HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 44 T 'Thee*AsIvesete, March 21,, 11W1
ntuntnnitnitA littittnnummouttwatottnti 1(Atuntinauni1dA1uni01040100u1 11t
Let's Talk,
Sports goiter
We had att interesting chat with LEN GAUD-
ET'rE down, in AYLMER over the weekend. LEN, a
'well known sports figure :around these parts, especial -
17 to the Lucan f.*nS when he wore the IRISH SIX
UNIFORM, is the arenaMtanager forthe town of
Alwaysa itee,n hockey enthusiast, GAUDETTE
has been doing a little thinking on 'the hockey picture
for next season.
It seems that .he would like to have a strong
INTERMEDIATE, LEAGUE back into operation.
In forming this, he would like to see EXETER,
sure starters with. perhaps the addition of other cl4bs
like L 'CAN and GODERUCU.
To this corner, we doubtt very much if Goderich
would do all that 'travelling just to 'play an Intermed-
iate brand of hockey and with Strathroy Rockets now
sitting in the Senior "B" finals: you wouldn't be able
to lure them away from that league if you offered
them JeanBeltveau. It's a cinch no matter what
league a team has entered into, a lot of travelling is
involved. So why not enter the best class of teairt
the town can afford; such as possibly a Senior "B"
By the way, manager Len Gaudette sends word
along to all his -friends in Lucan and surrounding
district.that ED ROWETTE, another IRISH stalwart,
is now W -O -R -K -I -'N -G steadily in •a lumber mill in
KAPASKASING, Ontario. Apparently Len stt�•bmitted
Ed's name to them and he landed the job.
ROWETTE is playing for the KAPASKASING ..
HUSKIES in a so-called Senior "A" league up there
but Edward clasaes it actually it the Senior "B"
category down South.
We were eye witnesses at AYLMER'S first an-
Which our All-Star Bantams took part The local kids
whitewashed LAMBETH 11-0 but the boys shouldn't
feel too proud of that because according to the Lam-
beth coach, their team has to travel over 30 miles
to WEST LORNE every time they want to get on the
-ice to practice. Lambeth is without artificial ice and
West Lorne is the closest spot.
In the second trial game in which our locals
took a 5-2 clipping, a line for Aylmer that played
Midgetall year put the finishing touches to any
further ideas of advancement by the locals.
I was very much impressed with the showing of
rushing defenceman BILL HEYWOO'D and the way
rightwinger JACK STEPHEN carried the puck. The
pair' stood out the most for ail -round performance -on
the Exeter club and made the all-star team that was
picked to play the TORONTO MARLBOROS in an
exhibition game.
A number of the Bantam players look to be
coming right along in line style and IF they keep
thei) `noses to the grindstone, they may some day
Score with the hockey greats,
AYLMER TROJANS, the Intermediate "A" entry
for that town, has joined forces with the EXETER
MOHAWKS by banging up their' Skates for another
season as . 'the high classed TILLSONBURG PAN
I)RIEDS have set them down in games 4-0, with one
game tied.
SIMPSON, told •us that they had four big JOHN
HENRY'S on the blueline for them and no matter
what you told them they were sure to set up plays
fOr the opposition sooner or later.
SIMPSON has a job that a good many athletes
wished they had. Mr. Simpson, who has played pro-
fessional hockey with INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS
and DETROIT, coaches allminor hockey teams in
that centre as well as the TROJANS. and collects a
sweet salary., of $4,000 a year. Besides this, he is a
scout for the LEAFS of the NATIONAL HOCKEY
The only fault we found with the Aylmer tourney
was that the towns should have been broken intotheir
reltpective classifications so 'that each team would
have .a better chance. The way it was, towns with a
ppopulation, of 2,500 could tangle with a club drawing
froman area of eight or nine thousand people.
GODERTCH sent a hustling band of skaters into
the tourney and „although they didn't win anything,
\they're going to Make it tough on teams in the forth -
Coming years.
