HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-21, Page 2No 2 Th. Tiftel*AtIVOsale, March 21,, 1957 Editorials This newspepor .believo* the rioht to .040044 .in Intinisklt In public contributes to the. progress of the nation and .thet it roust 'Or oxercisedfreely to preserve end Improv. ,demecrotic government. Two Sides Attend Hospital Meeting To .Learn The Answers Controversy regarding any public Institution always arouses interest. Such is the case with South Huron Hos- Pital, which Yields its annual meeting next week. A large crowd is expecte.d to attend beaus e of complaints which have been aired publicly and privately ' during the past six months. Since the annual meeting provides the opportunity — and the only one during the year — to bring the con- troversy to a head, it is imperative that a large representation of th‘pub- lic attend. Those who feel there is some justification for the complaints Should attend to hear first hand, the pros and cons of the argument.. What is the controversy about? The medical staff last year re- quested permission from the board of directors to perfOrm operations ofa .common nature, The board deelined. The doctors did not take further action but the public piked up their cue and aired it on the 'streets. It filially reached public expression at an EXeter council, meeting late in the year. Although the request of the dpc- tOrs. was never' made Public, • it is unclerstoOd they stated that such opera- tions .could. * be performed without major expenditures for • equipment, since much of it was supplied when the hospital Was built. It is also under - steed that the doctors felt the opera- tions could' be performed withbut un- due strain upon the accommodation Or nursing staff available. The board, on the other hand, made, a public statement to the effect that operations could not be permit- ted because of a shortage of nursing Staff and because accommodation was being taxed without providing these additional. facilities. The board stated 'it was Working on plans to relieve both problems and that once they were solved, operations could be per- mitted. The board asked forindulgence until that time. At the, Meeting of council in Di- •cember, Councillor Glenn Fisher aired the controversy when he found .his I�cI (teeter had to take his, daughter to St. Marys for an appendicitis opera- tion: "Why," he asked, -"couldri't she be operated upon in our own hos- pital?" Mayor -Pooley carried- the , argu- „anent-further, asking if citizens were not being denied the services which they had been promised when , the campaign for funds to build the hos- pital was under way. He charged that citizens in the district had paid for the facilities but were not receiving them. He felt the answers shOuld be sought from the board at the annual meeting,. The board made. no public reply to the =licit discuision, preferring to wait until the annual meeting. Since then, however, it has purchased land' for.a nurses' residence, a move it had planned some time before, On Tuesday night, the board will undoubtedly be asked the questions which arose at the council meeting and others which have developed since. Among them will be: Neighboring hospitals are provid- ing surgical facilities despite the fact their occupancy rate is higher than that tSouth Huron. Why? if there is a shortage of nurses, Why.are there several living in Exeter travelling daily to other hospitals to work there? There appears to be a strain in the relations between the doctors, and the hoSpital. If this IS so, why. Why did the beard, which is com- posed' of, laymen, reject the advice of it t trained medical staff? On whose recommendation, or on what grounds, did the board consider the clOctore reqtiett unreasdnable? ' It may appear Iron the foregoing that the board it in a difficult position. Howe+ver, there are number of points which the beard's critics should re- Mentbet: • r The present board is composed of almost the same group of men which did an exceptionally astute job of building he 'hospital and raising the funds to pay for it. There would not have been any hospital services at all available in this community had it not been for the. present members. They have since done an equally excellent job in making the hospital pay its own way. It has riot yet had to appeal. to municipal funds for grants to meet operating costs. Because of its determinition to make the institution pay its own Way, the board has been. cautious