HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 6The Timex dvocete,. March 21, 1957
And District News
Mrs. Maude Hadden, .Phone 5
Mrs. Archie McGregor.., Phone . 6821.3.1
Donate TowardArea Official Hear Of Missions
'Ice Debenturec1
Speakerar Bast Area
At the' dinner meeting .ot the Mrs. Karl Kinsman presided
Chamber of Commerce held at W. P. Roberts secretary. for the March meeting of Chisel -
the New Commercial Rotel on treasurer of l,uckersanith .School burst Woman's Missionary So -
Wednesday, $500.00. was voted to- Area was guest speaker at the ciety held Tuesday afternoon,,
ward the defrayment of the arts- March meeting of Hensall WO, Mrs. R. Taylor Jr. conducted the
Borah ice debenture. Wen's Institute on Wednesday worship period, assisted by Mrs.
A committee was appointed to evening, and addressed the Jack hritttnell.
took after .the annual Ontario.; group choosing for his theme, The group accepted an invrta-
Championshlp Fiddlers' Contest,,, 'Education and Citizenship." tion to attend the birthday party
date to be, set later, including. He said that schootlhg is a , March 22 of the Rosati W.lg.-
Walter Spencer, Robert. Drys- ' large part of formal education S. of the United Church. They
dale, on Joynt, K. K. Christ- bur: it doesn't end there. it is • will also Bold a quilting in the
.an, R. If. Middleton, Earl Dick, the formation of the years— church schoolroom this Thurs.
Cecil Maxwell; Fred Harburn, the kindergarten of Life. The day to complete a quilt for the
and George. Bess.,baste subjects, reading, writing, bale. Airs. T. Brintnell and Mrs.
Members. are'urged to attendaritiinxetic, are the most impar- R. Boyce were appointed dela-
the special meeting at Exeter; tant, especially a thorough gates to attend the Presbyterial
Tuesday, March 19 regards the knowledge of English, The cost at Clinton Alarclt 27, Mrs. R.
Setting of business hours. , of education is high, but not Brock gave a poem and Mrs,
too liigh. It costs nearly $180 to Boyce presented the study on
Indo China.
Mrs. J. Brintnell presidedfor
a brief meeting of the Woman's
Association. The group decided
rather than about their duties," to order new communion trays
Mrs. Samuel Cudmore, 66,of the speaker said. "Citizenship" for the church. Mrs, Campbell
Iiippen passed away Saturday is not a form or a political Eyre was appointed to look after
night, March 16 at Victoria Hos- . party but an art." 'The speaker Easter flowers for the church,.
pital, London. She had been in was introduced by Mrs., T.
hospital since November 27. 1 Sherritt, and thanked by Mrs. E, Arnold Circle
Born near Brussels, the forth- Normington,
er Hannah Barbara Stiles was. Airs. R. E1gie presented the Except Invitations
Married. 45 years ago last Chrst- ; motto "Politeness is like an air
teas: to Samuel Cudznore of Sea -;cushion, there. might be nothing
forth. She and her husband lived 'in it, but it eases up the jolts."
MI Seaforth and district until She illustrated her discussion with
moving to Kippen a few years a p o s t e r "Courtesy Wins
ago. • I:'rieiids," and ended with a poem
She was a member of North- "IA smile costs nothing but cre4
side United Church, Seaforth' ates much." Mrs. Rowe contri-
and.later ,of St. Andrew's United buted a poem, and Mrs. Keith
Church, K1ppen. ` Anderson rendered two violin
Surviving besides her husband selections. Miss G. Lainmie ac -
are two sons, Stewart of Lon- companied at the piano.
don, Charles of Kitchener and Miss Greta Lammie,Mrs. Wm.
onedaughter, (Mildred) Mrs.. Henry and Mrs. B'Edwards'
Lorne Pinkney of Toronto; two : were named a nominating com-
brothersr Wni, Stiles, Brussels ' mittee to bring in the 1957 slate
and. Samuel Stiles of Vancouv- of officers at the April meeting.
er :and ,nine` grandchildren. i Each member is asked to raise
• The funeral was held Tuesday $1.00 to be .brought in to the
from the Bonthron funeral home meeting. Grand Bend and
Hensall, conducted by Rev. H. Staffa W.I. are to be entertain -
V. Workman, Tillsonburg. Inter- ed at the May meeting.
merit was in Baird's cemetery. ; Mrs. A. Shirray, president,
-The pallbearers were Joe Stiles, ; presided for the business and
Stewart Stiles, 'Frank Cudmore,' Mrs. Sherritt for the program..
Herbert Wilton, Orville Work- Hostesses were Mrs. Norminton
raan and Wm, Harvey: ' and Mrs. Orr.