* * * Ott * * -
SHORT CIRCUITS — More ni nor puck • tourna-
menta .. MARCH 22.23•-a-Bantaiits travel to WING -
HAM _... MARCH 30— Pee Wets hike to MITCTHELL.
and .in the Easter Holidays go up to GODEP,ICH
MAX FALLOWFIELD of last year's Strathroy Rockets
was with the Aylmer Trojansthis year .. A Rocket
this year named BERNIE PEAi,SON won the IVIcLAY
TROPHY.in '52-'53 as the most valuable player on
the TROJAN' hockey club ... MICKEY MANTLE is
at it again .. Hit homers from each side of the
plate Sunday .. A lot of sports writers are pick-
ing the ' DETROIT TIGERS to cop the flag .. M But
we'll still stick with the old nlasterntind, CASEY
Milkmen CCfltral is 1.!allies To$ .at St. John;
A' $tand.ngs:1" •
The Wiri mills who .ended theeel' Lucan
Mani -tab
'n vaso,
regular bewli g s n,
littoral S elle'" tealal, eOrnposrd .pf Primary
Lee Learns Milkmen, behind; Flying Training, Scheel offlcerb,
Ray $mith's G10 triple, itttsct the won the Eastern Zone 'i'rainin.g
In first place, must have playo : ' F Centralia's "Cinfler
favourites 5-2 on Monday night command ehaznpionship when
to hoist. their
fn ta un
pted possession of first place
e hey au seorecSt.
"hits, Ru=
with 10 paints, bee931ight in th
eir Own back
yin a two•aalne goals -to•
Right behind the Milkmen are countard series .over the weekend
the Tradesmen who battled theto qualif y to carry Centralia's
Huskies to the last pin far a 4-,3.
colours into the atl•Ci4nadian
decision to give -them Ilene points, Training command final,
while the Ihiskhes hold dowhi the
third slot with eight. The filial series will take place next
lines andwith sKainejacenks poinarets in Luc"
this weekend with
13 C A.l . MacDonald, Manitoba,
iding the opposition in a,
apiece, while the Pinpoopers, p.rov
B ;•Six and Ringers finish out .similar two. -game series with
the standings in the "A" GroupPais le count, First gam will
wilt 6.5.4 nolnts respectively, take place an Saturday after_
The Big -Six are travelling a noon at 2:30 P•m0
rough road. in their playoff series. After ,dropping the first game.
as the Tradesmen and Pin- by a 5-4 count, the Centralia. FW -
poppers both came through. in ors came roaring right back in
flying colors in the final vine the second to upset the fast
to gain the upper hand in points. skating St, Johns club, 5.30
for the night. F/0 Profitt took a pass from
The Tradesmen, who trailed by F/0 Donald :before the two -min-
e .good many Hills fi.Oitll into the ute mark of the third period had
tenth frame toppled ever enOOuglt been reached, tt) score what later
strikes to take five points from proved to be the deciding goal
them, of the series,
On Monday night, the Pin- P10 Moe Gobeil was a standout
nopvers took the second unto by 'in the two genie 'series as he
14 tins, and wrapped up the third cashed in fol two second period
with a breath taking two -pin goals and gave, a tenacious check -
,difference, i1 ,� r u mg .display midway through the
Whizz.Bangs in the B G oft
nlavoffs have taken alive -point final cried when his club hadtwo men sitting in the penalty
lead over the second -place Can-
ada box as St. Johns tried to apply
Packers and Tip Toppers the pressure,' Gobeil displayed
who are presently tied with seven his fine sticlthandling art as he
points5 are Cee. are in fpurth place ragged the puck consistently un.
with five >ioints while the Can -
his men returned to the ice.
vi Teammates Charlie Parent, who
Hers and 'Pennies each -have two. irked up three assists in the
Rural Rollers is the only team p
that is pointless. • crucial game, and Bill ;Franklin
Oz 0s000d, with a 747, and Don also played major ,roles in the
Case, with a 702, were thhonly victory.