about providing extra services. It ha$ pre- ferred to adopt a "wait and .see' at- titude, to one of rushing into expendi- tures which could make itS financial position precarious. The 'hospital staff has been com- mended many times for -its cleanliness of •• the institution .and many patients .have. expressed since -re gratitude for the -exceilent.treatMent they have re. It should be remembered, too, that the doctors have never made any pub- lie statement as to their position; in fact, their professional ethics forbid them to do so. • Perhaps the point of this editor- ial' could be summed up in the truth • that there are two sideS. to every con- troVersy .and that. both should be given serions..,csmSideration before any rash action is taken at the annual meeting Tuesday night, -Bylaw Who are the members of the South , Huron Hospital Asseciation? How is' the hospital administered?, - These questions are asked fre- quently. In an attempt to answer them, portions of the bylaw of the As- sociation are published Mew. The Association is formed under t116:6brporations Act, AVM,. and is not a public body. None of the hospital's revenue comes from, takes, except the annual county grant of $1,000 and the fees paid for indigent patients. We quote the bylaw: "MEMBERS—The following per- sons shall be meinbers: - • "(ay person Who has donated or who donates any sum to the Corpora- tion shall be a life member; (b) The presiding, officer of any organization which has donated to the Corporation shall be alt., tx-officie memberof the Corporation. "BOARD—(1). The board shall con- sist of not more than 20 members elected annually at the annual meet- ing of the corporation. "(2) One member of the 'board shall be a member;: who has been nominated by the county council of the County of Huron, twe Members of the hoard shall be Members who have been nominated by the 'Woman's Aux- iliary of the hospital and one appoint- ed by the medical academy. . "BUSINESS—The business Ulna - acted at the annual meeting shall in- clude,— "(a) reading the (i) minutes of the previous meeting (ii) correspondence; meeting; (iii) report of the, board; (iv) report of the unfinished business from previous meetings (v) report of th' superintend- ent; and (vi) report of the medical staff; "(b) new business; and • ' "(c) appointment of auditors. "The board shall manage the hos- pital according to the general practice of hospital managernent and according to the regulations of The Public Hos, pitals Act and the Regulations there- under and other acts governing the .operation:of hospitals, tt be exact Tititettltbintatt , Timis Ilatalallshod 1073 Amalgamate/I_ 1024 Advocate Eiteloilshid itil Published Each Thursday Morning 0 Stretford, (Work, An Indeeerident Newspaper beveled to th. Interests the Town of Ilaefer and District Aufhlitizod Socerld Class Mail, 444 OHIO Ottiterfttitolt• Ottawa MEMItiftt Canadian • Weekly Nowspaper Assoclithin, Ontario Weakly Newepaplir Multi:Wert, ASC and tile* "A" Newspapers. AWARDS: A. V. Nolan Trophy, general ottoilincsi far rioviloopers published In °Marie tom weeds IMO and ,441111 19370 IOW J, 000010 Johnstin Trephy, sysesiesPhlell sx4411004* sole), 1057; E. T. ,Sseebseseri Trsphy nor Mit feint Pole (OntatiO), MIL MS) AIICanada trosuranit Federation. trefienel Aefety OWING 1953, Pilitiln,Advendo CrcuJ&flo as of Soritotiber Stt 1016.2,116 sulaikeitirktiend *Atli (In Affroncio.. quits $3.60 Par. Yuri u.S.0, Kee ti 1 Pubilthed by th. Exeter finiss•Advetifi Limited , • .t .1,ottings ;BY stAtt.:S7 Our Weather s Not That Bad F.rona the .sonny crapes ,of Florida to a lovely spring day in Canada :to, less than four hours was an experience we On. jOyed Thursday of •last week. However, the spring weather ,did not last long for March winds And ,aint0St a blizzard iir,teeteci us for the next two days. While in Florida we attended clarch several times and we also Attended a ,aet•to-gether meeting of brethren, On almost every occasion this speakers mentioned about the cold weather of Canada end how nice. it was to be in .stinny Flor- ida. it irked me a little for the impression was loft that we had nothing but cold, stormy and un. pleasant weather in Canada. To us Canadians we realize the cold spells we are subject to,. but :to those- Who knew little ne, Reader Co. Gocibeer Coming Exeter, Devon, England 14 March, 1957 Tq the Editor Dear Sir; Through the valuable space of your columns may I express .my sincere thanks to your