.;Flowerbearers included. Wil-
fhed Miller, Norman Long'G, Don `Personal Items
McGill, Dave Simpson, ordonl Messrs. 'Herb Kercher, Elgin
$tiles and. Ted Stiles, • Illowcliffe,. .Wm, Slavin, Edwin
r• ; Dick, '.Tack Brintnell and :Lloyd
p4rcy Edwin. Southen • Ferguson. attended the annual
'Percy Edwin Southen. of Lon- banquet at Hook's- restaurant;
Ofie% tit d •tat the home of hist linden, for the winners of the
son, John 'Southen, at Thames-; Dekalb five acre corn groivers'
vine, "Wednesday, March 13 in contest. Three of these, grew
his 59tlj ' 'ear. ' i over 100 bushels to the acre.
„Suviving are his widow, the Herb Kercher is dealer for this
Rormer Lydia Pope • of Hensall, r district.
1t}lid one son Jofin, t Mr, and Mrs. Jack Duncan
Funeral services were held at and Barbara of Toronto were
the A. Millard funeral ' home, weekend visitors with Mrs.
London, Friday .March 15 with Duncan's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
burial In Woodland cemetery. ; Lorne McNaughton.
Mrs. Hugh McEwen Sr.,. who
Read` has been receiving 'treatment in
South. Huron Hospital, Exeter, for
the past several months, was
able to return to her home this
Mr. William Weekes of Clinton
purchased the property of Mr.
Wm: Pepper for $4,900 at the
auctiort sale held on Saturday
Carol Brown, 12 year old
daughter of Mr. and Mts. Wm.
Brown won three third prizes in
the piano class at the Stratford
Kiwanis Music Festival at Strat-
ford last' week. •
Mrs. Robert Reid of Kincar-
the piano class at the Stratford
son and daughter-in-law Mt. and
Mrs. Clarence Reid and family..
Mr. Wilson Allen has purchased
the farm of Mr, 'Corti Hodgert
on the Kipnnn road. I..
Mr. and. Mrs, Wilson Allen
visited on Sunday with/Mr. and
: Mrs. Don MacKinnon of Alvin -
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pepper
of Sarnia were recent Visitors
with the former's ,father, Mr.
, Wm.. Pepper.
Letter From
Ilii s. 101121r Elliott, of Hamt•
ota,. Man, is visiting, with Iter
i.ousins, • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Mr. and Mrs. 1)on Rigby of
Blenheim, spent the weekend
with. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Mc-
A reception and dance for Air.
and. Mrs. Bill Fink will be head
in the town hall Friday evening.
111essrs. Alauriee Love and ff.
Shute were .delegates to the u-
• mor k'armers eeefereicce held
at Guelph last week,. '
The March meeting of the
W.A. of St. Paul's Anglican
Church! was held at the Itoitte• of
Airs. Jack Lavender, presided
over by the presideet, Airs. W. O.
Goodwin. Mrs, R. h, Middle-
ton gave the study and dans
f �t b hid
were -laid
Mrs. 'S, Cudmore educate a child
4 "In respect to citizenship
` people are too prone to talk
rusSeaS Nat about their rights and privileges,
T -A Classifieds
>rxcluls4,v lmpor'te —
:' Th. "ZwiStre Zook'
"Or *trsovl
1er¢t�etd ftalyI'I Tip Top
• A &O`at of Crisp pattcrrls,. •
Weaves and shades -• allvroot
with Jests touch of silk to give
you that new lustrous Ceti.*
Shentit Look.
Titey'td different from airy.
thing you've aver cvot'n, l.rop
*refund today raid let us take
your ftteasureMcnts.
Peet Skeet Clothe
474.1$ 2 pe,.
S'Itiwrive with
Mrs. Harry Hoy was hostess
at her home, Monday for the
March meeting of the Arnold
Circle of Carmel Church. Presi-
dent, Mrs. A. Orr chaired the
At the business period Mrs.
Stewart Bell disclosed that the
total amount pledged for 1957
was $231.00. The group accepted
three invitations, one for the
annual birthday party of .the
Womens Missionary Society of
the United church Friday March
22, one for the Evening Auxiliary
of the United church Monday,
April 8 and the other by the Wo -
mens Missionary Society of
Cannel Church at the Easter
meeting Thursday, April 11,
Plans were made to attend the
Synodical in Listowel April ;1.0.
Any members wishing to attend
the afternoon and evening ses-i
sion of that date were instructed
to contact Mrs., Ed Fink or Mrs.
Stewart Bell who have offered to
provide transportation.
.Mrs. Harry Snell conducted the
devotional period assisted by
Miss Hannah. Murray, and 'Mrs.
S.' Bell. ` The study on •"South
East .Asia" prepared • by Mrs.