men with triples over 700 this F/0 Franklin blinked the light
week. for the fourth Centralia goal as
Wednesday, March 13 the second.period drew to a close
(G, ren 1t+ming 660) .. and also gained credit for three
TradPig Sit (Don Case 702) _.:_.-..__ 2 assists Ori other markers scored
'Tin Taonara (Wes W .ta0n 630) _ 7
Rural Roltiers
(, VanDoorselaar 603) 0
Canada Packers (It. I•Iaggins 603) 7
Monday, March 15
ilie'.Six (lien Horley 6721 2
Panpoppers (Bob Mee 656) 4
wilkmeindmillsn(it0y (Osie:SmOagood
ith 61.6) 747) 2
M $
Tradesmen (b. Heywood 620) 4
Huskies (Jin* r'airbairn 582) 3
--- Please Turn to Page 5 three straight Centralia goals and
Kur(((It(IiYY11Y1IY(,(h1,uuYbiintuUl,liYunuWnuinlli(IYipiliir'iii,ifiiY/(iUitlYillnYlh,(,1it(1,111,1in(I Yfnnn,b,
CENTRALiA SCORES—F10 Moe Gobeil of R.C.A,F. Centralia has just finished topping
in a perfect pass from teammate FIO Bill Franklin as hh scores his second of two goals
inthe secondgame against St..Johns in the Eastern Canadian Command Finals,
Centralia eventually went on to win the two game series goals -to -count 9-8 on the
round. They will now meet MacDonald, Manitoba, for the All 'Canadian title:
another in the third plat the game
and the series on ice for Ceti-
tralia, •
F/0 Gil .Geckle played -a sen-
sational game in the nets for the
winners as he turned aside 30
shots with °mne that were well
labelled, to keep his team in the
title hunt.
MeGuire.in the St, Johns
in the game. goal saw a lot of rubber thrown
at him as he kicked out 37 shots
L.A.C. Bellanger fired his . club but he wasn't quite as,,sharp as
into a 2.0 first period lead on a Geelcie on the close -hi ,playa.
hair of goals but F/0 McLauch- The first game of the series
lin of Centralia.fotind the, scoring was sparked by the front -running
range and cut the margin in half line of Guilbault•-Bellanger-Duval.
with a goal at 18.15. of St: Johns.
L.A.C. Guilbault once again This line ac^nnint'd for all five
'Hushed St. Johns into a two -goal ,f the goals scored by the .win -
lead at 1,05 of the second but ners .as LA.(' . '.oval was a two
;oat man along with, L.C.A.
Now is the time for that MUM AtJIONMFNT
t3ring your ear in for the SPfING.OVERAtL, CHEM.
t Prornpt courteous service will prepare you for i
happier motoring days this 'spring ,
Mothers tros„,
i21,46/ North Exeter
NYfia ft wfYlrlY( moiiYiYYY4(Yiliftiveg rrYtotios
SQUEE GEE WINNERS •—Bombers came put •on top of the squee gee class. Front row,
left to right, John Gibbons, Ricky McDonald, Donald Elliott, Douglas, Stanlake; back
row, Basil Crawford, Fit. Sgt. W. G. Fletcher and Brian Bonham. Fit. Sgt. Fletcher and
Sgt. I, U, Scott, of RCAF Centralia, were in charge of the squee gee league. —T -A Photo
Guilbault while L,A.C, Bellanger
the single tally.
•F/O's Charlie Parent and Bill
Franklin scored two apiece to
account for the Centralia goals.
F/0 Gobeil set up two of .the
four goals scored.
Although losing 5-4, the visiting
R.C,A,F, Station outshot the
locals 33-29. '
ST. JOI4NS, OUB.. --Goal. McGuire;
defence, Savage, Boydi centre,
Bellanger; wings, Guilbault, Duval;
alternates, • Doxniaux, Shetler, Beau -
solidi Stone. Hagen, Tolbert, Mac.
1)dnald T. Bellanker.
