground or Instant New Low Prices On All Brand "The Best Plate To Shop After All". J. H. 'Groceres FREE 6ELAVIttele Ns'