D. MacDonald was divided' into
four parts, each one of the
speakers speaking for their own
country and, of conditions exis-
ting there. • Speakers were for
Canada,, Mrs. MacDonald: Indo
China, Mrs. Gordon ' Troyer;
Thailand, Miss Hannah Murray;
Bur ma, • Mrs. • H. Hoy. Although
the area of anyone of these
countries is only half the size
of Ontario the population in each
case is five or. six times greater
and, yet the Christian population
is less than two per cent. In the
ensuing dialogue was shown how
active the Communists and many
other sects- are in these- coun-
tries ' and how valiantly 'the
Christians are endeavoring to
spread the gospel of ..Jesus
Mrs. B. Beaton and Mrs. D.
Deitz are in charge of prepara-
tions for the Easter meeting
April 15.
Personal. Items
Miss Margaret Kercher of
London was a weekend visitor
with hen parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Herb Kercher.
or a supper o .e _.o
iii the near ftEture.
Mr. and Mrs. Gin Voth and
Jimmie of Detroit were recent
visitors with Mrs. troth's mother,
Mrs. Louis Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gould
and Dianne, of London, Mrs, Mer
D rugal ,afUnderwood, Mr. and
M s DonaldWalker, of Toronto,.
were week -end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. George Walker,
Comments About •
Sunday visitors with i1lr. and
Mrs. Hugh Norris and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flynn,
Londesboro; Mr. and MrS. Rob-
ert Hubert, Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Davis Belton, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jacks Norris, •Ailsa.
Sly MRS. NORMAN LONG Mr. and' Mrs. Edgar Allen,
Mitchell, were guests of Mr. and
Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan, on
Mrs, Wilfred Meths included Thursday.
Mr. and MrS. Art Gibson ani1..Mrs, Wilbur Miller is a patient
baby Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Andy n Seaforth Hospital, having
Gibson and Ann, Mr, and11irs. a undergone surgery last week.
Torn ., Mrs. Grace Scott has returned
Burke all of Wroxeter
Mrs. -and. Miss home from London, where she
Alberta Wyant
Newt Barnard of London. visited. her daughter and son-in-
Mr, and Mrs. Cadick, .
Win. Paul Gridzak, . infant Mrs. Reber Shute, Rirktott,
son of 1d.r, and Mrs. Pete Grid -visited on Monday with her' par-
zak, ,has been a patient in South! ents, Mr. and Mrs. David
Huron %Tospital having had pneu• Gardiner..
monia. 1 Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker
Mrs. Alex Mousscau of 7ur. visited on Sunday with Mr. and
ich who' has spent most of the :Mrs. Jack McGee, tendert.
winter with her son and laugh- f Mrs. Guest. Kincardine, is
terin•law, Mr. and Mts. Elzar visiting With her daughter and
Mousseau returned to ,her home Son.4e-law, Mr., and Mrs, J. E.
last wok. ,5tre.ey.
Mrs. A. Meelymo"nt on. Sat.', rift. and Mrs. George Wallace
utday celebrated her eightieth mu qrto'tned a numher of relatives
birthday at I.he home of her son attd f'riehd5 at their hoO a oat'
and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Tuesday evening, Dinner° was
Mrs. Orville WClinohey of Var,, served, atter which the evening
na. iwas spent playing euchre,
Mr. and Mrs. Tames Arm Ladles Aid
strong of Staffa visited Sunday 1 "rhe regulate mooting of the
with Mr, and Mrs. Norniatt'Long. Ladies' Aidwas held at,the home
Rev. C. W flown aft~ 1{ixete,r ryf r Hits, W.harper with Mrs,
Was in charge of~ the service hi Harper presiding. A readilig teas
.gt. Andr'ew's United Church oft given by Mrs. 1, Sorsdaht and
Sunday,household hints by Mrs, J Miller,
Mr. Robert Thomson while; 'rhe work corn.rfttttee reported
gathering the day's 'eggs, 'sated . sevcrat quilts fir tiler iriakifi f , zt
,across a Targe , freak egg and E` was debided to use g travelling.
oat breaking it he /mind a inediunt I apron a5 a meant of itiez'easittg
size egg In a shell fnaicl"e tl e l ettttrls, Niis. R, Latrig and. Mrs,
outer° egg, Anyone wishing to; J. Miller were appointed as. pre.
see the egg may do so blr cath- grant Corttntittee fpr the , tier!t
tri at Mrs, Long's home'... i meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. N'or"ftian iiekca. Mr. end WS. William Harper,.'
visilt�t! Sunday In• Clifford with Miley and WUMa 'visited nit
relatives.. ;, ttrulay tvlth Mr, tied Mts. Lloyd
Flagg tut To Page I i 1idlantyrier 'nettles Road.
Airs. Lorne .McNaughton is
spending a week in Toronto
with members -of her 'fetidly.