Geekie; def One e, Gob311,-• Mac-
Arthur, Centre, Parent; wirings,-
Frankl4n, ,'Donald; ,alterna.tos, Md-
Laul;hlin, Christopher, 1P r o fit t,
Hughes, Sharpe, Gorman, McGar-
First Period
1--St. Johns, Gullbauit•
(Bellanger) 11:00
2—St. Johns, Belanger
(Beausoliel, Boyd) 12:35
Penaltle3.—Bell sot g e r (high
stiokina) 11105; Parent (trip-
' ping) 14:10,
Second Period
3—$t. Johns Duval 6:33
4—Centralia, Parent 6:06
5—Centralia, Franklin
(Gobeil, Parent) - 14:04
6—Centralla, Parent 16;17
Penalties — Boyd (elbowing)
2:54: Doi•rniaux (holding puck)
13:30; Boyd (high , sticking,)
Third Period
7 -St. Johns, Duval 11:22
8—St. Johns, Guilbault ...._.. 17:25
0." -Centralist, Franklin •
(Gabel) 10:37
Penalties— Savage (tripping)
5:11; Duval (trir4ptng 6:16.
First Period
1—St. Johns, Belanger(Duval) 7:s
2, -St. Johns, Bellanker 11: S
3—Centralia, McLaughlan
(Franklin). _. � 18:15
Second Period
4 --St. Johns, Guilbault
(Duval, Belanger)
5 Centralia, cow
(Franitlin, Parent)
6—Centralia, Gobeil
(Franklin, Parent)
7• -Centralia„ Franklin
(21cLaltighlan, Parent) :,_.- 18:52
PEE WEE CHAMPIONS—Tied Wings won the championship of the vet league, Profit
row, left to right, are Larry Idle, Don Bray, Neil Hamilton Trod Wells obby (Higggins.
back TOW,• Jii'n If lnnait, Louis Dttgre,. Coach till Hayward,. Doug Penhale, Jim Gould
and •Us ,Cook,
TA Photo
Penalties -- Boyd (3) 6;4 13:17
and 19:48„ . 1
Third Ported
6—Centralia, .Pro(ilt (Donald) 1:30
Penalties --Franklin (high spptl6k-
15 04; ParentE(hooking)ii15:11.
Ladies' Lead
Moves Again
The lead in the Ladies Bowling
Lergue Kral. .changed hands
The Whatnots, sparked by 011ie
Essery'a 574 triple, picked up
seven poltlts fron), the 131owettes
over the week to x611 .themselves
WO first placeby a single ,polilt..
The now second -place iii -Lights
and the Ups ,$+; .Downs battle tp
a .5.2spot in points with the
s condp avers getting the major,
Ups & DoWn5 and Be -$ops :aro
tied With 14 points each to hold
down third and fourth places,
while the Hot Dogs come along
In fifth with an even dozed points..
Irl the 1B" section of the play.
offs, only six points separate the
nine teams entered.
Up in first place, the Mighty
Mice, Wee Hopes and Happy Gala
all are 'led with 14 points, while
the Pin Poppettes and the Jolly
Jills are right on their heels with
13. Buttercups and Jolly Six fol.
low with 11 and 10 respectively,
and the, Nite Hawks', and Busy
Bees round, put the Standings
with eight points apiece,
Alley Cats and the "red-hot'f
Hot Dogs, behind Dot Brady's
681 triple, took seven -point vic.
tortes this week along with the
Whatnots, while Wee Hopes got•
seven on a bye,
Other 600 or Over triples turned
in this week came from Dot
Munroe (637), of the •Happy Gals;l
f'. Hunter-Duvar (622), of the
Jolly Six, and rt. Marks (617), of
the Green Horns. •
HI -Lights .(3d. Holtzman 5201
(14, Hammond 520) _- 6
Ups & Downs (rid. 'retreau 576) _- 2
Alley Cats (G. Wurm 611) 7
Frisky Six .(.7. Neil 5116)-- .0
Hot Dogs, (D. Brady 661) - ^ 7
Merry Maids (N, Francois 524) 0
Whatnots (0. 3ssery 574) 7
i8lowettes (A. Ford •407)
Be-dors• (1. Dobbs 503) 5
Green Horns (D. Marks 617) 2
„t3" GROUP
Mighty Mice (B. Pinder 570)
Nits Hawks (B, Sangster 561) _ 3
Jolly Jens (A, Lawes n, 551)7 2
Busy Bees (3, Cutting ) _
Joily .Six (P, Hunter-Duvar 622) _ 5
Pin Isoppettea (A. Fairburn 528) - 3
Happy Gals (D. Munroe 637) 5
Buttercups (H. Sadler 572) 2
Wee Hopes (N, Brintnell, 512) 7
Whatnots __16 Alley Cats 9
1 -1i -Lights -_ 15 Merry Maids .: 8
lie -Bolls_ 14 BlOwettes 7
Ups & Downs 14 G. Horns 6
Rot 13ogs __. 12 Frisky Six -.._ 4
MlghY Mice 14 Buttercups . _ 11
Wee .dopes _.. 14 Jolly Six 10
Happy Gals __ 14 Nate TTIawka-.._ 8
P. Poppettes 13. BUSY Bees b
Jolly JI11 -.-.- 13
Bantams Split
In Tournament,
Exeter's All-Star •r Bantail1s,
under Coach Derry Boyle, travel-
led to Aylmer on Saturday morn-
ing to' compete in the first an-
nual Tobacco Belt Tournab)ent.