readers for their enquiries and offers of assistance to the Mayer in re- sponse to our request which you kindly published in one of your recent issues, for assistance in becoming future Canadian citi- zens. The prospect of going tti Can-' ada is Something •whith the children and myself hope will be attained in the very near fu. ture. Sbould our plans be success- ful *e should be joining you in late July and we trust that cir- cumstances permitting, we shall •become accepted citizens of your town. • With this hope to our future I again tender my thankt and gratitude to all. I remain, yours Sincerely, • I. A, H,Godbeer MERRY MENAGERIE about our climate, it left the wrong impression. One would be apt to think that all we did was ,shiver and freeze in unpleasant weather. At the masonic meeting men- tioned above there were In members ,present from Canada the third largest representation Present, Only one state in the Union had considerably more than Canada. enjoyed. the balmy weather of the south when the days were fine and like InanY ()theta com- Plained alient it when it was' wet and cold. When I arrived back in Canada the first thing 1 did was to walk OP and down the pavement beside the Mallon •air - pert breathing deeply of an in- vigorating atmosphere that seemed to put new life into MY veins and 1 was glad to be home again, When the subject of Canidien weather came up down there I reminded them of the great pleasure our youngsters enjoy after the „first snow falls and of the enjoyment they get from our winter sports. Our homes are warm and comfortable and only the odd storms are very severe. They only hear about those odd est, lllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lll ll ll lllll t l tumult! l llllll pip • I Sugar. f.• AND Sice DISPENiED BY 114 SMILEY This was a tough week. My son lost his appendix and my daughter lost her chance Of getting to heaven. My wile lost her temper a couple of times, but there's nothing unusual in that, so it has no place irt this chronicle, * If you haven't had an acute appendix operation' in your fa- mily yet, you've gotsomething to look forward to. 'There's a definite pattern to the proce- dure. Your child becomes sick, vomits steadily for two days By Walt Disney 31.5e—T-- JL C=1 • • - Ea, 41! • storms, not about the fie. -weather.• think 1 mentioned- of being fortunate in securing a TOM near mirror Lake,the mein rec- reational centre in St. Peters. burg, close by was a high .seltOol. each morning I was awakened about:oeofy eight ando'clocktri s w with 11141 arrived at the, sehool'.grounds- 41eltiffethreantt 'ekairtilYds hour Igit;IIVOS.,Pl*PYtit cipally basketball. Early 1.1suig 'seemed q.i4te the thing for about the same time the summer visit. or began to.gather et the .shuf- fle•board courts and by nine o'clock they would be going etreng. Games on the 'bowling green. started promptly at 9.30 end a number of the men while waiting for the games to start enjoyed a gallie Of cads in the •einhho.use. •1 was,there for A 'holiday' and a holiday for me meant sleeping' in in the :mernings. In the eve. ning$ there wa$ always the Moo, icipai pier if people wanted en- l;ortain.ment and usually it was packed but it seemed to me that the great majority went to bed early end were ready to be up and around ..early in the morning, lll llll polltptpplit11 ll ll Op l otpliiplo4o 1 • I g' ; and complains of a pain -in his stonlach. * * * * You tell him he's got that sto- mach flu that's going around, complete with tramps. You try to smother your annoyance be - 'cause his illness is preventing you from, going to that show, er hockey game, or bridge party. * * Our tyke is one of those kids who puffer in silence. He can. burst. into tears if his mother says the wrongthing, or his little sister upsets the checker beard in the Middle et, the game, which she . is prone to do, like all wornen, when she it losing. But When he is sick or in pain,. he sweats it out all 'by himself, in a private little world. .1 * * * I don't know • where he gets this. It's not front his father, who wheezes around looking as thoush somebody Should hang a crane on him, every time he has a • touch 'of. 'the flu. It's not from his mother, who tan turn a slight backache into the li,gt stages of tancer in the time it takes .to tell you about it * * * ” At any, rite, the poor little beg,' ' gar ' kept going 'for ". almost fortY4ight hours, 'crawling out • of bed, shakily and painfully, . it . all hours^of 'the day and 'night, to heave into 'the- basin, taking' the utmost care not to get a drop • on the floor, as he didn't want to be; skinned alive, even if he • was dying. .. 