Pr Barry Joynt, Mrs, Joynt
and Judith Anne of Toronto were
weekend visitors with the for•
mer's mother,, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mr. and Mrs. X.C. Neeb, of
Tavistock, are: visiting with their,
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. William Brown, Billie and
Mrs. Woelfie and Jimmie,of
Tavistock, were week -end visi,
tors with Mr. anCJ Afrs. William
Mrs. William. Caldwell, of hip -
pen, was the winner of a case of
grapefruit given away at Brown's
on Saturday. Mr. Mervyn
Brown drew the lucky .ticket,
Miss Patsy .Jones returned
.home on 'friday from St, J'o•
sepia's hospital, London where
she was receiving • treatment
during the past week.
T1.fr. and Mrs. latrp .Conk, of
Windsor, spent the svgek.end with
the .farmer's Mother, Mrs. C.
Mrs. William Brown and Carol
returned home after spending a
Week with Mrs. Brawn's parents,
Mr.:anct AMrs. 1.1. Neeb at Tavis
Little Debbie and Donnie Good
of .Parkhill, spent a few days
this week with their grandparents,
Mr., and Mrs. Edgar Munn,
i\ir.. and Afrs. Ronald Bell, of
Windsor, visited over the week-
end with the former'c parents.
Mr. and Mrs. William R, Bell.
Mrs, Annie Saundereoelc, was
taken ill at her Moine here last
week, and was removed by
ambulance to South Heron 110,
ROI: Exeter, for treatment.
Mrs, C, Cook, -who spent the
winter months with her sort -in-
law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs.
D. Chelew, in Las Angeles, .Cali—
fornia, returned to her home here
last week.
Miss Dorothy Farquhar, of To-
ronto, was a week -end visitor
with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Farquhar.
Robert Simpson returned
home after spending a weekend
in Toronto.
Half Price
"Watch 1aie
Bulava, [Icor Rolex & Westfield
•Gent':* Rolex, 17.Jewel, Shock .end' 'Waterproof
$59;QQ for $29.54
Gent's Elco, 17 -Jewel, Shockproof', Expansion Bracelet
$41.50 .for $2!675
Gent's Westfield Dress Watches -„ Res., $29.50 for $14.75
Gent's 13ulova Watches. Reg, $33.75 for $16,05
Lady's Eulevat 17•J. ewel, Gold Cases. --- $39,50 for $14.75
Lidy'a 174ewel, Gold' Case. Expansion Bracelet
$29.50 for $14.75
Ever i Watch .Fully Guaranteed end 'Boxed
Zurich Ontario.if
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Garden' ,Patch Peas
Fry's Cocoa
Libby's Spaghetti
Velveeta Cheese
Mornarch Cake Mix
Farm Fresh
First of the Season --Tender
2 vz L. 9UNCHES 37c
Golden, Tender, Flavorful
New Carrots
Extra Juicy, TengY
20 -oz.
Cello gag
Sunkist Lemons. Yu:le of
Tasty, Meaty, White
New" Potatoes.
Crisp, Tender, Green
Pascal Celery Juenb;6 stalks '
2 FOR'19c
4run 19c
5 La O, 3 3 c
2FoR 37c
N, f I/ttuu)ul.siiu1.1111.11git.i...iu1U..1
Waterless Cookware
15 Oz.
- nNs 2 5 C
POUND tin, ,65c
15 Oz. Tins
Spring Has Come To
Super $ave
And bargains are blooming all over .our market. And what
wonderful spring ,tonics they are for your budget—for scores
of your favorite foods are •featured at down•to.oarth low
prices that sprout sure savings for you. Came see. Come
shop, Come pick a ' bunch of bargains from our fresh -as -a -
daisy displays of super food 'values.
Low Prices
Super Specials.
'011111111111111111111!111111111"1111111111111111111 ulltl1111111lllltlu 1111111,II III,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII III1111111,u1uu
Birds Eye, Quc lit.
FEATURE Giant 12 -os, Tin
%rte nmutitimi iuii uiii
n,ttbuH ssi'monnu1uuUls iiiii 11%1m.list'
Cott'ge Roll 55c.
Weiners L= 37<
Head Cheese Le 29c
Standing Rib boasts ,O 49c
Hamburg . ... 3L.$1.00
_{NIIIIII111111I{1111111{IIIhiI1I111111IIIIIN1111111111IIIINN{ IIIiINi111111111111111111I{{III111111IIIIIIi111111111111IIIIII
Highly Polished, Extra:
Heavy Aluminum. With
Every $5x00 Purchese,$ 3649 .1
Yours ._..
foe only 111,,,1,..,..."",. • —
1111111010111IN11111111111111NIH111111111I1I1111111111101111111IIIIII 0111IIIIIIIIiIIIlifI1111111111Ii1111111111111111I1
Open Friday Evening
Javex 64 CIZ. 45c
Spic 'N Span 40 CJZ, 69c
Giant Tide . 69c
Glo-Coat GrtNt 59c
Niagra Starch 21c