The club won its first .game
from Lambeth by an 11-0 score,
but dropped their Second game
5.2 to Aylmer 'in the straight
elimination series.
Frank Boyle fired four mark-
ers in the initial contest while
Bob Jones registered two,
Single goals fell to Don Cann,
Bev Sims, Bill Heywood, Gord
Strang, and Jack Stephen.
Goaltender Ted Sanders re-
corded the shutout.
In the second. game., Jack
Stephen and Gerald 111c13ride
scored ler Exeter while Bill
Kidder got the hat trick and
Tom Mitchell tallied twice for
Aylmer. •
LAMFIOTH Goal, Winger: de-
fence, Poole, Clarke, Fraser. War1S-
Worth; forwards, -Brooks,• T. 51hn-
hinnick. Walker, Pike. Buchanan,
Armstrong, P. Minhinnick,
FXETFR Goal, Sanders: de-
fence, Heywood, McBride, Sims,
Marriage; forwards,. Boyle. Stephen.
E. Jones, Cann, Turvey, Strang, T,
Jones. '
First Period
1—l+xeter, B. Jones (Boyle) .,_. 14:33
2—Fixeter. Cann 14:55
(Turvey, Straps')•
Penalties -- None.
Second P3ribi
3—lesteter, R. Tones (Strang) 2:30
4-1;''$eter. Boyle
- (McBride, 1.3, Jnn es)___ 8:236
5—`Exeter, 'Royle (Stephen) _ 16:123
6-16Oxeter. Sims 15:04
Penalties -- alone,
"•.,..:17•44,4!•44.. ,,.,,, (1•!Jarmo)
_ Pinsco Trom f i *nine C
Split Cage Tilts
Against Clinton
Exeter and Clinton public
schools hooked up in a basketball
doubleheader in Exeter on. Thurs-
day, afternoon,.: anct each school.
picked up a• victory.
Mr. Frank FIuisser, PT teacher
at Clinton, directed both of the
Clinton tealns in the games. His'
a s Mrs. S. 17 5 in tithe
first game.
However, Exeter fought back
in the second to gain the split in
the series as Coach Ron Heim -
rich pulled his boys through to
a breath -taking ,23.21 decision.
The four teams will meet again
in the return engagement this
Thursday afternoon in Clinton.
4 I
1 4
;'ee Us ForThe Best
Safety Che- eked
55 Chew Sedan
Air conditioning heater, turn 'signals,
two-tone, whitewall.tirea, like new.
5.1 oldsrriobile 8
4 -door sedan, hydramatic, radio(turn
signals, two-tone finish, Ste this one.
51 Dodge Sedan
Air conditioning heater, slipovers.,
53 Ford Custornline
4 -door sedan, air conditioning heater,
good condition.
51 'Chev Sedan
Air conditioning heater, whitewall
tires, 17,000 actual miles, new car
50 Chen Coach
Deluxe Fleetline, air conditioning.
heater, low mileage,
55 Ford 1 -Yon pickup • 54 Chevrolet 1700
.'Turn signals, racks, good tires, See .Chassis and cab, turn signals, DP axle,
this one. long wheel base, gond Urea,
Chevrolet and Oldsmelme
4 1