1* * * * Sunday he was flushed and in • • greater pain than ever. Like all • , 4 stupid parents since time im- •metherial, we couldn't under- stand why he. Wasn't shaking off •....-- the stornach flu, which we knew ',...,. , .j • he had, because we told him .. nature baltuiCes things—his mister is 13 that's what was ailing him. ' bald ah a doorknob; ' . Finally; it permeated' even the; . • • , ion -bound heads of the home ee, lllllllllllllllllllll e lllllllll emu lllllll eeemeememe..., l . ll e ll Hew lll me, llllll e llllll tele,...mee4 lllllll ,diagnosticians that it might , be Diltributed by ."Shows how As the "T I M E S" Go By l llllll l l llll llll I l illit ll i ll I l lll I lll llll III ll l it lllllll mil lllllll lll i l MOM; SO YEARS AGO Bert Rivers has,' comniented to learn theharness niaking With Mr, P. Frayne. The fact that the raising of chickens pays the farmer 'needs .no further proof than the state - tient that Mr. Thos. Morley of Whalen received $35,51 for 61 birds delivered' in Exeter slime last fall: The head milliners at -the se- veral stores this season are: afiss Whttt with Jones and Clark, Miss Judd of Orange- ville With Snell and Ewe, Miss Sanders with J. A. Stewart and Miss Morlock has, with her Miss Rickbeil. • Mr. Lather Penhale has en- -gaged with Messrs Harvey Ares. at the mill, Mr. John Perkins who recent. ly putchesed Mr, Writ, River's milk business takcs over the seine on March 19. • 1.5 YEARS AGO. The women of the War Time Board laSt Week packed and mailed 53 pareela to the men overs,eaS, hir. A. t•• llowald has taken a position in the grocery depart - meet with SOutheott Bros. Mt. and Mrs. 151, M. Quante are. dila Week getting settled in Dislr new home' On William St, tieut.M r, Madman of Chat. hani Spent the weekend with his family in Owfl. this ihveilieg tif the Heeler ROIL tif the community wits held Eager Sundey When gon. c Gadintr °meted. TN. !Aldan Wall have Weft the el:4101016116in •for the third cone hicutive year. - Mr. W. A. ReaMith. left Men., do for •Olonibia, Anieriett end expects to Mel; the Wire trip by sir, Mil. rattan Will rntain fOr a tithe With her pa. rents, • 25 YEARS AGO.' • Mr; William Haitcr,, local dairyman, while ,deliverutg brie evening last week upset the wagon spilling 40 quarts of milk. For the first time this winter the snow plow was used on Tues- day to clear highway No. ,4 of the drifts of snow. There is still no news of the Lindbergh baby which was kid. napped on Marek 1. , Good Friday domes on March 25, A meeting of the Horseshoe Club will be held in the base- ment of the •Public Library for election of. officers. An interesting letter from Dr. Margaret Strang, missionary of the Presbyterian church in the Petite River District appears in this issue of the paper. Mt. 3. W. Powell last week purchased the stock and fix. tures of A. E, Morote's Grodery. 10 YEARS AGO Miss Lenore Nermiriton of Hensell won the Lion a Orlitorial. contest for this zone at London Public Library on Friday, Mr. arid Mrs, Peter leraft, tiaslitireod celebrAtedthe Eillth anniversary At their 'Mime on Monday. Gordon McDenald was trapped by C cive-in While taking out turnips front a pit en •Robert Hunter's term in Veber** Both shoulder And hip were dislocated. Dr. Hobbs Taylor, Dashwood was among the guests at the rtt. teliti6n. held by Hon. Bay Law- ii6A Lieutenant Governer of On. filtro, Every now and then when hockey 11 being distusSed sortie. one crops up with a dismission about the Et eter.Zuriell team a 1.922. Most of.1s would like to be in. there Anti Sctitt's Meta driving that smart how Cream dolered, convertible ' that was presented tei her by the city of Ottawa. • his appendix. The doctor rubbed it in declaring that -it was so. * * * • Now you can say• what you like about doctors, and I'M just as. liable as not to agree with you. Ai long as I'm not sick and •nobody in my inineediate family is. But ,the plain fact is that most of us would die of sheer terror if the doctor didn't take over in ,ap emergency. * * * * A little iiiore than an hour After • I had gingerly poked nly son's stomach, then run for the phone, they were wheeling the lady off to the pperating room, white, scared, but silent., leaving in the hall his father, • white, stared and drawing deep on the first of fifteen cigarettes he was to smoke in the next forty-five • minutes. * * * Now I know why they .call it acute appendix, The acute fear As you Wait during the operation is followed by acute relief when it's all over and.,all's well, only to be Superseded by acute pain , as yon realize what the whole thing it going to cost you. Not to mention acute frustration be- cause the little dope didn't know enough, to hang OntO his appen- dix for a couple of years .until the free government hospital plan begins. ' *4,4 * * You'd ' thin that would be enough trouble for ofie day, wouldn't you? It WaSn't. That night, the boy settled &kilter- tably After his oPeration, we were watthing the Shirley ft*r- iiiCt * parody of the Ciri- cltrella . story, Small daughter Kim was livieg-every minute of it, The two ugly %top -sisters threw some stuff Ori the fleori end told Cinderella to pick it hp. From beside me MI the eliestei. field. carte A fierce treble: "I wouldn't de it. rd tell them to go-te hell," Thet It girl - chid who vigotonsly berates her old Mon when he nada bad words like "burn" and "bloody", * Trouble AlWaya comes in trip. lets, they ley, All I need to make it a perfect week for the Old Lady to run off -with beer tra- yeller leaving ite alone with Stritket sen, blalplittiinua stall daughter and tht dinlngroont ailing half painted. OFFICE SUPPLIES , , ,F4,0 Modern_ Business tr ks $T.% 111.16011101110" • Ideal for students, offices, 8tOres • Sturdy Colo stool desk keeps work neat ond ordorly, Has four roomy drawers for stationery, sup - pilo. er roforonco materiels. Throe eidiustiable storage cOmpartmonts, under lock and kOY, to No. 7.30 1,V high, 111* doep. Olive arson 9,95 prosy& potty inforalgo. 40° wide, 29 $4 er Colo gray baked enamel finish. Times -Advocate STATIONERY DEPT. PHONE 770 3 3 /0 GUARANTEED. TRUST- • CERTIFICATES • short term -5 years • pay OA% intorest, payable half yearly • Unconditionally guaranteed as to • , • principal and interest • authorized investment for trust funds IN 5. YEA.RS . 4395,40 ACCUMULATES TO 000.00 • „ THE STERLING TRUSTS .0 01 P O.: *.A T I 0 N. Heed Office: Brunch Office: 372 Soy St., Toronto 1-3 Dunlop St.,' airrie Business Directory G. A. WEBB, D.C.* • *Doctor of Chiropractic 431 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open. Each Weekday Except • Tues. & rhueeirns.estavngs Yeni.' 74 For Appointment 4 PhOne 606 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL. SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Mein Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afterheen PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN • OPTOMETRIST Main Ville, Exeter • Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appintrnent Phone 30 • FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTION ft For Huron and Middlesex Satisfaction Guerinfeed Sell Your Heilse By Auction It's The Best Way. Phone 136 Exeter W. G. COCHRANE, E.A. , BARRISTER & SOLICITOR- NOTAY PUELIC . Norwell Office It:riday Ahern:ion ixterin PHONE 14 " ',,..)••••ta.—.•••••••.,••••••••••••••••.* DR. J. Wo CORIIETT L,D,S,, DENTAL SURGEON 614 Main Street South tohons273ix6Vist Closed WednesdaY Afterti0OnS r • v — - SILL & tbAUGHtON IIIARRIStIRS, SOLICITORS 0 NOTARIES PUBLIC 1,111Eli D. BELL, O.O. C. V. LAUGHTON, LL.B. Zurich Office Wednesday , Attention Parkhill thureity -Afferrieens It)cif ilk' 4 PO6t4111 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St,, Exeter Phone 504 BOB MeNAlli LICENCED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR For Efficieht Service and Highest Prices taiime0/8.000/10=11110 Phone Collect . Ailsa Craig 61744 -VIC DINNIN Sayings Investments and Annuity Certificate* INVESTORS SYNDICATE of Canada, Limited INVESTORS MUTUAL of Canada Ltd. Balanced Mottle! Fund Shares PHONE 160 ZURICH' , ALVIN WALPER P ROVI NC I AL LICENCED AUCTIONEER :... Per yOur sale, large or Sinai', courteous °and effidient service at all timetk "Service that Satisfl•s" PHONE 57-r-2 DASHylOOD / , USBORNE & HIIIISERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ' Hoed Office: Exeter, Onterlo , President E. Clayton COlbulloun Sciente Hill Viest•Prisident Hirry Cots tit, 1 Centralia birstfert Miran Feeney kn. 2 Dublin WM. A, HantiltOri Cromarty Milton McCurdy R.R 1 .Kirktein Alex 3, Rohde, R.IL 3 Mitehell Agents The!, O. Ballintyne A.R. 1 Woodham Clayton ,Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell W. 0, Cochrane Exeter SpereteryASUNtr Arthur-THI Preset • Exeter •